Knockanure Notes from Jan. 2011


11 January 5 Knockanure




SOCIAL Day for the Active Retired takes place in the Knockanure Community Centre on Monday 10th January 2011. If attending, please ring the secretary Mary at 068 49799 or 087 7528626 between 9.30 - 1.30 Monday to Friday.

Anybody wishing to book the centre for Any Occasion (Christenings, Birthdays, Funerals etc). Please contact the Office 068 49799.

FITNESS: Aerobics and Body Conditioning Classes at Knockanure Community Centre continue on ed. 12th Jan. from 8pm to 9pm, contact Maggie on 087 98 66533.

CINDERELLA: Listowel Pantomime Group presents Cinderella at Listowel Boys School, Nightly performances at 7.30pm from Tuesday 4th to Saturday 8th January. Matinee performances at 2pm Saturday 8th and Sunday 9thJanuary, booking through St. Johns Theatre 068 22566.

TINTEAN will screen Harry Potter films from Jan 2nd to 7th.

EVENTS: Women’s Christmas Jan. 6th; Horse Fair in Listowel Jan 6th; Youth Awards Night for Moyvane will be held at the Lanterns Hotel on Sat. Jan. 8th ;Athea Credit Union reopens Jan. 6th at 6.30pm; Toastmasters will meet on Wednesday, January 5th in the Desmond Complex NCW from 8.30 to 10.30pm; Christmas Panto Mother Goose at Siamsa From 4th to 8th Jan.; Listowel Mart opening 2011 sale Wed. Jan.12th; BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition takes place at the RDS from Jan. 11th to 15th, details from 1800 924 362; Snooker Masters Jan. 9th; Sony Open Golf, Jan. 10th; Rugby, Munster V Glasgow Warriors on Jan. 7th; McGrath Cup football Jan. 9th Kerry V ITT; Comhaltas County Board meeting is on 18th of Jan.; Scor Sinsear North Kerry Finals will be held at Asdee on Jan. 22nd at 7.30pm; Clounmacon Community Centre Social will be held at the Arms Hotel on Jan. 29th; Session in Spirituality, Counselling and Related Fields will be guided by Dr. Ann Kelliher on January 29th and 30th, 2011at Vienna Woods, Cork.

OCD Support Group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Meadowlands Hotel from 8pm – 9.30pm, next meeting Thursday, January 6th.

AWARE Support Group meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at The Meadowlands Hotel at 8pm. Next meeting January 5th, Contact 1890 303 302.

MINISTER for the Environment has banned hunting of birds due to the severe weather, about time he put guidelines in place to enable landowners farm in a manner that would feed countless birds and prevent them starving when land is frozen.

BEST Wishes to Mike Joe Stack who will be 101 on Jan. 12th 2011.

BOOK: Fr Tony Gaughan, a priest with many relations in the locality, has a new book on the way detailing the clergy during the Penal Times in Dublin.

WORK: Eures created in 1994 is a network of employment services in the 31countries in EU/EAA region, they have more than 800 advisers. The first Newsletter from the Irish EURES Network was issued last month, in the issue they concentrated on jobs in Norway where the wage before tax is among the highest in Europe, unemployment rate there is 2.7%, E13 for a bowl of soup in a supermarket café, full meal in restaurant E20 to E60, time for lunch is 30 minutes.

PROMOTION of small business gained Kerry European Entrepreneur Region of the Year 2011. The way defenceless people were left to cope with the cold spell and its aftermath did not show much entrepreneurial skills by people who should know better. Last Thursday a fire engine, water tank and a big gang of men had plenty of time to provide water to Tralee Garda Station, while distressed elderly only got deaf ear.

STARS: Mairead Curran and Elaine Foley Scarlett were in Anything Goes. Mairead is a teacher in Moyvane national school she was playing the Piano and Elaine was singing. They qualified in Cork at the open auditions in late August and then went to Dublin of the Regional auditions with John Creedon in October. Then they performed their way from place 200 to 50 to 22 down to 16, which was a great achievement. Locals Kieran Flavin and Tara Finucane also competed in Anything Goes.

BEST Wishes to Junior Griffin who has been created the first honorary life member of Munster Badminton Association.

DIVINE Mercy"; A weekend trip from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February to the Divine Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, contact 087 4147001.

CRIB at Duagh Church is attracting much attention; they have a pair of goats, lambs and a black Ass, a few fowl, Christmas Trees and also the traditional crib which is open to all visitors, great credit is due to the people involved in organising and maintaining the unusual Crib.

NEWS is created for consumption when they think we are going to swallow it.

NEW church matrimonial courts became effective in Ireland on Jan 1st 1976, four regional courts replaced the old system where every diocese had their tribunal. Fr Thomas McNamara a native of Rathluirc founder of the Irish Centre in Camden Town died on Jan. 6th aged 59 years, the Centre was celebrating its 21st anniversary in 1976. In the North of Ireland in 1971 there were 142,511 people who gave no religious denomination for themselves in the Census, there were 477, 912 Catholics, 405, 717 Presbyterians and Church of Ireland had 71,235 members.

BARE: Virginia Woole wrote in her diary Jan. 5th 1918; Had tea at Atkinson’s where one may have no more than one bun. Most of the butcher shops are closed; the only open shop was besieged. You can't buy chocolates or toffee, lowers cost so much that I have to pick leaves instead, we have cards for most foods. Drapers are the only abundant shop windows, the other shops have empty tins and cardboard boxes. The general table is pretty bare, for 6d you could get enough paper to light a weeks fires.

LAND: A big crowd attended an I.N.L open air demonstration in Newtownsandes on Oct. 25th 1887, groups from Listowel, Tarbert, Ballylongford, Ballybunion, and Abbeyfeale and from several other local districts attended. Two brass bands played at the event which was chaired by the President of St Michael's College Re. D. R. Harrington. Resolutions passes including changing the name of Newtownsandes to Newtown Dillon; Condemnation of the actions of heartless local landlords, who offered abatements which are only a mockery; They promised to support every tenant by every lawful means.

Special court in Listowel on 25th Oct. 1887 John Foran, his mother Margaret and sister Ellen were charged with assaulting a bailiff while seizing cattle of Denis Foran of Bunagara, defendants got a month in prison.

Parliamentary question 22 March 1886 from Edward Sanderson claimed that John Foran could not find a coffin for his wife in Ballylongford of Listowel, but Mr Sandes humanity procured one for him.

Parliamentary question 23 Feb. 1887, from Mr P O Brien, Monaghan, asked about 8 men, brought before the court in Listowel last Saturday charged with Moonlighting in Castleisland on the 12th last, the men claimed they were going to a wedding, they were bound to the peace for a year.

DATES: Act of Union Jan. 1st 1801; Dan Boland born 1st Jan. 1881; Con Greaney born 1at Jan. 1912; Roosevelt freedom speech given Jan.6th 1941; James Joyce died 13th Jan. 1941; Skin Test for TB developed 1891;

WORK with all your might, but never trust in your work. Pray with all your might for the blessing in God, but work at the same time with all diligence, with all patience, with all perseverance. Pray, then. And so on, all the days of your life. The result will surely be abundant blessing. Whether you see much fruit or little fruit, such kind of service will be blessed. George Muller.

RAIN: Natural rubber prices have been rising due to constant rains in central Kerala and the Malabar region.

DEATH took place on Christmas Day 2010 of Hannie Quinn, nee Reidy, she was born 89 years ago at Beenanasbig to Paddy Reidy and Bridget . Hannie was predeceased by her husband Ned, son Timmy & daughter Birdie. Bridie is survived by her family, Tom Quinn, Beenanaspug; Pat and Annette Quinn England; Ned and Christine Quinn ,Coalisland; Mick and Noreen Quinn, Pilgrim Hill; Jim and Bridie Quinn, Beenanaspug; Joan and Dan Griffin, Coole West; Mary and Jer Keane, Pilgrim Hill; Kathleen Healy, Charleville; Jack and Martha Scanlon, Shannon; Tim and Yvonne Scanlon. Hertfordshire. Requiem Mass for Hannie Quinn was celebrated in Knockanure Church on Wednesday 29th of December 2010 by Fr. John Lucid assisted by Fathers, Jim O Leary, Larry Madden, Richard King, Tom McMahon and Fr Anthony from India. Music and hymns were provided by Margaret O Carroll, Domhnall de Barra and Jim Quinn. After mass Hannie Quinn followed by her sorrowful family, relations and friends was taken to Holy Cross Cemetery Athea to be laid to rest. Ned Quinn husband of Hannie came from Knockanair, Athea.

DEATH took place on Christmas Eve 2010 of Dr. Michael Brosnan who was born at Moyvane son of Con Brosnan and Kitty Walsh; his siblings were Jerry, Jim and Eileen.

Michael Brosnan died at his home in Blackheath, London and is survived by his wife Caroline, son James and daughter Kate; his son Michael predeceased him in 2006. A guard of Honour was provided for Michael by his comrades, Requiem Mass for Michael was celebrated by a dozen priests at Ballybunion Church on Sunday January 2nd, he was laid to rest beside his son Michael in the nearby St John’s cemetery Ballybunion.

DEATH took place recently of Timmy Dillon of Pilgrim Hill, Kilmorna, he was born at Rathea 96 years ago and came to Pilgrim Hill where his aunt Hannah lived to be over 100, her husband was also Dillon, the Kerryman carried a picture and details of the great 100 birthday event at the time. Timmy Dillon was predeceased by his wife Nora Dowd a native of Knockanure, she died in November 2008, Nora and Timmy are at rest at Springmount Cemetery Duagh. Timmy is survived by his sister and relations and was laid to rest following Mass at Duagh Church on January 30th 2010, Fr Moore and Fr McMahon recited the graveside prayers.

ANNIVERSARIES: Jimmy Lyons, Dr. Roger O Connor, Francis Thornton, Denis Mulvihill, James Curtin, Jerry Lyons, Christopher O Connor, James Culhane, Pat Galvin, Tom Roche, Paddy Dore, Michael Buckley, Dan Shine, Kit Leach, Tom Francis, Eddie Holly, Michael McMahon, Nora Flynn, Sr. Joan Hartnett, Maureen Hartnett, Mick Barrett, Nellie Kelly, Ned Moore, Bishop Michael McAuliffe, Ned Gould, Mass on Tuesday 4th Jan. at 7.30pm for Mick and Mary Moloney; Mass on Thursday 6th at 11am for Pidge Holly; Mass on Friday 7th at 7.30pm for Patrick, Jerry and Brendan Galvin & Josephine Walsh; Mass on Sunday 9th at 10am in Knockanure for Michelle Foley and Michael Keane and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for John Gregg and deceased members of the Hanrahan Family.

HOLY Day Thursday Jan. 6th Feast of the Epiphany Mass as on Sundays. First Friday January 7th. Late Mass in Listowel Church on the Holyday at 1.10pm. Mass in Listowel Church for Theresa Bambury on Wednesday evening at 7pm , Vigil of the Epiphany.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sunday 4 to 5pm; Wed. 10am to 7pm and Knockanure on Tuesday from 10am to 6pm.

READERS: Vigil, John Corbett; 11am Amanda Coulson & Ciara Healy; Knockanure Patricia and Andrew Rogan.

COLLECTORS for Jan.; Vigil, Eddie Flaherty & Michael Scanlon; 11am Eddie Stack & John Ahern; Knockanure Margaret Carmody.

LATIN Mass will be celebrated at Dominican Church Tralee Jan. 16th at 1.30pm.

FEAST Jan 6th The Epiphany; Baptism of the Lord Jan. 9th; St Ita Jan. 15th.

FATIMA Pilgrimage: May 9th to 16th. Spiritual Director – Fr Noel Spring. Details from 066 7131328.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi during Easter Week, details from 064 7758 219.

BOMB exploded in front of a Coptic church in Egypt as a crowd were leaving after New Years Mass, 21 were killed. Egyptian police have arrested 17 suspects.

THANKS: Fr John Lucid in his statement for the new year thanked all who supported the Church and himself during the past year, all the Eucharistic Ministers, the Altar Servers, Readers, Sacristans, Choirs in both Churches, Liturgy Group, Collectors, team who count the money, Finance Committee, all who erected the Crib and decorate the Church, a special thanks to Parents and helpers in the Do this in Memory of me programme.



11 January 12 Knockanure




SOCIAL Day for the Active Retired was due to be held at Knockanure Community Centre on Monday 10th January 2011. more information from Mary at 068 49799.

FITNESS: Aerobics and Body Conditioning Classes at Knockanure Community Centre continue on 12th Jan. from 8pm to 9pm, contact Maggie on 087 98 66533.

2011 calendar, a fundraiser for Moyvane GAA young footballers is available in local shops.

DIVINE Mercy"; A weekend trip from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February to the Divine Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, contact 087 4147001.

ENDEAVOUR 2011, closing date 18th Jan, more at

GREAT to hear that Shannon LNG have at last got their licence, but it took 3 years under the fast track, three very expensive years, only time will tell. Starting a business in Guinea requires 213 days for each procedure, while it takes 3 days in Rwanda, source World Bank.

SORRY to hear the closing of local shop which was run by Helen Brown, the shop was a landmark in Athea for generations.

EVENTS: Set Dancing classes have resumed in Moyvane; Active Retirement Group Listowel meeting took place on Tuesday 11th January at 12.30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall, new members welcome; Lexica Devine resumed in the New Sacristy Listowel on Tuesday 11th January after the 10.30am. Mass;

Medjugorje Prayer Group had their monthly meeting on Monday 10th January at 7pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. New members always welcome; Rambling House at Sheehan’s Thatch House, Finuge on Friday 14th Jan. at 9pm. Story Tellers & Musicians welcome, Light refreshments served; BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition takes place at the RDS from Jan. 11th to 15th, details from 1800 924 362; Feast of St Ita is on Sat. Jan. 15th ,she died in 570; Meeting of the Clounmacon I.C.A. will take place in the Community Centre Clounmacon on Thursday 13th January at 8pm; Afternoon of prayer will be held at Scartaglen Church on Sunday 16th Jan. at 2.45PM, Janice and Moss Carrig will attend; Stage School at Tintean recommences on Wed. 12th Jan. at 4.30pm; First Aid Course at Duagh Family Centre, details from 068 45333; Kerry GAA Supporters Club Annual Social will be held at Ballygarry House Hotel on Sat 15th Jan. among the guests are Mick Finucane, Eddie Dowling, Gus Cremins and Frank O Keeffe; Rugby, Toulon V Munster Jan. 14th; Scor Sinsear North Kerry Finals will be held at Asdee on Jan. 22nd at 7.30pm; Clounmacon Community Centre Social will be held at the Arms Hotel on Jan. 29th; Session in Spirituality, Counselling and Related Fields will be guided by Dr. Ann Kelliher on January 29th and 30th, at Vienna Woods, Cork; Concert in aid of the two Children’s Hospitals in Dublin will start at 8pm the Devon Hotel on Saturday, January 29th 2011; CAO Closing date Feb. 1st, IT Tralee have student information sessions on Jan. 11th and 12th, details on their web site; This is EU Year of Volunteering, more information from Kerry Volunteer Centre in Tralee;

TEEN SPIRIT: are recruiting singers for their new show Teen Spirit 11 which will take place at the INEC on Friday, April 1st. For further information, contact

Filming in Los Angeles was up 37% last month according to news reports.

ST JOHN’S: Fri 14th , A Night in November, a play set in Belfast in 1993 on night of soccer match, South V North; Mon. 17th to Thurs. 20th Outreach music appreciation for local schools; Thursday 20th Actions, Modern Dance Theatre and local choir, details from 068 22566.

Auditions for play in St John’s later next month, details from, or ring 087 1706 880.


FACEBOOK: Everyone now seems to have a page on Facebook among the latest are Dingle Church and Macra.

FF; 250 Delegates at the Arms Hotel recently nominated Tom McEllistrim as their North Kerry and West Limerick man to contest the coming general election. The first Tom McEllistrim was elected to Dail in 1923.

BEST Wishes to Colette Carmody Culhane and Brian Denn who were married by Fr. Seamus Aherne at Fossa Church on December 30th 2010. Best man was Cillian Denn, groomsman Ger Burns. Bridesmaids Irene and Angela Carmody Culhane. Flower girls Caoimhe and Saoirse Culhane Keogh . The bride is daughter of Michael and Eileen Carmody Culhane of Leitrim East, Moyvane and the groom is son of Lar and Ester Denn of Cappaquinn .

BEST Wishes also to Annemarie Nash and Maurice Horgan who were married at Abbeyfeale Church on Dec. 30th 2010 by Fr. O Shea assisted by Fr Bohan. Best man was David Horgan. Bridesmaid was Claire Nash. Flower girls were Aine Cotter and Isabelle Nash. Pageboys Aodhan and Ronan Cotter. The bride is daughter of Ned and Anna Nash of Knocknasna and the groom is son of James and Mary Horgan of Athea.

CONGRATULATIONS to Paddy Finucane and St Ita’s Wrenboys who collected E2,200, for the mission work of Fr. Tim Galvin and Fr. John Moloney.

HAPPY 21st Birthday to Orla Lane of Kilmorna who recently celebrated at the Lanterns with family and friends.

THANKS to the collectors who willingly stood in very difficult weather conditions, for the Samaritan collections on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Thanks, also to the churchgoers for their very generous support.

SOLAR Energy idea from Oregon no upfront money; Homeowner signs a 15-year contract, paying $25 a month to the company. SolarCity installs guarantees and insures the 3.2 kilowatt system of 16 solar panels.

St. Stephen’s Day 2010, Irish wind power output averaged for the day was about 1000 MW.

Energy output from solid biomass combustion in EU rose by 3.6% over the 2008 figure in 2009 to reach 72.8 Mtoe.

Everything must be done to prevent the government before it leaves office making a law binding emissions reductions to an average of 2.5% a year up to 2020 and by 40% against 1990 levels by 2030. Such a law could cripple the country as things are serious enough already with the banks.

HSE and hospital staff can always have people waiting in the emergency ward, then use the media to soften the public to pour money into the system. Rise in health insurance is no surprise, patients will privately talk about waste and over manning, everyone is afraid to talk, because we or out loved ones will be at their mercy sometime. If patients were charged a percentage of the cost of health care, they would be more vocal.

MOORE: The Irish Literary and Historical Society in San Francisco have Dr. Ronan Kelly, Dublin scholar and author, as guest speaker on January 28th. He will talk about Thomas Moore, subject of his recent book, discussing the

lesser-known aspects of Moore’s life, including his travels in the U.S., his scandalous early verses, and the strange episode of a duel with a critic over a bad review.

KERRY Champion January 1946; Death in California Diocese of Fr Denis Moloney who was a native of Islandanny , Duagh, his nephew Fr Tom Moloney is about to leave Ireland to serve Los Angeles; Died, David Lawlor Sacristan, Listowel, he was father of John Lawlor killed by the Tans while home on holidays from All Hollows, Dublin; Nuns leave for Los Angeles, the Herlihy sisters from Knocknagoshel and Mother Anastasia Hickey of Ballybunion; Honory Degree given to Monsignor Eamon Kissane born 1886, entered Maynooth 1903, was in Rome 1910 to 13, Toronto 1913. Also degree conferred on James McElligott MA Secretary Dept. Finance, he passed for Indian Civil Service 1917, was financial advisor to government 1923; Kerry Statistics 1945, 727 Marriages in Kerry 1945, 2908 births, 1866deaths, Infant deaths u 1 year42, died from epidemic disease 42.

HOURS: Massachusetts law reduced the maximum number of hours of work per week for women and children from fifty-six to fifty-four, effective January 1, 1912.

KERRYMAN of Jan. 16th 1965 reports that Tony O Reilly general manager of Bord Bainne spoke at the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association dinner at the Manhattan Hotel attended by 450. He was reported that a cheese factory was going to be erected at Listowel and expansion at Rathmore Fry Cadbury plant expected. The increased intake of 3 million gallons will mean £3 million extra for farmers. We will sell £20 million in dairy products overseas this year. Backlash of the TB Eradication Scheme hit Kerry hard, hoped for recovery in 1965.

Frank Wall and John Feely were praised.

Mr Patrick Sugrue proposed a toast to ICMSA and the dairy industry and hoped for a united front by farmers. Mr Feely was meeting the Agriculture Minister to discuss the price of milk in 1965. Planning permission sought in Jan, 1965; Listowel Mart seeking permission for sales ring and penning, Michael Stack Manager; Pat Mulvihill Leitrim East seeking planning for a dwelling house. Lost on Fair day Feb. 3rd 1965, 22ct gold wedding ring, contact Moyvane 10.

J F Nolan was Triumph Cycle agent in Moyvane in July 1952 and Con Shine was Humber Cycle agent in Moyvane in March 1954.

LATIN Mass will be celebrated at Dominican Church Tralee Jan. 16th at 1.30pm.

RELIGION: World Religion Day Jan. 16th. Week of prayer for Christian unity begins on Jan. 18th.

THINGS that annoy us and the people we detest can be closer to our inner self than we realise

ANNIVERSARY: Michelle Foley, Paddy Mannix, John Gregg, Sheila Broderick, Sheila Walsh, Mary O Brien, Pats Lane, Nancy Fitzgerald, Mairead Mullane, Sean Mahony, Sean Murphy, Timmy Nolan, Margaret Brick, Fr Mort Daly, Martin Sheehy, Eddie Cunningham, Michael Fitzgerald, Mary Theresa Collins, Mickey Liston, Con Clancy, Mass on Thurs. 13th at 7.30pm for Deceased members of the Culhane Family;

Mass on Fri. 14th at 7.30pm for Mikey Joe O’Flaherty;

Mass on Sat. 15th at 7.30pm for Bill, Paddy & Mary Horan ;Mass on Sun. 16th at 10.00am in Knockanure for Tom Francis and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Connie Shine.

DEATH has taken place of Ben Mulvihill of Knockanure Village and Leitrim Moyvane. Ben was son of Tess Lynch and Denis Mulvihill and his siblings are Ann, Rosie, Kay, Joe, Pat, Nick and Ciaran. Requiem Mass for Brendan Mulvihill was celebrated at Moyvane Church on Wednesday January 5th 2011 by Fr Lucid assisted by Fr McMahon, Fr Hegarty and Fr Moore. Following Mass Ben was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery beside his mother Tess who died in July 1997.

DEATH of Fr Michael O’Leary took place recently, priest of St John’s. Tralee. He ministered in Rathmore, Castletownbere, Ballybunion, Lixnaw, Annascaul, Gneeveguilla, Caherdaniel, and Ballymacelligott

DEATH; Rev. Michael Francis Kennelly, S.J., aged 96, departed this life on January 3, 2011, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The son of Timothy Kennelly and Mary Jane Hanrahan Kennelly, he was born on May 22, 1914 in Kilbaha, Moyvane, Co Kerry. Fr Michael is survived by his sister Mary Jane Conlon in New York and brother Tim Kennelly at Charleville, Predeceased by his sisters Mrs. Breda Clifford, Miss Katherine Kennelly, and Mrs. ELizabeth Kelly, his brothers John Kennelly, Patrick Kennelly, Rev. William Kennelly, Daniel Kennelly, and James Kennelly. Requiem Mass for Fr Michael Francis Kennelly was celebrated at Holy Name of Jesus Church 6363 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans on Friday, January 7- 2011 following Mass Michael F Kennelly was laid to rest at St. Charles College at Grand Coteau, LA. Mass in thanksgiving of his life at the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane on Saturday Feb. 19th 2011 at 7.30pm . Fr, M. F. Kennelly went to the United States in 1929, he attended Regis High School in New York and the then high-school division of Spring Hill College, graduating in 1933. He joined the Society of Jesus, on June 9th 1933 at the novitiate in Grand Coteau, LA. After three years of teaching at Jesuit High School in Tampa, Florida, Michael began theology studies for the priesthood, ordained on June 16, 1946 in St. Mary's College in Kansas. Father Kennelly was principal in St. John's High School in Shreveport, LA from 1948-53 and then became president of Jesuit High School in Tampa [1953-59), where he supervised the move of the school to its present location. He then founded Strake Jesuit College Preparatory School in Houston, TX, where he served as president until 1970. From 1970-74, he served as president of Loyola University in New Orleans, LA. The older members of our parish recall the musical ability of Fr Kennelly and his family, many the family and party occasion they contributed to the entertainment.

HYMNS: Elaine Scarlet gave us a lovely selection of hymns at Sunday Mass last week in Knockanure. The congregation showed their appreciation to Elaine after mass.

RELIGION and the destiny of mankind’ and ‘What is religion and is it necessary for us to practice religion?’ discussion was due to take place at Bon Secours Convent on Tuesday, January 11th at 8.30pm. All were welcome, held under the auspices of the Legion of Mary.


READERS: Vigil, Elaine Hudson; 11.00am Jerry Duggan & Deirdre Moloney; Knockanure 16th January, Mary O’Flaherty & Siobhan Fitzgerald.



11 January 19 Knockanure




GAA: Knockanure GAA Irish night, music and spot prizes will be held at Flynn’s Bar on Sat. Jan 22nd; AGM of Knockanure GAA will be held on Tuesday Jan 25th at 8.30pm in the local GAA clubhouse.

ST. PADRE Pio Prayer meeting will take place on Thursday 20th January in Listowel Church. Beginning with the Rosary at 7.00pm and will be followed by Mass and Benediction at 7.15pm.

WALK: Knockanure Community Centre 2nd Annual Sponsored Walk will be held on Sunday 20th Feb. at 2pm, if you wish to support contact 068 49799. Aerobics and Body Conditioning Classes at Knockanure Community Centre began on Wed. Jan. 12th from 8 to 9pm. Car boot Sale at Knockanure Community Centre on Sunday Feb. 6th from Noon to 4pm, book space at 068 49799 before Feb. 3rd.

DANCING Classes with Timmy Woulfe will start at Knockanure Community Centre on Thursday Jan. 27th at 8.30pm all welcome from 14 upwards, first two nights free more from 068 49799. Dancing Classes in Moyvane resumed on Monday Jan. 10th at 8pm.

ACTIVE Retired Club resumed their meetings on Tuesday January 18th from 2.30 to 4.30pm, in St. Patrick’s Hall. New members very welcome.

CANCER Group will meet on Thursday 20th January in the Listowel Arm’s Hotel at 8pm.

CLASSES: Listowel Community College Classes will commence week beginning 24th January. For further information contact the Community College on 068-21023.

WOMEN: Returning to education, FETAC level 3 certificate, class Wed. and Thurs. 9.30am to 1.30pm, start 26th Jan. finish 12th May, more from 068 23429. FETAC 5 Health Care Support class, starts 26th Jan. at the Meadowlands Hotel, study every Wednesday for 24 weeks, details from 087 9096 916. Freeing Her Mind Seminar will be held at Manor West Hotel on Jan. 20th, more from 087 9096 916.

SHOES: World footwear market is forecast to reach $195 billion by the year 2015.

MACRA Club Information Night: 21st January at Lawler’s, The square, Listowel at 9:00pm.

BLOOD Donor Clinic in the Listowel Arms Hotel was held on Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th January from 6pm. to 9pm. each evening.

AWARE meets every Tuesday at 8pm in the Sacristy rooms at the rear of St. John’s Church, Tralee. Contact 1890 303 302 or

STRESS Reduction; An 8 week course will commence on Wednesday, February 16th in the Brandon Hotel at 7pm. For information and application, contact Eva on 087-2712662.

DEAFHEAR.IE will hold a drop-in service on Friday, January 21st at Tralee Library from 11am to 1pm.

HUNT was held in Knockanure on Sunday last, it was great to see all the energetic young people spending an active Sunday bonding with both man, horse and the countryside on a beautiful mild day.

EVENTS: Blood Donor clinic was held at the Arms Hotel on Monday and Tuesday 17th and 18th Jan. from 6pm to 9pm; Scor Sinsear North Kerry Finals will be held at Asdee on Jan. 22nd at 7.30pm; Closing date for entry to Endeavour programme is Jan. 26th ; Shindig Festival will be held at Ballyroe Heights Hotel from Jan. 21st to 23rd, details from 066 712 6810; Abbeydorney Ploughing Match is on 23rd of Jan.; Positive Farming Conference in Limerick Jan. 20th and 21st, details from 066 713 9118; Rugby, Munster v London Irish on Jan. 21st; Clounmacon Community Centre Social will be held at the Arms Hotel on Jan. 29th; Racing in Limerick on the 26th; Kerry Autism Meeting is expected to be held on the 26th Jan. more from; A weekend trip from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February to the Divine Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, contact 087 4147001; Past photos of St Brendan’s College are on view at Killarney Library till end of Jan.; 4G is the next generation of mobile network, it is available in some markets in the US. The appeal of 4G is a speedy connection; Girl Guides are celebrating their centenary this year, they have 10,000 members around the country, details from ; Walk for Life in San Francisco will be preceded by an Interfaith Prayer service to be held on Friday, January 21 from 8-9pm PT at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1111 Gough St., San Francisco;

REMOVED: The words "mother" and "father" will be removed from U.S. passport applications, according to reports.

TEEN SPIRIT: are recruiting singers for their new show Teen Spirit 11 which will take place at the INEC on Friday, April 1st. For further information, contact

ST JOHN’S: Mon. 17th to Thurs. 20th Outreach music appreciation for local schools; Thursday 20th Actions, Modern Dance Theatre and local choir; Fri. 21st Rare Oul’ Times a play on encounter between Brendan Behan and Patrick Kavanagh; Tues.25th Film Club, The Concert a French film; Weds 26th The Special Consensus an American Bluegrass Band, details from 068 22566.

WRITERS Week are celebrating 40 years from 1st to 5th of June 2011, closing date for competitions entries is 25th of Feb. 2011, more information from 068 21074.

FULL Moon on the Jan. 19th, many are still repairing damage caused by the big freeze, now is the time to get advice on preventing damage in future cold weather. Get builders and plumbers to put convenient stopcocks in place. After the severe frost in December, January so far has been very mild.

KENNELLY ; Patrick John Kennelly born June 1900 at Northcote Melbourne, Aus. the 5th child to John Kennelly and Mary O Dea, John was a native of Moyvane and Mary came from Clare. He joined the Labour party at 15 years and coached a football team in 1925 at Fallourn open mine and continued his interest in football and in 1947 the Richmond Football Club made him a life member. Patrick John was a clerk at the Australian Labour Party Office in Melbourne and was Labour organiser in Victoria 1930 to `46, Secretary `46 to `50, and Federal Secretary 1946 to `54. He was elected for Melbourne West in 1938 and was commissioner for public works 1945-47 in the second Cain Ministry. Patrick J was elected to the Australian Senate in 1953 and retained his seat till 1970. Patrick John Kennelly died on 12th October 1981, he was survived by his wife Jessie Milne, they married in 1930, a son and daughter also survived him, two sons predeceased him.

SHINE: John W Shine patrolman, members of the Indianapolis police force, was born in the parish of Knockanure, county Kerry, June 24, 1864, and is a son of William and Bridget (Sullivan) Shine. William Shine was a farmer but on coming to America, in 1886, entered the employ of the Indianapolis Belt Railroad company, with which he remained six years, and then retired. He and wife had born to them a family of thirteen children, of whom nine survived and resided in Indianapolis. They were, Mrs. Mary Mulvihill; Cornelius, employed at a packinghouse; William, a bartender; Thomas, an upholsterer; Katie, a dressmaker; Michael, a pork packer; Eugene, a saw maker, and Maggie, a student. The eldest of the family John W. Shine was first employed by John Stack, a member of parliament and merchant in Listowel, County Kerry. He preceded his family two years to America, and for one year worked for D.J. Sullivan, a dry-goods merchant of Indianapolis, and was then, for six years, steward in the dining-room of the Central Insane hospital of Indiana, having under his charge about 500 patients. He was next employed for two years as assistant superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance Company. During the two terms that Mayor Sullivan was at the head of the city administration, John Shine was a foreman on street work, and December 1st 1897, was appointed a member of the city police force. Details from Catholic Church in Indiana free on line book.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm.

AGNOSTICS: Amiable agnostics will talk cheerfully about man's search for God. For me, they might as well talk about the mouse's search for a cat, says Clive Staples C. S. Lewis.

CHRISTMAS: Indonesia's police chief deployed more than 80,000 officers to secure Christmas celebrations nationwide, according to press reports.

NOVENA of Prayers and reparation will be held in the US from Jan 14th to 22nd in memory of children who lost their lives since the Roe v Wade ruling.

DIED Los Angeles recently, Bishop John Ward aged 90 years. He was one of three remaining US bishops who took part in Vatican II.

DEATH has taken place of Nora Adams nee Stack on Jan. 12, 2011, aged 79 years. She was predeceased by her husband Paddy over three decades ago. Nora was Mother of John, Patrick, Margaret, Elizabeth and Maureen. Loving Mother- in-law of Bill, John, Frank, Paul, Gill and Helen. Nana of Chris, Bec, Lauren, Katie, Lizzy, Taryn, Paddy, Natalie, Daniel, Elise, Laura, Jack and Tom. Future Grand- Nana to baby Daly. Requiem Mass for Nora Adams will be celebrated at St Peter Julian Eymard Catholic Church, Hull Road, Mooroolbarkon Wednesday 19th January 2011, Nora will be laid to rest at Templestone Cemetery, Victoria, Australia, following Mass.

Nora Adams was born at Moyvane to Pat Stack and Margaret Flaherty a native of Knockanure on June 15th 1931; she is survived by siblings Mike, Richard, Tim, Han, Theresa and Mary. Pat, John, Jim and Bridie predeceased her.

ANNIVERSARIES: Pat Flaherty, Con. Anthony O Connor, Jack Lynch, Mai McCarthy, Eileen Kennelly, Sean Culhane, Bill Horan, Mai Cunningham, Michael Murphy, John Riordan, Catherine Carmody, Johnny O Hanlon, Bridie Foley, Mary Leahy, Jim Flaherty, Fiona O Connor, Paul Stack, Peggy Finucane, Dick Stack, Fr Pat Ahern, Peggy Fitzgerald, Mass on Friday 21st at 7.30pm for Jeremiah and Jenny O Carroll; Mass on Sat. 22nd at 7.30pm for Richard Stack and Mass on Sunday 23rd at 11am is for Ned Moore.

BIBLE: Reading & Praying the Gospel of Matthew Led by Fr. Séamus O’Connell on February 4th & 5th 2011 in John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Rock Rd, Killarney. Fr. Séamus O’Connell is Professor of Sacred Scripture in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth and a priest of the Diocese of Kerry, information to register, email: or contact 064 6632644.

READERS: Vigil, Michelle Corridan; 11am Paul and Anthony Kiely; Knockanure 3rd Jan. Siobhan Fitzgerald.


11 January 26 Knockanure






WALK: Knockanure Community Centre 2nd Annual Sponsored Walk will be held on Sunday 20th Feb. at 2pm, if you wish to support contact 068 49799. Aerobics and Body Conditioning Classes at Knockanure Community Centre began on Wed. Jan. 12th from 8 to 9pm. Car boot Sale at Knockanure Community Centre on Sunday Feb. 6th from Noon to 4pm, book space at 068 49799 before Feb. 3rd.


DANCING Classes with Timmy Woulfe will start at Knockanure Community Centre on Thursday Jan. 27th at 8.30pm all welcome from 14 upwards, first two nights free more from 068 49799.


CHIROPODIST will attend Marian Hall Moyvane on Saturday January 29th at 11am for appointment ring Eileen Quinn on 068 49472 for appointment.


TARA Finucane is starting Irish Dancing Classes for Children at Knockanure Community Centre on Friday 21st January at 6pm. Just turn up on the night or contact 068 49799.


ORGANIC Gardening Classes starting with Lucy Trant at Knockanure Community Centre, Monday 31st January. 7.30pm to 9.30pm, Course running for 4 nights Contact 068 49799.


SOCIAL: The Annual North Kerry Pioneer social will take place on Friday the 11th February 2011 at the Golf hotel, Ballybunion. The night begins with mass at 7.30p.m. Followed by a meal and music with Neilie O Connor & Band, Tickets are available from committee members


CONGRATULATIONS to local historian Johnny Murphy who celebrated his birthday on January 22nd 2011, Johnny must be one of the oldest men in the parish at present.


CONGRATULATIONS to John Kennedy, Eoin Breen and Robert Enright of Tarbert Comprehensive School who were awarded Senior Group Business, Science and Technology award at the recent BT Young Scientist Exhibition held recently at the RDS. Best wishes also to Eoghan Moriarty and Trevor McSweeney who were also commended.


ESB Supply was due to be cut at Gortdromagowna on Tuesday 25th Jan from 9.30am to 5pm.


CLOTHES Collection in aid of Hope Foundation on Wed. 26th Jan. before noon at Listowel, Ballybunion, Ballylongford and Tarbert.


WOMEN: Returning to education, FETAC level 3 certificate, class Wed. and Thurs. 9.30am to 1.30pm, start 26th Jan. finish 12th May, more from 068 23429. FETAC 5 Health Care Support class, starts 26th Jan. at the Meadowlands Hotel, study every Wednesday for 24 weeks, details from 087 9096 916.


CLASSES: Listowel Community College Classes started week beginning 24th January. For further information contact the Community College on 068-21023.


COURSES: Listowel Family Resource Centre: Has a range of courses starting shortly - Beginners Computers, Improvers Computers with Certification and Digital Photography, places limited. Parenting Courses for parents of Teens and also one for parents of 6 - 11 yr. olds. A Back to Education course on Craft Textiles which will include Quilting, Cushion Making, Glass Work, Knitting & Crochet and lots more, open to everyone, free to all on Social Welfare payments. Also A Basic Dressmaking Course. For the men - Cookery for Men, plus An Introduction to Stained Glass for Men, call in or ring the centre. Tel: 068-23584, 086-8556431.


YOUTH: World Youth Day Pilgrimage (18 to 35 years of age) to Madrid takes place from 15th - 21st August 2011. The closing date for bookings is 28th January. Details and booking form can be downloaded from or contact ‘Bernie McCaffrey, John Paul 11 Pastoral Centre, Killarney. 087 6484367.


SCHOOL Of Music: New Year concert for Recovery Haven Aftercare Centre will take place at Siamsa Tire on Sunday, January 30th at 8pm. For tickets, phone Siamsa on 066 7123055.


THANKS: The Listowel Branch of The Irish Wheelchair Association would like to thank you for your donations to their annual Church Gate Collection last weekend which totaled E752.90. Proceeds go to our I.W.A. Daycare Centre, Ballygologue Rd. Listowel.


ANTI-D: The Irish Blood Transfusion Service is continuing efforts to trace women who received BTSB Anti-D immunoglobulin between 1977-1979 and between 1991 and 1994. This programme comes to a close in early 2011. If you require further clarification or information please contact Dr. Emer Lawlor on Freephone 1800222111 or email Emer.Lawlor@ibts




AWARE meets every Tuesday at 8pm in the Sacristy rooms at the rear of St. John’s Church, Tralee. Contact 1890 303 302 or Mental Health Awareness meeting for parents will be held at Listowel Family Centre on 27th Jan. at 7.30pm all are welcome.

STRESS Reduction; An 8 week course will commence on Wednesday, February 16th in the Brandon Hotel at 7pm. For information and application, contact Eva on 087-2712662.


COUNTRY: The rescue of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped underground for 69 days gave all of us a lift, when the mine collapsed on Aug. 5th they were isolated for 17 days, it was their faith that brought them through, we must have the same faith to overcome our present economic troubles. Temporary removal of red tape and EU regulations and initial encouragement could open gates to many who are feeling lost.


Charles Gates, Sr. bought The Colorado Tire and Leather Company in 1911, his small shop in Denver, Colorado has over the years become one of the world’s largest manufacturing Company.


EVENTS: Closing date for entry to Endeavour programme is Jan. 26th ; Closing date for CAO is Feb. 1st; Clounmacon Community Centre Social will be held at the Arms Hotel on Jan. 29th; Sunday, January 30th is start of Catholic Schools Week ; Racing in Limerick on the 26th; Racing at Ballybeggan Tralee on Jan. 30th starting at 2.30pm; Kerry Autism Meeting at the Abbeygate Hotel at 8.15pm on the 26th Jan. more from; Killorglin Players 'Three Little Pigs' show Saturday 5th February. Brouder's bus will be at the Courtney Lodge Hotel NCW at 5.45pm, leaving at 6pm to collect people on route. For more information please contact Maureen 087 9845102. or email

; Clonmel and District open Coursing is on Jan. 30th; World Snooker shoot out 28th Jan.; Glin Day Care Centre outing for locals is on Thursday Feb. 10th , details from 068 26003; A weekend trip from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February to the Divine Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, contact 087 4147001; Kerry Farmers Hunt Ball Sat Feb. 18th, details from 0870903812; The Cosite na nOg AGM will be held in the Marian Hall Moyvane on Friday Feb. 4th at 8pm. Anyone interested in taking up a position or helping out with a team please contact Mairead O’Sullivan on 086-3689061;The Milford Hospice 5th anniversary Valentine's Ball will be held at the Woodlands House Hotel on Saturday, February 19th, contact Joan O'Sullivan at 069 82166 or 0861625960; The World Day of the Sick takes place on Friday, February 11th the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.




APPEAL for Mater Heart Foundation 2011: From 5th February to 13th February inclusive. Collectors please contact Jackie McGillicuddy on 068-21529 & 0872683417.

RAMBLING House Get together at Sheehan’s Thatch House, Finuge is Friday 28th January at 9pm. Story Telling & Musicians all welcome. Light refreshments served. Also in the Rambling House Singing Classes are about to begin.


SINGING Classes will begin at Sheehans Thatched House Finuge on Tuesday 25th January. Time of class can be arranged between 4pm and 6pm to accommodate student by contacting Mary on 087 6228766.




GAA: North Kerry Senior Football Championship Semi-Final will be held at Moyvane on Jan. 30th. Knockanure Team that lost to St Senans in the North Kerry NFC Final recently; Stephen O Carroll, Niall Behan, Paul Mulvihill, Tom Donghue, Paddy Graney, Paudie O Sullivan, Niall Sheehan, Martin Sheehy, Kieran Lane, D J Keane, Trevor Keane, John Graney, Kieran Sheehy. Subs, Darra Hennessy for Paudie O Sullivan; Donnacha Moloney for Trevor Keane; Kevin Fitzmaurice for John Graney; Stephen Brosnan for Kieran Sheehy; Donnacha Woods for Donnacha Moloney.


AGM of Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society was due to be held at Tralee Library on Jan. 25th at 7.30pm.


ST JOHN’S: Weds 26th The Special Consensus an American Bluegrass Band; Thursday 27th ,The Best of Traditional with Brendan Begley and Friend, details from 068 22566.


GST : The surfacing of over two miles of the Great Southern Trail from Reens to Rathkeale is now complete and work is continuing on the Ardagh-Reens section.


BLIGHT caused by fungus is killing oak trees in California, recently Japanese Larch were found to be infected in England and Ireland, in the E U the disease is mostly found in Rhododendron and garden centres.


MEDIA: All our Irish media outlets and the opposition are acting like schoolboys gone mad. While all this noise is going on, people with self interest will be making hay. Attorney Ronald Goldfarb a former member of the Kennedy administration said "Sargent Shriver reminds us of a better time when government service was an honourable experience, a privilege recognized then and remembered now by those of us who served.”


CRIME in Ireland 1845; Five Counties Tipperary, Clare, Roscommon, Limerick ad Leitrim, counties where crime increased, they have about one sixth of the population of Ireland 8, 175.000. Comparisons were made with crime. Homicide in the five counties in 1845 was 47 in the whole of the country the number was 92; the five counties had in 1845 , 85 offences of firing at the person the offence in the rest of the country amounted to 53 incidents; Aggravated assault in the five counties was 190 in the whole of Ireland it was 350; 110 assaults endangering life in he five counties in comparison to 127 for the rest of the country; Offences of incendiaries in the five counties were 139 and the rest of the country amounted to 339; killing and maiming of cattle in the five counties 108 ad the rest of the country had 164 cases demanding and robbery of arms in the five counties 420 offences and the rest of the country 131; 190 administration of oaths in the five counties and only 33 in the rest of the country in 1854 sending threatening notices in the five counties 1043 and in the rest of the country they amounted to 901.


LOCAL M.P. Mr Stack MP and others on 12th Feb. 1890 wanted to amend law relating salaries of National Teachers in Ireland; Mr Stack for North Kerry told of local committee who spent £1.800 on schools for the Presentation Order, they still have a debt of a £1.000, Mr Stack complained that under the rules of the Commissioners of Education they had no power to make a grant to pass off the debt. Mr Stack on 1st Sept.1887 wanted the constabulary to bring all prosecutions before the Town Court, it would bring £150 to the ratepayers, petty sessions could deprive the town of this money. He was told, Offences outside township are tried at Petty Sessions. Mr Stack wanted on 23rd Feb. 1891 the construction of a railway to Tarbert to relieve distress in the district. Three days later Mr Stack was complaining that the Police took names at the Tarbert Democratic Labour Federation meeting, the police thought they were at the banned National League meeting and left when informed of the situation.


TRIAL started of King Charles 1 on 20 January 1649 .


SEEING that distance and distrust will do nothing for you, try what drawing near and confidence will do. Horatius Bonar.


HOLOCAUST: Jan 27th International Holocaust day.


On 27 January 1945, the Soviet army entered the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp and found more than 7000 remaining prisoners, most were sick or dying. Days earlier, the SS had forced nearly 60,000 prisoners to evacuate the camp and embark on ‘Death Marches'.


DEATH took place on January 15th 2011 of Michael Moloney Leitrim Middle, Moyvane. Jan. 15, 2011, Michael is survived by his wife Bridie Moriarty, sons James and Tom, brother Eddie (USA), sisters Joan and Margaret. Requiem Mass for Michael Moloney at the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane on Tuesday January 18th 2011, among the celebrants at his Mass were Frs Dan and Pat Ahern neighbours, Fr John Lucid and Fr Madigan. Following Mass Michael was taken by horse hears to his resting place at Murhur Churchyard. Michael Moloney son of Jim Moloney and Mary Mulvihill was born January 18th 1921.


DEATH occurred on January 15th 2011 of William (Liam) O'Connor of Grangeclare, Kilmeague, Naas, Kildare and formally of Inchamore, Listowel. Requiem Mass for Liam O Connor was celebrated on Monday January 17th 2011 at Moyvane church; following Mass he was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery. Liam is survived by his wife Betty and children Jerry, Noel, Fiona and Eileen, his sisters Margaret Mulvihill, Sr. Monica and Sr. Kathleen he was predeceased by his brothers John, Tim and Jer who died in 2009. Liam was son of John Connor who came from Gortdromosillihy to marry Eileen Shanahan at Inchamore. Liam O Connor was a great outdoor sportsman, fowling, fishing, horse breeding and racing at local events. He had great comradeship with Michael Donovan, Pat Foran and Michael Moran.


DEATH took place on January 15th 2011 of Margaret Mulcahy nee O Donoghue of Gurteen, Templeglantine. Peggy was predeceased by her husband Timmy who died in 1985 and is survived by her sons Ted and Paud, daughters Mary Murphy, Kiskeam, Noreen Dillane, Mountcollins and Breda O'Connell, Derrinagree Cullen, Following Requiem Mass at The Holy Trinity Church, Templeglantine on Monday January 17th 2011 Peggy Mulcahy was laid to rest at Templeglantine Old Cemetery. Peggy Mulcahy nee O Donoghue was born at Duagh in 1917 to Michael O Donoghue and Nora Broderick. She was predeceased by siblings Paud in 1939, Michael J. in 1974, Tim in 1997 and Dan in 1994.


DEATH took place on January 14th 2011 of Ann Kennelly aged 75 years, she is survived by her husband Ron, children and grandchildren. Ann and Ron Kennelly of Melbourne, are relations of Kennellys of Barragogeen and visited relations here some years ago.


DEATH: Audrey Lawson-Johnston from Melchbourne in Bedfordshire died aged 95 recently, last survivor from the Lusitania that was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915.

DEATH took place in Maryland on 19th January 2011 of Sargent Shriver aged 95 years. In the 1960s he was the first director of the Peace Corps. He ran for vice president with presidential candidate George McGovern in 1972. His wife, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, was sister of John F. Kennedy. his daughter Maria Shriver is at present first lady of California. In 2003 Sargent Shriver was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.


ANNIVERSARIES: Michael Mulvihill, Margaret Flaherty, Mary Dalton, Br. Stanislaus Leahy, Tim Guiney, Maureen Moran, Declan Lyons, Margaret Lynch, Cathal Kennelly, Fr Jer Downey, Bridie McElligott, Helen Roche, Fr Michael Leen, Mai Trant, Michael Bambury, Eileen Holly. Mass on Tues 25th at 7.30pm for Deceased members of the Sheehy Family; Mass on Thurs. 27th in Knockanure at 7.30pm for Mary Enright; Mass on Fri. 28th Knockanure at 7.30pm for Hannah Quinn Months Mind; Mass on Sat. 29th at 7.30pm for Patrick & Margaret McEnery and their son Denis; Mass on Sun. 30th at 10.00am in Knockanure for Mary Enright and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Helen Roche.


BIBLE: Reading & Praying the Gospel of Matthew Led by Fr. Séamus O’Connell on February 4th & 5th 2011 in John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Rock Rd, Killarney, information to register, email: or contact 064 6632644.




BEREAVED: Newcastle West Bereavement Support Group are holding a Ceremony of Light for those bereaved by suicide on Sunday, January 30th 2011 at 3.00pm. at the church of The Immaculate Conception Newcastle West. This is a ceremony of music, song, reflection and healing. All are welcome.


FEAST of St Bridget, Feb. 1st, from then on signs of spring will be appearing.


RETREAT for the men of Listowel Parish is taking place in Ardfert Retreat Centre on Thursday 3rd February from 8 to 11pm. Contact 068-21529,


READERS: Vigil Seline Mulvihill; 11.00am David Murphy & Noelle Nolan; Knockanure 30th January Ann Stack & Brenda Clancy.


CONCERT: Liam Lawton Concert takes place on Sunday, February 13th in St. John’s Church, Tralee at 8pm. Tickets already sold are valid for this date. More tickets are still available at the Parish Centre.


DVD:The true story of Saint Joseph of Cupertino. This will take place in the Parish Centre, Tralee on Tuesday, January 25th at 7.30pm. All welcome. Under auspices of Legion of Mary


FATIMA: May 9th – 16th. Spiritual Director – Fr Noel Spring. Details Maureen Harty (066) 7131328



11 February 2 Knockanure



WALK: Knockanure Community Centre 2nd Annual Sponsored Walk will be held on Sunday 20th Feb. at 2pm, if you wish to support contact 068 49799. Aerobics and Body Conditioning Classes at Knockanure Community Centre began on Wed. Jan. 12th from 8 to 9pm. Car boot Sale at Knockanure Community Centre on Sunday Feb. 6th from Noon to 4pm, book space at 068 49799 before Feb. 3rd. Dancing Classes with Timmy Woulfe at Knockanure Community Centre on Thursday nights at 8.30 pm , all are welcome.

ST BRIDGET’S Cross was sold at masses last weekend in aid of Listowel Hospice. E500 was collected. Great to see the local ladies keeping up the tradition of making St Bridget’s Cross and supporting a good cause.

WELCOME to our new Altar Server Fergal Leahy he is joining the present servers Mare and Lauren who have been serving faithfully. We also thank parents who make that special effort to attend all the services. Any boy or girl who would like to become an altar server will get training.


SAFETALK Training information from 068 23551.

BALL in aid of mental heath and special needs will be held at the Arms Hotel on Feb. 12th , doors open at 7pm.

CONCERT: Liam Lawton Concert takes place on Sunday, February 13th in St. John’s Church, Tralee at 8pm. Tickets already sold are valid for this date. More tickets are still available at the Parish Centre.


NEW Moon on Feb. 3rd; buds are appearing on shrubs, daffodils are showing signs of life and farmers are getting some field work done.

EMIGRATION is set to reach 100, 000 over the next two years, makes big headlines, and then we are told the CSO had an estimate in Sept. 2009 of 65,100 were leaving that year.

SENIOR Citizens Party organised by St Vincent de Paul is taking place in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Sunday 6th February at 1.30pm. All Senior Citizens welcome.

EVENTS: Farmers Market in Abbeyfeale reopens Feb. 4th ; Business Boot Camp at the Brandon Hotel on Feb. 4th starting at 8.45am, details from 066 719 1990 ; Comhaltas Munster Convention at 2pm in the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow; Glin Day Care Centre outing for locals is on Thursday Feb. 10th , details from 068 26003; Catholic Schools Week January 30th to February 5th; A weekend trip from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February to the Divine Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, contact 087 4147001; Racing Clonmel on Feb. 3rd; Kerry Farmers Hunt Ball Sat Feb. 18th, details from 0870903812; Counselling Service provided by Limerick Social Services available every Monday in Abbeyfeale. Contact 061 314111 for an appointment; West Limerick Toastmasters meet on Wednesday, February 2nd in the Desmond Complex from 8.30 to 10.30pm ; The Chernobyl Children's charity Céilí takes place in the Devon Inn Hotel on Friday February 18th, at 9.30pm; Bring and Buy sale in aid of Listowel Youth Café on Feb. 11th from 9am to 3pm, details from 087 6411271; Kerry London Association AGM will be held on Feb. 9th at The Kingdom Bar, 229 Kilburn High Road at 8pm;

Budding entrepreneurs are invited on February 25th to take part in 'Startup Weekend' at the National Digital Research Centre in Dublin; The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have a plan with 25 actions to implement during 2011 to improve the most common path to market for medical devices; Chinese New Year Feb. 3rd;

EBS are asking you to nominate your favourite community club, group or cause to be in with a chance of being awarded their €500 regional EBS Community Fund Award.

Voting, just click on and select the name of who you would like to vote for. Closing date for entries is 5pm on February 7th, 2011

PLAY: Moll by Abbeyfeale Drama Group will be performed at Fr Casey Hall on Feb. 3rd 5th ,8th and 10th.

SIAMSA: September `82 a tribute to the great Kerry team will be performed at Siamsa on Feb. 9th, 10th and 11th.

FARMING: Munster Cattle Breeding Group Seminar will be held at Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Wed. Feb. 2nd at 8pm, among the speakers will be local born Dr. Doreen Corridan, all are welcome.

TEAGASC are having a conference at Dublin Castle on agricultural education helping economic recovery on Feb. 10th 2011; Local born researcher at Johnstown Castle, Robert Prendiville has a high profile report in the latest edition of Today’s Farm, an official Teagasc publication.

APPEAL for Mater Heart Foundation 2011: From 5th February to 13th February inclusive. Collectors please contact Jackie McGillicuddy on 068-21529 & 0872683417.

HEALTH: The British government is proposing to give 80% of the NHS budget to family doctors and primary care trusts are to be abolished.

ENABLE Ireland require volunteers to support summer programmes (May to July) in their adult and children services. For further information, contact 066 7181746, Deadline for applications is February 24th.

ARTICLES: 2011 edition of the Loughill/Ballyhahill Newsletter, items for inclusion are now being requested by the Parish Hall committee. The deadline is the end of February.

CREATIVE Writing Classes for children will begin at Seanchai on Sat. Feb. 5th from Noon, age 7 to 12 and 13 to 16, more details from 068 22212.

SALES: More cars and trucks were sold by General Motors in China last year than in the U.S. Toyota had 8.42 million sales worldwide last year, compared to GM’s 8.39 million.

FETAC Level 5 Certificate in Tourism training and education programme will be based in St Paul's Heritage Centre, Glin in 2011. A registration night will be held on Wednesday, February 2nd at 7:30pm, more information at 087 9218588 between 5pm & 7pm.

KDYS: Are running a DJ course and FETAC level 4 caring for children course, open to secondary students only, information contact KDYS Listowel on 068-23744.

NANO Nagle Tour Fundraiser will be held at Kearney’s Bar Moyvane on Feb. 5th , music with Gabriel Fitzmaurice and the Bog Hole Boys.

IRISH Press 5th April 1934, Branch of Cottage Tenants and Rural Workers Association formed at Knockanure, Moyvane and Ballyheigue, the General Secretary of the organisation was Mr M Kerins of Brosna. The government congratulated for slum clearance, they should pay attention to the deplorable condition of schools, which were breeding grounds for disease. Irish Press, 18th Dec. 1957 Knockanure Moyvane Church Building fund Draw results; First Prize New Prefect Car or £400 went to T Gorman, Birds Bazaar , the Market , Killarney. Second Prize £ 50 went to Sheila Grennan, Rath, Birr, Co offaly. Third Prize £25 James Fitzgerald , Ahalahana, Moyvane. 4th prize £15 Mary Agnes Stack, Carrueragh. 5th prize Maurice Lynch , Laherseach, Ballybunion. Irish Press, 15th Dec. 1958; Officers of Knockanure Fianna Fail; Chairman Patrick Stokes, Vice Chairman Willie Finucane, Lisaniskea. Secretary Pat Doody, Carrueragh. Treasurer Jerry Clancy Knockanure and Michael Bambury Gortaglanna. Also reported in the same edition, 60 prisoners in Crumlin Road Prison Belfast were to receive parole for Christmas.

FASHION at the races in Punchestown, snippet taken from Kildare Observer 28th April 1906.Countess of Listowel had a dark costume; the Countess of Clonmel had a pleated gown of very dark purple cloth; Lady Weldon looked remarkably well in a Princess gown of pale grey cloth, with silver embroidery on the bolero, and a black picture hat, with long black tulle scarf; Lady Milbanke wore dark blue, with a lovely cluster of pink

carnations fastened on her vest; Lady Annette La Touche was dressed in black crepe de chine, with tiny white plisses on the bodice, and a black toque; Hon. Georgina O’Brien was in black and white and handsome furs; Mrs. St. Leger Moore wore Cresson green cloth, with embroideries of paler green on

the bolero.

TRUE: It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, But it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

BIBLE: Reading & Praying the Gospel of Matthew Led by Fr. Séamus O’Connell on February 4th & 5th 2011 in John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Rock Rd, Killarney, information to register, email: or contact 064 6632644.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm.

RETREAT for the men of Listowel Parish is taking place in Ardfert Retreat Centre on Thursday 3rd February from 8 to 11pm. Contact 068-21529. Retreat for Moyvane Parish is on Sunday 20th Feb. more information from 49352, 49401, 49103.

FEAST of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple Wednesday, February 2nd. It is also Candlemas Day, donations for candles accepted on the day. Feast of St Blaise blessing of throats in Knockanure on Thursday 3rd at 7.30pm, candles for home use will also be blessed on the night.

SEVEN Sundays Devotion to St Joseph; The first sorrow and joy of St. Joseph, which began last Sunday: Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who will save his people from their sins." Mt. 1:20:21.

COLLECTION at Church for Lourdes Helpers on this weekend.

ANNIVERSARIES: William Hudson, Sean Histon, Sr. Peter Hudson, Anthony Kennelly, Sheila O Connor, Bridget Neville, Mike Brosnan, Bridie Stack, Jer Woods, Jack McGuire, Bill Buckley, Nell Kiely, Eileen Ahern, Mary Fitzgibbons, Ann Kelly, Denis Noonan, Eileen Connell, Charley Bartishell, John Keane, Joan Philips, Nora Behan, Maureen Kennelly, Catherine Halpin, Michael Reidy, Months Mind Mass on Tuesday 1st Feb. at 7.30pm for Ben Mulvihill, Mass on Fri. 4th at 7.30pm for Ned O Flaherty, Mass on Sat. 5th at 7.30pm for Fr. Michael Hanrahan, Mass on Sun. 6th at 10am in Knockanure for Michael and Teresa Bambury and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Nellie Kissane.

DEATH took place recently of Michael O Regan who was born at Tullahinell 96 years ago and went to England and lived at Northwood Hills, Middlesex, he was laid to rest on January 28th 2011. Michael was brother of the late Catherine Lynch of Knockanure who died in 2002.

DEATH took place of Nora Ita Hunt nee Fitzgerald of Coole West Athea on January 29th 2011.Nora Ita is survived by her husband Ted Hunt and children Margaret, Pat, Catriona, John, Helena, Joanne and Neilus, Siblings Pa, Mike, Margie, Phil, Daisy, Julia, Helen and Kitty. John, Billy, Theresa, Nancy, and Mary Agnes predeceased Nora Ita Hunt. Requiem Mass for Nora Ita was celebrated at Athea Church on Monday January 31st 2011, she was laid to rest at Holy Cross Cemetery Athea following mass. Nora Ita was daughter of Paddy Fitzgerald and Catherine Quirke of Knocknasna, Abbeyfeale.

FIRST Friday of the Month, Usual Communion Rounds in Knockanure in the mornings and Moyvane in the afternoon. Mass in Knockanure on Thursday 3rd at 7.30pm, feast of St Blaise, Mass on Friday 4th in Moyvane at 7.30pm.


COLLECTORS for Feb. Vigil, Jimmy Collins and Den Hanrahan; 11am Richard Stack and Seamus Roche; Knockanure Cathy Kennelly.

READERS: Vigil, John Corbett; 11am Amanda Coulson and Knockanure Patricia and Andrew Rogan.




11 February 9 Knockanure



ACTIVE Retirement Day at Knockanure Community Centre on Monday 14th February 2011. If attending please ring the secretary Mary at 068-49799 or 087-7528626 between 9.30 – 1.30 Monday to Friday.

WALK: Knockanure Community Centre 2nd Annual Sponsored Walk will be held on Sunday 20th Feb. at 2pm, if you wish to support contact 068 49799.

I.C.A. night out to Killarney Musical ‘My Fair Lady’ at the INEC on Tuesday the 8th March, booking with Eileen Roche at 068 49337 no later than Sunday 13th February.

AWARE meets every Tuesday at 8pm in the Sacristy rooms at the rear of St. John’s Church, Tralee. Contact 1890 303 302 or

STRESS Reduction; 8 week course will commence on Wednesday, February 16th in the Brandon Hotel at 7pm. For information, contact Eva on 087-2712662.

SAFETALK Training information from 068 23551.

BALL in aid of mental heath and special needs will be held at the Arms Hotel on Feb. 12th , doors open at 7pm.

CONCERT: Liam Lawton Concert takes place on Sunday, February 13th in St. John’s Church, Tralee at 8pm. Tickets already sold are valid for this date. More tickets are still available at the Parish Centre.

DIVINE Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February, contact 087 4147001.

GRANDPARENTS Day was held at Knockanure N.S. last week; many changes have taken place since their school days.

SCHOOLS have the chance to use recycled Lee Strand packaging and win a prize details from 066 712 3194.

EVENTS: Glin Day Care Centre outing for locals is on Thursday Feb. 10th , details from 068 26003; Information on Tinnitus will be available at the Arms Hotel on Thursday Feb. 10th from 2.30 to 4pm, details from 064 66 20052; World Day of the Sick Feb. 11th; Bingo in Moyvane every week; AGM of Abbeyfeale Anglers Club will be held at the Fr Casey GAA Clubhouse on Feb. 13th at 3pm; Engineers Week 14th to 20th Feb.; Kerry Farmers Hunt Ball Sat Feb. 18th, details from 0870903812; Senior Scor County Final will be held at the Gleneagle Hotel on Sun. Feb. 13th at 6.30pm; Children’s Scor will be held at Tintean on Feb. 20th at 6.30pm; Final of the Bernard O Callaghan Memorial will be played on Feb 13th between Tarbert and Listowel; Counselling Service provided by Limerick Social Services available every Monday in Abbeyfeale. Contact 061 314111 for an appointment; The Chernobyl Children's charity Céilí takes place in the Devon Inn Hotel on Friday February 18th, at 9.30pm; Bring and Buy sale in aid of Listowel Youth Café on Feb. 11th from 9am to 3pm, details from 087 6411271; Limerick Set Dancing Club workshop will be held at the Devon Hotel from 25th to 27th Feb.; Kerry London Association AGM will be held on Feb. 9th at The Kingdom Bar, 229 Kilburn High Road at 8pm;

Budding entrepreneurs are invited on February 25th to take part in 'Startup Weekend' at the National Digital Research Centre in Dublin; Teagasc are having a conference at Dublin Castle on agricultural education helping economic recovery on Feb. 10th 2011;

ENABLE Ireland require volunteers to support summer programmes (May to July) in their adult and children services. For further information, contact 066 7181746, Deadline for applications is February 24th.

PLAY: Moll by Abbeyfeale Drama Group will be performed at Fr Casey Hall on Feb. 8th and 10th.

SIAMSA: September `82 a tribute to the great Kerry team will be performed at Siamsa on Feb. 9th, 10th and 11th.

ST JOHN’S: Thurs 10th, Reunion, A play based on provincial life in Germany, as the seeds planted by Hitler

were breaking ground, presented by The New Theatre, Dublin;

Sat 12th, 2 Day Nation, A rock band from Tralee, With Conor Breen-lead singer, John O’ Connor-guitar & vocals, David Ryall-guitar, Darragh Collins- bass guitar and John O’ Donnell on drums; Mon 14th, Film Club - Hachi- A Dog’s Tale, starring Richard Gere and Joan Allen; Weds 16th, John Black Sings Bob Dylan; Thurs 17th, Southern Tenant Folk Union, American folk, country & bluegrass from U.K. More from 068 22566.

JOBS: Consultants have prepared a plan to attract extra tourists to Ireland and create 1,000 jobs in Kerry per year for the next four years. Despite the downturn, Killarney town officials were able to go to Austria recently to view a wood or waste incinerator.

WORK Placement Programme appears to be a cosmetic job, as so many restrictions are involved, more information from 1800 611 116. People are encouraged to attend Training Programmes, recently I had the opportunity to observe a number of night classes, most appeared to have room for more students.

BEST Wishes to Breda Lane and Loretta Maher who are on this years Kerry Ladies Senior Panel. Congratulations also to Donie Enright who has retained his division thee singles men title in Kerry badminton. Congrats also to runners up in the badminton U14 Girls Doubles County Championship, Tina Gormley and Erin Finucane.

BOOK: Heirs to the Kingdom; Kerry’s Political Dynasties will be launched at Mahony’s Bookshop in Tralee on Feb. 11th.

LOCAL Church Records; Michael Moore born 13th May 1869 Claar son of Pat Moore and Joan Kennelly; Mary Moore born Moyvane 6th Jan. 1862 daughter of Pat Moore and Joan Kennelly; William Moore Moyvane born 31st Jan. 1864 son of Pat Moore and Joan Kennelly; Catherine Moore Claar born 24th April 1867 to Pat Moore and Joan Kennelly; Bridger Kennelly Leitrim Moyvane born 1st Sept 1855 to Con Kennelly and Margaret Moore; James Moore Gortdromagowna born 13th Dec. 1841 to William Moore and Joan Connell; Marriage 7th Feb. 1836 William Moore and Joan Connell Aughrim; Con Moore Aughrim born Jan. 1833, Margaret Moore born Sept. 1835, and Joan Moore born 22nd Dec. 1837 all three children of John Moore and Mary Nolan, sponsors Joan Moore were Denis Nolan and Nora Riordan.

Marriage, James Kennelly, Leitrim and Joan Mulvihill 1st March 1832. Martin Kennelly Gortdromosillihy born 1873; Joan Kennelly Glennalappa born 2nd July 1837; Joan Kennelly Bauragoogeen born 18th July 1837; Joan Kennelly born 2nd May 1841; Joan Kennelly Glennalappa born 14th July 1832; Joan Kennelly Glennalappa 7th June 1832; Joan Kennelly Poul born 17th Oct. 1838. Joan Kennelly Leitrim born 8th Jan. 1831;

Michael Dowley born 7th June 1841 Newtown to Michael Dowley and Margaret Griffin; Mary Deely Newtown born 15th June 1840 to John Deely and Mary Poore?; Joan Foran Murhur born 27th Jan. 1862 to Pat Foran and Catherine Moran; John Enright Aughrim born 13th Nov. 1876 to Dan Enright and Mary O Connor; Ann McMahon Dromvoher born 24th June 1835 to Tim McMahon and Mary Cahill;

CLAIM: America Planned Parenthood get at least $349 million from U.S. taxpayer every year. Claims Priests for Life.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

PRESENTATION Day Feb. 2nd, the 40th day after Christmas is the church's yearly Day for Consecrated Life, a tribute to nearly a million religious worldwide who've given their life to Christ.

“The soul hardly ever realizes it, but whether he is a believer or not, his loneliness is really homesickness for God”, Hubert van Zeller.

ANNIVERSARIES: James Lynch, Humphrey Doody, Maurice Enright, Kieran O Sullivan, Celia Mahony, Eileen O Connor, Mary Rathay, Noreen Mullane, Michael and Dolores Scanlon, Francis O Carroll, Nell Doherty O Mahony, Sr. Leila Carey, Ned Stack, John Foley, Michael Quinn, Nora Sullivan, Billy Fitzgerald, Catherine Mulvihill, Billy Murphy, Teresa Sheehan, Fr Dan Griffin, Bridget Kelliher, Bryan McMahon, Fr. F X Martin, Mary B Healy, Stephen Donegan, Nora Quaid, Christina Melody, Benedict Kiely; Mass on Tues 8th at 7.30pm for John P., Ellen & Eileen O’Connor and Judi Schlegel ; Mass on Wed 9th at 9.15am For the People of the Parish; Mass on Thurs. 10th at 7.30pm for Patrick Moran; Mass on Sat. 12th at 7.30pm Tom & Una O’Sullivan; Mass on Sun. 13th at 10.00am in Knockanure for Kate Fitzmaurice and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Jack & Mary Guiney and their sons William, Jim & John.

MEETING of the Liturgy Group in the Presbytery on Wednesday 9th Feb. at 8pm. Confessions before the Vigil Mass on Saturdays.

COLLECTORS for February, Vigil, Jimmy Collins & Den Hanrahan; 11.00am Richard Stack & Seamus Roche

Knockanure 10.00am Cathy Kennelly

READERS: Vigil, Elaine Hudson; 11.00am Jerry Duggan & Deirdre Moloney; Knockanure 13th February Mary O’Flaherty & Siobhan Fitzgerald.

PARISH Retreat will take place at the Ardfert Retreat Centre on Sunday February 20th. For more details and booking, please contact Nodie Brosnan (49352), Julia Stack (49401)or Bridie Shine (49103).

SEMINAR aimed at those tasked with supporting adolescents and children through crisis times, will be held on Tuesday 15th February 2011, from 9:30am-4:00pm at The Clarion Hotel, Liffey Valley, Dublin. Contact Console on 01 610 2638.




11 February 16 Knockanure




WALK: Knockanure Community Centre 2nd Annual Sponsored Walk will be held on Sunday 20th Feb. at 2pm, if you wish to support contact 068 49799.

I.C.A. night out to Killarney Musical ‘My Fair Lady’ at the INEC on Tuesday the 8th March, booking with Eileen Roche at 068 49337 .

CONGRATULATIONS to the two teams from Knockanure N.S. Scoil Chorp Chriost, who won the Listowel District Credit Union Quiz recently. Winning both the U11 and U13 quiz was a great achievement for a small school. The U11 team was , Marie Kennelly, Christopher Keane, Cian Rogan and Tadhg McEvoy. The U13 team Maedbh McEvoy, Jerry Clancy, Daren and Cillian Doody. We wish the two Knockanure teams who will represent the Listowel district the best of luck in the Chapter 23 Finals on March 6th at Ballyroe Hotel. Runners up, U11, 2nd Convent Primary School, 3rd Scoil Realt na Maidne; U13, 2nd Scoil Realt na Maidne, 3rd Scoil Realt na Maidne . The nine participating schools were; Convent Primary N.S., Scoil Realt na Maidne, An Gael Scoil Lios Tuathail, Killocrim N.S., Coolard N.S., St. Bridgid’s N.S. Duagh, Knockanure N.S., Dromclough N.S. and Murhur N.S.. 31 teams competed in the Convent School Hall.

THANKS: The pupils and staff of Knockanure N.S. wish to thank the local Parents Association for hosting a party for the children at the Community Centre recently.

DIVINE Mercy Conference in the RDS Arena is been organised for the West Limerick/North Kerry Area, from Friday 18th February to Sunday 20th February, contact 087 4147001.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA, Lotto Results for 11th Feb. Jackpot E7,000, Numbers Drawn were 18-22-23 and 28, No Winner.

Lucky Dips went to the following: John Barry, School Road;

Mike Collins, Lisaniskea; Patrick Brosnan, Coilagurteen;

Caoimhe O Sullivan, Carrueragh; Devina OBrien, Rathkeale;

James Sheehy, Moyvane; Bar Prize Jackie Mc Mahon ;

Next Weeks Jackpot E7,100

FASHION: Tarbert Comprehensive School Parents Association will hold their Annual Fashion Show at The Lanterns Hotel Tarbert on Tuesday 8th March. Tickets available from any member of the committee.

EVENTS: Blood Donor Clinic was due to be held at Fr Casey Clubhouse on Monday and Tuesday 14th and 15th Feb, from 6pm to 9pm each evening; Kerry Farmers Hunt Ball Sat Feb. 18th, details from 0870903812; Children’s Scor will be held at Tintean on Feb. 20th at 6.30pm; Limerick Set Dancing Club workshop will be held at the Devon Hotel from 25th to 27th Feb.; The Chernobyl Children's Charity Céilí takes place in the Devon Inn Hotel on Friday February 18th, at 9.30pm; Farmers Market in Abbeyfeale every Friday from 9.30am to 1pm ; Kenmare- Killarney Trail Half Marathon takes place on Sat. 19th Feb at 11am; Kerry Autism Action Group meet at the Abbeygate Hotel on Wed. Feb. 23rd at 8.15pm, all are welcome; Breeding for Profit Seminar will be held at Listowel Mart on Monday 21st Feb. at 7.30pm; Hospice Walk in Duagh on Feb. 20th at 2.30pm; Feale Anglers' Alliance will hold a meeting in Broderick's meeting room Listowel on Thursday night at 8.00pm;

Fr. Casey’s GAA Club Annual Social on Saturday the 26th of February in the GAA Clubhouse, Abbeyfeale;Toastmasters birthday party will take place at the Desmond Complex Newcastle West on Wednesday, February 16th from 8.30 to 10.30pm;Car Boot sale in Newcastle West on Feb. 20th; Afternoon of Prayer at Scartaglen Church on Feb. 20th at 2.45pm; The 5th anniversary Valentines Ball, proceeds in aid of Milford Hospice is at the Woodlands House Hotel on Saturday, February 19th.; Poker Run in aid of Nano Nagle School will start at the Kingdom Bar, Listowel at 11am on Feb. 19th; A Wind Farm site visit is being organised for Dromada, Athea on Feb. 20th; Trip to Lindisfarne in Northumbria July 17th to 24th, details from 066 9152 476; Football, Kerry play Mayo on Feb. 20th at Castlebar; Newtown Athletic Soccer Club have played 11 matches, won four, lost six and had one draw; Rugby, Munster v Edinburgh Feb. 18th; Cork Association Kerry Branch Victory Dinner Dance at Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Fri. 25th Feb., details from 066 712 6796; Mid Term break in secondary school 21st to 25th of Feb.

AGM of Listowel / North Kerry Branch of the Wheelchair Association on Feb. 24th at their Day/Resource centre at Ballygologue road at 8pm, All are welcome.

ARTS: Texaco Children’s Art Competition closing date Feb. 25th, in recent years over 700 Kerry pupils took part in the competition.

PLAY: Athea Drama Group open with The Man from Clare in Athea on Feb. 24th .

BOOK: “Off to the Races 2010” in aid of Jockeys Accident Fund is now available.

Book with advice on jobs and work available at

LOCAL writer and poet Gabriel Fitzmaurice had the opportunity to read some Irish Literature to members of the EU parliament in Brussels last week.

TADHG Kennelly is expected to be fit to play round one with the Sydney Swans, despite his pre- season knee injury, AFL season starts 27th March.

TRAIL: GST walk and cycle Saturday 18th June will celebrate both the twenty years since the establishment of the Great Southern Trail Action Group and the recent extension which enables the 23 miles between Rathkeale and Abbeyfeale section of the old Limerick-Tralee railway to be used.

STRESS: Rural helpline 1800 742 645, open 6pm to 10pm.

ST JOHN’S: Weds 16th, John Black Sings Bob Dylan; Thurs 17th, Southern Tenant Folk Union, American folk, country & bluegrass from U.K.; Fri 18th,A Beckett Trilogy, Performed by The Godot Company, London, the evening features ‘Rough For Theatre’, ‘Play’ and ‘Not I’ – three plays that share the common themes of cruelty, sex and self deception; Mon 21st & Tues 22nd Baklavia, A comic drama by D.M. Bocaz Larson presented by St. Johns Teen Theatre and directed by Chris Fitzgerald. The cast features Jack Mc Kenna, Gillian Fitzgerald, Eadaoin O’ Connell, Daniel O’ Sullivan, Lauren Kelliher, Daniel

Moloney, Amy Scanlon, Autumn Halpin, Michael Quirke, Michelle Boyle, Ivor O’ Hunt, Kieran Brassil, Alana Chute, David Carmody, Emer Hannon & Emer Liston; Weds 23rd & Thurs 24th Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love, An off-Broadway nominated hit written by Joelle Arqueros. Produced & directed by Naomi O’ Neill and features a cast drawn from the Kerry/Limerick area. More from 068 22566.

MEDJUGORJE Prayer Meeting was due to take place on Monday 14th February at St. Patrick’s Hall at 7.00pm.This year is the 30th Anniversary of Medjugorje visions.

CANCER Support Group will meet on Wednesday 16th at 8pm. in the Listowel Arms Hotel.

CLASS: Listowel Family Resource Centre: Has vacancies on Stained Glass for men, Cookery for men, Parenting Courses for parents of teenagers and for parents of 6-11yr. old. Digital Photography, ring 068-23584

FULL Moon on Feb. 18th, recent heavy rain has the ground saturated; signs of new growth in plants and hedges are evident, on a fine evening it is bright enough at 7pm.

HAPPY 60th Birthday to Mayor of Kerry local man Pat Leahy.

GREAT: “The very greatest things – great thoughts, discoveries, inventions – have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.” -Samuel Smiles, Scottish Author (1812-1904).

FUNERALS: Deaths of some local Parish Priests reported in the national press. Dec, 5th 1914 edition of the Freemans Journal reports the death of Rev P Garvey PP, Newtownsandes. Rev. A Canon Murphy PP. Brosna presided at the funeral mass which was celebrated by Fr James O Sullivan PP, deacon Rev. M. D. Allman PP, Ballyheigue, sub deacon Rev T Lyne CC, Tralee, master of ceremonies Rev J O Carroll CC, Newtownsandes, Bishop Mangan was unable to attend. Among the attendance were, M J Flavin M P; M J Nolan JP, Chairman of County Council; S O Brien Corkery J P Kenmare; J J McKenna MCC Listowel; D J Flavin J P. Listowel; James Foley, Tralee; M P Ryle , Kerry Advocate; M C Mulvihill RDC Newtownsandes; T. M. Hanrahan etc attended. There was a desire to have a suitable memorial placed in the church in honour of Fr Garvey. Irish Independent of Sept 26th 1938 reports the death at the Parochial House in Newtownsandes of Rev. Patrick Maher after a brief illness; he was a native of Trieneragh Duagh. Ordained in Paris 1895, served on the American Mission, was Parish Priest of Brosna, two years ago was appointed Parish Priest of Newtownsandes in succession to late Rev P Sheahan. Fr Maher was a zealous pastor and deeply interested in the spiritual and temporal welfare of his flock. Bishop O Brien , Bishop of Kerry presided at Requiem Mass for Fr P Maher at Newtownsandes Church, funeral afterwards to Knockanure. Irish Press Feb. 3rd 1934, reports, Died last night Friday, Fr Michael Keane PP Moyvane who collapsed while talking to a parishioner. Fr Linehan CC gave the Last Sacrament. Fr Keane was born at Ballygrennan, 76 years ago, he was curate at Castleisland and completed a school at Kilbaha a couple of years ago. Irish Press of 25th May 1936, reports the sudden death of Mr J Hanrahan of Aughrim, Moyvane. Mr Hanrahan was at confession in a pew at Moyvane Church when he suddenly died; he leaves a wife and family.

DEATH took place on 4th February 2011 of Sr. Thomas O Connor at Moore Abbey Convent, Monasterevin. Sr. Thomas was born at Shronebeirne, Kilmorna and is survived by her sister Sheila and sister-in-law Betty, nieces, nephews, the

Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary and staff of Rosglas, Moore

Abbey. Requiem Mass for Sr. Thomas O Connor was celebrated on Sunday February 6th 2011, following mass she was laid to rest in the nearby St. Evin's Cemetery. Sr. Thomas (Maureen) O Connor was born to Tom O Connor and Mary Ann O Carroll in 1919, her siblings include Tom, Margaret, Fr John, Patsy, James, Sheila and Moss.

DEATH took place unexpectedly on January 30th 2011of Davie McMahon at St Ita’s Hospital Newcastle West, he was a native of Ballymackessy, Newcastle. Following Requiem Mass in Newcastle West Church, Davie McMahon was laid to rest on February 1st 2011 in Churchtown Cemetery. Countless people knew Davie, he was a knowledgeable man who had a great grasp of happenings in his native district and was at the centre of many discussions over the years.

DEATH of Vera Mc Dermott, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna, Listowel, was announced on Feb. 10th 2011.

ANNIVERSARIES: Cissie McElligott, Richard Sheehan, Mary Theresa Kennelly, Peg Stack, Sr. Hannah Carmody, Jack Quaid, Patcheen Mulvihill, Mick Reidy, Billy O Sullivan, Catherine Fitzmaurice, Pat Hudson, Mairead Moore, Pat J Kennelly, Dan Connor, Peg Leahy, Bob Behan, Michael Scanlon, Maurice Walsh, Molly Kissane, Sean Bradley, Mass on Tues 15th at 7.30pm for Michael Moloney, Months Mind; Mass on Wed 16th at 7.30pm for Marie O’Callaghan; Mass on Thurs. 17th at 7.30pm for Richard & Dick Sheehan; Mass on Fri. 18th at 7.30pm for William Liam O’Connor, Month Mind; Mass on

Sat. 19th at 7.30pm for Rev. Fr. Michael Kennelly S.J. who died in New Orleans; Mass on Sun. 20th in Knockanure at 10.00am for Dan O’Connor and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Tom & Jack O’Connor and deceased members of the O’Connor Family, Glin Road. Confessions before the Vigil Mass on Saturdays.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

PARISH Retreat will take place at the Ardfert Retreat Centre on Sunday February 20th. For more details and booking, please contact 49352, 49401or 49103.

TUNE into new Christian Radio station at 89.8.FM

NIGHT vigil at Knock on Thursday, March 24th, the eve of the Annunciation of the Lord, details 068 31232.

READERS: Vigil Michelle Corridan; 11.00am Paul & Anthony Kiely; Knockanure 20th February Margaret Carmody & Mary Fitzgerald.

PARISH: Parish Pastoral/Liturgy Groups: At our recent meeting Fr. John Lucid informed the group that we are now part of the Listowel Pastoral Area. Clustering of parishes has been happening over the past year and we are part of the Listowel clustering consisting of Listowel, Duagh/Lyreacrompane., Lixnaw/Rathea/Irremore. Ongoing discussions are taking place outlining how the clustering will operate and the involvement and role of the laity in each parish due to the shortage of Priests.

WEDDINGS: Getting Married Requirements: At least 3 months notice. 1, Recent Baptismal Certificate; 2, Confirmation Certificate ;3, Letter of Freedom from any previous parish you have lived in for six months or more since you reached the age of 18 years; 4, Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form (make an appointment with your Parish Priest to have this form filled up; 5, State Law required you to give at least 3 months notice to the Registrar. See Civil Registration Website Accord Marriage Preparation Courses 066 7122280. Also

Booking advisable at least six months in advance.



11 February 23 Knockanure




QUIZ: Scoil Chorp Christ Parents Association Knockanure are hosting a Pub Quiz in Flynn’s Bar, Knockanure on Friday, March 4th 2011 at 9.30 p.m. 20 euro per table of four, Enquiries to 086 8417688 Elizabeth.

I.C.A. night out to Killarney Musical ‘My Fair Lady’ at the INEC on Tuesday the 8th March, booking with Eileen Roche at 068 49337 .

SAINT PIO Prayer Meeting Take places on Thursday 24th Feb at 7pm.incorporating the Rosary Mass and Benediction.

FASHION: Tarbert Comprehensive School Parents Association will hold their Annual Fashion Show at The Lanterns Hotel Tarbert on Tuesday 8th March. Tickets available from any member of the committee, or from 087 9576 660, Proceeds to refurbish the School Science Room.

Physiotherapy Clinic at Knockanure Community Centre.

COMMUNITY Centre; A Physiotherapist attends Knockanure Community Centre weekly on Tuesday and Thursday. This Clinic is a branch of First Step Rehabilitation Centre in Patrickswell. For more information or to make an appointment Ring Sentil on 087- 7777600 or 061 320330 or contact Knockanure Community Centre on 068 49799.


AGM of Listowel / North Kerry Branch of the Wheelchair Association on Feb. 24th at their Day/Resource centre at Ballygologue road at 8pm, All are welcome.

ARTS: Texaco Children’s Art Competition closing date Feb. 25th, in recent years over 700 Kerry pupils took part in the competition.

PLAY: Athea Drama Group open with The Man from Clare in Athea on Feb. 24th .

EVENTS: Limerick Set Dancing Club workshop will be held at the Devon Hotel from 25th to 27th Feb.; Farmers Market in Abbeyfeale every Friday from 9.30am to 1pm ; Kerry Autism Action Group meet at the Abbeygate Hotel on Wed. Feb. 23rd at 8.15pm, all are welcome; Breeding for Profit Seminar will be held at Listowel Mart on Monday 21st Feb. at 7.30pm; Fr. Casey’s GAA Club Annual Social on Saturday the 26th of February in the GAA Clubhouse, Abbeyfeale; Trip to Lindisfarne in Northumbria July 17th to 24th, details from 066 9152 476; Cork Association Kerry Branch Victory Dinner Dance at Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Fri. 25th Feb., details from 066 712 6796; Cinderella will be performed at Siamsa Tire on 26th Feb. more information from 066 712 3055; Mid Term break in secondary school 21st to 25th of Feb; Kingdom Greyhound Stadium charity event in aid of Down Syndrome Sat. Feb. 26th; Maurice and Jane O Keeffe launch their photos and recordings of great houses in Kerry at Tralee Library on March 1st at 7pm; Sounds of Kerry Concert at the National Concert Hall on March 5th in aid of Finuge Teach Siamsa; Kerry GAA Annual Coaching conference will be held at St Brendan’s College on March 5th;

COFFEE Morning in aid of Sr. Consilio Fund On Friday 25th Feb. at The Mermaids from 11am. to 2pm. Raffles, bric a brac, bargains galore.

HOSPICE: A.G.M. was due to take place on Tuesday night 22nd Feb. at 8pm. in the Mermaids. Volunteers always needed and welcome.

PARKINSON’S Branch, Wishes to invite new members to join their committee in Listowel. Contact Jerry at 068 22089 / 0879785438 or Mary on 0872935787.

ST JOHN’S: Weds 23rd & Thurs 24th Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love, An off-Broadway nominated hit written by Joelle Arqueros. Produced & directed by Naomi O’ Neill and features a cast drawn from the Kerry/Limerick area; Fri 25th to Sun 27th, The Unemployed Theatre Company of Listowel returns with the World Premiere of ‘Double Team’, a new play by Gerard Barrett. ‘Double Team’ tells the story of two young hit men who take on a job that they clearly cannot handle - “They were the only two that were available, comedy from the team behind the smash hit 'Dacent Savage'. Cast: Shaun McDonnell, John Naughton, James Allman, Fiachra McKeever, Tom Rahilly, Derek Dalton, Muiris Stack, Seamus Keane, Trevor Corridan and many more ;Mon 28th, After Miss Julie

A version of Strindberg’s Miss Julie by Patrick Marber, presented by The London Classic Theatre, More from 068 22566.

RADIO: Abbey Heritage are proposing to offer a Fetac Level 5 Certificate in Radio, more from 068 32444.

AGM of the Abbeyfeale Horse and Pony Racing Committee was due to take place on Tuesday, February 22nd at Leen's Hotel at 8.30pm. New members are always welcome.

VICKA from Medjugorje was due to attend Our Lady and St. Brendan's Church, Tralee on Tuesday, February 22nd . There will be a Rosary at 4pm followed by Mass at 5pm.

DRIVER Theory Class in West Limerick Resources Office – Abbeyfeale, contact 068 32444.

AWARDS Night, West Limerick 102 fm presents the 4th Annual Entertainment Awards Night at the Devon Inn Hotel Templeglantine on Monday March 7th start at 7.45pm .

PARADE; St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2011 in Listowel, start at the earlier time of 12.30pm. Seán Kelly MEP will be a special guest for the occasion. Groups and bands from our twin town Downpatrick and from Poland, Romania, Hungary, France, Portugal Latvia and Italy will be participating. Matt (068 21420) or Christy (087 7477372) .Organised by Glór na nGael, Lios Tuathail . Dóchas linn Naomh Pádraig.

LONDON: The Annual London St Patrick's Day Parade and Festival will take place on Sunday March 13th. The Limerick Association will hold a St Patrick's Dinner Dance on Saturday March 19th at the Crown Moran Hotel, Cricklewood, Broadway, London NW2

CONGRATULATIONS to P J Dillon on winning IFTA Director of Photography award; he is a native of Listowel and has many relations in the Parish.

ADULT Learners Festival; in Tralee Library, all starting at 11am: Tuesday, 22nd: Cardmaking workshop; Wednesday, 23rd: FAS workshop – career options for the unemployed; Friday, 25th: FAS presentation on online courses; and Saturday, 26th: Jewellery making workshop, Contact 066 7121200.

STROKE Support Group is holding their next meeting St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre, Tralee on Wednesday, February 23rd at 7.30pm. Speaker: Owen Daly, Pharmacist Stroke & Medication issues, All welcome.

ELECTION: One thing is sure about the new government which will be elected on Friday is that they will eat their words. The MEPs last year spent E274 million on overseas travel and on staff allowances. The EU contribution to humanitarian food aid amounted last year to E237 million.

OIL was found 60km off Ghana Atlantic coast three years ago and 55,000 barrels a day are due to flowing from the Jubilee well at present, the 23 million country expects a 12% growth rate.

SUNSPOT on February 15th, exploded blasting a big cloud of charged particles to the earth on February 16th and February 17th ; Venus visible in the morning skies, will shortly be out of sight.

NOLAN Listowel Church; Dermot Nolan born 16th May 1824 Gortdromagowna to Denis Nolan and Joan Kennelly, sponsors Francis Carroll and Margaret Ahern; Moyvane Church, Margaret Nolan Gortdromagowna born 27th July 1831 to John Nolan and Elizabeth Nolan , sponsors John Nolan and Margaret McCarthy; Listowel Church, Peter Nolan born 12th Nov. 1818 to John Nolan and Helen Mahony; Listowel Church, Michael Nolan born 21st Sept, 1822 to Dan Nolan and Bridget Enright;

Moyvane Church, Con Nolan Carrueragh born 20th July 1875 son of Tom Nolan and Mary Kennelly; Mary Nolan Carrueragh born 20th Jan. 1867 to Tom Nolan and Mary Kennelly; Tom Nolan Carrueragh born 25th Dec. 1857 to Tom Nolan and Mary Kennelly, sponsors Con Kennelly and Ann Kennelly;

Catherine Nolan Gortdromagowna born 8th April 1837 to John Nolan and Bridget Carmody, also Tom Nolan Gortdromagowna born 13th March 1834 to John Nolan and Bridget Carmody. Joan Nolan Gortdromagowna born 28th Feb. to John Nolan and Elizabeth Nolan. Jer Nolan Knockanure born 28th Feb. 1871 to Jer Nolan and Helen Kelly, sponsors Pat Dillane and Julia Kelly.

Marriage 28th April 1838 Tom Woulfe and Elizabeth Nolan Gortdromagowna, sponsors Tom Mulvihill and Mary McDonnell. Marriage 12th Feb. 1861 Edward Sheehy of Duagh and Margaret Nolan of Gortdromagowna, sponsors John Stack and Tom Woulfe.

MARRIAGE: (Lordsburg News) Marshall and Winnie Kuykendall of New Mexico recently celebrated their 82nd wedding anniversary; they were the national winners of a "Longest Married Couple" contest.

LETTERS: is calling for ancestral love letters, and submit them via

PRIDE makes us hate our equals because they are our equals; our inferiors from the fear that they may equal us; our superiors because they are above us. Jean Vianney.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

NIGHT vigil at Knock on Thursday, March 24th, the eve of the Annunciation of the Lord, details 068 31232.

DEATH: The recent sudden death of WL102fm's popular country music presenter Mike Enright was a shock to his regular Sunday night programme listeners. Mike was also a member

of Athea's First Responders and was on call every evening from 6pm to 8am and every weekend.

ANNIVERSARIES: Cormac O Leary, Mary Scully, Michael O Connor, Mary O Carroll, Michael Kelliher, Ned White, Mary Stack, Neilus Lynch, Breda Clifford, Eamon Sweeney, Joan Buckley, Marie O Callaghan, Jim O Connor, Michael ODonnell, Mary Foley; Mass on Tues 22nd at 7.30pm for Maurice, Mary & Hillary Dowling; Mass on Thurs. 24th at 7.30pm for Jack Lynch; Mass on Fri. 25th at 7.30pm for Bernadette O’Sullivan ; Mass on Sat. 26th at 7.30pm for Nora Adams nee Stack, late of Upper Aughrim who died in Melbourne; Mass in Knockanure on Sun. 27th at 10.00am for Mary Teresa Kennelly & Patrick J. Kennelly and the 11.00am mass in Moyvane is for Mairead Moore.

Confessions before the Vigil Mass on Saturdays.

LITURGY Groups of the Pastoral area of Listowel, Lixnaw, Moyvane & Duagh are due to meet on Tuesday 22nd Feb. at 8pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall.

READINGS: understanding of the readings at Mass on Sunday? Come to the Parish Centre St John’s Tralee for six Wednesday nights this Lent: March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, April 6th and 13th from 8pm – 9pm. We will reflect on the readings and grow into a greater understanding of the riches that the Gospels have for our lives. Please contact the Parish Office by Mon. March 7th. at 066 7122522.

READERS: Vigil, Seline Mulvihill; 11.00am David Murphy & Noelle Nolan; Knockanure 27th February Ann Stack & Brenda Clancy

ROME: Beatification on May 1st. of John Paul 11 will draw crowds of 2 to 3 million to Rome, E700 for one night stay in a hotel is being demanded for the few remaining rooms.


CONGRATULATIONS to John and Nuala Keane, Bunagara on the birth of their son Sean, a brother to Lucy and Blathnaid. Lucy is a pupil of Scoil Corp Chriost, Knockanure.



ST BRENDAN is being commemorated by the issue of a E10 silver coin, they are limited to 15,000, to buy one contact 1890 307 307.


Stroke Support Group will meet at St Brendan’s Pastoral Centre, Tralee on Feb. 23rd at 7.30pm, details from 087 7927 289;


JIGSAW, mentors to help young people, details from 068 23429.


Agenda Europa diary cost over E5 million, the editors forgot to mention Christmas in it.


WORK Placement programme, details from 1800 611 116.


PARISH Day at Ardfert Retreat Centre was on Sunday last, it was a lovely social and prayerful occasion.


WALKERS at the last Sundays Community Centre walk had a lovely mild day, just a little damp, the heavy shower was over before the off. We are all grateful to the voluntary helpers at the Centre who give of their time and energy promoting activities for both young and old.


11 March 2 Knockanure




QUIZ: Scoil Chorp Christ Parents Association Knockanure are hosting a Pub Quiz in Flynn’s Bar, Knockanure on Friday, March 4th 2011 at 9.30 p.m. 20 euro per table of four, Enquiries to 086 8417688 Elizabeth.

COMMUNITY Centre; A Physiotherapist attends Knockanure Community Centre weekly, contact Knockanure Community Centre on 068 49799.

AGM of the Senior Citizens Group takes place at the Marian Hall on Wed. March 2nd at 7.30pm, anyone who can help are asked to attend.

PLAY: Athea Drama Group continue with The Man from Clare in Athea on March, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th.

DRAMA Festival in Castleisland runs from 4th to 11th of March, details from 066 714 2018.

I.C.A. night out to Killarney Musical ‘My Fair Lady’ at the INEC on Tuesday the 8th March, booking with Eileen Roche at 068 49337 . ICA meeting was due to be held in Marian Hall on Tuesday 1st March at 7.15pm.

FASHION: Tarbert Comprehensive School Parents Association will hold their Annual Fashion Show at The Lanterns Hotel Tarbert on Tuesday 8th March. Tickets available from any member of the committee, or from 087 9576 660, Proceeds to refurbish the School Science Room.

CONGRATULATIONS to Moyvane Scor na bPaisti who were presented with the Club of the Year Award at Tintean Theatre recently, they had four wins on he night out of eight categories.

LOCAL man Willie Sheehan had a win at Killaloe point to point races recently, the rider and trainer was Athea man Eoin McCarthy.

ST JOHN’S: Sat 5th,The Best of Traditional With Goitse

With Colm Phelan-Bodhrán; James Harvey-Banjo, Aine Mc Geeney-fiddle, Tin whistle and sean nós singing. Tadhg O’Meachair-piano & accordion and Conal O Kane-guitar. The band members will also give workshops on the day of the concert; Weds 9th, The Terpsycordes Quartet,An evening of classical favourites with works by Mozart, Brahms, McKay and Dutilleux. A Music Network tour featuring internationally acclaimed musicians from Bulgaria, Italy and Switzerland; Thurs 10th to Tues 15th ,Cuckoo Blue, The Lartigue Theatre Co; Listowel, revive Tony Guerin’s first play which they premiered here in 1998. The play is directed by Denis O’ Mahoney and the cast features: Sean Moriarty, Cathy Healy, Eoin Hand, Diana McCarthy, Mike Moriarty, John Looney, Paul Pierse, Robert Bunyan and Gavin O’ Sullivan, more from 068 22566.

SIAMSA: Wed. 2nd to Sat. 5th, Mikado; Active retired film On the Waterfront, March 9th at 2pm, more on Young Artist series from 066 7123055.

'BLOOD Diamond', Film starring Leonardo di Caprio, at Roundy's Bar, Tralee, was due to be shown on Tuesday night 1st March To mark Fairtrade fortnight. It examines the trade in diamonds and the corruption involved.

EVENTS: Sounds of Kerry Concert at the National Concert Hall on March 5th in aid of Finuge Teach Siamsa; Kerry GAA Annual Coaching conference will be held at St Brendan’s College on March 5th; Ladies Night at Tintean on Friday March 4th at 8pm; Irish language and cultural festival runs from 5th to 17th of March; World Day of Prayer at St John’s Tralee on March 4th at 7.30pm; Ash Wednesday March 9th; Dyslexia talk will be given by Val Doughy at Castleisland Family Resource Centre on March 3rd , more from 087 755 3066; Library Ireland Week 7th to 13th March; Danny Houlihan is expected to launch his book on Ballybunion at Tintean on March 6th; Ceili at Tournafulla on March 11th at 9.30pm; Ardfert Retreat Centre, Enneagram Workshop from 11th to 13th March, details from 066 713 4276; The next Marriage Encounter weekend takes place from 8 to 10 of April at The Lake Hotel Killarney, contact 064-6644319 or ;Spring Clean last year attracted 145 groups from all over the County;

UN Veterans meeting will be held on March 9th, details from 087 669 4011.Congo pictures can be viewed at

AGM of Kerry M.S. will be held on Thurs. evening at 8pm. in the Listowel Arm’s Hotel. All members are asked to attend. New members welcome.

HORSES: Cheltenham preview night will be held on Monday 7th March at 8.30pm in the Arms Hotel Listowel proceeds in aid of the Kerry Parents & Friends Assoc Listowel branch.

AWARDS Night, West Limerick 102 fm presents the 4th Annual Entertainment Awards Night at the Devon Inn Hotel Templeglantine on Monday March 7th start at 7.45pm .

PARADE; St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2011 in Listowel, start at the earlier time of 12.30pm. Seán Kelly MEP will be a special guest for the occasion, contact, Matt at 068 21420 or Christy 087 7477372 .

LONDON: The Annual London St Patrick's Day Parade and Festival will take place on Sunday March 13th.

NEW Moon on 4th of March. Spring is in the air, signs of growth are all about us.

NIGHT vigil at Knock on Thursday, March 24th, the eve of the Annunciation of the Lord, details 068 31232.

READINGS: understanding of the readings at Mass on Sunday? Come to the Parish Centre St John’s Tralee for six Wednesday nights this Lent, more information from 066 7122522.

JOBS: A lot of talk about jobs in the energy sector did anybody check long term side effects of insulation, or the actual reduction in fuel consumption in homes that were insulated. Wind energy will not be able to compete with nuclear generation in reliability and cost.

EATEN Bread soon forgotten: 1997 and 10 years later some figures; Unemployment 1997 (10.4%) later down to 4.2%; Long term unemployment 1997 (5.6 %) later down to 1.2%; Contributory State Pension 1997 was E99 and later up to E209; Corporation Tax revenue 1997 was E2 billion, 10 years later was E6.7 billion; Share of tax spent on National Debt 1997 was 16.7% and later down to 3%; Primary Teaching posts 1997 was over 21,000 and later rose to nearly 28,000; 1997, Primary Special Needs posts were 1,500 later rising to 5,000; Investment in Educational Disadvantage 1997E50 million and later went to E750 million; Investment in school buildings projects 1997, E92 million and later rose to E540 million; Investment in Health 1997, E3.6 billion and later rose to E14.5 billion; Houses and apartments being built 1997 were 39,000 and 10 years later it was over 93,000 per year; Investment in roads 1997 was E294 million and 10 years later it was E1.5 billion; Investment in transport 1997 was E8 million 10 yrs later it was E780 million; National Pension Reserve 1997 it was empty and 10 years later it contained E18.9 billion; In the year up to March 2005 job creation amounted to 72,400.

LAST first World War One, English resident veteran, Florence Green, from King's Lynn, Norfolk, celebrated her 110 birthday

recently. Florence joined the Women's Royal Air Force, in 1918.

PROTEST: Nineteen Catholic and Protestant bishops have staged a sit-in protest against a report that clears Hindu fundamentalists of attacks on Christian targets in southern Karnataka state in September 2008. They were supported by 500 Church leaders in Bangalore.

ENTRUST the past to God’s mercy, the present to his love and the future to his providence, says, St. Augustine.

DEATH of Emmet Leahy occurred on 20th February 2011; Emmet was born 1928 at Millstream, Abbeyfeale and came to live at Carrueragh Knockanure when he married Margaret Leahy. He is survived by his wife Margaret, sons Paddy, Willie and Jim, daughters Eileen and Assumpta, brother Ned, sisters Sr. Ita and Maura Gallaghue. Siblings, Fr Tim SBD, Jim, Eileen and Breda Flanagan predeceased Emmet. Requiem Mass for Emmet Leahy was celebrated at Corpus Christi Church, Knockanure on Tuesday 22nd of February by Fr Lucid, Fr McMahon and Fr Davitt. Sean Ahern sang the hymns and Ann Cunningham played the organ. Following Mass Emmet Leahy was laid to rest at Old Knockanure Churchyard among many generations of Leahys. Emmet was son of Paddy Leahy of Woodview Athea and Delia Leahy of the Millstream. From his mothers’ side he was related to several noted Leahy athletes. He played hurling as a youth. Since Emmet came to Knockanure he was involve in countless parish activities and above all he attended mass at every opportunity.

ANNIVERSARIES: Mary Carmody, Tim Leahy, Peg O Connor, John O Sullivan, Con Shanahan, Joseph Joe O Connor, Matt O Connell, Barney Enright, Ted Keane, Moira Broderick, Teresa Foley, Sr. Francis Galvin, Nora Fleming, Michael Flynn, Dan McAuliffe, Tom Lyons, Sidney Snow, Willie Brosnan, Mave Marvin, Nora Carmody, Nora Roche, John Stack, Garry McMahon, Mary O Hanlon, Jack Leahy, Maurice O Connor, Mossie O Connor, Mary Casey, Anna O Reilly; Mass on Tue. March 1st at 7.30pm for Catherine Mulvihill; Mass on Wed. at 7.30pm for Eamonn Sweeney; Mass in Knockanure on Thurs. 3rd at 7.30pm for Michael and Mai Barry ;First Friday Mass in Moyvane for Ellen, Patrick and Pascal Walsh at 7.30pm; Mass at 7.30pm on Sat for Maureen Kinnane; Mass on Sunday 6th at Knockanure at 10 am for Mary Carmody and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Bridget and John Enright and their son Dan and daughter Bridie.

FIRST Friday Communion Rounds Knockanure in the morning and Moyvane in the afternoon, confessions Saturday before the Vigil Mass.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. John Howard, National Coordinator of Eucharist Adoration in Ireland, will give a talk at all Masses in Listowel on 5th & 6th March.

READERS: Vigil, John Corbett, 11am Amanda Coulson; Knockanure 10am, Patricia and Andrew Rogan.

COLLECTORS for March; Vigil, Michael Galvin and Breda Brosnan; 11am Cal Flynn and Pat Scanlon; Knockanure 10am, Mary O Carroll.

PILGRIMAGE: To Lourdes led by Bishop Murphy in Sept, details from 064 7758 219; Pilgrimage to Fatima, in May, details from 021 427 7700.


11 March 9 Knockanure





CHIROPODIST will attend the Marian Hall, Moyvane on March 12th at 2pm, book with 068 49472.

COMMUNITY Centre Knockanure; Aerobics and Body Conditioning Class on Wed. March 9th from 8pm to 9pm, running for 8 weeks, details from Maggie at 087 9866 533.

Social Day at the Centre on Monday 14th March, please contact the office at 068 49799, between 9.30am and 1.30pm. Table Top and Car boot Sale at Knockanure on Sunday March 20th between Noon and 4pm, book with 068 49799 or 087 7528 626.

LOTTO; Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 18th Feb. 2011, numbers drawn were 3-24-25 and 32, no winner of E7,100 Jackpot. Lucky Dips went to the following; Phil Walsh, Listowel; Nicholas Kennelly, Knockanure; Dublin Joe. C/O Kevin’s; Reidy Family Upper Athea; Nora M Ryan, Listowel; Nora and Gabe O Connor, Asdee; Bar Prize, Con Keane.

Lotto results for 25th Feb. 2011; Numbers Drawn were, 13-18-24 and 30. No Winner of Jackpot of E7,2OO. Lucky Dips went to the following, Diarmuid Lawlor, Ballybunion; Trish Browne, C/O Ploughman; Bernadette Enright, Keylod; Joe Rice, Asdee; Emma McGlynn, Listowel; Margaret Clancy, Knockanure and the Bar Prize was won by Tom Cahill.

Lotto Results for 4th March 2011, numbers drawn were 9-18-19 and 29. No Winner of Jackpot of E7,300. Lucky Dips went to the following, David Harley, C/O John Barry; Nora and Gabe O Connor, Asdee; Richard Horgan, Kilmorna; Joe Rice, Asdee; John Barry, old School Road; Teresa Holly, Listowel and the Bar prise went to Mary Barry. Next Weeks Jackpot E7,400.

LIFE-Saving training will be held at Athea on March 12th, details from 087 2589 872.

NO NAME Club is looking for volunteers who are interested in working with young people in the area. Contact Anne Nagle on 087 9049393.

FAMILY Resource Centre in Listowel are organising a Book Club for men, Contact Martina 068-23584 ;Parent & Toddler Group Friday mornings 10am. Coffee mornings Thursdays 10am - 12pm Play Workshops for children 2 to 5 yrs of age. starting shortly Contact Kellie 068-23584.

M.S. BRANCH Listowel, AGM Thurs. 10th March at 8pm. in the Listowel Arm’s Hotel. All members are asked to attend. New members welcome.

ACTIVE Retirement Tea Dance and 90th birthday of Micháel O’Sullivan will take place at the Listowel Arm’s Hotel on Sunday 13th March from 3pm. to 6pm. Music by Stevie Donegan, everyone welcome.

WIND Farm Awards, Airtricity are seeking applications from community groups who need funds, details from 01 6556 556.

SYMPATHY: At a recent meeting of the Board of Management of Scoil Chorp Chriost the following Votes of Sympathy were passed; To the Clancy Family, Knockanure on the death of Mrs Mary Carroll, Kilmallock; To the Donegan Family Kilbaha on the death of Mrs Norrie Donegan, Lisselton; To the Flavin Family, Kilmorna on the death of Paddy Flavin; To the Moran Family, Keylod on the death of Mrs Mary Langford, Killorglin. May they Rest in Peace.

DRAMA Festival in Castleisland continues to 11th of March, details from 066 714 2018.

St JOHN’S: Weds 9th, The Terpsycordes Quartet, An evening of classical favourites with works by Mozart, Brahms, McKay and Dutilleux. A Music Network tour featuring internationally acclaimed musicians from Bulgaria, Italy and Switzerland; Thurs 10th to Tues 15th ,Cuckoo Blue, The Lartigue Theatre Co; Listowel, revive Tony Guerin’s first play which they premiered here in 1998. The play is directed by Denis O’ Mahoney and the cast features: Sean Moriarty, Cathy Healy, Eoin Hand, Diana McCarthy, Mike Moriarty, John Looney, Paul Pierse, Robert Bunyan and Gavin O’ Sullivan, more from 068 22566. Weds 16th, The Water Tower Bucket Boys, four piece group from Portland, Oregon, on guitar, mandolin, fiddle, harmonica and banjo.

PLAY at Mountcoal Clubhouse called The Maiden Aunt, continues at 8pm on 11th, 12th an 13th March, details from 068 48238.

SIAMSA: Active retired film “On the Waterfront”, March 9th at 2pm,; Irish Night on Friday March 11th; Traditional Music course 12th March; Michael Collins the Musical runs from 15th to 20th March, more from 066 7123055.

FUNDS: Florida schools are said to be renting classrooms to raise funds for their activities.

THANKS to the fundraising night held at Mairead’s Bar recently E900 will be going to Nano Nagle School activities.

BEST Wishes to the Listowel U 13 Choir who recently won he County final in their class and are heading for the Munster Final shortly, local musician Bridget McCarthy was accompanist.

CONGRATULATIONS to Ellen O Sullivan of Lower Athea who recently celebrated her 85th birthday.

BEST Wishes to Tom O Callaghan of Moyvane Village who is taking up his job as Chief Executive Officer of The Irish Co-operative Organisation Society, he has 15 years of international agriculture and food industry experience gained from various Irish and multinational companies. He was working in Germany before his recent appointment.

FINE Weather is being praised by everyone, daffodils, blackcurrant bushes, sally’s, grass and nettles are showing signs rapid growth.

EVENTS: Bus to Killarney concert was due to leave the Moyvane School at 5pm on Tue. March 8th; ICA Line Dancing in Moyvane on Wed. 9th March at 8pm; Irish language and cultural festival runs until 17th of March; Ash Wednesday March 9th; Library Ireland Week continues to 13th March; Ceili at Tournafulla on March 11th at 9.30pm; Ardfert Retreat Centre, Enneagram Workshop from 11th to 13th March, Lenten Journey begins on March 15th, details from 066 713 4276; UN Veterans meeting will be held on March 9th, details from 087 669 4011; Kerry Home and Business Expo will be held at the Outlet Centre, Killarney from 11th 13th of March; Afternoon of Prayer and Family Tree Mass will be held at Banteer Community Centre on March 13th at 3pm, details from 069 62306; Grow Your Own Week runs from 12th to 19th March; St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2011 in Listowel, start at the earlier time of 12.30pm. Seán Kelly MEP will be a special guest for the occasion, contact, Matt at 068 21420 or Christy 087 7477372; Ceili at the Arms Hotel on March 16th; The Annual London St Patrick's Day Parade and Festival will take place on Sunday March 13th; Limerick London Association will hold a St Patrick's Dinner Dance on Saturday March 19th at the Crown Moran Hotel, Cricklewood, Broadway, London NW2; Racing, Limerick on 12th and 13th and Cheltenham begins on March 15th; Confirmation in Listowel on 24th of March;

NIGHT vigil at Knock on Thursday, March 24th, the eve of the Annunciation of the Lord, details 068 31232.

KNOCK attracted thousand of pilgrims following the apparition on 21st August 1879, the Land League founded in October 1879 in the area also attracted the media. The daily Telegraph reporter visited Ballina and the west in Jan. 1880 to see for himself the condition of the Irish. Extracts from reports follows, day labourers idle at home watching the half bag of Indian Meal, knowing they will not be able to replace it, visited hut found a heap of half decayed small potatoes, in one corner the family bed, a miserable fire smoking with odds and ends, no turf in this district. There was resignation in the look of the father and mother, they had a child with bright blur eyes and rosy cheeks, dressed in rags but she would be a delight for a painter. He then visited a widow with 16 acres of land rented, two acres were planted with potatoes and failed, and she is unable to pay her rent, or buy corn her brother called to cut some wood for her fire she will drift along till she is evicted. Another man who rented a rod of land is denied outdoor relief; he has neither food for himself of seed to plant his garden. Another man with rent of £ 31, has house and buildings in decent order, his crops have failed, he sells £5 worth of hay to part pay rent, were he to sell all his possessions he would only cover a quarter of his debts, the family are living on Indian Meal and tick. Another man and wife and seven children are penniless, he has no claim on poor rate, only hope is a loan from America, the Priest secures him. In Croak Patrick district, a youth of 19 is providing for his seven siblings and protecting them from the workhouse, they have two acres of land, odd jobs help to pay for meal. On rubbish heap were a mother and three children, their home was constructed of sticks leaning against a broken wall, covered by furze and straw.

Another cabin so bad it looked vacant, except smoke was coming through the door, the house was filled with smoke, there lived husband and wife, six children and grandparents, children were wearing a single garment and eating from a bowl beside the fire. An evicted woman and child living in what appeared to be an animal den, except for the fire. On the sand hill a hole was made in the bank, a lobster pot for a door, the smoke came out at the top of the bank.

LONELINESS comes over us sometimes as a sudden tide. It is one of the terms of our humanness, and, in a sense, therefore, incurable. Yet I have found peace in my loneliest times not only through acceptance of the situation, but through making it an offering to God, who can transfigure it into something for the good of others ,says Elisabeth Elliot.

EPA in the US allows scrap tyres to be used as fuel for power stations, paper mills and cement factories, it is claimed to be a green fuel. Industry also realised that changing the name of waste tyres to solid waste could be a costly exercise for users and do more harm than good.

PILGRIMAGE to Rome for Beatification of Pope John Paul on 29th April, details from 087 2618 412.

LOUGH Derg; June 4th to 6th , June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

COMPASSION: A 4 night course will explore what compassion is about for our lives. This will take place in the Parish Centre, Tralee on 4 Tuesday nights, beginning on March 15th from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. For information, contact Frances Rowland on

ORDINATION: Fr James Hurley who was ordained a priest in St Eugene's Basilica, Rome last May, will celebrate his first solemn public Mass in St John’s Church, Tralee on Saturday, March 12th at 2pm. He is the son of John and Sheila Hurley, Oakpark. He is graduate of electronic engineering from the University of Limerick,

ANNIVERSARIES: Mick Flavin, Catherine O Connor, Johnny Dunford, Michael O Connor, Paddy Lysaght, Dan Enright, Lawrence Hartnett, Michael Flynn, Sr. Majella Flaherty, Mikey Shanahan, Murt Daly, Mary Stack Eileen Eagan, Mick Liston, Betty Goulding, Peg Hodsell, Bill Hudson, Mary O Keeffe, Timmy Driscoll, Pat Kennelly, Rose Galvin, Patrick Hughes, Tess Stack,; Mass on Tuesday 8th at 7.30pm for Catherine O Connor and her mother Margaret Ahern; Ash Wednesday Mass in Knockanure at 10am and the 7.30pm Mass in Moyvane is for Patrick Hughes, Ashes will be distributed at both masses; Mass on Thursday 10th for Nell and Jeremiah Kiely at 7.30pm; Mass on Friday 11th at 7.30pm for Michael and Margaret O Connell and Mary Enright; Mass on Sat. 12th at 7.30pm for James Beaton; Mass at 10am on Sunday at Knockanure for Betty Goulding and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is or Cormac O Leary.

COLLECTION for Emigrant Services in the Church, on 12th and 13th of March. Confessions before he Vigil Mass on Saturdays.

READERS: Vigil, Elaine Hudson; 11am Jerry Duggan and Deirdre Moloney; 17th March Bridget McCarthy; Knockanure 13th and 17th March, Mary Flaherty and Siobhan Fitzgerald.

LENTEN Devotions Listowel, Extra Mass each Friday evening during Lent incorporating the Stations of the Cross after evening Mass.

THANKS to Emma at Gala Food store for collecting donations for Altar candles which amounted to E412.

LOURDES 2011. Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage Retreats in Lourdes, choice of dates from May to Sept. Cost E450. Assistants, helpers, volunteers, cooks, priests etc all very welcome. Further details from Máire Smye on 023 88 33273 or by writing to: CLM HQ, South Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

CHY2 Certs will be given out during the week, anyone who donated over E250 to Church Funds will receive one, last year tax returns amounted to over E13,000.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

ASH Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence, Mass in Knockanure at 10am and Moyvane at 7.30pm. Ashes will be available at both Masses.


11 March 16 Knockanure





SAINT PIO Devotions were due to take place on this Tuesday 15th March. at 7pm in Listowel Church, starting with the Rosary, Mass and Benediction. Prayers will also be said for the forthcoming beatification of Pope John II.

MEDJUGORJE Prayer Meeting was due to be held on Monday 14th March at St. Patrick’s Hall, Listowel at 7.00pm.

COMMUNITY Centre Knockanure; Aerobics and Body Conditioning Class on Wed. from 8pm to 9pm, running for 8 weeks, details from Maggie at 087 9866 533.

Social Day was due to be held at Knockanure Centre on Monday 14th March. Table Top and Car boot Sale at Knockanure on Sunday March 20th between Noon and 4pm, book with 068 49799 or 087 7528 626.

SCOIL Chorp Chríost Parents Association, Knockanure will be holding a Church Gate Collection at Knockanure on Sunday, March 20th. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

QUIZ: Scoil Chorp Chríost Parents' Association, Knockanure held a Pub Quiz in Flynn’s Bar, Knockanure on March 4th. To all who attended, occupied tables and bought raffle tickets, we wish to thank you. Thanks to the School teachers for supplying questions and keeping score. Thanks ,also, to Anne and Gerry Woods for accommodating us and supplying amplification, Marian Hall, Moyvane for chairs, Scoil Chorp Chríost for tables and Flynn’s Bar and Enda Murphy, Taxi for extra spot prizes. Winning team were Brendan Keane, Bunagara, Lily and Davey Morris, Coilbee & Margaret McCarthy, Coilbee. who very kindly donated winnings to Parents Association. Runners up following Tie breaker round were Jeremy Gould, Fiona Gould, Liz Coleman, Yvonne Caplice, Breda Caplice, Michelle Hennessy, & Ca O'Regan.

QUIZ: Kerry Credit Union teams who will represent Chapter 23 at R.D.S. Dublin, on Sunday 3rd April 2011.Competition A – Under 11, Lissivigeen N.S. Killarney and Scoil Lios Teilic N.S, Tralee ; Competition B – Under 13 Sliabh a’Mhadra N.S. Ballyduff and Scoil Naomh Eoin Baiste Lispole

IRISH: The Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs funds up to ten accommodation scholarships each year to second level students to attend Colaiste Naomh Eoin on Inis Meain.

PRESCHOOL: Wishing Tree Preschool Tarbert, now enrolling for September 2011.Free ECCE places available, also offering a playgroup for younger children on Wednesday afternoons.

(Qualifications: Fetac Level 5, Fetac Level 6, Special needs, Child psychology, Contact Julie Finucane 087 9940951 for further details.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 11th March 2011, numbers drawn were 13-19-26 and 28, no winner of E7,400 Jackpot .Lucky Dips went to; Aaron Whyte, Lisaniskea;

Dolly Stack, Listowel; Jackie McMahon, Lisaniskea;

Ann O Connor, Keylod; Con Scanlon, Glenoe; Seanie Sweeney, Lisaniskea; Bar prize Edward McCarthy; Next Weeks Jackpot E7,500

SUPPORT: Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service is starting a bereavement support group for young people aged 15 -25 years. The first session will take place on Friday, March 25th at their office in Balloonagh. Contact KACS on 066 7181333

PHARMACEUTICAL Centre; On March 15th & 16th, a delegation of potential investors in this project will be visiting Tralee. A drug for high-risk pregnant women costing about $20 per injection till now in the US. In a week, the price shoots up to $1,500 a dose due to Government regulations.

CANCER Support Group Will launch Daffodil Day in Listowel Arms Hotel on Wednesday 16th at 8pm. Volunteers welcome.

COMPLIANT: European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association, March 8th 2011 announced findings after testing tires sold in the EU for the use of high-PAH oils. Eleven percent of tested tires were non-compliant.

MEPs got and extra monthly allowance of E1,500 recently for extra work and they got the same amount last year also for extra work, they must have lost touch with the present situation.

EU: The world is in turmoil due to high food prices, the EU have capacity to immediately increase milk and other food products, by removing milk quota restrictions and diverting crops being used for bio fuel to food. Lifting of quota restrictions in Ireland will help us pay our national debt. The policy makers allowed the banks to get out of hand, now is their chance to give leadership in the food sector.

NEWS: 07 March 2011 news report that More than 20,000 Christians from all over Pakistan went to a Village in the Faisalabad Diocese for the funeral of Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan's assassinated minister for minorities.

On the same day A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims attacked Coptic homes 30 km from Cairo, and burned the Church of St. Mina and St. George.

ST JOHN’S: Weds 16th, The Water Tower Bucket Boys, four piece group from Portland, Oregon, on guitar, mandolin, fiddle, harmonica and banjo. Fri 18th ,Ceoltóirí Sliábh Luachra, With 22 musicians, singers and dancers, led by Jack Roache;

Weds 23rd, Kerry School of Music, Featuring students from The Listowel Centre. Directed by Aidan O’ Carroll; Thurs 24th,Niall Teague & The Fast Company, Multi instrumentalist Niall

is joined by Pádraic Joyce, Kelvin Busher, Javi Mula, Una Mc Loughlainn and Maidgh O hEanaigh, details from 068 22566.

HISTORY lecture at Tralee Library on March 19th at 3pm with Dr. Declan Downey.

SIAMSA: Michael Collins the Musical runs from 15th to 20th March, more from 066 7123055.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2011 in Listowel, start at the earlier time of 12.30pm. Seán Kelly MEP will be a special guest for the occasion, contact, Matt at 068 21420 or Christy 087 7477372; Ceili at the Arms Hotel on March 16th;ST PATRICK’S Day Mass in Knockanure and Moyvane same time as Sundays. Parade 2011 in Listowel, start at the earlier time of 12.30pm. Seán Kelly MEP will be a special guest for the occasion, contact, Matt at 068 21420 or Christy 087 7477372; Ceili at the Arms Hotel on March 16th; Abbeyfeale Parade will leave the convent yard at 4pm on St Patrick's Day led by the Rathkeale Brass Band; West Limerick Set Dancing Club have a Ceili at the Devon Hotel on St Patrick’s night at 9.30pm, they are also having a Ceili at the Convent Hall in Abbeyfeale on Sunday March 20th at 4pm; Limerick London Association will hold a St Patrick's Dinner Dance on Saturday March 19th at the Crown Moran Hotel, Cricklewood, Broadway. Local man Mayor of Kerry Pat Leahy is going to New York for St Patrick’s Day.

EVENTS: Irish language and cultural festival runs until 17th of March; No cattle sale at Listowel Mart on St Patrick’s Day, General Sale on Friday March 18th; Moyvane Ladies Football registration at the Marian Hall on Monday March 21st at 8.30pm; Afternoon of prayer at Scartaglen Church at 2.45pm on Sunday March 20th; Racing, Cheltenham continues till March 18th and Cork racing on 20th; Open Day at Clonakilty Agricultural College on Tuesday March 22nd at 11am, more from 023 8832 500; Seanchai Centre have an exhibition by Bob Scott during March; Last week we had MS Awareness Week and Tree Week; Energy Show in the RDS on 30-31 March, details from SEAI;

FULL Moon on March 19th. ESO have recently used several telescopes to discover and measure the distance to the most remote mature cluster of galaxies yet found.

TRAIL: At 3pm on St. Patrick's Day a walk will set out from the

Old Station (now the Palatine Centre),Rathkeale, to travel over

the newly surfaced section of the old railway line to Clounagh, near Reens Pike. The return trip is 6 miles and refreshments will be provided at journey's end.

COURSE will run one evening each week in St. Ita's Hospital, Newcastle West for home carers, more from 061 469484.

HELP: The Recovery Haven based in Tralee offers support for those who have finished cancer treatment. For further details contact 066 7192122 or email

HP: Instalment buying survey for year 1938; Mechanically propelled vehicles bought, 4,400, value £778,200; Cycles bought 17,200, value £106,800;Items of furniture 23, 400 bought, value £285,300;Radio Sets 7,500; Musical instruments bought 1,400, value £26,900. Credit Terms ranged from 10% to 40%, some paid 80% to 100%. Minister for Industry and Commerce said in the Dail that his Department had no complaints about hire purchase and he did not intend to regulate the trade.

DIARY: Thomas Crosfield wrote in his diary on March 17th 1628 about the Prince and Peers going to Parliament in this order. First the trumpeters, then the Guard in scarlet, then the four masters of the Chancery in black, following each other were Barons, Judges, Bishops, Viscounts, Earls, King Charles1, Duke of Buckingham and the Earl of Holland. The Kings speech gave the reason for calling parliament was to defend the Kingdom against the Kings of Spain and France and redress grievances in the land. Preacher at Parliament Bishop Laud tried to keep unity in the Bond of Peace.

Beatrix Potter aged 16 wrote in her diary on 16th March 1883, what will be blown up next, an attempt was made to bow up a Government Office in Parliament Street last night, not much damage was done. The Times office attack also failed, Times recent leading article stated that the Irish had got enough and more than enough and need ask for no more.

QUAKE: Experts claim that quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches. The earthquake and tsunami on March 11th in Japan is near the site of an apparition in which the Blessed Virgin warned about a worldwide disaster.

STUDY: new psychology study shows that people who feel loved and accepted by others place lower monetary values on material possessions than folks who feel insecure and unloved.

SOME Christians try to go to heaven alone, in solitude. But believers are not compared to bears or lions or other animals that wander alone. Those who belong to Christ are sheep in this respect, that they love to get together. Sheep go in flocks, and so do God's people, says Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

NIGHT vigil at Knock on Thursday, March 24th, the eve of the Annunciation of the Lord, details 068 31232.

PILGRIMAGE to Rome for Beatification of Pope John Paul on 29th April, details from 087 2618 412.


LOURDES 2011. Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage Retreats in Lourdes, choice of dates from May to Sept. Cost E450. Assistants, helpers, volunteers, cooks, priests etc all very welcome. Further details from Máire Smye on 023 88 33273 or by writing to: CLM HQ, South Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

BIG Crowd attended Ash Wednesday Mass in Knockanure, Fr Lucid assisted by Fr O Callaghan celebrated mass and distributed ashes.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Adoration Abbeyfeale each evening Monday to Friday from 6-8pm, perpetual Adoration began on Monday, March 14, Rosary each evening at 7.30pm. Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent after 10am Mass.

MEDITATION: Fr. Donagh O'Shea OP is facilitating 'Listening To Silence' : Organised by Kerry Christian Meditation groups on 19th March 10am- 4pm at the Parish Centre, St. Brendan’s, Tralee.

DEATH took place on March 6th 2011 of Frank Buckles, at his home in Charles Town, W. Va. he drove an American Army ambulance in France in 1918, Frank was aged 110 .

ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret Horgan, Jimmy Beaton, Mary Ann Collins, Sr. Stanislaus Kennelly, Maureen Kinnane, Dan Joe Murphy, Fr John Beasley, Johnny Stack, Mairead Lyons, John Flaherty, Mossie O Connor, Br. Canice Collins, Tom Daly, Margaret O Connor, Margaret Hanrahan, Helen Kennelly, Dan Joe Leahy, Mass on Tues 15th Knockanure at 7.30pm with the Stations of the Cross after Mass; Mass on Wed 16th Vigil for St. Patrick’s Day 7.30pm Joseph Foley & the deceased members of the Foley Family; Mass on Thurs. 17th St Patrick’s Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, Mass at10.00am in Knockanure for Kitty & Mossie Flaherty and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Nora & Joseph O’Connor & Pascal O’Rourke;

Mass on Fri. 18th at 7.30pm for John Holly; Mass on Sat. 19th 7.30pm for Kitty & Willie Shine; Mass on Sun. 20th at 10.00am for Patrick & Margaret O’Connor, Keylod an the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Nora & Michael Roche, Glin Road.


DEATH took place on February 22nd 2011 of Monsignor James Pierce, at Seal Beach, California, he was born in 1918 at Ballinorig House Tralee to Dan Pierce and Mary Diggin, and he was eldest of eight children. His was predeceased by siblings, Pat, Sr. Eileen Baptist, Sr. Rosario, Maurice and Margaret. His brother Fr Tom and Dan survive him. Fr James was ordained in June 1944 and spent 66 years serving in America he had an Uncle Monsignor Patrick Pierce who was a Pastor at Oceanside Parish in Los Angeles. Fr James Pierce was a great GAA sportsman. , Requiem Mass in St. John’s Church Tralee on Saturday, March 19th at 12 noon. Interment afterwards in St John's Church grounds.

TROCAIRE Boxes are available at every church at present. February 1975 Trocaire expected to collect between a quarter and half a million pounds for their activities.

DEACON: The Diocese of Kerry is continuing to invite applicants for the Permanent Diaconate. If you are a single man, age 25-55, or a married man, age 35-55 , please contact Fr Eoin Mangan at 087 2401201.

SISTERS of the Medical Mission of Mary will address all Masses in Listowel this weekend the 19th & 20th March.

Confessions before the Vigil Mass on Saturdays.

READERS: Vigil, Michelle Corridan and Vigil for 17th March Bridget McCarthy; 11.00am Paul & Anthony Kiely; Knockanure 20th March Mary Carmody & Mary Fitzgerald

CHY 2 Certs; Parishioners who contribute a total of E250 or more to the Church will receive a CHY 2 please complete them.


11 March 23 Knockanure






PARADES on St Patrick's Day were well attended, the day was dry, but in exposed areas it was rather cool. The parade in Listowel was great with both locals and foreign groups participating. The Polish band was a delight to hear and observe their marching ,several schools from the district put on various forms of entertainment, big numbers of pupils were involved and were a credit to their leaders. Sad to see so many of the long standing members and supporters of the Listowel St Patrick's Day parade, missing this year. We appreciate their entire endeavour over the years. See youtube , knockanurelocal.

ST Patrick's Day mass in Knockanure was again well attended, local children had appropriate festive posters on display and the choir sang with many joining in with them, Miss Moore was on the organ. Thanks to the sacristan who had the church decorated and Fr Lucid who said the Mass in Irish. Members of Riverdance and about 100 dancers performed in Central Station Sydney for St Patrick's Day; Mark Kennelly son of Colm Kennelly of Ballylongford was at the Whitehouse for St Patrick's Day. Knockanure School and Kearney’s Window in Moyvane is again dressed to reflect St Patrick’s Day.

SALE at the Community Centre on Sunday last had again a great variety, one man a former miner from Wales had a multitude of jam varieties on his stand.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto results for 18th March 2011, no winner of E7,500 Jackpot. Numbers drawn were 10-20-22 and 23 .Lucky Dips went to the following, Kathleen Carmody, Kilmorna; Gerry Fealey, Bedford, Listowel; Ben Shields, c/o John Barry; Ronan Kerin, Ballygrenan; Teresa Collins, Lisaniskea; Thomas Moran, Lyre; Bar Prize Joe Enright;

Next Weeks Jackpot E7,600.

SUPPORT: Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service is starting a bereavement support group for young people aged 15 -25 years. The first session will take place on Friday, March 25th at their office in Balloonagh. Contact KACS on 066 7181333

ST JOHN’S: Weds 23rd, Kerry School of Music, Featuring students from The Listowel Centre. Directed by Aidan O’ Carroll; Thurs 24th,Niall Teague & The Fast Company, Multi instrumentalist Niall is joined by Pádraic Joyce, Kelvin Busher, Javi Mula, Una Mc Loughlainn and Maidgh O hEanaigh; Sat. 26th, From River To Sea, C.D. launch of favourite songs with Louis O Carroll & friends – In support of Listowel Hospice; Mon 28th -Fri 1st April, The Shakespeare Sessions, Cyclone Repertory presents Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice & Romeo and Juliet. Two performances daily: 10.30am & 1.30pm; Tues 29th, Film Club – Leaving, Directed by Catherine Cousins; Thurs 31st An Evening with Frances Black, details from 068 22566.

COWS are out now and again over recent weeks, ground is cold and growth is slow. One man tells me that he is bringing grass to his cows indoors for past month. If a cow has twins an official will come out to see them, anything to keep a job.

BIGGEST Full Moon in 18 years was there on Sat. last, it affected high and low tides. There is a fine display of daffodils again this year the frost earlier did not do any damage to them. Curler appears plentiful but the rock thrush who sang every spring from the tallest tree has vanished.

EVENTS: Scor na bPaisti County Finals at Tintean Theatre on Sunday March 27th at 2.30pm; A 35 week Fetac accredited full time course in radio production is planned to commence in Abbeyfeale shortly. For further details contact 068 32444; Garden class in Abbeyfeale will run from Wednesday, March 23rd and each Wednesday book with 087 6866450; Start your own business course is to begin in Castleisland shortly, details from 066 7183 522; CPR Training at Athea on March 26th, details from 087 2589 872; Youth Club in Listowel Is having a Bring & Buy Sale on Friday 25th March from 12 to 5pm. Upper William St, opposite the Post Office, contact Louise on 087 6411271; Listowel Family Resource Centre Women's Group are hosting a Cake Sale, on 5th April at 7.30pm. All proceeds going to North Kerry Alzheimer's Day Care; Bazaar group in Listowel are holding a meeting on Friday 25th March at 7.30pm.

in the New Sacristy Listowel, All committee members are asked to attend; Lecture on Medieval Nunneries by Tracey Collins at Tralee Library 7.30pm; Kerry Autism Action Group will meet at the Abbeygate Hotel on 30th March at 8.15pm; Kerry Cork health link bus, details from 066 7195 560; Community Bus to Listowel every Tuesday, book with 1890 528 528; Bus promoting holidays in Kerry will be touring England till April 15th; Cistercian College, Roscrea, introductory morning Sat. 26th March, details from 0505 22066; Daffodils were on sale last weekend after the 10am Mass in Knockanure;

Energy Show in the RDS on 30-31 March, details from SEAI; Mercury can be seen next to Jupiter after sunset for a few days, then it will not be out of sight again until autumn; Albert Einstein's documents will go online shortly; 3,000 Volunteers needed for the Dublin Eucharistic Congress, details from ; The 2011 Census of Population Enumerators for the Moyvane area are Anna Marie Kennelly, Marie Behan and Marguerite Lynch, details from 086 4106478.

CELEBRATION: The Vocational School in Abbeyfeale is holding a celebration weekend to mark its contribution to education, Thursday, March 31st, Plaque unveiling at 6:45pm at the Vocational School with a Lecture at 7:45 p.m. followed by Publication launch. Friday, April 1 Mass at 3:00 p.m. for Staff & Students past and present at Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale; On Friday evening the School is open

from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday, April 2 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. an exhibition of old photographs, memorabilia and the old roll books. Contact the school on 068 31198.

BOOK is being compiled on local railways, contact Liam O Mahony , Newcastle West at 087 6471 956.

CONCERN international writing competition, details on concern website.

SIAMSA: Colm Murphy on Comedy on March 26th; Poets in the Doghouse 4 on Wed. March 30th and National Dance Company of Wales Fri. April 1st, more from 066 71230 55.

TB: Mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis in 1939 was 2,617; In 1940 deaths from TB, 2,907 and in 1943 deaths amounted to 3398. Non pulmonary tuberculosis deaths in 1939 amounted to 687.Patients examined at St Vincent’s Hospital in 1934, 34% were incurable 50% readily curable and 16% would take 6 months to 2 years to cure. At this years 2011 parade met a former TB patient who was treated in Dublin, he had a list of Kerrymen in his company there, his job being young was to operate the Radio. Kerryman of 27th June 1964 reports that the Blue Card round of TB eradication in Kerry was bringing the County nearer to attestation. Kerry had then 16,000 herds ad 270,000 cattle.

ST Patrick while a slave in Ireland, recalled in his confessions, I heard in my sleep a voice saying to me: `It is well that you fast, soon you will go to your own country.' And again, after a short while, I heard a voice saying to me: `See, your ship is ready.' And it was not near, but at a distance of perhaps two hundred miles, and I had never been there, nor did I know a living soul there; and then I took to flight, and I left the man with whom I had stayed for six years. And I went in the strength of God who directed my way to my good, and I feared nothing until I came to that ship. Many of us today lack faith in God, depriving us reaching our full ability.

USA: When George Washington took office in 1789, there were 30,000 Catholics in America. John Adams said they were "scarce as earthquakes." By 1850, Catholics had become the biggest denomination. There were only twenty-three priests in America in 1776.

PILGRIMAGES: Night vigil at Knock on Thursday, March 24th, the eve of the Annunciation of the Lord, details 068 31232; Pilgrimage to Rome for Beatification of Pope John Paul on 29th April, details from 087 2618 412; Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage Retreats in Lourdes, Further details from Máire Smye on 023 88 33273 or by writing to: CLM HQ, South Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Adoration Abbeyfeale each evening Monday to Friday from 6-8pm, perpetual Adoration and Rosary each evening at 7.30pm. Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent after 10am Mass. Latin Mass was read at the Holy Cross, Dominican church Tralee on Sunday last.

OUR faith and our friendships are not shattered by one big act, but by many small neglects, says J. Gustav White.

CONFIRMATION on Thursday 24th March will be given to nearly 80 candidates at a Ceremony at 3.30pm in Listowel Church.

MINISTERS ; All readers of the Pastoral Area of Listowel, Lixnaw, Duagh and Moyvane are asked to attend a Workshop

on Wednesday night next (23rd March) in St. Patrick’s Hall from 8pm to 9.30pm. It will be given by Frances Roland of the Diocesan Pastoral Team.

DEATH took place of Kitty Fitzgerald nee Fitzgerald of the Railway Bar, Abbeyfeale, on March 15th 2011. Kitty was daughter of Paddy Fitzgerald and Catherine Quirke of Knocknasna, Abbeyfeale. Kitty is survived by her husband Dick, children Carina, Carmel, Ann, Thomas and Pat. Siblings Pa, Mike, Margie, Phil, Daisy, Julia and Helen. John, Billy, Theresa, Nancy, Mary Agnes and Nora Ita predeceased Kitty. Following Requiem Mass at the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale on Saturday March 19th 2011 Kitty Fitzgerald was laid to rest at St. Mary's Cemetery Abbeyfeale.

Recent deaths; Joan Stack, Mai Holyoake, John Quinlivan, Mary Halpin, Kitty Harnett, Eleanor Scanlon.

ANNIVERSARIES: Mary White, Joe Collins, Willie Shine, Sr. Theresa Mary O Connor, Elizabeth Buckley, Mary Kennelly, Kitty Shine, Hannah Moloney, Willie Moore, Fr James Cunningham, John Michael Hanrahan, Ellen Fitzgerald, Margaret M Horton, Ellen McAuliffe, Sean Somers, Mike and Denis Hanrahan, Months Mind Mass on Tues 22nd at Knockanure 7.30pm for Emmet Leahy, with the Stations of the Cross after Mass; Mass on Wed 23rd at 9.15am for William J. O’Connor Dore; Mass on Fri. 25th at 7.30pm for Michael, Ann & Denis Hanrahan; Mass on Sat. 26th at 7.30pm for Michael Moloney, Leitrim Middle at the request of Eddie & Christina Moloney in the U.S.A; Mass in Knockanure on Sun. 27th at 10.00am for Nancy & Jack McMahon.

VOCATIONS Day hosted by Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. If you are aged 18-45. We invite you to consider Priesthood, at home and aboard from 10am - 4pm on Sunday 10th April at Sacred Heart Centre, Western Road, Cork. Contact, Fr. John Fitzgerald MSC Vocations Director. Phone 086 8626007




11 March 30 Knockanure




ENROLMENT Forms for new junior infants are available at Scoil Chorp Chriost, Knockanure National School during the week of March 28th and April 1st 2011.

THANKS: Staff and Bord of Management of Scoil Chorp Chriost, Knockanure National School wish to thank the Munster Council of the GAA especially Sean Walsh, Chairman, for their generous donation to the school playing field development. Thanks also to EBS Abbeyfeale for their recent donation to the school.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 25th March 2011. Numbers drawn 3-8-12-26, No Winner of Jackpot E7,600 ; Lucky Dips went to the following; Tom Cahill ,Abbeyfeale;

Noelle Clancy, Knockanure ;Sandra Clancy, Knockanure; Ann Jones, Ballybunion; Paudie Flavin, Trien; Adrian Grimes, Listowel; Bar Prize went to Donie Sullivan; Next Weeks Jackpot E7,700.

MOTHER’S Day Sunday April 3rd.

SENIOR Citizens meeting at the Marian Hall on Wed. March 30th.

ST JOHN’S: Thurs 31st An Evening with Frances Black; New play, The Job by local man Gerard Barrett will be performed on stage on April 2nd and 3rd, all the actors are locals, Cast: John Naughton, Muiris Crowley, Shaun McDonnell, James Allman, Derek Dalton, Emer O Neill, Fiachra McKeever, Muiris Stack, Seamus Keane & Trevor Corridan; Weds 6th, Corners,

Listowel Community College Music Performance Course presents an evening of music for charity, details from 068 22566.

SIAMSA: Poets in the Doghouse 4 on Wed. March 30th and National Dance Company of Wales Fri. April 1st, more from 066 71230 55.

COMHALTAS: All membership must be with the local branch secretary before the end of April. National Congress at Tullamore on may bank holiday weekend. April 1st to 3rd Mid Atlantic Region Fleadh Cheoil at Parsippany, New Jersey; April 8th to 10th Mid West Region Fleadh Cheoil at Chicago. Comhaltas archives has 15,000 audio items and 4,000 photographs, visit

CHORAL: Kerry Choral Union presents their 30th Anniversary concert in Our Lady & St Brendan’s Church, Tralee on Sunday, April 10th at 7.30pm. Musical Director: Sharon Reidy.

BOOT Appeal for Cambodia, football boots, jerseys, shorts and socks hand them in to Farrell’s Shoe Shop, Church St., Listowel. Collection during month of March for information contact on 0871363777 or 068-27435.

CELEBRATION: Abbeyfeale Vocational School, An open invitation is being extended to anyone who had an association with the School since 1951.Thursday, March 31st at 7:15p.m.

Plaque unveiling followed by a book launch in the School and opening of Photographic Exhibition; Friday, April 1st at 3:00 p.m.: Commemorative Mass at the Church of the Assumption of Abbeyfeale for the School Community past and present. Photographic and memorabilia Exhibition from 6-8pm, Refreshments served; Saturday, April 2 from 2-4pm Photographic and memorabilia Exhibition – Refreshments served. Contact the school on 068 31198.

COMMUNITY College in Listowel Will hold an open & information night for parents of 6th class pupils on Wednesday 30th March from 7.00pm. to 9.30pm.

CLASSES on several subjects available at Listowel Family Resource Centre, details from 068-23584 or 086-8556431.

NEW Moon on April 3rd, we are having lovely sunny weather by day, but the nights are a little frosty retarding growth. Prices of calves and milk are high at the present, so caution is important, to prevent another boom and bust situation.

EVENTS: Moyvane ICA were due to meet on Tuesday 29th March at 7.15pm; Listowel Family Resource Centre Women's Group are hosting a Cake Sale, on 5th April at 7.30pm. All proceeds going to North Kerry Alzheimer's Day Care; Kerry Autism Action Group will meet at the Abbeygate Hotel on 30th March at 8.15pm; Fashion Show in conjunction with Athea Road Race Club will be held at the Gables on April 8th; This week is organ donor week; Ceili at Tournafulla n April 8th starting at 9.30pm; Health Promotion Week is being held at Listowel Community College and continues till April 1st , more from 068 21023; Volunteer recruitment day at IT Tralee on Tuesday April 5th from 10am to 3pm; Energy Show in the RDS on 30-31 March, details from SEAI; Earth Hour on Saturday night last, when many turned off their lights for one hour; Kerry Cork health link bus, details from 066 7195 560; Community Bus to Listowel every Tuesday, book with 1890 528 528; Craft Fair at the Carlton Hotel, Tralee on Eater Sunday, more from 087 6211 752; Association of Countrywomen worldwide are holding a conference in Dublin from 4th to 8th April; Marriage Encounter weekend at the Lake Hotel, Killarney from April 8th to 10th, details from 064 6644 319; Claude Kabemba, Director of the Southern Africa Resource Watch will speak on Wednesday 6th April at The Metropole Hotel, Cork at 7pm ; On 5th and 6th April MEPs will vote on EU’s new investment policy, some are worried that the policy will favour big corporations; The Large Hadron Collider” lecture by Dr Stephen Myers, takes place in Trinity College Dublin, on Monday, April 11th, details from 01 847 0777; Scientists are to drill Earth's mantle and get samples; Day trip to Powerscourt House and gardens on April 17th, details from 087 9845 102;

STROKE Support Group are holding a meeting St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre, Tralee on Wednesday, March 30th at 7.30pm. Topic: What to do when stroke strikes – first aid. Presentation by Irish Red Cross. Admission free. All welcome to attend

DAFFODIL Day; Many volunteers were out collecting for daffodil day. 1961 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed in 2008, campaigners are pressing the government to spend E12 million on anti- smoking campaign.

BOOK: Seán Lyons will be reading extracts from his book of humorous poetry "It Could Be Verse" in John B's pub, Listowel on Friday 8th of April at 9pm, all proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald House, Crumlin.

BEST Wishes to Jim and Betty Moody who recently celebrated their 40th anniversary recently at the Gables.

BEST Wishes also to Patsy Flynn of Kilmorna who celebrated his birthday last week at the Gables with his family.

JOBS: Green Works is new nationwide education programme, offering training to jobseekers. Green Works is funded by the Department of Education and Skills through the Labour Market Activation Fund with support from The European Social Fund. All courses and workshops are free to anyone receiving unemployment payments.

RECALLING: Continental Tires is recalling 390,657 defective tires, mostly installed as original equipment in 2008-’09.

WORK on the bridge near the mart in Abbeyfeale is like the tribunals, concrete that would last a lifetime is being replaced by more concrete and then the digging begins again.

SOME Women Civil War prisoners.

Kate Breen , Killarney; Nora Brick, Tralee; Nora Brosnan Castlegregory; Cathleen Cantillon, Tralee; Hannah and Mary Clifford, Tralee; Katie Daly, Castleregory; Peg Fitzgerald, Castlegregory; Mary Fleming, Tralee; Annie Foley, Tralee; Dorothy Hannifin, Tralee; Sheila Hartnett, Kenmare; Julia Hassett, Kerry; Pauline Hassett, Tralee; Nora G Hurley Tralee; Mary McSwiney, Tralee; S. McInerney, Kilkee; Margaret Morrissey, West Limerick; Hannah Moynihan, Tralee; Sheila Nagle, Castlemaine; Teresa O Connell, Caherdaniel; Bridie and Hannah O Connor, Tralee; Elizabeth O Donnell, Castlegregory; Eileen O Shea, Tralee; Jo and Margaret Power, Tralee; Agnes Sheehy, Tralee; Annie Sinnott, Tralee; Nora Spillane, Killarney; Annette Tyndall, Tralee.

QUEEN: Limerick Chronicle of 17th April 1900, reports that Princess Christian visited yesterday St Mary’s Dominican Convent Cabra and the adjacent institution for the deaf and dumb girls, fine work of art produced by the pupils was on display, she later visited the Mater. The Queen receives bouquet from soldier wives. Cardinal Logue dines with the Queen; she also visited the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Dundrum. Limerick address to the Queen also Clare presented address and photo album of Clare scenery. Postmaster and staff of Tarbert Post Office sent telegram of congratulations to the Queen she was unable to visit Belfast. Other items of news on the day include, John Walsh accused of taking £9 from the Guardian of the Franciscan Church Fr. Moloney. Kilrush Board of Guardians doctor did not attend a poor person in case of urgent necessity.

Death of Mrs Casey aged 90 years mother of Michael Casey D.C Rathkeale.

US :Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently said that he would rather shut down the U.S. government than allow cuts in the $170 million funding to Planned Parenthood .

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire happened 25th March 1911

WORTH of each day; The largest portion of our life passes while we are doing ill, a goodly share while we are doing nothing, and the whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose. What man can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day, who understands that he is dying daily? Brett & Kate McKay.

VOCATIONS Day hosted by Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. If you are aged 18-45. We invite you to consider Priesthood, at home and aboard from 10am - 4pm on Sunday 10th April at Sacred Heart Centre, Western Road, Cork. Contact, Fr. John Fitzgerald MSC Vocations Director. Phone 086 8626007

Newspaper reports that 216-year old Maynooth College may close. The president of St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Mgr Hugh Connolly has denied that the seminary is going to close.

St Joseph Young Priests Society in 2009 helped 817 students and 147 of them were Ordained in 2008/9.

TALK: Sr. Mary McKearney of the Medical Missionaries of Mary will give a talk at all masses in the Parish this weekend.

VOLUNTEER: Irish Aid Volunteering and Information Centre, O’Connell Street , more from or ring 01 4783490;

SAMARITANS Collection at Christmas amounted to E454.08.

DEATH took place on March 23rd 2011 of Michael Holly of Leitrim East, Moyvane and late of Dublin. Michael is survived by his wife Kathleen, brothers and sisters. Following Requiem Mass at Moyvane Church on Saturday March 26th Michael Holly was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery Knockanure.

ANNIVERSARIES: Mick Relihan, Donal Brosnan, Margaret Brassil, Bill Kelly, Fr John Dalton, Ted Keane, James Cunningham, Jason Toolan, Willie O Sullivan, Eily Carr, Mai Hickey, George O Donnell, John Downey, Bridie Shine, Timmy Keane, Mass at 8pm on Wed. 30th for James and Catherine Kilkelly; Mass for Michael Flynn in Knockanure on Thursday 31st at 8pm; Mass on Sat. 2nd in Moyvane at 8pm for Nora Brosnan and deceased members of the Joy family; Mass at 10am on Sunday 3rd in Knockanure for Tim and Hanna Leahy and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for John, Timothy and Hannah Flaherty and deceased members of the Flaherty family.

STATIONS of the Cross and Mass in Knockanure on Tuesday at 7.30pm and in Moyvane on First Friday April 1st at 8pm.

RETREAT: Ardfert Retreat Centre; Lenten Journey due to be held on Tuesday March 29th from 8pm to 10pm. Facilitator: Margaret Culloty. On Sunday, April 3rd at 3 pm A Service of Remembrance will take place for all parents who have experienced bereavement recently or in the past through

miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. For booking contact 066 7134276.

PASTORAL Parish Councils training at St Patrick’s Hall, Listowel on Tuesday 29th of March at 8pm.

LAST Supper Filmed entirely on locations in the Holy Land and the Middle East, can be viewed in the Parish Centre St John's Tralee on Tuesday, March 29th at 8pm.

READINGS at Mass on Sunday? Would you like to see what relevance they have, come to the Parish Centre St John's, Tralee on Wednesday nights: March 30th, April 6th and 13th from 8pm – 9pm.

GARMENT of Suffering is being stitched together from bits of cloth donated by the public in Newcastle West, it will be displayed on Good Friday.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Adoration Abbeyfeale each evening Monday to Friday from 6-8pm, perpetual Adoration and Rosary each evening at 7.30pm. Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent after 10am Mass.

READERS: Vigil, John Corbett, 11am Amanda Coulson, Knockanure April 3rd Patricia and Andrew Rogan.

COLLECTORS for Apil, Vigil, Tom Hanrahan and Olive Keane; 11am Jeremiah Mulvihill and Diarmuid Keane; Knockanure 10am Maurice Dowling.

FIRST Friday of the month, usual Communion Rounds Knockanure in the morning and Moyvane in the afternoon.

WATCH out for Mass, choir and pageant under direction of Fr Pat Ahern on RTE at Easter, choir are now being assembled.




11 April 6 Knockanure




SOCIAL Day; The next social day for the Active Retirement takes place at Knockanure Community Centre on Monday 11th April, 2011. Anybody wishing to attend please ring the office at 068 49799 between Monday to Friday 9.30 to 1.30 or 087 7528626 anytime. All Welcome. Physiotherapy Clinic at Knockanure Community Centre

A Physiotherapist attends Knockanure Community Centre weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a branch of First Step Rehabilitation Centre Patrickswell. For more information or to make an appointment ring Sentil on 087 7777600 or 061 320330. or contact Knockanure Community Centre @ 068 49799.

THANKS: Following our recent Sponsored Walk at Knockanure Community Centre, we have donated a contribution to Irish Dogs For Disabled. Thanking everybody who contributed to the walk.

LOTTO results for Knockanure GAA ,1st April 2011, numbers drawn were 7-10-22 and 30, no winner of Jackpot E7,700. Lucky Dips went to the following; Michael Costello, Kilmorna;

Patricia Lynch, Gortdromagouna; Mike Collins, Woodford;

Jim Connolly, Trien; Eileen Slemon, Feale Drive; Mary Lane, Beenanasbug; Bar Prize Patsy Lane; This Weeks Jackpot E7,800.

A.G.M. Moyvane Development Association will be held on Tuesday 5th April in the Marian Hall at 9pm. All are welcome to attend and new members are especially welcome. We wish to Thank Kerry Co. Co. Environmental Dept., Mayor of Kerry, our own Councillor Pat Leahy and the teachers and pupils of Murhur National School who helped launched “National Spring Clean” in Kerry on a beautiful “Spring” Monday morning at the Lime Kiln this week.

THANKS: Moyvane I.C.A. A big thank you to all who bought daffodils and teas at the Bingo in aid of the Cancer Society. Money raised amounted to E1,450.

EVENTS: Abbeydorney Drama Group present Women on the Verge of HRT by Marie Jones in Abbeydorney on 6th and 8th of April at 8.30pm; Open Day at Duagh School on April 8th to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its opening ; ICA Federation AGM will be held in Tralee on Sunday 10th April at 2.30pm; Ceili in Tournafulla Friday April 8th ,starting at 9.30pm; Fashion Show in conjunction with Athea Road Race Club will be held at the Gables on April 8th; Information on Organ Donor Awareness Week from 087 2053 962, about 650 people in this country are waiting for organs; JFC Innovation Awards will be held at the Clayton Hotel Galway on April 11th, prize fund E40,000; Annual poetry festival in remembrance of Michael Hartnett takes place in Newcastle West from 14th to 16th April, details from; Easter Sunday dawn Mass in Tarbert at 5.30am; Community Bus to Listowel every Tuesday, book with 1890 528 528; Craft Fair at the Carlton Hotel, Tralee on Easter Sunday, more from 087 6211 752; Day trip to Powerscourt House and gardens on April 17th, details from 087 9845 102;

SCOR: Congratulations to Moyvane Ballad Group who recently came first in the Scor na bPaisti at Tintean in Ballybunion. The All Ireland Senior Scor competition finals will be held at INEC in Killarney at 3pm on Saturday April 9th.

KDYS National Variety Finals, Limerick Saturday 16th April.

CONGRATULATIONS to St Michael’s College who recently won the All Ireland Colleges C Football Final, they beat Mercy Kilbeggan , it is St Michael’s first All Ireland title.

LOCALS: Tom O Callaghan of Moyvane Chief Executive of ICOS has a very important role to play in making the views of 130 Co-Operatives and businesses heard by the policy makers, members of ICOS have a turnover of E10 billion. Conor Mulvihill from Moyvane is based in Europe backing up the work of his neighbour Tom; Rewind a film directed by P J Dillon of Listowel is now showing in cinemas, PJ has many relations in the district; Mark Kennelly, another man with many cousins in the Parish, is also in a very high profile position. has received the PC Magazine Editors' Choice Award, only 5 percent of the technology products reviewed by the magazine, receive this award., founded by Jerry Kennelly, his grandfather came from Ballylongford.

BUSINESS: Enterprise Ireland will hold a seminar at the Manor West Hotel on Thursday 14th April, more from 061 77 7039; Start your own food business talk will be given at the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee on 20th April starting at 11am, details from 087 6386 501.It will take a year for the government apparatus to organise subsidised flights between Kerry and Dublin, viable job creation will also be on the long finger. Some of the 8 billion euro is being spent on the experiment of the Large Hadron Collider, a bit of that money would promote regional development. As hope of government promises fade, day by day, a bounty to anyone who would leave the country for six months may be the only option.

PRIDE and Power; I know intellectually how vulnerable I am to pride and power, I am the last one to know when I succumb to their seduction. That's why spiritual Lone Rangers are so dangerous - and why we must depend on trusted brothers and sisters who love us enough to tell us the truth, says Chuck Colson.

BLOOD Transfusion Service will be at the Brandon Hotel on the 6th and 7th of April from 3pm to 5pm and from 7pm to 9pm, more from;

ST JOHN’S: Wed. 6th Listowel Community College presents Corners; Tuesday 12th to Sat. 16th , local cast present a comic drama called Looking for Love by Jimmy Keary; A mixed media exhibition by Sean Walsh of Tipperary will be on display till end of April, details from 068 22566.

THE JOB by Gerard Barrett was performed last weekend at St John’s by, John Naughton, Muiris Crowley, Shaun O Donnell, James Allman, Derek Dalton, Emer O Neill, Fiachra McKeever, Muiris Stack, Seamus Keane and Trevor Corridan. Great credit to all of them who entertained us for Mother’s Day.

SIAMSA: Film for retired people called, Key Largo will take place at Siamsa Tire on Wednesday, April 6th at 2pm.

Shannon Stage School present musical at Siamsa 14th and 15th of April.

CHORAL: Kerry Choral Union presents their Anniversary concert in Our Lady & St Brendan’s Church, Tralee on Sunday, April 10th at 7.30pm. Musical Director: Sharon Reidy. Palm Sunday, 17th April, the Kerry Chamber Choir and Orchestra, under the direction of Aidan O’Carroll, will perform Handel’s Messiah, here at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel, at 8.00pm.

AWARE group and friends meet every Tuesday at 8pm in the Sacristy rooms at the back of St. John’s Church, Tralee. Kerry Relatives Support Group meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at The Meadowlands Hotel at 8pm. Call Kate on 087-2993142 Helpline – 1890 303 302 .

TALK: John Lonergan will give a talk at Kirby’s Lanterns Hotel, Tarbert, on April 7th, at 7.00pm. All welcome.

GRIEF & Loss:- A presentation by Ms Bernie Carroll will take place at the Courtney Lodge Hotel, Newcastle West on Thursday, April 7th at 7.30pm. Topics include: reaction to loss, what to say to children, how to help others through grief,

recognising and responding to signs of distress and resources.

VOCATIONAL School in Abbeyfeale celebrated their educational achievements since they opened in 1951over the last weekend, their commemorative booklet has a fine selection of pictures and articles. It is planned that students from the Vocational School and the other secondary schools in Abbeyfeale will enter a new purpose built college in autumn 2011, the new school will have a capacity for 850 students and have 15 management and administration offices. Abbeyfeale Vocational School pictures are at on the Abbeyfeale page.

SOME local church records; William Dore born March 1832 of Kilbaha, son of Michael Dore and Ellen Shanahan; James Dore , Moyvane born April 1830 to Nicholas Dore and Ann Connor; Bridget Dore, Moyvane born Dec. 1857 to John Dore and Nora Lindon; Tom O Connor Moyvane born Oct. 1822 to Tom Connor and Alice Dore; Margaret Dore, Gortdromosillihy born Feb. 1881 to John Dore and Mary O Connor; Mary Bridget Enright , Moyvane born Feb. 1883 to Brian Enright and Bridget Dore; Marriage Moyvane 1844 of John Pelican and Ellen Barrett; William Pelican born March 1840 Moyvane to Edward Pelican and Mary Regan; Edward Pelican born 1858; Marriage 1890 of Edward Pelican son of Edward Pelican and Nora Riordan; Nora Pelican born Moyvane 1877 daughter of Ned Pelican and Nora Riordan; Marriage Moyvane Feb. 1866 of Michael Kennelly son of James and Ann Pelican daughter of Edward pelican; James Kennelly born Feb. 1884 son of Michael Kennelly and Ann Pelican; Baptised in Listowel church Ned pelican, Moyvane son of William Pelican and Ann Cusack; Ellen Milane born Tubbertureen Feb. 1833 to John Milane and Catherine Moore, sponsors Pat Kennelly and Sarah Mulvihill; Marriage in Moyvane of Michael Kennelly Athea and Catherine Cunningham of Kilbaha Feb. 1860, Catherine was daughter of Dan Cunningham and sponsors were John Dore and John Stack; Denis Kennelly of Athea son of Pat Kennelly and Helen Mullane married Mary Leahy of Knockanure in Feb. 1861 Mary was daughter of James Leahy and sponsors were James Leahy and John Stack; David Neligan born 1837 Duagh, to David Neligan and Mary Moloney; More at

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Adoration Abbeyfeale each evening Monday to Friday from 6-8pm, perpetual Adoration and Rosary each evening at 7.30pm. Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent after 10am Mass. Holy Hour on Sundays in Athea from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.

RELIGION: After a trial year, "Foundations of religious culture and ethics" will be taught in all Russian schools in 2012 the Russian Ministry of Education announced on March 23rd in Moscow . On March 30, 1981, Ronald Reagan, aged 70 president for only 10 weeks, was struck by a bullet centimetres from his heart. It appears that the conversion of Russia was a priority for him. Television repair man Serge François, who had a paralysed left leg has done a 1,000-mile hike to Santiago de Compostela, he was cured at Lourdes in 2002.

NZ: A total of 184 buildings in Christchurch's central business district will be demolished or partly demolished following the recent earthquake.

WALK: Annual Good Friday Walk in aid of Hospice is taking place on 22nd April, from St. Patrick’s Hall, at 11am. Sponsorship cards are available from Kay at 087 6975682, Julie at 087 6210742 or JK Sports Shop, William St.

WANTED volunteers for St Michael's Churchyard to clean up areas of dumping throughout the graveyard and to do some necessary maintenance work.

RTE: Teen SpiriT: concert will be covered on RTE Nationwide on Wednesday, April 6th at 7pm. Good Friday and Holy Saturday St John’s, Tralee ceremonies. will be live on RTE

PROMOTE an awareness of our Christian responsibility to work for justice, peace and the integrity of creation locally and in the wider world, meeting will take place in John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Killarney on Wednesday, April 6th from 7.30pm – 9.30pm.

MEDJUGORJE Pilgrimage, 28th May departing from Cork. Contact Breda King 066 7122267 .

DEATH has taken place of John (Jackie) Broderick of Coilbee, Listowel, following Requiem Mass in Listowel Church on Sunday April 3rd 2011, Jackie Broderick was laid to rest at St Michael’s Churchyard, Listowel.

ANNIVERSARIES: Nora Buckley, Bill Mangan, Bess Daly, Fr Tom Daly, Paddy Scanlon, Mary of the Sacred Heart Leahy, Margaret Ahen, Matt Costelloe, Joe Walsh, Fr Mike Dalton, Michael Sweeney, Francis Barry, Mary Agnes Brown, Jer Mulvihill, Francis Woulfe, Paddy Hanrahan, Johnny Buckley, Maud Brennan, Tom Fitzmaurice, Fr James Galvin, Nora Danaher, Timothy Buckley, Nora Brosnan, Mary Joy, Bridie Graham, Peg Kennelly, Mass on Tues 5th at 8.00pm in Knockanure for Patrick & Catherine Hanrahan; Mass on Wed 6th at 7.30pm for Johnny Stack; Mass on Thurs. 7th at 8.00pm for James & Margaret Kennelly with the Stations of the Cross after Mass; Mass on

Fri. 8th at 8.00pm for Jer Mulvihill; Mass on Sat. 9th at 8.00pm for Jack & Maud Fitzmaurice; Mass on Sun. 10th at 10.00am for Ellen & Vanda Horgan and the 11 am Mass in Moyvane is for

Catherine Mulvihill.

MISSIONARIES: Sr. Mary McKearney from the Medical Missionaries of Mary will speak to us on the 9th & 10th April at all Masses and take up a collection towards the end of Mass.

VOCATIONS; Do you feel called to the Priesthood? Contact Vocation Director - Fr Liam Lovell. 087 1640967

World Youth Day Madrid 2011 will take place this year from 15th - 21st August. The parish would like to have representation at this special International Event. Pope Benedict XVI will address & welcome the Youth from all over the world. Any youth aged 18 - 35 Interested, please give your name into the Presbytery to Fr. John Lucid P.P.

READERS: Vigil, Elaine Hudson; 11.00am Jerry Duggan & Deirdre Moloney; Knockanure 10th April, Mary O’Flaherty & Siobhan Fitzgerald.

Liturgy Group Meeting on Tuesday 5th April at 8.30pm in the Presbytery.

OFFERINGS; Now that the month of April is upon us, would all the parishioners who have not yet done so, please return the March Offering Envelopes.



11 April 13 Knockanure



SOCIAL Day; for the Active Retirement was due to takes place at Knockanure Community Centre on Monday 11th April, 2011. More information at 087 7528626. Thanks to all who were involved in the recent sponsored walk, E300 was donated to Irish Dogs for the Disabled.

YOGO Classes begin a Knockanure Centre on Friday 15th April from 8pm to 9.30pm , details from 087 2700 518.

TREASURE Hunt; Easter Egg Hunt at Knockanure for children on April 17th from 2pm to 4pm. Entertainment with Kids Party Club, Puppet Show, Disco with DJ Funky and Magic Tricks, more from 068 49799.

WHEELCHAIR Society of Listowel had a get-together at Knockanure Community Centre on Wednesday April 6th 2011, they had a meal and were entertained by locals and Sean Hurley from Radio Kerry compiled a programme which can be heard on May 1st.

ST PIO Prayer meeting will take place at Listowel Church on Thursday 14th April at 7pm. incorporating the Rosary, Mass and Benediction, all are welcome.

COMHALTAS; Entries for the Fleadh must be with the local secretary Bridget McCarthy not later than Thursday April 14th, all entrants must be paid up members, contact after 5pm 087 6457 610.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 8th April 2011. Jackpot was E7,800 , numbers drawn were 7-17-18 and 26, No Winner of Jackpot. Lucky Dips went to the following; Ian Dillon Listowel; John Joe Barry, Knockanure; Gavin & Ally Buckley, Duagh; Peg Moloney, Ballylongford; Margaret Geraghty, Feale Drive; Marian Chawke, Athea; Bar Prize Angela Sheehy; This weeks Jackpot E7,900.

FOOTBALL: Ladies Training start on Monday 11th April at the Moyvane Pitch at 7pm for U8s, U10s and U12s girls, Registration on the night. All welcome.


EVENTS: Medjugorje Prayer Meeting was due take place in St. Patrick’s Hall, Listowel on Monday 11th April at 7pm; Annual poetry festival in remembrance of Michael Hartnett takes place in Newcastle West from 14th to 16th April, details from; Fashion Show for mature women will take place at Ballyroe Heights Hotel on Wednesday, April 13th at 3pm; Migraine Information Evening in the Malton Hotel, Killarney on Thursday, April 14th from 7pm. The keynote speaker is Dr Desiree Fernandez of the Mallow, Headache/Migraine Clinic, more from 1850 200 378;

Easter Sunday dawn Mass in Tarbert at 5.30am; Community Bus to Listowel every Tuesday, book with 1890 528 528; Craft Fair at the Carlton Hotel, Tralee on Easter Sunday, more from 087 6211 752; Day trip to Powerscourt House and gardens on April 17th, details from 087 9845 102; Mallow Racing and Bank Holiday festival runs from April 23rd to 25th; April 12th, marks the 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin;

COMHALTAS will celebrate 60th Anniversary at Tullamore from April 29th to 1st of May.

AGM of Active Retirement Ireland will be held at the Gleneagle hotel on Wednesday April 13th. Active Retirement Trade and Tourism Show will be held at the INEC Killarney on 12th April from noon to 7pm.

BUSINESS: Enterprise Ireland will hold a seminar at the Manor West Hotel on Thursday 14th April, more from 061 77 7039; Start your own food business talk will be given at the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee on 20th April starting at 11am, details from 087 6386 501

ST JOHN’S: Tuesday 12th to Sat. 16th , local cast present a comic drama called Looking for Love by Jimmy Keary; Tuesday 19th Film Club – Seraphine is story of French painter and on Wed. 20th The Tinkers Curse, play by Michael Harding, more from 068 22566.

PLAY: St Michael’s College students present The Field” by John B. Keane on Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th April in St. Michael’s College at 7.30pm.

SIAMSA: Shannon Stage School present musical at Siamsa 14th and 15th of April and on 19th, 20th and 21st nMotion Dance Festival, details from 066 712 3055.

GLORACH Players production will take place on April 15th and 16th , Please contact 087 1383940 .

WALK: Annual Good Friday Walk in aid of Hospice is taking place on 22nd April, from St. Patrick’s Hall, at 11am. Sponsorship cards are available from Kay at 087 6975682, Julie at 087 6210742 or JK Sports Shop, William St.

WANTED volunteers for St Michael's Churchyard to clean up areas of dumping throughout the graveyard and to do some necessary maintenance work.

FULL Moon on the 18th of April, watch the Moon up to 19th and see, Earthshine", light reflected off the Earth and shone onto the Moon. People with telescopes and binoculars will see craters, valleys and mountains on the Moon. The blackthorn is in full flower, grass growth has improved with the rain, no frost at night has encouraged all plants to come alive again, except hedging and some palms that were severely damaged during the winter.

RTE is looking for applications for the second series of its science adventure show The Mountain. Participating teams will be required for one day and the series will be filmed on location in Carlingford, Co Louth, in May.

ALL Schools break up for holidays on Friday 18th April, Schools will re-open on Tuesday, 3rd May.

GREEN: A National Bioenergy Conference, co-organised by SEAI, Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food will take place at the Tullamore Court Hotel on Wednesday, 20th April 2011.

Tesco UK has installed four wind turbines to power three of its grocery distribution centres.

HE who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. St Basil.

DUAGH National School celebrated the 40th anniversary of their opening on Friday last; it was an open day for all to view their school, display of photographs and memorabilia. They have an outstanding set of trophies, reflecting their completive character. A healthy lunch box promotion exhibit was in a tent beside the school, sad to say there was no sign that items were being sampled.

MAGAZINE: Abbeyfeale Vocational School Commemorative Magazine gives us an insight in the activities of a great school from 1951 to 2011. The newspaper accounts of the opening of the school recounted, it cost £14,000 to build and equipment and furniture cost another £6,000, there were five teachers and 40 students enrolled in 1951. The first Munster Fleadh held in Abbeyfeale in 1953. Reveille at 186 page magazine was published by the school in 1970 to wide acclaim. Vocational school Mega Mag, started as small in house publication in 1998, then in 2002 they changed to a more substantial book which was published at Christmas, it contained competitions, stories from grandparents and Mrs O Flaherty wrote of her past experiences of Christmas.

Abbeyfeale Cinema which closed in early 90s is recalled in the recent booklet, first pictures shown in Abbey Ballroom by Tom Tobin and Charlie Browne. Then in early 40s Danny Tobin erected the Abbey Cinema and modern screen added in 1950, various organisations rented the hall for dances and brought celebrity stars. The Commemorative Booklet has a host of pictures from 1950s onwards of staff, students and football teams, some notable pictures include recipients of Rural and Social Science diploma from UCC, Abbeyfeale Cabaret Group who performed on TV and at many local events in 1965 and `66 and Liam Flynn who won first prize in the International Youth Year Competition, he praised his teacher Joe O Keefe for his dedication. Padraig O Cearbhaill who was former principal wrote in 1982 of his first day at the school in 1951, he recalled his first contact with a parent and student, the support of people, staff, clergy, Conradh na Gaeilge, Macra na Feirme, ICA, Glor na nGael and other Gaelic associations and promoters, symposiums and discussions and much more. Padraig was familiar with many of the old travelling Irish teachers who worked in the early days of the revival, which included his father.

FAR EAST April issue has a special mention of the late Fr Tommy O Hanlon who died in Pakistan on 6th June 2010.

BLESSED: Twenty-two martyrs of the Spanish Civil War and a priest beheaded during the French Revolution will be declared "blessed" by the Church shortly.


CHOIR: Palm Sunday, 17th April, the Kerry Chamber Choir and Orchestra, under the direction of Aidan O’Carroll, will perform Handel’s Messiah, at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel, at 8.00pm.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Holy Hour on Sundays in Athea from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.

RETREAT at Ardfert; Weekend of Prayer and Meditation - inspired by the work of Anthony de Mello SJ -Fri. 13th to Sun.15th May with John Callanan SJ. Booking 066-7134276; e.mail: .

TALK: Sr. Mary McKearney from the Medical Missionaries of Mary spoke at all Masses in the Parish on the 9th & 10th . Sr. Mary recalled her experiences on the missions and spoke of the essential help given which missionaries give to people in various localities to bring some comfort to them. As life can be very hard for many in developing countries, more information from

ANNIVERSARIES: Sr. M Paul Bunce, Jerry O Driscoll, Peter Carmody, Brenan Carr, Teresa Dunne, Kit Bartishel, Gabriel Kennelly, Ellen Dell, Teddy Conway, Fr Tom Moore, Sgt Maurice Walsh, Michael Lyons, Mick Stack, Kate Flaherty, Tom F Culhane, Art O Beolain, Sr. Virgilius Flavin, Peg Enright McEnery, Michael Cunningham, Fr Tom Moloney, Dawn Murphy, Hannah Sheridan, Rena Mcauliffe, Madge Horgan, Tom Walsh, Tade Collins, Joan O Connor, Chris O Connor, Mass on Monday 11th at 8pm for recently deceased Joe Stack; Mass on Tuesday 12th at 8pm for Margaret Sheehy; Mass on Wed. 13th at 7.30pm for Teddy and Eileen King; Mass on Thursday 14th at 8pm for Joanie O Connor, Stations after Mass; Mass on Friday 15th in Knockanure at 8pm for Laurence and Eileen Collins, Stations after Mass; Mass on Sat. 16th at 8pm for Sean and Aggie Ahern; Mass on Sunday 17th in Knockanure at 10am for John, Timothy and Hannah Flaherty and decease members of Flaherty Family and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Jim Cunningham.

DEATH took place recently of Joe Stack son of Jack Stack and Delia Nolan of Moyvane South, he is survived by his family in New Jersey and siblings , John and Eddie in Moyvane, Eileen at Kilbaha, Maurice Upper Athea and Mary in America. Joe was predeceased by sisters Joan and Noreen. Mass for Joe Stack was celebrated at Moyvane Church on Monday April 10th at 8pm. Joe loved to come home when possible to meet family and friends who appreciated his company.

EUCHARISTIC Ministers training is on Monday 9th at 8pm in Moyvane School, new ministers welcome.

CONFESSION in Listowel with visiting priests on Monday 18th April at 7.30pm and in Moyvane on Tuesday 19th at 8pm.

READERS: Vigil, Michelle Corridan; 11am Paul and Anthony Kiely; Knockanure 17th April Margaret Carmody and Mary Fitzgerald.

VOCATIONS contact www.



11 April 20 Knockanure




YOGO Classes began at Knockanure Centre on Friday 15th April from 8pm to 9.30pm , details from 087 2700 518.

Watch out on May 1st on Radio Kerry, as the members of Listowel wheelchair group will be interviewed by Sean Hurley, Knockanure Community Centre hosted the event.

Easter Egg Hunt was held at the Centre on Sunday last.

ST PIO Prayer meeting was held at Listowel Church on Thursday 14th April at 7pm.

COMHALTAS; Entries for the Fleadh must be paid up members, contact the local secretary Bridget McCarthy after 5pm 087 6457 610. Comhaltas will celebrate their 60th Anniversary at Tullamore from April 29th to 1st of May.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 8th April 2011. Jackpot was E7,800 , numbers drawn were 7-17-18 and 26, No Winner of Jackpot. Lucky Dips went to the following; Ian Dillon Listowel; John Joe Barry, Knockanure; Gavin & Ally Buckley, Duagh; Peg Moloney, Ballylongford; Margaret Geraghty, Feale Drive; Marian Chawke, Athea; Bar Prize Angela Sheehy; This weeks Jackpot E7,900.

DRAW: Scoil Chorp Chríost Parents' Association, Knockanure held their annual Easter Draw on April 15th 2011 in Knockanure Community Centre. Prize winners were: First Prize - Luxury Easter Hamper; Siobhan Kelly, Upper Athea. Second Prize - Easter Egg Hamper: Donal O'Sullivan, Upper Athea. Third Prize; Easter Bunny- Michael Murphy. Sellers prizes of Easter Eggs to Lesley O'Sullivan, Ciara O'Sullivan, Cathal & Seanie Sweeney. Children’s Prizes of Easter Eggs won by; Lucy Keane, Cathal Sweeney, Tara Enright, Paddy McElligott, J.J. O'Sullivan, Cian Murphy, Rachel Greaney, Thomas Gould, Amanda O'Connor, Jack Goulding, Lauren O'Sullivan Mahoney & Adam Flavin. Best Sellers Prizes of Easter Eggs won by: Ciara O'Sullivan, Patrick Brosnan, Ollie Moran, Thomas Gould, Marie Kennelly, Lauren O'Sullivan Mahoney. Spot Prizes were won by: Siobhan Kelly, Athea, Pat Mannix, Tadhg O'Connor, Kilmeaney, Ciara O'Sullivan, Upper Athea, Grace Mannix, Ethan Benham, Bunagara, Nora Broderick, Coilagurteen, Keira Large, Trien, Patricia Cronin, Rathmore, Dermot Clancy, Knockanure, Ned Moran, Keylod, John Doherty, Sharon Barry, Carrueragh, Eric Barry, Carrueragh, Jer Mulvihill, Mary Murphy, Cahirciveen, Noreen McGrath, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Noreen O'Connell, Ahalana, Patrick Brosnan, Coilagurteen, Pats Doody, Teresa Flavin, Glouria, Lisselton, Mary Horan, Tralee, Mike O'Connell, Decor Shop, Listowel, Alanna Donegan, Kilbaha, Patrick Hanrahan, Kilbaha.

Thanks to the following who kindly gave Spot Prizes: Dan O'Connor, The Cellar Bar, Abbeyfeale, Garvey’s Supervalu, Listowel, Speedy’s Bar, Moyvane, Newtownsandes Co-op, Noel Stack, Stacks Butchers, Moyvane, Amber Filling Station, Gerard Donegan, Kilbaha, Brouder’s Garage, Athea, John & Elizabeth Brosnan, Maggie Large Fitness, Greaney’s Spar, Noreen Moran, Keylod, Tom Roche, The Village Grill, Moyvane, Knockanure G.A.A., Marie O'Connor, Jims' Bar, Duagh, Larry O'Connor Hardware, Duagh, Tom Gleeson, Building Contractor, Joe Horgan, Horgan’s Nurseries, Trien, Holly’s Gala Foodstore, Moyvane, Molly Nolan, McElligott’s Shop & Brosnan’s Bar, Moyvane, Siobhan & David McElligott, Knockanure, Fitzgerald’s Filling Station, Listowel, Knockanure Community Centre.

Thanks to the pupils and parents for selling & all who bought lines/cards, School Teachers & Parents Association for organising the Draw and Knockanure Community Centre for use of the hall.

KYDS Photography Class, details from 068 23744.

IRISH and Maths course for 9 to 14 year olds, details from 066 714 2268.

GAA: Ladies Training began on Monday 11th April at the Moyvane Pitch at 7pm for U8s, U10s and U12s girls.

EVENTS: Easter Sunday dawn Mass in Tarbert at 5.30am, Soup Kitchen in Tarbert starts at 11am on Good Friday; Community Bus to Listowel every Tuesday, book with 1890 528 528; Toastmasters meeting on Wednesday, April 20th, starts at 8.30pm at the Desmond Complex Newcastle West; Radio Production Course, Contact Dearbhla on 068 32444 (Mon–Thurs) or Adrienne on 069 66296; Construction Employers are meeting at Manor West Hotel on Wed. 20th April at 8pm; Start your own food business talk will be given at the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee on 20th April starting at 11am, details from 087 6386 501; Models and Craft Day at the Arms Hotel on Easter Sunday from noon to 6pm; Craft Fair at the Carlton Hotel, Tralee on Easter Sunday, more from 087 6211 752; Easter Monday leisure cycle in aid of Brothers of Charity organised by Athea Motorcycle Club; Listowel Family Resource Centre, For details on the Social Networking Course, Carers’ Group meeting and Easter Camp for children, please contact 068 23584; Mallow Racing and Bank Holiday festival runs from April 23rd to 25th; Motor sport, April 29th Killarney International Rally; Ras Mumhan will be in Kerry on Good Friday; Pan Celtic competitions in Dingle from 26th April to May 1st; Fleadh by the Feale runs from 28th April to May 2nd, more from 068 32655; Young Entrepreneur Awards night at Malton Hotel on May 5th; Bolivia is proposing a United Nations treaty giving "Mother Earth" the same rights as humans; Simcha Jacobovici claims that there is evidence that the nails used at the crucifixion have been discovered; King James Bible issued 400 years ago; Minister for Heritage Jimmy Deenihan may soon release the 1926 census.

BUSINESS as usual at the local butchers shop in Moyvane while renovations are in progress.

MARRIAGE of Niamh Fitzgerald of Steeple Road, Tarbert and Niall Behan of Moyvane took place at St Mary’s Church, Tarbert on April 16th 2011, the reception was held at Fitzgerald’s Woodlands House Hotel, Adare.

BEDS: Accommodation required for Writers Week, Please contact Norella at 068 23294.

DEAFHEAR.IE will visit the Citizen Information Centre, 35 The Square, Listowel, on Friday, 13th May, from 10am to12.30pm.

BRAIN: People in the early stages of dementia may not be able to tell the truth from lies and sarcasm from sincerity, according to a recent study.

NOTES: If you want to read last weeks notes which were missing from the Kerryman , visit or

TADHG Kennelly's season start with Sydney Swans delayed for another week, he was not listed on the team that played against Geelong last weekend.

TRAIL Walk on Sat. June 18th from Rathkeale to Abbeyfeale.

ST JOHN’S: Wed. 20th The Tinkers Curse, play by Michael Harding; Tuesday 26th , O Sullivan Beara by Aidan Dooley and on Thursday 28th Ger Woulfe Quartet, more from 068 22566.

SIAMSA: 19th, 20th and 21st nMotion Dance Festival, details from 066 712 3055.

TINTEAN: Sharon Shannon on Easter Sunday night, details from 068 28003.

WALK: Annual Good Friday Walk in aid of Hospice is taking place on 22nd April, from St. Patrick’s Hall, at 11am. Sponsorship cards are available from Kay at 087 6975682, Julie at 087 6210742 or JK Sports Shop, William St. Ballybunion 10k race is on Easter Saturday April 23rd. Walking group will meet in Athea at the Con Colbert Memorial Hall every Thursday at 7pm For more information contact Elaine on 061 49 6463; Abbeyfeale walkers meet at the Town Park every Thursday at 7pm, contact Elaine on 061 49 6463.

ALL Schools break up for holidays on Friday 18th April, Schools will re-open on Tuesday, 3rd May. Nice to see the Green Flag flying high beside Knockanure School, the windows of the school are decorated with children’s artwork also.

GREEN: A National Bioenergy Conference, co-organised by SEAI, Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food will take place at the Tullamore Court Hotel on Wednesday, 20th April 2011.

ABBEYFEALE Vocational School commemoration booklet, has a fine selection of photographs and articles include, Michael Culhane of Glin gives a vivid description of his student days 1964 `65, he sends his good wishes to present principal Tommy Barrett another Glin man. Mary Kenneally O Sullivan now a Principal herself recalls her memories teaching from Jan. to June 1977 in Abbeyfeale, the first day she arrived the school was closed due to snow. Michael Crimmins also pays tribute while former teacher Joe O Keeffe writes on the schools sporting history, the early days they contested Kerry teams and students were packed into small cars for transport to events. Dan McAuliffe of Duagh was a past pupil of the school, there was great contest betweens the Vocational Schools for the VEC Shield which now resides in Abbeyfeale, countless athletes did their best annually over 30 years to win this treasure. In 2004 the Vocational School Team U 14 won the County Title in hurling , the first time ever that an Abbeyfeale Hurling team won a County Final.

Sixteen past students also gave snippets of their thoughts on their school days at the Vocational.

John Relihan a past pupil and well known Chief came for a day to the school to share his skill in 2010 .

Abbeyfeale Church of Ireland graveyard adjoins the school and a short history of the church is included, it was erected in 1812 from grant of £800 it was abandoned in 1920s. The church was attacked in Feb. 1822 and considerable damage was caused. In 1886 Mr O Connor was rector and Ewen Roark was buried in graveyard there in 1858 he was aged 64years.

FAR EAST April issue has a special mention of the late Fr Tommy O Hanlon who died in Pakistan on 6th June 2010.

BLESSED: Twenty-two martyrs of the Spanish Civil War and a priest beheaded during the French Revolution will be declared "blessed" by the Church shortly.

WE have an obligation not only to love each other but also in our love to make ourselves as loveable as possible so that it is easy for our sisters and brothers to love us. William of Saint Thierry.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Adoration, Athea on Holy Thursday at Altar of Repose from 9pm to 11pm.


DEATH took place recently of Joe Stack son of Jack Stack and Delia Nolan of Moyvane South, he is survived by his family in New Jersey and siblings , John and Eddie in Moyvane, Eileen at Kilbaha, Maurice Upper Athea and Mary in America. Joe was predeceased by sisters Joan and Noreen. Mass for Joe Stack was celebrated at Moyvane Church on Monday April 10th by his cousin Fr Joe Nolan assisted by Fr Lucid and Fr Dillon, Hymns and music was provided by Gerard, Stevie and Alana Donegan.

DEATH took place on April 7th 2011 of Ann O Dwyer Sheehan Ballygrennan, Listowel and formerly of Sneem and Tralee. Ann is survived by her husband John Sheehan, sister Catherine, brothers James and Bobby. Following Requiem Mass at St. Mary's Church, Listowel on Sunday April 10th 2011, Ann Sheehan was laid to rest at St Michael’s Churchyard, Listowel. Mass for Ann was celebrated at Knockanure Church on Tuesday last.

ANNIVERSARIES; Teresa Dunne, Tim Flaherty, Ellen Stack, Mairead McGrath, Paddy Flavin, Sean Ahern, Br. William Pat Shine, John McCabe, Madge Heaney, Dan Keane, Nora O Connor Carr, Jimmy Crowley, Br. Angelus Keane, James Kennelly, Mass on Wed. 20th at 7.30pm for John Shanahan; Mass on Holy Saturday at 9pm for Charles, Mary and Chris Finan; Mass on Easter Sunday in Knockanure at 10am for Nora Kelly and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for John Scanlon and deceased members of the Scanlon Family.

HOLY Thursday Mass in Knockanure at 7pm and Moyvane at 8pm.

GOOD Friday Stations of the cross Liturgy of the passion at 3pm and Stations in Knockanure at 7.30pm and Moyvane at 8.30pm.

READERS: Vigil, Seline Mulvihill, and Ann Maria Kennelly; 11am Mass David Murphy and Noelle Nolan; Knockanure Margaret Carmody and Mary Fitzgerals.

COLLECTION for Kerry Mission Outreach on April 30th and May 1st.

CHRISM MASS: due to take place on Tuesday, April 19th in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 7.30pm.

LIVE TV on RTE1: Good Friday at 3.00pm: Holy Saturday 11.00pm from Tralee Church

RETREAT Centre Ardfert On Wednesday, April 20th, from 3pm – 8pm, with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and some quiet time for prayer and reflection. There will also be a PowerPoint presentation of the Stations of the Cross. From 8pm – 9pm, they continue with Prayer around the Cross and a Taize Prayer Experience. All welcome.

DIVINE Mercy Sunday, Devotions for the Feast of the Divine Mercy will take place in St. John’s Church Tralee on Sunday, May 1st at 2.40pm. Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday.

AWARE: contact loCall Helpline – 1890 303 302

KNOCK on Sunday, May 1st (Mercy Sunday) bus leaving Tralee at 7.30am, Contact 066 7180123.

MEDJUGORJE Pilgrimage, 28th May departing from Cork. . Contact Breda King 7122267

CHOIR: Handel’s Messiah on Sunday April 17th 2011 was performed in Listowel Church by the Kerry Chamber Choir & Orchestra, directed by Aidan O’Carroll.

PASTORAL Area Council for Listowel district held a meeting at Knockanure Community Centre on Thursday 14th of April 2011. The Listowel District is composed of parishes of Listowel, Moyvane/ Knockanure, Lixnaw/ Irramore, and Duagh/Lyre. It is planned to hold Diocesan Gathering in Killarney in September and the International Eucharistic Bell is coming to Kerry on 16th of November 2011 and it will be taken to most of the churches over a two week period. Youth Ministry Study course is also being planned it will involve study at weekends for two years and is accredited to St Mary’s University College, Belfast.

MISSAL: New Missal will replace the current one on the First Sunday in Advent.



11 April 27 Knockanure





SAFE Travelling to all who visited us during Easter.

The Easter ceremonies were well attended, Good Friday evening stations was poorly attended, but many came to the Church during the day to do their own stations. There was a full church in Knockanure for Easter Sunday morning, the choir, school musicians and Miss Moore on the organ added greatly to the occasion. Thanks to Fr Lucid, first Communion children, their parents and sacristan who put much work and time in preparing church events. You can hear the choir on you tube at Knockanurelocal.

POETRY: Dan Keane Primary Schools Poetry Competition closing date for entries May 6th, more information from 068 21074.

GABRIEL Fitzmaurice’s New Book, “Poems of Faith and Doubt”,will be launched by the Minister of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan, in the Marian Hall, Moyvane on Saturday 7th May at 9pm

CHIROPODIST will attend Marian Hall on Thursday 28th at 2pm, for appointment ring Eileen Quinn at 068 49472.

EXERCISE: Mature Movers/Keep Fit, Starting at Knockanure Community Centre on Tuesday 3rd May at 10am. Gentle exercise for 30 minutes followed by refreshments and home baking, ring Maggie on 087 9866533. Getting in Shape for Summer Starting at Knockanure Community Centre on Wednesday 4th May at 8pm and continuing every Wednesday. All welcome. Phone Maggie on 087 9866533.

The A.G.M. of the Moyvane ICA Guild takes place on Tuesday 10th May at 8.30pm.


COUNCIL held their meeting at the Marian Hall in Moyvane on Monday April 18th 2011. Local man Mayor of Kerry Pat Leahy was there to oversee the event. It is over 60 years since a local was Chairman of Kerry County Council. Despite all the cutbacks and drive for efficiency there was no show by councillors and officials at 10.30 am, even though the ICA ladies had a feast prepared for them. Pity some of the local business people were not given an opportunity to state their achievements and what was hampering their further progress. Many progressive businesses and community centres are in the Parish, to the best of my knowledge none of the top Brass bothered to visit them.

EVENTS: Fleadh by the Feale runs from 28th April to May 2nd; Cuckoo Walking Festival begins in Tarbert on April 29th; Cuckoo was singing in Knockanure last week; Green Flag is proudly flying beside Knockanure National School; Information evening on back pain will be held at Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee on Wed. April 27th from 7 to 8pm; Kerry Autism Action Group wil meet at the Abbeygate Hotel on Wed. April 27th at 8.15pm; The Lartigue Monorail & Museum was open from

2.00pm to 4.00pm, on Saturday & Sunday, 23rd & 24th April;

Rambling House in the Thatched House, Finuge, on Friday, 29th April, at 9.00pm; Motor sport, April 30th to May 1st Killarney International Rally of the Lakes; Comhaltas Commemorative event at Tullamore runs from 30th April to May 1st; Pan Celtic Festival continues in Dingle Peninsula till May 1st; Racing begins at Punchestown on May 3rd; Ladies Lunch at Ballyseedy Castle on May 13th in aid of Enable Ireland project, details from 066 712 8220; ICA Breast Cancer Walk will be held in Tralee on on Sunday May 8th; Tea Day in aid of Alzheimer’s Society will be held on May 5th, details from 1800 791 820;. Young Entrepreneur Awards night at Malton Hotel on May 5th; Holocaust Remembrance Day May 1st; Beatification of Pope John Paul on May 1st; Great Limerick run on May 1st , details from 069 68487; Toastmasters meet at Newcastle West on May 4th at 8.30pm in the Desmond Complex; One day course on autism at I T Limerick from 10am, details from; West Limerick 102fm Summer Hooley's will take place at Fr. Casey's Clubhouse May 2nd from 9.30 – 1am with dancing to the Moynihan Brother's Band and John Buck. Classes in ballroom dancing will commence at the Community Centre Ballyhahill on Monday, May 9 from 9-11pm.

COURSE: St Paul’s Heritage Centre, Glin, free course offers FETAC level 5 accreditation Certificate in Tourism . Contact Dearbhla on 068 32444 or Adrienne on 069 66296.

GLORACH players two extra performances on Tuesday, April 26 and Wednesday April 27th starting each night at 8pm sharp, more from 087 1383940.Music Therapy at the Glorach Theatre. For further information contact Ellie on 087 1392417.

CONCERT: Listowel boys school will host a concert with a Belfast Choir at Seanchai on April 29th at 8.30pm, more from 068 21994.

COLLECTION of scrap metal in aid of Athea hall is now in progress, details from 087 1310 0023; collection of clothes will be made at Athea N.S on Wed. May 5th. Collection of clothing in aid of Estuary AC will be held at Moyvane Community Centre on April 30th from 9am to 11am.

EARTH Day was on Friday 22nd April 2011 , Earth Day Network has chosen ‘A billion acts of green’ as the theme for Earth Day 2011. The goal is to register one billion actions in advance of the global Earth Summit in Rio in 2012. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery gave more than $8.1 million for road projects that will use 1.2 million waste tires. Our councils and park attendants spray thousands of gallons of weed killer every year on areas used by children, many on unemployment benefit would be glad to do some manual weeding.

STROKE Support Group are holding a meeting in St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre , Tralee on Wednesday, April 27th at 730 pm. Occupational Therapists Alison Carmody and Maria O’Connor will attend, Admission free.

JOBS Club in Duagh begins on May 3rd , more from 068 24981.

NZ government is to give Team New Zealand another $36 million to contest the 2013 America's Cup.

TAX: Report written by Dr Sheila Killian of the University of Limerick details how multinational company can artificially transfer profits made in one jurisdiction to be taxed in another country which has a lower tax rate.

BEDS: Accommodation required for Writers Week, Please contact Norella at 068 23294.

DEAFHEAR.IE will visit the Citizen Information Centre, 35 The Square, Listowel, on Friday, 13th May, from 10am to12.30pm.

AGM of Bazaar Group will take place in the New Sacristy, Listowel on Wednesday, 27th April, at 8.00pm. All members are asked to attend.

ATHEA charity, leisure-cycle, on Easter Monday, April

25th, between 12.00 noon and 6.00pm. Routes: Athea to Abbeyfeale, Duagh, Listowel & returning to Athea via Bolton’s Cross & Gortaglanna. Route 2; Athea to Abbeyfeale, Duagh, Listowel, Lisselton, Ballybunion, Asdee, Ballylongford, Tarbert, Glin & returning to Athea.

ST JOHN’S: Thursday 28th Ger Woulfe Quartet; Friday 29th and Sat.30th April, Abbeydorney Drama Group present Women on the Verge of H.R.T. more from 068 22566.

CONGRATULATIONS to Noreen McEvoy of Moyvane who was recently re-elected President of Kerry ICA Federation.

Congratulations also to Donie Enright who recently won the

Division 3 Munster Championship.

WELL Done to Claire Carmody, Direen, Athea for winning the U10 Girls Community Games Art Competition. Claire got a Community Games County Medal.

"CURE without care makes us preoccupied with quick changes, impatient and unwilling to share each other's burden. And so cure can often become offending instead of liberating". Henri J. M. Nouwen

LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 4th to 6th , June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

RETREAT Weekend of Prayer and Meditation at Ardfert inspired by the work of Anthony de Mello SJ will take place from Friday to Sunday, May 13th – 15th with John Callanan SJ. Booking 066-7134276 or e.mail:

RADIO Kerry on May 1st, the members of Listowel wheelchair group will be interviewed by Sean Hurley at Knockanure Community Centre .

RTE: Easter ceremonies were broadcast on TV last weekend, from St John’s Church Tralee, great to see local Fr Pat Ahern taking an active part.

NEW Moon on May 3rd; The swallow has arrived and the Cuckoo is singing in the bog. Beautiful weather is greatly appreciated. Maze and grass seed are being planted, the traditional garden has almost disappeared.

CONGRATULATIONS to Noirin Cunningham of Glin and David O Connell of Brosna who were married in Glin Church on April 16th 2011 by Crawford and Fr O Sullivan. Best man was Frank O Connell, groomsmen were James Stack and Ricky O Rourke. Bridesmaids were Joanne Cunningham, Lorraine Wallace and Edel Feury. Flower girl Siona Cunningham. Pageboys Alan Vaughan and Brian Cunningham. The bride is daughter of John Chris and Kathleen Cunningham and the groom is son of Sean and Ita O Connell.

HAPPY Birthday to Mary Flavin of Kilmorna, Noreen Brady of Listowel and Paddy Faley who was born 25th April 1919. CENSUS: Some Doctors in Kerry 1911 Census.

William S Kane Gurteen, Ballynacourty aged 40 Joseph Costelloe Ballybunion aged 48 years; James Trant, Waterville aged 45; Timothy Creagh Tralee, Chimney doctor aged 19; John Buckley, Rusheen Park aged 35; Daniel Murphy Tooreenmore, Knocknagoshel aged 30; William Daly Main Street, Castleisland aged 40; Richard Creagh chimney doctor cannot read or write aged 60; John B Hayes , Tralee aged 73, Coroner; John Clancy the Square, Listowel aged 59; Thomas Stack, Ballygrennan, Listowel, Chimney Doctor aged 40;James Hanafin Milltown aged 72;Daniel James Hanafin, Kilburn, Milltown aged 28; John O Donoghue, Quay Street, Caher aged 26, Doctor FRCS and PIR; Michael O Connor The Square, Listowel aged 32, General Practitioner LRWRS; Henry de Courcy Dillon, The Square, Listowel aged 28; Bartholomew Mangan, Killarney, aged 48; Gilbert Maher Loughnane , Knockreer, Killarney aged 28; Robert Hudson Strand Street, Tralee aged 69, not practicing; William Mac Sweeney High Street, Killarney aged 49.

SISTERS of Mercy, Listowel; Lucy Barron aged 60, head of Limerick; Margaret Danaher, of Kerry aged 45; Julia Trant aged 30 of Kerry; Mary Hillard aged 42 of Kerry; Kate O Connell aged 28.

PRESENTATION Sisters, Listowel 1901; Mary R O Connell aged 54 of Kerry; Mary L Stack aged 72 of Cork City; Margaret M McElligott aged 30 of Kerry; Mary J Hogan aged 31 of Tipperary; Mary AS Stack aged 30 of Kerry; Mary A Martin aged 39 of Kerry; Mary A Gerathy aged 39 of Kerry; Mary V Moylan aged 49 of Kerry; Mary S Broderick aged 62 of Kerry; Mary A Collins aged 49 of Limerick; Mary J Grant aged 67 of Limerick; Mary L Cronin aged 67 of Kerry; Mary BJ O Sullivan aged 58 of Kerry; Mary S O Sullivan aged 72 of Kerry; Mary A Martin aged 77 of Donegal; Mary J Burke aged 25 of Kerry; Mary R Kennelly aged 20 of Kerry; Mary B Hurley aged 27 of Limerick; Mary B Cagney aged 26 of Limerick; Mary A Donnelly aged 25 of Dublin; Margaret McAuliffe aged 50 servant of Kerry; Kate Ryan aged 50 servant of Kerry; Hannah Meville servant aged 22 years.

GREAT Exhibition was opened in London on May 1st 1851and lasted for 140 days.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. 40 hours Adoration will take place in Listowel Parish again, from Friday, 13th May, to Sunday, 15th May, and will be facilitated by the Friars of Moyross.

DIVINE Mercy Sunday; Divine Mercy devotions will be held in Tarbert Church on Sunday, 1st May, at 3.00pm; Devotions for the Feast of the Divine Mercy will take place in St. John’s Church Tralee on Sunday, May 1st at 2.40pm. Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday.

AWARE: contact loCall Helpline – 1890 303 302

KNOCK on Sunday, May 1st (Mercy Sunday) bus leaving Tralee at 7.30am, Contact 066 7180123. Knock Summer Festival takes place the 24th - 26th June, For more details contact Knock Youth Ministry 094 9388100

PILGRIMAGE to Vienna & Budapest from the July 5-12th , more from 066-7131328.

VETERANS: Annual Memorial Mass for the deceased members of Kerry No. 1 Brigade Old I.R.A. and Cumann Na mBan took place in The Bon Secours Hospital Chapel on Easter Monday at 9.30am.

DVD film that brings the Diary of St Faustina to life, was due to be screened in the Tralee St John's Parish Centre on Tuesday, April 26th at 8pm.

DEATH has occurred on 18th April 2011 of Eileen Scanlon née Windle of Knocknagorna, Athea, she was predeceased by her husband Bobby and is survived by her sons Paddy (Athea), Henry (Milltown), Eddie (Tralee), Tom (Wales), daughters Kathleen Dillane (Tralee), Anna Joy (Abbeyfeale) and sister Margaret Moore (Carrigkerry),. Following Requiem Mass in Athea Church on 25th April 2011, Ellie Scanlon was laid to rest at Templeathea Churchyard.

ANNIVERSARIES: Hannah O Connell, John Joe Moloney, Richard Tobin, Kitty Moore, Kit O Mahony, Michael O Connor, Patsy Barry, Paul McEvoy, Sr. Margaret Mary Morrissey, Margaret O Donnell, Madge Stokes, Patrick Bunce, Dick Galvin, Mass on Tues 26th at 8.00pm for Deceased members of the Fitzmaurice Family; Mass on Wed 27th at 9.15am is for Nora Windle ; Mass on Thurs. 28th at 8.00pm for Bridget & Bernard Shiel; Mass on Fri. 29th at 8.00pm is Months Mind for Michael Holly; Mass on Sat. 30th at 8.00pm for Margaret, Patrick & Oliver Carmody; Mass on Sun. 1st May for Padraig McMahon at 10am in Knockanure and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Dr. Timmy Stack.

TRADITION of erecting May Altar decorated with wild flowers in homes continues. The practice of visiting the local blessed well during May has nearly ended.

Diocesan Collection on 30th April & 1st May for Kerry Mission Outreach .

READERS: Vigil, John Corbett;11.00am Amanda Coulson; Knockanure 1st May Patricia & Andrew Rogan

COLLECTORS for May; Vigil, Ita O’Connell & Eddie Flaherty;11.00am Julia Stack & Eileen Roche; Knockanure 10.00am Jeremiah Kennelly

VOCATION to the Priesthood? Contact Vocation Director - Fr Liam Lovell. 087 1640967


11 May 4 Knockanure




SOCIAL day for the Active Retirement takes place at Knockanure Community Centre on Monday 9th May 2011. Meal followed by music and dance. It is important that we know numbers attending in advance, ring the office on 068 49799 or 087 7528626 anytime.

RADIO: Kerry Radio on Sunday 1st May at 9pm we heard a lively programme from Knockanure, with many local contributors. Singers, musicians, children and all involved deserve our appreciation.

EXERCISE: Mature Movers/Keep Fit, Starting at Knockanure Community Centre on Tuesday 3rd May at 10am. Gentle exercise for 30 minutes followed by refreshments and home baking, ring Maggie on 087 9866533. Getting in Shape for Summer Starting at Knockanure Community Centre on Wednesday 4th May at 8pm and continuing every Wednesday. All welcome. Phone Maggie on 087 9866533.


POETRY: Dan Keane Primary Schools Poetry Competition closing date for entries May 6th, more information from 068 21074.

GABRIEL Fitzmaurice’s New Book, “Poems of Faith and Doubt”,will be launched by the Minister of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan, in the Marian Hall, Moyvane on Saturday 7th May at 9pm

The A.G.M. of the Moyvane ICA Guild takes place on Tuesday 10th May at 8.30pm.

CONGRATULATIONS to Lenamore N.S. pupils who were chosen as one of three overall winner in RTE Nationwide art competition.

EVENTS: May month for celebrating creativity in older age; Estuary Open Sports Day in Moyvane on May 8th at 1pm; Ceili at Clounmacon on May 6th at 9.30pm; Clothes collection at Athea NS on Wed, May 5th; Rose Escort closing date for entry Friday May 6th, details from; Dan O Connor will give a mental health talk at Presentation School Castleisland on May 4th at 8pm; Toastmasters meet at Newcastle West on May 4th at 8.30pm in the Desmond Complex; Racing begins at Punchestown on May 3rd; Kingdom County Fair is on may 8th; Ladies Lunch at Ballyseedy Castle on May 13th in aid of Enable Ireland project, details from 066 712 8220; ICA Breast Cancer Walk will be held in Tralee on on Sunday May 8th; Tea Day in aid of Alzheimer’s Society will be held on May 5th, details from 1800 791 820;. Afternoon of Prayer and Healing Service on Sunday May 8th at 3pm in Woodview Community Centre Mallow with Janice and Moss Carrig, more from 029 56269; People visited St Batt’s Well in Ballydonoghue on Sat. April 30th to do the rounds; Happy Heart Weekend runs from 12th to 14th of May; Racing at Killarney 15th to 17th; Kerry County Fleadh in Causeway from 26th to 29th May; Fleadh Nua in Ennis on May 28th; St Pio Pilgrimage to Holy Cross is on May 29th; Women's Marathon in Dublin on June 6th, details from 086 1505 315; Family History roadshow is coming to Adare Manor on June 19th, if you want to take part, contact 086 2375 499; Ceili in Tournafulla on Friday May 13th; 10th Catholic Youth Conference will be held at All Hollows on 11th and 12th of June, more from 087 2451 877; Fighting Irish exhibition 1820 to present is now on at UL Arena, the exhibition is on loan from New York; Irish Girl Guides have a grand exhibition at Killarney Library, they are celebrating their centenary; Maureen O’Hara Classic Film Festival 2011 begins at Glengarriff on Friday, 17th June 2011

LAW which banned the crucifix at government schools was overturned recently after over 20 countries objected. The law caused unease among many, the only one to gain were judges and solicitors. Nearer home, the listed bridge near the Abbeyfeale mart has a notice proposing to add a footpath, raise the parapet, put up traffic lights and carryout other works, the bridge and its environs will be unrecognisable if the works continue.

SUPER rich can invest a lump sum just before retiring and evade tax.


TEACHERS Conference in Tralee last week, at start of Presidents address there were many vacant seats.

BUS departs Blake’s Cross Road at 9.40am. Depart: Listowel Square at 1.30pm Pick Up and Drop Off Points:

Blake’s Cross Road, Leitrim Middle, Leanamore, Lislaughlin, Ballylongford, Carrigafoyle, Glenacullare, Kilpadogue, Tarbert Village, Tarmon Hill, Moyvane, Knockanure, Gortaglanna Cross, Kilmeany Cross, Listowel. Lo Call 1890 528 528 to book a seat on the bus.

TEA DANCE; Abbeyfeale St. Joseph’s Secondary School Afternoon Tea Dance will be held in the Hall on Sunday, May 15th to help fund the youth trip to Madrid to meet the Pope for World Youth Day. Dancing to Peter Lane from 3-6pm. . Teas served.

JOURNAL: Loughill / Ballyhahill parish, 70 pages annual is now available; Research group at UL and Mary I are to digitise magazines, some are already on line.

ST JOHN’S: Wed. May 4th, an evening LGBT films sponsored by North Kerry Group; Thursday 5th, play based on Caruso’s escape during the 1906 earthquake which hit San Francisco; Friday 6th an evening with 30 musicians, singers and dancers, proceeds in aid of Chernobyl Children’s Fund, performers include, Eibhlin Broderick, Karen Trench, Emily Wren, Saoirse O Connor, Michael O Shea, Kate Murphy, Roisin Buckley, Aoife Trench and Friends, Aaron and Sean Slemon, Laura Walsh, Kianan O Doherty, Rud Easca, Ballydonoghue Musicians, Timmy Flaherty, Dean Griffin, Niamh Healy and Friends, John Neville and Friends and Bryan Murphy. ; Monday 9th old time country and bluegrass from Oregon, more from 068 22566. St John’s will have events for older people on May 10th 11th and 24th .

SUN Power; On Wednesday 11th May 2011, at Johnstown Castle, Wexford the Sustainable Energy Authority is hosting an event dedicated to solar energy as part of the European Solar Days.

NEW Moon on May 3rd, everyone is praising the lovely weather, between Easter and Bank Holidays, many took full advantage, and some who could afford it went abroad, disappointed at leaving such marvellous weather behind them.

Dawn Chorus at present is a wonderful tonic for anyone who was up early.

EDUCATION: Trinity College have a certificate course in Holocaust Education, details from .

Free teaching resource available at

ASYLUM seekers made just less than 2.000 applications in 2010, in 2002 they made over 11,000 applications. Asylum seekers receive E 19.10 per week and children get E9.60 per week.

ALZHEIMER’S Tea Morning will take place on Friday 6th May at the Mermaids, Listowel at 10.30am.

AGM of Kerry Network for People with Disabilities will be held at the Meadowlands Hotel on May 16th , starting at 11.30am.

EUROPEAN Day May 5th, this is European Year of the Volunteer, very little is being done about it.

COLLECTION of scrap metal in aid of Athea hall is now in progress, details from 087 1310 0023;

JOBS Club in Duagh begins on May 3rd , more from 068 24981.

BEDS: Accommodation required for Writers Week, Please contact Norella at 068 23294.

DEAFHEAR.IE will visit the Citizen Information Centre, 35 The Square, Listowel, on Friday, 13th May, from 10am to12.30pm.

“WHILE riding the metro in Leningrad, I was overcome with despair so great that life seemed to stop at once, pre-empting the future entirely, let alone any meaning. Suddenly, all by itself, a phrase astonished: 'Without God life makes no sense.' Repeating it in astonishment, I rode the phrase up like a moving staircase, got out of the metro and walked into God's light”. Adrei Bitov

LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 4th to 6th , June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

RETREAT Weekend of Prayer and Meditation at Ardfert inspired by the work of Anthony de Mello SJ will take place from Friday to Sunday, May 13th – 15th with John Callanan SJ. Booking 066-7134276 or e.mail:

KERRYMAN March 1st 1941; Extracts, Order of Malta First Aid Certificates presented in Listowel to Sergeant Tom Collins O Connell’s Avenue; Denis Moran Charles Street; Michael Kennelly, Cloth Hall, Secretary; Edward Bambury Tom Hussey and Tim Sullivan of Convent Street; Brendan Donovan, Denis Sullivan, Pat Stack and John Stokes of Pearse Street; Con Healy Church Street; Michael Collins and Tom Callaghan of O Connell’s Avenue; Ladies, Mrs A Chute, Miss P Leahy and Miss S Relihan Pearse Street; Miss McElligott and N Dillon Mountrivers; Miss M Canty, Miss M Callahan and Miss R Reidy O Connell’s Avenue; Miss J Moran and Mrs Clancy Charles Street; also presented with certs were, D P Hanrahan, J Scanlon, S O Dell and K Sharry Charles Street; S O Sullivan Patrick’s Street; T Canty O Connell’s Avenue; E Scanlon Convent Street; Names of medal holders entered in Order of Malta book.

Whist Drive under the auspices of the Legion of Mary was held in Moyvane on Tuesday night last. 17 tables were occupied. Ladies first prize won by Miss Peg Shine, Kilbaha; Second Prize Mrs M McEnery of Leitrim; Gents first prize Mr G O Connor, Keylod; second prize went to Mr T Mangan Leitrim; MC was Mr B Enright Moyvane;

Death took place in New York of Mrs Nellie O Connor nee O Connor a native of Kilmanahan, she was aged 75 years and her family were prominent in public positions. Died Maurice Hartnett of Brosna an old Fenian. Newcastle West was snowed under.

29th March 1941 edition reports that 392,000 tons of turf cut last year, double that amount wanted next year.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. 40 hours Adoration will take place in Listowel Parish again, from Friday, 13th May, to Sunday, 15th May, and will be facilitated by the Friars of Moyross.

Rosary at Clounmacon every Friday during May at 8pm.

HEALING Prayer meeting with St. John’s, Ashe Street, Tralee community was due to take place on Tuesday, May 3rd at 8pm in Ashe Street Parish Hall. All welcome.

KNOCK night vigil will take place on Friday, May 6. Details from 068 31232. Knock Summer Festival takes place the 24th - 26th June, for 18 year olds to 35 year olds. For more details contact Knock Youth Ministry 094 9388100 ,

DEATH has taken place of Benny O’Connell, late of Patrick’s St, & Arus Mhuire Nursing Home. Requiem Mass for Benny O Connell was celebrated on Sunday May 1st 2011 at Listowel Church, he was laid to rest St. Michael’s Cemetery, Listowel. His family were well known tailors in Listowel and Benny himself was caretaker at Listowel Boys School.

DEATH has taken place in the U.S.A. of Eddie Moloney a native of Leitrim Middle, Moyvane.

ANNIVERSARIES; Mass on Tues 3rd at 8.00pm for Patrick Bunce; Mass on Wed 4th 9.15am For the People of the Parish; Mass on Thurs. 5th at Knockanure 8.00pm, Private Intention; Mass on Fri. 6th at 8.00pm for Gerard McEnery; Mass on Sat. 7th 8.00pm for John Carmody & the deceased members of the Carmody Family; Mass at Knockanure on Sun. 8th at 10.00am for Noreen Sweeney, and the 11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Ned Sheehy.

FIRST Friday of the Month. Usual Communion Rounds, Knockanure in the morning and Moyvane in the afternoon.

Confessions before the Vigil Mass on Saturdays.

READERS: Vigil Elaine Hudson; 11.00am Jerry Duggan & Deirdre Moloney; Knockanure 8th May, Patricia & Andrew Rogan.

PARISH: Meeting of the Questionnaire Group on Tuesday 3rd May at 8.30pm in the Presbytery.

DIVINE Mercy Devotions were held in St. Mary’s Church, Tarbert, Abbeyfeale Church and in several other churches on Sunday 1st May. Over half a dozen priests attended the Abbeyfeale devotions, the congregation was back a bit from last year, and there was serious and devout participation by all. Even after the long service people were in no hurry to leave the church.

BEATIFICATION of the late Pope John Paul was a special day for most of us on Sunday last, the crowds that were in Rome attest to the devotion of ordinary people, which show how out of touch the media are.

VOCATION to the Priesthood? Contact Vocation Director - Fr Liam Lovell. 087 1640967


11 May 18 Knockanure



FIRST Communion ceremony was held at Knockanure Church on Saturday May 14th. It was a great day for Niamh, Ollie, Ryan, Cian and Gavin and their families. Memories of days like these will last a lifetime. Thanks to all who had an input into the occasion? The church both inside and out was tastefully decorated. Following the ceremony the children were looking forward to a full day.

QUEEN of the May procession will be held at Knockanure on Sunday 22nd at 3pm.

EVENTS: The next session of the Going Strong will take place at the Top of the Town, Athea on Wednesday, May 18th from 3-6 pm; Open Day for people looking for jobs will be held at the Arms Hotel from 10am to 3pm on May 19th; AGM of Newtownsandes Co-op will be held on 25th of May ; Car Boot Sale in aid of Cancer Society will be held at Nolan’s Car park , Listowel on Sunday May 22nd from 8am to 2pm, more from 087 6147 914; Estuary AC training on Wednesdays from 6 to 7pm; ICA National AGM will be held at Portlaoise on May 21st; Tarbert Historical Society bus tour is on May 22nd, leaving Tarbert at 1.30pm; May Fair at Dromcollogher May 22nd; Kerry Tourism Show at the Malton Hotel Killarney on May 19th; First Communion in Athea Church on Sat. 21st of May; St Pio Pilgrimage to Holy Cross is on May 29th; Women's Marathon in Dublin on June 6th, details from 086 1505 315; Walk and cycle on Saturday 18th June will celebrate both the twenty years since the establishment of the Great Southern Trail Action Group and the recent extension which now enables the Rathkeale to Abbeyfeale section of the old Limerick-Tralee railway to be used for cycling/walking;15th May was International day of the family - a worldwide U.N. dedicated day; Sinn Fein commemoration in Gortaglanna took place on Friday last, Speaker on the night Toiréasa Ferris.

MAY is the month for older people, the library have a programme of events, Oakland’s Nursing Home Derry, Listowel are running an exhibition till the end of May, local musicians and choir will perform there on May 20th, details from 068 21 173.

GRANDPARENTS tea party at the Listowel Family Resource Centre on Thursday May 26th between 3-5pm, details Listowel Family Resource Centre on (068) 23584.

BEDS: Accommodation required for Writers Week, Please contact Norella at 068 23294.

COUNTY Fleadh takes place at Causeway from May 27th to 29th.

KDYS Summer Camps details from 068 23744.

COUNTY Fair: Overall Beef Champion was won by Matt Goulding and the Overall Dairy Champion was won by Timmy and John Kirby. It was a great day out to meet people of every trade and profession and some with none. One stand had advice on snoring and breathing through the nose gave many benefits including better teeth. There were very little healthy whole foods available. Chips and burgers were in brisk demand.

See knockanurelocal on youtube for a snippet of show.

CONGRATULATIONS to 86 year old Fr Tom Hickey who recently won an award at the All Ireland Drama Festival. He has spent a lifetime winning awards for his work in the various parishes he served in.

FEILE Siamsa Tire runs from May 20th to 22nd.

ST JOHN’S: Wed. 18th , presentation from transition year group, directed by Chris Fitzgerald; Thursday 19th The Bonfire Band from London; Fri. 20th Traditional with Kevin Glackin, Ronan Browne and Sean Tyrell; on Sat. 21st a play by local writer Gerard Barrett called the Job is back again and will be presented by the Unemployed Theatre Company and on Tuesday 24th a film called Julie and Julia, details from 068 22566.

LAUNDRY for elderly are seeking volunteers to help with washing & ironing. If any one is interested please contact Julie on 087-6210742 for more information.

DEAF-HEAR: A drop-in service will take place on Friday, May 20th at Tralee Library from 11am to 1pm.

RADIO; We will miss the voice Sean og O Ceallachain giving the GAA results, he began broadcasting over 60 years ago taking over from his father also a broadcaster. Sean Og was born at Newcastle West when his father worked there.

GAA: Paddy Kennelly son of Stan helped Dunderry overcame the Wolfe Tones in the Meath MFL Div 4 final played at Sean Newman Park Bohermeen recently.

CYCLE: Athea group of friends are to cycle from Mizen Head to Malin Head a distance of 640kms in aid of Aislinn Treatment Centre, the cycle starts on 13th of June 2011.

INFANTS: ceremony for the naming of babies/children who have died as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth or sudden infant death will take place in Newcastle West church on Wednesday, May 25th at 8.15pm. All are welcome to attend.

DATES: Royal Dublin Society founded 1731; May 5th 1821 Napoleon died; First Bons Secours sisters came to Dublin on 6th May 186, among the group was the first Irish sister to join the order, she was daughter of an Captain in the English army who was guarding Napoleon in 1815; Sisters of Mercy came to Listowel on 8th May 1883 to run the Workhouse it was built in1841; Maurice Walsh born May 2nd 1879 at Lisselton; 8th May 1911 Bishop Anselm E J Kenealy arrived in Simla, he was ordained Bishop in Rome in Jan. 1911; Early May was departure date for ships to Australia from 1801; Pope John Paul declared Padre Pio Blessed on May 2nd 1999; Attempt on the life of John Paul was made on 13th May 1982, he went to Fatima 19 years later in thanksgiving; 12th and 13th May 1931 first National Pilgrimage to Lourdes occurred; Feast of St Brendan May 16th; John Henry Newman born 1801; Sean Lemass died May 11th 1971; May 11th 1981 North Kerry Milk Products opened by Ray McSharry; Mother Theresa left for Loretto Convent in North India on 24th May 1931; De Valera introduced a bill to abolish the senate on 30th May 1934, Senate abolished 19th May 1936. Freemans Journal reports on 24th May 1923; Arrested irregulars Batt Wren Toureendonnell, two miles from Athea, two armed irregulars arrested in Ballybunion, Maurice Sheehan and Michael McNamara, there is a long list of arrests all over the country including an arrest in Sligo for gelignite.

BAND: The Pride of Moyvane Ceili Band has been in existence for six years, featuring Margie Mulvihill (flute/whistle) John Reynolds (fiddle), Patty Furlong (accordion) and Frankie McCormick (banjo) and most recently joined by Margie's daughter Erin Loughran on fiddle.

TO love someone is to show to them their beauty, their worth and their importance. Jean Vanier

LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 4th to 6th , June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

PADRE Pio: Fr. Eremlindo De Capus Personal assistant of Saint Padre Pio will concelebrate Mass in St. Mary’s Church Listowel on Tuesday 31st May at 8.00pm. Fr. Eremelindo will bring with him one of Saint Padre Pio’s stigmata mittens, and will also give individual blessings following the Mass. No St Pio devotions on Thursday May 19th in Listowel Church.

DEATH took place on May 10th 2011 of Michael Dowling of Derry,Listowel, he was born at Shanaway, Tarbert 77 years ago to Maurice Dowling and Mary Broderick who was a native of Knockanure. Michael was predeceased by his wife Maureen McCarthy and brother Hillary and is survived by daughters, Muriel, Geraldine, Ann and Imelda, Sisters Eileen, Moira Larkin in Knockanure, Margaret Mulvihill, Moyvane and Therese.

Requiem Mass for Michael Dowling was celebrated at St Mary’s Church, Listowel on May 12th 2011 by Canon O Connor assisted by nine priests, many musicians and singers, participated in the Requiem Mass. Several tributes were paid to Michael the parent, farmer and community activist. Few remember that Michael attended a woodwork class in Listowel 55 years ago, even then he was showing signs of being a leader.50 years ago he was a fit young man at Macra field evenings, where he was a good contestant at the pillow fight on the pole. Michael Dowling was laid to rest in St Michael’s Cemetery beside his wife Maureen who died in October 2009. Many lingered around the grave reminiscing and listening to some tunes provided by his sorrowful friends. Music in tribute to Michael can be found at knockanurelocal site on youtube, or Knockanure Album on Photobucket. Now is the time to collect material and photographs associated with Michael and have them published in his memory.

ANNIVERSARIES; Dick O Connor, Bea Leahy, Sean Sullivan, Tony Cronin, Danny Curtin, Mai Quinn, David Kennelly, David Dillon, Kathy Barry, Matt Danaher, Nora Moloney, Dermot O Brien, Mass on Tuesday 17th at 8pm for Dan O Connor, Mass on 18th at 8pm for Michael Dore, Mass on 19th at 8pm for Jimmy Kennelly, Mass on 20th in Knockanure for David Kennelly and Maureen Ahern, Mass on Sat. 21st at 8pm for Seamus Flaherty and deceased members of the Flaherty Family, Mass on Sunday 22nd in Knockanure at 10am for Nancy Flaherty and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for John and Peggy Collins and deceased members of the Collins Family.

ROSARY before Mass in Knockanure during May.

READERS: Vigil, Seline Mulvihill and Ann Maria Kennelly; 11am Mass, David Murphy and Noelle Nolan; Knockanure May 22nd, Margaret Carmody and Mary Fitzgerald.

EXAM Mass will take place on Friday 3rd June 7.00pm. in Listowel Parish Church.

VOCATIONS Information Evening will take place on Friday, May 20th at 7pm in St. Brendan's Pastoral Centre, Tralee contact Vocations Director - Fr. Liam Lovell. 087 1640967, or Mission Sunday collection in Kerry Diocese amounted to just over E58,000.

PLAY: A play written and performed by Eleanor Glenn is

touring Ireland as part of the preparations for the 2012 Eucharistic Congress. The Kerry performance on

Thursday, May 26th at 7.30pm in Our Lady & St Brendan's Church, Tralee, all are welcome..

AFRICAN Drumming and music will take place in the Parish Centre Tralee on Sunday, May 29th from 2pm – 5pm. contact 066 7127918.

PADRE PIO to Holy Cross, Co Tipperary will take place on

Sunday, May 29th. Coach departing Tralee at 8.30am, contact

087 6361023.



11 May 25 Knockanure






QUEEN of the May procession was held at Knockanure on Sunday 22nd at 3pm.


PADRE Pio: Fr. Eremlindo De Capus Personal assistant of Saint Padre Pio will concelebrate Mass in St. Mary’s Church Listowel on Tuesday 31st May at 8.00pm. Fr. Eremelindo will bring with him one of Saint Padre Pio’s stigmata mittens, and will also give individual blessings following the Mass.


PADRE PIO Pilgrimage to Holy Cross, Co Tipperary will take place on Sunday, May 29th. Coach departing Tralee at 8.30am, contact 087 6361023.


LOCAL woman Margie Large has started a new exercise class at Ballybunion Strand on Wednesdays from 10am to 11am, more information from 087 9866 533.


EVENTS: AGM of Newtownsandes Co-op will be held on 25th of May ; Estuary AC training in Moyvane on Wednesdays from 6 to 7pm; Tourism Course is about to start at Glin, details from 068 32444; Autism Action Group meet at the Abbeygate Hotel on May 25th at 8pm; Day long, Music Festival will be held at Rathfredagh Cheshire Home on May 29th; Writers Week begins on June 1st; Lecture by Sir Adrian Fitzgerald on an old Fitzgerald tomb will be given at Listowel Library on Thursday 2nd of June at 11.30am; Listowel Fun Run on June 4th starting at 11.30am at Listowel Community Centre; All Ireland Rosary Rally is on June 4th; Racing in Clonmel on May 26th and Cork on the 27th; Motorcycle Festival will be held at Killarney from 3rd to 6th of June, 7,000 bikes are expected to attend; Trip to North of the Country on June 10th and trip to Cape Clear in West Cork later, details from 087 9845 102; of Sr. Mary Normile O.P. Leaving Cert exams begin on June 8th; Knocknagoshel annual Carmel Linehan Memorial Walk will be held on June 5th starting at noon; Women's Marathon in Dublin on June 6th, details from 086 1505 315; Limerick County Fleadh runs from June 2nd to 6th; Walk and cycle on Saturday 18th June will celebrate both the twenty years since the establishment of the Great Southern Trail Action Group and the recent extension which now enables the Rathkeale to Abbeyfeale section of the old Limerick-Tralee railway to be used for cycling/walking; Bioenergy 2011 conference takes place at Johnstown Castle, Wexford on Thursday 16th


June 2011; Clounmacon ICA outing is on June 24th;


MAY is the month for older people, the library have a programme of events, Oakland’s Nursing Home Derry, Listowel are running an exhibition till the end of May, local musicians and choir will perform there on May 20th, details from 068 21 173.


GRANDPARENTS tea party at the Listowel Family Resource Centre on Thursday May 26th between 3-5pm, details Listowel Family Resource Centre on (068) 23584.


HAPPY Birthday to Dan Flavin of Knockanure and Bunagara, he recently celebrated the event with his parents Michael and Noreen and Family.


COUNTY Fleadh takes place at Causeway from May 27th to 29th.


VTOS: Information Morning on Tuesday 24th May, 2011 from 10am. to 1pm, adults wishing to return to Education. VTOS-Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme is a second chance educational programme ,further information please contact the school on 068-21023.


QUIZ night will be held at the New Kingdom Bar, Church Street, Listowel on Friday 27th of May. Start time 9.45pm. Team of 4 per table. Proceeds to North Kerry Day Care Centre for the Elderly.


STROKE Support Group are holding a meeting in St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre, Tralee on Wednesday 25th May at 7.30pm. All welcome to attend lecture on “Nutritional Therapy on Stroke” by Erina McSweeny, Nutritional Therapist.


HOSPITAL: Friends of Kerry General Hospital held a meeting on Monday 23rd May in the Listowel Arm’s Hotel at 8.30pm.The meeting was to be addressed by Consultants from the Hospital.




KDYS Summer Camps details from 068 23744.


ST JOHN’S: on Tuesday 24th a film called Julie and Julia; Wed. 25th Gaelscoil Listowel Drama at 11am; Sat. 28th a night of Irish folk songs and on Monday 30th Hedge School Musical, directed by Andrea Thornton, details from 068 22566.


LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 13th May 2011; Jackpot E8,200 Numbers Drawn 5-7-13 and 16, no winner of Jackpot. Lucky Dips; Jason Heaphy, c/o Kevin’s; Bill White, c/o John Barry; Morgan Sheehy, Duagh; Eamon Stack, Knockanure; Evan Somers, Duagh; Michael Reidy, Athea;


Bar Prize John Joe Barry; This Weeks Jackpot E8,300.


SPACE Shuttle Mission STS-134 recently took six astronauts


including Commander Mark Kelly, husband of US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, she was wounded during a shooting in Tucson, in January. Mark is son of an Irish born policeman.


AMERICA: Professor says North America Was Populated by No More Than 70 People 14,000 Years Ago.


EU: Eurobarometer study shows that 44 percent of online users in the EU feel they are missing out because web pages are not in a language they understand, and only 18 percent actually buy online in a foreign language.


STAMP; New stamps issued recently to commemorate the year of crafts, one of the stamps features work of woodworker Liam Flynn who in 2005 won the first Crafts Council bursary.


KERY Evening Post of 14th May 1856 reports Court Marshall at Portsmouth of Francis Bowen Pritchard surgeon on charge of cruelty to sick, he was cleared on most counts, penalty , he was put at bottom of list of surgeons in the Royal Navy and suffered pay penalties. Total value of livestock in Ireland in 1841 amounted to £19,399,000, by 1854 their value had risen to £33,500.000. Holdings less than 5 acres in 1831 amounted to 310.000 and by 1850 they had decreased to 81,000. Tonnage inwards 1840 was 1,900,000; by 1854 it had risen to 2,700.000. Queen pardons William Smith O Brien and Frost on May 10th 1856 .Early potatoes were in Cork. Foundation stone of Limerick Cathedral laid, it was a big occasion in the City, with bands and celebrations. Ship Pacific missing on board was the Bishop of Hartford. A man called Liston went missing in Glasgow, his body was found in the river after ploughman had a dream where the body could be found. Henry Arthur Herbert seconded an address approving peace treaty negotiated by Palmerton and Clarendon. Prices, oats 12d to 13d per stone; potatoes whites 4s to 4/9 per half quarter of 10stone, leather coats 5/6 to 6s do; Beef 4d to 6d per lb; Hay £2-10s to £3-10s per ton; Straw 25s to £2-10s per ton; Butter first quality 120s , 6th quality 75s.A large proportion of emigrants who left for Quebec on the Ann Thompson were from the Dingle District. Weather for past three days cold and blustery. Death on April 30th 1856 of Con McAuliffe owner of bookstore in New York, he was an auctioneer in Limerick, but English born.


THE weakness of our graces, the strength of our temptations, and the diligence of our spiritual enemies, require strong resolutions says Stephen Charnock.


PLAY: A play written and performed by Eleanor Glenn is


touring Ireland as part of the preparations for the 2012 Eucharistic Congress. The Kerry performance on


Thursday, May 26th at 7.30pm in Our Lady & St Brendan's Church, Tralee, all are welcome..


AFRICAN Drumming and music will take place in the Parish Centre Tralee on Sunday, May 29th from 2pm – 5pm. contact 066 7127918.


EXAM Mass will take place on Friday 3rd June 7.00pm. in Listowel Parish Church.


LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 4th to 6th , June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.


KNOCK: Legion of Mary pilgrimage to Knock is on May 29th, details from Sean Broderick, Abbeyfeale.


ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.


DEATH took place on May 10th 2011 of Michael Dowling of Derry, Listowel; he was born at Shanaway, Tarbert 77 years ago to Maurice Dowling and Mary Broderick who was a native of Knockanure. Michael was predeceased by his wife Maureen McCarthy and brother Hillary and is survived by daughters, Muriel, Geraldine, Ann and Imelda, Sisters Eileen, Moira Larkin in Knockanure, Margaret Mulvihill, Moyvane and Therese.


Requiem Mass for Michael Dowling was celebrated at St Mary’s Church, Listowel on May 12th 2011 by Canon O Connor assisted by nine priests, many musicians and singers, participated in the Requiem Mass. Several tributes were paid to Michael the parent, farmer and community activist. Few remember that Michael attended a woodwork class in Listowel 55 years ago, even then he was showing signs of being a leader.50 years ago he was a fit young man at Macra field evenings, where he was a good contestant at the pillow fight on the pole. Michael Dowling was laid to rest in St Michael’s Cemetery beside his wife Maureen who died in October 2009. Many lingered around the grave reminiscing and listening to some tunes provided by his sorrowful friends. Music in tribute to Michael can be found at knockanurelocal site on youtube, or Knockanure Album on Photobucket. Now is the time to collect material and photographs associated with Michael and have them published in his memory.


DEATH took place on May 18th 2011 of Maura O Connor nee Lynch of of Aughrim, Moyvane. Maura is survived by her husband Denis, sons David, Edward, Tim, Maurice, Liam and John, siblings Sean, Pat, Joan and Norma, she was predeceased by her brother Liam Lynch. Requiem Mass for Maure O Connor was celebrated at Moyvane Church on Saturday 21st of May 2011, following mass Maura was laid to rest among her ancestors at Lislaughtin Abbey Churchyard Ballylongford.


Maura was daughter of Tim Lynch of Ballylongford and Mai Collins of Moyvane.


DEATH took place unexpectedly of Con Flaherty of Tarmons on 19th of May 2011, Con was son of William Flaherty and Nora Hanrahan both of Moyvane and his siblings were , Peg, Mary, Nora, Kitty, Jim, Denis and Liam. Con was predeceased by his wife and is survived by three children. Following Requiem Mass at Moyvane Church on Sunday 22nd May 2011, Con Flaherty was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery.


DEATH took place of Sr. Mary Normile O.P. at the Dominican Convent, Sparkshill, New York on 25th April 2011. Sister Mary spent 65 years participating in the work of the Dominican Order, she was the last of her family to pass away and she has relations in Athea and Glin.


ANNIVERSARIES: Nancy Ellis, Nancy Murphy, Bridie Doody, Michael Murphy, Dolores Connolly, Catherine Stack, Seamus Flaherty, Michael Kennelly, P J Bambury, John Shanahan Elizabeth Doyle, Tom O Connor, Sr. Theresa Stack, Jack McCarthy, Tim Lane, Mass on Tuesday 24th for Con J Mulvihill at 8pm; Mass on Wed. 25th at 9.15 am for The Galvin Family; Mass on Thursday 26th at 8pm for Tom Flaherty; Mass on Fri. 27th for Timothy and Julia Flaherty at 8pm; Mass at 8pm on Sat. 28th for Betty Meehan; Mass on Sunday 29th at 10am in Knockanure for Teddy and Bridget Conway and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Michael Mulvihill.


FIRST Communion ceremony was held at Knockanure Church on Saturday May 14th. It was a great day for Niamh, Ollie, Ryan, Cian and Gavin and their families.


FIRST Communion in Moyvane on Sat 28th at 11am.


ROSARY in Knockanure during May before 10am Mass.


EUCHARISTIC Ministers will be commissioned in Knockanure on June 2nd at 8pm Mass and Moyvane Commissioning will be on Friday June 3rd at 8pm Mass.


READERS: Vigil, John Corbett; 11am, Amanda Coulson; Knockanure 29th May, Ann Stack and Brenda Clancy.


QUESTIONNAIRE is being distributed to houses in the Parish over the coming weeks.



11 June 1 Knockanure




PADRE Pio: Fr. Eremlindo De Capus Personal assistant of Saint Padre Pio was due to concelebrate Mass in St. Mary’s Church Listowel on Tuesday 31st May at 8.00pm. Fr. Eremelindo will bring with him one of Saint Padre Pio’s stigmata mittens.

QUESTIONAIRE on Church activities is being distributed to every house in the Parish, now is your chance to express your views.

AGM of Knockanure Development Association will be held Knockanure Community Centre on June 9th at 8.30pm. After the AGM a meeting concerning the defibrillator with Roger Byrne will be held.

TRIP: Moyvane ICA are organizing a trip to the Dublin Horse Show on Wed, 3rd Aug. 2011, details from Eileen Roche and Marie Walsh.

BOOK: Padraig O Conchubhair recently launched his new book called The Fenians Were Dreadful Men, the great-grandfather of Padraig was a Fenian, he came to slate the Church in Ballylongford.

ST JOHN’S: June exhibition of paintings by Liam Jones; June 2nd, Who killed James Joyce, show at 1pm, Denis Sexton gives a talk on handwriting at 6.30pm and at 8.30pm Cuckoo Blue by Tony Guerin; Friday 3rd, remembering ballad singer Delia Murphy at 1pm, at 5pm Harry Clifton a Professor of Poetry and at 8.30pmDear Frankie; Sat, 4th Ronan Wilmot remembers at Lunchtime, Edward St Aubyn fiction writer at 3.30pm and at play called the Pitch; Sunday 5th at Noon Edinburgh born Jackie Kay, at 2.30pm Michael Hartnett remembered, at 4.30pm Poets Dr Robyn Rowland and Mary Swander and at 8.30pm The Seafarer, more information from 068 22566.

EVENTS: Writers Week begins on June 1st; Lecture by Sir Adrian Fitzgerald on an old Fitzgerald tomb will be given at Listowel Library on Thursday 2nd of June at 11.30am; Listowel Fun Run on June 4th starting at 11.30am at Listowel Community Centre; Horse Racing in Listowel5th and 6th of June; All Ireland Rosary Rally is on June 4th; Motorcycle Festival will be held at Killarney from 3rd to 6th of June, 7,000 bikes are expected to attend; Trip to North of the Country on June 10th and trip to Cape Clear in West Cork later, details from 087 9845 102; Leaving Cert exams begin on June 8th; Knocknagoshel annual Carmel Linehan Memorial Walk will be held on June 5th starting at noon; Women's Marathon in Dublin on June 6th, details from 086 1505 315; Limerick County Fleadh runs from June 2nd to 6th; Walk and cycle on Saturday 18th June will celebrate both the twenty years since the establishment of the Great Southern Trail Action Group and the recent extension which now enables the Rathkeale to Abbeyfeale section of the old Limerick-Tralee railway to be used for cycling/walking; Bioenergy 2011 conference takes place at Johnstown Castle, Wexford on Thursday 16th June 2011; Clounmacon ICA outing is on June 24th; Knock Summer Festival runs from 24th to 26th of June;

QUEEN of the May procession is a lovely event held in Knockanure each year, great that Canon O Connor, Fr Lucid and Fr O Callaghan were there to take part in the ceremony, the afternoon was well suited to walk, prayers, sermon and singing.

PEOPLE do not drift toward holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. D.A. Carson

OPEN: The Lartigue Monorail and Museum: is now operating its Summer Schedule, daily from 1pm to 4.30pm (last trip about 4pm).Listowel Castle is open for guided tours till August;

ALZHEIMERS Carers Support Group Respite Day Care service provided at the centre every Tuesday and Thursday. The Alzheimer’s Carers Support Group meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. Further details available from 068 23584.

RUN/WALK: in Aid of Kerry Autism (Listowel) & Joe Stack Memorial 5K by The Feale on Saturday June 4th at 1pm. starting at 1.00pm. Registration: all to register from 11.30am in Listowel Community Centre, enquiries: Tim O’Connor 087-9050747.

SEANCHAI Centre will host an Arts & Craft Fair on June 5th as part of Listowel Writers Week.. Door open at 11am.

AWARE: weekly meeting at rooms at the back of St. John’s Church, Castle Street every Tuesday at 8pm. Relatives meet at The Meadowlands Hotel, Oakpark, Tralee on the first Wednesday of every month at 8pm. Call Kate on 087-2993142.

WL102fm Summer Hooley will be held at the Devon Inn Hotel, Templeglantine on Monday, June 6. Dancing from 9.30pm – 1am




FETE : portion of the money raised will go to support the young people traveling to Madrid for World Youth Day. The Fete will take place on Sunday, June 12th in Fr Casey’s GAA Clubhouse Abbeyfeale from 2-6pm. Items for auction ( antiques, furniture, ornaments etc.) Bric– a –brac, Books Clothes in good condition, Turf, Timber, groceries etc. Details of collection contact 068 51915.

INTEL 24 facility in Leixlip, is one of Intel's most technologically advanced, high-volume manufacturing plants in the world. They produce latest generation silicon microprocessors that power platforms and technology advancements which are essential to the way we learn, live and work today.

CONGRATULATIONS to Cathal and Yvonne O Connor of Moyvane South on the birth of a son a brother for Rachel.

AWARD: The Sunflower Award was recently presented to Mary O Connor of Listowel, in Dublin to thank her for many years supporting the Hospice foundation.

MATERNITY Hospital on the Ennis Road celebrated 50 years of providing services on Saturday last with an open day, over 198.000 babies were born at the hospital over past 50 years, annual average 5,300.

NEW MOON on June 1st. On the evening of June 15th the moon will rise fully eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow, it will be the last total lunar eclipse for us to see till 2015. Despite the blustery weather silage making is making speedy progress. Turf cut over the past month is still not fit for turning.

DAN Kiely is the new chairman of Fianna Fail Listowel Comhairle Ceanntair. He was decisively elected at their AGM held at the Arms Hotel on Friday May 27th 2011. Niall Collins TD promised at the meeting to be available to work for North Kerry. Dan Kiely congratulated Bridie Mai Beaton of Ahalahana, Moyvane on her 86th birthday, she was one of the Moyvane Delegates to the meeting.

RED Tape is delaying international companies who have expertise and money, what about the lone trader, they have no hope of climbing the ladder in this country.

RELATION being sought, of Maurice O Connor born 27th Jan. 1883 to Maurice Connor and Margaret Galvin of Craughatusane, Listowel.

Message: I am researching family history and wonder do you know anything about a Michael Lynch, Schoolmaster from Rathea, Co Kerry, late 1800s-early 1900s. He was my great-grandfather on my mother's side. He was married twice - to Ellen Walsh & then to Mary Dillane. His oldest daughter Johanna (Hannah) Lynch was my grandmother. Thanks for any help you can provide.

MORIARTY: Limerick Chronicle of May 1st 1894; Dean Moriarty, born 1812, Ordained 1837 for parish in Meath, but took missionary work in his native Ventry, he built Churches and schools in Ventry and Dunquin and crossed to the Blaskets for 25 years, went to Tralee in succession to Archdeacon Denny in 1862, in 1869 went to Annascaul, on the death of his son the Rev Thomas Moriarty of Millstreet in 1879 he took over his Parish, made Dean of Ardfert and received D.D. from TCD. Dean Moriarty had a great knowledge of Irish and used it more than English when preaching.

MERCY Convent Secondary School, St Joseph’s, is amalgamating with the other secondary schools in Abbeyfeale this September. So there was a special Mass in Abbeyfeale Church on Sunday May 22nd 2011, the school had an outstanding choir and a host of musicians participating. Following mass the school soon to be no more was thronged by sightseers and former pupils who were again entertained by the school band. A book remembering St Joseph’s Secondary school was also available; it gives snippets on the 65 years of pupils and teachers, with many interesting photographs. The present school was opened in June 1970 to cater for 350 students, it cost £160,000. The Mercy Sisters came to Abbeyfeale in 1871 to start a primary school and then in 1926 they continued beyond primary preparing students for further exams, saving parents sending their girls to boarding school. See the school band on youtube.

BEST Wishes to Father Tom Mangan, Carrigkerry and Father Joe Cussen, who will celebrate 25 years in the Priesthood on Tuesday 7th June.

EXAM Mass will take place on Friday 3rd June 7.00pm. in Listowel Parish Church.

LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 4th to 6th , June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

DEATH took place in London on May 13th 2011 of Michael Anthony Ahern, son of Sean and Aggie Ahern of Moher Cross, Moyvane. Tony will be laid to rest at Alum Lane Cemetery Borehamwood, following funeral Mass on June 3rd 2011. Sean Ahern and his wife Aggie Dillon died in April 2008 and rest at Ahavoher Cemetery.

DEATH: has taken place of Martin Mc Namara, Killeaney Glin, at his residence on Wednesday 18th May 2011. He was a former Principal of Newcastle West Vocational School.

DEATH of Padraig Kennelly of Tralee, brought tribute from all media outlets, his work as a photographer and reported will be a great resource for the present generation and generations to come. His father Patrick came from Ballylongford and he was son of Tim Kennelly and Elizabeth Scanlon. The Family originally came from Beale.

ANNIVERSARIES: J B Keane, Jerry Enright, Tom Lynch, Maurice O Connor, David Flynn, Owen McGillicuddy, Hannie Fitzgerald, Sr. Maureen Griffin, Chris Sweeney, Eileen Goulding, Mairead Moroney, Hannah Doyle, Sr. M Emilian Bunce, John Costelloe, John Moriarty, Fr. Tim Enright, Peg Normile, Fr Con Herlihy, Br. Hermes O Connor, Bridget Kennelly, Tom Connor, Bill Barry, Fr Tom O Hanlon, Willie Flaherty; Mass for Annie and James O Callaghan at 8pm on Tuesday May 31st; Mass on Thursday June 2nd at Knockanure at 8pm for Jerry Enright; Mass on Fri. 3rd at 8pm in Knockanure for Eileen Goulding and First Friday Mass in Moyvane at 8pm for Kathleen Dore; Mass on Sat. 4th for John, Dan and Bridie Kearney at 8pm; Mass on Sunday at Knockanure 10am for David Dillon and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Michael Flaherty.

FIRST Friday Communion Rounds, Knockanure in the morning and Moyvane in the afternoon.

MINISTERS: Eucharistic Ministers will be commissioned in Knockanure on Thursday June 2nd and in Moyvane on Friday June 3rd at 8pm Mass.

COLLECTORS for June; Vigil, Philip Kiely and Tom Moloney; 11am Mass, Anne Fitzgerald and Esther Foley; Knockanure 10am Mass Siobhan Fitzgerald.

KNOCK: St Joseph’s Young Priests Society Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine will take place on Saturday, June 25th. Bus leaving Tralee at 7am contact June on 066 7137236

‘Fuel for the Journey’ This is for all people aged 18-35 and will take place at Knock from June 24th – 26th. Over the 3 days, there will be prayer, music, reflection, talks, workshops, etc. Contact 094 9388100 or 087 6927850.

No Priest; Bishop Bill Murphy would like to inform the people of the diocese that from July 2011, there will no longer be a priest resident in the parish of Allihies.

MISSAL now in use was introduced on St Patrick’s Day 1975; we will have a new missal with several changes to the text starting Sept. 27th 2011.


11 June 8th Knockanure



AGM of Knockanure Development Association will be held Knockanure Community Centre on June 9th at 8.30pm. After the AGM a meeting concerning the defibrillator with Roger Byrne will be held.

ACTIVE Retirement Day at Knockanure Community Centre will be held on Monday 13th of June, book with 068 49799.

CARE of the aged meeting was due to be held in the Marian Hall on Tuesday 7th of June at 8pm.

KDYS Summer camp details from 068 23744.

YOUTH 2000 Summer Camp at Clonmacnois , more information from

TRIP: Moyvane ICA are organizing a trip to the Dublin Horse Show on Wed, 3rd Aug. 2011, details from Eileen Roche and Marie Walsh.

BLOOD Transfusion clinic will be held at Fr Casey Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday 7th and 8th of June from 6 to 9pm each day.

HOPE all everyone had a happy Bank Holiday weekend, at last we got had some summer heat for a few hours.

EVENTS: Deafhear will have an outreach morning at the Citizens Information Centre at the Square in Listowel on June 10th from 10am to 12.30pm; Walk and cycle on Saturday 18th June will celebrate both the twenty years since the establishment of the Great Southern Trail Action Group and the recent extension which now enables the Rathkeale to Abbeyfeale section of the old Limerick-Tralee railway to be used for cycling/walking; Denny Mulvihill from Athea is to cycle for charity from Mizen to Malin Head from June 13th to 18th; Racing in Limerick on June 11th and on the following day in Cork; Bioenergy 2011 conference takes place at Johnstown Castle, Wexford on Thursday 16th June 2011; Clounmacon ICA outing is on June 24th; Knock Summer Festival runs from 24th to 26th of June; Athea group are proposing to climb Mangerton Mountain on June 26th; Clounmacon recently beat Knockanure in the County Junior League, score 3-10 to 0-6; Tarbert Pastoral Council are going on a trip to Scattery Island on July 24th; Postcard Campaign is being organized Stop the European Union helping itself to developing countries' raw materials!;

ACTIVE HEART: will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 7th at Kerins O’Rahilly’s GAA Club at 8pm. Guest speaker: Eoin Burnes who demonstrates Buteyko breathing which would be of interest to people with asthma, snoring or sleeping disorders. All welcome.

EDUCATION: John Marcus O Sullivan Education Summer School will take place at the Carlton Hotel on Thursday & Friday, June 16th & 17th covering religion, diversity & publicly managed schools in Ireland. Key Speaker: Prof. Walter Feinberg. Contact Kerry Education Service (KES), Riverside House, Dan Spring Road. Phone – 7121488.

DYSLEXIA information night will be held at the Lanterns Hotel on Thursday June 9th at 7pm, details from 087 9310 233.

WRITERS Week in Listowel attracted the attention of both the locals and the national media. They had a packed programme to celebrate their 40th anniversary; the success of Writers Week was only a dream to the founders of the event.

GARDEN: A four week course will be held at the Abbeyfeale Community Garden beginning Wednesday, June 15 from 7-9pm . The Tutor will be Dr. Sinead Neiland, Senior Tutor at Dromcollogher Organic College ,to book your place contact 087 6866450.

GREAT to see the tradition of planting and caring for flowers is continuing both in the Village and private lawns.

CANCER Society presentation offering practical advice on understanding and managing the emotional effects of cancer, from diagnosis stage onwards. This will take place at the Carlton Hotel on Monday, June 13th. To book call Valarie on 01 2310518 before Tuesday, June 7th.

THANKS: The Irish Cancer Society would like to thank all who helped collect E954 at their recent Church Gate collection in the Parish.

CAR boot sale and indoor market in aid of WL102fm will be held at the Community Centre, NCW on Sunday, June 12. Gates open at 7.30am. Sale from 9-2pm. Further information 087 6866450.

EXAMS: We will be thinking of all the students who start their exams on June 8th, hope they use every minute to improve their profile for the examiners.

CELEBRATIONS were held at Ballyguiltenane N.S recently to mark the 125th anniversary of the opening of the school. They have modernised both the fabric and equipment at the school in recent years and are seeking the Blue Flag and planting a garden. Local woman with many relations in Moyvane and Knockanure Mary Kennelly is the School Principal.

MAGAZINE: Tarbert Comprehensive school magazine is now available. The school had their awards day on May 19th 2011, there were 32 categories of awards, their CD is available locally and proceeds are going to charity.

SUNFLOWER Day Collection is on Friday & Saturday 10th & 11th June. Volunteers urgently needed cause. please phone Kay on 087-6975682 or Jenny on 086-3934134.

FETE will take place on Sunday, June 12th in Fr Casey’s GAA Clubhouse Abbeyfeale from 2-6pm. Items for auction ( antiques, furniture, ornaments etc.) Bric– a –brac, Books Clothes in good condition, Turf, Timber, groceries etc. Details of collection, contact 068 51915.

LOTTO Results for 27th May 2011, numbers drawn were 4-17-19-29 No Winner of E8,500 Jackpot, Lucky Dips; Tim Horgan ,Trien, Kilmorna Ann Jones, Ballybunion; Micheal Woods, Knockanure; Marguerite Woods, Knockanure; John Barry, Knockanure; Mary Hanrahan, Lower Aughrim, Moyvane;

Bar Prize Angela Sheehy;

LOTTO Results 3rd June; Jackpot E8,600, numbers drawn were 2-12-20 and 21, No Winner. Lucky Dips; Mike Lennon, Listowel;

Wren Family, Tournafulla; Jack O Keeffe, Kilmorna; Niamh O Keeffe, Kilmorna; Mike Horgan, Kilmorna; Nora Fitzmaurice Moyvane; Bar Prize Joe Enright Next weeks Jackpot E8,700

WISHING Pat Brosnan a speedy return to reporting and participating in local events.

ARCHIVES: Taken from Kerryman of June 10th 1988; Names for Moyvane include, Murhur, Newtown Dillon, Newtown Clarke, named Moyvane in 1939. Moyvane had the first Kildare Place School in Kerry, opened 1818 with 120 pupils and Michael Keane was its first teacher, the school was taught by a Priest in 1827, it was transferred to the National School in 1833. Inspectors report 1909 P J Fitzgerald said about teachers, both wore hats when I visited, not good manners to wear hats in school. 1914 report, the pupils are not bright enough, alert enough or well dressed, there is an absence of self respect. The oldest register 1861, Timothy Enright first entry, his address Newtown, son of a shopkeeper, was aged 4 years, he left in 1872. Dan Walsh was last entry in register in 1908, Thomas Callaghan was aged 12 years. When Bishop Moriarty visited in 1856 there were 320 houses in Murhur, four Protestant families, 90 baptisms and 22 marriages.

CATCHER: I can only fly freely when I know there is a catcher to catch me. If we are to take risks, to be free, in the air, in life, we have to know that when we come down from it all, we're going to be caught; we're going to be safe. The great hero is the least visible. Trust the Catcher, Henri J. M. Nouwen.

LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Eucharistic Procession in Listowel this year, is on Sunday 26th June. The route is from St. Mary’s Church to Kerry Parents & Friends, Clieveragh.


DEATH took place on 29th May 2011 of Mary Flavin , nee O Flaherty Glenagragra, Athea. Mary was predeceased by her husband Bill, daughter Hannah and brothers Tim, William, Michael and John and is survived by her sons, daughters, grandchildren, great-grand- children, brothers, Pat and Tom sisters, Hannah Stack and Nora Lynch . Following Requiem Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Glin on Wednesday June 1st, Mary Flavin was laid to rest at Kilfergus Cemetery, Glin. Mary was daughter of Tim Flaherty and Hannah O Connor of Gortdromagowna, Knockanure. Tim and Hannah died in 1982 and are buried at Ahavoher Cemetery with their son John who died in 2005 .

ANNIVERSARIES: Hannie Mulvihill, Sadie Shanahan, Howard Flannery, Eugene O Sullivan, Elizabeth Emmery, Oaddy Doody, Sr. Gabriel Galvin, Peg Normile, John Paul McMahon, Sr. Claude Sheehy, P J Flavin, Joan O Donnell, Johanna Stokes, Mai Galvin, Bessie Nealon, Tom Moloney, Mary Margaret Dillon, Liam Cronin; Mass on Tuesday 7th for Hughie Fitzmaurice at 8pm; Mass on Friday in Moyvane for Brid Broder at 8pm; Mass on Sat. 11th at 8pm for Nora Adams nee Stack; Mass on Sun. 12th in Knockanure at 10am for Dolores Carmody and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for John and Peggy Collins and deceased members of the Collins family.

READERS: Vigil, Michelle Corridan 11am Paul and Anthony Kiely and 10am in Knockanure Mary O Flaherty and Siobhan Fitzgerald.

MEDJUGORJE 30th Anniversary will be marked at St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee, Reconciliation, Rosary, Mass & Adoration on Monday June 13th at 8.30pm. Sacrament of Confession will begin at 6.30pm. All are welcome.

BISHOP MURPHY: open invitation to parishioners to attend the Golden Jubilee celebration of Bishop Bill’s ordination to the priesthood, which will take place in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 6.15pm on Sunday, June 19th, All welcome.

PHOTO display in St. John’s Church, Tralee has been compiled by some members of St. John’s Youth Leadership Group.

NATIONAL Eucharistic Congress will take place on Saturday, June 25th at Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock. Groups from all over the country are expected to attend. The day begins with morning prayer at 11am followed by workshops and a celebration of the Eucharist at 2.30pm.

KNOCK VIGIL: will be held on Saturday, June 11th from 9pm – 1am. The theme of the vigil is ‘Healing for a New Evangelization’. The intentions of the Vigil are: 1) the Eucharistic congress June 2012, and 2) the Synod of Bishops on the Evangelization to be held in October 2012.

PRAYERS: On Pentecost Sunday, June 12th, Janice and Moss Carrig will hold a prayer meeting in the Blessed Sacrament Church, Abbeyfeale at 3pm, everyone welcome.

CHOIR: Sunday Folk Choir, details from 087 2884869.






11 June 15 Knockanure








ACTIVE Retirement Day at Knockanure Community Centre was due to be held on Monday 13th of June, More from 068 49799.


SAINT PIO Prayer meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd June at 7pm. incorporating the Rosary Mass and Benediction.

MEDJUGORJE: Monthly Prayer Meeting at St. Patrick’s Hall, on Monday June 13th at 7.30pm.


IRISH Night at Mairead’s Bar in Moyvane in aid of Senior Citizens Fund on Sat. 18th June at 9pm.


TRIP: Moyvane ICA are organizing a trip to the Dublin Horse Show on Wed, 3rd Aug. 2011, details from Eileen Roche and Marie Walsh.


TRAIL: Walk and cycle on The Great Southern Trail on Saturday 18th June and celebrate the twenty years since the establishment.


EVENTS: Feile Cheoil Lixnaw on the 18th and 19th; Vintage Day at Kilflynn on June 19th; Afternoon of prayer will be held at Scartaglen Church on Sunday June 19th at 2.45pm; Racing in Limerick on the 17th June; Racing in Castleisland 18th and 19th of June; Clounmacon ICA outing on June 24th, details from 068 21773; Bioenergy 2011 conference takes place at Johnstown Castle, Wexford on Thursday 16th June 2011; Knock Summer Festival runs from 24th to 26th of June; Con Curtin Music Festival 24th and 25th of June; Market and Craft Fair at the Bridewell, Tarbert on June 25th starting at 10.30am;


ST JOHN’S: Tuesday 21st June; Play called Oleanna by David Marmet and presented by Colton Theatre , Cork, more from 068 22566.


EDUCATION: John Marcus O Sullivan Education Summer School will take place at the Carlton Hotel on Thursday & Friday, June 16th & 17th covering religion, diversity & publicly managed schools in Ireland. Key Speaker: Prof. Walter Feinberg. Contact Kerry Education Service (KES), Riverside House, Dan Spring Road. Phone – 7121488.


GARDEN: A four week course will be held at the Abbeyfeale Community Garden beginning Wednesday, June 15 from 7-9pm . The Tutor will be Dr. Sinead Neiland, Senior Tutor at Dromcollogher Organic College ,to book your place contact 087 6866450.


FETE: Abbeyfeale Parish Fete has been cancelled due to the inclement weather forecast. It will now be held on Sunday, July 10 at the Fr. Casey GAA Grounds, Abbeyfeale.


GREAT to see the tradition of planting and caring for flowers is continuing both in the Village and private lawns. The recent cold and blustery weather is severe on plants.


THANKS: The Irish Cancer Society would like to thank all who helped collect E954 at their recent Church Gate collection in the Parish.


CELEBRATIONS were held at Ballyguiltenane N.S recently to mark the 125th anniversary of the opening of the school. Local woman with many relations in Moyvane and Knockanure Mary Kennelly is the School Principal.


MAGAZINE: Tarbert Comprehensive school magazine is now available, they also have a CD, proceeds going to charity.


KDYS Summer Camps there are still a few places left on the summer camps and the teenager activity week. To book or for more information contact ring 068-23744.

ALZHEIMERS Carers Support Group meet At the Listowel Family Resource Centre on Tuesday June 14 at 7.30pm. For further information contact (068) 23584.

WALK: Annual 10k River Charity Walk in aid of Multiple Sclerosis Society – Tralee branch will take place on Sunday, June 19th. Assemble at the Carlton Hotel at 1pm for start at 1.30pm. Details from 087 2975087.


LOTTO Results for 27th May 2011, numbers drawn were 4-17-19-29 No Winner of E8,500 Jackpot, Lucky Dips; Tim Horgan ,Trien, Kilmorna Ann Jones, Ballybunion; Micheal Woods, Knockanure; Marguerite Woods, Knockanure; John Barry, Knockanure; Mary Hanrahan, Lower Aughrim, Moyvane;

Bar Prize Angela Sheehy;

LOTTO Results 3rd June; Jackpot E8,600, numbers drawn were 2-12-20 and 21, No Winner. Lucky Dips; Mike Lennon, Listowel;

Wren Family, Tournafulla; Jack O Keeffe, Kilmorna; Niamh O Keeffe, Kilmorna; Mike Horgan, Kilmorna; Nora Fitzmaurice Moyvane; Bar Prize Joe Enright Next weeks Jackpot E8,700


WISHING Pat Brosnan a speedy return to reporting and participating in local events.


FULL Moon on June 15th , the moon will rise fully eclipsed by the earth. Fruit from the gooseberry and blackcurrant are nearly ripe. The alder flower and honeysuckle are in full bloom. Recent heavy rain and cool weather is a disadvantage to both man and beast.


KINDNESS is not doing what we should. Kindness is what we do when we should be doing something else. Kindness is doing what we don't need to do for someone who has no right and no intention to demand it. Joan Chittister.


PAKISTAN: An extremist group says the Christian scriptures contain "blasphemy" and "pornography."


SWANS ,Tadhg Kennelly according to news reports wants to extend his career with the Sydney Swans beyond 2011.


BISHOP MURPHY: open invitation to parishioners to attend the Golden Jubilee celebration of Bishop Bill’s ordination to the priesthood, which will take place in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 6.15pm on Sunday, June 19th, All welcome.


LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.


ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Eucharistic Procession in Listowel this year, is on Sunday 26th June. The route is from St. Mary’s Church to Kerry Parents & Friends, Clieveragh.


NATIONAL Eucharistic Congress will take place on Saturday, June 25th at Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock. Groups from all over the country are expected to attend. The day begins with morning prayer at 11am followed by workshops and a celebration of the Eucharist at 2.30pm.


CHOIR: Local Sunday Folk Choir, details from 087 2884869.


DEATH took place on 29th May 2011 of Mary Flavin , nee O Flaherty Glenagragra, Athea. Mary was predeceased by her husband Bill, daughter Hannah and brothers Tim, William, Michael and John and is survived by her sons, daughters, grandchildren, great-grand- children, brothers, Pat and Tom sisters, Hannah Stack and Nora Lynch . Following Requiem Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Glin on Wednesday June 1st, Mary Flavin was laid to rest at Kilfergus Cemetery, Glin. Mary was daughter of Tim Flaherty and Hannah O Connor of Gortdromagowna, Knockanure. Tim and Hannah died in 1982 and are buried at Ahavoher Cemetery with their son John who died in 2005 .


DEATH has taken place of Hannah Barnes nee McEnery who was born at Tubbertureen, Moyvane 93 years ago to Denis McEnery and Margaret Hudson. Hannah was predeceased by her husband and is survived by her daughter Katie and grandchildren. Hannah Barnes had siblings Denny, Sonny, Noreen, Ita, Birdie, Cathy in USA, and Magdalene. Following requiem Mass at Moyvane Church on Thursday 9th of June 2011, celebrated by Fr Lucid, Hanna Barnes was laid to rest among generations of her family at Knockanure Old Churchyard.


DEATH took place in Sheffield of Dan Scanlon formally of Moher, Moyvane, all his family have left the district for many years, his mother taught at Lenamore N.S.


ANNIVERSARIES: Kitty O Donnell, Mary Murphy, Donal Mulvihill, Ned Cronin, Maureen Moore, Bridget Stack, Bridie O Connell, Myles Kearney, Kathy O Donoghue, Pat McElligott, Maureen Ahern, Liam Barry, Mass on Tuesday June 14th in Knockanure for Peggy McElligott at 8pm; Mass on Thursday 16th at 8pm for Thomas Cronin and deceased members of the Cronin Family; Mass on Friday 17th at 8pm for Con O Connor; Months Mind Mass on Sat. 18th at 8pm for Anthony Ahern; Mass on Sunday 19th at 10am in Knockanure for Denis Flaherty and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Christy Barry.


QUESTIONAIRE forms must be returned to the church before June 16th please.


READERS: Vigil, Selena Mulvihill and Ann Maria Kennelly; 11am, Denis Murphy and Noelle Nolan; Knockanure Margaret Carmody and Mary Fitzgerald.


POPE Benedict XVI welcomed over 2,000 gypsies to the Vatican June 11. They came to Rome to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Bl. Zefirino Giménez Malla. Known as "El Pelé.


THANKS: Aras Mhuire Nursing home acknowledges with thanks E168. 15 taken up at church gate collection in Knockanure recently.


KNOCK: The Annual Pilgrim of the St Joseph’s Young Priests Society to Knock will take place on Saturday 25th June 2011, contact 068-21768 or 066-7137236.

Active Retirement are going to Knock on June 30th & stay overnight Anyone interested please give in your name on Tuesday 14th June in St. Patrick’s Hall.

MASS: Tralee Town Council is organizing a Garden Festival in the Town Park on June 19th/20th, As part of this event, the 12 noon Mass will be celebrated in the Town Park, weather permitting.

CHARISMATIC, Celebrating 40 years in Ireland – Amazing Grace’. This event will take place from June 24th – 26th at Athlone Institute of Technology. Speakers: Fr Chris Thomas, Rev David Armstrong & Damian Stayne (Healing Service). For accommodation booking, phone Johnny on 087 2502557.


11 June 22 Knockanure




SAINT PIO Prayer meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd June at 7pm. incorporating the Rosary Mass and Benediction. Final session of Lixnaw, Padre Pio Novena was on June 21st at 7.30pm.

TRIP: Moyvane ICA are organizing a trip to the Dublin Horse Show on Wed, 3rd Aug. 2011, details from Eileen Roche and Marie Walsh.

KNOCKANURE Community Centre; FIT / I Can Do - Digital Skills Taster Training Programme for the Unemployed.

FIT in collaboration with I Can Do Learning is offering a Taster Course named the I Can Do Digital Skills Programme to centres in Ireland. Modules are : Getting Started, Getting Online, Photo, Video, Music, Socialsurf, and Webshare. Knockanure Community Centre is currently enrolling people for this course. Anyone interested in doing this course or for more information should contact 068 49799.

SHAPE: Getting in shape for Summer at Knockanure Community Centre. Due to popular demand classes will continue for the Summer months. Getting in shape for Summer with all new Bums, tums and thigh classes. Have fun, get fit and tone key areas at the same time. At Knockanure Community Centre on Wednesday 29th June at 8pm. All Welcome. Contact Maggie on 087 9866533.

MASS: Lisselton Gale Churchyard Mass is on June 30th, many from Knockanure rest in the cemetery including local songwriter and poet Willie Finucane.

EVENTS: Grass cutting at Duagh cemetery on June 23rd; Clounmacon ICA outing on June 24th, details from 068 21773; Con Curtin Music Festival 24th and 25th of June; Market and Craft Fair at the Bridewell, Tarbert on June 25th starting at 10.30am ; Farmers Market takes place every Sunday from 11am – 3pm in the Windmill Carpark, Blennerville. Contact 066 7121064; September 19th - 26th fully escorted tour with highlights of Florence, Pisa, Assisi, Viareggio & Rome. Spiritual director: Mons. Dan O’Riordan, Contact Mary O’Carroll on 066 7125898; A benefit night will take place at Kingdom Greyhound Stadium on Saturday, June 25th in aid of youth mental health awareness group ‘Jigsaw Kerry ; Charleville Show is on 25th and 26th June; Kerry Autism Support meeting at the Abbeygate Hotel on June 29th at 8.15pm; Newtown Athletic recently beat Shannon Wanderers by 1 point recently , score, 4 to 3; Kerry General Hospital night at the dogs is on July 1st; Derry was chosen as City of Culture in UK for 2013.

BEST Wishes to Padraig Keane of Coilagurteen, Knockanure who is volunteering in India for a month, he fundraised the cost of his trip over the past few months. Padraig is studying radiography in Dublin.

BEST Wishes also to Gerard Barrett and his team who were busy in Abbeyfeale on Saturday last taking footage for their latest project.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 10th June 2011. Numbers Drawn were 11-16-30 and 31. No Winner of E 8,700 Jackpot. Lucky Dips went to, Tim Horgan, Trien Kilmorna

Mary Kelly, Donnard, Tarbert; Philomena Molyneaux, Knockanure; Tom Windle, Leitrim East, Moyvane;

Stevie Brosnan, Barragougeen, Moyvane; Kathleen Carmody, Kilmorna; Bar Prize Patsy Lane.

MOTHERS: The Second Session of the ‘Meet A Mum’ group takes at the Listowel Resource Centre at 10.30am on Wednesday June 22nd. This week the group will be addressed by a speech and language therapist who will deal with a variety of issues including how to stimulate your baby’s speech and language and will also talk about the use of bottles and soothers. All are welcome.

ST JOHN’S: Play called Oleanna by David Marmet and presented by Colton Theatre , Cork, more from 068 22566.

SEISIUM will begin at the Devon Hotel on June 30th.

FETE: Abbeyfeale Parish Fete has been cancelled due to the inclement weather forecast. It will now be held on Sunday, July 10 at the Fr. Casey GAA Grounds, Abbeyfeale.

MARRIAGE; Margurite Greaney of Moyvane and John Horgan of Knockanure were married at Moyvane Church on June 11th 2011. Fr John Lucid Parish Priest conducted the ceremony. Brides Maid was Noreen Denihan and Best Man was Richard Horgan. Flower Girl Rachel Greany. Gifts Betty Greany and Mary Horgan. Readers, Helen O Sullivan and Catherine Glancy. Elaine Scarlet sang the hymns and played the music.The bride is daughter of Michael and Betty Greany of Leitrim Middle, Moyvane and the groom is son of Timmy and Mary Horgan of Trien, Kilmorna.

CAMP:A Summer Cookery Camp for 9-12 year olds will take place at the Listowel Family Resource Centre from Monday July 4th - Friday 8th July from 2-4pm daily. Places are limited so early booking is advised. For more details, contact on 068 23584.

A Summer Camp for 5-10 year olds will take place at the Listowel Family Resource Centre starting on Monday July 4th and continuing until Friday August 12th. The camp will feature a variety of daily activities including cookery, games, arts/crafts, outings, computing and more besides. Places are limited and early booking is advised. The camp runs between 9.30am to 1.30pm. For more details, contact on 068 23584.

100 Yrs ago; Mercy Convent Listowel had occupants; Lucy Barron aged 60 of Limerick; Margaret Danaher aged 45; Julia Trant aged 30; Marry Hilliard aged 42; and Kate O Connell aged 28. Sample of local nurses in 1901; Mary Shanahan of Kilfeighney aged 65; Ellen Ford, Ballybunion age 65; Bridget Sheehy, Kilshennane aged 71; Nora Kissane, Urlee aged 71; Bridget Buckley, Kilfeighny aged 100 of Limerick; Nora Collins, Ballinclogher aged 70; Ellie Mahony, Kilmeaney aged 13; Nora Lynch, William Street aged 14; Marian Walsh, Coolkeragh aged 32; Marianne Rowan, William Street aged 14; Nano Kennelly Knockamoohane aged 71; Catherine Sheahan Curraghatoosane aged 26; Hannah O Hanlon, Curraghatoosane; Mary Mulvihill Church Street aged 42.

LOUGH Derg Pilgrimages; June 28th to 30th, July 29th to 31st, August 12th to14th, Details from Peg at 068 31232.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm. Eucharistic Procession in Listowel this year, is on Sunday 26th June. The route is from St. Mary’s Church to Kerry Parents & Friends, Clieveragh.

NATIONAL Eucharistic Congress will take place on Saturday, June 25th at Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock. Groups from all over the country are expected to attend. The day begins with morning prayer at 11am followed by workshops and a celebration of the Eucharist at 2.30pm.

CHARISMATIC, Celebrating 40 years in Ireland – Amazing Grace’. This event will take place from June 24th – 26th at Athlone Institute of Technology. Speakers: Fr Chris Thomas, Rev David Armstrong & Damian Stayne (Healing Service). For accommodation booking, phone Johnny on 087 2502557.

LATIN Mass was said at the Dominican, Holy Cross church Tralee last Sunday.

BEST Wishes to Canon Canon Michael Fleming, our former Parish Priest who recently celebrated the Ruby Anniversary of his ordination.

FEAST of Blessed Irish Martyrs was on June 20th.

DEATH took place last week of Baby Cillian Joseph O Connor of Kilbaha, son of Joanne Stack and Cathal O Connor. Mass of the Angels in memory of Cillian was celebrated at Moyvane Church on Friday 17th of June 2011 by Fr Lucid assisted by Fr Nolan a cousin and Fr Broderick of Tarbert. Following Mass Baby Cillian was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery surrounded by his grieving family and relations.

ANNIVERSARIES: Joe Lynch, Patrick O Keffe, Donal Mulvihill, Tom Keane, Sr. Elaine McElligott, John Culhane, Thomas O Callaghan, Brendan Shanahan, Con Greany, John Flaherty, Mary Shanahan,

Mass on Tues 21st Knockanure at 8.00pm for Hanna & Ned Quinn; Mass on Wed 22nd 8.00pm Months Mind for Maura O’Connor ; Mass on Thurs. 23rd Knockanure 8.00pm for Mary Brosnan; Mass Fri. 24th 8.00pm for Maurice & Mary Hartnett; Mass on Sat. 25th 8.00pm for Nora King nee Quinn; Mass on

Sun. 26th 11.00am for Con Flaherty, Dooncaha & Aughrim, Months Mind.

LITURGY Meeting at the Presbytery on Wed.22nd at 8..30pm

READERS:Vigil John Corbett;11.00am Amanda Coulson;

Knockanure 26th June Ann Stack & Brenda Clancy

KNOCK A Bus will leave Knockanure on Wednesday 6th July at 7.30am Moyvane 7.45am, Tarbert 8.00am. For booking and information, contact



Margaret Carmody, 49361 / 087 2976304 and Nuala Carmody, Tarbert 36166.

MEDJUGORJE Film will be shown on RTE 1 Nationwide on Friday 24th June 7 -8pm.

Knock Marriage Introductions Bureau,contact the Bureau at Knock, Co. Mayo. Phone 094 9375960, or

COLLECTION: Senior Citizens Annual Church Gate Collection will take place next weekend 25th & 26th June at all Masses.

MOYVANE: The next Tidy Towns clean up is Wednesday 22nd June at 8pm. It is noticeable the effort being made to make the Village look good.




11 June 29 Knockanure



KNOCK: A Bus will leave Knockanure on Wednesday 6th July at 7.30am Moyvane 7.45am, Tarbert 8.00am. For booking and information, contact Margaret Carmody, 49361 / 087 2976304 and Nuala Carmody, Tarbert 36166.

COMPUTERS: Fit in collaboration with I Can Do Learning is offering a Taster Course named the I Can Do Digital Skills Programme to centres in Ireland. Modules are : Getting Started, Getting Online, Photo, Video, Music, Socialsurf and Webshare. Knockanure Community Centre is currently enrolling people for this course. Anyone interested in doing this course or for more information should contact 068 49799.

THANKS: The Senior Citizens Committee would like to thank everybody who attended our Fundraising Irish Night and made it such a wonderful success. We would especially like to thank Mairéad and her Family for hosting the night and to Gabriel and all the Musicians and Singers and to Tom Roche for the delicious food he provided. We would also like to thank all the people who gave donations and spot prizes.


BEST Wishes to Jack Stackpoole of Lower Athea who recently his 80th birthday with family and friends.

BEST Wishes also to Denis Mulvihill of Moyvane who also celebrated his 80 birthday. Congratulations to Fr O Connell of Lixnaw who celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his ordination last week.

WIN: Local man Robert Nolan won E4,000 in the Moyvane GAA Lotto.

TWINS: A record breaking attempt to have the largest gathering of twins and triplets in Ballybunion on August 14th is being coordinated by local group, details from 087 9866 533.

SEISIUN will be held again this year at the Devon Hotel this Summer starting on Thursday June 30th.

EVENTS: Estuary AC train on Wednesdays in Moyvane from 6 to 7pm; Kerry Autism Action meeting at the Abbeygate Hotel on 29th June at 8.15pm; Mass at Gale Cemetery,Lisselton on Thursday 30th June at 8pm; CAO change of mind, closing date 1st July 2011; Finuge weekly Crossroads dancing begins on Friday night July 1st; Munster Championship final will be held in Killarney on July 3rd ,its an all ticket affair; Joe Dolan reunion at the INEC from 8th to 10th July; Abbeyfeale Parish Fete will be held at Fr Casey GAA Grounds on July 10th; Tarbert Historical Society are going on a trip to Dingle and the Blaskets on July 17th;

X-ISTANCE Youth, Listowel Is having a Bring & Buy Sale on Friday July 1st from 9 to 4pm. at 13 Upper William St. opposite the Post Office.

YOUTH 2000 Summer Festival will take place in Clonmacnois, Co Offaly from Thursday to Sunday, August 4th – 7th. For young people aged 16 – 35. Phone 01 6753690 or 085 8289231 or book online at

CHARITY Dance in aid of Kerry Cancer Support Group & Friends of Kerry General Hospital will take place on Friday, July 8th at the Earl of Desmond Hotel.

FREE: Castles in Listowel, Carrigafoyle and Desmond Castle are now open free to the public.

LADIES football team from the County beat Tipperary in the Munster Semi- Final, they will be in action again on July 9th for the Munster final, local woman Breda Lane was described as outstanding in defence in the semi-final. We all wish them well.

HEADQUARTERS: Munster GAA are building a new 10,000 square foot headquarter at Castletroy, local man Sean Walsh chairman of the Munster Council of the GAA recently turned the sod on the site.

GAZA: Israel are allowing the building of over 1,000 homes and 18 schools in southern Gaza.

MINISTER for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan was in Glengarriff on June 24th 2011 to watch documentary film on the making of The Quiet Man film.

NRA are at it again, they want to deny local businesses advertising their wares with roadside signs, while themselves are spending E60 million on new signs. Most people are wary of putting up signs as the County Council will be after you for rates and planning if they get any hint that you are attempting to start a business at home, no wonder that the most progressive people are moving abroad and we are left with sedate people on welfare.

BANK: The president of the Vatican Bank has said that emerging economies may be the only countries experiencing economic growth over the coming decades, while Western nations are crippled by lack of productivity, uncompetitive labor markets, and aging populations.

ENGLISH School: The Norwich Free School, which is expected to open in September 2011, is to open six days a week for 51 weeks of the year, English Education Secretary Michael Gove said. New rules has meant that they are able to change the school day to fit their requirements.

ATHEA scrap metal can be collected or dropped off to a central location. Details from Caroline O’Connell on 087 6643307 or Kathlen Mullane on 087 1233361

OPEN: The Palatine Centre Rathkeale; Opening hours from June to September- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2-5pm. Sunday Opening hours for June, July and August 2-5pm .

BROADBAND: The Minister for Communications has announced a Rural Broadband Scheme for areas where people are unable to get a broadband service ,details from 1850 678100 .


NURSES 1901 Continued from last week.

Julia Grant of Curraghatoosane aged 38; Ellen Histon Church Street, Listowel aged 75; Catherine Ambrrose, Curraghatoosane aged 25; Kate Bartishall, Do agd 58; Annie O Keeffe, Do aged 30; Delia Fitzgerald , Do aged 26; Sarah Stephens, Abbeydorney aged 71; Madge Moriarty, Do, aged 16; Catherine Clemans, Ballylongford aged 65; Ellen Higgins, Kerry Head aged 65; Margaret Guerin, Curraghatoosane aged 40; Margaret Danaher , Do aged 56; Jane Slattery, Do aged 38; Kate Brosnan, Glanlea aged 90 caretaker nurse; Catherine O Sullivan, Trieneragh aged 78; Emily Duggan Abbeydornet aged 25; Ellie Laide, Newtownsandes aged 26; Mary Webb, Brosna aged 77; Catherine Walsh, Coolkeragh aged 31; Bridget Buckley, Duagh aged 34; Nora Spillane , William Street aged 19; Mary Ester Moloney Tralee aged 35; Hannah McQuinn, Ballyduff aged 30; Bridget Merrick, Bishopscourt, Ballyduff aged 28; Cecelia O Sullivan , Ballybunion aged 25 of Cork; Kate Crowley, Ballybunion aged 24; Elizabeth Quilter, Lixnaw aged 42; Bridget McCabe, Court House Rd, Listowel aged 24; Sarah McCabe do of Co Limerick aged 19.

PIESTS: 63 priests are working in the diocese of Kerry at present, of which 13 are under 50. The last ordination in Kerry was in 2007, Fr Moore spoke at mass on Sunday last to warn us of what to expect over the coming years. He also had in his possession the small chalice which was found in the bog at Ardidonegan, it was of Spanish origin and was used in penal times, the faith survived then with only a handful of pastors.

ARDFERT Retreat Centre , Fr. Dan Baragry CSSR will preach a retreat from Friday July 1st to Thursday 7th about recognising the Lord who walks with us, details from 066 7134 276.

DEATH took place suddenly on June 17th 2011 of Eamonn Keane of Kylbeg, Greenville, Listowel. Eamonn is survived by his wife Margaret, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters. Following Requiem Mass at St. Mary's Church, Listowel on Monday 20th June 2011. Eamonn Keane was laid to rest at John Paul II Cemetery, Listowel. Eamonn worked at Teagasc and was well known in the locality, he was very interested in politics and was always at the count centre.

ANNIVERSARIES: Daniel and Paddy Flavin, Hannah Buckley, Bridie Long, Tim Dinneen, Jeremiah O Connor, Bess Horgan, Tom Sullivan, Maureen Broderick, Julie O Connor, John Sheehan, Maureen Nolan, Peg Horgan, Kathleen O Connor, William Quirke, Paddy Maher, Lil Mai O Sullivan, Sr. Nora Berchmans Flaherty, Joyce Mannix, Kate Foley, Mass on Wed 29th at 9.15am for Denis Nolan & his mother Bridie Nolan

& the deceased members of the Nolan Family; Mass on Thurs. 30th Knockanure at 8.00pm Private Intention; Mass on First Friday 1st July at 8.00pm for Joe & Mary Lynch; Mass on Sat. 2nd at 8.00pm for Daniel & Catherine Keane; Mass on Sun. 3rd 10.00am in Knockanure For the People of the Parish and the

11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for John & Hanna Foley & the deceased members of the Foley Family.




CEMETERY Mass Listowel: Tuesday 5th July, John Paul II Cemetery Mass, Wednesday 6th July, Finuge Cemetery and Thursday 7th July, St. Michael’s Cemetery Mass all Masses are at 8pm.

FAMILY Centre Listowel: The 3rd session of the 'Meet a Mum' group takes place at the Listowel Family Resource Centre on Wednesday. June 29, at 10.30am. The 2nd Grandparents tea party takes place on Thursday. June 30, between 3-5pm. For further details contact (068) 23584.

COLLECTION: Annual Church Gate Collection for the blind will held on Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd July

ROSARY: Moyvane I.C.A. Rosary will be recited at the Grotto at 8.15pm on Tuesday 28th June. Please come along and join in.

COMMUNION Rounds, First Friday of the Month. Usual Rounds, Knockanure in the morning and Moyvane in the afternoon. Confessions before the Vigil Mass on every Saturday night in Moyvane. Confessions in Knockanure before the Vigil Mass on the First Friday Mass.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

READERS: Vigil Elaine Hudson;11.00am Jerry Duggan; Knockanure 3rd July Patricia & Andrew Rogan

COLLECTORS for July; Vigil,James Moody & Ronan Kearney; 11.00am Eileen Cronin & Michael Kissane; Knockanure 10.00am Jerry Woods

BEST Wishes to Canon Kelly of Athea who was ordained 61 years ago and also congratulations to Sr. Mary O’Riordan of Ballaugh, Abbeyfeale who celebrated the 70th. Anniversary of her Profession as a Sister of the Blessed Sacrament.



11 July 6 Knockanure




SENIOR Citizens meeting was due to be held in the Marian Hall on Tuesday night on 5th July.

ICA have seats available on the bus to the Horse Show at the RDS, details from 068 49489.

KDYS, Summer Camp , details from 068 23744.

EVENTS: Summer Seisiun will be held on Thursday nights at 9pm in the Devon Hotel, Templeglantine till mid August; Afternoon jewellery making class at Listowel Family Centre on Wed. 6th July starting at 3pm, details from 068 23584; Car Boot Sale at Nolan’s Carpark, Listowel on Sunday 10th July from 10am; Lixnaw Vintage Day July 10th; Charity Dance in aid of Kerry Cancer Support Group & Friends of Kerry General Hospital will take place on Friday, July 8th at the Earl of Desmond Hotel; Poultry Sale at Eoin’s Car Sales, Clash Road, Abbeyfeale, Sunday, July 10 from 9.30 – 2.30pm; Dancing Teachers Class is being organised, contact Timmy Woulfe at 087 9451 247; Tarbert House is open to the public by appointment, call 068 36198; Athea Outing takes place on Wednesday July 13th to Cork, contact Marie Wrenn at 087-7674832 or 068-42524. Joan Fitzgibbon at 087- 9865005; Estuary AC train on Wednesdays in Moyvane from 6 to 7pm; Water Safety Course in Ballyheigue from 11th to 15th of July; Joe Dolan reunion at the INEC from 8th to 10th July; Abbeyfeale Parish Fete will be held at Fr Casey GAA Grounds on July 10th; Tarbert Historical Society are going on a trip to Dingle and the Blaskets on July 17th; Racing begins at Killarney on July 11th; Guided tour of the Cathedral in Killarney on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm;

CAR Boot Sale and indoor market in aid of WL102fm will be held at the Community Centre, NCW on Sunday, July 10th. Further information from Marian at 087 6866450.

FETE: Abbeyfeale Parish Fete will take place next Sunday , July 10 in Fr Casey’s GAA Club from 2- 6pm. Wheel of fortune, Auction, Bonny Baby Show, Donkey Derby, Dog Show, Stalls, Games etc. etc. People who wish to donate the following items Cakes, Unwanted gifts, Items for Auction, books etc may drop them off at St Ita’s Hall between 10am to 5pm on Saturday. A person will be there to assist. The Parish Fete Draw will take place at the Fete.

BEST Wishes to Kerry Ladies football team who are playing in Munster Final on July 9th.

CONGRATULATIONS to Tim Buckley the new Mayor of Kerry, Tim has a host of relations in the Parish.

CRUMLIN: St. Michael’s College: Are holding a Fundraising Auction on Saturday July 9th at 8pm in the Listowel Arms Hotel. It will be followed by a Disco. All proceeds go to Children’s Hospital Crumlin.

BLOOD Donor Clinic will be held at Ballybunion Community Centre on 7th July from 9am to 6pm.

DEAFHEAR outreach will be at 35 The Square, Listowel on Fri July 8th from 10am to 12.30pm;

ST JOHN’S: Wed. July 6th, Music and Legends from the Celtic Isles; Wed. 13th Summer Melodies, with Mary Culloty O Sullivan, Cormac Dineen and Brid O Shea, more information from 068 22566.

PLANS: Provision for a E2 billion investment in renewable energy including a E900 million pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant is to be included in the Clare County Development Plan

Pope ordained on 29 June 1951 feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

CHOIRS of St John’s Church, Tralee, the Gregorian Choir and the Choir of the Sunday 12 noon Mass, will perform on Thursday, July 7th at Áras an Uachtaráin, at a Garden Party for the President and her guests.

AWARE Kerry Relatives Support Group meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month at The Meadowlands Hotel at 8pm. (Next meeting July 6th). Call Kate on 087-2993142 or Aware main office on 01-6617211 for details, or contact loCall Helpline – 1890 303 302

FILM: Casablanca, film for retired take place at Siamsa Tire on Wednesday, July 6th at 2pm. Tea & biscuits served at 1.30pm.

MOON: We are having two New Moons in July the 1st and 30th. Some are remarking how backward the ash tree is this year. Even the whitethorn leaves are going brown.

NURSES list continued from last week from 1901 census.

Nora O Connell, Ballylongford, Carrigkerry aged 36; Hannah Lucy Courthouse Road, Listowel aged 15; Mary Kerby Curraghatoosane aged 46; Josephone Mary O Donoghue, Knocknagoshel aged 31; Madge Carey Church St, Listowel aged 15; Rosaline Darcy, Ballybunion aged 47; Catherine Mahony, Clashmelcon; Margaret Finerty, Kilfergus aed 48; Johanna Savage , Lixnaw aged 73; Maggie Healy, Dromartin aged 17; Catherine Sullivan, Kilfeighny aged 19; Mary Houlihan, Lisselton , Loughanes aged 18; Mary O Connell, Trieneragh aged 30; Mary Carmody, William Street aged 14; Margaret Curtin, William Street aged 12; Margaret Moran William Street aged 14; Bridie Butler, William Street aged 49; Margaret Mackessy, Ballygrennane aged 17; Catherine Emma McCormack, Listowel aged 25.


STARS: A team of European astronomers studying the most distant quasar found to date, which is powered by a black hole with a mass two billion times that of the Sun, the brightest object yet discovered in the early Universe.

The universe is about 14 billion years old; earth is about four billion years. Earliest life go back about three billion years. Animal life forms go back 557 million years, and human life is estimated to go back to about 100,000 years ago.

GATHER up the stones flung at you with malice and build from them an altar of love to your Father in Heaven; fit them together with forgiveness and intercession for those who seek to hurt you. Rick Cruz Torres.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

CEMETERY Mass Listowel, Tuesday 5th July, John Paul II Cemetery; Wednesday 6th July, Finuge Cemetery and Thursday 7th July, St. Michael’s Cemetery Mass, all Masses are at 8pm.

DEATH took place on 27th June 2011 of Eileen Kennelly nee Wren a native of Ballylongford Village. Eileen was aged 103, her late husband Ted had a butchers shop in Ballylongford. Eileen Kennelly was laid to rest at Lislaughtin Abbey following Requiem Mass at Ballylongford Church on Wednesday 29th June 2011.

DEATH took place on 28th June 2011 of Joan Enright of Church Street , Glin and Aughrim, Moyvane. Joan was predeceased by her husband Danny Enright and is survived by her son Joe, daughters Betty and Mary, brother Eddie and sister Maud. Following Requiem Mass at Glin Church, Joan Enright was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery on Friday 1st July 2011 beside her husband Danny who died in 1988 aged 81 years. Joan was daughter of Ned Stack and Mary Ellen Scanlon of Moyvane Village and she was predeceased by siblings, Kathleen King, Mai Shughnessy, Paddy and Mick Stack.

DEATH took place recently of Dominic Keane of Church Street, Listowel in the USA.

DEATH: Ann McCarthy-McGovern died at the age of 88 in the Bronx New York on June 27, 2010. She was the wife of Thomas McGovern whom she survived along with six children and ten grandchildren. She was laid to rest in the Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Valhalla, New York. Ann was a native of Ballylongford, she was better known at home as Hannah.

DEATH occurred of Jim Galvin of Lahesrough North, Ballybunion on June 29, 2011. Jim is survived by his brothers and sisters, Nephews and Nieces. Following Requiem Mass at St. John's Church, Ballybunion on Friday July 1st 2011, Jim Galvin was laid to rest at Kilahenny Cemetery, Ballybunion.

ANNIVERSARIES: Patrick O Dowd, Dan Donoghue, Dick Hudson, Liam Buckley, Eileen Stack, Bridie Costelloe, Johnny Horgan, Catherine Kilkelly, Jeremiah Carmody, Kit Windle, Breda Walsh, Tom Sullivan, Jim Reilly, Fr Michael Galvin; Mass on Tuesday 5th at 8pm for Teresa Tess Mulvihill ;Mass on Thursday 7th at 8pm in Knockanure for Hannah and Paddy Fitzgerald and Maureen Moore; Mass on Friday 8th at 8pm in Moyvane for Bridie Reilly; Mass on Sat. 9th at 8pm for Fr Jimmy Kissane and deceased members of the Kissane family; Mass on Sunday 10th at 10am in Knockanure for Timothy and Mary Murphy and the 11am Mass in Moyvane is for Maurice Ahern.

COLLECTIN: Diocesan Collection for Sick and Retired Priests this weekend.

READERS: Vigil, Michelle Corridan;11am, Paul and Anthony Kiely; Knockanure,10am, Mary O Flaherty and Siobhan Fitzgerald.

COLLECTORS for July; Vigil, James Moody and Ronan Kearney; 11am, Eileen Cronin and Michael Kissane and Knockanure, Jerry Woods.





11 July 13 Knockanure




CHANGE: Please Note change of date for the next Active Retirement Day at Knockanure Community Centre. The next social day for the active retirement takes place on Monday 18th July. Come and enjoy a great meal followed by music and dance. Anyone wishing to attend please ring in advance at 068 49799 or 087 7528626 anytime. All new members welcome.

ELECTION: Knockanure Development Association held a meeting on 4th July 2011. The following are the elected members of the committee.

Honorary Presidents - Dan Keane - Jerry Enright. Chairperson - Danny Winter.Vice Chairperson - Mary O Connor. Secretary - Nora Winter. Treasurer - Kathy Kennelly. Assistant Treasurer - Nora Winter.PRO - Maggie Large. Assistant PRO - Marie Doody. Committee members - Jimmy Denihan - Betty Doody. Anyone interested in joining the committee would be most welcome. Please contact Knockanure Community Centre on 068 49799. Many Thanks, Knockanure Development Association.

CROAGH PATRICK: Sunday July 31st ,For enquiries and bookings contact 068 21707 or 086 2508796.

HORSE Show, bus tickets are available from 068 49337.

THANKS to Murhur , Moyvane school children and friends who collected, E360 for Bothar; Irish Guide Dogs received E200 and Crumlin Hospital got E 1,113. Also helping were Holly’s Gala Store, Nolan’s Express and Moyvane Youth Club.

ST JOHN’S: Wed. 13th , Summer Melodies with Mary Culloty O Sullivan, Cormac Dineen and Brid O Shea; Thursday 14th ,Jack Magic with Jack Richards; Fri. 15th , A Moon Rose , a new play by Neil Flynn, presented by The Hothouse; Tuesday 19th ,Ferguson, Holmes and Henry, featuring American and Irish music, details from 068 22566. Ch Notes

AWARE: The Tralee Aware group offer support for those who are sufferers of depression, and for their families and friends every Tuesday at 8pm in the Sacristy rooms at the rear of St. John’s Church. Call Kate on 087-2993142 or Aware main office on 01-6617211 for details, or contact loCall Helpline – 1890 303 302 or Head Office 01 6617211.

BLOOD Transfusion Service will hold donation clinic in Brandon Hotel on Monday, July 11th from 5-8.30pm and on Tuesday to Thursday, July 12th – 14th from 3-5pm and 7-9pm.

ACTIVE Heart will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 12th in Kerins O’Rahilly’s GAA Club at 8pm. Healthy heart food prepared by resident chefs will be available for tasting. Instruction on preparation of this food will be given. All welcome.

COURSE: Kerry Counselling & Training Services is offering Certificate Course in Counselling Skills 2011. For information, contact Caroline on 066 7122931 or email

MUM: Meet a mum group Listowel Family Resource Centre session 5 ‘what items to include in a child’s toy box’, on Wed. 13th at 10.30am. Alzheimer’s carers support group meet on Tuesday 12th at 7.30pm. contact the centre on 068-23584.

BEREAVEMENT Support Open Evening with Denis Robinson on the Stages of Grief, Coping Mechanisms, Individual and Community Support Systems - Thurs. 14th July, 7.30 p.m. at Listowel Family Resource Centre, John B. Keane Rd. Listowel. All Welcome, Bring a Friend. Contact Lorraine 06823429/Bridie 086-8556431.

EVENTS: Summer Seisiun will be held on Thursday nights at 9pm in the Devon Hotel, Templeglantine till mid August; Cross Roads Dancing at Finuge every Friday night during July and August; Tarbert Historical Society are going on a trip to Dingle and the Blaskets on July 17th; Racing begins at Killarney on July 11th; Guided tour of the Cathedral in Killarney on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm; Water Safety Class begins at Glin on Tuesday 12th July; Afternoon of Prayer at Scartaglen Church on Sunday July 17th at 2.45pm; Athea Road Race 23rd and 24th July; Class for children with reading and spelling difficulties will be held at IT Tralee from 25th to 29th July;

HORSE Fair in Listowel on Thursday last July 7th was a day for dodging showers, a small number of horses and ponies on display with many of the owners sheltering in trailers. There was still plenty of pets on offer, and the enthusiastic followers of all things equine were merrily entertaining each other. Some horse fair pictures at Knockanure.photobucket.

INCENTIVE: State of Kentucky has offered $7 million in tax incentives to entice American Synthetic Rubber to invest $26 million at its Louisville plant.

DIGITAL Skills Course, details from 068 23584.

EXPERIENCE: I bear my witness that the worst days I have ever had have turned out to be my best days. And when God has seemed most cruel to me, he has then been most kind, says, Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

HERITAGE: The Summer Talks Series is being launched on Thursday July 14th at 8 PM, at Glengarriff Park Hotel. The first talk is by Kurt Lyndorff, from The Ewe Sculpture gardens, a former war correspondent; July 21st ‘Marine of South West Cork’ by John Early;July 28th ’50 years since the trains headed west’ by Maurice McCarthy; August 4th ‘Beara in photos’ by John Eagle. Could this be replicated nearer home.

FREEMANS Journal of 19 July 1923; Commissioner for County disapproves allowance of £6 per year to Mr R Walsh R. O, the R. O should receive applicants in person. Cattle seized in Moyvane and Athea to pay shop goods , to satisfy decree from executers of the late Mrs Richardson merchant , Newtownsandes. Clare County Council are demanding rates for 1921 . Sinn Fein collected in some cases, receipts destroyed for fear of Police. Daniel Ryan friend of Michael Collins buried. Listowel Sub- Committee got letter from L. G Department declining to sanction the appointment of Dr. Roger O Connor as M.O for Ballyhorgan, the Doctor spent a considerable time in interment.

23 July 1923, Tralee Sat night; Cheering crowds welcome President Cosgrove and Party. Guard of honour and reception committee in Listowel. President greeted by townspeople and a bouquet of damask and tea roses was presented by Mrs Crowley wife of Mr Crowley TD. Mr Lynch said it was a pleasure and joy to see the welcome the first President of the Free State got. President Cosgrove was met at the railway station on his way to Tralee by an enormous crowd, which gave him an enthusiastic ovation. Mr James Crowley TD and Mr J Collins chairman of the Urban Council presented an address of welcome; Mr D H Leane from Cumann na n-Gaeheal and Mr O Connor from Newtownsandes offered a loyal and encouraging address on behalf of his area.

FATHER of the European Parliament; Archduke Otto von Habsburg, He was born on November 12 1912 in the Vienna palace of Hetzendorf . Archduke Otto von Habsburg, died on July 4 aged 98, he was son of the Archduke Karl and a great-nephew of the ruling Emperor Franz Josef. Habsburg monarchy goes back over 650 years. In 1979 and the next 20 years, The Archduke was elected to the European Parliament as Christian Democrat member. The Father of the House and only member born before the First World War.

KNOCK: A group from the locality were in Knock on Wed. last July 6th, they had a lovely day while we at home had some torrential rain. Thanks to all who were involved in organising the day, looking forward to the next Pilgrimage.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

PRIESTS: Bishop Bill Murphy extends an invitation to the annual dinner for priests who are home from abroad which will be held in the Parish Centre, Church of the Resurrection, Park Road, Killarney on Tuesday, July 26th at 6.30pm. An invitation is also extended to priests who have retired from abroad and are now living in Ireland. Please contact 064 6631168 by Friday, July 22nd and not later than 12 noon on Monday, July 25th if you wish to attend.

DEATH has occurred of Joan Flannery (née Collins) of College Green, Ennis, Clare, Joan was predeceased by her husband Tony who was a native of Mayo. Joan was daughter of Jack Collins of Aughrim, Moyvane and Teresa Fitzmaurice of Leitrim East. Requiem Mass for Joan Flannery was celebrated on March 29th 2011 in St. Joseph's Church, Ennis, she was laid to rest in Lemenagh Cemetery, Newmarket-Fergus.

ANNIVERSARIES: Pat Keane, Maureen Leech, Bridie Reilly, John Stack, Mary Murphy, Fr Dan Daly SMA, Vanda Horgan, Bridie Sheehy, Pat Joe Stack, Jim Sullivan, Lil Mai Sullivan, Sean Sheehan, Julia Walsh, Nan and Michael Flavin, Aidan Holly, Mossie Ahern, Sr. Consuela Moloney, Ted McElligott, Pat Sweeney, Patrick O Flaherty, Paudie Scanlon, Fr. John B Cunningham, Mary Dee; Mass on Tue. 12 at 8pmfor John P and Eileen O Connor &Mary and Patrick Keane; Masson Thursday 14th in Knockanure at 8pm for Matt and Bridget Costelloe; Mass on Friday 15th in Moyvane for James Moloney at 8pm; Masson Sat. 16th at 8pmfor Mary Flavin; Mass on Sunday in Knockanure at 10am for Nora and Michael Flavin and the 11am Massin Moyvane is for Kit Windle.

COLLECTION last week was for sick and retired Priests, there are 8 sick and 20 retired Priests in Kerry.

READERS: Vigil, Seline Mulvihill and Ann Marie Kennelly; 11am David Murphy and Noelle Nolan; Knockanure, Margaret Carmody and Mary Fitzgerald.

GRAVEYARD Masses: Ahavoher on Monday August 1st; Knockanure Old Churchyard Tuesday August 2nd and Murhur Churchyard Mass is on Wednesday 3rd August, all Masses at 8pm.



11 July 20 Knockanure




SAINT PIO Prayer Meeting will take place in Listowel Church on Thursday 21st July at 7pm. incorporating the Rosary Mass and Benediction.

RETIREMENT Day at Knockanure Community Centre. Was held on Monday 18th July, more information from 068 49799 or 087 7528626 anytime, new members welcome.

COURSE: Knockanure Community Centre is holding a Defibrillator course on Saturday 6th August from 10.30 am to 3pm with a view to becoming a responder for the Knockanure area. Roger Byrne (Principal Life Support Instructor) will be holding the course. The cost is E50 per person. Any queries please contact the office on 068 49799.

CHIROPODIST will attend the Marian Hall at 2.15pm on Saturday July 23rd for appointment, ring Eileen Quinn at 49472.

ELECTION: Knockanure Development Association held a meeting on 4th July 2011. The following are the elected members of the committee.

Honorary Presidents - Dan Keane - Jerry Enright. Chairperson - Danny Winter.Vice Chairperson - Mary O Connor. Secretary - Nora Winter. Treasurer - Kathy Kennelly. Assistant Treasurer - Nora Winter.PRO - Maggie Large. Assistant PRO - Marie Doody. Committee members - Jimmy Denihan - Betty Doody. Anyone interested in joining the committee would be most welcome. Please contact Knockanure Community Centre on 068 49799. Many Thanks, Knockanure Development Association.

CROAGH PATRICK: Sunday July 31st ,For enquiries and bookings contact 068 21707 or 086 2508796.

HORSE Show, bus tickets are available from 068 49337.

THANKS to Murhur , Moyvane school children and friends who collected, E360 for Bothar; Irish Guide Dogs received E200 and Crumlin Hospital got E 1,113. Also helping were Holly’s Gala Store, Nolan’s Express and Moyvane Youth Club.

COURSE: Kerry Counselling & Training Services is offering Certificate Course in Counselling Skills 2011. For information, contact Caroline on 066 7122931 or email

DIGITAL Skills Course, details from 068 23584.

EVENTS: Summer Seisiun will be held on Wed. nights at the Arms Hotel and Thursday nights at 9pm in the Devon Hotel, Templeglantine till mid August; Masquerade Ball in aid of Irish Heart Foundation on Sat. 3rd July at the Arms Hotel, starting at 7pm; Summer Series at J B Keane pub on Tuesday and Thursday nights; Cross Roads Dancing at Finuge every Friday night during July and August; Clothes collection before noon in Athea on July 20th beside the Bottle bank; Guided tour of the Cathedral in Killarney on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm; Athea Road Race 23rd and 24th July; Galway Races begin on July 25th; Abbeyfeale Rugby Club Family day on July 26th from 2pm to 4.30 pm; Golf, 3 Irish Open in Killarney July 28th; Class for children with reading and spelling difficulties will be held at IT Tralee from 25th to 29th July; Dublin Horse Show 3rd to 7th August;

ST JOHN’S: Wed. 20th , Port Authority, a comedy by Conor McPherson, presented by back of the Hand Theatre, Dublin; Thurs. 21st , Singular Sensations, music from Washington D.C. supported by John Stack Dance School; Fri. 22nd Comedy presented by St John’s Summer School; Tuesday 26th , comic drama called, The Blonde, Brunette and Vengeful Redhead written by Robert Hewett, more from 068 22566.

Knockanure GAA Lotto Results 8th July Jackpot E9,100 Numbers Drawn 14-16-19 and 30, No Winner.

Lucky Dipswent to; Mary & Joe Sweeney, Kilmorna; Stephanie Kennedy, Abbeyfeale; Steve Smyth, Abbeyfeale; Ann Marie O Keeffe, Brosna; Brianna Keane, Listowel; Ann Fitzgerald, Lenamore; Bar Prize Kathleen Carmody; Next Weeks Jackpot E9,200.

SEISIUN: Every Wednesday evening starting at 9pm. in the Listowel Arms Hotel, an evening of Music, Song, Dance & Storytelling. Seisiun in Timpleglantine on Thursday nights.

GAA Summer Camp in Moyvane from 25th to 29th July, contact John Dillon at 087 9865 215.

CONGRATULATIONS to Bridie Moloney of Leitrim Middle who was a recent winner in the Buy Kerry competition.

MOTHERS: Meet a mum group session 6, Listowel at 10.30am. Wednesday 20th July discussion on nutrition addressed by a dietician. Also a 1 day digital skills training programme for unemployed, starting shortly. For more information contact on 068-33584.

PURSE was found in Listowel Church recently. Please call into Parish Office for more information.

CARES: We must try to keep the mind in tranquillity. For just as the eye which constantly shifts its gaze, now turning to the right or to the left, now incessantly peering up or down, cannot see distinctly what lies before it, but the sight must be fixed firmly on the object in view if one would make his vision of it clear; so too man's mind when distracted by his countless worldly cares cannot focus itself distinctly on the truth. Saint Basil

VATICAN: 100 Valuable Vatican documents, including request by the English Parliament to annul Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon are on display in Rome.

OATH appointed to be taken by Catholics to qualify for relief was taken by David Nagle on 18th July 1791.

KING George and Queen Mary visited Ireland on July 8th 1911.

SLAVES: 400 Africans were killed in the upper reaches of the Congo by Arab slave traders on July 15th 1871.

LATER Mayor of Chicago, Irish American Martin H Kennelly started work on July 19th 1901 for $2 per week, he left the job and went back to school.

KNOCK: A group of 40 people from the locality were in Knock on Wed. last July 6th, the group was led by Fr. Tom McMahon, they had a lovely day while we at home had some torrential rain. Thanks to all who were involved in organising the day including Nuala and Margaret Carmody,

PILGRIMAGE: Medjugorje Pilgrimage August 27th departing from Cork. Contact Bridie McCarthy on 9477674 or 087 6654296,

YOUTH 2ooo Summer festival will take place in Clonmacnois, Co Offaly from August 4th – 7th. For young people aged 16 – 35, Phone 01 6753690.

FAMINE: Collection in the Church on 23rd and 24th July to help famine victims in the Horn of Africa. Some facility should be made to enable atheists and people who do not go to church contribute to this worthy cause.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

PRIESTS: Bishop Bill Murphy extends an invitation to the annual dinner for priests who are home from abroad which will be held in the Parish Centre, Church of the Resurrection, Park Road, Killarney on Tuesday, July 26th at 6.30pm. An invitation is also extended to priests who have retired from abroad and are now living in Ireland. Please contact 064 6631168 by Friday, July 22nd and not later than 12 noon on Monday, July 25th if you wish to attend.

GRAVEYARD Masses: Ahavoher on Monday August 1st; Knockanure Old Churchyard Tuesday August 2nd and Murhur Churchyard Mass is on Wednesday 3rd August, all Masses at 8pm.

ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret Flaherty, Sean O Connor, Delia Stack, Sr. Declan Murphy, Joe O Connell, Kathleen King, Peg McCarthy, John Griffin, James Godley, Jackie Lyons, Willie Dowd, Tom lynch, Mass on Mon 18th at10.00am in Knockanure; Mass on Tues 19th at 10.00am in Knockanure; Mass on Wed 20th at 10.00am in Knockanure; Mass on Thurs. 21st at 10.00am in Knockanure; Mass on Fri. 22nd at 8.00pm for Jeremiah Mulvihill; Mass on Sat. 23rd at 8.00pm for Timothy & Catherine Buckley; Mass on Sun. 24th at 10.00am for Edward Carmody.

READERS: Vigil, John Corbett; 11.00am, Amanda Coulson; Knockanure 24th July Ann Stack & Brenda Clancy.

NOTES from Knockanure were missing from the Kerryman on several occasions over past months. I have proof in my sent box that the Knockanure Notes were sent on every Sunday to the Kerryman.




11 July 27 Knockanure




GRAVEYARD Masses: Ahavoher on Monday August 1st; Knockanure Old Churchyard Tuesday August 2nd and Murhur Churchyard Mass is on Wednesday 3rd August, all Masses at 8pm. Springmount Cemetery Mass on Thursday Aug. 4th.

ACTIVE Retirement Day in Knockanure Community Centre will be held on Monday 8th of August, book with 068 49799 or 087 7528 626.

COURSE: Knockanure Community Centre is holding a Defibrillator course on Saturday 6th August from 10.30 am to 3pm with a view to becoming a responder for the Knockanure area. Roger Byrne (Principal Life Support Instructor) will be holding the course. The cost is E50 per person, please contact the office on 068 49799.

SOCIAL: Senior Citizens Social Afternoon at the Marian Hall Moyvane on Sunday August 7th from 3 to 6pm. Please ring Ita at 49134 if you intend to be there.

LOCAL Weaver and crafts woman Mairead O Connor will be spinning and weaving in the Traditional Crafts Village as part of the Killarney Summerfest. Mairead will show her skill on the green outside the Outlet Centre Killarney on Saturday 30th July and Sunday 31st July, from 12 noon to 6pm.

CROAGH PATRICK: Sunday July 31st ,For enquiries and bookings contact 068 21707 or 086 2508796.

LOUGH Derg 29th July to 31st, more from 068 31232.

BUS to Knock on Thursday August 18th leaving Listowel at 7.30am, details from 068 21773.

KNOCK: on Monday, August 8th bus leaving Tralee at 7.30am for the visit of Sr. Briege McKenna. Contact: O’Shea’s at 066 7180123.

LOURDES seats still available for Sept 2nd pilgrimage, contact 064 7758 219.

HORSE Show, bus tickets are available from 068 49337.

EVENTS: Summer Seisiun will be held on Wed. nights at the Arms Hotel and Thursday nights at 9pm in the Devon Hotel, Templeglantine till mid August; Summer Series at J B Keane pub on Tuesday and Thursday nights; Cross Roads Dancing at Finuge every Friday night during July and August; Barbecue in aid of Youth Cafe will be held at the Well Bar in Listowel on July 31st starting at 5pm; Country Market and Craft Fair will be held at the Bridewell Tarbert on Sat. 30th July from 10am to 2pm; Trad Feile will be held at Athea from July 29th to August 1st; Sean McCarthy Festival in Finuge starts July 29th; Dan Paddy Andy Festival at Lyrecrompane is on the Bank holiday weekend; Irish life Saving Week runs from Aug. 1st to 6th, details from 085 1088 689; Banna 10km road race is on July 31st; Galway Races began on July 25th; Golf, 3 Irish Open in Killarney, July 28th to 31st; Dublin Horse Show 3rd to 7th August;

CASEMENT Gathering July 31st/ August 1st at the Brandon Hotel. Series of historical talks/walks/films on Ruairí Mac Easmainn, Sam Maguire, James Connolly, Munster Fusiliers, Just War Theory, Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel Prize for Literature '10). Fáilte roimh chách.

BBQ GAEILGE: 118th birthday of Conradh na Gaeilge being celebrated at Meadowlands Hotel idir 3pm agus 5pm on Sunday, July 31st. Fáilte roimh cairde uile na Gaeilge.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results for 15th July 2011. Jackpot E9,200. Numbers drawn were 2-3-18 and 28, No Winner. Lucky Dips went to the following. Emma c/o Helen Smith, Athea; Micheal Woods, Knockanure; Angela Sheehy, Moyvane; Kathleen Carmody, Kilmorna; Callum Buckley, Templeathea; Micheal O Connor, Keylod; Bar Prize Jack O Connor.

Lotto Results for 22nd July, Jackpot E9,300, Numbers drawn were 1-5-10-20, No Winner. Lucky Dips went to; Ellen Enright, Lisaniskea; Bridie C Shine, Moyvane; David Harley, c/oJohn Barry; Phil Molyneaux, Knockanure; Matthew McMahon, Lisaniskea; Martin Diggins, c/o Kevin’s; Bar Prize Micheal O Connor; This Weeks Jackpot E9,400.


ST JOHN’S: Fri. July 29th, Comedy called, My Brilliant Divorce, presented by Jasango Theatre Company, more from 068 22566.

BEST Wishes to Mairead Begley of Mountcollins and Johnny Lane of Kilmorna who got married at Mountcllins Church on July 15th 2011, Fr O Gorman and Fr Moore conducted the ceremony. Bridesmaids Ide and Maire Begley and Phyllis Enright. Bestman was Dan Lane and Patrick and Denis Lane were Groomsmen. Flower Girl was Grace O Connor and Page boy was Joshua Lane Quilter. The bride is daughter of Larry and Mary Ita Begley and the Grooms parents are Denis and Ann Lane.

FAMILY Resource Centre Listowel, Meet a mum group session 7 Wednesday 27th at 10.30am. Bereavement support group Wednesday 27th at 8pm. For further details and more information please contact the centre on 068-23584.

NEW Moon on July 30th, this is the second New moon in July. Most of July was unusually wet, cool and dull with little sunshine. Despite the poor drying conditions, several were able to save some hay. Roadside wild flowers are in their prime along narrow country roads. Fine display of flowers at Goulding’s Corner and in the O Carroll front lawn in Knockanure continue the tradition which Mary Enright kept up for many years. There is a heat wave at present in Ontario Canada, we are still waiting for one.

BEREAVEMENT Support Group meeting will be held at Listowel Family Resource Centre on Wed. July 27th at 8pm, details from 068 23584.

GOOGLE have removed 11 million sites from their search engine. The Global Language Monitor estimates that there are currently about 1,009,753 words in the English language.

GAA Summer Camp in Moyvane from 25th to 29th July, contact John Dillon at 087 9865 215.

IDLENESS that creates impossibilities; and where people don't care to do anything, they shelter themselves under a permission that it cannot be done, says Robert Smith.

ENDA made a fiery speech in the Dail which was praised by the media; nobody told us his Vatican 1990 quotation was not the whole truth.

FREENANS Journal July 5th 1882; A sworn inquiry was held at Listowel Courthouse today into charger against four prisoners who assaulted and threw stones at the Constabulary, charged were T. Harrington, William Dillane, Laurence Gleeson and John Buckley. Mr Harrington was given a beautiful bouquet by Mrs Moore of the Dublin Ladies Land League. Mr Harrington claimed that all the Solicitors were at the Quarter Sessions in Tralee. The Freeman’s Journal of July 26th 1920 reported , More soldiers for Listowel, a detachment of Lancashire Regiment quartered at Ballinruddery and recently another force of Yorkshires has arrived and taken possession of the Courthouse.

VENERATED: Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi notes in L'Osservatore Romano article that Emperor Alexander Severus (222-35) "venerated at dawn in his lararium portraits of his ancestors, images of several emperors, the figure of Apollonio of Tiana, but also the icons of Christ, Abraham and Orpheus,"

MOSQUE dedicated to Jesus Christ was recently opened in Jordan.

ADORATION: Moyvane Sun. 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Wed. 10.00am to 7.00pm and Knockanure Tues. 10.00am to 6.00pm; Listowel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10.30am Mass till 7pm.

ANNIVERSARIES: Eileen Nolan, Bridget Dewsap, Paddy Scanlon, Kit Dee, Eileen Hegarty, Catriona O Connor, Fr Edward Fitzpatrick, Jer Mulvihill, Anna Maria Houlihan, Jim Kennelly, Bridie Stackpoole, Tom Leahy, Paddy Anthony Kearney, Mary O Sullivan, Months Mind Mass on Wed. 27th at 9.15am for Joan Enright; Mass on Thursday 28th at 8pm for Denis Corridan; Mass on Fri. 29th at 8pm for Patrick Brosnan; Mass on Sat. 30th at 8pm for Jackie Lyons.

CHILLDREN Deaths; Parents, family members and friends welcome to remember all babies who have touched our Hearts and left early…… On Sunday 14th August at 4pm. at the ancient grounds of the Ardfert Cathedral with Nóirín Ní Riain. All Cultures welcome enquires to: Nora on 087-2920106.

READERS; , Vigil, Elaine Hudson; 11am, Jerry Collins; Knockanure July 31st ,Patricia and Andrew Rogan.

Collectors for August; Vigil, Eileen Collins and Julia Fitzmaurice; 11am, Celia Thornton and Chris Flahaven; Knockanure 10am, Margaret Carmody.

ROSARY at the Grotto Moyvane on Tuesday 26th July at 8.15pm.









































































































































































































March 2011