


Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 23rd Dec.’23 – 7th Jan.’24




Sat. 23rd Dec.’23


Moyvane             Sean & John O’Connor (Aniv.’s) & deceased of the O’Connor family


Inchamore          7.30pm


Sun.24th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am


Moyvane             Christmas Eve    6.00pm


Knockanure        Vigil Mass            8.00pm


Mon.25th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Christmas Day




Moyvane             Private Intention              11.00am


Fri.29th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Moyvane             Jerry Fitzmaurice (3rd Aniv.)       7.00pm


Sat.30th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Patrick Curtin (Aniv.)


Lower Aughrim 7.30pm


Sun.31st Dec.’23


Knockanure        P.J. Nolan & his father Denis & grandparents Brigid & Patrick Nolan (Aniv.’s)        9.30am


Moyvane             Noreen O’Callaghan (Aniv.)         11.00am


Mon.1st Jan’24


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:


Tues.2nd Jan.’24


Moyvane             Donal “Teddy” Keane RIP, Recently Deceased   10.00am


Weds.3rd Jan.’24


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thurs.4th Jan.’24


Moyvane             A.M. Carr (Aniv.)              10.00am


Fri.5th Jan.’24


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Moyvane             Vigil Mass            7.30pm


Sat.6th Jan.’24


Knockanure        Feast of the Epiphany    9.30am


Sat.6th Jan.’24


Moyvane             John Stack (Aniv.)            7.30pm


Sun.7th Jan.’24


Knockanure        Teresa & Michael Bambury (Aniv.’s)        9.30am


Moyvane             Denis Flaherty & his parents Con & Bridie (Aniv’s) Tubertoreen  11.00am


Priest on duty: 24th Dec.’23 - Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549


                           31st Dec.’23 - Fr. Jerry Keane 087-2844649


                           7th Jan.’24 - Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271 


Collections: Offertory €950, Priest Dues €760, Moyvane Shrine €302.


Thank you for your continued generosity.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


The Parish Office will be closed from Fri. 22nd Dec.’23 to Thurs. 4th Jan.’24.




Remember Fr. Kevin McNamara who’s Anniversary occurs at this time.




Christmas Greetings


Best wishes and Blessings to all Parishioners for this feast of Christmas.


Thank you all for your contributions during the Year.  There are many and varied but each is special and appreciated, helping us as a community of believers.


My hope and prayer is that God Blesses each person with joy, peace and light throughout the festive season and beyond.  May each know God’s incarnate love in a new way.


Parish Property Insurance


Please take a moment to reflect on this and, where appropriate, give your response should they be insured for reinstatement or for a modernised version? Clearly reinstatement entails a more costly premium.


Other Notices:


Ard Chúram Day Care  Centre North Kerry Community Choir Thurs. Jan 11th 1pm in the Ard Chúram Fuchsia Centre, Hospital Grounds, Greenville, Listowel, (upstairs, lift available, side entrance). Eircode V31X867. Everyone welcome. Light refreshments.


Pioneers Mass next Weds. 27th Dec. to mark the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the Assoc. in 1898. Mass and prayers will be live-streamed at 10am (Irish time) around the world via www.pioneerassociation.org.


Samaritian’s Annual Collection Christmas Eve/Day. Free Call 116123








   S T. M A R Y’ S   C H U R C H   L I S T O W E L




MASSES  Christmas Eve


                Nell & Jack O Connor, Denis Kelly & Jade Foley, Gortcreen / Pat, Catherine, Dan & Susanna Browne Church & Dromin /


Maire Fealy, Courthouse Rd, Birthday Remembrance / Margaret Carmody, Knockroe Drive & Moybella /


Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown /


Patrick, Kathleen, Patsy & Mai Stack, Gortcreen /


Teresa & Billy O Sullivan & Mary Gallagher, England /


Deceased members of the Fealey, Walsh & Lyons Families, Ennismore, Craughatoosane & Ballygarrett. 4pm










                Michael & Pauline Kennedy, Ballysimon, Limerick & daughter Yvonne Moloney nee Kennedy, rec deceased, birthday rem /


Michael McDonnell, Clare & London /


Laurence, Ellen & Maurice Collins, Kilmorna /


Margo Sharp, Listowel & England /


Michael, Mary, Michael Gerald & Eamon O Connor, Patrick St.


Michael Heaphy, Ballylongford /


Tommy & Anne O Connor, Asdee             6pm








                Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee & dec members of the O’Sullivan & Browne Families /


Michael Molyneux, O’Connell’s Ave. /


Bridie Sayers, Greenville /


Bridie Mulligan & Jule Scanlon, Bridge Rd. /Deceased members of the Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty families / Philomena Donnelly, Roscommon / Paddy & Eva Hogan, Ennis    8pm












                Jim & Anne O Sullivan, Charles St. / Lila Stack, Charles St. & Eileen Cotter, Glenoe / John O Brien, Cahirdown / Deceased members of the O’Brien, Doherty & Hallacy Families /


Katheen, Tom & Josie Doyle & Bridie Hassett, Bridge Rd. /


Maureen Molyneaux, Bedford & London                9.00am






                Charlie Chute, Greenville / Rich Kissane, Clountubird / Daniel, Elizabeth & Angela Kearney, Moyvane / William, Ellen, Mairead & Anne Walsh, Pollagh / Hannah Mulvihill, Bedford /


Betty Kennelly, Ashfield /


Maire & John Roche, Ballylongford & Jack & Kathleen Roche, Cork &Margret & Louis Keating, Ballylongford            11.30pm




May the peace of Christ be with you and may you enjoy


a very Happy & Holy Christmas




Thank You – ‘Míle Buíochas’


As we celebrate Christmas and bring the year 2023 to a close, I feel that I’m very privileged and indeed it is my honour to continue working with you as your Parish Priest here in Listowel. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for the support that you give to your Parish and to me personally throughout the year. It takes a lot of people to make a Parish active and to keep it going in these difficult and challenging times. It could not happen only that we are blessed with good staff, Parish Secretary Denise and both sacristans Helen and Martina and a lot of volunteers who are dedicated to our Parish. Many of you work behind the scenes and you might feel your work sometimes goes unnoticed, but each person in their own right play their part, and each does it so well. A special thanks to Fr. Martin, Fr. Jack, Fr. Brendan & Fr. Anthony of our Pastoral Area.




I thank the Parish Finance Council who keeps an eye on the Parish Finances. I thank the Parish Pastoral Council and the Safeguarding Committee for their support and guidance. Thanks to the Parish Liturgy Group who co-ordinate the various ministries and liturgies. The Eucharistic Ministers / Parish Youth Group /  the Readers, the Collectors, the Counting Teams who count the parish offerings, the Parish Choir, the Parish Folk Group, their members, their directors and musicians. We are blessed to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament weekly in our Parish. Thank you all who make it possible. We have the Padre Pio Prayer Group & Legion of Mary who run their regular meetings - I’m not forgetting our Altar Servers, their parents and teachers for their support. You all do a great job, and your help is much appreciated.




To those who clean the church - not alone is this done for Christmas, but it is done quietly all year around. Those who donate flowers and look after both inside and outside the church and Presbytery grounds throughout the year. So many visitors remark on how well each place looks. This is a tribute to you, so take a bow. To those of you who put up the Crib and those who are available at moments notice  to do the various maintenance jobs of the Parish throughout the year.




We are dependent on each other for friendship, support, and finance. Thank you for your generosity and kindness to your Parish and to me personally right throughout the year. I pray that God will bless and reward you and your family with all his gifts this Christmas and throughout the new year of 2024.




   God Bless                                                                             Fr. Declan






(Tuesday 26th December to Sunday 31st January)






Tuesday 26th     Special Intention / Michael McCarron, Gortinard, Birthday Rem. / Edle O Halloran, Church St. & College Rd. Cork / Joe Barry of Swindon, England Late of Muckenaugh, Lixnaw and Knockane & 


John Barry, Birmingham Lixnaw and Listowel       10.30am






Wednesday 27th              Michael & Elizabeth Moore, Cahirdown & Henry Schmoll               10.30am




Thursday 28th   Paul McCarthy, Tanavalla, 1st Anniversary /


John McCarthy, Tanavalla & Clare, 1st Anniversary /


Catherine & Jack Scannell, Bunagara & Skehenerin /


Deceased members of the Sweeny family, Convent St. / Michael O Connor, Springmount, Duagh / Frank & Bill Kelly, Dublin / Molly & Jack Nolan, Aviation Drive          10.30am








Friday 29th          Angela Henigan McKeon, USA & The Square /


Ed Harnett, Hawthorn Drive / Special Intention /


Joan, Tom & Patrick Walsh, The Square 10.30am




Saturday 30th                     Fr. Brendan Dalton, Bridge Rd. /


Kit & Pat Dowling, Bridge Rd.      10.30am


                John Charlie O Sullivan, Killocrim / Angela & Mossie Carmody, Skehenerin / Maire Downey, Duagh & dec. family, Knockalougha / Anne Browne, Coolagown / Michael O Neill, Ballygologue Rd. / Nora Crane nee Fitzmaurice, Ennismore & England & dec. family          Vigil


Sunday 31st        Jacqueline & Eamon Roche & Christine Williams, O’Connell’s Ave.             9.00am


                Joe Carroll, St. Brendan’s Tce. / John O Mahony Ballygrennan / Tadgh Laide, Ballygologue Pk. /


Carmel Walsh, Ballygologue Pk.                 11.30am






PRIEST ON DUTY this Monday day Christmas Day Fr. Declan O Connor, 0870908949. Christmas Offering Envelopes: Many thanks for your generous Christmas Offerings already received. Should you not have an envelope, there may be some at the back of the church or use any envelope. Thank you for your ongoing support.








1p.m. Friday, Dec. 22nd to 10am. Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 



















Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 16th Dec.’23 – 25th Dec.’23




Sat. 16th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Denny & Kitty McEnery (Aniv.’s)


Tubertoreen      7.30pm


Sun.17th Dec.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Ned & Maureen Sheehy (Aniv.’s)


Leitrim Middle & deceased members of the Sheehy family & Mulvihill families


Willie O’Connor (6th Aniv.)


Kilmeaney, Kilmorna      11.00am


Tues.19th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am




Wed.20th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.21st Dec.’23


Moyvane             Patrick Mulvihill RIP, Recently Deceased


Manchester and formerly Aughrim Cross              10.00am




Fri.22nd Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.23rd Dec.’23


Moyvane             Sean & John O’Connor (Aniv.’s) & deceased of the O’Connor family


Inchamore          7.30pm


Sun.24th  Dec.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am


Moyvane             Christmas Eve    6.00pm


Knockanure        Vigil Mass            8.00pm


Mon.25th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Christmas Day




Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Collections: Offertory €1,342.  Thank you for your continued generosity.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Funeral Arrangements for Liturgy (Mass/other) must be made with Fr. Brendan well in advance of the event.


A note of clarification;


For church services (Mass/Baptism/Funerals/weddings) you are welcome to engage priests/deacons from elsewhere. But, before you make arrangements be sufficiently courteous to speak with the Parish Priest. Thank you!


Penance Service in Listowel


On Monday, December 18th, there will be the usual pre-Christmas Penance Service at St. Mary’s at 8pm.  This includes the opportunity for Confession (Sacrament of Penance).


Safeguarding.  The Parish’s Safeguarding Representatives are;


Mary Kennelly 086-0791791


Mary O’Shea 086-3296049


The Parish Office will be closing for Christmas on Friday 22nd Dec.’23


Other Notices:


Samaritian’s Annual Collection will be taking place at all Masses in Moyvane and Knockanure on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Your help is needed in order to continue our work in the community. Samaritans can be contacted 7 days a week 24 hours a day on Free Call 116123


Moyvane Development Association, Grab your runners/walking shoes and come and join us on Wednesday December 27th for our Fun Run/Walk. This is a great opportunity to come out and meet everyone over the festive season, while getting some fresh air & exercise!


Registration 11am -11.50am, Fee: €10 per adult, €5 per Child, €20 per family


Recovery Haven Kerry (cancer support house) will have a Designer Fashion Showcase event taking place in the Gleneagle INEC Arena on Feb. 1st ‘24.  The date – St Brigid’s Day - is particularly poignant for those involved, with the show set to incorporate the extraordinary Irish saint and mark her 1500th anniversary.


The event will be MC’d by legendary RTE broadcaster, Mary Kennedy. Tickets €30 and are for sale at Recovery Haven Kerry 5 Haigs Terrace Tralee or at the Gleneagle INEC box office, they can also be purchased online.


Further info. please ring 066 7192122


The Golden Jubilee of the Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes with Assisted pilgrims will take place from Thursday 29th August to Tuesday 3rd September 2024.  More Information to follow early in 2024.


Milltown Christmas market Sunday Dec 17th 11.00am—5.30pm in the Old Hall, Milltown Eircode V93 ET62. All Welcome.










Listowel Church News




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan, 0870908949. 


RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS Maureen Barry, Billerough.


Bogumila Przbysz, Ballygologue Rd.


ANNIVERSARY REMEBRANCES Anne & Kevin Croghan, Charles St. / Kathleen & Timothy Griffin, Coolagown / Mary Hanlon senior, O’Connell’s Ave. & Ger & Bridie Broderick, Gale Cross & Feale Dr.


MASSES THIS WEEK 17th – 25th December


Sat 16th 


                Kitty Curtin Dromin, 1st Anniversary /


Kay & John McGrath, Coolaclarig &


Maurice, Bridget & Denis Harty, Causeway / Betty & Buddy Brosnan, Lyre /


Patrick (PJ) Mahoney, Convent View /


John Quilter & deceased members of the Quilter & Browne Families, Kilflynn & Waterford / Breda Walsh, Finuge /


Maurice & Mary & Sr. De Lourdes O Connell, Grogreen Vigil
















Sun 17th              Mary Enright nee O’Shea, London & Caherciveen             9.00am




                John Lyons, Clountubrid, Months mind


Tom Keane, Derry / Edmund Murphy, Behins / Deceased members of the Bartishell Family, Convent St.                11.30am






Mon 18th            Patrick Joseph Mulligan Dublin & Rita Purcell, Bride Rd. / Betty O Sullivan, Church St.        10.30am


                Christmas Confession    8pm


Tues 19th            Michael Meehan, Lartigue Village /


Kerry Parent & Friends, Listowel               10.30am


Wed 20th            Mary Kate O Malley, Boston /


Deceased members of the Stack & Buckley Families / Mrs. Scannell, Bridge Rd. /


Kitty Kelly, Lyre, Birthday Rem. 10.30am


Thurs 21st           Sr. Basil McAuliffe, Church St. /


 Jack & Mamie O Connor & Angela Caslin / Joanna Parton nee Lehane, Tanavalla                  10.30am


Fri 22nd                Special Intention              10.30am


Sat. 23rd              People of the Parish       10.30am


                Margaret & Thomas Brosnan, Coolagown & London / Deceased members of the Ferris, Stack & Kearney, Families                  Vigil












ADORATION FOR ADVENT this Sunday 3pm. to 6pm. Please note that Adoration will not take place on Tuesday 26th December St. Stephen’s Day.






Christmas Eve Masses




24th       Nell & Jack O Connor, Denis Kelly & Jade Foley, Gortcreen / Pat, Catherine, Dan & Susanna Browne Church St. & Dromin /


Maire Fealy, Courthouse Rd, Birthday Remembrance / Margaret Carmody, Knockroe Drive & Moybella / Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown /


Patrick, Kathleen, Patsy & Mai Stack, Gortcreen / Teresa & Billy O Sullivan & Mary Gallagher, England / Deceased members of the Fealey, Walsh & Lyons Families, Ennismore, Craughatoosane & Ballygarrett.      4pm
























                 Michael & Pauline Kennedy, Ballysimon, Limerick & daughter Yvonne Moloney nee Kennedy, recently deceased, birthday remembrance / Michael McDonnell, Clare & London / Laurence, Ellen & Maurice Collins, Kilmorna / Margo Sharp, Listowel & England /


Michael, Mary, Michael Gerald & Eamon O Connor, Patrick St. / Michael Heaphy, Ballylongford / Tommy & Anne O Connor, Asdee  6pm






















                Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee & dec members of the O’Sullivan & Browne Families /


Michael Molyneaux, O’connell ’s Ave. /


Bridie Sayers, Greenville /


Bridie Mulligan & Jule Scanlon, Bridge Rd. /Deceased members of the Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty families / Philomena Donnelly, Roscommon / Paddy & Eva Hogan, Ennis    8pm
















Christmas Day Masses




25th       Jim & Anne O Sullivan, Charles St. /


Lila Stack, Charles St. & Eileen Cotter, Glenoe /


John O Brien, Cahirdown / Deceased members of the O’Brien, Doherty & Hallacy Families            9am


                Charlie Chute, Greenville / Rich Kissane, Clountubird / Daniel, Elizabeth & Angela Kearney, Moyvane / William, Ellen, Mairea & Anne Walsh, Pollagh / Hannah Mulvihill, Bedford / Betty Kennelly, Ashfield /


Maire & John Roche, Ballylongford & Jack & Kathleen Roche, Cork & Margaret & Louis Keating, Ballylongford                   11:30am




























Monday, 18th December at 8.00 p.m. with visiting priests. Also – Confessions will be  available immediately after the 10.30 a.m. mass on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd 




The usual Vigil Mass on Saturday, December 23rd will take place. As Christmas Eve. is falling on a Sunday this year, there will be no 9.00am or 11:30am. morning mass but we will have three Christmas Eve Masses.








4.00 p.m. (Children’s Mass) Parish Folk Group


6.00 p.m.  (Family Mass) Parish Folk Group) & will be broadcast on Radio Kerry.


8.00 p.m. (Family Mass) with Parish Choir




9.00 a.m. (Family Mass) Parish Folk Group


11.30 a.m. (Family Mass) Parish Choir




SCOIL REALTA NA MAIDNE: (Boys School) will have their Christmas Mass in the School on Monday morning next: December 18th at 9.30 a.m.


KERRY PARRENTS & FRIENDS CHRISTMAS MASS: Tuesday, next 19th Dec. 10.30 a.m. in the church. 




AN GAEL SCOIL will have their own Christmas activity in the Church on Tuesday morning next (19th December) at 11.30 a.m.


ARUS MHUIRE CHRISTMAS MASS: will take place on Tuesday next – 19th December at 2.30 p.m.


CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: that support your priests will be taken up at all the Christmas Eve & Christmas. Envelope is available in your box or there are loose ones available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office.  Thanks.


PARISH CALENDAR 2024 will be available at the back of the Church for Christmas. Please feel free to take one home.


SAMARITANS: Have their usual Church Gate Collection at all masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 




PARISH OFFICE will be closed from


1pm. Friday 22nd December and will re-open on Wednesday 3rd January 2024 at 10.00 a.m.





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 9th Dec.’23 – 17th Dec.’23




Sat. 9th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Maurice & Joe O’Connell (Aniv.’s) & deceased of the O’Connell family   7.30pm


Sun.10th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Sheila Nash (6th Aniv.) Gortdromagouna & deceased of the Nash family               9.30am


Moyvane             Thomas Culhane (Aniv.)                11.00am


Tues.12th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am




Wed.13th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.14th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention*           10.00am




Fri.15th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Knockanure        Mike Kennelly RIP, Recently Deceased


Celebrant: Fr. Brendan O’Callaghan         7.30pm


Upcoming Masses:


Sat.16th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Denny & Kitty McEnery (Aniv.’s)


Tubertoreen      7.30pm


Sun.17th  Dec.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Ned & Maureen Sheehy (Aniv.’s)


Leitrim Middle & deceased members of the Sheehy family


Willie O’Connor (6th Aniv.)


Kilmeaney, Kilmorna      11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749


Collections: Offertory €1,375, 2nd Collection for Diocesan Youth Services €305, Knockanure Shrine €91.80.  Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Funeral Arrangements for Liturgy (Mass/other) must be made with Fr. Brendan well in advance of the event.


A note of clarification;


For church services (Mass/Baptism/Funerals/weddings) you are welcome to engage priests/deacons from elsewhere. But, before you make arrangements be sufficiently courteous to speak with the Parish Priest. Thank you!




Word from the Synod


Bishop Brendan Leahy (Limerick) will relate his experience of the recent synod in Rome (one of the two Irish Bishops who attended).  This will happen through Zoom link on Friday December 15th at 2.30pm.  Link details later.




Penance Service in Listowel


On Monday, December 18th, there will be the usual pre-Christmas Penance Service at St. Mary’s at 8pm.  This includes the opportunity for Confession (Sacrament of Penance).




The Christmas Mass schedule will be;


Christmas Eve: 6.00pm Moyvane


                                   8.00pm Knockanure


Christmas Day: 9.30am Knockanure


                                   11.00am Moyvane




Other Notices:


Saint Vincent de Paul Annual Church Gate collection this wkend 9th &10th Dec. Volunteers also required in the Moyvane area, contact 087-9818053.


The Golden Jubilee of the Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes with Assisted pilgrims will take place from Thursday 29th August to Tuesday 3rd September 2024.  More Information to follow early in 2024.


Milltown Christmas market Sunday Dec 10th & 17th 11.00am—5.30pm in the Old Hall, Milltown Eircode V93 ET62. All Welcome.


The Moyvane ICA Christmas draw took place at the Marian Hall on Tuesday night. Mike Corridan, one of our sponsors attended. Winners were: 1st prize - Christmas Food Hamper, sponsored by North Cork Creameries, won by Joseph Fitzmaurice, Gortdromasillihy, 2nd prize - Listowel Vouchers, sponsored by the ICA, won by Laura Larkin, Carreuragh, 3rd prize - Turkey Voucher, sponsored by Corridan's Garage won by Aisling Groarke, C/O Madge Groarke, The Village.  4th prize - Christmas Ham, sponsored by Stack's Butchers, won by Timmy Flaherty, Murhur.  Míle Buíochas to all the sponsors and to all who support our annual Christmas draw.
















Listowel Church News




MASSES THIS WEEK 10th – 17th December


Sat 9th 


                Gerard Dillon, The Paddocks, Months Mind /


John Quilter, Dirha East, 1st Ann. /


Caroline Enright, Feale Drive /


Margaret Moloney, Derry /


Bridget Toomey, Dirha Cottages /


Deceased members of the Lartigue Theatre Group          Vigil














Sun 10th              Mary, John & Tom Daly, Bridge Rd. /


William Doyle, Fourhane               9.00am




                Brendan O Sullivan, Woodford, 1st Ann. /


Eileen Halpin, Clounmacon, 1st Ann. /


Helen McConnell nee Rowan, O’Connell’s Ave. & deceased family members /


Elaine, Dermot & Kenneth Foran, Ballygrennan/ Nora Walsh, Greenville                11.30am












Mon 11th            Private Intention              10.30am


Tues 12th            Kevin Casey, Woodford /


Nora, Conor, John & Con Flynn, Newmarket       10.30am


Wed 13th            Tony Dunn, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Ann.    10.30am


Thurs 14th           Nora & Bridie Daly, Irremore, Mountcoal                10.30am


Fri 15th                 St. Michael’s College Christmas Mass


Mick & Mai Carr, Moyvane          10.30am


Sat. 16th








                Cyril O Gorman, Clieveragh /


Danny B Joy, Gortnaminch /


William & Hannah Corkery, Lixnaw /


Gerard O Sullivan, Ballylongford                10.30am








                Kitty Curtin Dromin, 1st Anniversary /


Gerard O Sullivan, Ballylongford /


Kay & John McGrath, Coolaclarig &


Maurice, Bridget & Denis Harty, Causeway / Betty & Buddy Brosnan, Lyre /


Patrick (PJ) Mahoney, Convent View /


John Quilter & deceased members of the Quilter & Browne Families, Kilflynn & Waterford             Vigil


















17th       People of the Parish       9.00am




                Tom Keane, Derry /


Edmund Murphy, Behins /


Deceased members of the Bartishell Family, Convent St.               11.30am














PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Sullivan, 087-2461749.






RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS Lisha Given, Cahirdown.


Patrick (Pasty) Enright, Late of Dromerin died in Essex. Funeral arrangements at a later date in Listowel.


Margaret Whyte nee Lawlor Bedford Funeral Mass on Monday 11th Dec. at 11.30 a.m. with Burial in St. John Paul II Cemetery.


Maureen Barry nee Yates, Billerough Funeral Mass on Thursday 14th at 11:30am. burial in St. John Paul II Cemetery


ANNIVERSARY REMEBRANCES David Bunyan Sen. Convent St. & Kildimer, Clare / Maire Kelliher, Lartigue Village / Patrick O Connor, O’Connell’s Ave. / Nora Naughton & Mary Ellen Hartnett.






FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: will host the Vigil Mass on this Saturday 9th Dec. at 6.15 p.m.


ADORATION FOR ADVENT Adoration will take please every Sunday during Advent 3pm. to 6pm. Please note that Adoration will not take place on Tuesday 26th December St. Stephen’s Day.




Tuesday: Community Hospital at 2.00 p.m.


Tuesday: Writers Grove at 7.00 p.m. 


Friday: St. Michael’s College in the Church at 10.30 a.m. 


Friday: Nano Nagle at 1.30 a.m. 


CHRISTMAS MASS INTENTIONS BOOKINGS All Christmas Eve mass intentions in the Church are fully booked. There are a few left for Christmas Day, 9am. & 11:30am.












Monday, 18th December at 8.00 p.m. with visiting priests.




As Christmas Eve. is falling on a Sunday this year, there will be no 9.00am or 11:30am. morning mass but we will have three Christmas Eve Masses. The usual Vigil Mass on Saturday, December 23rd will take place.








4.00 p.m. (Children’s Mass) Parish Folk Group


6.00 p.m.  (Family Mass) Parish Folk Group) & will be broadcast on Radio Kerry.


8.00 p.m. (Family Mass) with Parish Choir




9.00 a.m. (Family Mass) Parish Folk Group


11.30 a.m. (Family Mass) Parish Choir






LISTOWEL PARISH CHRISTMAS CARDS are available at the Parish office. A pack of 6 for €5.00. Also, Christmas Mass Bouquet cards


CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: that support your priests will be taken up at all the Christmas Eve & Christmas. Envelope is available in your box or there are loose ones available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office.  Thanks


SAFE THE DATE: Pilgrimage to Lourdes with Assisted pilgrims will take place from Thursday 29th August to Tuesday 3rd September 2024.  More Information to follow early in 2024.


PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE Spiritual Director: Fr. Francis Nolan. 11th -18th    September 2024. Return flights from Cork to Dubrovnik. Cost €879 inclusive of flights, bus transfers, accommodation and food.  For details & bookings contact: Group Leader - Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen (Tralee),Tel: 066 7127143 or 087 1517696.


SAMARITANS: Have their usual Church Gate Collection at all masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 


PARISH OFFICE will be closed from 1pm. Friday 22nd December and will open Wednesday 3rd January 2024.






KERRY CHORAL UNION PRESENTS 'O Holy Night', a Christmas Gala Concert at the church of St John, Castle Street, Tralee at 7:30pm on Sunday December 10th A programme of seasonal favourites old and new to welcome in the festive season and to reflect on Christmas in troubled times. Tickets available on the door €20.


LISTOWEL HOSPICE REMEMBRANCE TREE Remember your loved ones this Christmas and tie a Yellow Ribbon on the Remembrance Tree outside St. John’s Theatre. Ribbons can be purchased for €5 in various retailers in town.  A ceremony by the tree in memory of our loved ones will take place on Saturday 16th December at 5pm. Ribbons can be purchased at the ceremony also. 


ARD CHÚRAM NORTH KERRY DAY CENTRE wishes to thank everyone on their successful annual collection that took place recently. A special thanks to the volunteers and TY student from St. Michael’s College. 


LISTOWEL/DUAGH COMHALTAS will hold a Seisiún Na Nollaig on Friday 15th December at 7pm in the Kerry Writers Museum. No entry charge.  New students / members may register on the night for new term starting on the 13th of January,




Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 2nd Dec.’23 – 10th Dec.’23




Sat. 2nd Dec.’23


Moyvane             Kathleen O’Brien (3rd Aniv.)


Church Road, Moyvane 7.30pm


Sun.3rd Dec.’23


Knockanure        John & Peggy McElligott & daughter Betty Newman (Aniv.’s)


Lissaniska & USA              9.30am


Moyvane             Bridie Shine (1st Aniv.)


Glin Road.           11.00am


Tues.5th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am




Wed.6th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.7th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Prayer Service   10.00am




Moyvane             Vigil Mass


Julia, Paddy & Billy Hanrahan (Aniv.’s) & deceased of the Hanrahan family            7.30pm


Fri.8th Dec.’23


Knockanure        Feast of the Immaculate Conception


People of the Parish       9.30am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.9th Dec.’23


Moyvane             Maurice & Joe O’Connell (Aniv.’s) & deceased of the O’Connell family   7.30pm


Sun.10th  Dec.’23


Knockanure        Sheila (6th Aniv.) Gortdromagouna & deceased of the Nash family          9.30am


Moyvane             Thomas Culhane (Aniv.)                11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084


Collections: Offertory €850, Moyvane Shrine €330.  Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Funeral Arrangements for Liturgy (Mass/other) must be made with Fr. Brendan well in advance of the event.




2nd Collection this weekend 2nd&3rd Dec. for Diocesan Youth Services.


From the Pastoral Council Meeting; In Future, on holy days (except on St. Patrick’s Day), there will be a 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Moyvane and 9.30am Mass in Knockanure.




The Christmas Mass schedule will be;


Christmas Eve: 6.00pm Moyvane


                                   8.00pm Knockanure


Christmas Day: 9.30am Knockanure


                                   11.00am Moyvane


Other Notices:


Saint Vincent de Paul Annual Church Gate collection next wkend 9th & 10th Dec.  Volunteers also required in the Moyvane area, contact 087-9818053.


Did you know that you can have meals delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Knockanure Community Centre, for more information contact Centre on 068-49799 or Mary on 087-6328104


We are delighted to share with you that our postponed Moyvane Village Festival 30th Anniversary Celebration will take place on Saturday December 9th in the Marian Hall. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate all that is good about our community and all the work that has gone into making the Moyvane Village Festival a special weekend in our parish for the last 30 years.


We kick off at 8pm with a mulled wine reception. Followed by finger food & light entertainment. It promises to be a special night. There are a limited number of tickets available so reach out to any Moyvane Development Association members to secure your tickets today. Cost €20.


Mary Culloty O’ Sullivan presents an evening of Carols and Poetry in Listowel Arms Hotel on Wednesday 6th December 7.30pm. Special Guests North Kerry Community Choir. Free Entry. Donations/ Raffle in aid of Recovery Haven Cancer Support Services.


O’Shea’s of Kerry coach to Knock Shrine Night Vigil for the Feast of Immaculate Conception Thurs. 7th Dec.  Coaches depart Listowel 4.30pm (The Bridge) and Abbeyfeale 4.45pm (The Church).  €40p/person. Contact 066-7180123


Care of the Aged Moyvane/Knockanure. Chiropodist will attend Marian Hall Mon. Dec 4th 11am. For appointment contact Noreen 068-49238. Cost €30.


"Youth 2000 Ireland” annual Christmas retreat in Dominican College, Newbridge, Co Kildare, 8th-10th Dec. for ages 16-35. Talks, music, prayer, Masses, Reconciliation. Free buses from all over the country. Donation only. Register www.youth2000.ie"
















MASSES THIS WEEK 3rd – 10th December


Sat 2nd


                Noreen Hickey, Ballygologue Park & Mary & Patrick Hickey, Banemore /


Philomena Walsh Feale Drive &


Teresa Dennehy O’Connell’s Ave. /


Andy Sayers, Cahirdown /


Kitty Galvin, Greenville /


Margaret Lynch, Glin /


Deceased members of the Halpin, O’Sullivan, & Scanlon families /


Ellenor Culbert nee Moore, Charles St. Vigil




















Sun 3rd                 Thomas, Joan, Mary & Teresa Keating, Dirha Cottages    9.00am




                David O Brien, Kilmeany, Kilmorna /


Chris Nolan, Ballahadigue & London /


Mike Osbourne, Beaufort / Mary Ann & Tomás Sheehy, Ballyduff / Mai Mulroe, Ballinrobe & New York 11.30am










Mon 4th               James Mulligan, Dublin / James Joy, Listowel


 / Mary & Nelle Hanley, Verona, Illinois  10.30am


Tues 5th               Bridget Teresa Gallagher nee O Sullivan, Killocrim /


Michael & Margaret Dillon, Bridget Halpin, Meen & Eddie Leahy, Shrone               10.30am








Wed 6th               Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown, Birthday Rem. /


Cyril Puttock, Mary, Bunny & Buddy Dalton, Charles St. / Michael, Mary, Lil & Noreen Foley, Cahirdown                  10.30am








Thurs 7th














                Claudia Costello, Coolaclarig & Ballygologue Pk. /


Mary Enright nee O Shea London & Caherciveen /


Charlie & Joseph O Hanlon, Woodford     10.30am










                Patsy Lyons, Clieveragh / Timmy Kennelly, Bedford / Dan & Joan Hayes, Bridge Rd /


Mary Walsh, Dirha East   7.00pm










of  BVM          


Fri 8th                   Amedee Crowley, William St. /


Kitty Healy nee Collins, Convent St. & dec. family / Deceased members of the Bracken, Family / John O Halloran, The Meadows            10.30am








Sat. 9th








                James Henigan, The Square        10.30am




Gerard Dillon, The Paddocks, Months Mind /


Tony Dunne, Ballygologue Pk, 1st Ann. /


John Quilter, Dirha East, 1st Ann. /


Caroline Enright, Feale Drive /


Margaret Moloney, Derry /


Bridget Toomey, Dirha Cottages /


Deceased members of the Lartigue Theatre Group           




















10th       Mary, John & Tom Daly, Bridge Rd. /


William Doyle, Fourhane               9.00am






                Brendan O Sullivan, Woodford, 1st Ann. /


Eileen Halpin, Clounmacon, 1st Ann. /


Helen McConnell nee Rowan, O’Connell’s Ave. & deceased family members /


Elaine, Dermot & Kenneth Foran, Ballygrennan  11.30am




















PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083.






ANNIVERSARY REMEBRANCES Paddy Carmody, Skehenerin / Toddy O Connor, Church St. / Eddie Leahy, Shrone & Margaret Dillon, Meen / Tom Dowd, O’Dowd’s Rd.








CHILDREN'S LITURGY takes place at our Vigil Mass on Saturday night  ( 2nd  December ). This is a great opportunity for our younger children to participate at Mass. All our children are most welcome. 


ADORATION FOR ADVENT Adoration will take please every Sunday during Advent 3pm. to 6pm. Please note that Adoration will not take place on Tuesday 26th December St. Stephen’s Day.


COMMUNION CALLS TO THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND: Fr. Declan will be making his Christmas calls to the Sick on this Tuesday afternoon. If anybody would like a visit with the sacraments in particular in preparation for Christmas, give Parish Office a call.


FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF BVM: It’s a holy Day of obligation. Vigil Mass on Thursday at 7.00 p.m. & Mass on Friday morning is at 10.30 a.m.


FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: will host the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening next 9th Dec. at 6.15 p.m. All parents and their children are asked to attend. The meeting of the parents hosting the Mass are asked to meet Fr. Declan in the Presbytery on Thursday evening (Dec. 7th) at 6.00 p.m. 


LISTOWEL PARISH CHRISTMAS CARDS are available at the Parish office. A pack of 6 for €5.00. Also, Christmas Mass Bouquet cards.




LISTOWEL ST. VINCENT DE PAUL will hold their annual church gate collection next weekend -  Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December. Your support is always appreciated.










Monday, 18th December at 8.00 p.m. with visiting priests.


As Christmas Eve. is falling on a Sunday this year, there will be no 9.00am or 11:30am. morning mass but we will have three Christmas Eve Masses. The usual Vigil Mass on Saturday, December 23rd will take place.








4.00 p.m. (Children’s Mass) Parish Folk Group


6.00 p.m.  (Family Mass) Parish Folk Group) & will be broadcast on Radio Kerry.


8.00 p.m. (Family Mass) with Parish Choir




9.00 a.m. (Family Mass) Parish Folk Group


11.30 a.m. (Family Mass) Parish Choir








CLOUNMACON COMMUNITY ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MASS:  for the people of Clounmacon and surrounding districts Friday next 8th Dec. at 8pm. at Clounmacon Centre.


CHRISTMAS ALL-WRAPPED UP CRAFT FAIR, CAR BOOT SALE & SANTA. This Sunday 3rd December 20923 at Duagh Sports Complex from 12.00pm to 4.30pm. Contact Geraldine on 087 2684540 to book a table. Lots of Christmas Hampers and Spot Prizes to be won. Santa and Mrs Claus will attend also. Booking for Santa is essential. Sensory friendly times available. Contact 087 6618881.


MARY CULLOTY O’ SULLIVAN presents an evening of Carols and Poetry in Listowel Arms Hotel on Wednesday 6th December 7.30pm. Special Guests North Kerry Community Choir. Free Entry.. Donations/ Raffle in aid of Recovery Haven Cancer Support Services.


CELTIC BROTHERS CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  in Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Abbeyfeale on Sunday, December 10th.   The concert will begin at 7.30pm. Tickets cost €25 and can be got in Listowel Parish office.






KERRY CHORAL UNION PRESENTS 'O Holy Night', a Christmas Gala Concert at the church of St John the Baptist, Castle Street, Tralee at 7:30pm on Sunday December 10th with guest baritone Maksym Lozovyi and trumpeter Mark Bright and a programme of seasonal favourites old and new to welcome in the festive season and to reflect on Christmas in troubled times. Tickets available on the door €20.











Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 25th Nov.’23 – 3rd Dec.’23




Sat. 25th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Margaret & Johnny Meade (Aniv.’s)


Aughrim               7.30pm


Sun.26th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Paddy & Bridie & Jack Flavin (Aniv’s)


Kilmeaney           9.30am


Moyvane             Fr. John P. Cunningham


Baltimore, USA 11.00am


Marian Hall         Senior Citizens Christmas Mass  12.30pm


Tues.28th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Bridie C. Shine (2nd Aniv.) and deceased members of the Shine family   10.00am




Wed.29th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.30th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Kit & Edward Fitzmaurice (Aniv.’s)


Leitrim Middle   10.00am




Fri.1st Dec.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.2nd Dec.’23


Moyvane             Kathleen O’Brien (3rd Aniv.)


Church Road, Moyvane 7.30pm


Sun.3rd Dec.’23


Knockanure        John & Peggy McElligott & daughter Betty Newman (Aniv.’s) Lissaniska & USA   9.30am


Moyvane             Bridie Shine (1st Aniv.)


Glin Road.           11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083


Collections: Offertory €805.  Thank you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.




2nd Collection next weekend for Diocesan Youth Services.




Funeral Arrangements for Liturgy (Mass/other) must be made with Fr. Brendan well in advance of the event.


From the Pastoral Council Meeting; In Future, on holy days (except on St. Patrick’s Day), there will be a 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Moyvane and 9.30am Mass in Knockanure.




The Christmas Mass schedule will be;


Christmas Eve: 6.00pm Moyvane


                                   8.00pm Knockanure




Christmas Day: 9.30am Knockanure


                                   11.00am Moyvane


Other Notices:


Did you know that you can have meals delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Knockanure Community Centre, for more information contact Centre on 068-49799 or Mary on 087-6328104


Listowel Arms Hotel Blood Donation Clinic, Tues. 28th Nov. & Weds 29th Nov. 16:50-20:10. New Donors welcome and urgently needed at all clinics. Please call 1800 222 111 for appointment


O’Shea’s of Kerry coach to Knock Shrine Night Vigil for the Feast of Immaculate Conception Thurs. 7th Dec.  Coaches depart Listowel 4.30pm (The Bridge) and Abbeyfeale 4.45pm (The Church).  €40p/person. Contact 066-7180123


Parkinson’s Ireland Kerry Branches will host an Information event Thurs. 30th Nov.’23 in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee 6.30pm–8pm. Free event open to people affected by Parkinson’s, their families, friends and wider community. For more info. https://www.parkinsons.ie/kerry-information-event/


Care of the Aged Moyvane/Knockanure. Chiropodist will attend Marian Hall Mon. Dec 4th 11am. For appointment contact Noreen 068-49238. Cost €30.


Online Music Workshop for Advent, inviting all church musicians, singers, choir members, directors to an online music workshop, Via Zoom, Tues. Nov. 28th 7pm.  Contact Tomás on 086-3683778 and a Zoom link will be sent to you, or email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie


"Youth 2000 Ireland” annual Christmas retreat in Dominican College, Newbridge, Co Kildare, 8th-10th Dec. for ages 16-35. Talks, music, prayer, Masses, Reconciliation. Free buses from all over the country. Donation only. Register www.youth2000.ie"


Communal First Saturday 2nd Dec. commencing at 8.45 am in the Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Beginning with the Fatima intentions and prayer. Followed by the Rosary at 9am, Mass at 9.30 then 15mins meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary. All will be done with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.




















 Listowel Parish


MASSES THIS WEEK 26th – 3rd December




Sat 25th


                Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee. Birthday Rem. /


Joan Hayes, Bridge Rd. /


James & Maureen Keane, William St. /


Brendan Casey Woodford & The Meadows / Mary & Phil Healy, Greenville /


William (Bill) Gleeson, Bunagara /


Dan & Deb Guiney & Sr. Mary, Gortcreen /


Michael & Teresa Bambury, William & Ellen McMahon, Gortaglanna /


John Gerard McMahon, Carrueragh /


Margaret O Connor, Cool /


Jimmy Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce


























Sun 26th              Richard & Margaret Roche, O’Connell’s Ave. / Maire Sheehy nee Greaney, Dirha East, Birthday Remembrance /


Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane    9.00am


                Micheal Enright, Ennismore & Charles St. / Pat & Mary Brosnan, Athea   11.30am


Mon 27th            Patrick & Mary Murphy, Bedford /


Joan Healy nee Reidy, Ballygologue Pk & deceased family members        10.30am


Tues 28th            David Kennelly, Knockaure /


Pa & Willie Keane & Chris & Michael Dillon & dec family, Ballygrennan /


Mamie & Ned Joe Galvin, Clounmacon /


Helena McElligott, Asdee & Listowel       10.30am


Wed 29th            Peggy & Fintan McGrath & deceased family, William St. 10.30am


Thurs 30th           Teampaillin Ban Cemetery /


Mass of thanksgiving        10.30am


Fri 1st                    Patrick Regan, Ballyheigue           10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass 6.45pm


Sat. 2nd




















                Breda Moriarty, Woodford, 1st Ann. /


Valerie Stack, Bunagara /


Ned McGrath, Woodford /


Fr. Bryan Dalton, Bridge Rd. /


Margo Kennedy Hinchey, Ballygologue Rd., Birthday Rem.           10.30am














Noreen Hickey, Ballygologue Park & Mary & Patrick Hickey, Banemore /


Philomena Walsh Feale Drive &


Teresa Dennehy O’Connell’s Ave. /


Andy Sayers, Cahirdown /


Kitty Galvin, Greenville /


Margaret Lynch, Glin     


















3rd         Thomas, Joan, Mary & Teresa Keating, Dirha Cottages    9.00am






                David O Brien, Kilmeany, Kilmorna /


Chris Nolan, Ballahadigue & London /


Mike Osbourne, Beaufort             11.30am












PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083.




RECENTS DEATHS John Sheehy, Clounmacon.


   Dan Daly, 23 Baile O’Dubhda.




ANNIVERSARY REMEBRANCES Kit Rowe nee Moriarty, Coolkeragh. 






CLIMATE JUSTICE CANDLE As part of the ‘Shine a Light on Climate Justice’ Initiative launched for COP21 in 2015, the candle has visited parishes & communities all over the country. The hope is to encourage churches & communities to take ‘green’ actions & include climate justice in their prayers. The candle will also be at our Masses this weekend and at our weekly Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday the 28th.


CHILDREN'S LITURGY takes place at our Vigil Mass on Saturday night next ( 2nd December ). This is a great opportunity for our younger children to participate at Mass. All our children are most welcome. 


KERRY DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICES annual collection will be taken up at all masses next weekend after communion.




The Diocese of Kerry will host a webinar, “Moving Forward in Hope – shaping together a future for our local church communities, parishes and pastoral areas” on this  MONDAY NIGHT, November 27th @ 7.30 pm. The speaker, Dr Jessie Rogers, will explore God’s call to us as Church today. This will prepare us for parish meetings to be held throughout the diocese in February 2024, where we will plan together for the future of our parishes. To register, www.dioceseofkerry.ie






UPDATE ON OUR PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ASSISI / San GIOVANNE & ROME IN OCTOBER 2024?  We are delighted to say that it looks most likely that we will travel on this trip in mid-October of next year – The numbers who have expressed their interest makes it  viable and if anything we are oversubscribed. We will now start working on an itinerary with our Travel Agency that will have a balance of history, prayer and indeed some leisure time. The Parish Office will advise those interested as soon as we receive them.   








LISTOWEL BLOOD DONATION CLINIC Listowel Arms Hotel Tuesday 28th November & Wednesday 29th November 16:50 - 20:10. New Donors welcome at all clinics Please call 1800 222 111 for appointment.


CHRISTMAS ALL-WRAPPED UP CRAFT FAIR, CAR BOOT SALE & SANTA. Sunday 3rd December 20923 at Duagh Sports Complex from 12.00pm to 4.30pm. Contact Geraldine on 087 2684540 to book a table. Lots of Christmas Hampers and Spot Prizes to be won. Santa and Mrs Claus will attend also. Booking for Santa is essential. Sensory friendly times available. Contact 087 6618881.


TOTUS TUUS MAGAZINE is a Catholic magazine, full of articles from Irish priests and laity, which aims to highlight the beauty and joy of our faith. It is going into its 7th year and is run by donations. If you haven't come across Totus Tuus Magazine and would like a free copy please contact Fiona Kiely on 086 8760058.


PARKINSON’S IRELAND KERRY BRANCHES will host an Information event on Thursday, 30th of November 2023 in the Meadowlands Hotel, Oakpark, Tralee at 6.30pm – 8pm. This is a free event open to people affected by Parkinson’s, their families, friends and wider community. For full list of speakers log onto: https://www.parkinsons.ie/kerry-information-event/







Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 18th Nov.’23 – 26th Nov.’23




Sat. 18th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Peggy & Mick Sheehan (Aniv.’s)


Leitrim Middle   7.30pm


Sun.19th Nov.’23


Knockanure        John Joe Barry (3rd Aniv.)


Knockanure Village         9.30am


Moyvane             Myles & Nora Kearney & Danny Cunningham (Aniv.’s)   11.00am


Tues.21st Nov.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am




Wed.22nd Nov.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.23rd Nov.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention






Fri.24th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.25th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Margaret & Johnny Meade (Aniv.’s)


Aughrim               7.30pm


Sun.26th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Paddy & Bridie & Jack Flavin (Aniv’s)


Kilmeaney           9.30am


Moyvane             Fr. John P. Cunningham


Baltimore, USA 11.00am


Marian Hall         Senior Citizens Christmas Mass  12.30pm


Priest on duty: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-2200114


Collections: Offertory €810, 2nd collection €240, Priest Dues €1,550.


Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Parish Pastoral Council will be held in the Sacristy at 7.30pm on Tues. 21st November.  Any items for the agenda, please by Friday Nov. 17th.






If you are a Eucharistic Minister who takes communion to nursing homes or private homes of non-family members you must attend training. This training is on zoom, Tues. 28th Nov 7-9pm. Please contact Jacklyn McCarthy jacklynmccarthy@dioceseofkerry.org or 064-6631168 to book a place. If you take communion to direct family members you do not need to attend training.




Synthesis Report of a Synodal Church. 


A hard copy (39 pages) is available at the Parish Office for consultation.  For a digital copy, contact the Office.  There are two pages of its high points in circulation.


Among other points are:


-Commitment to wider community prayer beyond the celebration of Mass (p.8m)


-“the celebration of the Eucharist”, especially on Sunday, is the first and foundational form by which the people of God meet.  When this is not possible, the Community although desiring the Eucharist gathers to celebrate a Liturgy of the Word (p.7c).




Webinar – Shaping the Future of Parishes. The Diocese of Kerry will host a webinar, “Moving Forward in Hope – shaping together a future for our local church communities, parishes and pastoral areas” on Monday, November 27th @ 7.30 pm. The speaker, Dr Jessie Rogers, will explore God’s call to us as Church today. This will prepare us for parish meetings to be held throughout the diocese in February 2024, where we will plan together for the future of our parishes. To register, www.dioceseofkerry.ie


Other Notices:


Ballybunion Community Centre Blood Donation Clinic Thursday 23rd November 16:50 - 20:10. New Donors welcome and urgently needed at all clinics.  Please call 1800 222 111 for appointment


Care of the Aged Moyvane/Knockanure. Chiropodist will attend Marian Hall Mon. Dec 4th 11am. For appointment contact Noreen 068-49238. Cost€30.


The Moyvane/Knockanure Senior Citizens/Care of the Aged Christmas Party shall take place on Sun. Nov. 26th in the Marian Hall. The day will begin with Mass at 12.30pm followed by dinner, music and evening tea. Please contact Ita 068-49134/Noreen 068-49238 before Nov. 19th. Cost €25p/person.


North Kerry annual Mass & World Day of Remembrance Mass for road traffic victims Sun. Nov. 19th at 9.00am, St. Mary’s Church, Listowel. 














Listowel Parish News.




MASSES THIS WEEK 19th – 26th November




Sat 18th


                Confirmation Canadettes Enrolment Night Michael Fahey, Knockanbrack, 1st Ann. / Madge & Michael Wolfe /


Tommy & Anne O Connor & dec. fam., Asdee / Dec. Mem. of the Shine Family &


Tony Wilkson / Noreen Buckley, Bridge Rd. / Kathleen, Stephen & Tony Whelan,


Finuge / Eva Murphy, Church St. & Noreen Broderick, Bunagara / Teddy & Margaret Hartnett, Lartigue Village & Clieveragh /


Mossie Molyneaux, Woodford /


Mary Kiernan, Hawthorn Dr. /


Mary & Tim Horan, Ennismore   Vigil
























Sun 19th              World day remembrance for traffic victims          9.00am


                Presentation Secondary hosting this mass in honour of Presentation Day (Nov. 21st)


Helen Enright, Billerough /


Evelyn Scannell, Dromin & dec. Fam. /


Dan Hannon, Ballygologue Pk. /


Jack, Mary & Edward Carmody, Knockaure /Sean Boland, Market St. /


Michael & Kathleen Cody, Ballybunion rd. / Toddy Buckley, Bridge Rd. /


Dec. Mem. of the Behan & Lynch Families,


St. Brendan’s Tce.  & O’Connell’s Ave.    11.30am






















Mon 20th            / Richard Woulfe, William St., 1st Ann. /


Mary Gallagher, Gortcreen & England    10.30am


Tues 21st             Bridie Hannon, Gortcreen &


Margaret Stack, Charles St. /


Thomas (Tom) O Sullivan, Finuge              10.30am


Wed 22nd           Jule Scanlon, Bridge Rd. /


Liam Collins, Springmount, Duagh             10.30am


Thurs 23rd           Patrick O Connor, Moyvane & Listowel, Birthday Remembrance /


Eilee Brady Callahan, Chicago, Breda Kennelly Brady, Rathea & Tom Brady, Cavan & Chicago           10.30am


Fri 24th                 Patsy & Ethna Doyle, Church St.                10.30am


                Mass for the Funerals in our Parish, Nov. 1st 2022 to Oct. 31st 2023)         7.00pm


Sat. 25th
















                Holy Souls on November List      10.30am






Joan Hayes, Bridge Rd. /


James & Maureen Keane, William St. /


Brendan Casey Woodford /


Mary & Phil Healy, Greenville /


William (Bill) Gleeson, Bunagara /


Dan & Deb Guiney & Sr. Mary, Gortcreen /


Michael & Teresa Bambury, William & Ellen McMahon, Gortaglanna /


John Gerard McMahon, Carrueragh /


Margaret O Connor, Cool            
























26th       Richard & Margaret Roche, O’Connell’s Ave. / Maire Sheehy nee Greaney, Dirha East, Birthday Remembrance  9.00am






                Micheal Enright, Ennismore & Church St. /


Pat & Mary Brosnan, Athea          11.30am








PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Crean-Lynch, 087-2200114.




RECENTS DEATHS Gerard Dillon, Listowel & Duagh.


John Lyons, Clountubrid.


ANNIVERSARY REMEBRANCES Patrick Doody, Upper Tullig, Kilflynn / Eddie Flaherty, Charles St. / Margaret Duggan, Dirha East.






THE ROSARY will be recited at Teampaillin Ban at 3pm each Sunday during November. All welcome.




The Diocese of Kerry will host a webinar, “Moving Forward in Hope – shaping together a future for our local church communities, parishes and pastoral areas” on Monday, November 27th @ 7.30 pm. The speaker, Dr Jessie Rogers, will explore God’s call to us as Church today. This will prepare us for parish meetings to be held throughout the diocese in February 2024, where we will plan together for the future of our parishes. To register, www.dioceseofkerry.ie


CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES 2024 the Diocese will host an online talk for parents of children preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The talk will take place on Wed. Nov 22nd @7.30pm given by Dr Patricia Kieran, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. Dr. Patricia is a parent, lecturer in MIC and director of the Irish Institute for Catholic Studies. Register link for parents to register on-line at:








A SPECIAL REMEMBRANCE MASS FOR ALL WHOSE FUNERAL MASS THAT TOOK PLACE at St. Mary’s Church, from NOV. 1st2022 TO OCT. 31st2023 will take place on Friday night next, Nov. 24th at 7.00 p.m. A special welcome to all of our bereaved family members. A special thanks to our Parish Liturgy Group for the fantastic work that they put into this liturgy.  


NOVEMBER ENVELOPES: Thank you for your generosity with the November offerings for our Dead on our November Lists which is customary at this time of year. November Envelopes are available in your Envelope Box and there are some still at the back of church & Parish Office. We will continue to pray for them at each of our daily Masses and the special mass for the Holy Souls on Saturday morning next. Thanks




ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A  PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ASSISI / San GIOVANNE & ROME NEXT OCTOBER 2024?  Our Parish Pastoral Council is considering the above trip to Italia next October which would last for one week. It will only happen if it is viable. If you are interested please make contact with Denise (Parish Secretary)  by making a ‘declaration of interest’ at the Parish Office either by email: listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie with your name, address and phone number. She can also email you a sample  itinerary or call into the office before Friday, December 1st  after which a decision will be made. Thanks   








ST JOHN’S THEATRE COMPANY present Jimmy Murphy’s The Kings of the Kilburn High Road directed by Bernie Daly from 22nd - 27th November, contact St John’s to book.


KERRY BLOOD DONATION CLINIC Ballybunion Community Centre, Thursday 23rd November, 16:50 - 20:10. New Donors welcome at all clinics Please call 1800 222 111 for appointment.





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 4th Nov.’23 – 12th Nov.’23




Sat. 4th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Paddy & Maureen Fitzmaurice (Aniv.)


Gortdromasilihy               7.30pm


Sun.5th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Michael Culhane (Aniv.) Ballyguiltenane & deceased members of the Sheahan & Culhane families                9.30am


Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am


Tues.7th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention


ICA Mass, Marian Hall    10.00am




Wed.8th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.9th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention


Remembrance Mass      10.00am




Fri.10th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention






Upcoming Masses:


Sat.11th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Liam Sexton (Aniv.) & deceased members of the Sexton family 7.30pm


Sun.12th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Robert Connor (Aniv.)   9.30am


Moyvane             Paddy Carmody (aniv.) & deceased members of the Carmody family      11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Jerry Keane 087-2844649


Collections: Offertory €1,005, November Offerings €1,845. Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Confirmation will be celebrated in Moyvane Weds. 20th Mar.’24 at 11.30am.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Moyvane Sat. 4th May’24 at 11.00am and in Knockanure Sat. 11th May’24 at 11.00am.




The Pope has appealed for Prayers for Peace in the World. Remember the Intention at Mass, home and school.


Parish Pastoral Council will be held in the Sacristy at 7.30pm on Tues. 21st November.  Any items for the agenda, please by Friday Nov. 17th.




2nd Collection next weekend 11th & 12th Nov. for the Irish Church Commission & Agencies.




During winter the Church will normally be locked at 5pm.


Other Notices:


The annual ICA November Mass will be held at the Marian Hall on Tuesday 7th November at 7:30pm. Everybody welcome.


North Kerry annual Mass & World Day of Remembrance Mass for road traffic victims on Sunday morning (Nov. 19th) at 9.00am.  Observation of this day provides an opportunity to draw our attention to road traffic crashes, their consequences and costs, and the measures which can be taken to prevent them.


Basic First Aid Class Tues. 14th Nov. 7pm-9pm at the Marian Hall. All welcome.


Memorial Mass will be held for deceased members of Kerry Ingredients at St. Michael’s Church Lixnaw on Weds. 15th Nov.’23 at 7.30pm.


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 14th November at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group and you can get further information on this by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie


Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) are starting a 6 week Thriving and Surviving course on Wednesday 8th November to Wednesday 13th December from 10.30 am - 1 pm.


This course is to help support people recovering after cancer treatment.


This will be held at the Primary Care Centre in Listowel.


If you are interested, please ring Reception on 066 7192122.


Annual November Mass for all who died within University Hospital Kerry over the past year, including in Palliative Care Services, Maternity Services, relatives of hospital staff and former staff. The Mass for the Dead will be celebrated on Mon. 6th Nov. @7pm in St Johns Church Tralee and will be live streamed on www.churchservices.tv/tralee or www.stjohns.ie




Listowel Church News










MASSES THIS WEEK   5th – 12th November                    


Sat 4th                  Marcella Holly, Ferndene, 1st Ann. /


Jean Flaherty, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Ann. /


Joseph Shine, Colbert St., 1st Ann. /


John & Phillis McMahon, Clieveragh Pk./


John Paul, Eugene & Eileen McCarthy, Bunagara / Noreen Lyons, Cahirdown       Vigil










Sun 5th                 Mary & Willie Keane, Lenamore, Ballylongford   9.00am


                Maureen Hayes, Gortacrossane /


Mary Sheehan, Aviation Drive 1st Ann. /


Margaret (Peggy) Enright, The Square & Cahirdown        11.30am




Mon 6th               John Edmud Maher, New Orleans /


Eileen Greaney, Ballygologue Pk.              10.30am


Tues 7th               Joe Heffernan, Clieveragh           10.30am


Wed 8th                               10.30am


Thurs 9th             Beta Legg nee Keane, England & O’Connell’s Ave., 1st Anniversary            10.30am


Fri 10th                 Irene McElligott, Craughatoosane            10.30am


Sat. 11th              Holy Souls on November List      10.30am


                Denis (VG) O Sullivan, Greenville, Months Mind / Sean O Neill, Bunagara /


Martin & Peggy Mulvihill & dec. fam. Asdee / Patsy Cronin, Bridge Rd /


Maura & Paddy Lynch, Dirha Cottages /


Dr. Robert Corridan, The Square & dec. Fam. / John & Phillis Keane, Ballygrennan /


Elizabeth O Connor, Greenville /


Norma Ryan, Skehenerin /


Kathleen McCarthy, Tanavalla /


Peg Moloney nee Stack, Ballylongford /


John Sayers, Greenville Vigil






















Sun 12th              Collette O Halloran nee Doyle, Ennismore / Mary Anne Keane & dec. Fam. William St      9.00am


                Gerald & bridie Molyneaux, Clounmacon / Denis, Joan & Patrick Horgan & dec. fam. Skehenerin / Danny, Nora & Eileen O Donoghue, Bedford       11.30am










ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Moss Lyons, Finuge / Barry Curtin, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Sean & Carol McCarthy, Killocrim / Agness Kelly, Charles St. / Mary Lucey, Teresa O Sullivan nee Lucey, Chares St.








PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Keane, 0872844649.


IRISH CHURCH COMMISSIONS & AGENCIES Kerry diocesan collection will be taken up at all masses this weekend.


CHILDREN’S LITURGY GROUP: takes place this Saturday at our Vigil Mass (4th Nov.). All children present are welcome to join to Children’s Liturgy Group in the Parish Meeting Room who will help them understand the Word of God and return in time for the Offertory. All are welcome.




NOVEMBER BLESSING OF GRAVES WITH PRAYERS FOR OUR DEAD WITH FR. DECLAN:  this Sunday, 5th Nov.: St. Michael’s at 2 p.m. / St. John Paul II at 2.30 p.m. / Finuge at 3 p.m. & Springmount, Duagh at 3.45 p.m.  (Lasting just 10 minutes long irrespective of weather conditions – so come prepared -All are welcome)




NOVEMBER ENVELOPES: are available in your Envelope Box and there are some at the back of church & Parish Office. Youi can use this envelope or any envelope to return the list of your beloved dead to be remembered during the parish November Masses for the Holy Souls and for the customary November Offerings that support your priests. Thanks.


LISTOWEL ADORATION GROUP will meet straight after morning mass Monday 6th in the parish meeting room.


LISTOWEL PARISH LITURGY GROUP will take place on Monday, 6th Nov. at 6pm. in the presbytery.


LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: will take place on Monday, November 6th in the Presbytery at 7pm. All members are asked to attend.




MASS FOR THOSE ON OUR NOVEMBER LISTS: All Souls Day: Masses 10.30 a.m. & 7.00 p.m. & each Saturday morning during the month, 11th, 18th & 25th all at 10.30 a.m.  A SPECIAL MASS FOR ALL WHOES FUNERAL THAT TOOK PLACE from NOVEMBER 1st2022 TO OCTOBER 31st2023 IN LISTOWEL CHURCH Friday, Nov. 24th at 7.00 p.m.


ANNUAL ACTIVE RETIRED GROUP MASS Will be celebrated for the deceased members, on Tuesday 7th Nov. at 2:30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. All welcome.


ANNUAL BRIDGE CLUB MASS Will take please on Tuesday 7th November at 7pm. in the Listowel Arm’s Hotel.


MEDJUGORJE PRAYER GROUP will meet Monday 13th Nov. at the 10.30am. mass in the parish meeting room. All welcome.








INVITATION UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL KERRY PASTORAL CARE DEPARTMENT You, your family and loved ones are invited to the annual November Mass for all those who have died within the Hospital over the past year, including those who have died in Palliative Care Services, Maternity Services, relatives of hospital staff and former staff members of University Hospital Kerry. The Mass for the Dead will be celebrated on Monday 6th November @ 7pm in St Johns Church Castle Street Tralee.


This Mass will also be live streamed for those unable to attend in person. www.churchservices.tv/tralee or www.stjohns.ie


NORTH KERRY ANNUAL MASS & WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE MASS FOR ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS on Sunday morning (Nov. 19th) at 9.00am. in St. Mary’s Church, Listowel. Observation of this day provides an opportunity to draw our attention to road traffic crashes, their consequences and costs, and the measures which can be taken to prevent them.


CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES The diocese will host an online talk for parents of children preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation next year. The talk will take place on Wed. Nov 22nd @7.30pm given by Dr Patricia Kieran, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. Dr. Patricia is a parent, lecturer in MIC and director of the Irish Institute for Catholic Studies. Here is the link for parents to register for the online talk - https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yHlblMIIRMCBiiXRkmC5ZA




KERRY INGREDIENTS ANNUAL MASS will take place in St. Michael’s Church, Lixnaw 15th November at 7.30pm.


RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY (CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE) are starting a 6 week Thriving and Surviving course on Wednesday 8th November to Wednesday 13th December from 10.30 am - 1 pm. This course is to help support people recovering after cancer treatment. This will be held at the Primary Care Centre in Listowel.  If you are interested, 066 7192122.


ANAM CARA KERRY, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 14th Nov. at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group and you can get further information on this by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie









Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 28th Oct.’23 – 5th Nov.’23




Sat. 28st Oct.’23


Moyvane             Mary Ellen Flaherty (Aniv.)


Keylod  7.30pm


Sun.29th Oct.’23


Knockanure        John Gerard McMahon (Aniv.)


Carraughera       9.30am


Moyvane             Michael & Breda Dore (Aniv.)     11.00am


Tues.31st Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention


All Saints Day


Vigil Mass            10.00am






Wed.1st Nov.’23


Knockanure        All Saints Day     9.30am


Moyvane                             11.00am


Thur.2nd Nov.’23


Moyvane             All Souls Day       10.00am


Fri.3rd Nov.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention


Tim O’Connor RIP, Inchamore & Sligo     10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.4th Nov.’23


Moyvane             Paddy & Maureen Fitzmaurice (Aniv.)


Gortdromasilihy               7.30pm


Sun.5th Nov.’23


Knockanure        Michael Culhane (Aniv.) Ballyguiltenane & deceased members of the Sheahan & Culhane families                9.30am


Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549


Collections: Offertory €925, Missions Sunday €870. Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Confirmation will be celebrated in Moyvane Weds. 20th Mar.’24 at 11.30am.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Moyvane Sat. 4th May’24 at 11.00am and in Knockanure Sat. 11th May’24 at 11.00am.




The Pope has appealed for Prayers for Peace in the World. Remember the Intention at Mass, home and school.




All Saints Day Weds. 1st Nov. is a Holy day.




Other Notices:


Moyvane Youth Club annual Church gate collection this weekend the 28th & 29th Oct in Moyvane & Knockanure, all donations greatly appreciated.


Basic First Aid Class was cancelled due to the weather on 17th Oct. will now take place 14th Nov. 7pm-9pm at the Marian Hall. All welcome.


Annual November Mass for all who died within University Hospital Kerry over the past year, including in Palliative Care Services, Maternity Services, relatives of hospital staff and former staff. The Mass for the Dead will be celebrated on Mon. 6th Nov. @7pm in St Johns Church Tralee and will be live streamed on www.churchservices.tv/tralee or www.stjohns.ie


Communal First Saturday devotions will take place 4th Nov. at 8.45am in the Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Devotions will begin with the Fatima intentions followed by Rosary and celebration of Mass at 9.30am.


All will be done with the intention of saving souls and making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, thus fulfilling Our Lady's request to the Laity to pray for peace.


Invitation to Medjugorje Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Milltown on Sun. Oct. 29th 11:15a.m. All Welcome.


Festival Time this October Bank Holiday weekend, celebrating 30 years.


Friday night, Oct. 27: Opening night 'John Moriarty: Grounded in Story'. Followed by refreshments. Doors open 7.00pm starting at 7.30pm. Tickets available at local outlets, incl. Kennelly's Hardware & BD Agriparts, GAA committee members, or email mda@outlook.ie. Price €15.


Saturday, Oct. 28, Carlow-based Palatine GAA team who will take on our own Moyvane GAA team. Kickoff 3.00pm in the GAA pitch.


Sunday, Oct. 29, big family-fun day with Vintage Show, Dog Show, Kiddies Tractor Run. The Rattlin’ Rogues Sunday night in The Community Sports Hall followed by DJ Ray Stack. Doors open 8.00pm. Tickets as above, €20.


Bank Holiday Monday, Oct. 30, North Kerry Harriers Hunt. Underage football in the GAA pitch. As night falls ‘Trail of Horrors’. Closing the festival weekend with a Monster Raffle and Moyvane GAA lotto draw.














LISTOWEL Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK   29th – 5th November                    


Sat 28th                Martin Scanlon, Coolaclarig / Pat Kiernan, Hawthorn Drive / Brendan & Angela Quinlan, Coolnaleen / John, Deila, Johnny & Teddy Keane, Slievecahill /


Eileen & John O Connell, Woodford /


Timothy Scanlon, Cahirdown & Coolaclarig / Pat Lane, Coolnaleen             Vigil










Sun 29th              Buddy Scanlon, Ballygrennan      9.00am


                Monty Leahy, Clounmacon, Months Mind /Mary Sheehy, Aviation Drive 1st Ann. / John Carmody, Clountubrid & deceased family members /


Maureen (Mary) Dowling, Listowel /


Eileen & Danny Hannon, The Square /


Denis (Dodo) Riordan, Dromerin               11.30am






Mon 30th            Eamon O Connor, Gurtinard /


Tim & Michael O Sullivan, Finuge               10.30am


Tues 31st             Martin Scanlon, Ballygologue Park /


Sr. Nuala O Leary, Pres. Sisters /


Mary Brennan, Gortacrissane /


Margaret Barry, O’Connell’s Ave.             10.30am


                Vigil All Saints     7.00pm


Wed 1st               All Saints Day     10.30am


Thurs 2nd            All Souls Day         10.30am


                All Souls Day          7.00pm


Fri 3rd   Vera Enright, Ennismore               10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass /


Eric Browne, William Street         6.45pm


Sat. 4th                 Holy Souls on November List      10.30am


                Marcella Holly, Ferndene, 1st Ann. /


Jean Flaherty, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Ann. /


Joseph Shine, Colbert St., 1st Ann. /


John & Phillis McMahon, Clieveragh Pk./


John Paul, Eugene & Eileen McCarthy, Bunagara /


Noreen Lyons, Cahirdown           Vigil










Sun 5th                 Mary & Willie Keane, Lenamore, Ballylongford   9.00am


                Maureen Hayes, Gortacrossane                11.30am










PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Carmody, 0879601549.








ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Michael O Keeffe, Moyassa / Bibi Fitzsimon nee Flaherty & Joe Fitzsimon, O’Connell’s Ave. / Margaret O Carroll nee Murphy & William O Carroll, O’Connell’s Ave. / Richard (Dick) Dillon, Ennismore.


  ALL SAINTS DAY: Wednesday next (November 1st)


It is a holy day of obligation. Mass at 10.30 a.m. in the morning and the evening mass will take place at Tuesday 31st 7.00 p.m.


ALL SOULS DAY: Thursday next November 2nd on this day we commemorate all Souls and our loved ones who have passed onto eternal life. We will pray for them and all on our November Lists.  Mass at 10.30am. & 7pm.


NOVEMBER ENVELOPES: are available in your Envelope Box and there are some at the back of church & Parish Office. Youi can use this envelope or any envelope to return the list of your beloved dead to be remembered during the parish November Masses for the Holy Souls and for the customary November Offerings that support your priests. Thanks.


IRISH CHURCH COMMISSIONS & AGENCIES Kerry diocesan collection will be taken up at next weekend’s masses.


CHILDREN’S LITURGY GROUP: takes place next Saturday at our Vigil Mass (4th Nov.). All children present are welcome to join to Children’s Liturgy Group in the Parish Meeting Room who will help them understand the Word of God and return in time for the Offertory. All are welcome.


PARISH OFFICE will be closed on this Bank Holiday Monday 30th normal office hours resume on Tuesday 31st.


LISTOWEL AREA PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet in St. Patrick’s Hall on Thursday next  2nd November at 8pm.


LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: will take place on Monday, November 6th in the Presbytery. All members are asked to attend.






All Souls Day: Masses 10.30 a.m. & 7.00 p.m. & each Saturday morning during the month of November: 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th all at 10.30 a.m.  A SPECIAL MASS FOR ALL WHOES FUNERAL THAT TOOK PLACE from NOVEMBER 1st 2022 TO OCTOBER 31st  2023 IN LISTOWEL CHURCH Friday, Nov. 24th at 7.00 p.m.








NOVEMBER BLESSING OF GRAVES WITH PRAYERS FOR OUR DEAD WITH FR. DECLAN:  Sunday next, 5th November: St. Michael’s at 2 p.m. / St. John Paul II at 2.30 p.m. / Finuge at 3 p.m. & Springmount, Duagh at 3.45 p.m.  (Lasting just 10 minutes long irrespective of weather conditions – so come prepared -All are welcome)






Annual Diocesan Collection for the Irish Church Commissions & Agencies will be taken up next Sunday 5th November immediately after Holy Communion at each mass.  Many Thanks


ANNUAL ACTIVE RETIRED GROUP MASS Will be celebrated for the deceased members for the Listowel Active Retired Group, on Tuesday 7th November at 2:30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. All welcome.


ADORATION God is calling to you to sit with him, can you commit to one hour a week out of your daily life to sit with our lord? Please sign up to one of the hours on Tuesday or Wednesday from 11am. to 7pm. Please note the adoration chapel will close earlier time at 6pm. Tuesday 31st Oct.


INVITATION UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL KERRY PASTORAL CARE DEPARTMENT You, your family and loved ones are invited to the annual November Mass for all those who have died within the Hospital over the past year, including those who have died in Palliative Care Services, Maternity Services, relatives of hospital staff and former staff members of University Hospital Kerry. The Mass for the Dead will be celebrated on Monday 6th November @ 7pm in St Johns Church Castle Street Tralee.


This Mass will also be live streamed for those unable to attend in person. www.churchservices.tv/tralee or www.stjohns.ie




SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL are holding a gigantic sale at the Plaza, Church Street, listowel on Saturday 4th November from 11am to 3pm.  Great bargains on Furniture, Clothes and Toys.  


FREE DROP IN DIGITAL LEARNING HUB every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 in Listowel Library. For more information or booking, please contact Mary Swaine, Kerry ETB ALL Team, 086 7969627.





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 21st Oct.’23 – 29th Oct.’23




Sat. 21st Oct.’23


Moyvane             Nora O’Donoghue nee Leahy & Baby Leah O’Donoghue (Aniv.’s)


Moyvane & Perth .          7.30pm


Sun.22nd Oct.’23


Knockanure        Denis McEvoy (Aniv.) & deceased members of McEvoy & Foley families                9.30am


Moyvane             Jack & Bridie Stackpoole (Aniv.’s)             11.00am


Tues.24th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Sean Broderick (Aniv.)


Coilagurteen      10.00am


Wed.25th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.26th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.27th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.28th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Mary Ellen Flaherty (Aniv.)


Keylod  7.30pm


Sun.29th Oct.’23


Knockanure        John Gerard McMahon (Aniv.)


Carraughera       9.30am


Moyvane             Michael & Breda Dore (Aniv.)     11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Collections: Offertory €1,620.  Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Confirmation will be celebrated in Moyvane Weds. 20th Mar.’24 at 11.30am.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Moyvane Sat. 4th May’24 at 11.00am and in Knockanure Sat. 11th May’24 at 11.00am.




2nd Collection this weekend Oct. 21st & 22nd Oct. for Mission Sunday.






“Come & See” Vocations Retreat 18th-19th Nov.’23, St. Patrick’s College Maynooth for those interested in exploring a vocation to the Diocesan Priesthood.  Accomodation & meals provided in the seminary. Please contact Deacon Conor Bradley Vocations Director 087-3664057 to reserve a place.


Other Notices:


Festival Time, The October Bank Holiday weekend is fast approaching and that can mean only one thing – the much-anticipated Moyvane Village Festival. The Festival celebrates its 30th anniversary this year and the organisers have an action-packed line-up for the weekend.


Friday night, Oct. 27: The opening night promises to be a very special evening of stories about the great John Moriarty by international storyteller and author, Martin Shaw. 'John Moriarty: Followed by refreshments and time to chat. Doors open 7.00pm. Event starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at local outlets, incl. Kennelly's Hardware & BD Agriparts, GAA committee members, or email mda@outlook.ie. Price €15. Please book early as places are limited.


Saturday, Oct. 28, Carlow-based Palatine GAA team who will take on our own Moyvane GAA team. Kickoff 3.00pm in the GAA pitch.


Sunday, Oct. 29, is a big family-fun day with a Vintage Show, Dog Show and Kiddies Tractor Run. We welcome The Rattlin’ Rogues to Moyvane on Sunday night in The Community Sports Hall followed by DJ Ray Stack. Doors open 8.00pm. Tickets available as above. Price €20


Bank Holiday Monday, Oct. 30, North Kerry Harriers Hunt.  Underage football will also take place in the GAA pitch. As night falls, we have a real ‘treat’ in store for our young people with the return of the highly-rated ‘Trail of Horrors. We close out our festival weekend with a Monster Raffle and Moyvane GAA lotto draw.


Moyvane Development Association wishes to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a €2000 grant received from Dept. of Community and Rural Development and KCC under the Community Enhancement Programme 2022. This grant will assist with the purchase of equipment and operating costs.


Invitation to Medjugorje Mass: People who have been on pilgrimage to Medjugorje or who are thinking of, are invited to Sunday Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Milltown on Sun. Oct. 29th 11:15a.m. All Welcome.


Glenstal Abbey School, 7 day boarding school, Open Evening Weds. 25th Oct. 7.30pm-9.00pm at the Rose Hotel, Tralee. Booking required 061-621011.


Literacy Skills for Everyday Living? Kerry ETB adult part-time course, Listowel. Contact Mary 086-7969627.  All part-time courses are free.














Listowel Parish News




MASSES THIS WEEK   22nd – 29th October                    


Sat 21st                Ned O Connel, Grogreen /


Teresa O Connor, Market St. /


Edward & Mary Browne & Kathleen Keegan nee Browne, O ‘Connell’s Ave. /


Michael Heaphy, Ballylongford /


Patsy Nolan, Ballygrennan, Pat Nolan, Kilmorna & Gerald Griffin, Charles St. /


Michael & Denis O’Connor & Mary O’Connor nee Chute, O’Connell’s Ave. /


Dennis Kennelly, Colbert St.        Vigil




















Sun 22nd             People of the Parish       9.00am


                Jerry Ryan, Courthouse Lawn /


Richard & Patricia O Flaherty, Church St. / Mary Sheehy, Gortacrissane / Jeremiah O Driscoll, Hermitage Farm & Conor O Doherty, Dirha & John O Driscoll, Market St.      11.30am






Mon 23rd            Irena Brazeniene & Valdemaras Brazenas             10.30am


Tues 24th            Padraig Scanlon, Ballygrennan    10.30am


Wed 25th            John Paul O Driscoll, Cork             10.30am


Thurs 26th




                Bridie Mulligan, Bridge Rd / Hannah & Ned O Neill, Bridge Rd & Jerry & Jimmy O Nell, England / John Finnegan, Killocrim            10.30am






Fri 27th                 Noreen Lehane, Tanavalla           10.30am


Sat. 28th              People of the Parish       10.30am


                Martin Scanlon, Coolaclarig / Pat Kiernan, Hawthorn Drive / Brendan & Angela Quinlan, Coolnaleen / John, Deila, Johnny & Teddy Keane, Slievecahill /


Eileen & John O Connell, Woodford         Vigil










Sun 29th              Buddy Scanlon, Ballygrennan      9.00am


                Monty Leahy, Clounmacon, Months Mind / John Carmody, Clountubrid & deceased family members /


Maureen (Mary) Dowling, Listowel /


Eileen & Danny Hannon, The Square       11.30am
















RECENTLY DECEASED Noreen Duffy nee Lyons, died in Oxford, England late of Tanavalla.






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan, 087-0908949.






KERRY DIOCESAN COLLECTIONS – FOR MISSION SUNDAY will take place at all masses this weekend


21st & 22nd October, after communion.




BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation.




IRISH ARCHBISHOPS URGE CESSATION OF VIOLENCE IN THE HOLY LAND, RESPECT OF CIVILIAN POPULATIONS AND RELEASE OF HOSTAGES. The four archbishops of the metropolitan provinces of Ireland: Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, Archbishop Dermot Farrell of Dublin, Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly SMA of Cashel & Emly, and Archbishop Francis Duffy of Tuam, have published a joint statement in response to the large scale killings, injuries and violence that have occurred in Israel and Gaza since 7 October. The Archbishops said, “over the past days we have watched with shock and dismay the events that have unfolded in the land of the birth of Our Lord.  The ongoing situation has caused great suffering to many innocent people on all sides in the present conflict.  The loss of innocent lives together with the large numbers of innocent people injured in the Holy Land is a great affront to a lasting peace.  Unfortunately, the present crisis does not augur well for the immediate future as many more may endure destruction and death.




GLENSTAL ABBEY SCHOOL open information evening. We would like to invite you to one of our nationwide open evening. Discover more about a wonderful Glenstal education and our full 7-day boarding offering.  You’ll hear from, and get to chat with, representatives from our staff, student, and monastic communities. On Wednesday 25th October 7:30pm – 9:00pm in the Rose Hotel, Tralee. No booking required for further information contact Kelly Ryan at the Admissions Office: E: amdission@glenstal.com or T: (061) 621-011.








INVITATION TO MEDJUGORJE MASS: People who have been on pilgrimage to Medjugorje or who are thinking of going there, are invited to Sunday Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Milltown on Sunday October 29th at 11:15a.m. We will be happy if you can join us.




LISTOWEL LAUNDRY FOR ELDERLY recent church gate collection amount raided was €1,135. A sincere thank you to everyone who gave so generously.


Grow Mental Health: Grow Mental Health in person support groups are re-starting on Wednesday 25th October from 8pm-10pm in the Seanchaí Centre 24 the Square Listowel For More Information Contact Jerry 086 0271990 or visit grow.ie/kerry/


NATIONAL LEARNING NETWORK ENROLLING NOW: Need some help getting back on track? Been out of the loop for a while? Our upcoming FOCUS COURSE could be just what you need. This 12 month course is a Wellness, Recovery and Mental Health Wellbeing Programme that commences Mid October. Interested? Call Jane on 087-9540886 for a chat and more information or NLN 0667122533.


KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL is inviting members of the public to comment on the Council’s Draft Local Authority Climate Action Plan. Listowel Library on Thursday 23rd Nov. 6.30pm. to 8pm.  The Council has published its draft Local Authority Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 outlining the main challenges facing the various sectors in the county in the years ahead, and how a collaborative approach to decarbonisation and climate change can be achieved. Following on from early engagement with the public undertaken over the summer, members of the public are now invited to have their say on the Draft Plan. Submissions or observations can be made from Thursday 19th of October until Friday 1st of December 2023 (both dates inclusive). Copies of the Draft Local Authority Climate Action Plan 2024-2029, Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report and Natura Impact Report may be inspected at the following


online through https://consult.kerrycoco.ie/





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 14th Oct.’23 – 22nd Oct.’23




Sat. 14th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Michael Fitzmaurice (2nd Aniv.)


Lower Aughrim 7.30pm


Sun.15th Oct.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Anne Nolan (3rd Aniv.)


Carrueragh         11.00am


Tues.17th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.18th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.19th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.20th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.21st Oct.’23


Moyvane             Nora O’Donoghue nee Leahy & Baby Leah O’Donoghue (Aniv.’s)


Perth & Moyvane.           7.30pm


Sun.22nd Oct.’23


Knockanure        Denis McEvoy (Aniv.) & deceased members of McEvoy & Foley families                9.30am


Moyvane             Jack & Bridie Stackpoole (Aniv.’s)             11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749


Collections: Offertory €1,210, Moyvane Shrine €365.  Thank you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Confirmation will be celebrated in Moyvane Weds. 20th Mar.’24 at 11.30am.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Moyvane Sat. 4th May’24 at 11.00am and in Knockanure Sat. 11th May’24 at 11.00am.




2nd Collection Oct. 21st & 22nd Oct. for Mission Sunday.




To celebrate October Mission Month Join the diocesan Webinar – Hearts on Fire: Feet on the Move on Thursday 19th October at 7.30pm. To Register go to www.dioceseofkerry.ie Key speaker Fr Tony O’Riordan SJ who will share his experiences as an overseas missionary.  He is currently based in Aleppo working as Director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Syria.




“Come & See” Vocations Retreat 18th-19th Nov.’23, St. Patrick’s College Maynooth for those interested in exploring a vocation to the Diocesan Priesthood.  Accomodation and meals will be provided for in the seminary.  Those wishing to attend should contact Deacon Conor Bradley, Vocations Director, on 087-3664057 to reserve a place.


Other Notices:


Moyvane Youth Club will hold their AGM on Tues. 17th Oct. 7pm in the Marian hall, new members urgently needed for the continuation of the club.


One night basic First Aid Class, Marian Hall Tues 17th Oct. 7-9pm. €10


Colaiste Ide, An Daingean, All Irish Boarding School for girls, Open Day Oct. 21st 10am-4pm.


Improve your Literacy Skills for Everyday Living? Kerry ETB adult part-time course starting shortly in Listowel.  For info. contact Mary 086-7969627.  All part-time courses are free of charge.


Youth 2000 Munster regional retreat, 20th–22nd Oct. Midleton C.B.S Secondary School, Co Cork. If you are 16-35 register today on www.youth2000.ie for a FULL WEEKEND of adoration, talks, prayer, and time together. Stay and eat on site – just register and bring a sleeping bag, and as always it’s donation only. Any queries email Emma office@youth2000.ie "


Catholic Youth Ministry internship scheme, The diocese of Lancaster in England are looking for young people aged around 18-25 to join their Youth Ministry Internship scheme, based at Castlerigg Manor in the English Lake District. The scheme offers comprehensive training and experience as well as recognised qualifications. Free accommodation and food as well as £75 (€85) pocket money each week. Contact Jack Regan jack@castleriggmanor.co.uk


Monastic Vocations weekend for women at St Benedict's Priory, Cobh, 28th-29th Oct. Contact Mother Prioress 021-4811354.


National Restart a Heart Day event and Launch of Listowel Community First Responder group, Listowel Arms Hotel 15th Oct. 11am-3pm.


Listowel Bridge Club 8 wk Bridge for Beginners Weds. 18th Oct. 7.30pm, Family Resource Centre Listowel. €50. Marie 087-2149154/ Dympna 087-7753510.






Listowel Parish News.














MASSES THIS WEEK   15th – 22nd October                    


Sat 14th                Michael, G. O’Connor, Patrick St. & Michael Chris O Sullivan, Derry & Philadelphia / Betty Kennelly, Ashfield /


Austin Stack, Feale Drive










Sun 15th              Rose & Con Lynch, Moyvane      9.00am


                Joan & Joe Hilliard, Cahirdown /


Deceased members of the Broderick Family, Coolnaleen /


Tim O Sulivan, Bedford /


Michael & Bridie Flavin, Knockane & dec. fam. /John Neville, Ballinruddery           11.30am












Mon 16th            Terry Painter, Duagh      10.30am


Tues 17th            Jack Dore, Kilmorna /


Tom, Bridget, Willie & Sean Thornton, Gortnaminch        10.30am


Wed 18th            Kitty (Catherine) Haystings, Lyre               10.30am


Thurs 19th                             10.30am


Fri 20th                 John Joe Kenny, Patrick St.          10.30am


Sat. 21st               Chrissie O Gorman, Clieveragh   10.30am


                Ned O Connel, Grogreen /


Teresa O Connor, Market St. /


Edward & Mary Browne & Kathleen Keegan nee Browne, O ‘Connell’s Ave. /


Michael & Denis O’Connor & Mary O’Connor nee Chute, O’Connell’s Ave. /


Dennis Kennelly, Colbert St.        Vigil








Sun 22nd             People of the Parish       9.00am


                Jerry Ryan, Courthouse Lawn /


Richard & Patricia O Flaherty, Church St. /


Mary Sheehy, Gortacrissane       11.30am
















Denis O Sullivan, Greenville.


Mary (Mai) Smól nee Barry, Hastings, East Sussex, England & late of Greenville & Dirha Cottages.








PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Sullivan, 087-2461749.






THE CHILDREN'S LITURGY GROUP:  We are delighted to announce that we are resuming the children Liturgy on this Saturday night (14th October) at our Vigil mass. This is where we welcome our children to reflect on the Sunday Gospel message at their own level in the Parish Meeting Room, thanks the leaders leading it.  It will continue on the first Saturday evening of every other month going forward. All children are welcome. For further details please contact the Parish Office.


THANK YOU FOR MAKING OUR PARISH MISSION A GREAT SUCCESS: We were blessed to have the Mission in our Parish this past week led by the Redemptorist Mission Team and we pray that we will receive many graces from it. There has been a very positive feedback. A sincere thanks to all, and there were many who made it all possible. Fr. Lar & Fr. Gerard, the Parish Pastoral Council, co-ordinating mission team, Sr. Consolata, Finance & Liturgy Councils, Parish staff, the Schools  & so many others, too numerous to mention. Well done to you all. May God reward you.


ROSARY ON THE COAST 2023 Annual worldwide prayer campaign, Ballybunion Beach near seaweed baths, this Sunday 15th October 2.30pm. All are Welcome.


TO CELEBRATE OCTOBER MISSION MONTH, Join the diocesan Webinar – Hearts on Fire: Feet on the Move on Thursday 19th October at 7.30pm. To Register go to  www.dioceseofkerry.ie Key speaker for the webinar is Fr Tony O’Riordan SJ who will share his experiences as an overseas missionary. 


NATIONAL ‘COME & SEE’ VOCATIONS RETREAT in Maynooth Seminary.  The Retreat will commence on the morning of Saturday, 18th November and will conclude on Sunday 19th at noon.  Those who wish to attend the retreat


should contact Deacon Conor Bradley (Vocations Director) on 087-3664057 or Fr. Declan.






KERRY DIOCESAN COLLECTIONS – FOR MISSION SUNDAY  will take place at all masses next weekend 21st & 22nd October, after communion.




NORTH KERRY OVER THE PAST 50 YEARS Mr. Dick Spring will perform the official launch of an exhibition in appreciation of the great achievement by local film makers in compiling an archive of our cultural and social lifestyle in North Kerry over the past 50 years in the Seanchaí on Thursday 19th October at 8pm.


NATIONAL RESTART A HEART DAY event and Launch of our Listowel Community First Responder group: in Listowel Arms Hotel on the 15th of October from 11am to 3pm. Come along & bring the family to Meet our new CFR group, demonstrations on CPR, learn the signs and symptoms of a Stroke and what to do if you experience chest pain. We would like to Thank the Arms Hotel for giving us the space to host this very important event to educate our parish on basic lifesaving skills.


BALLYBUNION SEA & CLIFF RESCUE recent church gate collection. The amount raised was €1850 many thanks to all who contributed.


LISTOWEL HOSPICE COFFEE MORNINGS We would like to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone that held a Coffee Morning in recent weeks. Many businesses supported and  donated sincere thanks to you all for your generosity. Huge thanks to our fantastic volunteers who selflessly give up their free time. The total figure raised so far for the Coffee Mornings is €4,857. Heartfelt thanks to all in the community that contributed.   




Just a Thought


You should never be ashamed to admit you have been wrong. It only proves you are wiser today than yesterday.    Jonathan Swift











Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 7th Oct.’23 – 15th Oct.’23




Sat. 7th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Pat, Bridget & Dick Stack (Aniv.’s)


Drommurhur     7.30pm


Sun.8th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Bridget Buckley RIP, Recently Deceased                9.30am


Moyvane             Tadgh T. Carr (Aniv.)       11.00am


Tues.10th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.11th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.12th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.13th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.14th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Michael Fitzmaurice (2nd Aniv.) 7.30pm


Sun.15th Oct.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Anne Nolan (3rd Aniv.)


Carrueragh         11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084


Collections: Offertory €1,032, Priest Dues €170.  Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Confirmation will be celebrated in Moyvane Weds. 20th Mar.’24 at 11.30am.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Moyvane Sat. 4th May’24 at 11.00am and in Knockanure Sat. 11th May’24 at 11.00am.




The death has occurred of Sr. Mary Hanrahan late of Kilbaha, Sister to Jackie Hanrahan, Order of the Holy Spirit, St. Josephs Convent, Olney, England who passed away peacefully on the 1st of October.  May She Rest in Peace.


Listowel Parish Mission: led by the Redemptorist Mission Team, Limerick will take place at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel beginning at the Vigil Mass on Saturday 7th October and ending on Friday night, 13th October.  There is a comprehensive programme of events to help us all re-invigorate our faith and help us all to reconnect after a few difficult years with Covid. See the programme of events in the Advertiser this week. All are most welcome to come to either of the daily masses 7.00 a.m. or 10.30 a.m. or the evening sessions at 7.30 p.m. Details on Church notice board.




Confessions Tues. 10th Oct. in St. Mary’s Church at 7.30pm. 




Other Notices:


Moyvane Youth Club will hold their registration evening Tues.10th Oct. 7.30pm-8.30pm in the Marian hall Moyvane. We will not be taking members from clubs that are up and running. Parents are expected to give their time in relation to supervision on hall nights, and by becoming leaders, this is vital for the continuation of the club. 


Basic First Aid Class at the Marian Hall Tue 17th Oct. 7-9pm. Cost €10. Everybody welcome so come along and learn the basics!


Colaiste Ide, An Daingean, All Irish Boarding School for girls, Open Day Oct. 21st 10am-4pm.


Anam Cara Kerry, monthly Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 10th Oct. 7:15pm, the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee. Free event and open to all bereaved parents. Also an online support group, info@anamcara.ie


Recovery Haven Kerry Cancer Support House, upcoming CUBS bereavement programme, children 8-12 years, who are dealing with the loss of a parent through cancer. 8 wks, 8th Oct. 4.30pm-6pm. Call 066-7192122.


Monastic Vocations weekend for women at St Benedict's Priory, Cobh, 28th-29th Oct. Contact Mother Prioress 021-4811354.


National Restart a Heart Day event and Launch of Listowel Community First Responder group, Listowel Arms Hotel 15th Oct. 11am-3pm. Meet CFR group, CPR demonstrations, learn the signs & symptoms of Stroke and what to do if you experience chest pain. Thanks to the Arms Hotel for giving us the space to host this event to educate our parish on basic life support skills.


Listowel Bridge Club is starting an 8 wk Introduction to Bridge for Beginners course Weds. 18th Oct. 7.30pm in the Family Resource Centre, Listowel.  Price €50. Contact Marie 087-2149154/ Dympna 087-7753510.














Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK   8th – 15th October                    


Sat 7th Fr. Hallie Ashe, Church St. / Jim Scanlon, Dirha East / Tom McCarthy, Coolnaleen / Paddy Horgan, Charles St.                 Vigil






Sun 8th                 Thomas O Donnell, Ennismore /


Julia & John Griffin, Fourhane /


Jamie O Carroll, Caherdaniel /


Eamon & Una Mulvihill, Athea    9.00am








                Francis O Brien, Months Mind & Michael O Brien, Ardfert & John McCarthy, Feale Dr. / Peter Kelly, Tralee / Daniel O Flaherty, Lisselton & Kenny Heights /


Martin Lynch, Steeple Rd., Tarbert           11.30am












Mon 9th                               10.30am


Tues 10th            Rose Morgan, Oakpark, Tralee   10.30am


Wed 11th            Sol & Jane Frost, Co. Clare            10.30am


Thurs 12th                             10.30am


Fri 13th                                 10.30am


Sat. 14th              Dan Keane, Kilmorna & Woodview          10.30am


                Michael, G. O’Connor, Patrick St. & Michael Chris O Sullivan, Derry & Philadelphia / Betty Kennelly, Ashfield /


Austin Stack, Feale Drive              Vigil








Sun 15th              Rose & Con Lynch, Moyvane      9.00am


                Joan & Joe Hilliard, Cahirdown /


Deceased members of the Broderick Family, Coolnaleen /


John Neville, Ballinruddery          11.30am




















RECENT DEATHS Mary (Mai) Smól nee Barry, Hastings, East Sussex, England & late of Greenville & Dirha Cottages.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Mon. Michael Leahy, retired P.P., of Listowel /




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.
















WELCOME TO OUR PARISH MISSION:  Beginning at our Vigil MASS on this Saturday night and running to Friday night next (Oct. 13th) with the closing session at 7.30 p.m.  It’s being led by the– Fr. Lar & Fr. Gerard of the Redemptorist Mission Team, Limerick. A special welcome to our First Holy Communion children on this Saturday night and our Confirmation candidates on this Sunday at 11.30 a.m.  There is a comprehensive programme of events each day, beginning with a 7.00 a.m. Mass and our regular 10.30 a.m. mass each morning with an evening session at 7.30 p.m. It will help us to re-invigorate our faith and reconnect again. A special invitation to all our Sick & Infirmed on Monday morning at 10.30 a.m. when they will receive a special blessing and be anointed with the Sacrament of the Sick. Check www.listowelparish.com & programmes at the back of the Church.  All are most welcome to come to each of the daily masses 7.00 a.m. or 10.30 a.m. or the evening sessions at 7.30 p.m.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT MISSION WEEK: Will take place on Tuesday and Thursday after 10.30am. mass till 6 pm. each day in the adoration room.




STAINED GLASS WINDOW: Our Finance Council bring your attention the lovely Stained-Glass Window over the Adoration Chapel. The pain on the right along with the upper circular pane at the top were completely refurbished and re-leaded during the week. Another pane has been taken away to be done before the end of the year. The other two remaining panes will be completed next year P.G.. This has all been possible due to your generosity as the complete project will cost in excess of €60,000 over the two years. Thanks for your generosity. UPHOLSTERY OF SEATS: We are also in the process of upholstering some seats of the church on a phased basis. We completed the Sanctuary during the week and have started doing the seats and kneelers of the front nine seats in the front section in front of the Altar.


CONFIRMATION 2024: Bishop Ray will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to our Confirmation Candidates of Presentation, Boys & Killocrim Schools on Friday, April 19th at 2.00 p.m.








  THE CHILDREN'S LITURGY GROUP:  We are delighted to announce that we are resuming the children Liturgy Group beginning on Saturday night next (14th October)  at the Vigil mass. It will run on the first Saturday evening of every other month going forward. All children are welcome. For further details please contact the parish office.




Friday, 26th April 2024 at 2.30 p.m. Nano Nagle School


Saturday, 27th April 2024: (2 ceremonies)


10.00 a.m. An Gael Scoil & Killocrim


12.00 noon Scoil Realta & Presentation Primary


ROSARY ON THE COAST 2023 Annual worldwide prayer campaign, Ballybunion Beach near seaweed baths, Sunday 15th October 2.30pm. All are Welcome.


TO CELEBRATE OCTOBER MISSION MONTH, Join the diocesan Webinar – Hearts on Fire: Feet on the Move on Thursday 19th October at 7.30pm. To Register go to  www.dioceseofkerry.ie Key speaker for the webinar is Fr Tony O’Riordan SJ who will share his experiences as an overseas missionary.  He is currently based in Aleppo working as Director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Syria, where thousands of lives have been devastated by war, economic collapse and, in early February, a catastrophic earthquake. Fr Tony is from Kilmichael, Co Cork He was parish priest of Moyross, Limerick before he went to Maban in South Sudan where he led a response to drought and floods for three years. He is now overseeing the earthquake response for the Jesuit Refugee Service in Syria.






NATIONAL RESTART A HEART DAY event and Launch of our Listowel Community First Responder group: in Listowel Arms Hotel on the 15th of October from 11am to 3pm. Come along & bring the family to Meet our new CFR group, demonstrations on CPR, learn the signs and symptoms of a Stroke and what to do if you experience chest pain. We would like to Thank the Arms Hotel for giving us the space to host this very important event to educate our parish on basic lifesaving skills.













Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 30th Sept.’23 – 8th Oct.’23




Sat. 30th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Joe O’Connor (Aniv.)


Kilbaha 7.30pm


Sun.1st Oct.’23


Knockanure        Tom & Bridie Flavin (Aniv.’s)


Trien      9.30am


Moyvane             Mossie Kearney RIP, Recently Deceased               11.00am


Tues.3rd Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.4th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.5th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.6th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.7th Oct.’23


Moyvane             Pat, Bridget & Dick Stack (Aniv.’s)


Drommurhur     7.30pm


Sun.8th Oct.’23


Knockanure        Brigid Buckley RIP, Recently Deceased   9.30am


Moyvane             Tadgh T. Carr      11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083


Collections: Offertory €1,015, Knockanure Shrine €50.35, Priest Dues €580.  Thanking you.


Confessions: Before Mass or by arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.




Confirmation date in Moyvane has been changed to Weds. March 20th at 11.30am.


First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Moyvane Sat. 4th May’24 at 11.00am and in Knockanure Sat. 11th May’24 at 11.00am.


Congratulations Kathleen Flaherty (Knockanure) on being selected as the Best Dressed Lady on Ladies day at the Listowel Races.  Have a great trip to New York but come back!




Other Notices:




Jiving Classes, 2nd Oct. at Clounmacon Community Centre @8.30pm. 


Social dancing, Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex, Friday nights 8:30-10:30. €8 entry fee, complimentary teas and coffee. Door prize on the night.


“Tusla Kerry is seeking foster carers across the county, Info. evenings 6:30pm to 7:30pm; Tralee: The Rose Hotel, Wednesday 4th of October


Killarney: Scotts Hotel Killarney, Wednesday 11th of October


Listowel: The Listowel Arms Hotel, Tuesday 17th of October


More info./registration; call 1800 226 771 or email tusla.fostering@tusla.ie or  visit www.fostering.ie


Listowel Parish Mission: led by the Redemptorist Mission Team, Limerick will take place at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel beginning at the Vigil Mass on Sat. 7th Oct. and ending on Fri. night, 13th Oct.  There is a comprehensive programme of events to help us all re-invigorate our faith and help us all to reconnect after a few difficult years with Covid. See the programme of events in the Advertiser this week. All are most welcome to come to either of the daily masses 7.00 a.m. or 10.30 a.m. or the evening sessions at 7.30 p.m.  All welcome to join us.


Communal First Saturday devotions will take place 7th Oct. 8.45am, the Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Beginning with the Fatima intentions followed by the Rosary and the celebration of Mass at 9.30am. All will be done with the intention of saving souls and making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, thus fulfilling Our Lady's request to the Laity to pray for peace.


Vocations afternoon for young women considering a vocation, Sat. 30th Sept. 2pm-4pm, email vocsationspoorclarescork@gmail.com or www.poorclarescork.ie or Poor Clare Monastery, College Rd., Cork.


Knockanure Community Centre Car Boot Sale & Vintage Rally 1st Oct.


Hail Holy Queen Conference 2023 is live on Radio Maria Ireland from 2pm Sat. 7th Oct. Can be listened to by downloading the Radio Maria Ireland app, Saorview channel 210 or listen live at (01) 4373277.










 Listowel Parish News




MASSES THIS WEEK   1st – 8th October                    


Sat 30th                Anne Carey, Ballygologue Rd. Months Mind & Patrick Carey & John & Josephine Woulfe / Mary O Connor nee Enright, Bedford, 1st Anniversary /


Michael McCarron, Gurtinard /


Tim & Babe O Sullivan, St. Brendan’s tec                Vigil










Sun 1st                 People of the Parish       9.00am


                Peggy O Connor, Market St. & Clieveragh Pk. / Martin McGrath, Cahirdown / Maureen & Danile Hayes, Gortacrissane / John, Hannah, Mary Eileen, Dora & Annmarie Guerin, Cromane / Paddy O Sullivan & dec. family, Meen    11.30am














Mon 2nd              Mass of thanksgiving      10.30am


Tues 3rd               Special Intention for M.C.            10.30am


Wed 4th               Anthony Dowling & Christopher Smyth, Church St.           10.30am


Thurs 5th                               10.30am


Fri 6th  Liam O Driscoll, Feale Dr. Birthday Rem. / Tommy Mahony, England /


Peggy & Tom Lyons, Ballygologue Pk.     10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass 6.45pm


Sat. 7th                 Catherine Boyle nee Sheahan, Burial of ashes afterwards             10.30am




                Fr. Haulie Ashe, Church St. / Jim Scanlon, Dirha East / Tom McCarthy, Coolnaleen              Vigil






Sun 8th                 Thomas O Donnell, Ennismore /


Julia & John Griffin, Fourhane /


Jamie O Carroll, Caherdaniel       9.00am


                Francis O Brien, Months Mind & Michael O Brien, Ardfert & John McCarthy, Feale Dr. / Peter Kelly, Tralee / Daniel O Flaherty, Lisselton & Kenny Heights       11.30am










RECENT DEATHS Jeremiah Holyoake, Co Antrim late of Lartigue View, Listowel. / Daniel Houlihan, Clounprohus, Moyvane. /


Seanie (Scott) Fitzgerald, Listowel & Scotland.  Funeral mass to take place Monday 2nd Oct at 11am. in Ballydonoghue Church, burial in Gale Cemetery.










PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hanafin, 087-8341083.






ONE WEEK TO GO TO OUR PARISH MISSION: WELCOME TO ALL It will be led by the Redemptorist Mission Team, Limerick beginning at the Vigil Mass on Saturday night next, 7th Oct. and ending on Friday night, 13th There is a comprehensive programme of events to help us to re-invigorate our faith and help us all to reconnect after a few difficult years with Covid. Check into www.listowelparish,com or the advert in the Advertiser. All are most welcome to come to each of the daily masses 7a.m. or 10.30 a.m. or the evening sessions at 7.30 p.m.




It is that time of year when our Parish Liturgy Group recruit new Altar Servers. We invite any boy or girl from 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th Classes from any of our local schools who may be interested to attend a Meeting with their parents on Thursday night next (October 5th) in the church at 7.00 p.m. At this meeting we will register both our new and current servers and they will indicate their choice of mass. The meeting should finish by 7.30 p.m. This is a fabulous ministry for our young people to be actively involved in their Parish. You may pick up a form at your school, the Sacristy or at Parish Office.  Many Thanks Fr. Declan.




Bishop Ray will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to our Confirmation Candidates on Friday, April 19th at 2.00 p.m.




Friday, 26th April 2024 at 2.30 p.m. Nano Nagle School


Saturday, 27th April 2024: (2 ceremonies)


10.00 a.m. An Gael Scoil & Killocrim


12.00 noon Scoil Realta & Presentation Primary


COMMUNAL FIRST SATURDAY: The Communal First Saturday devotions will take place on the 7th of October starting at 8.45 am in the Church of the Resurrection Killarney Devotions will begin with the Fatima intentions followed by the Rosary and the celebration of Mass at 9.30am.




A COMING TOGETHER OF MEN FROM ALL OVER IRELAND ON A PILGRIMAGE TO  KNOCK on 7th October 2023 a bus will leave Kerry for further details please phone John 0876951298.










LISTOWEL HOSPICE COFFEE MORNINGS On Thursday the 5th of October, The Listowel Arms Hotel will host their event. Generous spot prizes on the day, so do call in for a cuppa and a chat. If anyone would like to host their own Hospice Coffee Morning at a time that suits them, in their home, club, office or school, please contact Jenny 087 3934134 or Eileen on 087 9865275, or if any business would like to donate a spot prize.


NECKLACE LOST at last Sunday 11:30am. mass if found please drop into the parish office huge sentimental value. 


RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE Is currently rerolling for its upcoming Cubs Programme – a bereavement programme aimed at Children aged between 8 & 12 years of age, who are dealing with the loss of a parent through cancer. Through play & art, children will learn about grief responses and learn how to cope with their feelings. The 8-week programme begins on Monday, October 9th (4.30pm – 6pm). To register or to find out more, call 066-7192122.


LEARN BRIDGE THE FUN WAY! Listowel Bridge Club is starting an 8-week Introduction to Bridge for Beginners course on Wednesday 18th October at 7.30pm in the Family Resource Centre, Listowel.  Price €50 for the full course. Please contact Marie 087 2149154 or Dympna 087 7753510 for more details.


HOW TO GET BETTER AT EVERYDAY MATHS.  Contact Mary 086 7969627, Listowel Adult Literacy Centre free courses.


BALLYBUNION SEA & CLIFF RESCUE are holding their annual church gate collection on 7th & 8th Oct. All contributions would be gratefully received.


FREE EVENTS RUN BY NEWKD Fall Prevention Pilates Class, Listowel Family Resource Centre, 12pm to 1pm., Friday 13th October. Mob: 083 168 0377 or Tel: 066 7180190 Ext- 151


LISTOWEL KARATE CLASSES: Kerry Martial Arts School are continuing karate and self-defence classes in St. Michael’s College on Saturdays. 5-12 years old at 10:00a.m. and 13 years old to adults at 11:00a.m. Contact (087) 2636820 for further information.






Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 23rd Sept.’23 – 1st Oct.’23




Sat. 23rd Sept.’23


Moyvane             Mai & Dan Quinn, Nora, Jack & deceased members of the Quinn family 7.30pm


Sun.24th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             John Collins (Aniv.) & his parents Peggy & John Collins    11.00am


Tues.26th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.27th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.28th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.29th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.30th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Joe O’Connor (Aniv.)


Kilbaha 7.30pm


Sun.1st Oct.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Mossie Kearney RIP, Recently Deceased               11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271


Collections: Offertory €870, Moyvane Shrine €313.  Thanking you.


Confessions: On request before any Mass with prior arrangement.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.




Prayer for the Synod (Gathering of the Peoples), there will be a time of ecumenical prayer and reflection to mark the opening in Rome of the Synod on Synodality, St John’s Church, Tralee. Sat.30th Sept. 3pm-4pm. All welcome.




Confirmation will take place in Moyvane on Weds. 10th Apr.’24 @11am.


Other Notices:


On behalf of the Parents Association of Scoil Chorp Chriost we would like to thank Knockanure GAA for the use of their field for our family fun day. We also like to thank all the sponsors, volunteers and our four local stars who took part on our day and made our fun day possible. We like to thank everyone that supported us on the day from within and the surrounding parish. We hope everyone had a great day.


Moyvane ICA would like to acknowledge and thank the Department of Community and Rural Development and Kerry County Council for grant funding of €605 under the Community Enhancement Programme 2022. This will be used to purchase a bench for the Grotto area of our Village. Míle Buíochas!


Workshop for those post cancer treatment, Recovery Haven Kerry is delighted to facilitate a wonderful patient education workshop - 𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗦 – on Sept. 25th 11am-1.30pm for adults who are post cancer treatment. Jointly created by the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) and the Irish Cancer Society (ICS), the workshop aims to bridge the gap in services between the end of active treatment and potentially, suitable longer-term support.


The Life and Cancer – Enhancing Survivorship (LACES) workshop is for adult patients who have finished their active cancer treatment and are beginning their long-term follow up. This includes patients who are post-surgery, radiation therapy, the acute phase of their chemotherapy treatment and patients with advanced cancer, who have discontinued treatment or who are on ongoing treatment.  The workshop will focus on Food & Drink, Finance, Work & Family Life, Confidence Body Image & Intimacy; Self-Management and Supports Near You.  To register call 066-7192122 or email patienteducation@irishcancer.ie


“Tusla Kerry is seeking foster carers across the county, Information evenings 6:30pm to 7:30pm


Tralee: The Rose Hotel, Weds. 4th Oct.


Killarney: Scotts Hotel Killarney, Weds 11th Oct.


Listowel: The Listowel Arms Hotel, Tues. 17th Oct.


For more information/registration; call freephone 1800 226 771 or email tusla.fostering@tusla.ie or visit www.fostering.ie


Vocations afternoon for young women considering a vocation, Sat. 30th Sept. 2-4pm, email vocsationspoorclarescork@gmail.com or www.poorclarescork.ie or Poor Clare Monastery, College Rd., Cork.


Knockanure Community Centre Car Boot Sale & Vintage Rally 1st Oct.













Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  17th Sept.’23 – 24th Sept.’23




Sat. 16th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Jackie & Kitty Murphy (Aniv.)     7.30pm


Sun.17th Sept.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Mikey Joe & Peggy Enright, & Kathleen & Willie Stack (Aniv.’s)   11.00am


Tues.19th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.20th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.21st Sept.’23


Moyvane             Nelly & Tom O’Connor RIP


Glin Road             10.00am


Fri.22nd Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.23rd Sept.’23


Moyvane             Mai & Dan Quinn, Nora, Jack & deceased members of the Quinn family 7.30pm


Sun.24th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             John Collins (Aniv.) & his parents Peggy & John Collins    11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-2200114


Collections: Offertory €825, Priest Dues €2,290.


Thank you for your continued generosity.




Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Gluten Free Hosts at each Mass on a table on the right side of the Altar.






From the Parish Pastoral Council meeting of Sept. 5th, the following items emerged:


On the departure of Grace Leahy, as Sacristan, from Knockanure, a temporary arrangement has been agreed and will be subject to on-going review.  We are grateful for Grace’s services over the years and wish her every blessing.




Currently, new members of the Parish Pastoral Council are being selected: if you have anybody in mind (not yourself) who you think might be right, please let Fr. Brendan know.




On instruction from the diocese, after inquiry, church buildings should be used for religious services and for specifically religious events only.  Anything else needs diocesan approval.




Confirmation this year should, it was agreed, include celebration of the Eucharist.  Taking a pledge will be a separate issue.




The Knockanure Pathway Committee plans to develop a walkway from the village to the GAA grounds.  As it will pass through the church parking lot, its feasibility is a matter for the diocese.




Other Notices:


John Moriarty: Grounded in Story, The opening night of the 30th Moyvane Village Festival promises to be a very special evening of stories about the great John Moriarty, late of Ahalanna, by international storyteller and author, Martin Shaw. 'John Moriarty: Grounded in Story' is a night not to be missed. Martin Shaw will be joined on the night by Gabriel Fitzmaurice, Mary McGillicuddy, and Amanda Carmody. Followed by refreshments and time to chat.   'John Moriarty: Grounded in Story' takes place on Friday, Oct. 27th. Doors open 7pm. Event starts 7.30pm. Tickets available at local outlets, including Kennelly's Hardware & BD Agriparts. Price €15. Please book early as places are limited.


Moyvane ICA will hold a basic First Aid Class at the Marian Hall on Tues. 17th Oct 7pm-9pm. Cost €10. There are still a few places left so contact Eileen Roche/Jill McCarthy by Tues. 19th Sept if you are interested in attending.


Scartaglen day of Prayer will resume on this Sunday Sep 17th at 2.30 pm, in Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Reflection and teachings will be given by Pat and Nora Buckley along with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.  It will also include a music ministry of praise and worship and healing hymns.












Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK   10th – 17th September                    


Sat 16th                John Horgan, Bawnachaulig, Months Mind / Dan Broderick, Bunagara /


Ellen McMahon, Gortaglanna, Kilmorna / Bernie O Connell, Woodview  Vigil










Sun 17th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Simon, Kate & Jimmy Doherty &


Nora, Michael, Jim & John O Brien /


Patrick Foley, Well Street, Ballylongford                11.30am






Mon 18th            John Joe & Peg Conway & dec. fam. Ballygologue Rd.     10.30am


Tues 19th            Dec. mem. of the Races Supporters Club              10.30am


Wed 20th            Presentation Secondary School Mass     10.30am


Thurs 21st           Ellen Joy, O’Connell’s Ave.             10.30am


Fri 22nd                                10.30am


Sat. 23rd              Denis Dalton, Bridge Rd. /


Kathleen Walsh, William St. /


Noreen Lynch nee Horgan, Luchara Rd. /


Rodger & Elen Murphy &


Madge Murphy, Inch, Listowel  10.30am










                Mary O Halloran, Castleinch & Church St., 1st Ann. /


Robert & Nora O Shea, Charles St.            Vigil






Sun 24th              David & John Harmen, Cahirdown & William St. 9.00am


                Jim Sheahan, Greenville, 1st Ann. /


Maurice Brendan (Benny) McNamara, Dromclough /


Margaret, Timothy & Nicholas Leahy, Upper Athea /


Anne Wixted, Ballinruddery /


Elizabeth Barrett, Golf View        11.30am
























ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Eddie Reidy, O’Connell’s Ave. / Peggy Bunyan, Convent Cross / Margaret Daly, Knockane. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Crean-Lynch, 0872200114.








AUTUMN STATION DUES / OFFERINGS: which help to support your priests at this time of year are now due and are in your envelope box. Alternatively, there are some loose envelopes at the back of the church. Drop into offertory plate or Parish Office at any time throughout the month of September. Your ongoing support is much appreciated. Many thanks


PADRE PIO PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE this Sunday September 17th the coach will leave St. Mary’s, Listowel at 7:30am Contact Bernadette on 0876019474.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Will be close Tuesday 19th Sep. the week of the Races.




Our Parish Office will open for half days during the coming week (Monday to Friday) for the Races - 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Normal office hours will resume Monday 25th.






GROW MENTAL HEALTH PEER SUPPORT GROUP meets in Seanchaí centre every Wednesday evening at 08:00 pm. No referrals necessary. Just come along or telephone Jerry at 086-0271990.


THERE WILL BE A COMMEMORATION at the Bob Browne memorial in Knockalougha on Thursday next  21st September at 7pm.  All welcome.


GALA CONCERT—RED HURLEY with St. John’s Gregorian Choir, Kerry School of Music Orchestra and Kerry Chamber Choir. “How Great Thou Art” Sunday September 24th  in St. John’s Church, Tralee at 7.30pm. Tickets €20 available in St. John’s Parish Centre or from Michael Fox O’Connor on 087 9833075.  Tickets will also be available at the door on the night. Proceeds in aid of Kerry Hospice. 


"DO YOU COME FROM AN ALCOHOLIC AND/DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY?  Are you suffering from the effects of growing up in such an environment? ACoA can help Adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families ACoA is a 12 Step program of men and women who need to share their experience of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. ACoA meeting every Tuesday evening at 8pm in the Shanakill Family Resource Centre , Shanakill Tralee County, Kerry. Contact 087-2304905 for more information."


WORKSHOP FOR THOSE POST CANCER TREATMENT Recovery Haven Kerry is delighted to facilitate a wonderful patient education workshop - 𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗦 – on September 25th from 11am to 1.30pm for adults who are post cancer treatment. Jointly created by the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) and the Irish Cancer Society (ICS), the workshop aims to bridge the gap in services between the end of active treatment and potentially, suitable longer-term support. The Life and Cancer – Enhancing Survivorship (LACES) workshop is for adult patients who have finished their active cancer treatment and are beginning their long-term follow up. This includes patients who are post-surgery, radiation therapy, the acute phase of their chemotherapy treatment and patients with advanced cancer, who have discontinued treatment or who are on ongoing treatment. The workshop will focus on Food and Drink; Finance, Work and Family Life; Confidence Body Image & Intimacy; Self-Management and Supports Near You. To register call 0667192122 or email patienteducation@irishcancer.ie




Just a Thought


Forgive the Past – Live the Present – Create the Future






We warmly welcome all of you who are visiting our Beautiful Town for the Races this week. And we wish all who are making the Festivities happen every blessing and we hope all will go well for everyone.




God Bless  Fr. Declan







Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  9th Sept.’23 – 17th Sept.’23




Sat. 9th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Patrick Brosnan (20th Aniv.)        7.30pm


Sun.10th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             Brid Flavin (1st Aniv.) & deceased members of the Flavin & Hanrahan families    11.00am


Tues.12th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.13th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.14th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.15th Sept.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.16th Sept.’23


Moyvane             Jackie & Kitty Murphy (Aniv.)     7.30pm


Sun.17th Sept.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Mikey Joe & Peggy Enright, & Kathleen & Willie Stack (Aniv.’s)   11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Jerry Keane 087-2844649


Collections: Offertory €1,475, 2nd Collection €230 for Diocesan Needs.


Thank you.




Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.






Gluten Free Hosts.  At each Mass, there are gluten free Hosts on a table on the right side of the Altar.




Other Notices:




Gala Concert—Red Hurley with St. John’s Gregorian Choir, Kerry School of Music Orchestra and Kerry Chamber Choir. “How Great Thou Art” Sun. Sept. 24th St. John’s Church 7.30pm. Tickets €20 available in St. John’s Parish Centre or from Michael Fox O’Connor 087- 9833075.  Tickets also available at the door on the night. Proceeds in aid of Kerry Hospice.  


Knockanure family fun day will take place on the 10th of Sept at 1pm, Knockanure GAA field. We have sport’s day activities, penalty shoot outs, tug of war, meet our local stars, bake sale, disco and lots more activities on the day. Cash only event.  All welcome. Fund raising for Scoil Chorp Chriost outdoor equipment. It’s sure to be a day of fun in the community,


Listowel races accommodation office is open in the square above Christy's Well bar 11am until 4pm. We are looking for anyone that is letting accommodation for race week or is looking for accommodation. Please call into the office or call Maria on 087-6652211 thank you.


The Totus Tuus Men for Christ Conference 2023 - a Catholic Conference for Men will be live & exclusive on Radio Maria Ireland Saturday 16th September from 2pm.  Speakers for this year’s Conference are  Fr. Billy Swan, Fr. Chris Hayden, Anthony Crossey & Fr. John Harris OP


Knockanure Community Centre Car Boot Sale & Vintage Rally 1st Oct.


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 12th Sept., 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. Free event. Open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group, further information on info@anamcara.ie


St Patrick's Pontifical University Maynooth are running a blended learning higher Diploma/ Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy. Applications close 10th Sept, sppu.ie/courses or contact cmmadmissions@spcm.ie or 01-7084778.


Killarney Comhaltas offering traditional Irish music lessons. First term commencing 12th Sept for €80. Contact 087-9403508/086-3163348.


Day of prayer for healing, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Scartaglen Sun. Sept 17th.










 Listowel Parish News




MASSES THIS WEEK   10th – 17th September                     


Sat 9th                  Valerie Stack, Bunagara, Birthday Rem / Padraig Kelly, Bridge Rd. /


Geraldine Daly, Castleinch /


Nora Browne, Coolagown /


Brendan Hynes, Fairhouse, Dublin /


Tony O Callaghan, Cahirdown /


Mike & Mary Lynch, Lisselton & Liosarda /


John Ryan, Skehenerin /


Mikie, Margaret & Hannah Kennelly, Coolaclarig /


Michael Whelan & deceased members of the Whelan Family, Market St.              Vigil










Sun 10th              Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown             9.00am


                People of the Parish       11.30am


Mon 11th            Annual mass for fine weather for the races         10.30am


Tues 12th            Chloe McCool, Feale Drive           10.30am


Wed 13th            Patrick, Mary, Margaret, John & Philomena O’Driscoll, West Cork              10.30am


Thurs 14th           Hannah, Vera, Pat & Margaret Buckley, Gortnaminch / Kathleen Doyle, Bridge Rd               10.30am


Fri 15th Deceased members of the Morris & O’Neill Families, Donegal & Tyrone /


Tim Crowe, Limerick       10.30am


Sat. 16th              Mary Lynch, Ballygologue Pk., Months Mind / Moira & Tim Griffin, Coolagown / Patsy Stack, Gortcreen           10.30am


                Dan Broderick, Bunagara /


Ellen McMahon, Gortaglanna, Kilmorna / Bernie O Connell, Woodview  Vigil




Sun 17th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Simonie, Kate & Jimmy Doherty &


Nora, Michael, Jim & John O Brien /


Patrick Foley, Well Street, Ballylongford                11.30am










Beatrice Carmody nee Buckley, William St. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Keane, 0872844649.












AUTUMN STATION DUES / OFFERINGS: which help to support your priests at this time of year are now due and are in your envelope box. Alternatively, there are some loose envelopes at the back of the church. Drop into offertory plate or Parish Office at any time throughout the month of September. Your ongoing support is much appreciated. Many thanks


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room.


PADRE PIO PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE Sunday September 17th. A coach will leave St. Mary’s, Listowel at 7:45am going via Ballybunion, Asdee, Ballylongford & Tarbert.  Contact Bernadette on 0876019474.


THE TOTUS TUUS MEN FOR CHRIST CONFERENCE 2023 - a Catholic Conference for Men will be LIVE & EXCLUSIVE on Radio Maria Ireland Saturday 16th September from 2pm.  Speakers for this year’s Conference are  Fr. Billy Swan, Fr. Chris Hayden, Anthony Crossey & Fr. John Harris.


WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Celebrating 50 years in Ireland. All Married Couples deserve a weekend break. It will be take place on 13-14-15 Oct 2023, in The Cork International Hotel. Register online: www.marriageencounter.ie


PLEASE NOTE PARISH WEEKLY ENVELOPES if you have a few weekly envelopes to put into the basket in the one mass do you know that you can put all the offerings into one envelope. It saves you looking for change putting into individual envelopes and with one envelope also saves time with the admin individually inputting one at a time.


DEACON THADY O’CONNOR’S NEW BOOK AND CD The book is available from Listowel Parish Office with all proceeds donated to charity.


LISTOWEL ST VINCENT DE PAUL The amount raised in our recent collections at masses in our cluster area was €3047.02.   Many thanks for your ongoing support which is very much appreciated






LISTOWEL RACES ACCOMMODATION OFFICE is open in the square above Christy's well bar 11am until 4pm and we are looking for anyone that is letting accommodation for race week or anyone that is looking for accommodation please call into the office or call Maria on 0876652211 thank you.


THERE WILL BE A COMMEMORATION at the Bob Browne memorial in Knockalougha on Thursday 21st September at 7pm.  All welcome.


GALA CONCERT—RED HURLEY with St. John’s Gregorian Choir, Kerry School of Music Orchestra and Kerry Chamber Choir. “How Great Thou Art” Sunday September 24th  in St. John’s Church at 7.30pm. Tickets €20 available in St. John’s Parish Centre or from Michael Fox O’Connor on 087 9833075.  Tickets will also be available at the door on the night. Proceeds in aid of Kerry Hospice. 




Just a Thought


When we describe someone as a fiery person, we usually see them in a negative way. It implies that the person is hot tempered, moody and unpredictable.




Then when we use the words ‘fired up’ it is normally used in a positive way. We get fired up before a match or something important in our lives.




When we use the words ‘fired up’ in connection with God, it is also positive. It means that we are enthusiastic and upbeat in what we believe in. We feel that our faith is helpful, positive and something good in our lives. It fires us up, to help us get through any given day.




Our fire may sometimes be weak and barely noticeable, while at other times we have boundless energy and enthusiasm. There is no right or wrong place to be when it comes to faith matters. But anything that gives us hope, energy and positivity can only be a good thing. Hopefully today and throughout this week you will find hope, energy and positivity. Even if it comes in small bundles, we welcome them with open arms.                         James McSweeney









Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter: 2nd Sept.’23 – 10th Sept.’23




Sat. 2nd Sept.’23




Liam Lynch & deceased members of


the Byrne & Lynch families




Sun.3rd Sept.’23




Margaret & Emmet Leahy (Aniv.’s)






Moyvane Johnny & Mena Hanrahan (Aniv’s)






Tues.5th Sept.’23




Private Intention 10.00am


Wed.6th Sept.’23




Private Intention 10.00am


Thur.7th Sept.’23




Private Intention 10.00am


Fri.8th Sept.’23




Private Intention 10.00am


Upcoming Masses:


Sat.9th Sept.’23




Patrick Brosnan (20th Aniv.) 7.30pm


Sun.10th Sept.’23




Private Intention 9.30am


Moyvane Brid Flavin (1st Aniv.) & deceased


members of Flavin & Hanrahan families




Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549


Collections: Offertory €1,002, Shrines; Moyvane €290, Knockanure €70.24.


Sincerely thanking you.


Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


2nd Collection at all Masses this weekend 2nd&3rd Sept for Diocesan Needs.


Rosary will be recited at the grotto in Moyvane on Friday 8th September at


7:30pm to celebrate Our Lady's birthday. Please come along and join in.


hurch Council Meeting, Tues. 5th Sept. in the Sacristy at 7.30pm.


Other Notices:


Knockanure family fun day will take place on the 10th of Sept at 1pm,


Knockanure GAA field. We have sport’s day activities, penalty shoot outs, tug


of war, meet our local stars, bake sale, disco and lots more activities on the


day. Cash only event. All welcome. Fund raising for Scoil Chorp Chriost


outdoor equipment. It’s sure to be a day of fun in the community,


Listowel races accommodation office is open in the square above


Christy's Well bar 11am until 4pm. We are looking for anyone that is letting


accommodation for race week or is looking for accommodation. Please call


into the office or call Maria on 087-6652211 thank you.


Mary Culloty O’ Sullivan is starting a brand new Adult Choir in North


Kerry. Come along to an open evening on Tues. 5th Sept. 8pm in St Patrick’s


Hall , William St Upper, Listowel, to register your interest and hear all about


classes, fees etc Classes will begin on Mon.11th Sept. 1-2.30pm. All welcome!


Knockanure Community Centre would like to thank and acknowledge


receipt of €1,500 from The Department of Rural Community Development as


well as The Kerry County Council. This money has been granted to us to


support energy costs. Also, Car Boot Sale and Vintage Rally 1st Oct.


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is


holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 12th Sept.,


7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. Free event. Open to


all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of


their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online


support group, further information on info@anamcara.ie


Care of the Aged outing to Killarney on Sept. 7th leaving Moyvane at


10am. Trip to the Red Fox Inn, lunch & shopping in Killarney, tea &


sandwiches on return. Cost €30. Contact Elaine 068-49692/Noreen 068-49238.


St Patrick's Pontifical University Maynooth are running a blended learning


Higher Diploma/ Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy. Applications close 10th Sept,


sppu.ie/courses or contact cmmadmissions@spcm.ie or 01-7084778.


Killarney Comhaltas offering traditional Irish music lessons. First term


commencing 12th Sept for €80. Contact 087-9403508/086-3163348.


Day of prayer for healing, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Scartaglen Sun.


Sept 17th.                                          




Listowel Parish News


MASSES THIS WEEK   3rd – 10th September                    


Sat 2nd                 Barthy O Driscoll, Tanavalla /


Dan Foley, Meen /


Joan Dore, Charles St. /


Johnny Walsh, Mayfield, Cork & O’Connell’s Ave.             Vigil










Sun 3rd                 People of the Parish       9.00am


                Michael & Mary O Keeffe, Moyassa /


David Trant, Behins /


Peggy Gannon, College Lawn     11.30am






Mon 4th               Brenda Sexton, William St. Months Mind / Special Intention & Mass of thanksgiving        10.30am


Tues 5th               Michael Lucid     10.30am


Wed 6th                               10.30am


Thurs 7th             Margaret (Peggy) O Sullivan, Los Angeles late of Lenamore, 1st Anniversary          10.30am


Fri 8th   Jimmy Joy, Ballygologue Pk.        10.30am


Sat. 9th                 Betty Moriarty nee McGrath, Moyassa  10.30am


                Valerie Stack, Bunagara, Birthday Rem / Padraig Kelly, Bridge Rd. /


Geraldine Daly, Castleinch /


Nora Browne, Coolagown /


Brendan Hynes, Fairhouse, Dublin /


Tony O Callaghan, Cahirdown /


John Ryan, Skehenerin /


Mikie, Margaret & Hannah Kennelly, Coolaclarig /


Michael Whelan & deceased members of the Whelan Family, Market St.              Vigil






















Sun 10th              Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown             9.00am


                People of the Parish       11.30am










Monty Leahy, Clounmacon.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Nora Flaherty nee Carroll & Martin (Sonny) Flaherty, O’Connell’s Ave. / Margaret O Connor Ballygologue Road / Mike & Mary Lynch, Lisselton & Liosarda. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Carmody, 0879601549.








KERRY DIOCESAN COLLECTION – FOR DIOCESAN NEEDS Will be taken up at all masses this weekend, 2nd & 3rd September after Holy Communion.


LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet this Monday 4th September at 7pm. in the Presbytery.


MISSION PREPARATION MEETING: Reminder that Fr. Laurence Gallagher CSSR is meeting us on this Tuesday evening at 6.00 p.m. in the Parish Meeting Room as we get prepare for our Parish Mission which is taking place from Saturday, 7th October to Friday, 13th October.  All are welcome and we would appreciate any help we can get. All are welcome!


AUTUMN STATION DUES / OFFERINGS: which help to support your priests at this time of year are now due and are in your envelope box. Alternatively, there are some loose envelopes at the back of the church. Drop into offertory plate or Parish Office at any time throughout the month of September. Your ongoing support is much appreciated. Many thanks


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Friday the 8th there will adoration from 11am. to 1pm.


THE LISTOWEL PARISH CHOIR would welcome New Members, Male & Female. This is a good time to join as we begin again after the summer break. The choir gives an opportunity to make new friends and for anyone newly come to town a way to become integrated into the local community Don’t be shy, join us now. Contact Sr. Consolata at 0872420935 or 06822500. Remember that “to sing is to pray twice”.


PADRE PIO PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE Sunday September 17th. A coach will leave St. Mary’s, Listowel at 7:45am going via Ballybunion, Asdee, Ballylongford & Tarbert. For further details contact Bernadette on 0876019474.


PATTERN DAY MASS IN BALLYHEIGUE On Friday 8th September in our Lady's Well and Grotto, Bishop Ray Browne will celebrate Ballyheigue’s Pattern Day Mass at 11.00am You are all welcome to come and join us on this special day as we celebrate Our Lady’s birthday.








KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK : Well done to the 500 parishioners from Kerry who travelled on pilgrimage to Knock last weekend on the first ever Diocesan Pilgrimage. It was led by our own Bishop Ray Browne and he was joined by a number of our priests.  A special word of ‘thanks’ to Denise our Parish Secretary for the fantastic work she put into it. It was a wonderful experience it as a diocese and hopefully it will become an annual event.


WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Celebrating 50 years in Ireland. All Married Couples deserve a weekend break. It will be take place on 13-14-15 Oct 2023, in The Cork International Hotel. Register online: www.marriageencounter.ie


OUR YOUTH GROUP ARE IN LOURDES: Best wishes to five members of our Youth Group and their two adult leaders  who are in Lourdes this week on the Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage. Hoping that it will be a wonderful experience for them. Be assured of a remembrance in their prayers.    




ANAM CARA KERRY, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 12th September at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group and you can get further information on this by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie


LISTOWEL RACES ACCOMMODATION OFFICE is open in the square above Christy's well bar 11am until 4pm and we are looking for anyone that is letting accommodation for race week or anyone that is looking for accommodation please call into the office or call Maria on 0876652211 thank you.


5K CHARITY WALK in aid of the Listowel branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association on Sunday 3rd September.  The walk starts and finishes at the IWA Day/Resource centre at Ballygologue Road and taking in the greenway. Registration at 11am Departure at noon. All funds raised stays local. For further info ring Jackie at 086 395 3387.


THERE WILL BE A COMMEMORATION at the Bob Browne memorial in Knockalougha on Thursday 21st September at 7pm.  All welcome.









Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  19th Aug.’23 – 27th Aug.’23




Sat. 19th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Jack & Nora Walsh & Michael Mulvihill (Aniv.’s)  7.30pm


Sun.20th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             Nodie Brosnan RIP, Recently Deceased 11.00am


Tues.22nd Aug.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Wed.23rd Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.24th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri.25th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.26th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Mag & Pats Windle, Billy, Jack and Paddy Flaherty (Aniv.’s) Lower Aughrim           7.30pm


Sun.27th Aug.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Bridie Moore RIP              11.00am




Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749




Collections: Offertory €1,015, Moyvane Shrine €410.  Thank you.




Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.




Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.




Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.








Rosary will be recited at the Grotto Knockanure at 8pm every Tues. in Aug.




Church Council Meeting, Tues. 5th Sept. Items for agenda by Fri. Sept. 1st.




Other Notices:




Ballybunion Community Centre, Blood Donation Clinic, Thursday 24th August 4.50pm to 8.10pm.  New Donors welcome. Phone 1800 222 111.  Donations urgently needed.




Care of the Aged outing to Killarney on Sept. 7th leaving Moyvane at 10am.  Trip to the Red Fox Inn, lunch & shopping in Killarney, tea & sandwiches on return. Cost €30. Contact Elaine 068-49692/Noreen 068-49238.




Tralee Bay Wetlands will provide the stunning backdrop for this year’s Celebration of Light Ceremony, organised annually by cancer support charity Recovery Haven Kerry. Run in association with the Rose of Tralee Festival, this year’s event will take place on Sun. Aug. 20th at 7pm and aims to unite those touched by cancer and remember those we have lost. All welcome, candles for sale on the night




Need to improve your reading, writing, maths or technology skills? Kerry ETB offers a free and confidential adult learning service and our courses will start in Sept.’23. Will include Basic Computers; One to One Literacy Tuition; Using Technology to Budgeting & Everyday Maths.


Contact Elaine 086-7969625; email - elaine.clifford@staff.kerryetb.ie or call into our office at 37 High Street (1st Floor), Killarney V93 NTC0.




Knockanure Valley Text Alert AGM, Fri. 25th Aug. at 8pm in Knockanure Community Centre.  Gardai and Muintir na Tire will attend.




Day of prayer for healing, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Scartaglen Sun Sept 17th.














Listowel Parish News


MASSES THIS WEEK  20th – 27th August                    


Sat 19th                Kathleen O Donnell, Ennismore /


Betty Griffin, Ballygologue Pk. /


John Guiney Junior, Charels St. /


Joe & Margaret O Sullivan, Tanavalla /


Sean Thorton, Clieveragh /


Paddy Stack, Woodford /


Kay O Connor, Craughatoosane                 Vigil






Sun 20th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Pat Halpin, Ballygologue Pk. /


Robert Toomey, Ballahadigue /


Kathleen & Brendan Daly, William St. /


Martin (Sonny) O’Flaherty,


O’Connell’s Ave.              11.30am


Mon 21st             Fr. Donal O Connor          10.30am


Tues 22nd           Fr. Kevin McNamara       10.30am


Wed 23rd            Carmel Walshe, Clieveragh Park /


James, Hannah, Athur & Bill O Leary, West Cork                 10.30am


Thurs 24th           Paddy O Donnell, Knockane, Months Mind /


Sean Wight, Ballygrennan              10.30am


Fri 25th Carmel Lynch, Billerough, Bir. Rem.          10.30am


Sat. 26th              Clare Hurley, Bedford, Months Mind      10.30am


                Sheila Keane, O’Connell’s Ave., Months mind /


Dermot Kennelly, Tarbet & Moyvane /


Steven Foran, Listowel /


Anne Walsh nee Lynch & John Walsh, O’Connell’s Ave. Vigil






Sun 27th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Sheila Laide, Ballygologue Park 11.30am








RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS Mary Lynch, Ballygologue Pk., late of Dirha Cottages.


Aldy Dillon, Foildarrig.








PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Sullivan, 0872461749.   














ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Anyone visiting and staying for an hour or two can you please sign the visiting book while there.




Please note parish weekly envelopes if you have a few weekly envelopes to put into the basket in the one mass do you know that you can put all the offerings into one envelope. It saves you looking for change putting into individual envelopes and with one envelope also saves time with the admin individually inputting one at a time. 




DEACON THADY O’CONNOR’S NEW BOOK AND CD The book is available from Listowel Parish Office with all proceeds donated to charity.




PETITIONS FOR LOURDES- Anyone who would like a prayer petition taken to the Grotto at Lourdes?  There is a box in the parish office where you can put your petition, please put in an envelope. Our youth group will place them at the Grotto for you when they go with the Diocese to Lourdes the 1st of September.  Please have your petitions in by the 30th of August.




SEASON OF CREATION 2023 The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the gift and beauty of God’s creation and encourages initiatives to protect our Common Home.


This year’s theme “Let Justice and Peace Flow” is inspired by the Prophet Amos.  “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5: 24).


As Christians we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to take up climate and ecological justice, and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustice and the loss of biodiversity.




LISTOWEL PARISH: JOINS DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: We wish all travelling to Knock from our Parish joining the Diocesan Pilgrimage every blessing on Saturday next (August 26th). Be assured of a remembrance in our prayers.








BALLYBUNION BLOOD DONATION Both regular and new donors are urged to attend as this time of year poses challenges for clinic attendance numbers due the holiday season. Ballybunion Community Centre, Thursday 24th August, 16:50 - 20:10. New Donors welcome. For appointment, please phone 1800 222 111.




Just a Thought


NOTHING is as contagious as an EXAMPLE. We never do great food or great evil without bringing about more of the same on the part of others. At onetime or another, in great ways or small you are an example, a role model, even and inspiration for others. This is true even when you’re unaware of the impact you are having. You make a difference by the way you handle personal crisis, treat a child, do your job, and spend your spare time. It’s natural that most people influence family and friends, neighbours, and co-workers. But it doesn’t end there. Touch one person’s life and countless others are affected. Young people in particular are likely to imitate not just what others say, but what they do. Whether you’re young or old sick or healthy, rich, or poor, you can be an example for good in the way you live your life. It is important to recognise your value. You can make the world a better place for having been in it.                         Ann Conroy





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  12th Aug.’23 – 20th Aug.’23




Sat. 12th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Jack Mulvihill (Aniv.)


Woodgrove        7.30pm


Sun.13th Aug.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Michael Scanlon RIP (1st Aniv.)  11.00am




Mon.14th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Feast of the Assumption,


Vigil Mass            7.30pm


Tues.15th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             Private Intention              11.00am




Wed.16th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.17th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Tom Scanlon (Aniv.)


Leitrim Middle   10.00am


Fri.18th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.19th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Jack & Nora Walsh & Michael Mulvihill


(Aniv.’s)               7.30pm


Sun.20th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              9.30am


Moyvane             Nodie Brosnan RIP, Recently Deceased 11.00am


Priest on duty: 13th Aug. Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084


Collections: Offertory €1,140, 2nd Collection for the Pastoral Centre €260.


Thanking you.


Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.




Knockanure Sacristan, with regret, Grace Leahy is moving on from Aug. 17th.  We Thank Grace for her dedicated service and wish her every Blessing.




Rosary will be recited at Our Lady's Grotto, Moyvane on Tues. 15th Aug. at 7:30pm on the Feast of the Assumption.  Rosary will also be recited at the Grotto Knockanure at 8pm every Tues. in Aug.




Church Council Meeting, Tues. 5th Sept. Items for agenda by Fri. Sept. 1st.




Other Notices:


Knockanure Community Centre would like to thank and acknowledge receipt of €1,500 from the Community Activities Fund 2021 to support payment of energy costs.


Moyvane/Knockanure Care of the Aged wish to thank everyone who subscribed to the recent Church Gate collection.


Knockanure Family Fun Day has been postponed due to unforeseeable circumstances and will be rescheduled at a later date.


Tralee Bay Wetlands will provide the stunning backdrop for this year’s Celebration of Light Ceremony, organised annually by cancer support charity Recovery Haven Kerry. Run in association with the Rose of Tralee Festival, this year’s event will take place on Sun. Aug. 20th at 7pm and aims to unite those touched by cancer and remember those we have lost. All welcome, candles for sale on the night


Need to improve your reading, writing, maths or technology skills? Kerry ETB offers a free and confidential adult learning service and our courses will start in Sept.’23. Will include Basic Computers; One to One Literacy Tuition; Using Technology to Budgeting & Everyday Maths.


Contact Elaine 086-7969625; email - elaine.clifford@staff.kerryetb.ie or call into our office at 37 High Street (1st Floor), Killarney V93 NTC0.


Knockanure Valley Text Alert AGM, Fri. 25th Aug. at 8pm in Knockanure Community Centre.  Gardai and Muintir na Tire will attend.


Divine Will Consecration, Church of the Resurrection, Killarney Aug. 15th. Adoration, Rosary, Holy Mass & Consecration at 2pm. All welcome.


The Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be on Main St, Killarney Sun. 13th Aug. Prayers and the Rosary will be recited at 3 p.m.  Everyone welcome.


Day of prayer for healing, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Scartaglen Sun Sept 17th.














MASSES THIS WEEK  13th – 20th August                    


Sat 12th                Danny Hannon, The Square, Bir. Rem. / Laurance & Ellen Collins, Kilmorna /


Thomas Linnane, Gortacrissane /


Tommy & Annie O Connor, Asdee            Vigil






Sun 13th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Jackie Duggan, Philadelphia, Rec. Dec. /


Mary Leahy nee Scanlon, Dirha Cottages


& London, 1st Ann. /


Michael Quille, Church St. /


Michael Carmody, Ballyduhig




Mon 14th            Linda & Sharon Greaney, Woodford /


Catherine Mai Foley nee O’Driscoll & John Foley, Coolkeragh & Bedford                10.30am


                Peter Moloney & dec. family, Charles St.              7.00pm




Tues 15th                            10.30am


Wed 16th            John Kelly, Lyre & Private Intention         10.30am


Thurs 17th                            10.30am


Fri 18th                 10.30am


Sat. 19th              Deceased members of the Shine Family & Tony Wilkson / Bridie Dillon, Ennismore & Jose & Peggy Gleeson, Church St.        10.30am




                Kathleen O Donnell, Ennismore /


Betty Griffin, Ballygologue Pk. /


John Guiney Junior, Charels St. /


Joe & Margaret O Sullivan, Tanavalla /


Sean Thorton, Clieveragh /


Paddy Stack, Woodford /


Kay O Connor, Craughatoosane                 Vigil








Sun 20th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Pat Halpin, Ballygologue Pk. /


Robert Toomey, Ballahadigue    11.30am












ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Teresa Loughnane, Ballygologue Park. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.   










ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD OF REV MARK MORIARTY THIS SUNDAY: Rev Mark Moriarty, a Killarney young man, will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Kerry in the Cathedral, Killarney this Sunday, afternoon at 3pm. His ordination is a source of great hope and joy for our Diocese. We wish him every blessing.


FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF B.V.M. AUGUST 15th is TUESDAY NEXT: It is a holy day of obligation.  Vigil Mass on Monday evening is at 7.00 p.m. & regular Mass on Tuesday morning is at 10.30 a.m.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Anyone visiting and staying for an hour or two can you please sign the visiting book while there.




Postgraduate Programmes in Theology and Philosophy at St Patricks Pontifical University in Maynooth. Applications will be accepted up until August 14th. For more information contact pgadmissons@spcm.ie or call 01 708 3391.


ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH GATE COLLECTION will be taken up next weekend 19th & 20th August.






THREE GREAT NIGHTS OF MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL IN DUAGH-SPORT COMPLEX NEXT WEEJKEND - from Fri 18th Aug to Sun 20th Aug 2023. Fri 18th Michael English and his band €30. Sat 19th ABBA-esque €22. Sun 20th Trudi Lalor and the Matrimony Band with Paddy O'Brien and TR Dallas €25. You can also get a weekend pass for €65, fantastic value. Full Bar Facilities as well as numerous Spot Prizes each night. Contact 087-2684540 or get them on Eventbrite.ie.


CELEBRATION OF LIGHT CEREMONY The tranquil setting of Tralee Bay Wetlands will once again provide the stunning backdrop for this year’s Celebration of Light Ceremony, organised annually by cancer support charity Recovery Haven Kerry Run in association with the Rose of Tralee Festival, this year’s event will take place on Sunday, August 20, at 7pm and aims to unite those touched by cancer and remember those we have lost. All welcome and candles will be for sale on the night.








Recently, we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and traditionally most homes displaced an image in a central place within their home.  We know physically the heart is a muscle and it is a central and vital organ within our body. Every cell in our body relies on the work of our heart. Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. What an amazing organ within our body. So, if our heart is central to life and being alive, then it comes as no surprise that the image of the Sacred Heart has been given to Jesus.  He is the one who has tremendous love for us.  No heart has loved more than the heart of Jesus. He loves us in ways that no words can describe. His love for us reminds us beautifully how we are precious, special and unique. Nothing will ever change his beautiful love of us.




The beautiful short prayer: “O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you” must surely be one of the most beautiful prayers we have. So, when prayer is difficult or challenging all we have to do is whisper the beautiful words: “O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.”




They can be our first words in the morning, our last words at night, our words when we are afraid or worried, our words as we think of a loved one, our words when we hear bad news, our words when we are standing in a queue, our words before we receive Holy Communion, our words when we are grateful for blessings received




And so, let’s celebrate Jesus as our shepherd as the one who is always looking after us.  Be proud to display his image in your home. What a beautiful reminder of God’s love for you.


O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.




Fr. Declan


Best Wishes to the


 Kerry Ladies Football Team


All Ireland Senior Championship this Sunday







Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  5th Aug.’23 – 13th Aug.’23




Sat. 5th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Dan & Tessy O’Connor (Aniv’s.)


Moyvane South                7.30pm


Sun.6th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Mary Cronin (Aniv.) and deceased of the Cronin family, Leitrim West.     9.30am


Moyvane             Jackie Lyons (Aniv.)         11am


Tues.8th Aug.’23              Knockanure Graveyard 8pm


Weds.9th Aug.’23            Murhur Graveyard          8pm


Thur.10th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Jo & Mary Lynch (Aniv.)


Woodgrove        10am


Fri.11th Aug.’23


Knockanure        Private Intention


Ellen, Laurence & Maurice Collins, Lissaniskea (Aniv.’s)   10am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.12th Aug.’23


Moyvane             Jack Mulvihill (Aniv.)


Woodgrove        7.30pm


Sun.13th Aug.’23


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Michael Scanlon (1st Aniv.)          11am


Priest on duty: 6th Aug. Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083


Collections: 16th July Offertory €975, Moyvane Shrine €307.40,


         23rd July Offertory €1,100


         30th July Offertory €850, Priest Dues €385,


                        Knockanure Shrine €103.85


Thanking you for your continued generosity.


Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.




2nd Collection at Masses this weekend for the Pastoral Centre.




No Morning Mass Tues. & Weds. Aug. 8th & 9th as there are Graveyard Masses on these days at 8pm.




Knockanure Sacristan moves on, with regret, Grace Leahy is moving on from Aug. 17th.  We Thank Grace for her dedicated service over the past years and wish her every Blessing.




Rosary will be recited at the Grotto Knockanure @8pm every Tues. in Aug.




Other Notices:


Knockanure Family Fun Day, Sun. Aug. 13th @1pm.  In conjunction with Knockanure Vintage Rally. Cash only, Adults €5, Children €2. Races, penalty shoot outs, children’s tractor run, DJ, face painting, hair braiding, shop etc. Fundraising by Knockanure Parents Assoc.to upgrade sports & P.E. equip.


Knockanure Valley Text Alert AGM, Fri. 25th Aug. at 8pm in Knockanure Community Centre.  Gardai and Muintir na Tire will attend.


Divine Will Consecration, Church of the Resurrection, Killarney Aug. 15th. Adoration, Rosary, Holy Mass & Consecration at 2pm. All welcome.


The Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be on Main St, Killarney Sun. 13th Aug. Prayers and the Rosary will be recited at 3 p.m.  Everyone welcome.


Communal First Saturday Devotions will take place Aug. 5th at 8.45am in the Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Beginning with the Fatima intentions followed by the Rosary and the celebration of Mass at 9.30am. All will be done with the intention of saving souls and making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, thus fulfilling Our Lady's request to the Laity to pray for peace.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival, Thurs.-Sun.10th-13th Aug.’23 is a four day Catholic event run by young people for young people.Hear amazing talks.  Meet other young Catholics.  Explore your Faith. Donation only. Free buses from all across Ireland. Book your seat at www.youth2000.ie


Day of prayer for healing, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Scartaglen Sun Sep 17th.


Duagh Sports Complex, Fri 18th Michael English & his band €30,


Sat 19th ABBA-esque €22, Sun 20th Trudi Lalor & the Matrimony Band with Paddy O'Brien & TR Dallas €25. Weekend pass €65. Full Bar Facilities, numerous Spot Prizes each night. Contact 087-2684540 or see Eventbrite.ie.






Listowel Parish News












MASSES THIS WEEK  6th – 13th                   


Sat 5th                  Eileen, Connie & Paddy Leahy, Ballygologue Pk. /


Dan (Charlie) O’Brien, Ballahadigue /


Lily Hennessy, Killocrim /


Margaret Kirby, Charles St. /


Tom & Theresa Flynn & Siss Sommers, Dromerin               Vigil














Sun 6th                 People of the Parish       9.00am




Mon 7th               Nora Enright, Luchara Rd. & Ballylongford, 1st Anniversary           10.30am




                Funeral Mass – Brenda Sexton  11.30am


Tues 8th               Anne Rahilly, Ballygologue Park 10.30am


Wed 9th               Noreen McNamara, Asdee &


Tommy Mahony, England            10.30am


Thurs 10th












                Noreen (Nora Mary) Fenton nee Broderick, Kildare late of William St. Recently Deceased Burial of Ashes in St. Michael’s Cemetery / Pats Carmody, Meen /


Bill O Sullivan Coilbee /


Nancy & Tom O Connor, Shrone                  10.30am














Fri 11th                 Voureen Henigan, Dublin late of The Square /


Michael & Margaret Quilter, Ballyduff    10.30am






Sat. 12th              Ita & William Keane, Church St. /


Bridie & Johnny O Riordan, Gortacrissane & Eilzabeth O Riordan, Kanturk              10.30am








                Danny Hannon, The Square, Bir. Rem. / Laurance & Ellen Collins, Kilmorna /


Tommy & Annie O Connor, Asdee            Vigil








Sun 13th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Jackie Duggan, Philadelphia, Rec. Dec. /


Mary Leahy nee Scanlon, Dirha Cottages & London, 1st Ann. / Michael Carmody, Ballyduhig




















Paddy O Donnell, Knockane.




Brenda Sexton, William St. Funeral Mass Monday 7th at 11:30am. Burial in St. John Paul II Cemetery.




Jackie Duggan, Philadelphia (daughter of Maire Power, Clieveragh).




Noreen (Nora Mary) Fenton nee Broderick, Stramillian, Monasterevin, Kildare & William St.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Pat O Leary, The Island / Assumpta Scanlon Leahy, Dirha & London / Bridie Flaherty, Charles St. / John & Hannah O Brien, Cahirdown.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hanafin 087-8341083.  












KERRY DIOCESAN COLLECTION – DIOCESAN PASTORAL CENTRE KILLARNEY will be taken up at all Masses this weekend after communion.


PARISH OFFICE CLOSED this Monday 7th August bank holiday normal office hours Tuesday 8th.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Anyone visiting and staying for an hour or two can you please sign the visiting book while there.


Please note the Vigil Mass next weekend on Saturday 12th will take place on the earlier time of 6pm.  The Revival Music Festival taken place in the Square.


ORDINATION to the priesthood of Rev. Mark Moriarty will take place on next Sunday the 13th of August in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney 3pm. May God be with him on this joyous occasion. “Bless are all who put their trust in Him” … Psalm 2:12


LISTOWEL BUS TO KNOCK 26TH AUGUST There are 3 seats available, contact the parish office 068-21188 if interested.










‘For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ ~ Matthew 6:21


There are different meanings to the word treasure. It can mean wealth such as money, jewels or precious metals like gold all stored up and hoarded away. It can also mean something of great worth or value or someone who is rare and precious. Jesus used both meanings to get across an important message. He says there is little to be gained by storing up lots of treasure in the form of money and wealth. Trying to mind it brings worry and stress and it is well known that lots of money does not guarantee happiness. Instead, Jesus reminds us that real treasure is to be found within. We have a most beautiful line that Jesus shared: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” When a person is full of kindness, love, generosity and shares lots of blessings they are such a treasure.  And we know it too. We sometimes say of a person: “They are such a treasure.” What a beautiful complement. Jesus was a man full of wisdom. He knew so well that many people were searching in the wrong place for happiness. Getting rich and wealthy is no guarantee of happiness. So many still search in the wrong place for happiness today. The key message is that real treasure is to be found within. Can you go within to find your treasure? Can you begin to believe in your goodness, in your kindness, in your love and in the beautiful difference you make to our world each day? Because if you can, you have found real treasure!


James McSweeney






LISTOWEL TIDY TOWNS wishes to thank every who contributed and helped with their recent church gate collection. Amount raised was €1,010.90.


THREE GREAT NIGHTS OF MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL IN DUAGH-SPORT COMPLEX - from Fri 18th Aug to Sun 20th Aug 2023. Fri 18th Michael English and his band €30. Sat 19th ABBA-esque €22. Sun 20th Trudi Lalor and the Matrimony Band with Paddy O'Brien and TR Dallas €25. You can also get a weekend pass for €65, fantastic value. Full Bar Facilities as well as numerous Spot Prizes each night. Contact 087-2684540 or get them on Eventbrite.ie.





Listowel Parish News

MASSES THIS WEEK  30th – 6th    Listowel Church News               


Sat 29th                Christy Angland, Knockane /


Joe Sommers, Billerough & Clare /


Paul Walsh, Greenville, Nora & Leah O Donoghue, Moyvane, Listowel & Perth / John Lynch & Anne Beresford nee Lynch, Knockane & England /


Teresa Bambury, bir. rem., Michael Bambury & John Gerald McMahon, Gortaglanna & Carrueragh, Kilmorna      Vigil
















Sun 30th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Mary & John Joe Hartnett, Clieveragh & deceased family members         11.30am






Mon 31st             Special Intention              10.30am




Tues 1st               Special Intention              10.30am




Wed 2nd                              10.30am


Thurs 3rd             Pierse Family Birthday Blessings                10.30am


Fri 4th                                   10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & First Friday Evening Mass / Mary Thornton, Dromin          6.45pm


Sat. 5th                                 10.30am


                Eileen, Connie & Paddy Leahy, Ballygologue Pk. /


Dan (Charlie) O’Brien, Ballahadigue /


Lily Hennessy, Killocrim /


Margaret Kirby, Charles St.          Vigil








Sun 6th                 People of the Parish       9.00am












Clare Hurley nee McCarthy, Bedford late of Waterford.


Moss Gaire, Duagh Village.






ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Ethne Fitzgerald nee Barry, Tanavalla / Kevin McAuliffe, Charles St. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan 087-0908949 










ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Contact Ian on 0858407782 or Ann on 0872216590.


KERRY DIOCESAN COLLECTION – PASTORAL CENTRE will be taken up next weekend at all Masses.


YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL For 16- to 35-year-olds in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday August 13th. The Youth 2000 Summer Festival is a four-day Catholic event run by young people for young people from all across Ireland. Hear amazing talks. Meet other young Catholics. Explore your Faith. No set charge. Donation only event. Free buses from all across Ireland. To book your seat visit us at www.youth2000.ie


KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from Sept 1st to the 6th led by Bishop Ray. Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin.






LISTOWEL, IRELANDS TIDIEST TOWN 2018 Continuing, Listowel Tidy Towns Local Competitions. Judging of the 2023 Best Kept Estates, Roadside Gardens, Hanging Baskets & Window Box’s will commence week beginning: Monday July 29th. To enter, please give details to Oonagh @ Chemco Pharmacy, Market Street on or before: Sat. July 29th. SHOPFRONTS WILL BE JUDGED END OF AUGUST For enquiries contact Mary @ 0876270033.


THREE GREAT NIGHTS OF MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL - from Fri 18th Aug to Sun 20th Aug 2023. Fri 18th Michael English and his band €30. Sat 19th ABBA-esque €22. Sun 20th Trudi Lalor and the Matrimony Band with Paddy O'Brien and TR Dallas €25. You can also get a weekend pass for €65, fantastic value. Full Bar Facilities as well as numerous Spot Prizes each night. Contact 087-2684540 or get them on Eventbrite.ie.






Just A Thought


For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ ~ Matthew 6:21


There are different meanings to the word treasure. It can mean wealth such as money, jewels or precious metals like gold all stored up and hoarded away. It can also mean something of great worth or value or someone who is rare and precious.


Jesus used both meanings to get across an important message. He says there is little to be gained by storing up lots of treasure in the form of money and wealth. Trying to mind it brings worry and stress and it is well known that lots of money does not guarantee happiness. Instead, Jesus reminds us that real treasure is to be found within. We have a most beautiful line that Jesus shared: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” When a person is full of kindness, love, generosity and shares lots of blessings they are such a treasure.  And we know it too. We sometimes say of a person: “They are such a treasure.” What a beautiful complement. Jesus was a man full of wisdom. He knew so well that many people were searching in the wrong place for happiness. Getting rich and wealthy is no guarantee of happiness. So many still search in the wrong place for happiness today.


The key message is that real treasure is to be found within. Can you go within to find your treasure? Can you begin to believe in your goodness, in your kindness, in your love and in the beautiful difference you make to our world each day? Because if you can, you have found real treasure!                     


                                                           James McSweeney




Good Luck today to the Kerry team


in the All-Ireland









Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  15th July’23 – 30th July’23




Sat. 15th July’23


Moyvane             Timothy Noonan (Aniv.)               7.30pm


Sun.16th July’23


Knockanure        Christopher Higgins (1st Aniv.)   9.30am


Moyvane             Patrick & son John Shanahan (Aniv’s.)


& deceased of Shanahan & Egan families              11.00am


Tues.18th July’23


Moyvane             Private Intention






Weds.19th July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.20th July’23


Moyvane             Denny Flaherty, Recently Deceased        10.00am


Fri.21st July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.22nd July’23


Moyvane             Ellen & Tom Sheehan & Imelda Sheehan (Aniv.’s) Kilbaha             7.30pm


Sun.23rd July’23


Knockanure        Nora & James Moore & son Willie (Aniv’s), Kilmorna       9.30am


Moyvane             Theresa (Tess) Mulvihill (Aniv.)


Leitrim West      11.00am


Tues.25th July’23


Moyvane             Siss Dore & her daughter Kathleen (Aniv.’s)        10.00am


Weds.26th July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.27th July’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri. 28th July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Sat. 29th July’23


Moyvane             Jeremiah Mulvhill & deceased of Mulvihill family, Paddy Connolly & deceased of Connolly family (Aniv.’s)               7.30pm


Sun. 30th July’23


Knockanure        Jerry Clancy (Aniv.)         9.30am


Moyvane             Denis Corridan (Aniv.)    11.00am




Priest on duty: 16th July Fr. Denis O’Mahony 087-6807197


                                   23rd July Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271


                                   30th July Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-2200114




Collections: Offertory €1,175, Priest Dues €860.  Thanking you.


Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Graveyard Masses; All Masses at 8pm.


Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher


Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure


Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur




Mass Requests. When you request a Mass or get a signed Mass card, we the Church, are under obligaton to have that Mass said.  You are invited to make a donation to the Church (how much depends on you). There is no pricelist.




2nd Collection at Masses 5th/6th Aug.’23 for the Pastoral Centre.




Reminder to please return the outstanding CHY3 Charity donation forms.




Maria, the Parish Secretary will be taking Annual Leave from July 17th- 28th.  During this time Fr. Brendan will be in the office Weds, Thurs & Fri. from 11am-12noon, carmody.brendan4@gmail.com 068-49308, 087-9601549.


Other Notices:


TUSLA, the Child and Family Agency, are currently recruiting foster carers to meet the growing demands for placements, please call 1800 226 771.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival, young people aged 16-35, Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare, Thurs.10th-Sun.13th Aug. The festival includes inspiring talks, music, prayer, workshops, and Mass. Donation only.  Buses from all over Ireland. More info. & to book www.youth2000.ie


















MASSES THIS WEEK  23rd – 30th July                 


Sat 22nd               Sandra Curtin Culhane, Killocrim, Months Mind /


Michael Hennessy, Billerough, 1st Ann. / Hannah O Sullivan, Finuge, 1st Ann. /


Robert & Bettie Moloney, The Square & George & Audrey O Grady, Ballybunion & Listowel / Josie Kennelly, Smearla Bridge /


Mary Gallagher, England & Gortcreen /


Batt Hannon, Cois Baile / Albert Byrne, Dublin / Eugene, Eileen & John Paul McCarthy, Bunagara                Vigil






















Sun 23rd              Fr. Tim Gunn, Lisselton  9.00am


                Anthony Scanlon, Convent Rd & Coolaclarig, Months Mind / Edward, Mary & Jack Carmody, Knockaure /


Nora & Tom Scannell, Skehenerin            11.30am








Mon 24th            Margo Hinchy nee Kennelly, Ballygologue Rd.


/ Elsie Hope Leahy, Kenny Heights /


Anne Finnerty, Wicklow                10.30am




Tues 25th            Special Intention & O’Rourke & White Family      10.30am




Wed 26th            Ned & Annie Pellican & dec. mem. of the Fennelly Family, Derry               10.30am


Thurs 27th           Briede Murphy, Church St.           10.30am


Fri 28th                 Michael Downey, Cork, bir. rem. /


Daniel & Catherine Flaherty, Red Cottages           10.30am


Sat. 29th              Katheen Doyle, Castleinch, Months Mind / Peggy O Connor, Finuge /


Mona Dalton, Bridge Rd. /


Paddy & Nora Sheehy, Bedford 10.30am


                Christy Angland, Knockane /


Joe Sommers, Billerough & Clare /


Paul Walsh, Greenville, Nora & Leah O Donoghue, Moyvane, Listowel & Perth / Teresa Bambury, bir. rem., Michael Bambury & John Gerald McMahon, Gortaglanna & Carrueragh, Kilmorna              Vigil








Sun 30th              People of the Parish       9.00am


                Mary & John Joe Hartnett, Clieveragh & deceased family members         11.30am








RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS Sheila Keane nee Dowling, O’Connell’s Ave.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bridget (bridie) Canty, O’Connell’s Ave. / Bridie Dillon, Ennismore.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Walsh, 087-7913271. 






ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Contact Ian on 0858407782 or Ann on 0872216590.


DUAGH CEMETERY MASS: will take place in Springmount on Thursday next at 8.00 p.m. All are welcome.


YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Thursday to Sunday 10th - 13th August 2023  The Youth 2000 Summer Festival is a four day Catholic event run by young people for young people from all across Ireland.  Hear amazing talks.  Meet other young Catholics.  Explore your Faith.  Come and see.  No set charge.  Donation only event.  We have free buses coming from all across Ireland.  To book your seat visit us at www.youth2000.ie






LISTOWEL TIDY TOWNS CHURCH GATE COLLECTION will be held next weekend. Saturday 29th and Sunday 30TH July.


ROAD WORKS The proposed works on the N69 Tralee Listowel Road are rescheduled to commence on Monday 24th July 2023. These works will involve lane closures for a period of 6 weeks, traffic lights will be in place on a 24-hour basis. The works will commence on the Tralee tie-in. The Tralee tie-in works will be completed for the Revival Festival. The Listowel tie-in works will commence after the Revival Festival.


LISTOWEL, IRELANDS TIDIEST TOWN 2018 Continuing, Listowel Tidy Towns Local Competitions. Judging of the 2023 Best Kept Estates, Roadside Gardens, Hanging Baskets & Window Box’s will commence week beginning: Monday July 29th. To enter, please give details to Oonagh  @ Chemco Pharmacy, Market Street on or before: Sat. July 29th . SHOPFRONTS WILL BE JUDGED  END OF AUGUST For enquiries contact: Mary @ 0876270033.
















‘Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it.’ ~Michael Jordan


JK Rowling is one of the world’s bestselling children’s authors. She has written all the Harry Potter books. But it wasn’t an easy journey at first. Her first book is called ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’. It was rejected by twelve different publishing companies. But one small publisher called Bloomsbury decided to give the book a go. The reason the editor Barry Cunningham took the book on, was that he had given the first chapter to his eight-year-old daughter to have a read and she loved it. It was enough for him to print it and the book simply became an international best seller.




JK Rowling went through lots of rejection, but it was her inner strength and her belief in her own work that kept her going and gave her the confidence not to give up. Jesus in our Gospel stories also talked about rejection, about negativity in our world and about difficult times we all go through. In the middle of all of this he says we will find an inner strength that will get us through the difficulties and challenges that we will have to face.




It is our firm belief that our faith and believing in something gives us this inner strength and is sometimes called resilience. It gives us the hope and the courage to keep going. The author JK Rowling could so easily have given up, but she kept going because she believed in what she was about. Jesus also encourages us to keep going and to believe in what we are about. It’s not easy when life is tough and difficult, but we all have an inner strength to keep us going. We are invited to believe in this inner strength and it will keep us going when it matters most.                                       James McSweeney









Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749


Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.


Newsletter:  15th July’23 – 30th July’23




Sat. 15th July’23


Moyvane             Timothy Noonan (Aniv.)               7.30pm


Sun.16th July’23


Knockanure        Christopher Higgins (1st Aniv.)   9.30am


Moyvane             Patrick & son John Shanahan (Aniv’s.)


& deceased of Shanahan & Egan families              11.00am


Tues.18th July’23


Moyvane             Private Intention






Weds.19th July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.20th July’23


Moyvane             Denny Flaherty, Recently Deceased        10.00am


Fri.21st July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am




Upcoming Masses:


Sat.22nd July’23


Moyvane             Ellen & Tom Sheehan & Imelda Sheehan (Aniv.’s) Kilbaha             7.30pm


Sun.23rd July’23


Knockanure        Nora & James Moore & son Willie (Aniv’s), Kilmorna       9.30am


Moyvane             Theresa (Tess) Mulvihill (Aniv.)


Leitrim West      11.00am


Tues.25th July’23


Moyvane             Siss Dore & her daughter Kathleen (Aniv.’s)        10.00am


Weds.26th July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Thur.27th July’23


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri. 28th July’23


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Sat. 29th July’23


Moyvane             Jeremiah Mulvhill & deceased of Mulvihill family, Paddy Connolly & deceased of Connolly family (Aniv.’s)               7.30pm


Sun. 30th July’23


Knockanure        Jerry Clancy (Aniv.)         9.30am


Moyvane             Denis Corridan (Aniv.)    11.00am




Priest on duty: 16th July Fr. Denis O’Mahony 087-6807197


                                   23rd July Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271


                                   30th July Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-2200114




Collections: Offertory €1,175, Priest Dues €860.  Thanking you.


Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Graveyard Masses; All Masses at 8pm.


Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher


Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure


Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur




Mass Requests. When you request a Mass or get a signed Mass card, we the Church, are under obligaton to have that Mass said.  You are invited to make a donation to the Church (how much depends on you). There is no pricelist.




2nd Collection at Masses 5th/6th Aug.’23 for the Pastoral Centre.




Reminder to please return the outstanding CHY3 Charity donation forms.




Maria, the Parish Secretary will be taking Annual Leave from July 17th- 28th.  During this time Fr. Brendan will be in the office Weds, Thurs & Fri. from 11am-12noon, carmody.brendan4@gmail.com 068-49308, 087-9601549.


Other Notices:


TUSLA, the Child and Family Agency, are currently recruiting foster carers to meet the growing demands for placements, please call 1800 226 771.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival, young people aged 16-35, Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare, Thurs.10th-Sun.13th Aug. The festival includes inspiring talks, music, prayer, workshops, and Mass. Donation only.  Buses from all over Ireland. More info. & to book www.youth2000.ie
















Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  16th – 23rd July                 


Sat 15th                William Heffernan & deceased family Ballygologue Pk. / John McEnery, Cahirdown /


Anne Prendiville, Moyvane, bir. rem. /


Tom Fitzgerald, Church Street & Billerough /


Josephine Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave. /


John Paul O Farrell, Church St.    Vigil
















Sun 16th              People of the parish       9.00am


                Edward O'Connor, England, Rec. Dec. /


Nuala McAuliffe, Convent St. Months Mind / Mary Brassil, Coolagown, 1st Ann.                11.30am








Mon 17th                            10.30am




Tues 18th            Eamon Tarrant, Church St.           10.30am




Wed 19th            Michael & Catherine O Connor, Johnny Nolan & Peggy Hickey, & dec. family members, Curraughatoosane          10.30am


Thurs 20th                            10.30am


Fri 21st                  Noreen Guiney, Clieveragh Park               10.30am


Sat. 22nd             Neillie Lyons, Finuge, Months Mind         10.30am


                Sandra Curtin Culhane, Killocrim, Months Mind /


Michael Hennessy, Billerough, 1st Ann. / Hannah O Sullivan, Finuge, 1st Ann. /


Josie Kennelly, Smearla Bridge /


Batt Hannon, Cois Baile / Albert Byrne, Dublin / Eugene, Eileen & John Paul McCarthy, Bunagara                Vigil








Sun 23rd              Anthony Scanlon, Convent Rd & Coolaclarig, Months Mind /


Fr. Tim Gunn, Lisselton  9.00am


                Edward, Mary & Jack Carmody, Knockaure           11.30am






ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bill Joe Lucey, Charles St. / Jimmy & Bridie Dillon, Colbert St. / Neillie Canty, O’Connell’s Ave. & Ballyheigue / Josie Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave.  / Paddy Fealey & deceased family, Coolaclarig                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Mahony, 087-6807197.






ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Contact Ian on 0858407782 or Ann on 0872216590.


JOIN ACCORD - and train as a Marriage Preparation Programme Facilitator. If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church. If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the ACCORD team in supporting couples who are preparing for the sacrament of Marriage. Please contact Aisling on 01-5053112 or email: marriagepreparation@accord.ie


KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES - will take place from Sept. 1st to the 6th and will be led by Bishop Ray. Flights will be from Kerry Airport and bookings can be made through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin. Phone 01-8788159.


World Youth Day 2023 - There are still three places remaining for the diocesan youth pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023 to be held in Lisbon, Portugal. We fly out from Dublin on July 31st and return on August 8th. Pilgrims must be over 18 to travel. The cost of the pilgrimage is €1,400. Please contact Tomás Kenny on 086-3683778 or email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie for more information or for an application form.




VINCENTS’S SHOP Patrick St. €2 Sale, massive end of season sale begins Wednesday 19th July, of all Mens, Ladies & Children Clothes. Call in and grab a bargain and help support people in need. Opening hours Wednesday to Friday 10am to 5pm & Saturday 10am to 1pm.


MEMORY LANE THEATRE ARE A KERRY BASED COMMUNITY THEATRE GROUP. This year we are paying tribute to one of our great Kerry writers, Brendan Kennelly, by staging his adaptation of Euripides, The Trojan Women. This play had it’s debut in the Peacock Theatre 30 years ago this year. It’s message and


sentiment has never been more significant or relevant than now with the ongoing conflicts in Europe. Brendan was an important national literary figure. He has a huge following and is greatly recognised in Dublin through his association with Trinity College.  All proceeds will benefit Amnesty International refugee fund. The trojan women, by Brendan Kennelly, at the Old Mill, Ballylongford, on 21st, 22nd & 23rd July, 7:30pm. Booking: Siobhán, 0667132564 or Ciarán on 0861664222. Tickets: €15.






A fable called ‘Never Give Up’


‘One day a farmer’s donkey fell into a well. There was no way out for the poor donkey. Finally, the farmer decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway. The farmer along with his neighbours all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something the farmer had never thought possible. The donkey would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer’s neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! Life is also going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. No matter how deep the well, there is a way out. The best solution is to never give up. That is why Jesus beautifully extends such a beautiful invitation: “Come to me all you who labour and overburden and I will give you rest.” The heart of the message is that there is always a way out of our troubles. There are always stepping stones. Jesus doesn’t say I might give you rest, or I could give you rest. He says I will give you rest. So, no matter what is going on for you right now we have those beautiful words of Jesus to comfort us and give us light and hope when life gets difficult’.                                              James McSweeney














Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  8th July’23 – 16th July’23


Sat. 8th July’23

Moyvane             Paudie Hanrahan, Recently Deceased


Sun.9th July’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Mary McElligott (1st Aniv.) & Pat McElligott (18th Aniv.) 11.00am

Tues.11th July’23

Moyvane             Private Intention



Weds.12th July’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.13th July’23

Moyvane             Dora & Mossie Ahern (Aniv’s.)   10.00am

Fri.14th July’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.15th July’23

Moyvane             Timothy Noonan (Aniv.)               7.30pm

Sun.16th July’23

Knockanure        Christopher Higgins (1st Aniv.)   9.30am

Moyvane             Patrick & son John Shanahan (Aniv’s.)

& deceased of Shanahan & Egan families              11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-960 1549

Collections: Offertory €1,350, 2nd Collection for Sick & Retired Priests €530.  Thank you for your continued genorosity.

Confessions: On request before/after any Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.

Graveyard Masses;

Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher

Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure

Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur

All Masses at 8pm.

Thanks from Fr. Christy (Rosmini appeal) for €2,365 total collected.  They deeply appreciate the generosity.


The Parish will receive insurance compensation of €13,277.52 for revenue lost during the covid pandemic.


Maria, the Parish Secretary will be taking Annual Leave from July 17th to 28th.  During this time Fr. Brendan will be in the office Weds, Thurs, and Fri. from 11am to 12 noon.  Also contact carmody.brendan4@gmail.com, 068-49308 or 087-960 1549.


Fitbit watch found near entrance to the car park.  Collect in the Sacristy.

Other Notices:

The Annual Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock will take place next Sunday 16th July.  Mass at 3pm with Anointing of the Sick beforehand at 2:30pm.

Newsletters & Emblems available at PTAA stand in St John’s Rest & Care Centre or via www.pioneers.ie

The Power of God’s Word to Heal and to Change Us, Fr Pat Collins CM will deliver a Teaching and Healing Service in the Rose Hotel Tralee on Sunday July 9th 2023. Starting at 10 am to 5 pm. (break for lunch and teas) Seating recommended by 9.45 am.

He will also Launch Deacon Thady O’Connor’s New Book and CD. Your Breath is Your Hope “Thady’s book takes you through an emotional account which describes his stages of recovery from a near fatal encounter with Covid 19 and will help anyone coping with a crisis and the inevitable challenges of life” (Fr Pat Collins CM). The day will also be accompanied by the Healing Music Ministry of Thady, Fergus and Company.

TUSLA, the Child and Family Agency, are currently recruiting new foster carers to meet the growing demands for placements given the ongoing humanitarian crisis. To find out more about becoming a foster carer please call 1800 226 771.

 Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival. The festival takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. The festival includes inspiring talks, music, prayer, concert, workshops, dramas, share groups, reconciliation and healing service and Mass. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. More info. and to book www.youth2000.ie








MASSES THIS WEEK  9th – 16th July   Listowel Church              


8th         Nancy & Pat McAuliffe, Bedford & Lisa McAuliffe & Ken Hatton, Sydney /

Hannah & Sam Tarrant, Craughatoosane / John & Eileen O Connell, Woodford /

Eileen Daly & dec. mem. of the O’Brien family, Knockane /

Dec. mem of the Browne & Foley Family, Tralee /

A Family Intention           Vigil









9th         People of the Parish       9.00am

                Anthony Enright, Billerough /

Mena Fitzpatrick, Church St.       11.30am

Mon 10th                            10.30am


Tues 11th            Martin Mulvihill, College Lawn, Bir. Rem.               10.30am



 12th      Kitty Salmon, Cherrytree Dr. /

Maggie & Peggy Walsh, Courthouse Rd.                10.30am

Thurs 13th            John J. Molyneaux, Woodford  10.30am

Fri 14th                 Jeremiah & Bridie O Driscoll, Dirha West                10.30am


15th       Anne & Bridie Doyle, Knockane /

Special Intention              10.30am

                William Heffernan & deceased family Ballygologue Pk. /

John McEnery, Cahirdown /

Anne Prendiville, Moyvane, bir. rem.     Vigil





16th       People of the parish       9.00am

                Mary Brassil, Coolagown, 1st Ann.            11.30am





RECENT DEATHS   Anthony Scanlon, Convent Rd., late of Coolaclarig.

Kathleen (Kay) Kelly, The Lodge, Bridge Rd., late of Killarney.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Carmody, 087-9601549.








ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Contact Ian on 0858407782 or Ann on 0872216590.

ST. MICHAEL’S CEMETERY COMMITTEE A big thank you to all who organised & participated in St. Michael’s graveyard annual mass on Monday, July 3rd. The graveyard committee is Urgently in need of new members. If you would like to become involved in the committee please phone Jacqui on 086-3953387 before Friday 14th July.

KILLSINON CEMETERY MASS Tuesday 11th at 7.30pm.

FR PAT COLLINS VINCENTIAN CONGREGATION (founded by St Vincent de Paul) is a highly sought-after International speaker and is the author of 25 books. He will Deliver a Teaching and Healing Service in the Rose Hotel Tralee on Sunday July 9th 2023. Starting at 10 am to 5 pm. (break for lunch and teas). Seating recommended by 9.45 am.         

He will also Launch Deacon Thady O’Connor’s New Book and CD. Your Breath is Your Hope. His book was forwarded by Bishop Ray Browne and traces various stages of his near fatal encounter with Covid 19. In it, he shares the power of maintaining Hope, Faith and Gratitude as well as the supernatural power of a praying community. The day will also be accompanied by the Healing Music Ministry of Thady, Fergus and Friends.

ANNUAL PIONEER PILGRIMAGE to Knock will take place next Sunday 16 July. Mass at 3pm with Anointing of the Sick beforehand at 2:30pm. Newsletters & Emblems available at PTAA stand in St John’s Rest & Care Centre or via www.pioneers.ie






TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UPDATE for N69 Listowel Bypass Urban Section is provided below. Market Street/Ballybunion Road Works The pavement works at the junction of Market Street/Ballybunion Road are to commence on Monday 10th July to 16th July 2023. The works to the northern section of the Market Street/Ballybunion Road will be carried out first from the 10th to 13th July 2023, and no inbound traffic will be permitted during this time.  The works to the southern section of the Market Street/Ballybunion Road will be carried out from the 13th to 16th July 2023, and no outbound traffic will be permitted during this time. Two-way traffic will be maintained on this section of the JBK Road during these works. John B Keane Road works - Ballygologue Junction to Tim Kennelly roundabout. Works between Ballygologue Junction and Tim Kennelly roundabout are ongoing and are due to be completed by 21st July 2023. These works will also include the final surfacing. This section of JBK Road will then open to two-way traffic. Ballygologue Junction to Ballybunion Road Roundabout The final surfacing course will be completed with a lane closure under traffic management over a period of 4 weeks (24th July to 17th August). The surfacing from the 11thAugust to the 17th August will mainly be on side roads. The final surfacing works will commence at Ballygologue Junction and proceed on a section-by-section basis to Ballybunion Road Roundabout.  The final surfacing works will be carried out in the following order: Ballygologue Junction to Clieveragh Junction, Clieveragh Junction to McKenna’s, McKenna’s to Ballybunion Road Roundabout. The surfacing works across at Junctions will be done early in the morning to minimise disruption. There will be delays due to mainline surfacing, but access will be facilitated as far as possible. Surfacing on business and residential accesses will be completed in two halves to minimise delays. Nighttime works are planned to do the final surfacing works at Clieveragh Junction and Ballybunion Road roundabout. The traffic flow direction during all phases of the works on JBK Road will be one-way and keeping with the traffic flow appropriate to that lane. Works on Ballybunion road will be controlled by traffic lights/stop go.




Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  1st July’23 – 9th July’23


Sat. 1st July’23

Moyvane             John & Mary Stack (Aniv.’s)

Aughrim               7.30pm

Sun.2nd July’23

Knockanure        Pat Lynch (Aniv.) & deceased family members, Carraughera, Kilmorna   9.30am

Moyvane             John Carmody (Aniv.) & deceased members of the Carmody family.       11.00am

Tues.4th July’23

Moyvane             Private Intention



Weds.5th July’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.6th July’23

Moyvane             Bridie Reilly nee Fitzmaurice (Aniv.)

Glasgow and Leitrim Middle        10.00am

Fri.7th July’23

Knockanure        Private Intention

Nancy Hannon, Recently Deceased         10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.8th July’23

Moyvane             Paudie Hanrahan, Recently Deceased


Sun.9th July’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Mary McElligott (1st Aniv.) & Pat McElligott (18th Aniv.) 11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949

Collections: Offertory €940, Shrines; Moyvane €355, Knockanure €83.10.  Thank you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.

Graveyard Masses;

Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher

Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure

Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur

All Masses at 8pm.

2nd Collection at Masses this wkend 1st&2nd July for Sick & Retired Priests.


Church Offertory envelopes are available for collection at the Parish Office during the office opening hours.  They will be distributed at weekend Masses and to homes at a later date.


Other Notices:


North Kerry story trail historical walk of Moyvane, take a trip down memory lane, recall the people, the characters, their stories, remember the shops, the pubs, the schools, the churches, the Garda barracks, the post office, the hall, the forges, the creamery, the farmers and all who made Moyvane such a special place. The tour, led by Gabriel Fitzmaurice, will assemble at the Annamoy Bridge below the village at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 6. Everybody is welcome. And if you have a story to share Gabriel would be delighted.

The following night, Friday, July 7, the Rambling House comes to the Marian Hall at 8 p.m.  Tell a story, sing a song, play a tune, dance a few steps or just come for the craic. Fear an Tí Tom Moore and James Fogarty will preside over what promises to be an unforgettable occasion. Admission is free. Everybody is welcome.


National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Sunday 23rd July’23, 2.30pm Anointing of the Sick in the Basilica and at 3pm Pilgrimage Mass followed by the Rosary Procession.


Opportunity in Youth Ministry Leadership, The Diocese of Lancaster Youth Service are looking for a Senior Programme Leader to lead retreats and other programmes in their youth retreat centre, Castlerigg Manor, in the English Lake District. This is an innovative project which focuses on leading their volunteers into a closer relationship with God and in working with their volunteers to lead programmes for thousands of young people each year. The post is residential with an excellent salary package. More information email director@castleriggmanor.co.uk or see castleriggmanor.com


Kerry diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place Sept 1st - 6th led by Bishop Ray.  Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin.  See poster at the back of the Church for more details.





 Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK 2nd – 9th July                 


1st          Mary Barry, Tanavalla /

Deceased members of the Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty Families, Listowel      Vigil



2nd        People of the Parish       9.00am

                Teresa Reidy, Cherrytree Dr., Months Mind / Rich Kissane, Clountubird /

Noreen McElligott Lixnaw Village & Lucan / Ronnie Downey & dec. fam., Ashgrove & O’Connell’s Ave. / Conor Doherty, Dirha  11.30am


3rd         Lil Mai O Sullivan & Mary Frances Browne, William St. /

Liam Healy & dec. fam., Ballygologue Pk. /

Michael Enright, Ennismore &

Charles St., Bir. Rem. /

Tim O Neill, Ballybunion Rd., bir. rem. /

Susan Hennessy, Killocrim & London       10.30am



4th         Jim Scanlon, Dirha East, bir. rem. /

Anne Marie O Sullivan, Lartigue Village & Charles St. / Special Intention  10.30am


Wed 5th               Joe & Helena O Keeffe, Asdee /

Tim Leyne, Charles St. & Boston                10.30am

Thurs 6th             Michael Brennan, Colbert St. /

Kevin & Eileen McCarthy, Coilbee             10.30am

Fri 7th  Paul McCarthy, Tanavalla, bir. rem. /

Thanksgiving Mass / Special Intention    10.30am

                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday mass / Mickey, Nora, Moss & Eamon Flavin, Bunagara                 6.45pm


8th         Frank Greaney, Woodford, Months Mind             10.30am

                Nancy & Pat McAuliffe, Bedford & Lisa McAuliffe & Ken Hatton, Sydney /

Hannah & Sam Tarrant, Craughatoosane / John & Eileen O Connell, Woodford /

Eileen Daly & dec. mem. of the O’Brien family, Knockane /

Dec. mem of the Browne & Foley Family, Tralee / A Family Intention       Vigil





9th         People of the Parish       9.00am

                Anthony Enright, Billerough /

Mena Fitzpatrick, Church St.       11.30am






Nellie Lyons, Finuge.

Kathleen Doyle, Castleinch.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Margaret O Sullivan, Finuge / David Sweeney, Convent St. & O’Connell’s Ave. / Lil Mai O Sullivan, William St.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Declan at

087-0908949 (Emergency Number Only)




ANNUAL DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR THE SICK & RETIRED PRIESTS:  It will be taken up at all masses this weekend, immediately after Holy Communion.


This Monday 3rd July at 8.00pm. Bishop Ray Browne will be attending.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: going forward it has been agreed that there will be one full day on Tuesday’s 11am. to 8pm. in the Adoration Room. Contact Ian on 0858407782 or Ann on 0872216590.

BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation.


will take place on Sunday 23rd July 2023. Schedule for the day: Anointing of the Sick in the Basilica at 2.30pm and at 3pm Pilgrimage Mass followed by the Rosary Procession.

DYSERT LIXNAW CEMETERY MASS will take place on Tuesday 4th July at 7.30pm.

TRÓCAIRE HAS ACKNOWLEDGED recent donations of €100,812.83 from our diocese €7,745.00 came from Listowel, towards the Lent Appeal campaign 2023. 

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Sept 1st to the 6th led by Bishop Ray. Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin. See posters on notice boards for details.




MESSAGE FROM THE DIOCESAN SAFEGUARDING COMMITTEE The committee would like to thank all those who attended safeguarding training programmes. So far this year 83 people attended two diocesan training programmes, safeguarding children training and adults at-risk of abuse training. It was great to see the engagement and continued support from parishes with 65 Parish Safeguarding Reps attending meetings in Killarney and Tralee. An important topic discussed was bringing back altar servers and other youth groups. The committee would like to acknowledge the dedicated work undertaken in parishes were these groups have returned. Finally, the committee would like to encourage Parish Safeguarding Reps, Schools and Parents to work towards reinstating altar servers in parishes that have yet to do so.

DEACON THADY O’CONNOR has written a book “Your breaths is your hope” Covid-19: My Story of Recovery and More, including a CD of Hymns, Costs €20 in the parish office. All proceeds are being donated to MS Ireland, Alzheimer Society and Radio Maria Ireland.



"DESIGNER MINDS have 2 upcoming Summer Camps running in Listowel. Choose a Science Design & Technology Camp OR Art Camp (or try out both and receive a discount). For all boys & girls currently in Senior Infants up to 6th Class. Check Dates and Register online at www.designerminds.ie or call 087 631 0411".

TUSLA, THE CHILD AND FAMILY AGENCY, are currently recruiting new foster carers to meet the growing demands for placements given the ongoing humanitarian crisis. To find out more about becoming a foster carer please call 1800 226 771.



Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  24th June – 2nd July’23


Sat. 24th June’23

Moyvane             Biker’s Mass

Elizabeth Lane, Recently Deceased          2.00pm


Sun.25th June’23

Knockanure        James Duggan (Aniv.)    9.30am

Moyvane             Jerry & Ellen Enright (Aniv.’s)

Lissaniskea          11.00am

Tues.27th June’23

Moyvane             Private Intention



Weds.28th June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.29th June’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.30th June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention



Upcoming Masses:

Sat.1st July’23

Moyvane             John & Mary Stack (Aniv.’s)

Aughrim               7.30pm

Sun.2nd July’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             John Carmody (Aniv.) & deceased members of the Carmody family.       11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749

Collections: Offertory €905, Priest Dues €1,390.  Thanking you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12 noon to 4pm.


Graveyard Masses;

Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher

Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure

Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur

All Masses at 8pm.

2nd Collection at Masses next wkend 1st&2nd July for Sick & Retired Priests.


Church Offertory envelopes are available for collection at the Parish Office during the office opening hours.  They will be distributed at weekend Masses and to homes at a later date.


The Diocesan Safeguarding Committee would like to thank all those who attended safeguarding training programmes. So far this year 83 people attended two diocesan training programmes, safeguarding children training and adults at-risk of abuse training.

65 Parish Safeguarding Reps attended meetings in Killarney and Tralee. An important topic discussed was bringing back altar servers and other youth groups. The committee would like to acknowledge the dedicated work undertaken in parishes where these groups have returned. Finally, the committee would like to encourage Parish Safeguarding Reps, Schools and Parents to work towards reinstating altar servers in all parishes.


Other Notices:

National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Sunday 23rd July’23, 2.30pm Anointing of the Sick in the Basilica and at 3pm Pilgrimage Mass followed by the Rosary Procession.

Safe Tractor Driving Skills, 14-16 years old, “Creating safety awareness amongst teenagers working with tractors on the farm”, Listowel Mart 26th June, Castleisland Mart 27th June, Tralee Mart 28th June.  Participants receive an FRS Training Certificate with recognition from the Farm Safety Partnership and Health & Safety Authority.  Cost €35.  To register phone NEWKD Tralee 066-7180190.

Opportunity in Youth Ministry Leadership, The Diocese of Lancaster Youth Service are looking for a Senior Programme Leader to lead retreats and other programmes in their youth retreat centre, Castlerigg Manor, in the English Lake District. This is an innovative project which focuses on leading their volunteers into a closer relationship with God and in working with their volunteers to lead programmes for thousands of young people each year. The post is residential with an excellent salary package. More information email director@castleriggmanor.co.uk or see castleriggmanor.com

Kerry diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place Sept 1st - 6th led by Bishop Ray.  Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin.  See poster at the back of the Church for more details.






Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  17th June – 25th June’23


Sat. 17th June’23

Moyvane             Richard & Hannah Stack (Aniv.’s)

Clounbrane        7.30pm

Sun.18th June’23

Knockanure        Kathleen & Tom O’Dwyer (Aniv.’s)

Shrone, Listowel              9.30am

Moyvane             Pa Joe McEnery (3rd Aniv.)

Tubertureen      11.00am

Tues.20th June’23

Moyvane             Private Intention



Weds.21st June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.22nd June’23

Moyvane             Nora & Joseph O’Connor & daughters Sheila, Mary & Ann & Pascal O’Rourke son in law, (Aniv.’s)                 10.00am

Fri.23rd June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention



Upcoming Masses:

Sat.24th June’23

Moyvane             Bikers Mass

Elizabeth Lane, Recently Deceased          2.00pm


Sun.25th June’23

Knockanure        James Duggan (Aniv.)    9.30am

Moyvane             Jerry & Ellen Enright

Lissaniskea          11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084


Collections: Offertory €1,230.  Thank you.


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12noon to 4pm.


Graveyard Masses;

Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher

Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure

Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur

All Masses at 8pm.


The boxes of Church Offertory envelopes are available for collection at the Parish Office during the office opening hours.  They will be distributed at weekend Masses and to homes at a later date.


Other Notices:


A big thank you from Trocaire for the €2,120 contributed to their 2023 Lenten Campaign.


Opportunity in Youth Ministry Leadership, The Diocese of Lancaster Youth Service are looking for a Senior Programme Leader to lead retreats and other programmes in their youth retreat centre, Castlerigg Manor, in the English Lake District. Castlerigg Manor is an innovative project which focuses on leading their volunteers into a closer relationship with God and in working with their volunteers to lead programmes for thousands of young people each year. The post is residential with an excellent salary package. For more information email the director, Jack Regan director@castleriggmanor.co.uk or see castleriggmanor.com



Kerry diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Sept 1st to the 6th led by Bishop Ray.  Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin.  See poster on the notice board at the back of the Church for more details.


Siamsa Tíre academy is holding auditions for children aged 7 – 12 years of age on Saturday 17th of June from 10am – 6pm at Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee. Audition is by appointment only, so please call 066-7123055 to make an appointment.


Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place Weds 5th July from Knockanure, Moyvane, Tarbert. Contact Margaret 087-2976304.




Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  10th June – 18th June’23


Sat. 10th June’23

Moyvane             Corpus Christi

Gerald Kennelly (1st Aniv.)          7.30pm

Sun.11th June’23

Knockanure        Denis & Nancy Flaherty (Aniv.’s)

Lissaniskea          9.30am

Moyvane             Jim Groarke (Aniv.) & deceased of Groarke & McKenna families                11.00am

Tues.13th June’23

Moyvane             Hughie Fitzmaurice & deceased of Fitzmaurice & Cahill families  10.00am


Weds.14th June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.15th June’23

Moyvane             Private Intention


Fri.16th June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention



Upcoming Masses:

Sat.17th June’23

Moyvane             Richard & Hannah Stack (Aniv.’s)

Clounbrane        7.30pm

Sun.18th June’23

Knockanure        Kathleen & Tom O’Dwyer (Aniv.’s)

Shrone, Listowel              9.30am

Moyvane             Pa Joe McEnery (3rd Aniv.)

Tubertureen      11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083


Collections: Offertory €845, Priest Dues €1,170, 2nd Collection for family services & Accord €300. Thanking you for your continued generosity.


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.


Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12noon to 4pm.


Graveyard Masses;

Friday Aug. 4th – Ahavoher

Tues. Aug.8th – Knockanure

Wednesday 9th Aug. – Murhur

All Masses at 8pm.


Other Notices:


Let us save a thought and say a prayer for all the students doing the Leaving and Junior Certificate exams at the moment.


Kerry diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Sept 1st to the 6th led by Bishop Ray.  Flights from Kerry Airport. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin.


Vocations afternoon, Sat. 17th June 2-4pm at Poor Clare Monastery, College Rd., Cork, for women considering a vocation.  For more details www.poorclarescork.ie or email vocationspoorclarescork@gmail.com.


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 13th June 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. Free event. Open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Online support group and further information by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie


Siamsa Tíre academy is holding auditions for children aged 7 – 12 years of age on Saturday 17th of June from 10am – 6pm at Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee. Audition is by appointment only, so please call 066-7123055 to make an appointment.


Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place Weds 5th July from Knockanure, Moyvane, Tarbert. Contact Margaret 087-2976304.






Listowel Parish News

MASSES THIS WEEK  11th – 18th June


10th       Mary & James McElligott, Woodford /

John O Sullivan, Banemore /

Anita Browne, William St. /

Esther McAuliffe, Church St.       Vigil



11th       People of the Parish       9.00am

                Peggy O Sullivan, Market St., 1st Ann.    11.30am

Mon 12th            Sean Browne, Ennismore             10.30am


Tues 13th            Eamon Keane, Greenville, Birthday Rem. / Joe & Eamon Wolfe, Listowel               10.30am


Wed 14th            John O Driscoll, West Cork /

Geoffrey O Donoghue, Ardydonegan, Duagh     10.30am

Thurs 15th           Special Intention              10.30am


16th       Con & Rose Lynch, Moyvane /

Kit McElligott, Lenamore               10.30am

Sat. 17th              William, Margaret & Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig        10.30am


                Thomas Galvin, Glouria, Lisselton /

Jimmy Browne, St. Brendan’s Tce. /

Eileen O Sullivan & Deceased Family Members, Feale Drive, Meen & Woodford / PJ Maher & dec. family, Church St.                 Vigil




18th       People of the Parish       9.00am




RECENT DEATHS Frank Greaney, Ballinruddery.


Sr. Mary Attracta Ryan, St. Philomena Convent, Derby, England and late of Cappamore, Limerick.

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE John Fuller, Kilfenighney / John Dowling, Gortcreen / Kathleen O Connor, O’Connell’s Ave. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083.




CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION: As we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi this Saturday night, we invite you to join us for our Annual Corpus Christi Procession which will take place immediately after the Vigil Mass. It will begin at 7.00 p.m. from the Church with the Choir present in the Church. The route us as follows: The Square, William Street, Charles Street down Court House Road and return to the Church via Church Street.

Order of the Procession:

1. Cross Bearer

2. First Holy Communion Children

3. Canopy carrying the Blessed Sacrament.

4. People of the Parish.

We ask no. 1, 2, & 3 to line up within the church grounds outside the Parish Meeting Room. The people of the Parish are asked to line up outside the church grounds in the Square. 

Our special thanks to all who have organised this event as we honour the Eucharist this weekend – In particular, Parish Liturgy Group, Stewards, Cross & Canopy Bearers, Choir, Sacristans, First Holy Communion children & their teachers, & the Gardai etc. Everyone is welcome.

LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: will meet on this Monday night (June 12th) at 7.30 p.m. in the Presbytery. All members are asked to attend. Please note change of starting time of meeting on this occasion to 7.30 p.m. 

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: Listowel parish bus is now fully booked out.


Ballydonoghue, Monday, June 12th at 8.00 p.m.

Gale Cemetery, Thursday, June 15th at 8.00pm.


St. Michael’s, Tuesday, 20th June with Bishop Ray present.

St. John Paul II, Wednesday June 21st,

Finuge Cemetery, Thursday 22nd June.

Duagh Cemetery (Springmount) Thursday 27th July  8.00pm.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from Sept 1st to the 6th led by Bishop Ray. Flights from Kerry Airport. Note the covid regulations on the poster. Booking through Marian Pilgrimages Dublin. See posters on notice boards for details.


TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UPDATE for N69 Listowel Bypass is provided below. Update on John B Keane Road works:

Works on the northern side between Ballygologue and Tim Kennelly roundabout ongoing and are due to be completed by 19th June 2023.  On 19th June traffic flow will be switched, directional flow will be from Ballygologue Junction towards Tim Kennelly Roundabout to facilitate works on the southern side between Ballygologue and Tim Kennelly Roundabout.  The works on southern side will take three weeks to complete. Final surfacing works will then commence working back from Tim Kennelly roundabout. These works will require single lane traffic flow in one direction only. It is anticipated that all online works on John B Keane Road will be completed by end of July 2023. N69 Tralee Road Works, N69 lane closure anticipated date for commencement of works is 26th June for a period of 7 weeks to facilitate tie-in works on Tralee and Listowel ends of the scheme. This will be a full lane closure during this period.

DollyDay Committee can now officially announce that we are going to attempt to SET a “Guinness” World Record on June 24th. We need 250 to set this record but we are hoping for more. All the information that is needed is on our Eventbright Facebook and Instagram accounts, but just to give you all a brief rundown of the steps. 1. Register online for €30.00, this includes a wig. 2. Pick up your wig at Flavin’s Bookshop. A pop-up shop is open every Sat from 12pm to 4pm and 2pm on June 24th. 3. Choose your outfit we have suggested easy ones, or you can be creative and do your own, bring a photo of Dolly in that outfit on the day. 4. Accessories and props are important, so you look just like Dolly you need to be “instantly recognisable” as Dolly Parton. 5. Come to the Emmets pitch no later than 6.30 on June 24th and have fun, gates open at 4.00.  The Dollyday committee is asking if you could do your shop window in the Butterflies/ American flags/ or Dolly Parton theme. The president of Dollywood is attending the event so we would love to give him a big Listowel welcome. Butterflies are the theme in Dollywood as Dolly has a love for them. They have also given us a package worth $10,000 to stay in Dollywood for 2 nights which we are going to auction online, on June 27th.

Siamsa Tíre academy is holding auditions for children aged 7 – 12 years of age on Saturday 17th of June from 10am – 6pm at Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee. Audition is by appointment only, so please call (066)7123055 to make an appointment.













Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  3rd June – 11th June’23


Sat. 3rd June’23

Moyvane             The Most Holy Trinity

John Kearney & his Parents Dan & Bridie, Moyvane Village, (Aniv.’s)       7.30pm

Sun.4th June’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Michael Flaherty (Aniv.)                11.00am

Tues.6th June’23

Moyvane             Timothy & Julia O’Flaherty (Aniv.’s)

Moher  10.00am


Weds.7th June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.8th June’23

Moyvane             Maura O’Connor (Aniv.)

Aughrim               10.00am

Fri.9th June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention

Noreen Sheehy Recently Deceased        10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.10th June’23

Moyvane             Corpus Christi

Gerald Kennelly (1st Aniv.)          7.30pm

Sun.11th June’23

Knockanure        Denis & Nancy Flaherty (Aniv.’s)

Lissaniskea          9.30am

Moyvane             Jim Groarke (Aniv.) & deceased of Groarke & McKenna families                11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-6709491

Collections: Offertory €870, Moyvane Shrine €320. Thank you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12noon to 4pm.


Sunday Mass obligation, during Covid this was suspended but it has been reinstated since Easter.  It means that all of us in good health are expected to come to Church at the weekend.


2nd Collection this weekend 3rd & 4th June for Family Services & Accord.


Fr. Wilhad Casmir Shayo would like to thank the people of the parish for the generosity and warm welcome he received last weekend.  So far €1,795 (subject to change) was collected for the Rosminian missions.


Mass on Friday 9th June 10.00am at Corpus Christi Church for grandparents.


Maureen Sweeney nee Flavin celebrates her 100th Birthday on Sunday 4th June.  Maureens’ weather report was instrumental in the D day operation.  Children from both schools send their kind regards.


Other Notices:

Moyvane ICA would like to acknowledge and thank Sport Ireland and Age & Opportunity for grant funding of €300. This scheme is designed to increase participation in recreational sport and physical activity by older people.

World Youth Day 2023, there are still three places remaining for the diocesan youth pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023 to be held in Lisbon, Portugal.  We fly out from Dublin on July 31st and return on August 8th.  Pilgrims must be over 18 to travel.  The cost of the pilgrimage is €1,400.  Please contact Tomás Kenny on 086-3683778 or email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie for more information or application form.

Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 13th June 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. Free event. Open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Online support group and further information by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie

Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place Weds 5th July from Knockanure, Moyvane, Tarbert. Contact Margaret 087-2976304.

Ballydonoghue’23 Cemetery Masses, Lisselton Monday June 12th and Gale Thursday June 15th.  Both at 8.00pm

Job Vacancy for Diocesan Advisor for Primary Religious Education, the Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of Diocesan Advisor for Primary Religious Education. As a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Team, this person will take particular responsibility for supporting religious education in primary schools. Closing Date Fri. June 16th’23.  More details  www.dioceseofkerry.ie.






 Listowel Parish News

MASSES THIS WEEK  4th – 11th June

Sat 3rd Mass for our Examination Candidates /

Margaret (Peral) Fitzgerald nee Joy, Greenville & Tralee, Months Mind /

Marcella Holly, Ferndene, Birthday Rem.

Michael Canavan, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Elizabeth & Maurice O Sullivan & Michael Keane, Colbert St. /

Maire & Dick Kiely, Church St. /

Bob & Kathy Stack & Anne Prendiville, Moyvane /

Eileen Goulding, Knockaure Village /

David Flynn, Bunagara & Kilmorna /

Birdie O Farrell, Church St. /

Nora & John Joe Kenny, Patrick St. /

Peter & Eileen McGrath, Convent St.      Vigil
















4th         People of the Parish       9.00am

                Writers Week Mass /

Anne Dillon, Church St. /

Eileen & Thomas Healy, Clountubird /

Mary Gore, Charles St. /

Jack & Judy Larkin, Rathea & Church St. Dublin   11.30am






Mon 5th               John & Baby Jack Lynch, The Square        10.30am


Tues 6th                               Moss & Mary Keane, Clieveragh               10.30am


   Wed 7th            Special Intention              10.30am

Thurs 8th             Josephine Egay Lato, 1st Anniversary      10.30am

Fri 9th                   Carmel Lynch, Billerough              10.30am

  Sat. 10th            Catherine, Thomas, Anthony & Johnny McElligott, Greenville     10.30am


                Mary & James McElligott, Woodford /

John O Sullivan, Banemore /

Anita Browne, William St.             Vigil




11th       People of the Parish       9.00am

                Peggy O Sullivan, Market St., 1st Ann.    11.30am



RECENT DEATHS Vincent (Vince) Galvin, Clounmacon.

Nancy O Connell, O’Connell’s Ave.

Pat Scanlon, Ballygrennan.

Teresa Reidy, Cherrytree Drive.

Michael Carmody, Smearla Bridge.

Maureen Callanan nee Mooney, Loughrea, Galway.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Denis Sonny Galvin, Clounmacon / Margaret & Martin Nash, Ballinruddery / Peggy Gleeson, Church St. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Crean-Lynch, 087 2200114.



SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND: The Annual Diocesan Collection for our Diocesan Family Services & Accord will be taken up this weekend 3rd & 4thJune.

CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION: As we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi next weekend (June 10th / 11th) we invite you to join us for our Annual Corpus Christi Procession which will take place immediately after the Vigil Mass on Saturday night next beginning at 7.00 p.m. It will begin at the Church with the Choir present in the Church. The route us as follows: The Square, William Street, Charles Street down Court House Road and return to the Church via Church Street. In particular, we welcome each of our First Holy Communion Classes with their family members and their teachers. Everyone is welcome.

SHORT MEETING: In preparation for the Procession, we’ll have a short meeting to organise it on this Saturday night (June 3rd) after the vigil mass in the Meeting Room. All stewards, canopy bearers etc who are involved are asked to attend. Thanks.

PARISH OFFICE is closed this Monday 5th bank holiday.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: only a handful of seats left. If interested and to avoid disappointment. Please book your seat asap with Denise (Listowel Parish Office) 068-21188. Seats €20.

LISTOWEL PARISH LITURGY GROUP recent Church gate collection raised €880.00.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY LISTOWEL PARISH CEMETERY MASSES at 8.00 p.m. St. Michael’s, Tuesday, 20th June,

St. John Paul II, Wednesday June 21st, Finuge Cemetery, Thursday 22nd June.




Ballybunion St. Johns, on Friday 9th June at 7pm.

Ballydonoghue, Monday, June 12th at 8.00 p.m.

Gale Cemetery, Thursday, June 15th at 8.00pm.

Springmount Duagh, Thursday 27th July, at 8.00pm.

LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL MEETING: will take place on Monday night (June 12th) at 7.00 p.m. in the Presbytery. All members are asked to attend.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: takes place every Wednesday in the Adoration Room 11am. to 3pm.

WORLD YOUTH DAY 2023 There are still three places remaining for the diocesan youth pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023 to be held in Lisbon, Portugal.  We fly out from Dublin on July 31st and return on August 8th.  Pilgrims must be over 18 to travel.  The cost of the pilgrimage is €1,400.  Please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778/email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie for more information or for an application form. 



KERRY PARENTS AND FRIENDS will hold their annual church gate collection at all masses next weekend 10th & 11th June.

KERRY COUNTY Road Closed: L-1026 Six Crosses, Listowel to Lyreacrompane between Beheens Cross and Rathea Church. Road Closing Dates and Times: from 7.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 21st June to 5.00 p. m. on Friday, 23rd June 2023, both dates inclusive. Diversions will be as follows and clearly signposted:

KERRY PARENTS AND FRIENDS (LISTOWEL BRANCH) important fundraiser is being held at Christy’s Bar on June 4th next beginning at 6pm.  This Annual Charity BBQ will provide much needed funds for the Kerry Parents and Friends Centre, Listowel.  Please come along and support this very worthwhile cause.



Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  27th May’23 – 4th June’23


Sat. 27th May’23

Moyvane             William Hudson, Recently Deceased


Pentecost Sunday

Cornelius O’Carroll, Recently Deceased, Manchester & New Houses Moyvane   12Noon



Sun.28th May’23

Knockanure                        9.30am

Moyvane                             11.00am

Tues.30th May’23

Moyvane             Remembrance Mass Bridie C. Shine and Fr. John Shine, The Village          10.00am


Weds.31st May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.1st June’23

Moyvane             Tom & Peg Brouder, Kilbaha, and Brid Brouder (Aniv.’s) 10.00am

Fri.2nd June’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.3rd June’23

Moyvane             Pentecost Sunday

John Kearney & his Parents Dan & Bridie, The Village, (Aniv.’s)   7.30pm

Sun.4th June’23

Knockanure        The Most Holy Trinity


Moyvane             Michael Flaherty (Aniv.)                11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Denis O’Mahony 087-6807197

Collections: Offertory €950, Knockanure Shrine €116.45. Thank you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12noon to 4pm.


Rosary: at the Grotto Knockanure every Tues. & Thurs. 8pm and also at Moyvane Grotto every Tues. 7pm for the month of May. Please join us!

2nd Collection next weekend 3rd & 4th June for Family Services & Accord.


This weekend May 27th & 28th Fr. Wilhad (Rosminlan Priest from Tanzania & Kenya) will do a Mission Awareness Appeal at Masses. Bishop Ray has given permission. Welcome Fr. Willy.


From June 2nd to June 28th inclusive, Fr. Brendan plans to be away, Fr. Liam O’Connell will be here.  He was here last year. Welcome Fr. Liam!


Sunday Mass obligation, during Covid this was suspended but it has been reinstated since Easter.  It means that all of us in good health are expected to come to Church at the weekend.


A Day of Prayer for the Synod of Bishops (October), on the Feast of the Visitation, (May 31st) Pope Francis has requested prayer.  At Knock Shrine there will be 11am Prayer Service, 12 Noon Mass, 7pm Rosary & Mass, see www.knockshrine.ie.  Otherwise, let’s all keep the Pope’s request in mind on that day.


Other Notices:

Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place Weds 5th July from Knockanure, Moyvane, Tarbert. Contact Margaret 087-2976304.

All Ireland Rosary Rally in Knock Sat. June 3rd 1pm, Holy Mass, Rosary, Stations of the Cross, a talk by Bishop Oliver Doeme. Main Celebrant Archbishop Eamon Martin. Bus from Kerry, ring Eilís 087-6341538.

Ballydonoghue’23 Cemetery Masses, Lisselton Monday June 12th and Gale Thursday June 15th.  Both at 8.00pm

The Letter Film will be showing in St. Mary’s Church, Listowel Fri. 26th May 6.30pm. The film about Pope Francis letter to us all called ‘Laudato Si our responsibility to the environment’. All welcome, free event, great film.

Job Vacancy for Diocesan Advisor for Primary Religious Education, the Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of Diocesan Advisor for Primary Religious Education. As a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Team, this person will take particular responsibility for supporting religious education in the primary schools. Closing Date Fri. June 16th’23.  More details on www.dioceseofkerry.ie.



Listowel Parish News.






MASSES THIS WEEK  28th – 4th June

Sat 27th                Patrick, Tim & Pat Lane, Coolnaleen / 

Maureen Regan, Coolnaleen & Philip Egan, Rathea          Vigil



28th       People of the Parish       9.00am

                John B, Mary & Denis Keane, William St. & dec. family /Michael O Hanlon, Copper beaches, Ballybunion Rd. /

Mary, Peter & Jeremiah Dowling, Woodford / John M. O Connor, Market St. & Clieveragh Pk. / Margaret Quilter, Ballyduff







Mon 29th            Mass of thanksgiving      10.30am


Tues 30th                            James Bunyan, Listowel & USA, Bir. Rem. /

Anna Grimes, Kenny Heights /

Sharon & Linda Grimes, Woodford           10.30am




   Wed 31st          Mamie & Jack O Connor & Angela Caslin /

Mary O Driscoll, West Cork, Ann. & Bir. Rem        10.30am

Thurs 1st              Special Intention              10.30am

Fri 2nd                  Martin Lyons, Dromin    10.30am

                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass 6.45pm

  Sat. 3rd               Marcella Holly, Ferndene, Birthday Rem. /

Jack & Mamie O Connor & Angela Caslin /

Howard Flannery, Maid of Erin & Ennis



                Mass for our Examination Candidates

Margaret (Peral) Fitzgerald nee Joy, Greenville & Tralee, Months Mind /

 Michael Canavan, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Elizabeth & Maurice O Sullivan & Michael Keane, Colbert St. /

Maire & Dick Kiely, Church St. /

Eileen Goulding, Knockaure Village /

David Flynn, Bunagara & Kilmorna /

Bridie O Farrell, Church St. /

Nora & John Joe Kenny, Patrick St. /

Peter & Eileen McGrath, Convent St.      6.15pm











    4th     People of the Parish       9.00am

                Writers Week Mass / Anne Dillon, Church St. / Eileen & Thomas Healy, Clountubird /

Mary Gore, Charles St. / Jack & Judy Larkin, Church St. & Dublin                 11.30am







ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bill Kearney, Clieveragh Pk. / Mary O Callaghan, Clieveragh Park & Doneraile, Cork / Michael & Margaret Mulvihill, Moyvane / Paddy Walsh, Cahirdown / Katty McAuliffe & Jackie McAuliffe, Charles St.

PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Denis O’Mahony 087-6807197.



EXAMINATION MASS: In preparation for the State Exams which begin on Wednesday June 7th we invite our Examination Candidates from the Parish to join us at the Vigil Mass on Saturday night next, June 3rd at the 6.15 p.m.

ROSMINIAN MISSIONARY PRIEST SAYS THANK YOU: Thank you for the warm reception, welcome and great generosity that you gave to Fr. Willie last weekend on his mission appeal for the Rosminians.  A total of €4,122.02 was donated – in the collection here in Listowel. Fantastic.

SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND: The Annual Diocesan Collection for our Diocesan Family Services & Accord will be taken up next weekend 3rd & 4thJune.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: For the first time, the Diocese is inviting you to join us on a Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock. Various parishes from the Diocese of Kerry will travel to Knock on Saturday, 26th August with our own Bishop Ray present. Listowel Parish have booked their own bus to take parishioners from Listowel and Duagh led by Fr. Declan. Seats are limited to 50 and will cost €20.00 (approx.) per person and will be distributed on a first come basis. If interested and to avoid disappointment. Please book your seat asap with Denise (Listowel Parish Office) 068-21188 during Office hours or email listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie


will take place on this Tuesday afternoon. If anybody new wishes a visit from Fr. Declan for the sacraments, give the Parish Office a call.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY LISTOWEL PARISH CEMETERY MASSES at 8.00 p.m. St. Michael’s, Tuesday, 20th June,

St. John Paul II, Wednesday June 21st, Finuge Cemetery, Thursday 22nd June.



Ballybunion St. Johns, on Friday 9th June at 7pm.

Ballydonoghue Lisselton, Monday, June 12th at 8.00 p.m.

Gale Cemetery, Thursday, June 15th at 8.00pm.

ACCORD ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS: If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church. If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the ACCORD team in supporting couples who are preparing for the sacrament of Marriage. Join ACCORD and train as a Marriage Preparation Programme Facilitator.

Please contact Aisling on 01 5053112 or email: marriagepreparation@accord.ie

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: takes place every Wednesday in the Adoration Room 11am. to 3pm.

JOB VACANCY FOR DIOCESAN ADVISOR FOR PRIMARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: The Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of Diocesan Advisor for Primary Religious Education. As a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Team, this person will take particular responsibility for supporting religious education in the primary schools. Closing Date is Friday June 16th 2023. For more details on the role and how to apply, please check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie



KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL has decided to close to public traffic the following road: Road Closed: L-1017 Bedford Cross to Knockane Cross, Listowel, Co. Kerry Road Closing Times: from 8.00 a.m. on Monday, 29th May to 6.00 p.m. on Friday, 2nd June 2023 (24hr closure).

LISTOWEL HOSPICE The total amount raised for the Listowel Hospice Kay Hanley Memorial Good Friday Walk was €6,940. Sincere thanks to all that attended and to everyone that donated in person, online and to those who sponsored people. Thank you to Eilish Stack for her delicious homemade treats, Garvey’s Supervalu Listowel, Charlie Cantillon and to our wonderful volunteers.





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  20th May’23 – 27th May’23


Sat. 20th May’23

Moyvane             Mike Brosnan, Recently Deceased           7.30pm

Sun.21st May’23

Knockanure        The Ascension of the Lord

Mary Therese & Patrick Kennelly, Sisters Nora & Mary Rose Kennelly & Sister in law Laurene Kennelly, Aniv’s                9.30am

Moyvane             Anne Prendiville (Aniv.)                11.00am

Tues.22nd May’23

Moyvane             Maurice Kearney (1st Aniv.)

Kilbaha & Manchester   10.00am


Weds.23rd May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.24th May’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.25th May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.26th May’23

Moyvane             William Hudson, Recently Deceased

Cornelius O’Carroll, Recently Deceased

Manchester & New Houses Moyvane    12 Noon


Sun.27th May’23

Knockanure        Pentecost Sunday           9.30am

Moyvane             Missionaries       11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549

Collections: Offertory €950, 2nd Collection €486 Education of Clergy, Moyvane Shrine €305. Thanking you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12noon to 4pm.

Rosary: at the Grotto Knockanure every Tues. & Thurs. 8pm and also at Moyvane Grotto every Tues. 7pm for the month of May. Please join us!

On the weekend of May 27th & 28th Fr. Wilhad (Rosminlan Priest from Tanzania & Kenya) will do a Mission Awareness Appeal at Masses. Bishop Ray has given permission. Welcome Fr. Willy.


From June 2nd to June 28th inclusive, Fr. Brendan plans to be away, Fr. Liam O’Connell will be here.  He was here last year. Welcome Fr. Liam!


At the recent Pastoral Council Meeting, among other things, it was noted that the Easter ceremonies went well, Masses for now should remain, though arrangements for alternatives on Sunday should be explored (when there will be no Sunday Mass). Wheelchair facility in Church needs to be addressed. During school holidays the grids at the entrances will be closed.

Other Notices:

Blood Donation Clinic, Community Centre Ballybunion Thurs. 25th May 4.45pm–8.00pm. New Donors urgently needed, phone 1800 222 111.

Care of the Aged Moyvane/Knockanure, Chiropodist will attend the Marian Hall Weds. 24th May @10am. For apt. contact Noreen 068-49238.

Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place Weds 5th July from Knockanure, Moyvane, Tarbert. Contact Margaret 087-2976304.

All Ireland Rosary Rally in Knock Sat. June 3rd 1pm, Holy Mass, Rosary, Stations of the Cross, a talk by Bishop Oliver Doeme. Main Celebrant Archbishop Eamon Martin. Bus from Kerry, ring Eilís 087-6341538.

Ballydonoghue’23 Cemetery Masses, Lisselton Monday June 12th and Gale Thursday June 15th.  Both at 8.00pm

Scoil Chorp Chríost would like to express a very special ‘Thank You’ to the Yershovy sisters who performed in Corpus Christi Church recently in aid of Scoil Chorp Chríost. A wonderful performance, they captivated the audience and we were honoured to hear them live. Sincere thanks to Fr. Brendan Carmody for use of Knockanure Church and to all who supported us on both nights.

Ballybunion Sea & Cliff Rescue Service wish to thank, those who contributed to our recent Church gate collection in Moyvane & Knockanure. Your generosity and continued support is greatly appreciated.

The Letter Film will be showing in St. Mary’s Church, Listowel Fri. 26th May 6.30pm. The film about Pope Francis letter to us all called ‘Laudato Si our responsibility to the environment’. All welcome, free event, great film.






MASSES THIS WEEK  21st – 28th May

Sat 20th                Margaret Galvin, Finuge, Months Mind /

Nora Lane nee Dillane, Benanasbig, Kilmorna, 1st Anniversary /

Sharon Heaphy, Dirha Cottages &

Lil & Paddy Flavin /

John & Kay McGrath, Coolaclarig /

James, Mike Joe & Con Barrett, Ennismore & Gortnaminch /

Tom Barrett, Greenville /

Eileen, Eugene & John Paul McCarthy, Bunagara / Tom, John, Lil & John Carmody, Clountubird & Deceased Family /

Dan Hayes, Bridge Rd.    Vigil










21st        Deceased Members of the Roche Family, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Peg Boland, Market St. & Mary Anne      9.00am

                Alf Neville, Bedford /

Patrick, Nora, Tom & Teresa Molyneaux, Meen / Philomena Walsh, Dirha /

Nora & Thomas Fitzmaurice, Knockane & Nel & Con O Keeffe, Tralee & Meen    11.30am






Mon 22nd           Joan & Tim Finucane, Kilmorna  10.30am


Tues 23rd                            Michael Quilter, Ballyduff, Birthday Rem.              10.30am


   Wed 24th         Mary & John James Devaney, Sligo          10.30am

Thurs 25th                           10.30am

Fri 26th                                 10.30am

  Sat. 27th                            10.30am

                Patrick, Tim & Pat Lane, Coolnaleen / 

Maureen Regan, Coolnaleen & Philip Egan, Rathea /       6.15pm




                People of the Parish       9.00am

                John B, Mary & Denis Keane, William St. & dec. family /Michael O Hanlon, Copper beaches, Ballybunion Rd. /

Mary & Peter Dowling, Woodford /

John M. O Connor, Market St. & Clieveragh Pk. / Margaret Quilter, Ballyduff       11.30am









ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bridie O Riordan, Gortacrissane. 

PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Carmody, 0879601549.





The Rosminians work in East Africa, running parishes in Tanzania and Kenya, providing health care in rural areas, digging water wells for local communities and providing primary and secondary education for both boys and girls, Christians and Muslims. A retiring collection will be taken up after mass as you leave the church.

FOLLOW UP MEETING ABOUT OUR PARISH MISSION: will take place on this Monday night, May 22nd at 7.00 p.m. in St. Patrick’s Hall. All are welcome.

YOU ARE INVITED TO PRAY THE ROSARY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY: O’Connell’s Ave Grotto every Sunday at 6pm. / Finuge Grotto every Monday at 8.00 p.m. /Killocrim Grotto every Friday at 8.00 p.m.  

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will now take place Wednesday’s in the Adoration Room 11am. to 3pm.

THE LETTER FILM will be showing here at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel on Friday next 26th May 6.30pm. The film came about following Pope Francis letter to us all called Laudato Si our responsibility to the environment. All are welcome and it’s free and a great film.


St. Michael’s, Tuesday, 20th June,

St. John Paul II, Wednesday June 21st,

Finuge Cemetery, Thursday 22nd June.

Each Mass will take place at 8pm.

NORTH KERRY LOCAL CEMETERY MASSES Ballybunion St. Johns, on Friday 9th June at 7pm. Ballydonoghue Lisselton, Monday, June 12th, Gale, Thursday, June 15th.  Both at 8.00pm.

LITURGY GROUP CHURCH GATE COLLECTION will take place next weekend 27th & 28th May.


This is a first for the Kerry Diocese. Listowel Parish have booked a bus the cost is €20 and will be led by Fr. Declan hopefully. Please book you seat early to avoid disappointment as seats are limited, first come first served, contact the parish office on 068-21188 or email listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie during working hours.

GRADUATION MASSES: Congratulations to the Boys of St. Michael’s College who had their Graduation Mass & Awards Ceremony on Friday last May 19th at the College. The girls at Presentation Secondary will have their ceremony on Friday next, 26th May within their School. 


RECONNECTING WITH SERVICES FOR OLDER PERSONS DAY.  This is a free event and offers services the opportunity to engage and interact with existing and potential service users.  Monday 22nd May, Listowel Community Centre, Town Park, NEWKD Home Visitation Service along with Cork Kerry Community Healthcare (HSE) are pleased to invite you to participate in our 2nd Reconnecting with Services for Older Persons Day.  Our vision for the event is to showcase the services available for Older Persons in the North Kerry area, and allow them the opportunity to Reconnect with these fantastic services.  This is also a chance for services providers to interact and share ideas and visions for future service provision for the older persons in their area.  We look forward to seeing you all there. Format of the day:

10am - Hall opens for stands to be put up. 11am – Opening to Public 11.30 - Exercise Demo 12pm – Guest Speakers 12.30pm – Stands 1.00pm – Food.

ALL IRELAND ROSARY RALLY IN KNOCK The All Ireland Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday June 3rd from 1pm in Knock.  It will include Holy Mass, the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross and a talk by Bishop Oliver Doeme. The Main Celebrant for the Holy Mass is Archbishop Eamon Martin. A bus will leave from Kerry. book a seat Ring Eilís: 087 6341538.

KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL has decided to close to public traffic the following road: Road Closed: L-1017 Bedford Cross to Knockane Cross, Listowel, Co. Kerry Road Closing Times: from 8.00 a.m. on Monday, 29th May to 6.00 p.m. on Friday, 2nd June 2023 (24hr closure).

BLOOD DONATION CLINIC Community Centre Ballybunion, Thursday 25th May, 4.45 – 8.00 New Donors welcome. Please phone 1800 222 111 for appointment.

LISTOWEL BRANCH OF THE IRISH WHEELCHAIR ASSOCIATION AGM Monday, 22nd at 7pm at the IWA Day/Resource Centre at Ballygologue Road.  All are welcome. ring Jackie at 086 3953387









Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  13th May’23 – 21st May’23


Sat. 13th May’23

Moyvane             David Foley (Aniv.) & granddad Thomas Foley Recently Deceased, & deceased of the Foley & O’Connor families            7.30pm

Sun.14th May’23

Knockanure        Noreen Sweeney (Aniv.) & Husband Patrick, Carrueragh, Kilmorna          9.30am

Moyvane             Jerry, Jeremiah & Bridie McCarthy (Aniv.’s) and deceased members of McCarthy family, Gortdromasilihy.              11.00am

Tues.16th May’23

Moyvane             Con J. Mulvihill & Wife Catherine & Son Con, (Aniv.’s), Clounbrane           10.00am


Weds.17th May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.18th May’23

Moyvane             Michael Dore (25th Aniv.)            10.00am

Fri.19th May’23

Knockanure        Paddy, Tess, & Margaret Stack (Aniv.’s),

Glin        10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.20th May’23

Moyvane             Mike Brosnan, Recently Deceased           7.30pm

Sun.21st May’23

Knockanure        Mary Therese & Patrick Kennelly, Sisters Nora & Mary Rose Kennelly & Sister in law Laurene Kennelly. (Aniv’s.)           9.30am

Moyvane             Anne Prendiville (Aniv.)                11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949

Collections: Offertory €1,020, Trocaire €2,120. Thank you very much.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration: every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Baptisms: Saturday afternoons only from 12noon to 4pm.

Rosary: at the Grotto Knockanure every Tues. & Thurs. 8pm and also at Moyvane Grotto every Tues. 7pm for the month of May. Please join us!

Home Calls, if you would like a home visit please let me know Fr. Brendan.


First Communion Knockanure 11am Sat. May 13th. Looking forward to seeing you all and on Sunday.


The Annual Gortaglanna Commemoration takes place this Sunday 14th May 12 noon at the Monument.  Everyone welcome.


Other Notices:

Care of the Aged Moyvane/Knockanure, Chiropodist will attend the Marian Hall Weds. 24th May @10am. For apt. contact Noreen 068-49238.

GROW, a 12 step Peer support program for people living with depression, anxiety, emotional issue in their lives. The meetings are confidential and relaxed Meetings are held the second and fourth Tues. of the month 7.30pm in Ross café, Lewis Rd. Killarney. Contact Noreen 086-1726004 or see www.grow.ie

Annual Pilgrimage to Knock takes place this year on Weds 5th July from Knockanure, Moyvane, Tarbert. Contact Margaret 087-2976304.

Knockanure Community Text Alert, a very special thanks to all who contributed so generously to our Annual Church Gate collection recently the amount collected €530.00. Chairperson: John Stackpoole

NEWKD Home Visitation Service along with Cork Kerry Community Healthcare (HSE) invite you to participate in our 2nd Reconnecting with Services for Older Persons Day May 22nd Listowel Community Centre, Town Park Listowel.  All welcome.

Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) are the beneficiaries of a Race Night taking place May 20th the Greyhound Stadium Tralee 6.30pm. Tickets €10 ea. Children under 14 free. More info. 066-7192122

Tidy towns, Judging takes place from early June, we have started our village clean up this week and we need help! The schedule is: 8th May-Glin Rd, 15th May-Knockanure Rd, 22nd May-Tarbert Rd, 29th May-Church Rd. We will be out every Mon. evening from 7pm to clean up the streets, everyone is welcome. Thank you in advance for your support.





Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  7th – 14th May

Sat 13th                Kathleen Hennessy, Croydon & Killocrim 1st Anniversary / Nuala Eastmond, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England, 1st Anniversary / Thomas Brassil, Coolagown / John Guiney Sen. Charles St. / Anne Prenderville, Moyvane / Tom Doyle, Bridge Rd. / Lena & John Mulvihill, Kilarda / Tom Hennessy, Asdee & Greenford Middlesex UK    Vigil










14th       People of the Parish       9.00am

                Joan Carey, Church St. 1st Anniversary /

Billy McElligott, Coolaclarig & Peg Thomson Nee McElligott, Perth & Coolaclarig /

Betty Kennelly, Ashfield, Birthday Rem. /

Tom O Connor, Bunagara / Mary Sheehan nee Heffernan, Hawthorn Drive /

Michael Dowling, Derry                 11.30am







Mon15th             Liam O Driscoll, Feale Drive /

John L., Mary & John Junior O Sullivan, Ennismore & London       10.30am



Tues 16th                           Bridie Mulligan, Bridge Road /

Mai Crowley, William St.               10.30am


   Wed 17th         Special Intention              10.30am


 18th                      Rich Kissane, Clountubird / Joe Halloran, Clare & London, Rec. Dec. & Bir.              10.30am

Fri 19th                 Eileen O Callaghan, Ennismore   10.30am

  Sat. 20th            Eamonn Carroll, William St., 1st Anniversary / Teresa Holly, O’Connell’s Ave. / Sean O Sullivan, Market St.           10.30am


                Margaret Galvin, Finuge, Months Mind /

Nora Lane nee Dillane, Benanasbig, Kilmorna, 1st Anniversary /

Sharon Heaphy, Dirha Cottages &

Lil & Paddy Flavin /

John & Kay McGrath, Coolaclarig /

James, Mike Joe & Con Barrett, Ennismore & Gortnaminch /

Tom Barrett, Greenville /

Eileen, Eugene & John Paul McCarthy, Bunagara / Tom, John, Lil & John Carmody, Clountubird & Deceased Family /

Dan Hayes, Bridge Rd.    6.15pm















                Deceased Members of the Roche Family, O’Connell’s Ave.          9.00am

                Alf Neville, Bedford /

Patrick, Nora, Tom & Teresa Molyneaux, Meen / Philomena Walsh, Dirha /

Nora & Thomas Fitzmaurice, Knockane & Nel & Con O Keeffe, Tralee & Meen    11.30am








RECENT DEATHS & FUNERLS Tim Clifford, Ballinruddery, late of Chicago & Kilsarcon, Currow.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE BRIDIE Halpin, Greenville / 1st Ann. Sheila O’Shea nee Enright, Bridge Road & Limerick.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. O’Connor, 0870908949.



SECOND COLLECTION FOR THE EDUCATION OF PRIESTS THIS WEEKEND: Our May Collection takes place in each church throughout the Diocese for the Education of Priests this weekend. This collection funds and assists in the education of our seminarians studying for the priesthood for the Diocese and the further education of priests who take studies. It will take place immediately after Holy Communion.


PARISH SOCIAL GATHERING ON THURSDAY NEXT  18TH MAY IN LISTOWEL ARMS HOTEL AT 7:30 PM. it will begin with Mass followed by refreshments. All volunteers involved in our Parish, such as various committees, PPC members, Finance members, Liturgy Group, Safeguarding committee, all the minister: e.g. eucharistic ministers, readers, collectors, counters, cleaners, Folk group & Choir members, Ushers, etc are most welcome. Please contact your group organiser by this Monday if attending.


MISSION APPEAL IN OUR PARISH NEXT WEEKEND: The Diocese gives permission to one Mission Group each year to visit each parish in our Diocese. This year it is the turn of the Rosminians. The Rosminians work in East Africa, running parishes in Tanzania and Kenya, providing health care in rural areas, digging water wells for local communities and providing primary and secondary education for both boys and girls, Christians and Muslims.


YOU ARE INVITED TO PRAY THE ROSARY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY AT: O’Connell’s Ave Grotto every Sunday at 6pm. / Finuge Grotto every Monday at 8.00 p.m. /Killocrim Grotto every Friday at 8.00 p.m.  

GOOD NEWS the Adoration Room is now opened following recent decoration.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will now take place in the Adoration Room from this Wednesday 17th May from 11am. to 3pm.

THE LETTER FILM will be showing in our Parish church Friday 26th May 6.30pm. The film came about following Pope Francis letter to us all called Laudato Si our responsibility to the environment. All are welcome and it’s free and a great film.



COMMEMORATION AT GORTAGLANNA MONUMENT will be held on Sunday 14th May at 12 noon. All welcome.

RECONNECTING WITH SERVICES FOR OLDER PERSONS DAY.  This is a free event and offers services the opportunity to engage and interact with existing and potential service users.  Monday 22nd May, Listowel Community Centre, Town Park, NEWKD Home Visitation Service along with Cork Kerry Community Healthcare (HSE) are pleased to invite you to participate in our 2nd Reconnecting with Services for Older Persons Day.  Our vision for the event is to showcase the services available for Older Persons in the North Kerry area, and allow them the opportunity to Reconnect with these fantastic services.  This is also a chance for services providers to interact and share ideas and visions for future service provision for the older persons in their area.  We look forward to seeing you all there. Format of the day:

10am - Hall opens for stands to be put up. 11am – Opening to Public 11.30 - Exercise Demo 12pm – Guest Speakers 12.30pm – Stands 1.00pm – Food.

FEALE/CASHEN ESTUARY DRAINAGE PROJECT: Important meeting on Friday next, May 19th at the Community Centre, Ballyduff.  Time - 8.30pm sharp. Meeting organised by the Local Cashen Drainage Committee.  All welcome.

BALLYDONOGHUE G.A.A. CLUB wishes to thank everyone who supported their recent Coffee morning in aid of Ard Cúram Fuchsia Centre, Listowel, to those who gave sponsorship and spot prizes to everyone who supplied home baking to the musicians that entertained and to all the volunteers who helped out on the day. The final amount raised was €3,500.












Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  6th May’23 – 14th May’23


Sat. 6th May’23

Moyvane             People of the Parish       7.30pm

Sun.7th May’23

Knockanure        Jackie & Padraig McMahon (Aniv.)

Lissaniskea          9.30am

Moyvane             Betty & Michael Meehan, also Garrett O’Connor (Aniv’s)              11.00am

Tues.9th May’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.10th May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.11th May’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.12th May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.13th May’23

Moyvane             David Foley (Aniv.) & granddad Thomas Recently Deceased, & deceased members of the Foley & O’Connor families            7.30pm

Sun.14th May’23

Knockanure        Noreen Sweeney (Aniv.) & husband Patrick, Carrueragh, Kilmorna           9.30am

Moyvane             Jerry, Jeremiah & Bridie McCarthy (Aniv.’s) and deceased members of McCarthy family, Gortdromasilihy.              11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

2nd Collection at Masses next wkend 13th&14th May, Education of Clergy.

Pastoral Council Meeting, Tuesday May 9th in Sacristy at 7.30pm. 

Reminder CHY3 Charity Donation forms, please return the remaining forms/letters. This is a valuable source of income for the Parish at a time when the cost of living is high.  Thank you.

Rosary will be held at Knockanure Grotto every Tues. & Thurs. 8pm and at Moyvane Grotto every Tues. 7pm for the month of May. Please join us!

Synod 2021-2024 for a Synodal Church: communion, participation & mission. On Oct.’21 the Catholic Church’s synodal process on the theme of synodality began. Did you take part? Have you been wondering what happened after that? Your participation formed part of our national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in Aug.’22. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last Oct. www.synod.ie/2023update to find out more.

Other Notices:

Scoil Chorp Chríost is holding a fundraising Concert May 6th & 7th 7.30pm-9pm in Corpus Christi Church Knockanure V31TK58. The Yershovy Sisters will perform a modern and classical concert. Both Sofiia and Nataliia are pupils of the school, from Ukraine. All proceeds in aid of Scoil Chorp Chríost. Tickets available at the door both nights and from Anne in the school office 068-49130. Please support generously.

Accord Counselling Services, are recruiting qualified, experienced counsellors for the Certificate in Counselling (Marriage & Relationship) training programme Sept.’23.  Training will take place in Maynooth and is validated by the Pontifical University, Maynooth. Accord CLG pays the fees for the course and provides placement. See the diocese of Kerry/Accord websites. Applications close 19th May.

Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents Tues. 9th May 7.15pm the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. Free event, open to all bereaved parents. Also online support group, info@anamcara.ie

Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) Bereavement Support Group meeting Mon. 8th May at 11.30am-1pm at St Brendan's Pastoral Centre, Tralee. If interested in attending group please ring Recovery Haven 066-7192122

Prostate Cancer, Spring Health Initiatives will take place Mon. next May 8th 7.30pm Dr Crokes’ Clubhouse. Opportunity to talk confidentially to the presenter over teas/coffees. Also, Gentle Exercises for over 60s continue on Weds. May 9th 11.00am-12noon. Everyone welcome. Free events.





Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  7th – 14th May

Sat 6th                  Sheila Ciss Browne, William St. /

Jeremiah & Ellen McCarthy, Toor, Duagh /

Martin Mulvihill, Asdee /

Mary Tarmey nee Heffernan & deceased family, Clunin Dore / Assumpta Mahony, Coolaclarig & Denis Flavin, Coolaclarig /

John Kirby, Cahirdown /

John & Mary Jo Corridan, Ballinruddery /

David O Connor, Ballinruddery /

David O Brien, Tanavalla                Vigil










7th         Diane McElligott, & dec. family, Tralee Rd. /

Noel Woods, England /

Maurice Hayes, Tanavalla & Fr. Rodger Duggan MSC, Cork & Australia     9.00am

                Patricia Hartnett, Killocrim & Kathleen McGuire nee Hartnett, Racecourse Rd., Tralee, both Months Minds /

Eamon Murphy, Behins /

Danny Barrett, Clieveragh Pk & Ballygologue Pk. / Tom O Connell, Ballygrennan 11.30am



Mon 8th               Maura & Michael Cronin, Market St. & John Madden, Sligo / Thomas O Dowd, Castlemaine                10.30am


Tues 9th                               Eoin O Neill, Ballygologue Rd.     10.30am


   Wed 10th                         10.30am

Thurs 11th           Michael, Noreen, Lily & Noreen Foley, Cahirdown /

James & Kathleen Keane-Stack, William St. /

Michael, Hannah & Michael Junior Sheehy, Lyreacrompane         10.30am

Fri 12th                 Tom O Sullivan, Derry     10.30am

  Sat. 13th            Joan Landers, Cahirdown, Months Mind               10.30am

                Thomas Brassil, Coolagown /

Anne Prenderville, Moyvane /

Tom Doyle, Bride Rd. /

Lena & John Mulvihill, Kilarda /

John Guiney Sen. Charles St.      6.15pm




                People of the Parish      



                Joan Carey, Church St. 1st Anniversary /

Billy McElligott, Coolaclarig & Peg Thomson Nee McElligott, Perth & Coolaclarig /

Betty Kennelly, Ashfield, Birthday Rem.                11.30am







PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. O’Sullivan, 0872461749.





A public meeting will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on this Monday night (May 8th) at 7.00 p.m. with Fr. Laurence (Redemptorist Priest) with a view to planning our Parish Mission taking place from Saturday, 7th October to Friday, 13th October 2023. We invite all our Parish Committees including our Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Liturgy Group and anyone else that may be interested from our young and senior citizens. This will be a great occasion to reinvigorate our Parish and our faith. Our last Mission took place in October 2013 and it was a great success. It will be the same again this year. Please do come along and help us. All are welcome.                                                            Fr. Declan



O’Connell’s Ave Grotto every Sunday at 6pm.

Finuge Grotto every Monday at 8.00 p.m.

Killocrim Grotto every Friday at 8.00 p.m.  

LISTOWEL AREA PASTORAL COUNCIL: A meeting of Listowel Area Pastoral Council will take place on Thursday evening next, May 11th at 7.30 p.m. in St. Patrick’s Hall. The representatives from the parishes of Listowel, Moyvane, Listowel & Duagh are asked to attend. Thanks.

PARISH SOCIAL GATHERING THURSDAY 18TH MAY IN LISTOWEL ARMS HOTEL AT 7:30PM. it will begin with Mass followed by refreshments. All volunteers involved in our Parish, such as various committees, PPC members, Finance members, Liturgy Group, Safeguarding committee, all the minister: e.g. eucharistic ministers, readers, collectors, counters, cleaners, Folk group & Choir members, Ushers, etc are most welcome. Please contact your group organiser by Monday 15th May if attending.


MISSION APPEAL 2023 IN OUR PARISH: The Diocese gives permission to one Mission Group each year to visit each parish in our Diocese. Last Summer the late Fr. Tim Galvin spoke on behalf of St. Patrick’s Missions.  This year it is the Rosminians turn. The Rosminians work in East Africa, running parishes in Tanzania and Kenya, providing health care in rural areas, digging water wells for local communities and providing primary and secondary education for both boys and girls, Christians and Muslims. They will make their appeal in Listowel, Duagh, Lyreacrompane on the weekend of May 20th & 21st. More Details later.



KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL: is proposing to close to public traffic on the following road:  Road Closed: L-1017 Bedford Cross to Knockane Cross, Listowel, Co. Kerry. Road Closing Times: from 8.00 a.m. on Monday, 29th May to 6.00 p.m. on Friday, 2nd June 2023 (24hr closure). The purpose of the road closure is to facilitate the installation of a new pressure reducing valve.  Diversions will be clearly signposted. Local Access will be provided for Emergency Services and local residents.


RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY (CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE) Bereavement Support Group is meeting on Monday 8th May at 11.30am-1pm at St Brendan's Pastoral Centre, Tralee. If you are interested in attending this group, please ring Reception at Recovery Haven on 066 7192122







Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  29th Apr.’23 – 7th May’23


Sat.29th Apr.’23

Moyvane             John & Catherine Scanlon & their son Tom, also Jim Fitzgerald and Patrick Hughes (Aniv.’s)                7.30pm

Sun.30th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Teresa Kennelly (Aniv.) 9.30am

Moyvane             Jack Mulvihill & son Martin (Aniv.)

Glenalappa & Nenagh    11.00am

Tues.2nd May’23

Moyvane             Denis O’Connor (Aniv.)

Church St., Glin 10.00am


Weds.3rd May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.4th May’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.5th May’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.6th May’23

Moyvane             People of the Parish       7.30pm

Sun.7th May’23

Knockanure        Jackie & Padraig McMahon (Aniv.)

Lissaniskea          9.30am

Moyvane             Betty & Michael Meehan, also Gareth O’Connor (Aniv’s)              11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Rosary will be held at the Grotto in Knockanure every Tues. & Thurs. evening at 8pm during the month of May.


Reminder CHY3 Charity Donation forms, please return the remaining forms, whether you are eligible or not.  If not eligible please return the form anyway indicating same, to avoid the form being sent out to you needlessly every year (unless your circumstances change). This is a valuable source of income for the Parish at a time when the income is down and the cost of living is increasing.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Pastoral Council Meeting, Tuesday May 9th in Sacristy at 7.30pm.  Any items for agenda by May 5th.

Other Notices:

BALLYDONOGUE G.A.A. CLUB are hosting a Coffee Morning in aid of Ard Cúram Fuchsia Centre, Listowel in their clubrooms Coolard, on Monday 1st May 2023 from 11am-1pm. Pleases come along and support this wonderful service in our community.

Scoil Chorp Chríost is holding a fundraising event on May 6th & 7th at 7.30pm-9pm in Corpus Christi Church Knockanure V31TK58. We are introducing the Yershovy Sisters to perform a modern and classical concert. Both Sofiia and Nataliia are pupils of the school, from Ukraine. An evening of musical delight.  All proceeds in aid of Scoil Chorp Chríost.  Pre-booking essential as tickets are limited.  Tickets available online and from Anne in the school office. Please support generously.

Accord Counselling Services, are recruiting qualified, experienced counsellors for the Certificate in Counselling (Marriage & Relationship) training programme commencing in Sept.’23.  Training will take place in Maynooth and the course is validated by the Pontifical University, Maynooth.  Accord CLG pays the fees for the course and provides placement. Further information see the diocese of Kerry/Accord websites. Applications close 19th May.

The Totus Tuus Women of Faith Conference 2023 will be LIVE on Radio Maria Ireland Sat. May 6th from 2pm. You can follow the conference by 1. Going online at www.radiomaria.ie. 2. Download the Radio Maria IRELAND App to your smartphone or tablet. 3. Listen live via Facebook. 4. Call 01 4373277 and listen live 5. Listen through your TV on SAORVIEW Channel 210.

Listowel Arms Hotel Blood Donation Clinic, Tues. 2nd & Weds 3rd May 4.25pm-8.00pm. New & Existing Donors welcome. Book appointment on 1800 222 111








Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  22nd Apr.’23 – 30th Apr.’23


Sat.22nd Apr.’23

Moyvane             James & Bridget Beaton (Aniv.)

Ahalana                7.30pm

Sun.23rd Apr.’23

Knockanure        Angela Kearney (2nd Aniv.)         9.30am

Moyvane             Con Carmody (3rd Aniv.)              11.00am

Tues.25th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.26th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.27th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.28th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.29th Apr.’23

Moyvane             John & Catherine Scanlon & their son Tom, also Jim Fitzgerald and Patrick Hughes (Aniv.’s)                7.30pm

Sun.30th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Teresa Kennelly (Aniv.) 9.30am

Moyvane             Jack Mulvihill & son Martin (Aniv.)

Glenalappa & Nenagh    11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hannafin 087-8341083


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


2nd Collection this weekend at all Masses 22&23rd April, Peter’s Pence.  Also gentle reminder to please return Trocaire boxes at Mass times.

Change in Mass Schedule. At a recent meeting of the Area Pastoral Council (representatives from Listowel, Moyvane, Knockanure, Lixnaw, Iremore, Rathea, Duagh, Lyrecrompane) the provision of Mass for the 8 communities of the region was reviewed.  After exploration of possibilities, given the decline in the number of priests (4 at the moment), it was proposed that, among other adjustments, Moyvane-Knockanure would continue to have its vigil Mass on Saturday evenings at 7.30 and morning Mass at 9.30 in Knockanure. Moyvane Sunday 11.00am Mass may be dropped so that the resident priest (for now) in Moyvane could provide Mass elsewhere in the area at that time. Before this arrangement is confirmed, your comments are welcome, preferably in writing, to Fr. Brendan before May 1st.  They will be respected and included in any ultimate outcome.


Pastoral Council Meeting, Tuesday May 9th in Sacristy at 7.30pm.  Any items for agenda by May 5th.

Other Notices:

Coping with being alone presented by Alone Ireland, national survey of 2022 revealed that 1 in 10 people had not been out socially last year. It focuses on older people who may be lonely/finding life difficult. The presenters and a technician from Alone Ireland show how modern technology can help older people who are uncomfortable with technology, demonstrating how to use a mobile phone, a range of user-friendly Apps, safety alarm, aids such as ‘Alexa’ and how to utilise it for so many uses.  Activity Sessions for senior adults (Men & Women) 11.00am-12 noon. Social chat over tea/coffee/biscuits, continues on Tues. Apr. 25, May 2 & 9. Everyone welcome. Venue; Dr Crokes Clubhouse, Upper Lewis Rd, Killarney, Eircode V93K585, Monday next 24th April @7.30 pm.

Moyvane ICA are hosting a fundraising CD Céilí in the Marian Hall Moyvane on Mon. 24th Apr. 8:30pm.  All proceeds will be donated to North East Kerry First Responders for the replacement of defibrillator pads and other equip. needed to continue this vital service in the area. Admission €10.  Your support would be greatly appreciated by attendance or donation which can be given to any ICA member.

Kerry Choral Union Spring Concert St Brendan’s Church, Tralee Sun. Apr. 23rd 7.30pm, raise vital funds for Recovery Haven Kerry. Tickets €10, from Recovery Haven's base 5 Haig's Terrace and at the door on the night.





Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  30th – 7th May

Sat 29th                Margaret Fletcher nee Sheahan, Killarney & William St. Months Mind /

Niall Stack, Tralee Rd, 1st Anniversary /

Batt Maher, Drombeg / Anne Nancy O Sullivan, Killocrim / Margaret Broderick, Inch East / Mary B., Joe, Maire & Gerald Kennelly, Ballydonoghue / Betty Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Noreen & John Patrick Donegan, Ballygologue Pk. / Tim, Hannie & Patrick Buckley, Knockane /

Nuala O ’Hanrahan, Duagh & Dublin        Vigil










30th       Joe Flavin, Knockane & Cork /

Catherine Kennelly, Tarbert        9.00am

                Tom O Connor, Ardmore, Tarbert, Months Mind & Michael O Connor / Murt Faley, Ballinruddery / Begley intention             11.30am



Mon 1st               Peter Morgan, Oak Pk., Tralee, 1st Anniversary 10.30am


Tues 2nd                              Josephine Leane, Clontarf & Knockenagh             10.30am


   Wed 3rd            Special Intention              10.30am

Thurs 4th                             10.30am

Fri 5th                   Mary & Anne Hickey, Rush, Dublin /

Sr. Bridie O Sullivan, Derry & Presentation, Tralee / Special Intention - Exams      10.30am

                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass 6.45pm

  Sat. 6th    

                Mary Enright, Ballygologue Pk.   10.30am

                Sheila Ciss Browne, William St. /

Jeremiah & Ellen McCarthy, Toor, Duagh /

Martin Mulvihill, Asdee / Mary Tarmey nee Heffernan, Clunin Dore / Assumpta Mahony, Coolaclarig & Denis Flavin, Coolaclarig / John Kirby, Cahirdown /

John & Mary Jo Corridan, Ballinruddery 6.15pm









                Diane McElligott, & dec. family, Tralee Rd. /

Noel Woods, England /

Maurice Hayes, Tanavalla & Fr. Rodger Duggan MSC, Cork & Australia    



                Patricia Hartnett, Killocrim & Kathleen McGuire nee Hartnett, Racecourse Rd., Tralee, both Months Minds /

Eamon Murphy, Behins /

Danny Barrett, Clieveragh Pk & Ballygologue Pk. / Tom O Connell, Ballygrennan 11.30am





PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084


RECENT DEATHS:   Margaret Galvin nee Hennessy, Finuge 


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCES Hannah & John O Brien, Cahirdown / Dan O Connor, Coolard / Joan O’ Quigley Church St. / Kevin Lucey, Knockroe Drive & Charles St. Bir. Rem.




Well done to all involved in the three ceremonies. Nano Nagle on Friday afternoon and the two ceremonies on this Saturday with An Gael Scoil & Scoil Realta na Maidne and the Presentation Primary with Killocrim School. Our thanks to the musicians: Stevie Donegan, Our Parish Folk Group, the great teachers, the family members and anyone else who helped.


Finuge Grotto every Monday at 8pm for the month of May.

Killocrim Grotto Every Friday evening in May at 8pm. All welcome

O’Connell’s Ave Grotto every Sunday in at 6pm. All welcome.

NOTE PARISH OFFICE Monday 1st is a bank holiday the Parish Office is closed normal office hours Tuesday 2nd.


Fr. Declan will visit the Sick & Housebound on Tuesday next. The Parish Office will contact those whom he intends to visit and if you are not on his list, please feel free to contact the Parish Office 068-21188.

PARISH MISSION 7th & 13th OCTOBER 2023 A meeting will take place on Monday 8th May at 7pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall, to discuss up coming mission. All welcome to attend.

PARISH SOCIAL GATHERING Thursday 18th May in Listowel Arms Hotel at 7.30pm. All volunteers involved in our Parish, the various committees, all the ministers such as eucharistic ministers, readers, collectors, counters, cleaners, Folk group & choir members, Ushers, etc are most welcome. Please contact your group organisers by Monday 8th May if attending.



BALLYDONOGUE G.A.A. CLUB Are hosting a Coffee Morning in aid of Ard Cúram Fuchsia Centre, Listowel in their clubrooms Coolard, on Monday 1st May 2023 from 11am. to 1pm. Please come along and support this wonderful service in our community.

IRISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Listowel Arms Hotel Tuesday 2nd & Wednesday 3rd May, 4.25 - 8.00 New & Existing Donors welcome. To book appointment 1800 222 111

SYNOD 2021-2024 FOR A SYNODAL CHURCH: communion, participation and mission In October 2021 the Catholic Church's synodal process on the theme of synodality began. This was the first time that a worldwide listening process and consultation with parishes and dioceses was attempted and many people in Ireland took part in a listening process during the early months of 2022. Did you take part? Have you been wondering what happened after that? Much has happened since then. Your participation formed part of our national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in August 2022. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last October, and then formed part of a presentation given by the Irish delegation that travelled to Prague this February for the first ever Continental Assembly of the Catholic Church's synodal process. Please visit www.synod.ie/2023update to find out more.

ACCORD COUNSELLING SERVICES ACCORD Central Office is recruiting qualified, experienced counsellors for the Certificate in Counselling (Marriage and Relationship) training programme commencing in September 2023.  Training will take place in Maynooth, and the course is validated by the Pontifical University, Maynooth.  Accord CLG pays the fees for the course and provides placement. For further information se the diocese of Kerry or the Accord websites. Applications close on the 19th of May.

COPING WITH BEING ALONE PRESENTED BY ALONE IRELAND Creating awareness and sources of support for people who need it. Alone Ireland national survey of 2022 revealed that 1 in 10 people had not been out socially last year. The presenters and a technician from Alone Ireland show how modern technology can help older people who are uncomfortable with technology, demonstrating how to use a mobile phone, a range of user-friendly Apps, safety alarm, aids such as ‘Alexa’ and how to utilise it for so many uses.  Activity Sessions for Senior adults, (Men & Women) 11.00 am -12 noon. Social chat over tea /coffee & biscuits continues on Tuesday April 25, & May 2 & 9 Everyone welcome.   Venue; Dr Crokes Clubhouse, Upper Lewis Rd, Killarney. Eircode V93K585 Open to everyone.







Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  23rd – 30th April

Sat 22nd               Catherine (Josie) Kelly, Woodview, Months Mind / Patrick Heffernan, 1st Anniversary & deceased family members, Woodford /

Angela Kearney, Cahirdown & Moyvane /

Laurance & Ellen Collins, Kilmorna /

Oliver, Kevin, Robert, Tommy, Sojya & Baby Ryamond Broderick, William St. /

Christy Stack, Greenville               Vigil










23rd       Michael & Mollie Kissane, Clountubrid /

Joseph & Hannah Wash, Church St.         9.00am

                Margaret Barrett nee Lyons, Clieveragh & Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /

Kathleen & Mick O Sullivan, Derry            11.30am



Mon 24th            Nora Brennan nee Barry, England & O’Connell’s Ave. / Robert Purcell, Woodford              10.30am


Tues 25th                            Bill, Peggy & Fintan McGrath, William St. /

Bridie O Sullivan, Ennismore & Tralee      10.30am


   Wed 26th         Hannah & Ned O Neill, Bridge Rd /

Sue & Tracey O Neill, London & Nora & Jack Foley & Josie & Jerry O Carroll, England /

Berkie Browne Senior, William St., Birthday Remembrance          10.30am

Thurs 27th           Nora Curtin, Chicago, Tralee & Ballybunion /

Sinead Halket, Bedford 10.30am

Fri 28th                 Maire Fealey, Courthouse Rd. /

Johnny Griffin, Ballygologue Rd.                10.30am

  Sat. 29th    

                1st Holy Communion: Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail & Scoil Réalta na Maidine    10.00am

                1st Holy Communion:

Killocrim & Presentation Primary               12.00pm

                Margaret Fletcher nee Sheahan, Killarney & William St. Months Mind / Niall Stack, Tralee Rd, 1st Anniversary / Batt Maher, Drombeg / Anne Nancy O Sullivan, Killocrim / Margaret Broderick, Inch East / Mary B., Joe, Maire & Gerald Kennelly, Ballydonoghue / Betty Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Noreen & John Patrick Donegan, Ballygologue Pk. / Tim, Hannie & Patrick Buckley, Knockane    6.15pm












                Joe Flavin, Knockane & Cork      



                Tom O Connor, Ardmore, Tarbert, Months Mind & Michael O Connor / Murt Faley, Ballinruddery                 11.30am





PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083


RECENT DEATHS:   Joan Landers nee Dore, Cahirdown.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCES John Joe & Joan Mulvihill, Meath & Moyvane / Richard Carey, Ballygologue Rd. / Catherine & James Sheehan, Carrueragh, Kilmorna / Maureen O Connor, Church St. / Bridie Dowd, Dowds Rd.



ANNUAL DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR PETER’SPENCE IS THIS WEEKEND: 22nd & 23rd April. This worldwide collection is taken up in each church in the Christian world and the money is distributed by our Holy Father, Pope Francis to the many needy charities that apply for help. Many Thanks.

PLEASE NOTE There will be no 10.30 a.m. morning mass next Saturday given that we have the First Holy Communion masses.

PARISH FIRST HOLY COMMUNION DAY 2023: takes place on Saturday next, April 29th  in two ceremonies.

First Ceremony:

10.00 a.m. An Gael Scoil & Scoil Realta na Maidne

Second Ceremony:

12.00 noon Presentation Primary & Killocrim School.


who were confirmed on Friday last with Bishop Ray. 16 candidates from Nano Nagle, 20 from An Gael Scoil and 22 from Scoil Realta na Maidne became full members of our parish. Well to the candidates, their teachers and all involved.

LAST WEEK FOR TRÓCAIRE OFFERING For those who haven’t yet returned please do so as we are sending to the diocese next week

PARISH SOCIAL GATHERING DATE IS CHANGED Please note the date has changed to Thursday 18th May in Listowel Arms Hotel at 7.30pm. All volunteers involved in our Parish, the various committees, all the ministers such as eucharistic ministers, readers, collectors, counters, cleaners, Folk group & choir members etc are most welcome. Please contact your group organisers by Monday 8th May if attending.

IRISH CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER: is available each Thursday morning at the back of the church. Please note: the Irish catholic newspaper price increase €3.00.

SYNOD 2021-2024 FOR A SYNODAL CHURCH: communion, participation and mission In October 2021 the Catholic Church's synodal process on the theme of synodality began. This was the first time that a worldwide listening process and consultation with parishes and dioceses was attempted and many people in Ireland took part in a listening process during the early months of 2022. Did you take part? Have you been wondering what happened after that? Much has happened since then. Your participation formed part of our national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in August 2022. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last October, and then formed part of a presentation given by the Irish delegation that travelled to Prague this February for the first ever Continental Assembly of the Catholic Church's synodal process. Please visit www.synod.ie/2023update to find out more.

DIOCESAN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION RETREAT27th of April 2023 at The Church of the Resurrection, Killarney with Registration @ 10.00am. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan. Bishop Ray will conclude the Retreat with the celebration of Holy Mass @ 3.00pm. Lunch will be served. Registration fee €30. To book contact: Maureen at 087 9514352 Margaret at 0872976304.

ACCORD COUNSELLING SERVICES ACCORD Central Office is recruiting qualified, experienced counsellors for the Certificate in Counselling (Marriage and Relationship) training programme commencing in September 2023.  Training will take place in Maynooth and the course is validated by the Pontifical University, Maynooth.  Accord CLG pays the fees for the course and provides placement. For further information se the diocese of Kerry or the Accord websites. Applications close on the 19th of May.

COPING WITH BEING ALONE PRESENTED BY ALONE IRELAND Creating awareness and sources of support for people who need it. Alone Ireland national survey of 2022 revealed that 1 in 10 people had not been out socially last year. The presenters and a technician from Alone Ireland show how modern technology can help older people who are uncomfortable with technology, demonstrating how to use a mobile phone, a range of user-friendly Apps, safety alarm, aids such as ‘Alexa’ and how to utilise it for so many uses.  Activity Sessions for Senior adults, (Men & Women) 11.00 am -12 noon. Social chat over tea /coffee & biscuits continues on Tuesday April 25, & May 2 & 9 Everyone welcome.   Venue; Dr Crokes Clubhouse, Upper Lewis Rd, Killarney. Eircode V93K585 Open to everyone.




Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  22nd Apr.’23 – 30th Apr.’23


Sat.22nd Apr.’23

Moyvane             James & Bridget Beaton (Aniv.)

Ahalana                7.30pm

Sun.23rd Apr.’23

Knockanure        Angela Kearney (2nd Aniv.)         9.30am

Moyvane             Con Carmody (3rd Aniv.)              11.00am

Tues.25th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.26th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.27th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.28th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.29th Apr.’23

Moyvane             John & Catherine Scanlon & their son Tom, also Jim Fitzgerald and Patrick Hughes (Aniv.’s)                7.30pm

Sun.30th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Teresa Kennelly (Aniv.) 9.30am

Moyvane             Jack Mulvihill & son Martin (Aniv.)

Glenalappa & Nenagh    11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hannafin 087-8341083


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


2nd Collection this weekend at all Masses 22&23rd April, Peter’s Pence.  Also gentle reminder to please return Trocaire boxes at Mass times.

Change in Mass Schedule. At a recent meeting of the Area Pastoral Council (representatives from Listowel, Moyvane, Knockanure, Lixnaw, Iremore, Rathea, Duagh, Lyrecrompane) the provision of Mass for the 8 communities of the region was reviewed.  After exploration of possibilities, given the decline in the number of priests (4 at the moment), it was proposed that, among other adjustments, Moyvane-Knockanure would continue to have its vigil Mass on Saturday evenings at 7.30 and morning Mass at 9.30 in Knockanure. Moyvane Sunday 11.00am Mass may be dropped so that the resident priest (for now) in Moyvane could provide Mass elsewhere in the area at that time. Before this arrangement is confirmed, your comments are welcome, preferably in writing, to Fr. Brendan before May 1st.  They will be respected and included in any ultimate outcome.


Pastoral Council Meeting, Tuesday May 9th in Sacristy at 7.30pm.  Any items for agenda by May 5th.

Other Notices:

Coping with being alone presented by Alone Ireland, national survey of 2022 revealed that 1 in 10 people had not been out socially last year. It focuses on older people who may be lonely/finding life difficult. The presenters and a technician from Alone Ireland show how modern technology can help older people who are uncomfortable with technology, demonstrating how to use a mobile phone, a range of user-friendly Apps, safety alarm, aids such as ‘Alexa’ and how to utilise it for so many uses.  Activity Sessions for senior adults (Men & Women) 11.00am-12 noon. Social chat over tea/coffee/biscuits, continues on Tues. Apr. 25, May 2 & 9. Everyone welcome. Venue; Dr Crokes Clubhouse, Upper Lewis Rd, Killarney, Eircode V93K585, Monday next 24th April @7.30 pm.

Moyvane ICA are hosting a fundraising CD Céilí in the Marian Hall Moyvane on Mon. 24th Apr. 8:30pm.  All proceeds will be donated to North East Kerry First Responders for the replacement of defibrillator pads and other equip. needed to continue this vital service in the area. Admission €10.  Your support would be greatly appreciated by attendance or donation which can be given to any ICA member.

Kerry Choral Union Spring Concert St Brendan’s Church, Tralee Sun. Apr. 23rd 7.30pm, raise vital funds for Recovery Haven Kerry. Tickets €10, from Recovery Haven's base 5 Haig's Terrace and at the door on the night.






Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  23rd – 30th April

Sat 22nd               Catherine (Josie) Kelly, Woodview, Months Mind / Patrick Heffernan, 1st Anniversary & deceased family members, Woodford /

Angela Kearney, Cahirdown & Moyvane /

Laurance & Ellen Collins, Kilmorna /

Oliver, Kevin, Robert, Tommy, Sojya & Baby Ryamond Broderick, William St. /

Christy Stack, Greenville               Vigil










23rd       Michael & Mollie Kissane, Clountubrid /

Joseph & Hannah Wash, Church St.         9.00am

                Margaret Barrett nee Lyons, Clieveragh & Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /

Kathleen & Mick O Sullivan, Derry            11.30am



Mon 24th            Nora Brennan nee Barry, England & O’Connell’s Ave. / Robert Purcell, Woodford              10.30am


Tues 25th                            Bill, Peggy & Fintan McGrath, William St. /

Bridie O Sullivan, Ennismore & Tralee      10.30am


   Wed 26th         Hannah & Ned O Neill, Bridge Rd /

Sue & Tracey O Neill, London & Nora & Jack Foley & Josie & Jerry O Carroll, England /

Berkie Browne Senior, William St., Birthday Remembrance          10.30am

Thurs 27th           Nora Curtin, Chicago, Tralee & Ballybunion /

Sinead Halket, Bedford 10.30am

Fri 28th                 Maire Fealey, Courthouse Rd. /

Johnny Griffin, Ballygologue Rd.                10.30am

  Sat. 29th    

                1st Holy Communion: Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail & Scoil Réalta na Maidine    10.00am

                1st Holy Communion:

Killocrim & Presentation Primary               12.00pm

                Margaret Fletcher nee Sheahan, Killarney & William St. Months Mind / Niall Stack, Tralee Rd, 1st Anniversary / Batt Maher, Drombeg / Anne Nancy O Sullivan, Killocrim / Margaret Broderick, Inch East / Mary B., Joe, Maire & Gerald Kennelly, Ballydonoghue / Betty Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Noreen & John Patrick Donegan, Ballygologue Pk. / Tim, Hannie & Patrick Buckley, Knockane    6.15pm












                Joe Flavin, Knockane & Cork      



                Tom O Connor, Ardmore, Tarbert, Months Mind & Michael O Connor / Murt Faley, Ballinruddery                 11.30am





PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083


RECENT DEATHS:   Joan Landers nee Dore, Cahirdown.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCES John Joe & Joan Mulvihill, Meath & Moyvane / Richard Carey, Ballygologue Rd. / Catherine & James Sheehan, Carrueragh, Kilmorna / Maureen O Connor, Church St. / Bridie Dowd, Dowds Rd.



ANNUAL DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR PETER’SPENCE IS THIS WEEKEND: 22nd & 23rd April. This worldwide collection is taken up in each church in the Christian world and the money is distributed by our Holy Father, Pope Francis to the many needy charities that apply for help. Many Thanks.

PLEASE NOTE There will be no 10.30 a.m. morning mass next Saturday given that we have the First Holy Communion masses.

PARISH FIRST HOLY COMMUNION DAY 2023: takes place on Saturday next, April 29th  in two ceremonies.

First Ceremony:

10.00 a.m. An Gael Scoil & Scoil Realta na Maidne

Second Ceremony:

12.00 noon Presentation Primary & Killocrim School.


who were confirmed on Friday last with Bishop Ray. 16 candidates from Nano Nagle, 20 from An Gael Scoil and 22 from Scoil Realta na Maidne became full members of our parish. Well to the candidates, their teachers and all involved.

LAST WEEK FOR TRÓCAIRE OFFERING For those who haven’t yet returned please do so as we are sending to the diocese next week

PARISH SOCIAL GATHERING DATE IS CHANGED Please note the date has changed to Thursday 18th May in Listowel Arms Hotel at 7.30pm. All volunteers involved in our Parish, the various committees, all the ministers such as eucharistic ministers, readers, collectors, counters, cleaners, Folk group & choir members etc are most welcome. Please contact your group organisers by Monday 8th May if attending.

IRISH CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER: is available each Thursday morning at the back of the church. Please note: the Irish catholic newspaper price increase €3.00.

SYNOD 2021-2024 FOR A SYNODAL CHURCH: communion, participation and mission In October 2021 the Catholic Church's synodal process on the theme of synodality began. This was the first time that a worldwide listening process and consultation with parishes and dioceses was attempted and many people in Ireland took part in a listening process during the early months of 2022. Did you take part? Have you been wondering what happened after that? Much has happened since then. Your participation formed part of our national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in August 2022. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last October, and then formed part of a presentation given by the Irish delegation that travelled to Prague this February for the first ever Continental Assembly of the Catholic Church's synodal process. Please visit www.synod.ie/2023update to find out more.

DIOCESAN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION RETREAT27th of April 2023 at The Church of the Resurrection, Killarney with Registration @ 10.00am. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan. Bishop Ray will conclude the Retreat with the celebration of Holy Mass @ 3.00pm. Lunch will be served. Registration fee €30. To book contact: Maureen at 087 9514352 Margaret at 0872976304.

ACCORD COUNSELLING SERVICES ACCORD Central Office is recruiting qualified, experienced counsellors for the Certificate in Counselling (Marriage and Relationship) training programme commencing in September 2023.  Training will take place in Maynooth and the course is validated by the Pontifical University, Maynooth.  Accord CLG pays the fees for the course and provides placement. For further information se the diocese of Kerry or the Accord websites. Applications close on the 19th of May.

COPING WITH BEING ALONE PRESENTED BY ALONE IRELAND Creating awareness and sources of support for people who need it. Alone Ireland national survey of 2022 revealed that 1 in 10 people had not been out socially last year. The presenters and a technician from Alone Ireland show how modern technology can help older people who are uncomfortable with technology, demonstrating how to use a mobile phone, a range of user-friendly Apps, safety alarm, aids such as ‘Alexa’ and how to utilise it for so many uses.  Activity Sessions for Senior adults, (Men & Women) 11.00 am -12 noon. Social chat over tea /coffee & biscuits continues on Tuesday April 25, & May 2 & 9 Everyone welcome.   Venue; Dr Crokes Clubhouse, Upper Lewis Rd, Killarney. Eircode V93K585 Open to everyone.



Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter:  15th Apr.’23 –  23rd Apr.’23


Sat.15th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Mike (10th Aniv.) & Betty Greaney (1st Aniv.)    7.30pm

Sun.16th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Paddy Carroll (2nd Aniv.) late of Gortdromagouna & London.      9.30am

Moyvane             John Shanahan (21st Aniv.) and his father Patrick (2nd Aniv.) and deceased members of Shanahan & Egan families      11.00am

Tues.18th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Mary Carmody RIP

UK & Athea, (M. Nolan request)               10.00am


Weds.19th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.20th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.21st Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.22nd Apr.’23

Moyvane             James & Bridget Beaton (Aniv.)

Ahalana                7.30pm

Sun.23rd Apr.’23

Knockanure        Angela Kearney (2nd Aniv.)         9.30am

Moyvane             Con Carmody (3rd Aniv.)              11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-6709491

Collections: Offertory €1,420, Priest Dues €2,610.

Thanking you for your continued generosity.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


2nd Collection next weekend at all Masses 22&23rd April, Peter’s Pence.  Also gentle reminder to please return Trocaire boxes at Mass times.

Change in Mass Schedule. At a recent meeting of the Area Pastoral Council (with representatives from Listowel, Moyvane, Knockanure, Lixnaw, Iremore, Rathea, Duagh, Lyrecrompane) the provision of Mass for the 8 communities of the region was reviewed.  After exploration of possibilities, given the decline in the number of priests (4 at the moment), it was proposed that, among other adjustments, Moyvane-Knockanure would continue to have its vigil Mass on Saturday evenings at 7.30 and morning Mass at 9.30 in Knockanure. Moyvane Sunday 11.00am Mass may be dropped so that the resident priest (for now) in Moyvane could provide Mass elsewhere in the area at that time. Before this arrangement is confirmed, your comments are welcome, preferably in writing, to Fr. Brendan before May 1st.  They will be respected and included in any ultimate outcome.

Other Notices:

Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration Retreat will take place 27th Apr. at The Church of the Resurrection, Killarney. Registration @ 10.00am. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan. Bishop Ray Browne will conclude the Retreat with the celebration of Holy Mass @ 3.00pm. Lunch served. Registration fee €30. To book contact Maureen 087-9514352/Margaret 087-2976304.

National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock takes place 22nd&23rd of Apr.

Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) is honoured to have been invited to host the Vicky Phelan Campaign and Portrait Tour Apr.21& 22. The theme of the tour is creating "Awareness & Change" which is the essence of Vicky's legacy and what she fought so hard for. As part of the weekend’s programme, the stunning portrait will be open for public viewing at the Sólás Centre, MTU Kerry North Campus, Tralee Sat. Apr. 22 from 10.30 am-1pm. Everyone welcome! Also, the ever-popular children’s workshop-CLIMB (Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery). This 6-wk workshop begins 26th Apr. on Weds.6pm. Please call 066 7192122.

Kerry Choral Union Spring Concert St Brendan’s Church, Tralee Sun. Apr. 23rd 7.30pm, raise vital funds for cancer support charity, Recovery Haven Kerry. Tickets €10, from Recovery Haven's base 5 Haig's Terrace, from Kerry Choral Union members, at the door on the night.

Monastic Vocations Wkend, women considering religious life 6th-7th May St Benedict's Priory Cobh. Call Mother Prioress 021-4811354 cobhtyburnconvent@gmail.com.







Listowel Church News

MASSES THIS WEEK  16th – 23rd April


Sat 15th                Fergal Murphy, London late of Castleisland, Recently Dec. / Martina Grimes, Clieveragh, Months Mind / John Downey, Brosna /

Timmy (Junie) Canty, O'Connell’s Ave. /

John O Connor, Clieveragh Park /

Jim, Sheila & Noel Furlong, Foildarrig, Duagh / Joe O Carroll, Tullamore & London /

Kathleen, Eddie, Mossie & Mary Anne Hartnett, Gortnaminch



Sun  16th             Sean Toomey, Shrough, Tipperary town, Recently Deceased /

Kitty O Carroll, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Deceased members of the Deane Family, Ballymcelligott /

Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane








                Hannah Murphy, Behins /

Martin & Nora Enright, Dromin 11.30am



Mon 17th            Gerardine Galvin nee Dowling, Months Mind

& Burial of Ashes              10.30am


Tues 18th                            Patricia Griffin, Feale Drive /

Michael Hennessy, Billerough, Birthday Rem. / Hanora Browne, Charles St.          10.30am


   Wed 19th         Bridie O Connor, Springmount, Duagh /

Eiliy Lawlor, Bridge Road               10.30am

Thurs 20th           Josephine Tarrant, Church St.     10.30am

Fri 21st


                Special Intention              10.30am


                Nano Nagel Confirmation             1pm

                Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail & Scoil Réalta na Maidine Confirmation


  Sat. 22nd   

                Deceased members of the Hartnett & Mackessy Families, Listowel          10.30am


Catherine (Josie) Kelly, Woodview, Months Mind / Patrick Heffernan, 1st Anniversary & deceased family members, Woodford /

Angela Kearney, Cahirdown & Moyvane /

Laurance & Ellen Collins, Kilmorna /

Oliver, Kevin, Robert, Tommy, Sojya & Baby Ryamond Broderick, William St. /

Christy Stack, Greenville               6.15pm



  Sun    23rd        

Michael & Mollie Kissane, Clountubrid  



                Margaret Barrett nee Lyons, Clieveragh & Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /

Kathleen & Mick O Sullivan, Derryfarm, Derry     11.30am


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Crean-Lynch, 087-6709491.


RECENT DEATHS:   Patricia (Pat) Hartnett, Killocrim.

Elizabeth (Betty) Walsh nee Landers, Ashfield & Dirha East.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCES Tom Keating, Dirha Cottages / John & Ellen Devereaux & Family / Betty Grist, Dublin.



THIS SUNDAY IS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY: There will be Divine Mercy Devotions here in St. Mary’s Church time: from 3pm. to 4pm. It will include prayers, benediction and confessions will start at 2.30pm.  All welcome.

PARISH CONFIRMATION DAY: The second day for our Confirmation Candidates will take place on Friday next, 21st April with Bishop Ray here in St. Mary’s Church.  First ceremony will be at 1.00 p.m. with the Nano Nagle Candidates and the second ceremony will take place at 3.00 p.m. with An Gael Scoil & Scoil Réalta na Maidne.  All candidates are asked to be seated and in place 15 minutes before the ceremony. Have a great day. 

SPRING-EASTER/STATION DUES ENVELOPE Thank you all for your generosity towards the Spring / Easter dues which for your priests.  For those who do not use the Envelope System, there are loose green envelopes still at the back of the church. You may place on the Offertory basket or drop into the Parish Office at any time. Sincere thanks.  Míle Buíochas

PARISH SOCIAL GATHERING DATE IS CHANGED Please note the date has changed to Thursday 18th May in Listowel Arms Hotel at 7.30pm. All volunteers involved in our Parish, the various committees, all the ministers such as eucharistic ministers, readers, collectors, counters, cleaners, Folk group & choir members etc are most welcome. Please contact your group organisers by Monday 8th May if attending.

EUCHARITST ADORATION GROUP will meet on this Monday coming 17th April after the 10.30am. morning mass in the parish meeting room.




ANNUAL DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR PETER’SPENCE IS NEXT WEEKEND: The April Diocesan Collection takes place the weekend 22nd & 23rd April. This worldwide collection is taken up in each church in the Christian world and the money is distributed by our Holy Father, Pope Francis to the many needy charities that apply for help. Many Thanks

TRÓCAIRE OFFERING: Many thanks to you all who have already returned your Trócaire Offering. For those who haven’t yet please do so as soon as possible so we can send to the dioceses straight away.

IRISH CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER: is available each Thursday morning at the back of the church. Please note: the Irish catholic newspaper price increase €3.00.


COLÁISTE NA RÍOCHTA CONCERT with Kerry Choral Union, is being hosted by Coláiste Na Ríochta Secondary School, in St. Mary’s Church, on Wednesday 19th April at 7.30pm. Anybody who had tickets from the Concert that was postponed before Christmas of last year may use their tickets for entry. New tickets are on sale in the Parish Office, and in other outlets around Town.  Adults €10 / U18’s & O.A.Ps. €5. A great night is assured. 

ST. JOHN’S THEATRE presents The Cripple of Inishmaah, as strange comedy. From Wednesday next 19th to Monday 24th April. 068-22566.

LARTIGUE MONORAIL The Lartigue Monorail and Museum will operate on from May 1st throughout the Summer until October 1st, the Lartigue will operate every afternoon from 1pm to 4.30pm.

THE LISTOWEL HOSPICE COMMITTEE would like to sincerely thank everyone that attended and supported the Kay Hanley Memorial Walk on Good Friday 7th April. The total raised so far is €5,280. These are vital funds required to support the services of the Kerry Hospice Foundation. If you would like to donate, you can still do so online via the Listowel Hospice Instagram or Facebook page.

RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY (CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE) will host the Vicky Phelan Campaign and Portrait Tour on April 21 & 22 They will also be hosting the ever-popular children’s workshop -CLIMB (Children’s lives include moments of bravery). This 6-week workshop begins on the 26th of April for 6 weeks on Wednesdays at 6pm. Please call 066 7192122 for further information.



Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 8th Apr.’23 – 16th Apr.’23


Sat.8th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Holy Saturday

Vigil Mass            9.00pm

Sun.9th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Easter Sunday   9.30am

Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am

Tues.11th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Jamie & Tommy O’Connor RIP,

Glin Rd. 10.00am


Weds.12th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.13th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.14th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.15th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Mike (10th Aniv.) & Betty Greaney (1st Aniv.)    7.30pm

Sun.16th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Paddy Carroll (2nd Aniv.) late of Gortdromagouna & London.      9.30am

Moyvane             John Shanahan (21st Aniv.) and his father Patrick (2nd Aniv.) and deceased members of Shanahan & Egan families      11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Denis O’Mahony 087-6807197


Collections: Offertory €1,325, Moyvane Shrine €316.  Thank you.


Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.





Good Friday Agreement April 10th 1998, As we remember this significant milestone in the history of the country, let us pray in thanksgiving and with a spirit of hope that God will Bless what has already taken place with deeper reconciliation, justice, and peace.


A Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone!


Other Notices:

Bus Route 314, from outside Kearney’s Bar to Limerick daily at;

6.32am, 10.32am, 2.32pm, 6.32pm and to Ballybunion at;

8.05am, 11.07am, 3.07pm, 7.42pm. Departing from Limerick to Moyvane; 6.15am, 9.15am, 1.15pm and 5.50pm.  See buseireann.ie for further details.

Monastic Vocations Weekend for women considering religious life, 6th-7th May, St Benedict's Priory, Cobh, Co Cork. Contact Mother Prioress: 021 4811354 cobhtyburnconvent@gmail.com.

Anam Cara Kerry, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 11th Apr. 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee. Free event, open to all bereaved parents. Also online support group, for further information contact info@anamcara.ie

FATIMA 9th - 15th May, led by Fr. Noel Spring, Limited Availability.  Contact Premier Travel 021-4277700.

Smart recycling for Scoil Chorp Chriost, Knockanure, pack a plastic bag(s) of 2ndhand clothes and bring it to Scoil Chorp Chriost, Knockanure on/before 20th Apr. We can then raise funds through recycling these clothes. All clean unwanted clothes and shoes accepted. No duvets, pillows, cushions or rugs. No wet/dirty clothes. So how about doing that spring clearout or perhaps you have unwanted clothes in your attic/spare room. Here is the chance to start that clearout and help our school in its fundraising initiative.

Murhur NS Moyvane, Clothing Collection Fundraiser for important school resources.  Do you have old, clean, dry clothing items you wish to donate? If yes, please black bag them and drop to Moyvane GAA Clubhouse on Sat. 22nd Apr. from 10am-2pm and Mon. 24th Apr. from 6pm - 8pm. Items you can donate include: dry, clean, unwanted clothes, bed linen (bed sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases), shoes, handbags. Please do not leave bags at clubhouse outside of dedicated times. Thank you kindly for supporting this school fundraiser.







MASSES THIS WEEK  9th – 16th April

Sat 8th  Bridget Carmody, Willow Place, 1st Ann.  /

Michael O Gorman, Clieveragh / Lila Stack, Charles St. & Glenoe & Eileen stack Cotter, Glenoe / Hannah Barrett, Greenville /

Maureen Kiely, Limerick / Eileen Galvin & John & Mary Brennan, Dirha West /

John McConnell of 81 O’Connell’s Avenue           Vigil









9th         People of the Parish       9.00am

                Joe Mulvihill & Moss Galvin Clieveragh & Mountcoal /

Eileen Galvin & John & Mary Brennan, Dirha West / Maureen Barry, Swindon, Lixnaw & Knockane /Liam Dillon, Church St.           11.30am




Mon 10th            Deceased Members of the Old IRA          10.30am


Tues 11th                            Peg Holyoake, Lartigue View, 1st Anniversary / Mick Clifford, Woodford & London /

Bernadette O Sullivan, Cahirdown /

Special Intention              10.30am


   Wed 12th         Tim & Bridie O Flaherty, Church St. /

Special Intention              10.30am

Thurs 13th           Paul O Grady, England, Recently Deceased          10.30am

Fri 14th                 Kay McGrath, Coolaclarig, Birthday Remembrance / Noreen McNamara, Tullahinell          10.30am


  Sat. 15th  

                Breda O Connor nee Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave. / Breda Lynch, Killocrim / John Keane, O’Connell’s Ave. / A Birthday Intention           10.30am

                John Downey, Brosna /

Timmy (Junie) Canty, O'Connell’s Ave. /

John O Connor, Clieveragh Park /

Jim, Sheila & Noel Furlong, Foildarrig, Duagh / Joe O Carroll, Tullamore & London /

Kathleen, Eddie, Mossie & Mary Anne Hartnett, Gortnaminch    6.15pm







    16th   Kitty O Carroll, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane   



                Hannah Murphy, Behins /

Martin & Nora Enright, Dromin 11.30am




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. O’Mahony, 087-6807197





RECENT DEATHS:   Dan Moran, died in New York late of Tullamore, Listowel funeral to take place in New York.



SPRING-EASTER/STATION DUES ENVELOPE with green script is in your Envelope Box this weekend. This is the envelope that supports your priests. For those who do not use the Envelope System, there are loose green envelopes at the back of the church. You may place on the Offertory basket which will take place as a second collection after Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil on this Saturday night and at both masses on Easter Sunday morning or drop into the Parish Office at any time. Sincere thanks to you if you have already made your donation.  Míle Buíochas

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY IS SUNDAY NEXT: April 16th, Please note that there will be Divine Mercy Devotions in St. Mary’s Church time: from 3pm. to 4pm. It will include prayers, benediction and confessions will start at 2.30pm.  All welcome.

TRÓCAIRE OFFERING: Many thanks to you all who have already returned your Trócaire Offering. For those who haven’t yet please do so as soon as possible so we can send to the dioceses straight away.

ANNUAL DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR PETER’S PENCE: The April Diocesan Collection takes place the weekend 22nd & 23rd April. This worldwide collection is taken up in each church in the Christian world and the money is distributed by our Holy Father, Pope Francis to the many needy charities that apply for help. Many Thanks

Please Note the Irish catholic newspaper price increase will take affect this Wednesday €3.00.


PARISH OFFICE WILL RE-OPEN AFTER EASTER on Wednesday morning next April 19that 10.00 a.m. Feel free to contact Fr. Declan at each of our daily masses at 10.30 a.m. throughout the week and is available for emergencies only on the Parish Mobile: 087-0908949.








  This Easter morning we celebrate the central mystery of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. He suffered on the cross and died for us, but now he has risen. ALLEULIA!





LARTIGUE MONORAIL Special Easter Weekend of The Lartigue Monorail and Museum will operate on this Easter Sunday April 9th & Bank Holiday Monday 10th April, from 1pm to 4.30pm.  From May 1st throughout the Summer until October 1st, the Lartigue will operate every afternoon from 1pm to 4.30pm.

A COMMEMORATION TO MARK THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY of the death of John Linnane who died for Irish freedom will be held at the monument at Trieneragh, Duagh on Thursday 13th April at 7.30. All welcome.

COLÁISTE NA RÍOCHTA CONCERT with Kerry Choral Union, is being hosted by Coláiste Na Ríochta Secondary School, in St. Mary’s Church, on Wednesday 19th April at 7.30pm. Anybody who had tickets from the Concert that was postponed before Christmas of last year may use their tickets for entry. New tickets are on sale in the Parish Office, and in other outlets around Town.  Adults €10 / U18’s & O.A.Ps. €5. A great night is assured. 

DAFFODIL DAY LISTOWEL 2023 Thank you for your incredible support in the Irish Cancer Society's Daffodil Day collection.  Together with the tireless efforts of our dedicated volunteers and the generosity of the people of North Kerry, we raised €27,345.  Despite the challenging weather conditions, our volunteers showed unwavering commitment, making this year's event a huge success. Your generosity will make a real difference in funding cancer research, supporting patients and families, and providing essential services in our community.


Fr. Declan wishes you all a

Happy & Holy Easter








Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 1st Apr.’23 – 9th Apr.’23


Sat.1st Apr.’23

Moyvane             Nora (2nd Aniv.) & Thomas Fitzgerald (Aniv.) Lenamore 7.30pm

Sun.2nd Apr.’23

Knockanure        Palm Sunday

People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Bridie Moloney RIP, Recently Deceased 11.00am

Tues.4th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.5th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.6th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Holy Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s Supper           8.00pm

Fri.7th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Good Friday

Passion of Our Lord        


Knockanure        Stations of the Cross      7.30pm

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.8th Apr.’23

Moyvane             Holy Saturday

Vigil Mass           


Sun.9th Apr.’23

Knockanure        Easter Sunday   9.30am

Moyvane             People of the Parish       11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549


Collections: Offertory €1,305, Priest Dues €340.

Thanking you for your continued genorosity.


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.


Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Palm Sunday - Procession this year in Moyvane after 11:00am mass.


Confessions St. Mary’s Church Listowel, Mon. Apr. 3rd at 8pm.


The Chrism Mass will take place on Tues. evening Apr. 4th 7.00pm in the Cathedral.  There will be refreshments after Mass in St. Brendan’s College refectory.


Holy Thursday - Renewal of commitment by Eucharistic Ministers,

-Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose until 12 Midnight.


Reminder Parish Office will be closed Holy Thursday and Good Friday.


A Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone!


Other Notices:

Moyvane ICA would like to thank all who contributed to the recent 'Daffodil Day' collection in support of Irish Cancer Society, €1,365 raised.


Secondhand Clothes Collection at Scoil Chorp Chriost Knockanure, on or before 20th Apr. We can then raise funds through recycling these clothes.


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 11th April at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group and you can get further information on this by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie


On behalf of the Moyvane Community we would like to acknowledge and thank The Marian Hall Committee who have sponsored the purchase of 2 sets of pads in recent years for the Defibrillator located outside The Marian Hall. The local North/East Kerry Community First Responder Group has now agreed to take over the maintenance of this Defibrillator. This group is a great asset to our local Community.





Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK  2nd – 9th April

Sat 1st   Martin Mulvihill, College Lawn, Months Mind / John Barry, Dirha Cottages, Months Mind & Paddy & Jane Barry & dec. fam. Dirha Cottages /

Betty Gormley nee Brown, St. Brendans Tce. / Paud & Joan Guerin, Convent St. /

Nora Mary Stokes, Ballybunion Rd. /

Maurice Walsh, The Square & Gurtinard / Jack & Nell O’Connor, Gortcreen /

Sheila Ryan, Skehenerin /

Toddy Sommers, Billerough & London /

Lilian Curtin, Coolaclarig                 Vigil




2nd        Jim, Anne, Nora & Vourneen O Sullivan, Charles St. / Etta Dillon, Behins                 9.00am

                Nora Canty, William St., 1st Anniversary /

Nelius Galvin, The Old Rd., Clieveragh /

James (Gee) & Joan Dore, Charles St. &

Peg Dore, Lartigue Village            11.30am




Mon 3rd               Ted Keane, Slievecahill, Birthday Rem.   10.30am


                Easter Confessions          8.00pm

Tues 4th                               Brenda Dineen, Lenamore, Birthday Rem. /

Mai Mahoney, & dec. fam., England /

Special Intention              10.30am


Wed 5th               Michael O Connor, Shrone, Months Mind             10.30am

Thurs 6th             Morning prayers – followed by Confession          10.30am

                Mass of the Lord’s Supper           8.00pm

Fri 7th                   Morning prayers – followed by Confession          10.30am


                Celebration of the Lord’s Passion             3.00pm

                Stations of the Cross – followed by Confession  8.00pm

  Sat. 8th  

                Morning Prayers              10.30am

                Bridget Carmody, Willow Place, 1st Ann.  /

Michael O Gorman, Clieveragh / Lila Stack, Charles St. & Glenoe & Eileen stack Cotter, Glenoe / Hannah Barrett, Greenville /

Maureen Kiely, Limerick / Eileen Galvin & John & Mary Brennan, Dirha West       Vigil







    9th     People of the Parish      



                Joe Mulvihill & Moss Galvin Clieveragh & Mountcoal       11.30am





PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Carmody, 0879601549.


RECENT DEATHS:  Catherine (Josie) Kelly, Woodview.

Margaret Barrett nee Lyons, Clieveragh Pk., late of Ballygologue Pk.

Margaret Fletcher nee Sheahan, Killarney, late of William St.

Tom O Connor, Ardmore, Tarbert.

John Horgan, Athea, late of Charles St.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE John Sheehy, Clounmacon / Kay Blount, Feale Dr. 


THIS SUNDAY APRIL 2nd IS PALM SUNDAY: As we begin Holy Week and celebrate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord. The blessing of Palms will take place at masses this weekend. Many thanks to John Doyle, Clounmacon for providing Palms.

SPECIAL HOLY WEEK BOOKLETS are available at the back of the church. We ask you to buy these booklets and keep for next year for just €3.00 which you can place in the box alongside the booklets.

EASTER CONFESSIONS Our annual Penitential Service for Holy Week with a number of Priests hearing Confessions will take place on this Monday night (3rd April) at 8.00pm. We invite you to avail of the opportunity to do their Easter duty.

SPEICAL HOLY WEEK BOOKLETS with the new Mass will be available at the back of the church on Holy Thursday. We ask you to buy these booklets for just €3.00 which you can place in the box alongside the booklets and keep the booklet for the three days of the Easter ceremonies.   

COME TO THE CHRISM MASS Bishop brown is inviting you to join the priests of the Diocese at the Chrism Mass in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 7.00pm, on this Tuesday evening, April 4th.  At this Mass, Bishop Ray Brown will bless the oils to be used in the administration of the sacraments throughout the Diocese, in the year ahead.  As they do each year, priests will also renew their commitment to priesthood at the Mass.  There will be refreshments after the Mass in St. Brendan’s College refectory. Everyone welcome.

TROCAIRE BOXES / OFFERINGS : Please return during Holy Week.

LISTOWEL PARISH OFFICE Will be closed from 7th to 11th April. Normal office hours resume Wednesday 12th.



FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CHILDREN AND PARENTS will be host our Mass on Holy Thursday night at 8.00 p.m.  All First Holy Communion children and their parents are asked to attend.

SPRING-EASTER/STATION DUES Envelope with green script is in your Envelope Box this weekend  This is the envelope that supports your priest and clergy. You may place on the Offertory basket which will take place as the second collection after Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday night  or on Easter Sunday morning masses. For those who do not use the Envelope System, there are loose green envelopes at the back of the church.  Míle Buíochas!

LISTOWEL PARISH SOCIAL will take place on Friday 12th May  Arms Hotel. This is just a small way of saying ‘thanks’ to our many volunteers’ who help in the Church throughout the year. It will begin with mass at 7.30 pm. in the hotel, followed by light finger food and music. Please contact your group leader if attending by Monday 1st May. More details later.

FATIMA 9th - 15th May Led by Fr. Noel Spring - Limited Availability.  Contact: Premier Travel on 021-4277700.


THE LARTIGUE THEATRE CO. PRODUCTION “The Musical Matchmaker” By John B. Keane, produced by Denis O Mahoney at St. John’s Theatre.  1st April to 5th at 8pm.

COLÁISTE NA RÍOCHTA CONCERT with Kerry Choral Union, is being hosted by Coláiste Na Ríochta Secondary School, here in St. Mary’s Church, on Wednesday 19th April at 7.30pm. Tickets on sale in the Parish Office, Adults €10 / U18’s & O.A.Ps. €5.

ANAM CARA KERRY, that supports bereaved parents, Tuesday 11th April at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee.  We also offer an online support group information on this by contacting us in info@anamcara.ie

LISTOWEL HOSPICE – Good Friday Walk 7th April. Leaving St Patricks’ Hall at 10am and heading for The Greenway. Sponsorship cards at JK Sports or register on the day. Contact Eileen 087 9865275 / Jenny 086 3934134. All are welcome for a cuppa and a chat in St. Patrick’s Hall. You can donate online via the Listowel Hospice Facebook or Instagram page. All money raised in Kerry stays in Kerry. Your support and generosity is always greatly appreciated, thank you. If you would like to register your name for volunteering at events we have throughout the year, please email listowel.hospice@gmail.com





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 25th Mar.’23 – 2nd Apr.’23


Sat.25th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Tom & Bridie McCarthy (Aniv.)

Kilbaha 7.30pm

Sun.26th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Tim & Hannah Leahy (Aniv.)

Trien, Kilmorna 9.30am

Moyvane             Noreen Nolan (1st Aniv.), Murhur            11.00am

Tues.28th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.29th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.30th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.31st Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.1st Apr.’23

Moyvane             Nora Fitzgerald (2nd Aniv.)

Lenamore           7.30pm

Sun.2nd Apr.’23

Knockanure        Palm Sunday      9.30am

Moyvane             Bridie Moloney, Recently Deceased        11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949

Collections: Offertory €935, Priest Dues €1,410. Thank you very much.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration Retreat takes place 27th Apr.’23 at The Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan. Your support will be very much appreciated: To book contact Maureen 087-9514352 or Margaret 087-2976304. Also, National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on 22nd & 23rd Apr.’23.


Easter Ceremonies 2023, as follows;

Palm Sunday – Procession this year in Moyvane - 11:00am mass.

Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Moyvane 8:00pm.

(Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose until 12 Midnight)

Good Friday – 3:00pm Passion of Our Lord - Moyvane

7:30pm Stations of the Cross - Knockanure

Easter Vigil - 9:00pm - Moyvane

Easter Sunday 9:30am - Knockanure

Easter Sunday 11:00am - Moyvane


Liturgy Group, planning for Easter ceremonies. Meeting on Weds. 29th Mar. at 7.30pm in the Sacristy in Moyvane.

Also, we are hoping to form a new Liturgy Group for the parish of Moyvane/Knockanure. All welcome. Any queries, please contact Tara Mulvihill on 087-6103393.


The Annual Consecration to Our Blessed Lady will be held on Sun. 26th Mar. @3 p.m. in the Church of the Prince of Peace, Fossa. Welcome is extended to everyone to come and place your trust in the Mother of God for ourselves, our families and our country. The consecration is organised by the Legion of Mary and concludes with Benediction.

Other Notices:

Bus Route 314, from outside Kearney’s Bar to Limerick daily at;

6.32am, 10.32am, 2.32pm, 6.32pm and to Ballybunion at;

8.05am, 11.07am, 3.07pm, 7.42pm.

Care of the Aged Moyvane/Knockanure, a chiropodist will attend the Marian Hall, Weds. Mar. 29th @10 am.  Contact Noreen 068-49238.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje May 17th-24th, June 21st-28th & Sept.13th-21st. For more information contact Tom Dennehy 087-6468658.

Recovery Haven Kerry-Cancer Support House will have a free online RETURNING TO WORK AFTER CANCER workshop Tues. 28th Mar. 10am-12pm. There will also be an in-person Lymphedema awareness talk hosted by 2 Physiotherapists from UHK- Mary Hickey and Kiera O'Brien at Recovery Haven, 7 Haigs Terrace on Weds. 29th Mar. 7pm. Please ring reception on 0667192122 if you are interested. Also, 6 wk online Cancer Thriving & Surviving course Tues. 25th Apr. 10.30am-1pm.






 Listowel Parish News

MASSES THIS WEEK  26th – 2nd April

Sat 25th                Mary Scully, O’Connell’s Ave., Months Mind / Jim Quinlan, Aviation Drive /

Paddy Lynch, Dirha Cottage /

Paul Kirby, Charles St.    Vigil 6.15pm


26th       Arthur O Brien, Listowel & Killarney, Months Mind /

Michael & Elizabeth Quille, Woodford    9.00am

                Kathleen O Sullivan, Old Rd., Clieveragh, 1st Anniversary /

Dan Lynch, Hollytree Drive, Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance /

Anne Wixted, Woodford, Birthday Rem. /

Michael, Mairead, William & Annie Lyons, Derry & dec. family /

Stephen T. Stack, Cahirdown Wood & Dromin Lower       11.30am




Mon 27th            Bryan McMahon & Michael O Connor, Listowel, (playwriters)     10.30am


Tues 28th                            Jim Quinlan, Aviation Dr. Ann. & Bir. Rem. /

Dan & Michael O Sullivan, Skehenerin    10.30am


Wed 29th                            10.30am

Thurs 30th           Successful Operation     10.30am

Fri 31st                                  10.30am


  Sat. 1st 

                People of the Parish       10.30am

                Martin Mulvihill, College Lawn, Months Mind / John Barry, Dirha Cottages, Months Mind & Paddy & Jane Barry & dec. fam. Dirha Cottages / Betty Gormley nee Brown, St. Brendans Tce. / Paud & Joan Guerin, Convent St. / Maurice Walsh, The Square & Gurtinard / Jack & Nell O’Connor, Gortcreen / Sheila Ryan, Skehenerin /

Toddy Sommers, Billerough & London /

Lilian Curtin, Coolaclarig                 Vigil 6.15pm


    2nd    Jim, Anne, Noreen & Voureen O Sullivan, Charles St.     



                Nora Canty, William St., 1st Anniversary /

Nelius Galvin, The Old Rd., Clieveragh /

James (Gee) & Joan Dore, Charles St. & Peg Dore, Lartigue Village            11.30am














RECENT DEATHS:  Gerardine Galvin nee Dowling, Tralee, Finuge & Derry, Listowel.

Bobby Dore, died in England late of Charles St. Burial at a later date in Listowel.

Elizabeth (Betty) O’Shea nee Curtin, died New York, late of Clounmacon

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Patrick & Michael O Shaughnessy, William St., & Kentucky / Theresa Sullivan nee Lucey, late of Charles St.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Declan  087-0908949

                                                                      (emergencies only)



LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on this Monday 27th March at 7pm. in the presbytery. All members are asked to attend.

LISTOWEL EUCHARIST ADORATION GROUP will meet Monday 27th March after the 10.30am. Mass in the parish meeting room. To discuss with a view to moving adoration back into the adoration room. All welcome to attend the meeting.

FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: will host the Mass of the Lords Supper Thursday 6th April at 8pm.

All parents and their children are asked to attend the Mass. In preparation, a meeting of the parents hosting the Mass are asked to meet Fr. Declan in the Presbytery on Thursday next 30th March at 6.00 p.m.

LISTOWEL PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL will meet Thursday 30th March at 7pm. in the presbytery.

TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in our church for Lent. Please pick up a Box and return during Holy Week.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS will take place next Friday 31st  March straight after 10:30am. Mass.

NEXT SUNDAY APRIL 2nd IS PALM SUNDAY: The beginning of Holy Week. Palm will be blessed at each of the weekend Masses. Many thanks to John Doyle, Clounmacon for providing Palms.



HOLY WEEK / EASTER CONFESSIONS Will take place on Monday 3rd April at 8pm All are welcome! 


The first Annual Diocese of Kerry Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 26th August 2023.  While many families will travel by car it is hoped that many buses will travel and that each pastoral area will coordinate parishes locally.  Hopefully, many parishes who already make an annual pilgrimage will decide to move to this date and thus join with the diocese. More details later.

DEMENTIA INCLUSIVE LISTOWEL INTERAGENCY GROUP invites you to participate in our upcoming DEMENTIA AWARENESS WORKSHOP For Business & Retail Sector in the Listowel Area. 30 people a day are diagnosed with dementia. People just like you.  This 1-hour workshop is aimed towards staff who are in contact with people with dementia/memory problems in their day-to-day work environments e.g. the Retailers, Shopkeepers, Accountants, Solicitors, Publicans, Hospitality Staff, Banking and Finance, Library staff, Kerry Co Council and other businesses in Listowel. On completion of the workshop, you should feel more confident in managing potential stressful situations for both you and the person with dementia. Workshop details: Delivery date: Tuesday next, 28th March 2023. Times: 8am – 9am OR 10am – 11am OR 12noon – 1pm. Venue: The Listowel Arms Hotel, Listowel, Co Kerry. Booking is essential: Contact: Finbarr Mawe on 0872316017 or Mike Moriarty on 0879521324


COLÁISTE NA RÍOCHTA CONCERT with Kerry Choral Union, is being hosted by Coláiste Na Ríochta Secondary School, here in St. Mary’s Church, on Wednesday 19th April at 7.30pm. Tickets on sale in the Parish Office, Adults €10 / U18’s & O.A.Ps. €5.

RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY-CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE will have a free online RETURNING TO WORK AFTER CANCER workshop on Tuesday the 28th of March at 10am-12pm.

There will also be an in-person Lymphoedema awareness talk hosted by two Physiotherapists from UHK- Mary Hickey and Kiera O'Brien at Recovery Haven, 7 Haigs Terrace on Wednesday the 29th of March at 7pm. Please ring reception on 0667192122 if you are interested.                                      







Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 18h Mar.’23 – 26th Mar.’23


Sat.18th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Sr. Perpetua O’Keeffe (1st Aniv.)

Skibbereen & Kilmorna 7.30pm

Sun.19th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Hannah Keane (3rd Aniv.)

Kilmeaney, Kilmorna      9.30am

Moyvane             Michael, Anne, & Denis Hanrahan (Aniv.’s), The Hill         11.00am

Tues.21st Mar.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.22nd Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.23rd Mar.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.24th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.25th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Tom & Bridie McCarthy (Aniv.)

Kilbaha 7.30pm

Sun.26th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Tim & Hannah Leahy (Aniv.)

Trien, Kilmorna 9.30am

Moyvane             Noreen Nolan (1st Aniv.), Murhur            11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749

Collections: Offertory €1,035, Moyvane Shrine €320, Emigrants Collection €470. Thanking you for your continued generosity.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


Diocesan Vacancies, the Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the role of Pastoral Development Worker on the Diocesan Pastoral Team. Closing Date for applications is March 24th 2023. For further information, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie

Easter Ceremonies 2023, as follows;

Palm Sunday – Procession this year in Moyvane - 11:00am mass.

Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Moyvane 8:00pm.

(Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at Altar of Repose until 12 Midnight)

Good Friday – 3:00pm Passion of Our Lord - Moyvane

7:30pm Stations of the Cross - Knockanure

Easter Vigil - 9:00pm - Moyvane

Easter Sunday 9:30am - Knockanure

Easter Sunday 11:00am - Moyvane

Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration Retreat 27th Apr.’23 at Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan. To book contact Maureen 087-9514352/Margaret 087-2976304. Also, National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on 22nd & 23rd Apr.’23.

World Youth Day, Lisbon, Portugal, 31st July-9th Aug.’23, cost €1,400.  Open to anybody in Parish aged 18-35 years. Tomas Kenny 086-3683778 or tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie. 

Daffodil day is fast approaching. The ICA will sell daffodils at the Bingo on Thurs 16th Mar. and after all masses in Moyvane and Knockanure on the 18th & 19th March. Your generosity greatly appreciated over the yrs and we look forward to your continued support for this very worthy cause.

Diocese of Kerry Online Lenten Talk – Who Is My Neighbour? Tues. 21st Mar. 8.00pm. Further details & to register link  www.dioceseofkerry.ie

Other Notices:

Church gate collection Mar. 25th & 26th for upcoming Fleadh Cheoil Chiarrai being held Ballybunion June 9th-18th. Generosity appreciated.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje on May 17th-24th, June 21st-28th & Sept.13th-21st. For more information contact Tom Dennehy 0876468658.

Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) new 6 wk online Cancer Thriving & Surviving course Tues. 25th Apr. 10.30am-1pm. (Intro session 18th April). Ring 066-7192122 for more information.

Munster Youth 2000 retreat takes place in St. Brendan's College, Killarney from the 24th-26th Mar., everyone aged 16-35 most welcome to attend for all/part of the weekend. See www.youth2000.ie for more info.

Annual Consecration to Our Blessed Lady Sun. 26th Mar. 3pm Church of the Prince of Peace, Fossa. Welcome extended to place your trust in the Mother of God for ourselves, families & country. Consecration organised by the Legion of Mary, concludes with Benediction.





 Listowel Parish News

MASSES THIS WEEK  19th – 26th March

Sat 18th                Tom Barry, Tanavalla      Vigil 6.15pm


19th       Gene & Nora Moriarty, Charles Street /

Dan & Deb Guiney, Gortcreen   9.00am

                Brendan Leahy, Clounmacon, 1st Ann. /

PV O Keeffe, 1st Ann. & Anne O Keeffe, Ballygologue Road / Paddy, Eileen, Jack & Nora McElligott, Coolaclarig /

Willie Walsh, Dirha West               11.30am




Mon 20th            Bill McElligott, Coolaclarig, Birthday Rem.              10.30am


Tues 21st                             Anthony Greaney, Ballygologue Park      10.30am



22nd      Noreen Keese nee Holyoake, America & Lartigue View, 1st Anniversary /

Monica Corridan nee Chute, Convent St.              10.30am




Thurs 23rd           Joe Hannon, Charles St. /

Tadgh & Betty Hickey, Cloncagh, Limerick /

Fr. Teddy Molyneaux, Woodford              10.30am

Fri 24th                 Nora Flannery, Borriskeane recently deceased

Liam, Frances & Richard Wolfe, William Street    10.30am


                Presentation Primary Confirmation            2.00pm

  Sat. 25th

                People of the Parish       10.30am

                Mary Scully, O’Connell’s Ave., Months Mind / Jim Quinlan, Aviation Drive /

Paddy Lynch, Dirha Cottage         Vigil 6.15pm


    26th   Michael & Elizabeth Quille, Woodford   



                Kathleen O Sullivan, Old Rd., Clieveragh, 1st Anniversary /

Dan Lynch, Hollytree Drive, Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance /

Michael, Mairead, William & Annie Lyons, Derry & dec. family /

Stephen T. Stack, Cahirdown Wood & Dromin Lower       11.30am








RECENT DEATHS: Martina Grimes, Clieveragh.

Nora Kissane nee Buckley, Lacca, Lisselton late of Knockane.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Paddy Halpin, Greenville / Helen Kennelly, Market St. / David Bunyan Senior & Maureen & Josephine Lambert / Joe Hilliard, Cahirdown / Margaret Mulvihill, Moyvane.

PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. O’Mahony, 087-6807197.



INVITATION TO JOIN DIOCESE OF KERRY ONLINE LENTEN TALK – Who Is My Neighbour? Bishop Ray has invited you to register and join this on-line Lenten Talk taking place on Tuesday next March 21st at 8.00 p.m. For further details and to register for the link  www.dioceseofkerry.ie

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: There is a meeting of our Parish Finance Council taking place on Tuesday next, 21st March at 8.00 p.m. in the Presbytery. All members are asked to attend.


We are delighted to welcome the Confirmation candidates of the Presentation Primary who will be confirmed on

Friday next, March 24th at St. Mary’s Church at 2.00 p.m. All candidates and their family members are asked to be seated at 1.45 p.m. This is the first of two parish confirmation ceremonies taking place this year. The other schools candidate will be confirmed on Friday, April 21st.  Fr. Declan will be the celebrant on Friday next and Bishop Ray will be celebrant on Friday, April 21st.

TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in our church for Lent. Please pick up a Box and return during Holy Week.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS will take place next Friday 24th March straight after 10:30am. Mass.

PARISH BOX ENVELOPES 2023 If you haven’t pick up your box it is now at the back of the church. Please make sure you pick up the correct box as your name, address and box number are on the box or payment can be made by electronic bank transfer to Account: Listowel Church IBAN: IE14BOFI90578228905258, reference you name or box number. If you do not have a box as yet, please contact the Parish Office.

DIOCESAN VACANCIES The Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the role of Pastoral Development Worker on the Diocesan Pastoral Team. Closing Date for applications is March 24th, 2023. For further information, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie



THE ANNUAL CONSECRATION TO OUR BLESSED LADY will be held on Sunday 26th March at 3 p.m. in the Church of the Prince of Peace, Fossa. Welcome is extended to everyone to come and place your trust in the Mother of God for ourselves, our families and our country. The consecration is organised by the Legion of Mary and concludes with Benediction.

DIOCESAN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION RETREAT will take place on the 27th of April 2023 at The Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan.   See poster for details. Your support will be very much appreciated: To book contact : Maureen at 087 9514352 Margaret at 0872976304. National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock this year takes place on the week 22nd and 23rd of April. 

Youth 2000 Retreat in Killarney The Munster Youth 2000 retreat takes place in St. Brendan's College, Killarney from the 24th - 26th March. Everyone aged 16 - 35 is most welcome to attend for all or part of the weekend. See www.youth2000.ie

DATES FOR MEDJUGORJE Invitation to join us on pilgrimage to Medjugorje. May 17th to May 24th. with Fr Pat o Donoghue and Fr Alfred Osamor. June 21st to June 28th Fr Danny Broderick and Fr Joe Begley. September 13th to September 21st. with Fr Brian Boyle. All Cork with Aer Lingus. Contact Tom Dennehy 0876468658.

RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY (Cancer Support House) have  a new 6 week online Cancer Thriving and Surviving course beginning Tuesday the 25th of April at 10.30am-1pm. (Intro session 18th April). Please ring reception 066 7192122.

DAFFODIL DAY 2023 Take back from cancer this Daffodil Day, 24 March! After a three year break due to Covid, our dedicated volunteers will be back on the streets of Listowel next Friday 24th! Your contribution enables continued cancer research and provides support and services for patients and their loved ones through their diagnosis. The exceptional support from the community is greatly appreciated and truly valued.




Dear Lord, I approach you to give thanks to all mothers who so generously and freely give love, comfort, and guidance to their children every day. I ask you, Lord, to give them strength to carry on doing their work. Give them patience and let them see that they are loved, appreciated, and respected. I thank you for the sacrifice each mother makes every day.

 And I pray you to bless them and touch them with your Grace.

 I pray this in your mighty name. Amen






Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 11h Mar.’23 – 19th Mar.’23


Sat.11th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Patrick Hayes (3rd Aniv.)               7.30pm

Sun.12th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Margaret & Michael Flynn (Aniv.’s)          9.30am

Moyvane             Peggy & Mick Sheehan (Aniv.)

Leitrim Middle   11.00am

Tues.14th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.15th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.16th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.17th Mar.’23

Knockanure        St. Patrick’s Day

Kitty & Mossie Flaherty (Aniv.’s)

Glenalappa         9.30am


Moyvane             Robert Nolan (2nd Aniv.)              11.00am

Upcoming Masses:

Sat.18th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Sr. Perpetua O’Keeffe (1st Aniv.)

Skibbereen & Kilmorna 7.30pm

Sun.19th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Hannah Keane (3rd Aniv.)

Kilmeaney, Kilmorna      9.30am

Moyvane             Michael, Anne, & Denis Hanrahan (Aniv.’s), The Hill         11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084

Collections: Offertory €890, Priest Dues €1,345, Knockanure Shrine €49.55. Thank you very much.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Grids at Gate, the PPC suggested filling them in as some of the bars have broken.  Any reactions?

2nd Collection at all Masses this wkend 11th & 12th Mar. for Emigrant Services. The funds raised in churches all over Ireland allows the Irish Church to offer essential support to those organisations providing pastoral, practical outreach to the most marginalised and vulnerable groups of Irish people living abroad, many of whom are living lives of quiet desperation.

Easter Ceremonies 2023, as follows;

Palm Sunday – Procession this year in Moyvane - 11:00am mass.

Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Moyvane 8:00pm.

(Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose until 12 Midnight)

Good Friday – 3:00pm Passion of Our Lord - Moyvane

7:30pm Stations of the Cross - Knockanure

Easter Vigil - 9:00pm - Moyvane

Easter Sunday 9:30am - Knockanure

Easter Sunday 11:00am - Moyvane

Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration Retreat takes place 27th Apr.’23 at The Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan. Your support will be very much appreciated: To book contact Maureen 087-9514352 or Margaret 087-2976304. Also, National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on 22nd & 23rd Apr.’23.

World Youth Day, Lisbon, Portugal, 31st July-9th Aug.’23, cost €1,400.  This is open to anybody in the Parish aged 18-35 years. Contact Tomas Kenny 086-3683778 or tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie. 

Diocesan Vacancies, the Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the role of Pastoral Development Worker on the Diocesan Pastoral Team. Closing Date for applications is March 24th 2023. For further information, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie

Daffodil day is fast approaching. The ICA will sell daffodils at the Bingo on Thurs 16th Mar. and after all masses in Moyvane and Knockanure on the 18th & 19th March. Your generosity is greatly appreciated over the years and we look forward to your continued support for this very worthy cause.

Other Notices:

Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues.14th Mar.  7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. Free event, open to all bereaved parents. Online support group, further details info@anamcara.ie




Listowel Church News


MASSES THIS WEEK   12th – 19th March


11th       Mary & Michael Halpin, Ballygologue Pk & Ian McCarthy, Duagh / Peter & Annie Heaphy, O ‘Connell’s Ave. / Hugh Goulding, Knockanure Village / John Enright, Feale Dr. / Brian Cusack, Convent View /

 Edmund Hayes, Gortacrossane /

Nora & Patrick Carmody Skehenerin /

Mai & Sean Thomas Grogan & dec. mem. of the Grogan & Nolan Family, Charles St. /

Maureen Regan, Coolnaleen, Bir Rem    Vigil



12th       People of the Parish       9.00am

                Matt Foley, Woodford, Months Mind /

John Jack Flaherty, Clounmacon /

James & Josephine Allen, Killocrim /

Josephine Henry, William St.       11.30am


Mon 13th            Fr. M. Doherty  10.30am


Tues 14th                            Noreen McNamara, Tullahinell, Bir Rem.               10.30am



15th       Fr. Teddy Molyneaux, Woodford & South Africa / John, Mary & Thomas Dillon, Knockanasig / Patrick O Connor, Dromin Lower & Rickmansworth, England /

Patrick Stack &Teresa O Sullivan nee Stack, Gortcreen, Birthday Remembrances /

Hannah Patricia Kelly, Woodview              10.30am


Thurs 16th           Margaret Stack, Charles St.          10.30am

                Mary & Dick Pierse, Market St. Vigil 6.15pm

St. Patrick’s Day  

 Fri 17th                                  9.00am


                John Molyneaux, Charles St. 1st Ann. /

Patrick (Paudeen) Moloney Woodford & Patricia Meehan, Kilmorna, Bir. Remembrances                11.30am


Sat 18th  

Daniel O Donnell, Woodlawn, Months Mind & Paddy O Donnell, Cahirdown /

Derry Lynch, Feale Drive               10.30am

Tom Barry, Tanavalla      Vigil 6.15pm


    19th   People of the Parish      


Brendan Leahy, Clounmacon, 1st Ann. /

PV O Keeffe, 1st Ann. & Anne O Keeffe, Ballygologue Road / Paddy, Eileen, Jack & Nora McElligott, Coolaclarig /

Willie Walsh, Dirha West               11.30am









Martin Mulvihill, College Lawn

Nora Flannery nee Carey, Borrisakeagh, Tipperary.

Michael O’Connor, Gael Bridge, Shrone & Bridge Road



PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.


FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: are hosting our Vigil Mass on this Saturday night.  We warmly welcome our children and their parents.

SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND IS THE ANNUAL COLLECTION FOR EMIGRANT SERVICES: It will take place after Holy Communion at all our masses throughout the Diocese. The funds raised in churches all over Ireland allows the Irish Church to offer essential support to those organisations providing pastoral, practical outreach to the most marginalised and vulnerable groups of Irish people living abroad, many of whom are living lives of quiet desperation.

PARISH BOX ENVELOPES 2023 If you haven’t pick up your box in the parish office, you can do so now at the back of the church. Please make sure you pick up the correct box as your name, address and box number are on the box or payment can be made by electronic bank transfer to Account: Listowel Church IBAN: IE14BOFI90578228905258, reference you name or box number. If you do not have a box as yet, please contact the Parish Office.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY: March 17th is Friday next - our National Feast Day. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses are like our weekend masses:  Vigil Mass on Thursday evening at 6.15 p.m. and on Friday at 9.00 a.m. & 11.30am. There will be a flavour of Gaeilge and our Irish culture at all of our masses with the Parish Folk Group and the Parish Choir. Thanks to our local Coiste Glór na nGael and our Liturgy Group for their help with the liturgy of the masses.

CHURCH LITURGY GROUP: will meet after the Vigil Mass on Thursday night next in the Presbytery. All members are asked to attend.

PARISH OFFICE will be closed Friday 17th March. Normal office hours Monday 20th.  


WORLD YOUTH DAY: will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from August 1st until August 6th 2023. World Youth Day is a world-wide encounter with the Pope celebrated every three years in a different country. WYD is open to all young people (18- 35) who want to take part in a festive encounter centred on Jesus Christ together with their peers. To read more about WYD see their official website at: http://www.lisboa2023.org/en  If any young parishioner is interested make direct contact with Fr. Declan re: application form and further details. 

TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in our church for Lent. Please pick up a Box and return during Holy Week.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.

DIOCESAN VACANCIES The Diocese of Kerry invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the role of Pastoral Development Worker on the Diocesan Pastoral Team. Closing Date for applications is March 24th, 2023. For further information, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie

DIOCESAN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION RETREAT will take place on the 27th of April 2023 at The Church of the Resurrection Killarney. Presented by Fr. Jim Lenihan.   See poster for details. Your support will be very much appreciated: To book contact : Maureen at 087 9514352 Margaret at 0872976304. National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock this year takes place on the week 22nd and 23rd of April 2023.  All details displayed on the Notice Board.

DATES FOR MEDJUGORJE Invitation to join us on pilgrimage to Medjugorje. May 17th to May 24th. with Fr Pat o Donoghue and Fr Alfred Osamor. June 21st to June 28th Fr Danny Broderick and Fr Joe Begley. September 13th to September 21st. with Fr Brian Boyle. All Cork with Aer Lingus. Contact Tom Dennehy for more information 0876468658.

Youth 2000 Retreat in Killarney The Munster Youth 2000 retreat takes place in St. Brendan's College, Killarney from the 24th - 26th March. Everyone aged 16 - 35 is most welcome to attend for all or part of the weekend. See www.youth2000.ie


RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY (Cancer Support House) have  a new 6 week online Cancer Thriving and Surviving course beginning Tuesday the 25th of April at 10.30am-1pm. (Intro session 18th April). Please ring reception 066 7192122 for more information.



Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 4th Mar.’23 – 12th Mar.’23


Sat.4th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Margaret Wallace (Aniv.)              7.30pm

Sun.5th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Tom, Bridie & Eileen Flavin (Aniv.)

Trien      9.30am

Moyvane             Carol Ann Flahavan (10th Aniv.) 11.00am

Tues.7th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Patrick O’Connor, Recently Deceased,

Clounprohus      10.00am


Weds.8th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.9th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Catherine O’Connor (Aniv.)

Church St., Glin 10.00am

Fri.10th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.11th Mar.’23

Moyvane             Patrick Hayes (3rd Aniv.)               7.30pm

Sun.12th Mar.’23

Knockanure        Margaret & Michael Flynn (Aniv.’s)          9.30am

Moyvane             Peggy & Mick Sheehan (Aniv.)

Leitrim Middle   11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083

Collections: Offertory €1305. Thank you very much.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

2nd Collection at all Masses next weekend 11th & 12th Mar. for Emigrant Services. The funds raised in churches all over Ireland allows the Irish Church to offer essential support to those organisations providing pastoral, practical outreach to the most marginalised and vulnerable groups of Irish people living abroad, many of whom are living lives of quiet desperation.

At its February meeting, The Pastoral Council confirmed:

Easter Ceremonies 2023, as follows;

Stations of the Cross every Friday morning before Mass during Lent in Knockanure Church.

Palm Sunday – Procession this year in Moyvane - 11:00am mass.

Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Moyvane 8:00pm.

(Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose until 12 Midnight)

Good Friday – 3:00pm Passion of Our Lord - Moyvane

7:30pm Stations of the Cross - Knockanure

Easter Vigil - 9:00pm - Moyvane

Easter Sunday 9:30am - Knockanure

Easter Sunday 11:00am - Moyvane


World Youth Day, Lisbon, Portugal, 31st July-9th Aug.’23, cost €1,400.  This is open to anybody in the Parish who is aged from 18-35 years.  Contact Tomas Kenny 086-3683778 or tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie. 

Grids at Gate, the PPC suggested filling them in as some of the bars have broken.  Any reactions?

Knockanure Community Centre are holding a fundraising night on Sat. 11th Mar.’23 at 8pm. Come along for a night of entertainment with John Shannon (Superstar) plus local musicians and dance displays. (Bar, Hot Food, Tea/Coffee available on the night), tickets €15.00 available at the door or locally. Contact 068-49799

Sports Capital Division of the Dept. of Children, Equality, Disability, and Integration & Youth, if your Parish has any buildings that might be suitable for providing shelter for refugees and can be made available on a short or long term basis, please contact the Dept. at IPPS@equality.gov.ie.

Other Notices:

AGM of Moyvane Development Association will take place in The Marian Hall on Tuesday March 14th at 8pm. New members are welcome.

North Kerry Parents and Friends, please support our fundraising Cheltenham night on Tues. Mar. 7th@8.30 pm in Christy's bar Listowel, a great night's entertainment & useful info is guaranteed from the well-known panel. Money raised will help our Listowel Centre. support those with intellectual disabilities in North Kerry. Provides individual training & employment programs including art & craft, horticultural & catering skills.





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 18th Feb.’23 – 26th Feb.’23


Sat.18th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Denis Mulvihill & Son Ben (Aniv.’s)

Leitrim West      7.30pm

Sun.19th Feb.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Tom & Nelly O’Connor & Son Con (Aniv.’s) Glin Rd.          11.00am

Tues.21st Feb.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am



Knockanure        Ash Wednesday

Mass with Blessing of Ashes       10.00am

Moyvane             Mass with Blessing of Ashes       7.30pm

Thurs.23rd Feb.’23

Moyvane             Peggy & Johnny Moylan, RIP

Claregalway        10.00am

Fri.24th Feb.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.25th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Jerry Brosnan (Aniv.)      7.30pm

Sun.26th Feb.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Henry & Bridie Stackpoole (Aniv.’s)

Aughrim               11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Denis O’Mahony 087-6807197

Collections: Offertory €895. Thank you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


2nd Collection for Lourdes Helpers at all Masses this wkend 18th & 19th. 


At its February meeting, The Pastoral Council confirmed:

Easter Ceremonies 2023, as follows;

Ash Wednesday Mass 10:00am Knockanure, Moyvane 7:30pm.

Stations of the Cross every Friday morning before Mass during Lent in Knockanure Church.

Palm Sunday – Procession this year in Moyvane - 11:00am mass.

Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Moyvane 8:00pm.

(Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose until 12 Midnight)

Good Friday – 3:00pm Passion of Our Lord - Moyvane

7:30pm Stations of the Cross - Knockanure

Easter Vigil - 9:00pm - Moyvane

Easter Sunday 9:30am - Knockanure

Easter Sunday 11:00am - Moyvane

If anyone has comments or suggestions, please feel free as none of the above are set in stone.


Area Pastoral Council Meeting taking place at St. Patrick’s Hall, Listowel on Thursday night of next week – 23rd February – at 8.00 p.m.


Altar Society Thanks to our Altar Society for providing and arranging the flowers on our altars throughout the year, Anne, Marie, Kathleen, Noreen, Mary, Ita, Marie, Kathleen, Mary, Elaine, Catherine, Madge, Olive & Eileen.  Very much appreciated – Thank you.


Other Notices:

Mary’s Meals - Coin Collection, we are appealing to you for your old coins that are in jam jars, vases and odd pots around the house. We are using these to translate into food to feed the children in Mary's Meals School Feeding Programmes. Because Mary's Meals can provide a meal for 11c, your generosity can make a massive difference. You don’t need to count it! If you are willing to donate Irish, sterling or foreign coins/notes, please contact Angela Moore at 089-4339592 or angela.moore@marysmeals.org.




                             Listowel Parish News

MASSES THIS WEEK  19th – 26th February



                Patrick O Shea, Church St. 1st Ann. /

William McMahon, Gurtaclana, Kilmorna / Ian McCarthy, Duagh / Tommy & Annie O Connor, Asdee / Kevin Lucey, Knockroe Drive & Charles St. / Sarah Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Paddy Roche, Ballybunion Rd & Mike Roche, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Dec. Mem. of the Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty Families /

Elizabeth Barrett, Golf View, Bir. Rem.   Vigil




19th       People of the Parish       9.00am

                Eileen O Donoghue, Bedford & Killarney, 1st Anniversary / Nell & Paddy Moloney & dec. fam. Woodford                 11.30am



Mon 20th   

                Eoin Kenny, Ballinruddery            10.30am


Tues 21st                             Peggy Hartnett, Ennismore /

Special Intention              10.30am


 Wed 22nd          Noreen McNamara, Tullahinell /

Jack & Mary Flavin, Church St.    10.30am


Thurs 23rd           Cliff Gore, Charles St. /

John Holly, O’Connell’s Ave         10.30am

   Fri 24th              Theresa O Sullivan nee Stack, Birmingham & Gortcreen  10.30am





                Ella Corridan, The Square, 1st Ann.           10.30am

                Ellen O’Connor, River Rd., Finuge /

Billy Galvin, Greenville /

John & Nellie Moloney, Madeline Reidy, Charles St. / Baby Sarah Jane Hamilton-Mahoney, John B. Keane Rd. /

Eileen Kennelly, Upper Church St. /

Pat & Kitt Guerin, Ballahadigue /

Eileen Kennelly, Upper Church St. /

Joseph & Mary O’Connell, Moyvane       Vigil




     26th  People of the Parish      



                Teresa Kelliher, Macroom, 1st Ann. /

Maud Carmody, Meen /

Tom Hannon, Willowbrook, Phillis Kay & George Galea, England & Malta /

Peggy O Sullivan, Market St., Bir. Rem.   11.30am



RECENT DEATHS: Noreen Murphy nee Scanlon, died in London, late of Dirha Cottages, Listowel.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bassil Brennan, Colbert St. / Philomena McCarthy Ennismore.

PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. O’Mahony, 087-6807197



FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: are hosting the Vigil Mass on this Saturday evening 18th February at 6.15 p.m. We welcome them and their families are they prepare for their First Holy Communion.

A PRESENTATION ON CONFIRMATION: for our Confirmation candidates and their parents will take place at St. John’s Theatre on Tuesday night next, 21st February at 7.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. It will be given by Mr. Paul Montgomery, Lay Chaplain at Causeway Comprehensive School and the theme is ‘Be radically different’.

ASH WEDNESDAY – BEGINNING OF LENT: Wednesday next (22nd February) It is a day of fast and abstinence.  Ashes will be blessed and distributed at the 10.30 a.m. and again at an extra mass at 7.00 p.m. We hope that by having an evening mass will suit those not able to attend in the morning.  

TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in our church this weekend as we begin our Lenten season on Wednesday next. One very effective way to do penance and something positive for LENT is to make a weekly offering to Trocaire over the Lenten period.  It is the Irish Church’s way of reaching out to the poor of the world and helping the many places undergoing tragedies at this time. Please pick up a Box and return during Holy Week.

  TEMPERENANCE SUNDAY: This Sunday 26th February we have  

  been asked to bring your attention to being temperate, so any 

  homes and families struggle with a family member with

  problematic, drinking, drug-taking or gambling. We keep all

  suffering from any addiction in our prayers at this time.


PARISH FUND ENVELOPES 2023: New boxes of envelopes for the coming year, beginning the first weekend of March are now available for collection in the Parish Office. We invite all our parishioners to take a box and get a number so that the Parish can avail of a tax rebate. Please have your box number to pick up your box or if you have not a box yet we can issue with a number. Alternatively, you may pay online regularly or annually. Please contact the Parish Office for details.



MASS & ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: will take place at Arus Mhuire Nursing Home on Thursday next (February 23rd) at 2.30 p.m.

LISTOWEL AREA PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: will Take place at St. Patrick’s Hall on Thursday night next (February 23rd) at 8.00 p.m.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR SURVIVORS AND VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ABUSE:  is Friday next. February 24th Bishop Ray has asked that we mark the day with special prayers which we will do at our 10.30 a.m. mass. 

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.

ROSARY takes place every Friday morning at 10.10am. before mass and the Divine Mercy prayers take place 10.15am every Saturday before mass.

BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation.


TEA DANCE FUNDRAISER HOSTED BY ST. JOHN OF GOD KERRY SERVICES TAKES place on Sunday, February 19th in the Listowel Arm’s Hotel. From 3pm. To 5pm. Music by Stevie Donegan, €15 entry (includes refreshments & raffle ticket). All are welcome.






Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above office hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 11th Feb.’23 – 19th Feb.’23


Sat.11th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Catherine Culhane (Aniv.)

Ballyguiltenane 7.30pm

Sun.12th Feb.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Private Intention              11.00am

Tues.14th Feb.’23

Moyvane             James Fitzmaurice (11th Aniv.)

Dublin & Leitrim Middle 10.00am



Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.16th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.17th Feb.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention

Billy Leahy (1st Aniv.) Trien, & uncle Michael Leahy (1st Aniv.)

Trien & New York             10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.18th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Denis Mulvihill & Son Ben (Aniv.’s)

Leitrim West      7.30pm

Sun.19th Feb.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Tom & Nelly O’Connor & Son Con (Aniv.’s) Glin Rd.          11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549

Collections: Offertory €1,385, Priest Dues €170, Knockanure Shrine €50. Thank you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Synod Update, 200 representatives from the Churches of Europe are gathering in Prague from 5th to 12th Feb. for the European Continental Assembly in preparation for this Autumn’s Synod in Rome. We pray that the Holy Spirit may bless and direct the work. See https://www.dioceseofkerry.ie/2023/01/synod-update/

2nd Collection for Lourdes Helpers at all Masses next weekend 18th & 19th Feb.  This Fund assists those who want but cannot afford to go to Lourdes.  It also helps finance the Helpers who care for the sick during the Pilgrimage – many of whom are students.  Still, after the pandemic, the sanctuaries are struggling and so your assistance will be highly treasured.  The Diocesan pilgrimage will take place on Sept. 1st for 5 nights.


Other Notices:

NEK Community Responder Group will be holding their AGM in Knockanure Community Centre on 16th February at 8pm.


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 14th Feb. at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group, for further information contact info@anamcara.ie


Mary’s Meals is a simple solution to world hunger. In our 21st year, we provide a daily meal to 2,429,182 children every school day in some of the world’s poorest countries. It costs just €22 to feed a child in a place of education for an entire school year. For more information, please check out www.marysmeals.ie or contact Angela Moore at 089-4339592 or angela.moore@marysmeals.org.


Poor Clare Sisters, Cork, considering a religious vocation? Zoom meeting Sat. 18th Feb. @ 3pm.  Please email vocationspoorclarescork@gmail.com to receive the link for the meeting or www.poorclarescork.ie.


Premier Travel Fatima May 9th-15th’23, fully escorted pilgrimage ex Dublin airport, Spiritual Director Fr. Noel Spring, Contact Premier Travel 021-4277700, email norardy@premiertravel.ie or Maureen Harty 066-7131328 .


Vocations Seminar, Evangelisation & Vocations Conference, Diocesan Priesthood in a Synodal Church, 25th Apr. 10am-4pm, Renehan Hall, Maynooth, Keynote Speaker Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Vatican, Dicastery for Evangelization, with a panel of expert speakers.   Further information & registration visit vocations.ie, spaces limited, free event.








Listowel MASSES THIS WEEK  12th – 19th February

Sat 11th   

                Padraig Beasley, Slí na Speire, Months Mind / Ned & Sonny Sheehy, Coolagown /

Sinead Collins nee Curtin & Sean & Hannah Curtin nee Barry, Feale Dr. & St. Brendan’s Tce. / Lawney Shine Colbert St. / Una Mulvihill & dec. fam., Athea / Peg & John Gunn, O’Connell’s Ave. / Kathleen Hannon, Cois Baile / Madge O Donoghue, Bale Asdee



Sun 12th              Bridget Walsh, Convent Cross    9.00am

                Tim O Neill, Ballybunion Rd., 1st Anniversary / Martin Whelan, Finuge /

Noreen McGrath, Rosario, Cahirdown /

Thomas & Edward Scannell & Helen O Connor Scannell, London & Skehenerin




Mon 13th   

                Jack & Mary Guiney, & dec. family, Clarra, Moyvane & dec. members of the Enright, Ballyhahill, Glin / Terry Painter Duagh /

John & Lena Mulvihill, Kilarda /

Michael Dowing, White Church, Cork



Tues 14th                            Val Connor, Greenville, Birthday Rem. / Michael & Margaret Dillon, Meen & Eddie Leahy, Shrone 10.30am

 Wed 15th           Bill & Nellie Moloney, Charles St. & Ellen Doona, Charles St.         10.30am

Thurs 16th           Jack & Molly Nolan, Aviation Drive /

(Twins) Angela & Pearl Henigan, The Square & USA & Dublin, Birthday Remembrances   10.30am

   Fri 17th              Julianne Moloney, Bridge Rd. /

Mass Intention of Healing             10.30am


Sat 18th    


                Bryan, Kitty & Garry McMahon, Ashe St.               10.30am

                Patrick O Shea, Church St. 1st Anniversary /

William McMahon, Gurtaclana, Kilmorna /

Ian McCarthy, Duagh / Tommy & Annie O Connor, Asdee / Kevin Lucey, Knockroe Drive & Charles St. / Sarah Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Paddy Roche, Ballybunion Rd & Mike Roche, O’Connell’s Ave.

Dec. Mem. of the Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty Families            Vigil



    Sun  19th         People of the Parish 9.00am


                Eileen O Donoghue, Bedford & Killarney, 1st Anniversary / Nell & Paddy Moloney & dec. fam. Woodford                 11.30am




Dan O’Donnell, Woodlawn & Trieneragh, Duagh.

Matt Foley, Woodford, Listowel late of Coolkeragh.

Peg Thomson nee McElligott, died in Perth late of Coolaclarig.

Mai Hassett, died in England late of Bridge Rd.

Fr. Tim Galvin SPS, St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, Brosna & Abbeyfeale.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Timmy Canty O’Connell’s Avenue / Michael Dillon, Meen / Bridget Canty, O’Connell’s Ave. / Bridie Flavin, Knockane / Peg Keane, Bridge Rd. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Carmody, 087-9601549



PARISH FUND ENVELOPES 2023: New boxes of envelopes for the coming year are available for collection now in the Parish Office. Please have your box number to pick up your box. If you are tax compliant, please fill in the CHY-3 form that is in your box and drop it back to the Parish Office either by hand, post or in the weekly baskets at mass for the attention of the parish secretary, no later than April 17th, 2023. Contributing weekly by means of our envelope system is of great benefit to the Parish and we invite interested parishioners to contact the Parish Office to receive a box. Parishioners can also contribute by way of direct debit – again contact the Parish Office. Once again, our Parish Finance Council wish to thank you sincerely for your ongoing support and help towards your parish.


FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: will host the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening next 18th February at 6.15 p.m. All parents and their children are asked to attend. The meeting of the parents hosting the Mass are asked to meet Fr. Declan in the Presbytery on Thursday 16th at 6.00 p.m.



Monday, February 13th at 9.15 a.m.  An Gael Scoil Confirmation Candidates. Tuesday, February 14th at 1.30 p.m. Killocrim First Confessions pupils


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.

BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation.

PRESENTATION PRIMARY SCHOOL will be holding an open afternoon for new infants and other new pupils for enrolment for September 2023 on Wednesday next February 15th, 1.15pm-2.45pm. Please come along to view our facilities.

LITURGY & MUSIC WORKSHOP FOR LENT: A liturgy and music workshop to help parishes prepare for Lent is on tonight. All those involved in liturgy, sacred spaces or music ministry are invited to attend. The workshop will take place from 7.30 pm – 9.00pm in St John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Killarney. Call Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778/email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie

ANAM CARA KERRY, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 14th February at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group, and you can get further information on this by contacting  info@anamcara.ie






Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Please ring during above office hours to book Masses, Baptisms & Weddings.

Newsletter: 4th Feb.’23 – 12th Feb.’23


Sat.4th Feb.’23

Moyvane             John Moloney & Parents Mick & Mary, (Aniv.) Clarr         7.30pm

Sun.5th Feb.’23

Knockanure        Jerry & Mary Enright (Aniv.)        9.30am

Moyvane             Bridie Shine, Recently Deceased and Jack Shine (3rd Aniv.) Glin Rd. and deceased of the Shine families 11.00am

Tues.7th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Michael Moloney (Aniv.) Drommuhur &

Deceased of the Moloney family              10.00am


Weds.8th Feb.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.9th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.10th Feb.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention



Upcoming Masses:

Sat.11th Feb.’23

Moyvane             Catherine Culhane (Aniv.)

Ballyguiltenane 7.30pm

Sun.12th Feb.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Private Intention              11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949

Collections: Offertory €1,315, Moyvane Shrine €410, Needs of the Holy Land €310, Knockanure Crib Offerings €33.55. Thanking you very much.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Synod Update, 200 representatives from the Churches of Europe are gathering in Prague from the 5th to the 12th of February for the European Continental Assembly in preparation for this Autumn’s Synod in Rome. We pray that the Holy Spirit may bless and direct the work. More information about local, national and international Synod activity can be found at: https://www.dioceseofkerry.ie/2023/01/synod-update/

Pastoral Council meets 7th Feb. at 7.30pm in Moyvane Church Sacristy.


Youth Leadership training for 14-19 year olds in a parish setting open to all young people in all parishes. The Training day will be on the 11th February in Listowel provided by our diocesan youth team. Contact Brian on 0874545409 if interested.


Other Notices:

NEK Community Responder Group will be holding their AGM in Knockanure Community Centre on 16th February at 8pm.

Care of the aged Moyvane/Knockanure, Chiropodist will attend Marian Hall Weds. 8th of Feb. at 10 am. For appointment contact Noreen at 06849238.

Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 14th Feb. at 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online support group, for further information contact info@anamcara.ie

Liturgy/ Music Workshop for Lent, The diocese will host two liturgy/music workshops to help parishes prepare for Lent. All those involved in liturgy, sacred spaces or music ministry are invited to attend.  The workshops will take place on Mon. Feb. 13th 7.30 pm – 9.00pm in St. Brendan’s Parish Centre, Tralee and on Weds. Feb. 15th 7.30 pm – 9.00pm in St John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Killarney.  For more information, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie or call Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778/email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie

Poor Clare Sisters, Cork, considering a religious vocation? Zoom meeting Sat. 18th Feb. @ 3pm.  Please email vocationspoorclarescork@gmail.com to receive the link for the meeting or www.poorclarescork.ie.

Premier Travel Fatima May 9th-15th’23, fully escorted pilgrimage ex Dublin airport, Spiritual Director Fr. Noel Spring, Contact Premier Travel 021-4277700, email norardy@premiertravel.ie or Maureen Harty 066-7131328 .

Vocations Seminar, Evangelisation & Vocations Conference, Diocesan Priesthood in a Synodal Church, 25th Apr. 10am-4pm, Renehan Hall, Maynooth, Keynote Speaker Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Vatican, Dicastery for Evangelization, with a panel of expert speakers.   Further information & registration visit vocations.ie, spaces limited, free event.



                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News




MASSES THIS WEEK  5th – 12th February



                John O Connor, Stokers, Months Mind /

Marie Sheehy nee Greaney, Dirha East, Months Mind

/ PJ Browne, St. Brendan’s Tce. & Dublin /

Peggy & John McCarthy & dec. fam., Duagh /

Pat & Lil Horgan, Charles St. /

Anne Maire Sullivan, Ballinruddery /

Michael Daly & dec. fam., Knockane        Vigil



5th         People of the Parish       9.00am

                Martin, Joan & John Christopher O’Quigley, Church St.   11.30am



Mon 6th   

                Bridie Faley, Ballinruddery, Months Mind /

Hannah Regan nee Mulvihill, Knockane & Coolaclarig      10.30am


Tues 7th                               Private Intention              10.30am

 Wed 8th                              10.30am

Thurs 9th             Bridget (Bridie) Kelliher, O’Connell’s Ave.             10.30am

   Fri 10th              Patsy & Kathleen Stack, Gortcreen, Bir. Rem.       10.30am





                Maura & Michael Chapman, Greenville  10.30am

                Padraig Beasley, Slí na Speire, Months Mind / Ned & Sonny Sheehy, Coolagown /

Sinead Collins nee Curtin & Sean & Hannah Curtin nee Barry, Feale Dr. & St. Brendan’s Tce. / Lawney Shine Colbert St. /

Peg & John Gunn, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Kathleen Hannon, Cois Baile /

Madge O Donoghue, Bale, Asdee             Vigil




     12th  People of the Parish      



                Tim O Neill, Ballybunion Rd., 1st Anniversary / Martin Whelan, Finuge /

Noreen McGrath, Rosario, Cahirdown /

Thomas & Edward Scannell & Helen O Connor Scannell, London & Skehenerin    11.30am






Patricia (Pat) Walsh nee O’Connor, Upper Dirha West.

Johanna Parton nee O’Brien, died England late of Tanavalla.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Denis Kelly, Charles St. / Mary Molyneaux nee Griffin, Dromcollogher, Limerick & Coolagown.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Declan, 087-0908949.



LOURDES HELPERS DIOCESAN COLLECTION will be taken up this weekend as a SECOND COLLECTION after Communion.

PARISH OFFICE Closed bank holiday Monday 6th, normal office hours resumes Tuesday 7th.


11th February. It is World Day of Prayer of the Sick – We will mark the occasion at our 10.30 a.m. Mass with special prayers for our Sick. We will also offer the Sacrament of the Sick to anybody who feels that they may need it at the mass.

LISTOWEL PASTORAL AREA YOUTH LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP: for young people aged 14 to 19 will take place at St. Patricks Hall on Saturday 11th February 2023. More details & booking: 087-4545409 All are welcome

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.

ST. BRIGID’S CROSSES The 6th Class of Scoil Réalta na Maidne (Boys School) are selling St. Brigid’s Crosses to support their funds. The crosses and are available in the Parish Office.



Presentation Primary Confirmation Classes: in the school

Tuesday next, March 7th 1.15 p.m.

An Gael Scoil: First Confessions in the church on Thursday, next (Feb. 9th) at 9.30 a.m.

Scoil Réalta na Maidne: Confirmation Class – Thursday next, February 9th at 1.15 p.m.

Scoil Réalta na Maidne: First Confessions – Friday next, February 10th at 1.15 p.m. in the church.


BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation



ADULT LITERACY CLASSES starting in The Butler Centre, Listowel. Everyday Maths / Computers for Beginners / Smartphone for Beginners / English As A Second Language (ESOL) for all levels. Please contact Mary 086 7969627.

RSA’S CHECK IT FITS SERVICE will be visiting County Kerry and we will be visiting the following location in Kerry: Garvey’s Supervalu, Listowel, V31 NF70. Tuesday 7th February 10am. to 5.30pm. The Check it Fits service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service which aims to put parent’s and guardian’s minds at ease that their child’s car seat is safely and securely fitted in their car. No booking necessary just arrive on the day.   The service is quick, it’s easy, it’s free and it is coming to Kerry where our experts will advise on how to fix any problem, demonstrate how to fit the restraint correctly and answer any queries participants might have. 

POOR CLARE VOCATION Spring Zoom meeting for those wishing to explore a Poor Clare Vocation Saturday 18th Feb. at 3pm. Email: vocationspoorclarecork@gmail.com to receive the link. www.poorclarescork.ie




Yesterday is but a Dream

Tomorrow is only a vision.

But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness.   (Kalidasa)



Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Newsletter: 28th Jan.’23 – 5th Feb.’23


Sat.28th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Peter McGrath (3rd Aniv.) and John McGrath (2nd Aniv.)              7.30pm

Sun.29th Jan.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Mike Joe, Eilly Mai, Seamus & Tom O’Flaherty, The Village, (Aniv.’s)        11.00am

Tues.31st Jan.’23

Moyvane             Peg Beasley nee Fitzmaurice, Recently deceased in the UK, formerly Glenalappa              10.00am


Weds.1st Feb.’23

Knockanure        St. Brigid’s Day

Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.2nd Feb.’23

Moyvane             The Presentation of the Lord,

Mass and St. Blaise Blessing

Michael Feury (Aniv.), Glenalappa & deceased members of the Feury family      10.00am

Fri.3rd Feb.’23

Knockanure        St. Blaise, Mass and Blessing

Private Intention

(Please Note NO morning Mass)               7.30pm


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.4th Feb.’23

Moyvane             John Moloney & Parents Mick & Mary

(Aniv.) Clarr        7.30pm

Sun.5th Feb.’23

Knockanure        Jerry & Mary Enright (Aniv.)        9.30am

Moyvane             Bridie Shine, Recently Deceased and Jack Shine (3rd Aniv.) Glin Rd. and deceased members of the Shine families    11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749


Collections: Offertory €850.  Thank you.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


2nd Collection this weekend 28th & 29th Jan. for the Needs of the Holy Land.

Pastoral Council meets 7th Feb. at 7.30pm.  Items to be discussed to the Office by Feb. 4th please.


Youth Leadership training for 14-19 year olds in a parish setting open to all young people in all parishes. The Training day will be on the 11th February in Listowel provided by our diocesan youth team. Contact Brian on 0874545409 if interested.


Top 100 Iconic Buildings, Corpus Christi Knockanure was blessed in 1964.  It was regarded as a break with traditional architecture, pioneered by Michael Scott and Ronald Tallon (architects).  The Church with its podium-like entrance relishes open space, has a flat roof with a series of T beams above the transparent glass front wall, providing abundant light to the interior.  The concrete paving of the podium is carried into the church while the entrance is screened by a freestanding box-like structure containing two confessionals, clad in eight panels of teak (Last Supper by Oisin Kelly).  The church also has a carved Madonna and child (Imogen Stuart) and Stations of the Cross (wall hangings by Leslie Mac Weeney).  This has been adapted from: https://www.rte.ie/culture/2022/1118/1336921-100-buildings.

Other Notices:

Communal First Saturday devotions will take place on the 4th Feb. at 8.45 am in the Church of the Resurrection Killarney.  Devotions will begin with the Fatima intentions followed by the Rosary and the celebration of Mass at 9.30am. All will be done with the intention of saving souls and making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, thus fulfilling Our Lady's request to the Laity to pray for peace.

Totus Tuus Eucharistic Conference 2023 is live on Radio Maria Ireland 2pm Sat. 4th Feb. Speakers include Fr. Columba Mary Toman OP, Fr. Patrick Cahill O.J.S.S, Fr. Patrick Lagan (Derry Diocese), Maura Murphy (Holy Family Mission). Radio Maria Ireland can be listened to by downloading the Radio Maria Ireland APP, Saorview Channel 210 or listen live at (01)4373277

Irish Blood Transfusion Service, are holding a Clinic for donations in the Community Centre Ballybunion, Thurs. 2nd Feb.’23, from 16:45 - 20:00

To book appointment please phone 1800 222 111

NEK Community Responder Group will be holding their AGM in Knockanure Community Centre on 16th February at 8pm.

Kerry Branch of Samaritans would like to thank all parishioners for their continued support of the Christmas Collection, total collected Moyvane €1,344.21 and Knockanure €441.45, much appreciated. 



                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News.



MASSES THIS WEEK  29th – 5th February




John Quilter, Dirha East, Months Mind /

Paul McCarthy, Tanavalla, Months Mind/

Kay (Kathleen) Boylan nee McAuliffe, Coonagh, Limerick & Colbert St. 1st Ann. /

Michael Bambury, Gurtaclana, Kilmorna /

Tom & Eileen O Halloran, Bridge Rd. /

Anthony Kennelly, Smerla Bridge /

Peg Kelly, Kilcara, Duagh / Noreen Hilliard, Billerough / Michael Mooney, Clounmacon /

Rebecca Boyd, Causeway             Vigil



29th       People of the parish       9.00am

                Maureen Lyons, Mountcoal Cross /

Eileen O Connor, Clieveragh        11.30am



Mon 30th   

                Noreen McNamara, Tullahinell, Asdee   10.30am


Tues 31st                             Winfred Millward & dec. fam., Lartigue Village /

Patrick, Mary & John Behan, Bunagara /

Tom O Connor, Shrone /  Seamus Finnerty, Gurtinard / Special Intention               10.30am

 Wed 1st              Mai Kelliher, Greenville, 1st Anniversary               10.30am

Thurs 2nd            Special Intention              10.30am

   Fri 3rd

First Friday


                Eddie, Kathleen & Pat Harnett & dec. fam., Gortnaminch /

Teresa Holly, O’Connell’s Ave. Birthday Rem.       10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday Evening Mass /

John & Eileen Doyle, Clounmacon              6.45pm




                Maura Carmody, Skehenerin, Months Mind /

Mary Toomey, Feale Drive, Months Mind /

Ralph Toomey, Dirha Cottages /

Miriam Carey, Convent Cross /

Patsy & Chris Walsh, Market St.                 10.30am

                John O Connor, Stokers, Months Mind /

Marie Sheehy, Dirha East, Months Mind /

PJ Browne, St. Brendan’s Tce. & Dublin /

Peggy & John McCarthy & dec. fam., Duagh /

Anne Maire Sullivan, Ballinruddery /

Michael Daly & dec. fam., Knockane        Vigil




     5th    People of the Parish      



                Martin, Joan & John Christopher O’Quigley, Church St.   11.30am




RECENT DEATHS: Billy Galvin, Greenville.

Sean Toomey, Shrough, Tipperary Town.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Patricia Kearney, Clieveragh Pk. / Joan Mulvihill nee Attley, Co. Meath / Edward Brennan, Colbert St. & Switzerland / Murish Bunyan, Convent Cross.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. O’Sullivan, 0872461749.



PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: will take place in the Presbytery on this Monday, January, 30th at 7.00 p.m. All members are asked to attend.

COMMUNION CALLS TO THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND: Fr. Declan will visit some of the Sick & Housebound on Tuesday next. The Parish Office will contact those whom he intends to visit and if you are not on his list, please feel free to contact the Parish Office by this Monday 068-21188.

ST. BRIGID’S DAY:  (Lá Fhéile Bríde) PATRON OF IRELAND:  is being celebrated on Wednesday next February  The 6th Class of Scoil Réalta na Maidne (Boys School) will be selling St. Brigid’s Crosses after the 10.30 a.m. Mass to support their funds. The crosses which will be blessed at the mass and will be also be available in the Parish Office.

CANDLEMAS DAY: Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord: Thursday next February 2nd Candles will be blessed that we use throughout the year will be blessed. If you wish to have your own candles blessed bring them along.

FEAST OF ST. BLAISE Friday next: Feb. 3rd: BLESSING OF THROATS will take place at the 10.30 a.m. Mass.


You are invited to join them as they celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the school on Friday next, 3rd February at 10.30am in the school hall. A day of celebration for all the families and friends of the school community both past and present.  Tea and refreshments will be served after the prayer service of the school.


will be taken up at each mass on Sunday next Feb 5th as a SECOND COLLECTION after Communion. The pilgrimage has changed a lot over the past 50 years, but the main purpose is still the same, to take the sick to Lourdes and for this helpers are needed. Many of them are students and thus require help to finance the trip. The Lourdes Fund also helps to assist pilgrims who may not be able to afford to pay the full fare. The Lourdes sanctuaries are still recovering from the Covid pandemic with regulations for the Sick still quite strict but it is hoped to plan to travel from Kerry Airport for the usual 5-night pilgrimage on September 1st.

LISTOWEL PASTORAL AREA YOUTH LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP: for young people aged 14 to 19 will take place at St. Patricks Hall on Saturday 11th February 2023. More details & booking: 087-4545409 All are welcome

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.

STUDY THEOLOGY, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before February 8.  website, prioryinstitute.com

TOTUS TUUS EUCHARISTIC CONFERENCE 2023 is live on radio Maria Ireland from 2pm on Saturday 4th February. speakers include Fr. Columba Mary Toman OP, Fr. Patrick Cahill O.J.S.S, Fr. Patrick Lagan (Derry diocese), Maura murphy (holy family mission). radio Maria Ireland can be listened to by downloading the radio Maria Ireland app, saorview channel 210 or listen live at (01)4373277.


LISTOWEL ACTIVE RETIRED GROUP are starting back up on Tuesday 7th February 2:30pm to 4:30pm in St. Patrick’s Hall. New members always welcome.

ADULT LITERACY CLASSES starting in The Butler Centre, Listowel. Everyday Maths / Computers for Beginners / Smartphone for Beginners / English As A Second Language (ESOL) for all levels. Please contact Mary 086 7969627.








Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Newsletter: 21st Jan.’23 – 29th Jan.’23


Sat.21st Jan.’23

Moyvane             Bill Horan & deceased members of the Horan family

(Mary Stack, 2nd Aniv., Aughrim)             7.30pm

Sun.22nd Jan.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             John Carmody (1st Aniv.)

The Hill, Gortdromasillihy             11.00am

Tues.24th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Mary Nolan, (Aniv.) Glenalappa, and

Deceased of Nolan & Galvin families       10.00am


Weds.25th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.26th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Eileen Collins (Aniv.), Glin Rd.     10.00am

Fri.27th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.28th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Peter McGrath (3rd Aniv.) and John McGrath (2nd Aniv.)              7.30pm

Sun.29th Jan.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Mike Joe, Eilly Mai, Seamus & Tom O’Flaherty, The Village, (Aniv.’s)        11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084


Collections: Offertory €900, Priest Dues €180, Moyvane Crib Offerings €355.

Thanking you.


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.


Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.


2nd Collection next weekend 28th & 29th Jan. for the Needs of the Holy Land.

Pastoral Council meets 7th Feb. at 8pm.  Items to be discussed to the Office by Feb. 4th please.


Youth Leadership training for 14-19 year olds in a parish setting open to all young people in all parishes. The Training day will be on the 11th February in Listowel provided by our diocesan youth team. Contact Brian on 0874545409 if interested.


Workshop for PPC took place as Fr. Ger Godley provided an overview of how the Pastoral Council should operate in Parishes, stressing that we are moving from where the Parish Priest was the centre of focus to where the Parish needs to assume responsibility for its direction and the PPC should assume the animating vote.


Diocesan Mission Jan 22-25th, Growing in Love is the theme of our Mission this year. Join us for daily Mass; pick up your prayer booklet in the church; send in your petitions to be prayed for during the Mission; join us online for the evening talk @ 8pm or to access the reflection. Our speakers include Dr Patricia Kieran, Fr Hugh Lagan, Fr Michael Conway and Tríona Doherty. To participate in the Mission online, register through the diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie

The Eucharistic celebrations will be:

Ballybunion Sun. Jan. 22nd @11.30am, facebook streaming

Theme: Love

Kenmare Mon. Jan. 23rd @10.00am, Webcam

                Theme: Find the Treasure

Killorglin Tues. Jan.24th @10.30am, Webcam

                Theme: Love for others

Dingle Weds. Jan. 25th @10.00am, Webcam

                Theme: Call to Love

For further details contact Tomas 086-3683778

Other Notices:

Irish Blood Transfusion Service, holding a Clinic for donations, Listowel Arms Hotel, Weds. 25th & Thurs. 26th Jan. 4.45pm-8pm book on 1800 222 111

Dementia friendly Listowel, you are invited to attend the first interagency dementia friendly Listowel meeting on January 24th 2023 at 7:30pm. in the Ard Chúram Fuchsia Centre on the Hospital Grounds, Greenville, Listowel, V31867. For further information contact: Pat Carmody 0871335195 / Finbarr Mawe 0872316017 / Mike Moriarty 0879521324 & Marie Reen 0872180181.




                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel



MASSES THIS WEEK  22nd – 29th January



                Paddy Neville, Bedford, 1st Anniversary /

John Maher, Drombeg / Noreen McNamara Tullahinell, Asdee / Ellen & Simon Loughnane, St. Brendan’s Tce / Nellie & Tommy Evans, Lispole / Jerry Kiernan, Listowel & Dublin / Mary Ahern & Dan & Teresa Downey / Denis Curtin, Coolaclarig & Danny Curtin, New York & Dromin / Elizabeth Browne, St. Brendan’s Tce.  Vigil



22nd                      Bridget Enright, Ennismore          9.00am

                Fiona O Connor, The Square /

Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig /

Angela & Mossie Carmody, Skehenerin /

Jeremiah, Julia, Margaret & James Duggan, Clounmacon & Margaret Snow, St. Brendans Tce      11.30am




Mon 23rd  

                Jerry Hurley, Bedford / Joe & Philly Shanahan, Dromin & dec. family.       10.30am


Tues 24th                            Presentation Secondary Mass

Kay Harnett, Church Street          10.30am

 Wed 25th           Timothy & Tony Buckley, Gortnaminch /

Special Intention              10.30am

Thurs 26th           St. Michael’s College Mass

Pearl Henigan Venn McGuiness, The Square &

Dublin / Sgt. Andy Treacy & dec. fam. Charles St.               10.30am

   Fri 27th   

                Special Intention for healing        10.30am





                William & Bridie Doyle, Knockane / Kay Hanley, Gurtinard, (requested by Listowel Laundry)         10.30am


John Quilter, Dirha East, Months Mind /

Paul McCarthy, Tanavalla, Months Mind/

Kay (Kathleen) Boylan nee McAuliffe, Coonagh, Limerick & Colbert St. 1st Ann. /

Michael Bambury, Gurtaclana, Kilmorna /

Tom & Eileen O Halloran, Bridge Rd. /

Anthony Kennelly, Smerla Bridge /

Peg Kelly, Kilcara, Duagh / Noreen Hilliard, Billerough / Michael Mooney, Clounmacon /

Rebecca Boyd, Causeway             Vigil




     29th  People of the parish      



                Maureen Lyons, Mountcoal Cross /

Eileen O Connor, Clieveragh        11.30am




RECENT DEATHS: James Murphy, Cork late of Dromerin.



PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hussey, 0872386084.



FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS:  are hosting  our Vigil Mass on this Saturday night at 6.15 p.m.


CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2023: will be celebrated in all our Catholic Schools across the island and in our Parish during this week - Sunday 22 January to Sunday 29 January with the theme ‘Walking Together in Faith & Love’. The theme for CSW this year will draw on three features of the Synodal Pathway: ‘Communion, Participation and Mission’.  While each school will have their own celebration: our Presentation Secondary School will host the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday and St. Michael’s College will host the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Thursday morning. The Presentation Primary will host a grand parents day in their school on Thursday at 1.15 p.m.





GROWING IN LOVE: Following a very successful Diocesan Mission last January, the Diocese is delighted to announce that another Diocesan Mission will take place - beginning on this Sunday, January 22nd and end on Wednesday next, 25th January.  Full details of programme and how to register are in our www.dioceseofkerry.ie page. By registering, you will receive an email each day of the Mission with the links of the day. Each day, you are invited to join in: Daily Prayer on line / Daily Mass on line / Daily Reflection on line / Prayer Petition online / Family Time / Just a Thought on Radio Kerry / Mission Talk @ 8.00 p.m. online. Speakers include: Dr Patricia Kieran Senior Lecturer at Maty Immaculate College Limerick on ‘Be Christ’s Love’ / Fr. Hugh Lagon Society 0of African Missions Finding the Treasure: The search for happiness / Fr. Michael Conway, Diocese of Galway: Being love for others / Triona Doherty, Athlone Call to Love



BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation

CONFIRMATION TEACHERS MEETING: with Fr. Declan will take place in the Presbytery on Tuesday at 1.15 p.m.  (lunch time)

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: will take place in the Presbytery on Monday, January, 30th at 7.00 p.m. All members are asked to attend.



DEMENTIA FRIENDLY LISTOWEL the objective of dementia friendly Listowel is to promote awareness and training in ensuring that people with dementia and memory deficit, feel understood, valued and socially connected. The objective is also to ensure that people with dementia can be actively engaged in community life and can access local businesses and amenities. You are invited to attend the first interagency dementia friendly Listowel meeting on January 24th 2023 at 7:30pm. in the Ard Chúram Fuchsia Centre on the Hospital Grounds, Greenville, Listowel, V31867. For further information contact: Pat Carmody 0871335195 / Finbarr Mawe 0872316017 / Mike Moriarty 0879521324 & Marie Reen 0872180181.

ADULT LITERACY CLASSES starting in The Butler Centre, Listowel. Everyday Maths / Computers for Beginners / Smartphone for Beginners / English As A Second Language (ESOL) for all levels. Please contact Mary 086 7969627.

LISTOWEL BLOOD TRANSFUSION CLINIC at the Listowel Arms Hotel, Wednesday 25th January & Thursday 26th January both at 16:45 – 20:00. To book please ring 1800222111         1 in 4 of us will need a blood transfusion in our lifetime. •        67% of donated blood is used to treat cancer patients & people with blood disorders. •        27% of donated blood is used in surgery and emergency situations. •        6% of donated blood is used to treat blood loss after childbirth & to help premature babies. •        100% of donated blood is precious and saves lives in Ireland every day.




Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Newsletter: 14th Jan.’23 – 22nd Jan.’23


Sat.14th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Willie O’Connor, (5th Aniv.)

Kilmeaney, Kilmorna      7.30pm

Sun.15th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Irene O’Keeffe, Kilmeaney,

Kilmorna              9.30am

Moyvane             Dick & Donal Cunningham & their Sister Breda & her husband Andy Thomas (Aniv.’s)      11.00am

Tues.17th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Bridget & John Holly, also Emma & Jack O’Brien (Aniv.’s)               10.00am


Weds.18th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.19th Jan.’23

Moyvane             John Gregg & deceased members of Gregg & Hanrahan families               10.00am

Fri.20th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Upcoming Masses:

Sat.21st Jan.’23

Moyvane             Bill Horan & deceased members of Horan family               7.30pm

Sun.22nd Jan.’23

Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             John Carmody (1st Aniv.)

The Hill, Gortdromasillihy             11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083


Collections: Offertory €955, Priest Dues €580, Knockanure Shrine €68.

Thanking you.


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.


Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.



Workshop for Parish Pastoral Councils (PPC) will be held in St Michael's College, Listowel, on Tuesday, January 17th starting at 8.00 pm. All members of Parish Pastoral Councils in the Listowel Pastoral Area are welcome to attend. The workshop's purpose is to clarify the role of the Pastoral Council, explore what is required for a Pastoral Council to work effectively, and identify how parishes in the Pastoral Area can support one another.


Pastoral Council meets 7th Feb. at 8pm.  Items to be discussed to the Office by Feb. 4th please.


Other Notices:


Parkinson’s Assocation of Ireland is holding an Information Afternoon Sat. 21st Jan.’23, from 1pm–4pm at the Manor West Hotel, Tralee.  See also www.parkinsons.ie or helpline 1800 359 359.


Diocesan Mission 2023, the online Mission, Growing in Love, will take place from Sun. Jan 22nd – Weds. 25th.  Each day, you are invited to join in the Mission talk, Prayer, Mass, Reflection, Prayer Petition and Family Time. Speakers incl. Dr. Patricia Kieran, Fr. Hugh Lagan, Fr. Michael Conway and Tríona Doherty. To participate in the Mission, register through the diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie


Recovery Haven We now taking names for our latest online course, 'Building Better Caregivers' due to begin in January which will offer valuable support and practical advice to those supporting a loved one through cancer treatment.

The free course, is given over 2 ½ hours, 1 day a week, for 6 wks and will cover topics such as communication skills; staying well and getting a good night's sleep; tools for managing fatigue; dealing with challenging emotions and behavior.

For information, please ring Reception at Recovery Haven on 066 7192122


Diocesan Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

The diocese will travel with 22 young adults to Lisbon, Portugal to take part in the biggest gathering of young people from all over the world.  We will travel out on Mon. July 31st and return on Tues. Aug. 8th ‘23.  We would like to invite all young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to join us.  For more details regarding costs or for an application form, please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or email Tomás on tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie  It would be great to hear from you!




                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News



MASSES THIS WEEK  15th – 22nd January



                Eileen Halpin, Clounmacon, Months Mind /

Tony Dunne, Ballygologue Pk. Months Mind /

Peggy Mulvihill, Asdee, 1st Anniversary /

Eddie Browne, Coolagown / Christopher Hennessy, Bedford & Germany /

Geraldine & Baby Helen Daly, Knockane /

Pauline Carey, Cluain Doire          Vigil



15th                       People of the Parish       9.00am

                Michael Fahey, Knockanbrack, Lyre & Galway, Months Mind / 

Danny Hannon, The Square, 1st Anniversary /

Dora & Larry Buckley, Tanavalla /

Frances Mulvihill, Clountubrid House & Noel & Niall Mulvihill, Derry         11.30am




Mon 16th 

                Denis B. O Sullivan & deceased family,

Bolton’s Cross & Bunagara           10.30am


Tues 17th                            Rocci Luigia & Shiavi Ida, Italy      10.30am

 Wed 18th           Bridie Cronin, Ballinruddery         10.30am

Thurs 19th           Patricia Walsh O Reilly, Listowel & Canada & Jim Heigan, The Square & Dublin, Bir. Rem. 10.30am

   Fri 20th   

                Paddy Regan, Knockane, 1st Anniversary              10.30am





                Brendan O Sullivan, Woodford, Months Mind / Breda Moriarty, Woodford, Months Mind /

Mary & John Joe McGrath, Woodford /

Patricia Dillon, Ballygologue Park               10.30am

                Paddy Neville, Bedford, 1st Anniversary /

John Maher, Drombeg / Noreen McNamara Tullahinell, Asdee / Ellen & Simon Loughnane, St. Brendan’s Tce / Jerry Kiernan, Listowel & Dublin / Mary Ahern & Dan & Teresa Downey / Denis Curtin, Coolaclarig & Danny Curtin, New York & Dromin /

Elizabeth Browne, St. Brendan’s Tce.      Vigil




     22nd                 Bridget Enright, Ennismore         



                Fiona O Connor, The Square /

Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig /

Angela & Mossie Carmody, Skehenerin /

Jeremiah, Julia, Margaret & James Duggan, Clounmacon & Margaret Snow, St. Brendans Tce      11.30am




RECENT DEATHS: Bridie Faley nee Corkery, Ballinruddery.

Paddy Fitzgibbon, Dromin.

Pádraig Beasley, Slí na Speire.

John O Connor Snr., Stokers Grove.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Lizzie Griffin, O’Connell’s Ave.

PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION TEACHERS MEETING: will take place with Fr. Declan on Thursday next in the Presbytery at 1.15 p.m.

FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS: will host the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening next  21st January at 6.15 p.m. All parents and their children are asked to attend. The meeting of the parents hosting the Mass are asked to meet Fr. Declan in the Presbytery on Thursday 19th at 6.00 p.m.

BOOKING OF MASSES All mass intentions, must be booked at least a week before as the newsletter is a week ahead. Also, with more intentions happening each day the maximum number of names that can be given into one intention is four names. Thanks for your co-operation


A workshop for Parish Pastoral Councils will be held in St Michael's College, Listowel, on this Tuesday, January 17th starting at 8.00 pm. All members of our Parish Pastoral Councils in the Listowel Pastoral Area are asked to attend. The workshop's purpose is to clarify the role of the Pastoral Council, explore what is required for a Pastoral Council to work effectively, and identify how parishes in the Pastoral Area can support one another.



YOUTH LEADERSHIP training for 14-19 year olds in a parish setting open to all young people in all parishes. The Training day will be on the 11th February in Listowel provided by our diocesan youth team. Contact Brian on 0874545409 if interested.


DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WORLD YOUTH DAY 2023, Lisbon, Portugal What to come to World Youth Day?  Next July, the diocese will travel with 22 young adults to Lisbon, Portugal to

take part in the biggest gathering of young people from all over the world.  We will travel out on Monday July 31st and return on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023.  We would like to invite all young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to join us.  For more details regarding costs or for an application form, please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or email Tomás on tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie  or contact Fr. Declan



GROWING IN LOVE: Following a very successful Diocesan Mission last January, the Diocese is delighted to announce that another Diocesan Mission will take place - beginning on Sunday, January 22nd and end on Wednesday, 25th January.  Full details of programme and how to register are in our www.dioceseofkerry.ie page. By registering, you will receive an email each day of the Mission with the links of the day. See the Mission booklet at the back of the church.

Each day, you are invited to join in: Daily Prayer on line / Daily Mass on line / Daily Reflection on line / Prayer Petition online / Family Time / Just a Thought on Radio Kerry / Mission Talk @ 8.00 p.m. online. Speakers include: Dr Patricia Kieran Senior Lecturer at Maty Immaculate College Limerick on ‘Be Christ’s Love’ / Fr. Hugh Lagon Society 0of African Missions Finding the Treasure: The search for happiness / Fr. Michael Conway, Diocese of Galway: Being love for others / Triona Doherty, Athlone Call to Love

Just a Thought

Don’t Worry

If only people who worry about their misfortunes, would think about the riches they have, they would stop worrying. Would you sell both of your eyes for a million euros. Or your hands? Or your hearing? Add up what you have, and you will not sell them for all the gold in the world. The best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate yourself. That’s the way to stop worrying and start living. (Dale Carnegie)




Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Monday (Emergencies only): 087-2461749

Parish Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm

Newsletter: 7th Jan.’23 – 15th Jan.’23


Sat.7th Jan.’23

Moyvane             John Stack (1st Aniv.)

Gale Bridge         7.30pm

Sun.8th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Michelle Foley & grandfather Michael Keane, & uncle Tim Keane (Aniv.’s)            9.30am

Moyvane             Denis Flahterty (2nd Aniv.) & Parents Bridie & Con, Tubbertoreen            11.00am

Tues.10th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Weds.11th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am

Thurs.12th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am

Fri.13th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Private Intention

Fr. Patrick Larkin, Recently Deceased,

U.S.A. and formerly Knockanure               10.00am



Upcoming Masses:

Sat.14th Jan.’23

Moyvane             Willie O’Connor, (5th Aniv.)

Kilmeaney, Kilmorna      7.30pm

Sun.15th Jan.’23

Knockanure        Irene O’Keeffe, Kilmeaney,

Kilmorna              9.30am

Moyvane             Dick & Donal Cunningham & their Sister Breda & her husband Andy Thomas (Aniv.’s)      11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-6709491


Collections: Christmas Offertory €3,222, Christmas Dues €4,615, 1st Jan. Offertory €860, Moyvane Shrine €375.

Thanking you for your continued generosity.


Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm.


Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am.

Absence, Fr. Brendan will be away at a Retreat with the Diocese in Killarney from Mon. 9th Jan. to Thur. 12th.  There will be Prayer services in Moyvane on Tuesday and Thursday instead of Mass.


Workshop for Parish Pastoral Councils (PPC) will be held in St Michael's College, Listowel, on Tuesday, January 17th starting at 8.00 pm. All members of Parish Pastoral Councils in the Listowel Pastoral Area are welcome to attend. The workshop's purpose is to clarify the role of the Pastoral Council, explore what is required for a Pastoral Council to work effectively, and identify how parishes in the Pastoral Area can support one another.

Other Notices:

Diocesan Mission 2023, the online Mission, Growing in Love, will take place from Sun. Jan 22nd – Weds. 25th. Each day, you are invited to join in the Mission talk, Prayer, Mass, Reflection, Prayer Petition and Family Time. Speakers incl. Dr. Patricia Kieran, Fr. Hugh Lagan, Fr. Michael Conway and Tríona Doherty. To participate in the Mission, register through the diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie


Recovery Haven We now taking names for our latest online course, 'Building Better Caregivers' due to begin in January which will offer valuable support and practical advice to those supporting a loved one through cancer treatment.

The free course, is given over 2 ½ hours, 1 day a week, for 6 wks and will cover topics such as communication skills; staying well and getting a good night's sleep; tools for managing fatigue; dealing with challenging emotions and behavior.

For information, please ring Reception at Recovery Haven on 066 7192122


Diocesan Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

The diocese will travel with 22 young adults to Lisbon, Portugal to take part in the biggest gathering of young people from all over the world.  We will travel out on Mon. July 31st and return on Tues. Aug. 8th ‘23.  We would like to invite all young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to join us.  For more details regarding costs or for an application form, please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or email Tomás on tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie  It would be great to hear from you!


Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tues. 10th Jan. 7:15pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents. For Online support group contact info@anamcara.ie




                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News


MASSES THIS WEEK  8th – 15th January  2023



                Eilish Hilliard, Ashfield, 1st Anniversary /

Michael Molyneaux, O’Connell’s Ave. 1st Ann. Tom Galvin, Bridge Rd. 1st Anniversary /

Tim Flaherty, Derry / John Murphy, Church St. / Paudie Horan, Cherrytree Drive / Dora & Larry Buckley & Joe Carr, Tanavalla & Balbriggan / Bob & John Slemon, Feale Drive /

Kathleen Hartnett, Clieveragh /

George McEneaney, Gortacrissane /

Patsy O Sullivan, Cahirdown        Vigil



8th                         People of the Parish       9.00am

                Liz Donoghue, Bridge Rd. 1st Anniversary /

Nora Keane Moriarty, Luachra Rd. /

Christy Sommers, & dec. fam. Billerough /

John & Sheila Broderick, Coolnaleen /

Peter & Christina Dee, Greenville.            11.30am




Mon 9th 

                Edd Harnett, Hawthorn Drive     10.30am


Tues 10th                            Shauna Foley, Cahirdown Woods, Months Mind               10.30am

 Wed 11th           Peter Doyle, Tanavalla   10.30am

Thurs 12th           Stuart Stack & Justin, Damien & Niall Stack, William St.    10.30am

   Fri 13th  






                Valerie Stack, Bunagara, Months Mind   10.30am

                Eileen Halpin, Clounmacon, Months Mind /

Tony Dunne, Ballygologue Pk. Months Mind /

Peggy Mulvihill, Asdee, 1st Anniversary /

Eddie Browne, Coolagown / Christopher Hennessy, Bedford & Germany /

Geraldine & Baby Helen Daly, Knockane /

Pauline Carey, Cluain Doire          Vigil




     15th                  People of the Parish      



                Michael Fahey, Knockanbrack, Lyre & Corrangulla, Galway, Months Mind / 

Dora & Larry Buckley, Tanavalla 11.30am




RECENT DEATHS: Maura Carmody nee McGrath, Skehenerin /

Marie Sheehy nee Greaney, Dirha East / Mary Toomey, Feale Drive / Noreen Grady nee Galvin, Sligo, late of Gortacrissane /

Fr. Donal O Connor, Rathmore former Curate of Listowel. 

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Agnes O Mahoney, Gortacrissane / John McElligott, Skehenerin / Lil Flavin, Dirha & Bedford /

PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday Fr. Crean-Lynch, 087-6709491.


CELEBRATING THE BAPTISMS OF 2022: As we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord this weekend, we welcome all 66 baptisms into the parish that took place here at St. Mary’s Church in 2022: James Eastwell / Sadhbh Eileen McCarthy / Spencer Daithí O Sullivan / Mara Grace Mulvihill / Alex Christopher Mulvihill Quille / Croíadh Bridget Quinn & Ezra Patrick Quinn / Evan Charles Daly / Julian Marius Jurca / Eoghan Joseph Cahill / Emily Maire Phillips / Jack Bryan Lumari / Freddie Corridan / Aifirc Bríd Quille / Emily Rose Hartnett / Florence Sweeney / Ethan Walsh / Casey-Leigh Curtin / CJ Martin Walsh / Siobhán Óg O’Shea / Michael Anthony Coffey / Shea Michael Patrick Yeomans / Noah Gavin Thornton Mahoney / Mayson Young O Connor / Ruby Kathleen O Connor / Matthew Joseph McCarthy / Callum Dean Hanrahan / Mila Emma Halpin / Rían Long / Shay Cillian Reid McMahon / Chloe Patricia O Brien / Caoimhe Anne McGlynn / Keira Peggy Reeves / Fíadh Grace Dillon / Callum Lee Heaton / Adelina Elenn Purice / Donal Robert Leahy / James Patrick McPhillips / Jack James Kennelly / Elizabeth Rola / Katarzyna Rozalia Tereszkiewicz / Axel Jonah Horgan / Josh Jacob McAuliffe / Dominykas Palionis / Bella Maria Sovsa O Grady / Jeremy O Connor Moran / Robert John Mulcahy / Annalise Lucia Flynn / Bobby John Slemon / Oscar Louis Slemon / Penny Jean Slemon / Grace McNamara / Ellie -Mae Ryan / Ronan Liam Kennelly / Mya Thembi Msomi / Matthew Zibusiso Kortijaas / Freya Esme Kelliher / Anna Bernadette Guiney / Dylan Rhys O Connor / Lily Bre Flavin / Indie Edith McGuire / Éile Kate McCarthy / Dónal Óg Jerry Crowley / Billy McMeel / Aoife Brenda Woulfe O Callaghan. God bless them.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WORLD YOUTH DAY 2023, Lisbon, Portugal What to come to World Youth Day?  Next July, the diocese will travel with 22 young adults to Lisbon, Portugal to

take part in the biggest gathering of young people from all over the world.  We will travel out on Monday July 31st and return on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023.  We would like to invite all young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to join us.  For more details regarding costs or for an application form, please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or email Tomás on tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie  or contact Fr. Declan


A workshop for Parish Pastoral Councils will be held in St Michael's College, Listowel, on Tuesday, January 17th starting at 8.00 pm. All members of Parish Pastoral Councils in the Listowel Pastoral Area are asked to attend. The workshop's purpose is to clarify the role of the Pastoral Council, explore what is required for a Pastoral Council to work effectively, and identify how parishes in the Pastoral Area can support one another.


YOUTH LEADERSHIP training for 14-19 year olds in a parish setting open to all young people in all parishes. The Training day will be on the 11th February in Listowel provided by our diocesan youth team. Contact Brian on 0874545409 if interested.




GROWING IN LOVE: Following a very successful Diocesan Mission last January, the Diocese is delighted to announce that another Diocesan Mission will take place - beginning on Sunday, January 22nd and end on Wednesday, 25th January.  Full details of programme and how to register are in our www.dioceseofkerry.ie page. By registering, you will receive an email each day of the Mission with the links of the day. See the Mission booklet at the back of the church. Each day, you are invited to join

Daily Prayer on line / Daily Mass on line / Daily Reflection on line / Prayer Petition online / Family Time / Just a Thought on Radio Kerry / Mission Talk @ 8.00 p.m. online

Speakers include: Dr Patricia Kieran Senior Lecturer at Maty Immaculate College Limerick on ‘Be Christ’s Love’  / Fr. Hugh Lagon Society 0of African Missions Finding the Treasure: The search for happiness / Fr. Michael Conway, Diocese of Galway: Being love for others / Triona Doherty, Athlone  Call to Love