
Poetry; Exile


By Lt.-Col. M. M. Haldane (1919)




“The heat haze blots the landscape out of sight,


The hills in shimmering mirage appear,


Palm, banyan, and bamboo are brown and sere,




The gaping earth gasps for the cooling night




From thirsty crevices ; o'erpowering light


Hits like ten thousand hammers everywhere


And drowns all form and colour, far and near,




In one great merciless, blinding glare of white.




Oh ! to be in the dripping woods at home,




Where like old friends the misty mountains stand,




To watch the burns leap down in floods of foam,




To feel upon my face the western wind.


To look once more upon my native land




And leave this cruel India far behind !”



The Warrnambool Standard asked Felix Meagher, how he was managing in the dreary days of Covid19. ‘During lockdown and with issues with mental health we are increasingly recognising the value of music and dance,’ he said. ‘It’s possibly one of the most valuable things you can give yourself or anybody as an occupation or hobby. If it makes you happy it’s good for you and it’s good for the world.’




Frances Devlin Glass has a continuing career as an academic for the last 50 years, beginning as a part-time lecturer in Australian Literature at the Australian National University and a tutor at the University of Canberra, before moving to Melbourne and Deakin University, where she taught Irish and Australian Literatures, myth studies and feminist literature and theory. Her research has centrally involved Irish Australians, and her PhD was on the contribution to Australian culture and life of the son of an Irish convict, Daniel Henry Deniehy, and later on the nineteenth-century Australian novelist (of Northern Irish descent), Joseph Furphy.




Julien O’Connell AO


Congratulations also to Julien O’Connell AM who was made an Officer in the Order of Julien-O_Connell-250wAustralia AO. He is a former Chair of the Irish-Australian Chamber of Commerce and is currently Trade Attache with Enterprise Ireland.






U.S. records, especially in regard to transcribing the Federal Censuses. During our Great Depression, job programs were created to put people to work under such programs as the WPA (Work Progress Administration) to build national parks, highways, and other infrastructure projects. During this same time period, the Census Bureau undertook a project to microfilm 34 million records from the 1900 Federal Census (other years followed). They also decided on a means of indexing these same records using a new and somewhat controversial system…SOUNDEX. Given the huge range of ethnic names in the American melting pot, it was quite an undertaking. It involved a substantial number of persons who were both newly hired and newly trained. In the end, it did create jobs, put money in circulation, food on the table and gave librarians, historians and genealogists a new tool to store and retrieve valuable records’.










The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and a census has been taken every ten years since. However, data from recent censuses are not available after 1940 because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census. Most researchers find it helpful to begin with the 1940 Census and work backwards to locate people in earlier generations.






The United States Census data on this site was transcribed and proofread by USGenWeb Census Project® volunteers.








There has been renewed anguish in France. The holidays passed without a Christmas Mass in the beloved national icon or a Christmas tree on the public square outside its richly decorated west facade. When I visited in October, I passed by only once, and it was painful to see the great church off-limits. The writer Hilaire Belloc once described Notre Dame as a matriarch whose authority is familiar, tacit and silent. But she now seems not just reticent, but mute.








Needle Work display Newcastlewest Library


Video link







Local Emigrants 2
Sample from Ellis Island date of arrival, age & name.
Bertie Drury Fort Williams Canada 1913 age 26. Bridie Drury of Ballyheigue 1923 a20.

Joseph of Knockane 1924 a 24, Donald of Duagh 1902 age 19, Ellie of Abbeyfeale 1904 a20, Hannah of Duagh 1900 a19, Hannah of Listowel 1912 a20, James of Brosna 1900 a21, John of Tralee 1904 a38,
John of Clondouglas 1920 a30, John of Listowel 1921 a30, Margaret of Listowel 1902 a21 also Mary aged 22, Mary of Ballyheigal ? 1905 a20 also Pat of Bally? 1905 a25, Mary of Lixnaw 1916 a18, Maurice of Brosna 1901 a20, Maurice of Brosna 1912 a29, Maurice of Bally ? 1912 age 11, Nellie of Emesmore ? 1909 a17,
On Baltic April 5th from Queenstown John of Lyrecrompane Rathea 1906 a18 also Julia 1906 a 56 also Michael 1906 a55 also Neilus.

Baltic from Queenstown April 5th 1906.
John [lo] Brady age 34y of Antiduff? Ballyhegat? also Susan [lo] Brady. Eddie Boylan of Rushmore Co Kerry age 21.

Passenger sample list of Mauritania Queenstown April 30th 1909.
John Daly of Gurrane Firies a18, Ellie Fitzgerald of Tralee a23, William Broderick of Causeway a20, Patrick Murphy of Knocknagoshel a20, Josie Shanahan of Athea and USA a34, Mary Ahern of Athea a26, Eugene Halloran of Tralee a24, Boarded at Liverpool: The Dougherty family English/Scotch including Mary a37, James a11, Kate a4, Mary a9, Hugh a3, Alexander a2.

Mulvihill year of entry to US
Mary of Glin 1921 a20, Michael of Kerry 1892 a21,Micharl Of Woodford 1903 a27, Michael of Craughdarig 1904 a33, Michael of Newcastlewest 1911 a29, Minnie of Tarbert 1903 a21, Pat of Ballylongford 1904 a21, Pat of Newtownsandes 1904 a27, Pat of Listowel 1906 a24, Rose of Ballylongford 1903 a24, Tom of Ballybunion 1900 a20, Tom of Listowel 1900 a40, Tom of Newtownsandes 1903 a27, Tim of Newtownsandes 1913 a20, Bridget of Ballylongford 1899 a23, Con of Athea 1912 a24, Eliza of Newtownsandes 1923 a24, Elizabeth of Craughdarig 1904 a32, Ellen of Dirreen 1894 a20, Ellen of Tralee 1909 a16, Hannah of Athea 1906 a21, James of Tarbert 1894 a21, John of Listowel 1899 a27, John of :Listowel 1914 a20, Margaret of Listowel 1903 a25, Mary of Ballylongford 1895 a21, Mary of Listowel 1901 a28, Ellen Mullvihill of Athea 1901 a20, Rev William of Columbia 1923 a29, Bridget of Athea 1904 a20, Catherine of Newtownsandes 1913 a21, Ellen of Causeway 1904 a20, Ellie of Tarbert 1920 a19, Francis of Kerry 1919 a26, Johanna of Glenalappa 1894 a23, John of Lisselton 1924 a25, Kate Enright Mulvihill of Ballylongford 1914 a22, Margaret of Shanagolden 1903 a19, Margaret of Athea 1906 a26, Martin of Tralee 1899 a21, Martin of Newtownsandes 1900 a21, Mary of Ballylongford 1913 a19, Mary Ann of Listowel 1916 a21,

List [sample] for Majestic from Queenstown May 31st 1900
Minnie Rooney of Tralee a25, Michael Hannigan of Ballybunion a20, Mary Collins Tarbert a26 & Katie Collins Tarbert a20, James Neylon Ennis a22,
Martin Mulvihill Newtownsandes a21, John Culhane of Newtownsandes aged 30, Pat Mc Carthy of Tralee a20, Margaret Foley of Limerick a27 & John J Foley of Limerick 2yrs 9mnts & Timothy Foley 11yrs and 2Mnts , Mary A Breen Ardee a24, Tim O Keeffe a22 of Castleisland,

Maggie of Trippol, Kate of ? , Mary of Listowel 1904 a20, Mary of Glin 1899 a 21, Martin of Ballyconery 1898 age 24, Michael of Asdee 1907 a21, John of Asdee 1898 22, Tom of Ballylongford 1905 a25,
Mrs Johanna of Listowel 1904 a38, Hannah of Listowel 1906 a40, John of Kerry 1892 20, Bridget of Athea 1902 a20, Timothy of Athea 1900 a24, Eugene of France 1923 a28,

Nora of Newtown 1893 a20, Sheehy of Abbeyfeale 1900 a21, Patrick of Abbeyfeale 1914 a23, Catherine of Tralee 1901 a20, Ellie of Tralee 1922 a20, Julia of Tralee 1903 a22, Nora of Tralee 1898 a20, Patrick of Tralee 1898 a24, Mary of Tralee 1900 a19, Julia of Tralee 1909 a25, Catherine of Listowel 1909 a20, Maggie of Listowel 1900 a20, Minnie of Listowel 1913 a24, Minnie of Listowel 1923 a29,Maggie of Listowel 1903 18, Mary of Listowel 1899 a22, Nora of Listowel 1900 a20,Patrick J of Listowel 1904 a26, Patrick {Donogh} of Listowel 1905 a25, Cornelius of Listowel 1907 a22,
Hannah of Ballyduff 1909 a18, Kate of Ballyduff 1911 a23,James of Ballydongfore? Kerry 1921 a19, James of Abbeydorney 1921 a29, Kate of Newcastlewest 1902 a20, Kate of Abbeyfeale 1913 a19, Mary of Glin 1903 a22,Mary of Limerick 1903 30, Myles of Limerick 1893 a20, Roger Keating Sheehy of Newcastlewest 1906 a30,

Agnes of Limerick 1920 a17, Annie of Limerick 1903 a39, Ann of Shanagolden 1895 a19,Anna of Rathkeale 1906 a24, Thomas of Abbeydorney 1921 a26, Thomas of Abbeydorney 1922 a21, Thomas M of San Francisco 1920 a56, Thomas 1911 age 59, Thomas of Newcastlewest 1905 a23, Thomas of Glin 1920 a20, Thomas of New York 1921 a70, Thomas of Labasheeda 1895 a 29, Thomas of Templeglantine 1906 a 22, Tom C of New Jersey a 49, James Sheahan of Newcastlewest 1904 a21, James Sheahan of Loughal 1920 a34,

Edmond of Carrigkerry 1911 a 20, Timothy of Carrigkerry 1912 a26, Maurice of Newtownsandes 1898 a20, Michael of Tarbert 1900 a28, M.S.H. Windle 1912 a50, Thomas 1911 a22, Daniel of Glin 1902 a19, Hannah of Glin 1900 a20, Mary of Glin 1901 a23, Patrick of Glin 1907 a22, Michael of Glin 1905 a23, Thomas of Glin 1899 a20, Edith Mary of Cork 1919 a50, Louise of Port Washington 1924 a55, Joseph of Port Washington 1924 a60, Joseph J. of Port Washington NY 1924 a60, James of Athea 1910 a22, John A of USA 1910 a59, Joseph of Sacramento 1915 a53, Patrick of Leitrim 1894 a24,

Ship List [sample] for Carronia May 12th 1910 from Queenstown

James Windle of Athea a22, James Hastings of Athea a21,Martin Laffey of Ballyglunin a20, Timothy Mangan of Tarbert a22, Patrick mangan of Tarbert a18, Delia o Halloran of Limerick a21, James McKessy of Tarbert a22, Margaret, Josie and Esther Marshall of Chicago, Florence Dugdale of Ballymacormac, William Collins of Lisselton a21, Julia Daly of Newmarket a18, Bat Curtin of Newmarket,
Harry McCarthy of Mount Eagle a21, Annie McCarthy of Cahirciveen a19, Martin Grady of Causeway a22, John Leonard of Killimor a23, Nora Costello of Listowel a20, Thomas Ganonor of Tralee a22, Denis Slattery of Tralee a22.
1850 Boston Globe
John Mulvuhill of Newtownsands .

6 yrs in USA lost Jane 2yrs ago his last sister was pointed from horsehead German county (chemung county) New York his sister Margaret Connell in new Orleans will he thank but for any information from his address to the care of N.W. Ryan Jackson st. 4th district, New Orleans.
Daniel and Patrick Dunford of Newtownsands .
Daniel was in Cleveland Ohio. Patrick sailed from Tralee on August 1851 for Quebec in the ship Nester.
Information thankfully received by Timothy Flahavan, Hedgeville Beekley V.A
1850 Boston Globe advertising looking for Relations
William Walsh of Inchamore . last learnt of was at Melville Mass . His son Edward Walsh would like the hear from him . Direct to Enoch train and co. 37 and 30 lewis wharf Boston .
Richard Stack from Knockanure left Ireland in November 1851 in the "David Cannon" for New Orleans . When last heard from was in dearborn co., Indiana. A few times addressed to his wife Catherine Murphy . Alias Stack care of Mrs. Griffin 119 twelfth street Louisville K.Y. Will he carefully attended to
William McAuliffe of Newtownsands . Who sailed from liverpool to Quebec in the ship "John Adams" on the 12th of September 1850. Any person knowing him will confer a favour on his brother by writing to John stokes McAulffe, Cavettsville westmoreland co. P.A.
Dan Mangan of newtownsands . Sailed from Limerick to Quebec about 8 yrs ago . When last heard of he was in Rochester New York . Should this meet his eye or any person acquainted with him a favour would he conferred by writing to his brother John Mangan Carpenter care of P.E Green cleveland Ohio.
Mary Mangan daughter of Pat Mangan and Ellen Mulvihill of Newtownsands . She left Ireland 4 yrs ago .Any information will he thankfully received by her father Mount St. Patrick C.W.



The Football Feats of Jack Flavin
John Murphy
One of Moyvanes greatest footballer was born in Aughrim and grew up when Con Broshan was the best midfield player in Ireland from 1924 to 1932.
At 19 he was on the Newtown (Moyvane) team which won North Kerry in 1928. At 20 he was of the Kerry junior team who won the all-Ireland in 1930. Two of that team also went of to greater honours -David o Keeffe and Roondy Landers. In 1931 he was of the team who won the National League and was sub the same year when they won the all-Ireland. In 1932 he was again sub in the 4 in a row win. Then politics began to rear its ugly head and a valley period in Kerry Football set in from 1933 to 1936. But back again in 1937. He was part of a forward machine which swamped Cavan in the replayed final -the other forwards were Purty and Roondy Landers, Miko Doyle, Charlie Sullivan and Tim o Leary. In 1938 he was on the Galway team which beat Kerry in a replay. In 1939 he won the National League with Galway. Still with Galway he won three more Connaught Championship medals only to be beaten twice by Kerry in the All- Ireland Finals of 1940 and 1941 -the third time by Dublin. Truly a great player. A local poet puts it better,
Mick Roche played a great game at mid-field, but Flavin was peerless. That day for his equal is surely missing from football in Kerry today.


All-Ireland Hurling Finals 1932


John Windle Sudden Death

Kerryman Report April 1924

Sudden Death inListowel .

At about 11oclock on fri a Fair Day in Listowel a small farmer of Aughrim moyvane .John Windle aged about 65 yrs collapsed and died . an Inquest was held that evening by Dr Clancy Coronor .Mr Martin Mulvihill merchant .Church St .foreman of the Jurey .Sergt P Flynn represented the State . Martin Mulvihill said that he and his father were born on the next farm to the deceased and knew him very well a delicate man who lived alone with a couple of children . Was neglected and perhaps had no proper nurishment either. Mr William Collins also knew deceased well was also present .Mr Maurice Healy of Ballygrennan said that deceased appeared to be in ordinary health shortly before he died .

Dr T Buckley found that death was due to heart failure .A Verdict according to medical evidence was returned .

Another Report in the same edition .

Abbeyfeale Markets .

150 loads of hay @ 60 shillings upwards

Calves 25s to 50s each . eggs 10d per doz. potatoes 1s 3d per stone. Oats 2s.

Kennelly Families Newtown
Con /Brid Bunce c1840.
Con / Liz Mangan c1830.
Con / Mgt Moore c1850.
Con / Joan Bunce c1880.
Con / Ann Hanrahan c1900.
Con / Mgt Hanrahan c1910.
Dan / Joan Connell c1830.
Dan / Kate Mahony c1860.Fr Mce.
Dan / Joan Mulvihill c1850.
Dan / Kate Thornton c1880.
Dan /Mary Stack c1880.-
Dan / Mgt Stackpoole c1880.
Ml / Ellen Kissane c1900.
Dan / Mary Walsh c1830.
Denis / Ellen Creagh c1830.
Ml / Ann Kennelly c1880.
Mort / Brid Shaughnessy c1840.
Pat /Mary Enright c1830.
Pat / Mgt Lawlor c1840.
Pat / Mary Anglin c1860.
Pat / Ellen Dore c1880.
Pat / Mgt Mc Elligott c1900.
Tom / Mary Foran c1830.
Tom / Mgt Nolan c1830.
Tom / Mary Fennell c1840.
Tim / Cathy Connor c1830.
Tim / Mary T Hanrahan c1910.
Wm. / Catherine c1890.
John / Ellen Enright c1840.
John / Brid Kirby c1840.
John / Joan Mulvihill c1840.
John / Mgt Hanrahan c1860.
John / Alice Hanrahan c1860.
John / Joan Healy c1860.
John / Mary Stack c1860.
Jas / Joan Mulvihill c1840.
Jas / Mary Hanrahan c1840.
Jas / Kate Ryan c1840.
Jas / Kate Goulding c1870.
Jas / Kate Moriarty c1900.
Jer / Mary Griffin c1850.
John / Mgt W ?1830.
John /Joan Histon c1830.
John / Kate Flavin c1830.
John / Alice Mulvihill c1840.
John / Brid Mulvihill c1840.
John / Nora Connor c1840.
Martin / Mgt Finucane c1830.
Martin / Brid Connor c1840.
Martin / Mgt Connell c1850.
Martin / Nora Callaghan c1890.
Mce / Cathy Grady c1830.
Mce / Mgt Burns c1830.
Mce / Ellen Connor c1840.
Mce / Mary Golden c1840.
Mce / Deb. Byrnes c1860.
Mce / Joan Donegan c1870.
Ml / Mgt Nolan c1830,
Ml / Brid Crowley c1850.
Ml / Cathy Moran c1850.
Ml / Cathy Moore c1860.
Ml / Mary Kennelly c1860.
Ml / Mary Connor c1860.
Ml / Ann Pelican c1870.
Ml / Ann Callahan c1870.
Ml / Mary Connell c1880.
Nora / Richard Collins c1830.
Nora / John Connell c1830.
Kate /Pat Moore c1840.
Nora / John Keane c1830.
Brid / Ed Liston c1880.
Kennelly / Pat Lyons c1880.
Kennelly /Jim Mahony c1880.
Kate / Tom Moloney c1840.
Nora / John Dore c1830.
Kate /Tim Cronin c1830.
Mary / Pat Culhane c1890.
Ellen / Pat Ryan c1870.
Mary / Pat Shanahan c1870.
Mary / Ml Stack c1860.
Alice / Pat Sullivan c1870.
Kennelly / Pat Synan c1860.
Mary / John Keane c1860.
Kate / John Mulvihill c1830.
Nora / Ml Nash c1900.
Mary / Ml O Brien c1900.
Nora / John Connell c1830.
Denis /Mary Griffin c1840.
Wm. / Ann Enright c1840.
Martin / Kate Windle c1840.
Ml / Kate Cunningham c1860.
Martin / Mary Cusic c1840.
Pat / Mary Enright c1830.

Knockanure Tithe List c1825.
Keylod and Gortaglanna
John Sweeney ,John Sandes, Tom Connor, John Moran, Con Keane, Pat Moore, Tom Kelly, John Goulding, ? ? ,Tim Ahern, ? Connor, James Leahy, John Goulding, ? Moloney, ? ? , Mc Mahon, Tom & George & John Sandes, James Nash.

Carrueragh And Coilagurteen

Denis Mahony, Tom Lister, Fitzgerald & Dore, Widow Larkin, Francis Carroll, David & ? Flynn, Tom Nolan, Joe Sweeney, Widow Stack, Garrett Stack, John Relihan, Pat Stack, Wm. Connor, John Griffin, Tim Leahy, John & Widow Leahy, Tom Costelloe .

Geo Gun, Mrs Raymond, Widow Sullivan, Ml & Widow Relihan, ? Pope, Wm. Moore, D Finucane, John & Phil Costelloe, Pat & Dl Burns. Buckley & Finucane, Ml & John Costelloe.


John Kelly, James Fitzgerald ? ,John Cregan, John Mc Mahon, Ml & Tom Mulvihill, John Buckley, Ml Scanlon, Widow Stack O Connor, Widow Connor & Son, Dl & Eamon Griffin, Tom & John Connor, Wm. Stack, Tom Mulvihill, Rob & Tim Leigh, Widow Sullivan , Dl & P Connor & W Buckley, Tim Leahy , Darby Connor.


Native Place in capitals

Mary Buckley1938; Rev John Gaire 1935; Julia McAuliffe 1935; Mary Walsh 1937; other names to consider Tom and Ann Duagh 1873;Ellen Mary Frawley 1935.

Mary Keane1936; Catherine Kennelly 1937; Ellen & Mary B Mahony 1936; Joan Mc Donnell 1936; Nora Ryan and Bridget Ware 1937; Nora Ryan 1938, other names to check Minnie Dodson 1935 and Anna McCormick 1936;

Mary Biggane 1936; Mary C Riordan 1938; Mary Catherine Brandon; Margaret Mary Connolly 1936; Anne Cregan 1935; Pat Enright 1937; John Hayes 1938; Joan Hickey 1937; Mary Normoyle 1936 and Anne Normoyle 1937.

Catherine Fitzgerald, Mary C Griffin and John P O Sullivan in 1938; Bridget Flavin, Mary E Connor and Bridget H Long in 1937; Ellen Herbert and Bridget Connor in 1936 and Ellen O Connor 1935;

John Walsh, Catherine Windle, and John Flavin in 1935; Bridget O Connor 1936; Mary Barry 1937 and Fr Myles Kearney and Joan Kearney 1938;

Mary Nolan 1938, Mary Esther Noonan, Brid Tobin 1886, John Mahony 1865.

1935 Julia Dowling, Dan Horan, Mary McCarthy; Fr Tom McEnery; Fr John O Sullivan, Kathleen Sheehan and Michael Reidy; 1936 Ellen Leahy, Ann Lyons, Ellen O Connell, and John Ward; 1937 Catherine O Keefe, Elizabeth O Connell, Mary Lyons, Dan Hartnett, Margaret Collins and Ann Brosnan. 1938 Julia McCarthy, Fr Pat J Leahy, Fr John J Healy and Simon Hartnett;

1935 Ellen Stack, Joan Sullivan, Pat J Walsh, Bridget Cody, James J Dalton, Mary Ita Dalton, Ellen Halpin, Wm. O Connor Hunt, Wm. Pat Kennedy, Catherine Lynch, Tom F Moran, Ml Moriarty, Mgt O Sullivan and ? Reidy; 1936 Ellen Walsh, Nora Dowling, Ann Doyle, Catherine Fitzgerald, Joan Harding, Elizabeth and Mgt Kennelly, Wm F Listowel and Sr. Mary Kathleen Lynch; 1937 Daniel Louis Sweeney, Catherine Lyons, John McElligott, Gerard and Mary Jane O Connell, Nancy Reidy?, and E J Stack; 1938 Cath. Sullivan, Bridget Galvin, Con Hanrahan, Catherine hayes, Fr John Relihan and Fr William McMahon; 1891 Michael Kelly, Maggie Flavin and Florence Fitzgerald;

TARBERT to New York arrival date

1852: James and Mary Barrett, John Behan, Mgt Bowles?, Catherine Bunce, Mgt Byrne, Bridger Cahill, Mary Carmody, Wm. Carr, Mary Caulfield; Connell's Ellen, Mary & Mary and Susan; Connors James, John and Batt; Mary Cooney, John Carrig?,; Creden Catherine, Joan, Dan, Ellen, Martin, Mary and William, Bridget Conway, Ellen Cunningham, John Daley, Nora Donnellan, Ann Drew?, Ellen and Pat Dwyer, Mary and Matt Faley?, Simon Farrell, Dan and Mgt Finucane, Ellen Frawley, David Gleeson, Ann, Joan, Michael, Pat and Margaret Gorman.
David Grady, Joan Guinan, Josephine Goulding Bermuda, Mary Halloran, Mary Hallinan, Mgt Harnett, Jer Hayes, Ellen Heally, Mike Hennessy, John and Pat Hickey, Jane and Mgt Hourigan, Mary Harman, Catherine Kennedy, Judy and Wm Loftus, Mgt and martin Mangan, Joan and Mary McGrath, James and Jane McGuire; McInerney Mary, Bridget& Bridget, James and Mary, McMahon Ann, Biddy, Cathy, Mgt, Maria, and Tom; McNamara Bridget, Cathy, John and Pat, Charles and pat Moore, Mgt Moran; Moroney Mgt, Mary & Mary, Pat Morrissey, Mary and Pat Moyle, Pat Murry, Mgt Nugent, Cathy Purcell: Pershall? Dane, Ellen, James, Lar, Mgt, Mary & Mary, Mgt Purtile, John Quinlivan; Redden Bridget & Bridget, Cathy, Mgt, Mry and Nancy; Reynlds Brid, Elizabeth, John and Tom, Joan and Martin Ryan, Mary and James Scanlon, Mgt Setrite, Mgt Shea; Mary, Brid and Ed Sheehan, Mary Sherry, Nora and James Stack, Mgt and Pat Storen?, Cathy Walsh.

Margaret Brown in 1938, Sheila Coogan in 1937, Bridget Enright 1936 and 38.
Henry O Donnell 1936, Joan Shanahan 1938, Michael Tarbert 1870,


Arrival date


Wm Collins 1901, John Conway, John Fitzmaurice1903, Bridget and Lizzie Flaherty 1902, Annie Hanrahan 1895, Wm Kiely 1900, Lizzie & Mce Mahony 1902, Roger McGrath 1901 and Kate O Brien 1901.


Annie & Mce Bambury 1902, John Brassil 1899, Mary Bunion 1894, Tom Canaly? 1901, Pat Enright 1894, Joan Jeffcott 1894, Mce Joy 1896, Kate McDermot 1901, Mary Moriarty 1901, Mgt & Pat Shoughnessy 1901, Mgt Patt 1901 and Ml Scanlon.


Eugene Mc Carthy 1900, Deb & Tom Stack 1899,


Mary Beasley 1896, Richard Bennett 1899, Mary Creed 1899, Nellie Dore 1901, Wm Joyce 1898, John Dempsey? 1899.

Han Carroll 1896, Kate Murphy 1902 and Mary Ryan 1902.


Ann Barry 1901, Mary Barry 1895, Mgt Broderick 1899, Eliz & Mce Brown 1899, Pat Carmody 1901, Francis & Gerald 1902 and Mary A Carr 1901, Jer Carroll 1895, Cathy Corridan 1899, Kate Cotter 1895, John Cotter 1899, Jane Cotter 1896, Jer Cronin 1894, Joan Dillon? , Minnie Dillon 1894, Pat Diggin 1895, Tom Dineen 1898, John Donoghue 1896, Pat Dooling 1902,Nora Dowling 1901, Tom Fealy 1895 & 1902; Nora 1893, John 1901 and Tom Fitzgerald 1902, Pat Galvin 1900, Frank Gleasure or Gleeson 1901; D J 1901, Daniel F and Kate Griffin 1901, Kate Grogan 1899, Mary Grogan 1894, Philip Harding 1899, Julia harnett 1895, Mary Hennessy 1894, John J & Nellie Irvine 1900, Mgt Jones 1901, Jas Joy 1902, Mgt Keeffe 1899, John Galvin? 1901, Mary Galvin? 1901, Mary Galvin? 1901, Wm Galvin 1901, Julia Kennelly 1898, Tom Kennelly 1903, Wm Pat Kirby 1903, Pat Leonard 1903, Wm Lynch 1895, Ellie Lyons 1901, Ed Mahony 1902, George Mason 1899, Dan McCarthy 1901,Cath Mc Carthy 1894, Ml McElligott 1902, Brid & John McElligott 1901; James, John, Mary & Mary, and Wm Galvin 1901, Ml Relihan 1901, Wm Moloney 1903, Mary A & Ml Moriarty 1897, Ml Mulvihill 1895, Dan Murphy 1902, David Murphy 1899, Hannah, John and Maggie Murphy 1903, Mary Nolan 1899, Mary O Brien 1901, Wm O Brien 1894, Ed O Connell 1899, Ml O Connor 1901, Jas O Halloran 1901, Annie O Sullivan 1895, Richard Purcell 1894, Ellie Pierce 1898, Bridget pierce 1893, Ellen Quille 1899, Kate Relihan 1901, Tom Relihan 1901, Joe, Mce and Rich Roche 1899, Ellie Ross 1895, Ellie & Louisa Sheehy 1902, Pat Sheehy 1901, John Stack 1901, John & Mary Sullivan 1898, Mary Sullivan 1896, Mary Sullivan 1903, Han Thornton 1901, Ed, Jas & Tom Walsh 1902 and Ml Walsh 1897.

ATHEA to Boston Arrival dates

Nora Ahern 1903; Nellie Sullivan and Mary Hayes in 1895; Kate Cunningham 1894; Michael O Connor in 1897; Mary Brosnan, Joan Hayes, Mary Cregan, and Mary Riordan all in 1900; the following arrived in 1901, Cathy Byrne, Lizzie and Mgt Kelly, Ellen Mulvihill, Ed Mc Kenna, Mgt Sheahan, Dan Brown, Wm Danaher, Ml Lyons, Mgt Mulvihill and Nora Shine;

GLIN Co Limerick
Ed Barry, Tom Hunt, John Hunt and Ellen Culhane in 1900; Nora Normile, Mary Mc Mahon, Dora McGrath, John, Lizzie and Mgt Culhane, and John Hunt in 1901; Pat J Faley 1899; Julia Horan?, Bridget Normoyle, Julia Horan? and Kate Houlihan in 1897; Bridget Cullinane?in 1896; John Hunt in 1900; Ellen McGrath and John Normile in 1895; Nellie Mormile, Bridget Fennell and Mary Thompson in 1902.

ABBEYFEALE date of arrivals at Boston

In 1901 Con Wren, Dora Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, Jer Sheehan, Lil Scollard, Stp Roche, Nellie O Connor, Lizzie Moore, Nora Sweeney, Tim Sullivan, Liz Sheehan, Ann O Connor, Han Doody, Jas Kelleher and Luke Harnett; Liz Ahern 1899; Nora Barry 1896; Mgt Cotter 1895; Maggie Broderick 1903; Jas Brown 1898; Tom Brosnan 1899; Pat and Joan Brosnan 1895; John Brown Cors J O Connor, and Ml Colbert in 1900; Mce Collins and Mgt Cotter 1895; Con, Mce and Jas Cronin 1897; John Cronin 1902; John Curtin 1903; Ml M Curtin 1895; Pat Dalton 1898; Jer and Mary Doody 1894; Julia Doody 1902; Tim Finnigan 1902; Ellen Fitzgerald 1899; Ellen Geany1897; Kte T Geany 1895; Tim griffin 1894; Lizzie Hartnett 1902; Mary Harnett 1895; Pat Hough an Pat Keeffe 1898; Bridget Lane 1900; Tom Lane 1895; John Lane 1898; Nora Leary 1899; Joan and Stp Lyons 1894; Nora Lyons 1902; Ed Mahony 1902; Ellen Mahony and Denis McAuliffe 1895; Pat Lyons 1897; Tim Lyons 1903; John and John McCarthy 1895; George and Rosa McCarthy 1903; Maggie and Mary McKenna 1894; John W Norton 1898;Kate and Pat O Connor 1902; Maggie Connell 1895; Dan O Connor 1896; Cath. And Jessie O Connor 1894; John O Connor 1897; Nellie and Pat O Connor 1895; Wm O Connor 1899; Francis and Mary O Grady 1894; John Quirke 1893; Ellen and Maggie Walsh 1895; Ellen Wren 1895; Tim Done? 1913;
Fitzgeralds: Ann 1925, Ed 1908, Ellen 1899, Joan 1925, Mgt 1907, Mary 1907 and Nellie 1906.
Mgt Flaherty 1914; Ml Flanigan 1912Mce Flynn 1923;
Harnett: Cath 1923, Julia 1927, Liz 1902, Mgt 1939, Ml 1923, Pat 1895, Lar 1910, Luke 1901, Mary 1895 and Nellie 1910;
Han Sweeney 1914; Doody: Denis 1894, Han 1901, Jer 1894, Julia 1902 and Mary 1894;
Julia Ward 1926 and Denis Trant arrived in 1923.

Check original ship lists as mistakes always take place in transcribing.




Local Emigrants

Sample from www.Ellisisland.org

Relihan Family
Dora of Newtownsandes left in 1911 aged 30y, Mary A of Ballylongford left 1921 a20y, Bridget of Newtownsandes left 1911 a 29y,Mary of Duagh left 1915 a 24y,
Lizzie of Abbeyfeale left 1898, Mary of Listowel left 1895, Katie of Listowel left 1908, Kate of Listowel left 1901, Willie of Listowel left 1902, Bridget of Listowel left 1905, Michael of Listowel left 1909, Nora of Abbeyfeale left 1904, John of Listowel left 1907, Dora of Newtownsandes left 1906, Annie of Listowel left 1905,
Dan of Kerry left 1903.Jer American Irish of Listowel aged 50y on Lucia 1904,

Stack Family
Anne of Listowel left 1898
Anne of Newtownsandes left 1909
Bridget of Ballybunion left 1912
Bridie of Listowel left a 26 in 1921
Cissie of ? left in a19 in 1913
D of Tullamore left a 19 in 1903
Denis of Duagh left 1905 a22y
Edward of Listowel left 1899 a15y
Edward of Newtownsandes left 1909 a 22y
Edward of Lisselton left 1914 a 29y
Edward of Ballybunion left 1920 a 8y
Edward of Listowel left 1913 a 34y

Denis of Newtownsandes left in 1904 a20,
Jerry of Newtownsandes left in 1898 a26,
Mary of Listowel left in 1903 a20,
John of Tralee sailed 1904 a 21.

Tomy left Queenstown on Lucania Sept 17th 1904,
Hannah of Listowel left 1909 aged 22,
Hannah of Lixnaw sailed 1905 aged 16,
Hannah of Tralee sailed 1898 a26,
Also on board Mgt & Belle Shannahan of Torberesn?
John Fitzgerald of Tralee a23y. Jer Relihan of Listowel American Irish a50y.

Cornelius of Utica New York arrived 1923 aged 63, Cornelius of Ballylongford arrived 1909 aged 23.

Cornelius Keane of Gortnaskeha left 1905 a25 on Oceanic from Queenstown,
Daniel of Listowel left 1903 a24, Daniel of Tarbert left 1907 a19, Daniel of Listowel left 1910 a36, Daniel of Ballylongford left 1901 a 23, Daniel of Listowel left 1904 a28,
Oceanic Local list from Liverpool / Queenstown April 1905
Con Keane Ballybunion a25, William a25Bridget a22 and Edward Behane a20 of Listowel, Mary Kelly a19 Gortnaskeha, Thomas Boland Kerry a23, Kathleen Clancy a22 of Kilrush,
Maurice Mc Elligott a26 of Listowel, William Cahill a23 of Brosna, Michael Leahy a20 of Listowel, Ellen Ambrose a16 of Newcastlewest, Mortimer O Sullivan of Tralee,

Daniel A Nolan of Plattsburg New York arrived 1916 a42, Daniel Andrew Nolan of Plattsburg arrived 1917 a43 no details of place of birth.

Maurice Woulfe left 1907 a22 of Listowel, Maurice Woulfe of Athea left 1909 a21.

Local list for Carmania from Queenstown Aug 1907.
Maurice Woulfe of Listowel a22, Wm. Madden of Ballyhahill a28, William Mullane of Newcastlewest a23, John O Leary of Castlegregory a28, Richard Wallace USA Citizen of Glin, John Noonan of Ballybunion a30, Matt Mc Mahon of Listowel a27.

Mary of Ballybunion on Majestic Aug 1912. Mary of Bally? Left 1899 a28, Mary of Ballyheigue left 1911 a35, Mary of Bally? Left 1911 a15y, Mary of Ardfert left 1903 a56, Mary of Ardfert left 1924 a21, Mary of Tralee left 1900 a20, Mary of Glandore left 1903 a 19, Mary Bridget Mahony of Waterford left 1920 a25,
Mary Bridget Mahony of Newtownlands? born 13-5-1901 lived at Park Av New ? Social Security Index 1950.

Joseph Barrett arrived July 9th 1909 on Umbria.

Pat Dowd of Keil? Kerry left Queenstown in Arizona on June 13th 1893,Pat Dowd of Glinsk? left Queenstown on Carmania 8th April 1921 a 26y.

Bernard Ahern Abbeyfeale USA born left Queenstown on Nov 10th 1904 on Ship Oceanic, Bridget Ahern of Athea left Liverpool on Celtic March 19th 1923.

David Ruddle of Asdee Sept 2nd 1906 from Queenstown on Ship Celtic

Pat Kirby of Abbeyfeale 1903 a 21y, Pat Kirby of Ballyheigue 1915 a 25y. Pat Kirby of Listowel 1909 a 21y, Pat Kirby Do 1899 a 24y.

John of Ballylongford 1920 a 23y, John of Listowel a 31y in 1920, John of Tarbert 1911 a 23y, John of Listowel 1912 a 22y, John of Ballylongford 1914 a 20y, John of Rockchapel a 18y in 1920, John of Listowel 1920 a a18y,

John Moran of Newcastle 1905 a30y, John Moran of Askeaton 1901 a23y

American Wall of Honour
Name and Panel number
Tom F Connell Lixnaw 087, Coleman O Connell of Limerick 318,
Mary O Connell Lyons of Mount Collins 265, Mary O Connell Stack 419,
John P & Catherine O Connell Ahern Athea 010, Ml J O Connell Tralee,
Pat & Susan O Connell Perryman 670, Tim Joe O Connor Newcastlewest 328,
Bridget Curtin O Connor Knocknagoshel 545, Margaret O Connor Brosna 545,
Michael & Ellie O Connor Causeway 626

Margo & Mary Leahy Sheehan Kerry, Dan Leahy Tournafulla 616,Julia Leahy Limerick 248, John Leahy Brosna 248, Nora Daly Leahy Knocknagoshel 248, John Leahy Lixnaw 248.

James J Barrett Kerry 029, Mary Barrett Fitzmaurice Kerry 141, Margaret Dowling Barrett Kerry 489, Denis J Barrett Kerry 489, Maurice & Mary Barrett O Connell Kerry & Mayo 626.

Peter & Annie Fitzgerald Causeway 141, Elizabeth Sullivan Fitzgerald Bailegaw ? Kerry 141, Catherine Fitzgerald Crean 092, Francis J Fitzgerald Sr. Ireland 141, Delia Cecelia Fitzgerald Ford? Kerry 141, Mary Fitzgerald & Family Deerpark Lixnaw 511, Pat Fitzgerald & Family Derry West Kerry 600, Catherine C Fitzgerald Fanning Kerry 658.
Sailed from Queenstown Aug 1904 on Lucania John Fitzgerald of Tralee aged 23yrs

Eugene P & Ellen O Connor Moran Kerry 301, John & Nora Moran Groark 517, John Joe & Anne Clancy Moran Kerry & Clare.

Nora Kennelly Conly Ballybunion 500, Eileen Kennelly Mc Gonigal Newtownsandes 285, Ted Kennelly Ballylongford 220, George Francis Kennelly Kerry 220.

Pat & Ellen Griffin O Leary Ballyheigue 668, Tom J Griffin Limerick 605, Catherine Griffin Ballybunion 605, Ellen Griffin Donovan Kerry 118, Margaret T Griffin Kerry 175, Mary Griffin Mc Kenna Kerry 286,

Mary Stokes O Grady Rathkeale 319, Dan Grady Kerry 604, James A & Mary Donnelly Grady Kerry 604, Mary A O Grady Hynes Kerry 522, Catherine O Grady Kerry 545, Tim J & Hannah O Grady Anglin Kerry 017, Denis J & Linda Attianese O Grady Limerick,

Died at Grosse Isle without relatives 1847
E Connell & sisters on Urania, Richard Griffin and brothers on Clarendon

Asylum for widows and children Toronto 1847/48

Matt Tierney a 14y sent to Dr Barton, Ellen Nash a 25y sent to W H Edward,
Hugh Tierney a 10y sent to James Johnson Wagon Maker,
John Gallivan a 16y sent to Richard Butler a Smith, Peggy Purcell a 7y sent to John Desmond, Kitty Casey a 12y to John Connor a Farmer, Mary Casey a 10y to Peter Ouster, Peter Kearns a9y to Michael O Connor a farmer,
Michael Kearns a 7y to Michael Noland a farmer, Pat Grant 13y to Chas Doherty a farmer of Toronto Town'p, Martin Grant a 6y to Joe Auger a Farmer, Anne Noon a10y to Tom Cunningham a farmer, John Noon a 10y to Do, Bernard Flaherty a 10y to John Callaghan,
14 million Catholics in USA 1910.
They had 5,000 Schools, with 1.4 million students, 400 Hospitals with .5 million patents per Year, 300 Orphanages with 50,000 children.


Peterborough Settlement
Ml Costelloe Listowel d aged 43y in 1826 his family went also to Canada.
Denis Shanahan a 33y and family of Listowel
James Stack a 25y died 1831, Mary Pope 16y of Listowel
John Kennelly a34y, Ellen 35y, Wm. 12y died 1825, Pat 8y, Jas3, John 1,
Of Kilbehenny Limerick

Cahill Family
Tom a38, Johanna a36, John a17, Michael a15, Mary a14, Johanna a9, Tom a4, James a1, all native of Listowel.

Maddingan Family
Owen a60, Michael a29 also called Bart Kennelly, James a27, Benjamin a24, Mary a22 married Bart Kennelly, Owen a20, Denis a18, Mathew a15, Bridget a13, all of Colemans Well Co Limerick.

Portland For Charlestown end of March 1803
Limerick Names
Charley Adams a48, wife Mgt 39y, Tom O Duyer 22y, Ml O Donovan 26y,
Mgt Fehilly 24y,Joe Fihilly 7y, John 3y, Mary 2y.

Jeanie Johnson index sample

New York
Moloney to New York
James to NY aged 12 in 1847, Jas a 21 in 1841, Jas a 23 in 1845,
Jas a 27 in 1847, Jas a 30 in 1849, Jas a 42 in 1840, Jas a 10y in 1840,

Michael a 26 in 1840, Ml 34y in 1847, Ml in 1845, Ml 20y in 1848,
Ml 24y in 1849,

Thomas 19y in 1842, Tom 17y in 1849, Tom 7y in 1849

New Orleans
James Moloney to New Orleans a 26y in 1849, Jas 22y in 1852,
Jas 1852, Ml 6y in 1851, Ml 8y in 1849,

Connor to New Orleans
Johanna age 31y in 1847, James a 23y in 1848, John a24y in 1847, John a 8y in 1847, James a0 in 1849, James a26y in 1850, John a 24 in 1850, John a 3 in 1850, All following are John, a40y in 1850, a22 in 1849, a26y in 1850, a3y in 1847, a21y in 1850, a23y in 1850, a22y in 1848, a25y in 1850, a25y in1847, a15y in 1848, a25 in 1848, a 27y in 1850, a20y in 1850, a12y in 1852, a8y in 1848

Joan Connor aged 40y in 1851 to New Orleans, Julia a11y in 1848, James a 27y in 1848, Johanna a 5y in 1857, James a18y in 1848, James a 27y in 1848, Jane a18y in 1849, James a 0y in 1849, James a 26y in 1850, Johanna a 31y in 1849,

Daly to New Orleans
John a24y in 1849, J a20y in 1849, Johanna a 10y in 1849, Judy a0 in 1849, Joseph a 35y in 1849, John a 9y in 1848, James a8y in 1848, John a 30y in 1850, Julia a 19y in 1849, John a 40y in 1848, John a 17y in 1848, John a 12y in 1850, John a 30y in 1849, J a35 in 1851, Jeremiah a 25y in 1851, John a 34y in1853, John a 15y in 1853, J a18y in 1852, James a 7y in 1859, Judy a 5y in 1853, John a1 in 1851, Joseph a 5y 1851, John a 20y in 1849, John a 26y in 1853, James a35y in 1848, James a0 in 1848, James a 24y in 1849, John a 22y 1849, John a 20y in 1852, John a 32y in 1852,

Daly to New York
John a20y in 1848, James a 30y in 1849, John a 30y in 1849, John a 50y in 1849, J a 8y in 1847, James a 34y in 1849, James a 18y in 1849, John a 20y in 1849, James a 24y in 1849, John a 50y in 1849, John a 34y in 1849, John a 35y in 1849, James a 25y in 1849, James a 28y in 1849, Jane a 15y in 1849, Julia a 12y in 1849, John a 7y in 1849,John a 9 in 1847, Julia a 30y in 1849, Johanna a 13y in 1847, John a 23y in 1849,James a 25y in 1849, John a 45y in 1849, John a 45y in 1849,

Griffin to New Orleans
John a 30y in 1848, John a 22y in 1850, John a 30y in 1849, John Continued, a26y in 1851, a24y in 1850, a25y in 1851, a 40y in 1848, a21y in 1852, a 40y in 1850, a 25y in 1848, a21y in 1850, a 20y in 1850, a 25y in 1853, a 6 in 1853, a 24y in 1847,

James a 19y in 1847, James a20y in 1847, Johanna a 5y in 1851, James a22y in 1851, Jane a 20y in 1853, Joan a20y in 1851, James a 20y in 1851, Johanna a 20y in 1853, Johanna a 20y in 1853, James a 0y in 1850, James a 25y in 1850, Jane a 7y in 1848, James a 12y in 1848, Johanna a 45y in 1851,

Hudson to USA
John a 21y in 1847, J a54y in 1847, James a 11y in 1847,

Hudson to New Orleans
William a 25y in 1849, William a 25y in 1850, William a22y in 1852, William a 55y in 1852,William a 22y in 1858, William a 33y in 1852,

Hudson to New York
All William Hudson, a 7 in 1844, a39y in 1846, a35y in 1844, a 51y in 1841, a14y in 1847, a22y in 1848, a33y in 1843, a24y in 1848, a32y in 1848, a30y in 1849,

John Kennelly to New Orleans a24y in 1848, James Kennelly Do a18y in 1851,

Kennelly to New York
J a34 in 1947,Johanna a20 in 1848, James a32 in 1848, John a28 in 1848, J a20 in 1848, John a35 in 1848, Jane a24 in 1848, Johanna a45 in 1847,

Stokes to New Orleans c1849
John aged 0y , John a35y, Joseph a44, J a30, John a 35y.
Stokes to New York c1849
James a23 , Joseph a21y, John a 9, Jane a4, John a24y, John a45y, John a24y, John a24y,James a28y,

Goulding to New Orleans c1849
John a40y, Jeremiah a25y, Julia Ann a13,

Goulding to New York c1849
Johanna a40y, John a14y, John a50y, Joseph a40y, James a16y, John a24y, Jane a27y,

Golden to New Orleans c1849
John a40y, James a16y, James a20y, John, a28y, James a23y,

Golden to New York c1849
James a22y, James a 13y, John a22y, John a9y, John a21y, John a62y, John a18y.

Ellis Island index sample continued
Bridget Mahony of Newtownsandes left 1913, Dan Mahony of Lisselton left in 1912.


C A Hudson Queenstown 1903 on Cymris American
John Hennessy Ballybunion 1905 age 68y
Jeremiah Hennessy Lixnaw 1912 age 19y
Bridget Connell Abbeyfeale 1905 a31y
Denis Connell Abbeyfeale 1903 a 21y
Johanna Connell Listowel 1899 a 25y on Etruria
Catherine Galvin Listowel 1922 on Cedric
Alice Galvin Listowel 1922 on Cedric
Annie Galvin Tullamore 1910
Con Galvin Listowel 1909
John Galvin Abbeyfeale
John Galvin Listowel 1901
Jeremiah Galvin Listowel 1905
Mrs Johanna Flavin Listowel 1904 a38y US Citizen
Annie Flavin Glin 1912 a38y
Kate Flavin Tarbert 1906

On Board Oceanic 1912 from Queenstown the following
Michael Stokes Askeaton 30y
Patrick Liston Athea 26y
Mary Langan Athea 22y
Annie Flavin Glin 19y
Catherine Kirby Newtownsandes 22y
Bridget Connor Glin 17y
Margaret Kiernan Glin 21y
William Lynch Athea 24y
Laurence Moloney Ennistymon 21y

Celtic left Queenstown June 1920
Sample list of passengers

Michael Keys a 23y of Limerick
Ellen Horan a 47y of Tralee
Edward Carmody a 25y of Listowel
Bridget Mary Cullinane a 22y of Newcastle Tipperary
Mary Anne O Rourke a 20y of Limerick
Bridget Curtin a 19y of British Irish Hospital
John Cunningham a 21y of Glin
Jeremiah Duggan a19y Tralee
Michael Daly a 25y of Farrenfore
Hannah Duggan a 22y of Tralee
Ellie Fitzgerald a 20y of Cappalegue Kerry
Tom Shaughnessy a 25y of Glin
Peter O Dea a 21y of Kilmurry Clare
Mary O Brien of Ballyduff Ireland
Tom Organ of Liscannor
Mac Stanley 21y of Ballyhahill
Bridget Ryan a 20y of Limerick
William Strich a 28y of Killaloe
Kathleen Ryan a19y of Limerick
Pat M Roche a 19y of Rathkeale
John M Roche a24y of Abbeyfeale
Tom Brosnan of Ardfert
Nellie Weir a23y of Listowel
John Barrett a 17y of Newcastlewest
Bridget Wills a 25y of Newcastlewest
James Wren a22y of Tarbert
John Wills a 25y of Newcastlewest
Mary Anne O Rourke a 20y of Limerick
Mary Wills 10m of Newcastlewest
Margaret Carroll a 20y of Rockchapel
Agnes Barry a 25y of Limerick
Julia Carroll a 18y of Rockchapel
Arnold Shortis a 18y of Ballybunion
Katie Neville a 19y of Limerick
Lizzie Neville a 25y of Limerick
Margaret Ellen Drury a 20y of Moygara

Etruria from Queenstown 1907
Martin J Tierney, Glentane
Julia Whelan Newtown 16 yr.
Martin M Kennelly, Lenamore 24yrs
Kate & Mary Cotter of Youghal
James Hedley Tralee aged 20
Michael o Rourke Ahabeg 17yrs
Tom Murphy, Acres 20yrs
Denis Hickey, New Market 23yrs
Tom Riordan, 23 yr. Grouse Lodge
John Lehane, Cork
Ellen Leary, Tralee 27yrs
Hanoria O' Rourke, Tralee 51yrs
D O' ?, Tralee 18yrs
Nora Buckley, Abbeyfeale, 20

Caronia from Queenstown 1909
Lillie Cotter, Listowel 22yrs
Mgt E Spring Killimore 23yrs
Mary & Mary & Nora Casey, Limerick
Mgt Fitzgerald, Ballylongford 23yrs
Ellie Ryan, Ballyduff 17yrs
Katie Crotty Kilbaha 18yrs, Clare
Annie Shannon, Limerick 20yrs
Tom O' Brien, Lactlow 22yrs
Michael Collins, Barna, 22yrs
Mary O Donoghue, Limerick 20yrs
Delia Blake 33yrs, Carrigaholt
Ellie Deloughery? Causeway, 21yrs
Lillie Cotter, Listowel 22yrs
Mgt Spring Killmore
Jeremiah M Kennelly, Tarbert 32yrs
Mary Casey, Limerick 28yrs
Catherine Crean, Camp
Julia A Morrissey Lisserhaul? 17
Con Doherty, Moylish, 20yrs
Mary Casey Limerick 1yrs 6months
Hannah Crean, 20yrs Camp
Annie Shanahan? Limerick 20y
John Seery Cloghan 28y
Lena Gilhooly Mohill 21y

James O Connell born Shanagolden 1837 son of Pat and Killeen Married Joan Kieley a dau of Philip Kieley born c 1838 died 1909 Richmond Victoria
Maurice O Connell of Athea Born c 1837 arrived NSW 1864, he got reference from D Harnett Glin.
James Madigan reached Sydney with his father and family in 1848.
Johanna Eagan of Athea born c 1780 wed Michael Walsh of Coolcapagh in 1805.

Michael Fitzgerald born 1811married Margaret Griffin b c1819 a daughter of Tom and Mary Culhane Griffin of Co Limerick.

Pat Griffin b 1757 died c 1838 wed Mary Burns.

James Griffin b1793 Shanagolden wed in 1814 Mary Sheahan went to Australia 1839.

Mary Moore b c1789 Shanagolden a daughter of Richard Moore and Ellen Windle [she died Victoria 1859] Mary married Michael Fitzgerald b c1787 Shanagolden.

John Tierney of Timple Athea wed in 1860 Mary Danaher who was b c 1830.

David Dower b c 1789 Shanagolden died c 1850
Robert Dore in Gortgloss 1788
Ned Dore b c1800 wed Nora Leahy c1840 [Gortgloss and Newcastlewest]
John Dore b 1808 wed in 1832 Elizabeth O Connor [Gortgloss]
Mce Dore b 1820 Gortgloss died San Francisco 1895,



Extracts from State Papers famine years.
Listowel union report 1847 works selected for Paupers. Breaking stones on the public road. Fencing and renewing fencing on new roads. Scraping and cleaning the streets of Listowel. Collecting and breaking stones. Stewards Michael Maher , Dillane and Pat Carroll stewards wages 1s-6d per day .The opinion of the committee is that Paupers will be given food before calling on them to work . If they refuse to work they shall be struck off the relief lists . Hammers to be provided by the Board for breaking stones, Stewards responsible if any of them are lost. Spades and shovels to be provided by the paupers themselves. Edward Ware of Ballylongford sent a letter to the Lord Lieuteant asking for Relief for the Destitute Poor and Indignant people of Ballylongord they Needed some Relief and Assistance to Keep the alive as Coffins cannot be Purchased for the numbers dropping from famine and Distress Captain Spark visited Ballylongford in Feb 1848 to make inquiries about the condition of the people following the letter from Ware. He went to the Parish Priest Rev D Mc Carthy his curate Rev Mahony and the Local Dispensary Doctor. They told Capt. Spark that the statement of Mr Ware was false 3 or 4 have died in Ballylongford town since Christmas. 2 were poor aged and were receiving relief. It was noted that Mr Edward Ware was taken off the relief list because he refused to Work he is now employed By Mr Blacker the Landlord. Mr John Blacker is employing the poor on his Estate doing work of Improvement at this time.
Aug 12 1848
Captain spark Report on the Potatoe Crop in Newtownsandes Ballylongford and other Areas in North Kerry.It is Considered that 0.333 of the early sown Potatoe crop could be saved if there are dug in time. The late sown crop was a failer. Many Fields have sound Tubers not Affected by Blight.Oats and Barley look well. Wheat looks thin and weak. Corn Sowing was down a half to 0.33 from Previous years. The corn crop will be jeopardised if the weather continues to be wet. Turnips and other Green crops look well but little sown in this area.

Tarbert is five Miles from Ballylongford and four Miles from Glin.
Contains about 9164 acres

The O Connors came c1200

Kilnaughtin Church built in the 14th century was the old Parish Church of Tarbert.

c1450 Darmait O Conchobhair (he built Lislaughtin Abbey) was blinded and maimed while being a prisoner of the Earl of Desmond. The Earl's of Desmond lost their power 1582.

John O Connor of Tarbert was hanged and beheaded in Tralee 1652. He was called John of the Wine.
The fifth Lord of Tarbert was Thomas Mc Teige O Connor lost his land with the Cromwellian confiscations.

Patrick Crosbie was granted Tarbert in 1609 he brought tenant families with him Kelly's, Moore's, Dowling's, Doran's, Lawler's and several more families, about 290 people.

In 1666 Tarbert was in the hands of John Cooper.

Tarbert House the residence of the Leslie family since 1690. It is a Queen Anne Georgian house. Sir Edward Leslie had a visit from Benjamin Franklin c 1780. Others who visited Tarbert House include Jonathan Swift, the great Dan O Connell, Lord Kitchener {was baptised at Aghavallen in 1850}, Winston Churchill, Charlotte Bronte Thackeray, Charles Smith, Arthur Young 1776, Binns in c1836 and many more.
History of the Leslie family is available.

Captain Robert Leslie sold his Estate in Tarbert to his tenants in 1904.

Robert Leslie was Captain of the local Yeomanry in the early 1800's.
Pierce Leslie of the Kerry Militia died 1872.

Paul Jones was being pursued by War Ships during American war of Independence his sailors put lanterns hanging from a tree to resemble a ship at anchor and in the dark of night slipped down the Shannon and out to sea evading pursuing warships.

E A Sandes born 1851 died 1934 established 30homes for soldiers.

1893 on the 15th of August a boat owned by Maurice Murphy sank on its way home to Tarbert from a days outing to Clare. Seventeen young people were drowned . The inquest was held in Tarbert Courthouse.

On Massey's Hill half mile from Tarbert is a 17th century star fort .
In Tarbert Island a battery was built in early 19th century to command Tarbert Race on the opposite shore in Clare another battery was built.

1764 Crosby gave the go ahead for the Mail Road,
Salt House in Tarbert 1778, two and half Stone of wheat cost six shillings in 1800,
First Concrete House built in 1857 by Michael Naughton
Russell Store opened 1843,
St Mary's Built in 1833, Tarbert a separate Parish since 1859,
Bridewell built 1831, Light House built 1835, Pier construction started 1837,
Tarbert Workhouse 1851 Census, females 365, males 264.
Old School built by Fr Foley in 1868, 1834 four Schools were operating in locality,
St Ita's College 1940 to 1973,
Comprehensive opened 1973
Bishop Fitzmaurice (uncle of Frank Wall founder of ICMSA) died 1962
Work started on the Power Station in 1966, over 700 employed in its construction. The design of the power station was done by the ESB.

Car Ferry started 1969 opened a gateway between North Kerry and West Clare.

Died in 1967 Dr Thomas Mc Greevy.
T M O Connor who lived in the Square was a Co Councillor and businessman.

Lislaughtin Abbey that was established by O Connor for the Franciscans is about 5 miles from Tarbert situated just outside Ballylongford. The Lislaughlin Cross is in the National Museum. Carrigafoyle castle a short distance away another O Connor stronghold . It was garrisoned by 50 Irish and 16 Spanish soldiers who were put to death in March 1580 when it was taken after a two day fight with English soldiers under William Phelan . Cromwellian soldiers finally ruined the castle.
The Royal Irish Academy has old manuscripts of the following Michael O Longáin, George Fitzgerald, Tadhg Ruadh O Connor, Fr Jeremiah O Shea, Dore and Mahony.

Tom Langan alias Captain Steel was sent to Australia after 1798

Some Tarbert Priests
Liam Murphy, Michael Murphy OFM, Maurice Flynn Carmelite?, Fr. Foley Salesian, Dan Finucane d 1964, Paddy Holly CSSR, Liam Mulcahy, Tim Enright CSSR, Tim & Martin Buckley CSSR Ordained 1951 & 1957, Tim Buckley d 1977, Jack Buckley USA, William Ahern Ord. 1900,John O Connor, Philip O Connell, James & Tom O Hanlon, Willie & John Walsh, James O Sullivan USA, J E O Connor d1934, Richard Fitzmaurice Kenmare PP 1819- 38,William Burns OMI d1956, John Naughton d1882,
Charles O Connor Spa of Tarbert decent, Michael Fallon NSW his grandmother of Tarbert, Archbishop Of Dublin Liam Joseph Walsh 1885-1921 his biography written by Fr P J Walsh in 1928, Archbishops ancestors of Tarbert, James Hamilton Ord. 1836, Four Mangan Priests?, Fr De Coursey c1880's.

Folklore 1932 collection sample
Written by Nora Flaherty
Holy Wells
In Walsh's place in Tarbert, there is a Holy Well. Several used to pray there on Saturday. There was a tree growing beside it. Everyone who the used to pray would tie a piece of cloth to this tree. The old District Council tried to carry the well water into the Village. After one days work the well moved a hundred yards away.

In Mulvihill's place in Glin there was a Holy Well.

Lizzie Walsh Wrote
There is a Blessed well in Tarmons. It is in Buckley's farm. A servant girl went to the well for a bucket of water, when she was coming across the ditch her face turned. She then paid a number of rounds at the well and her face turned again. Another girl went to the same well and she took a bucket of water from it. When she took it home, she put it in the kettle to boil; they said that if it was there since it would not boil. There is a bush over the well and everyone leaves a piece of cloth after them hanging on the bush.

Prices 1941
Milk 2.5 old pence per pint, Bach Loaf per 4lb loaf 1 shilling, Petrol 2 shillings and 11 pence per Gallon ,Paraffin 1/6 per Gallon, Coal 5.5 pence per Stone , 2 oz of Tea 5 Pence, Animal Feed 21 Shillings per Cwt.

Listowel Show July 1951: First Prise for Purebred Hereford Bull went to Charles Fitzell Tarbert.

Some Kennelly's born in Tarbert area
To John K and Han Dore/ William 1866, To John K and Mgt Hanrahan/ Mary 1868, Mick K and Mary Kennelly/ Mary 1867, Denis k & Mary Leahy/ Mary 1866, Dan K & Kate Mahony/ Michael 1866, John K & Mgt Fitzgerald/ Tim 1866, Michael K & Nora Redmond / John 1866, Maurice K & Deborah Byrne / Margaret 1866, Tim K & Brid Lynch / Jer 1869, John k & Liz Mulvihill / Joan 1866, Pat K & Catherine Connor / Joan 1866, Michael K & Catherine........? / daughter Catherine in 1864, Pat K & Mary Anglim / Kate 1866, James K & Kate Shanahan / Mary 1865.

Sample Ballylongford Kennelly births
Con K & Kate Connell c 1830's had Kate, John& Michael. John K & Joan Mulvihill c1870 had Ned, Mike, Mary, John, Ann & Maurice. Martin K & Bridie Kissane c1840 had Martin, John, Jim & Mary. Martin K & Mary Stack in C1830 had Nora, Mary, Mgt, Tom, James & Martin. Mick K & Julia......? In c 1850 had Ann, Michael & Nora. Mick K & Joan Banbury? in c 1830 had Mary, John, Dick, and Con. Bill K & Joan Holly in c1840 had John. Bill K & Kate Morgan in c 1846 had Tim & John.

Death July 4th 1913: Cook County Illinois Michael Kennelly 4153 Wentworth Avenue a brother of John Martin Kennelly: Member of C.O.F. St Elizabeth Court 22 born Ballylongford buried Mount Olivet Cemetery.


Glencorby where the Fitzgerald's have lived for 700 years. They took the name Knights of Glin and lived at Glin Castle.
The Old Glin castle was attacked by George Carew in 1600 the Knight was killed and the Castle wrecked. The present Glin Castle was started c 1770.
In Tinnakilla there is an ancient chamber tomb and a pillar stone.

St Paul's Church Glin completed c1871; it replaced a Church built early years of 1800. St Paul's now a Heritage Centre.


The Vales of New Dirreen

Fare well, fare well, my native land farewell forever more,
I now must leave you far behind and seek a foreign shore,
For very soon the ocean wide between us will intervene,
In that dear old home its mine no more, in the vales of New Direen.

At home in dear old Ireland I fain for ever would stay,
But fate it has compelled for to wander far away,
From these native hills and valleys fair where blooms the shamrock green
In that dear old home its mine no more in the Vales of New Dirreen

In cold dark waves and Saxon lands we have known great joys and woes
And in that far off ocean wide where the stately Hudson flows
In Ireland too we have cherished hopes but seas are placed between
From that dear old home its mine no more in the Vales of New Dirreen

The sandowen seas I have crossed before and sought a foreign strand
But still I thought I soon would see again my native land
Its like John Mitchell in his cell where something tells unseen
Which makes me roam from my dear old home in the Vales of New Dirreen

When last I looked upon that place it was with a mournful eye
The tears fell trickling down my face and loudly I did cry
The pale of night it soon came down and that was the last I had Seen
of my dear old home its mine no more in Vales of New Dirreen

Now to Conclude those enfin lines fearing I should be late
The Mourning Train from Adagh starts at twenty five past eight
O God be with you Ireland your the starlight ocean Qeen
And a Fond farewell to all who dwell in the Vales of New Dirreen.

An old Ballad

Newtownsandes Famous People:
Thomas Moore his ancestors are said to have come from Newtownsandes.Tom Moore Poet born Dublin 28 of May 1779.He died 26th of Feb 1852 in his 73rd Year bured at Bromham near Devizes in Wiltshire England his Father was a Grocer till 1806 he later became a barrick master.It is thought his Mother had a great Influence on Him.After the Relief act of 1793 Catholics were allowed to enter TCD but were denied Degres.Mr Whyte Teacher of Tom Moore Entered him in TCD at the age of 15 as a Protestant.He left TCD in 1798 to Study Law in London.He Never Practiced Law writing was his Passion so in 1801 he Published his first Poems under the pen name of Thomas Little.Thomas Moore was Welcomed Everywhere he could Sing his own songs and Entertain in any Society.In 1803 he was Appointed as Registrar of the Admiralty Court at Bermuda.He stayed at his Post for a short while.Then put his Deputy in Charge while himself toured the U.S.A and Canada.More Poems were Published in 1806.Irish Melodies were Published in 1807.200 years Later his Irish Songs are still Popular all over the world.Actress Bessy Dyke Married Tom Moore in 1811.''Lalla Rookh'' was Published in 1817.Longmans Paid the Highest Price Ever for the Copy Right.About this time his Deputy in Bermuda Caused a huge loss and Moore was Liable to avoid Arrest he went to Paris and his Family Followed Him there.C 1822 he made a Bargain where the Claim Against him was Reduced to one sixth of the Original Claim which he paid he was now free to come home? iifig .....
In 1823 he visited Ireland with Lord Lansdowne after which he wrote a history of Captain Rock and His Ancestors which was well Recived.He was a friend of Emmet and Remembers him in ''O Breathe Not his name''.Other Historical works of Tom Moore, Life of Sheridan Published in 1825 it took 7 years to write, Life of Byron Pub 1830. Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald Pub 1831.Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Seach of a Religion.Published 1834 also the History of Ireland was Published Later.
In 1845 all his Children and Sisters were Dead he said that he did not have a single Relative left in the world.

Tom Neville Stack
Information from Miss Mai Quillinan .
Tom Stack was married in Carrueragh Kilmorna , to Mary Neville of Carrigkerry . They had three sons the eldest born on christmas night 1849 was called Thomas Neville Stack . The second son Maurice Tom Stack married Mary Goulding their children were Tom Maurice and John Maurice Tom inherited the farm while John went to America . The third brother of Tom Neville Stack was called William he got a farm in Carrigkerry .
Mai Quillinans mother Ellie Stack was daughter of Maurice Tom Stack a brother of Tom Neville .
Mais father Michael Quillinan of Blossom Hill Rathkeale , Co Limerick . Tom Neville Stack Founded The Finance Union Journal in 1877 .It is reported that three generations before Tom Neville a member of the Stack family was a Butter Merchant in Cork who had a brother a Banker .
Another Stack Nicholas Moore Stack a man of culture and an actor taught at Maynooth and Carlow College .
Tom Neville himself was a Journalist a Financier and a Poet his second wife was a daughter of Mr Andrew Thunder of Dublin .
Mr Thunder went to Clongroves Wood College . He died aged 45yrs .
Mr and Mrs Stack were married for over 20yrs and had five children.
In 1895 Tom Neville Stack was one of the Founders of the British Homes Assurance Corporation Ltd. .
He was also an Officer in the 2nd London Rifles which was founded by Prince Albert .
Tom Neville Stacks views on Irish Banking are contained in the Blue Book which was issued by a committee of the House of Commons

Collins Newtownsandes Moyvane

Parish Clerks of Moyvane Fr Dillion About 100 years ago appointed Jack Collins as Parish Cleark who handed on the job to his Son Michael Collins.When he went to America his brother John Colling Filled the post.John Collins died Dec 9-1989 aged 78.

Mary Shine

Mary Shine of the Village Newtownsandes was appointed by Fr Dillion to look after the Alter Linen.

Tom Nevil Stack

Mr Tom Nevile Stack born Christmas 1849 in Carrueragh Knockanure Newtownsands and he EST a Jourrnal called ''The Finance Union'' in 1877.He was also one of the founding members of the British Homes Assurance Corp Ltd.His Cousin Mr Moore Stack was an actor C 1800 a Stack Man was a Butter Merchant in Cork.
Thomas Nevile Stack F.S. S. F.I.D. M.I.J. Died 22nd Sept 1913 in London.

More info Later.



Collins Newtownsandes Moyvane Parish Clerks of Moyvane Fr Dillion About 100 years ago appointed Jack Collins as Parish Cleark who handed on the job to his Son Michael Collins.When he went to America his brother John Colling Filled the post.John Collins died Dec 9-1989 aged 78. Mary Shine Mary Shine of the Village Newtownsandes was appointed by Fr Dillion to look after the Alter Linen. Tom Nevil Stack Mr Tom Nevile Stack born Christmas 1849 in Carrueragh Knockanure Newtownsands and he EST a Jourrnal called ''The Finance Union'' in 1877.He was also one of the founding members of the British Homes Assurance Corp Ltd.His Cousin Mr Moore Stack was an actor C 1800 a Stack Man was a Butter Merchant in Cork. Thomas Nevile Stack F.S. S. F.I.D. M.I.J. Died 22nd Sept 1913 in London. More info Later. Gale Bridge C 1922 Knocked Newtownsandes Co-op Est 1895




Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 11:39 AM

BOSTON - Lillian Gertrud Asplund, the last American survivor of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, has died, a funeral home said Sunday. She was 99.
Asplund, who was just 5 years old, lost her father and three brothers - including a fraternal twin - when the "practically unsinkable" ship went down in the North Atlantic after hitting an iceberg.
She died Saturday at her home in Shrewsbury, said Ronald E. Johnson, vice president of the Nordgren Memorial Chapel in Worcester, Mass.
"She went to sleep peacefully," he said.
Asplund's mother, Selma, and another brother, Felix, who was 3, also survived the Titanic sinking in the early morning of April 15, 1912.
Asplund was the last Titanic survivor with actual memories of the sinking, but she shunned publicity and rarely spoke about the events.
At least two other survivors are living, but they were too young to have memories of the disaster. Barbara Joyce West Dainton of Truro, England, was 10 months old and Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean of Southampton, England, was 2 months old.

The Asplund family had boarded the ship in Southampton, England, as third-class passengers on their way back to Worcester from their ancestral homeland, Sweden, where they had spent several years.
Asplund's mother described the sinking in an interview with the Worcester Telegram & Gazette newspaper shortly after she and her two children arrived in the city.
Selma Asplund said the family went to the Titanic's upper deck after the ship struck the iceberg.
"I could see the icebergs for a great distance around ... It was cold and the little ones were cuddling close to one another and trying to keep from under the feet of the many excited people ... My little girl, Lillie, accompanied me, and my husband said 'Go ahead, we will get into one of the other boats.' He smiled as he said it."
Because they lost all of their possessions and money, the city of Worcester held a fundraiser and a benefit concert that together brought in about $2,000 for the surviving Asplunds.
Lillian Asplund never married and worked at secretarial jobs in the Worcester area most of her life. She retired early to care for her mother, who was described as having never gotten over the tragedy.
Selma Asplund died on the 52nd anniversary of the sinking in 1964 at age 91. Felix Asplund died on March 1, 1983, at age 73.

Thanks Jer ...... my great-aunt was married to a Matthew Mearna- his brother ,Robert went down on the Titanic & his first cousin ,Elizabeth Doyle from Bree ,
A memorial service will be held Wednesday, Johnson said.




Naow whin Oi wuz a little boy an' so me mother told me,
‘Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!
That if Oi didn't kiss the gals me lips would all grow mouldy.
‘Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!

An' Oi sailed the seas for many a year not knowin' what Oi wuz missin',
Then Oi sets me sails afore the gales an' started in a-kissin'.

Oi got meself an Oirish gal an' her name wuz Flannigan,
She stole me boots, she stole me clothes, she pinched me plate an' pannikin.

Oi courted then a Frenchie gal, she took things free an' aisy,
But naow Oi've got an English gal an' sure she is a daisy.

Oh, King Louis wuz the King o' France, afore the revolution,
But the people cut his big head orf an' spoiled his constitution.

Oh, once Oi wuz in Oireland a-diggin' turf an' taties,
But naow Oi'm on a Limejuice ship an' a-haulin' on the braces.

Saint Patrick wuz a gintleman, an' he come of daycent paypul,
He built a church in Dublin town an' on it set a staypul.

From Oireland thin he druv the snakes, then drank up all the whisky,
This made him dance an' sing an' jig, he felt so fine an' frisky.

Yiz call yerself a second mate an' cannot tie a bowline,
Ye cannot even stand up straight when the packet she's a-rollin'.




William Smart, a veteran of the Civil War, was left a widower when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. He went on to raise the six children by himself on their small farm in Washington. To show her appreciation for all the hard work and love William gave to her and her siblings, Sonora thought there should be a day to pay homage to him and other dads like him. She initially suggested June 5th, the anniversary of her father's death to be the designated day to celebrate Father's Day, but due to some bad planning, the celebration in Spokane, Washington was deferred to the third Sunday in June.

The other story of the first Father's Day in America happened all the way on the other side of the country in Fairmont, West Virginia on July 5, 1908. Grace Golden Clayton suggested to the minister of the local Methodist church that they hold services to celebrate fathers after a deadly mine explosion killed 361 men.

While Father's Day was celebrated locally in several communities across the country, unofficial support to make the celebration a national holiday began almost immediately. William Jennings Bryant was one of its staunchest proponents. In 1924, President Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge recommended that Father's Day become a national holiday. But no official action was taken.

In 1966, Lyndon B. Johnson, through an executive order, designated the third Sunday in June as the official day to celebrate Father's Day. However, it wasn't until 1972, during the Nixon administration, that Father's Day was officially recognized as a national holiday.Written by Brett & Kate McKay






Do you want to share a memory, anecdote or tribute to former Free Press Publisher Neal Shine? Send your signed e-mail to shinetributes@freepress.com. We’ll run the best of them here.



Neal and Phyllis came on visit to Moyvane in 1979 and met his aunt Nora, his father emigrated from Moyvane.


Journalism was not something I chose for a career. It was chosen for me by Father Bill Cunningham, my English teacher at Sacred Heart Seminary High School in the 1960s. Having left the seminary in 1969, I needed a paying job – and not just volunteering my time at Focus:HOPE, the civil rights organization Cunningham, Eleanor Josaitis and Father Jerome Fraser founded in 1968.


Somehow, Cunningham decided I might make a good journalist and decided to introduce me to his friend, Free Press City Editor Neal Shine, in a unique way. Neal’s father, Patrick Shine, was gravely ill and confined to bed at Neal and Phyllis’ house in Grosse Pointe.


Cunningham offered to say Mass at the home to ease Patrick Shine’s final few days and he asked me to help by playing guitar at the “folk Mass,” then still considered a somewhat radical departure from traditional Catholic Masses. Since my guitar playing was poor, Cunningham played it safe by also bringing along a real musician, fellow seminarian John Jabro.





The scene in their home was just as you would expect from a large, loving and fun Shine family, and I know they appreciated our efforts for a lively and moving celebration of the Eucharist.


Cunningham told me the next day to give Neal Shine a call and not to be afraid of his “gruff manner of speaking.” When I went to interview with him, I found him to be gruff, yes, but also interested in me as a person. He said, “You’ve got to be a good guy, because you’re with Focus:HOPE.” He hired me on the spot, but I had to wait until August 17, 1969, for an opening on the copyboy staff. I worked 40 hours a week while taking 16 credit hours at Wayne State University.






  (Wed 31 Oct 2007)


  I am based in London. I am son of Peter Aiden McGrath of Ballylongford, Co Kerry. My Grandfather was also Peter from Moyvane, Co Kerry