







Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Parish Office Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm, 


Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Newsletter: 25th Dec.’21 – 2nd Jan.’22




Sat.25th Dec.’21 Knockanure      Christmas Day   9.30am


Moyvane             Private Intention              11.00am


Sun.26th Dec.’21 Knockanure     People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Ned and Maureen Sheehy (Anniv.) Leitrim Middle           11.00am


Mon.27th Dec.’21            NO MASS in Church         


Tues.28st Dec.’21  Moyvane       Private Intention


Jerry Fitzmaurice (1st Anniv.) Lower Aughrim     10.00am




Weds.29th Dec.21  Knockanure                 Private Intention              10.00am


Thurs.30th Dec.’21 Moyvane      Bridie Shine (Month’s Mind)       10.00am


Fri. 31st Dec.’21 Knockanure       Private Intention






Masses next weekend:


Sat. 1st Jan.’22


Moyvane             Martin and Mary Mulvihill, (Anniv.) Leitrim East                 7.30pm


Sun. 2nd Jan.’22 Knockanure      Teresa & Michael Bambury (Anniv.) Gortagleanna            9.30am


Moyvane             Margaret O’Connor, Month’s Mind, Formerly Aughrim, Late of Coolaught            11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084 


Happy Christmas to all.  Best Wishes to all.  It’s been a time for me of settling in and thank you all for your support and patience.  I pray that 2022 brings us all abundant Blessings and a new horizon for MoyvaneKnockanure Parish.  Happy Season!!  Fr. Brendan.


In case of an Emergency, Weekday Evening Rota starts at 5pm on the day to 9am the next day For Listowel/Moyvane/Lixnaw/Duagh Monday and Wednesday, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749 


Tuesday and Saturday, Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Thursday and Friday, Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549


Radio Transmission as you may know was damaged in the storm.  The engineer has promised to fix it but for various reasons, it is unlikely to be in working order for some time.  Apologies for the inconvenience. Please note the Parish Office will be closed from Thursday 23rd Dec. and will reopen Tuesday 4th Jan.’22.  


Covid Update, remember a face mask or covering must be worn by all those aged 9 or over. Given the spread of the Omicron variant there should be no exception to this guidance. People who may not be able to wear a face mask or covering for whatever reason should be advised that they can participate in the Mass online and full details of Parishes providing services online can be found on the Diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie. No face mask or covering, no admission.  Other Notices:


ALONE manage a COVID-19 Support Line for Older People, a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). If you or someone you know needs support this Christmas, please call our National Support and Referral Line on 0818 222 024 from 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. ALONE operates 365 days a year so we will be there to take your call when you need us most


Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in Carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in Carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729. Our website is www.alhomecare.ie


Samaritans can be contacted 7 days a wk, 24 hrs a day. Free Call 116123. Anam Cara Kerry, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it's monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 11th January at 7:20pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. *Subject to change in accordance with government advise*For more information, see anamcara.ie or call our Information Line on 01 4045378.








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News




MASSES THIS WEEK   26th – 2nd January 2022




26th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Jim Henigan, Dublin, Rec. Dec. /


Joe Carroll, St. Brendan’s Terrace /


Edal O Halloran, Church St. /


John O Mahony, Ballygrennan /


Michael McCarron, Cahirdown, Bir. Rem. /


For the intentions of the Bracken Family               11.30am


Mon 27th 


                Joe Carroll, St. Brendan’s Terrace /


Michael Moore, Elizabeth & Michael Moore & Henry Schmoll, Cahirdown & Listowel       10.30am


Tues 28th                            Michael O Connor, Springmount, Duagh /


Jackie & Mollie Nolan, Aviation drive /


Catherine Scannell, Skehenerin /


Frank & Biff Kelly & Patrick Rogers, Dublin            10.30am


Wed 29th                                                                            Angela Henigan McKeon, The Square & USA /


Con, Nancy & John Keane, Church St. /


John Finnigan, Killocrim, Birthday Rem. /


Peg Roche, O’Connell’s Ave. Recently Dec., Eamon & Jacqueline Roche O’Connell’s Ave. & Sr. Nuala O Leary, Birthday Rem.   10.30am


Thurs 30th                                                                           10.30am


  Fri.  31st             Pat & Kitt Dowling, Bridge Road /


Carmel Walsh, Ballygologue Park              10.30am






1st Jan


                John Charlie O Sullivan, Killocrim / Peggy O Dell Moloney, & dec. Family, Charles St. /


Brendan Guiney, Charles St.       10.30am


                Rita Davenport, England & Kenny Heights, 1st Ann.  / Ann Browne, Coolagown  Vigil






Sunday 2nd   




                People of the Parish       9.00am


                Angela Carmody, 1st Ann. & Maurice (Mossie) Carmody, Skehenerin /


Tadhg Laide, Ballygologue Park /


Michael O Neill, Ballygologue Road /


Mary & Peter Kelly, Tralee           11.30am










PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Michael Hussey, 087-2386084 for emergencies only.


PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS:  and will re-open on Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 10.00 a.m. Feel free to contact Fr. Declan at our daily masses each morning throughout the Christmas period and is available for all emergencies on the Parish Mobile: 087-0908949




ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Wednesday after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.




LISTOWEL HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 2022: We wish to confirm that flights have been confirmed – Departing from Dublin via Istanbul to Tel Aviv on 29th October 2022 and returning on the afternoon of Saturday, 5th November 2022. Turkish Airlines are holding the flights until 5th January at which point we have to pay a deposit.  Total price €1,550.00 which includes bus to and from Listowel to Dublin. There are just a few places lest. More details from Premier Travel: 021-4277700.




MÍLE BUÍOCHAS for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering / donations/ Christmas Offerings - by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office or on-line by standing order. The Christmas Offerings support your priests in the Parish & Diocese. Further details are available on the Parish website, or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Office Hours) May God bless and protect us all at this time.  Fr. Declan




Just a Thought


As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family this weekend – and look forward to 2022, it is appropriate that we reflect on ‘Who is Jesus for me?’


Jesus is in every face, He is every laugh and every fear.


Jesus is in every heart, in every Mass, in every celebration.


Jesus is in every person. He is in the eyes of every young child, He is in every hurt and is with those who are lonely.


Jesus is in every mind. He is in every new born baby and he is with those who are close to death.


Jesus is in every squeal of joy – He is in the beauty of nature, and he is present wherever you are.


Jesus is the reason why – He is my friend






Wishing you a Happy Christmas &


A Holy and Peaceful 2022












Following the Government announcement made on Friday, December 17th, 2021 there are no changes to the public health measures as they apply to religious services and weddings. 


Accordingly, religious services and weddings can proceed without capacity limits and without any time restrictions but with all other protective measures in place and these measures include, sanitising your hands on entering and leaving the church, wearing a face mask or covering while visiting the church and observing the rules of social distancing.


A face mask or covering should be worn by all those aged 9 or over.  People who may not be able to wear a face mask or covering for whatever reason or people who may be nervous about returning to Mass can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com.


A team of ushers will be on duty for all of our Masses.  The ushers are there to assist people attending Mass, to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion, to organise the exit from the church at the end of Mass and to encourage people to comply with the public health protective measures.  All of our ushers are volunteers, and we would ask people to co-operate with our ushers.  Full details of our Mass schedule, including the Christmas Mass schedule can be found in the parish newsletter available at the back of the church or on our website, www.listowelparish.com.


As the collection basket will not be passed around due to Covid-19, you may place your weekly and Christmas offerings in the collection boxes at the back of the church and you can also make your offerings either by card through the Parish Office, or by standing order or online.  Further details are available on the Parish website, www.listowelparish.com or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188.  We thank you most sincerely for your continuing support of and generosity towards your Parish and clergy.


Given the rapid spread of the Omicron variant we would remind all parishioners to follow the public health guidance so as to protect not only themselves but also their family members and those in the wider community.  Full details in relation to public health advice, further information and updates can be found on www.gov.ie and www.hse.ie.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council








‘Míle Buíochas’ Thank You – Happy New Year




As we bring 2021 to a close, once again, I feel very privileged and it is my honour to work with you as your Parish Priest here in Listowel. 2021 was a once again a surreal year with the Covid Pandemic continuing and even now there is no end in sight. However, we must keep going and make the best of what every day offers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you the Parishioners, the Priests of our Pastoral Area, Fr. Martin Hegarty and Fr. Sean O Sheehy for the support that you have given to the Parish and to me personally throughout the year. It takes a lot of people to make a Parish active and to keep it going in these difficult and challenging times. It could not happen only that we are blessed with good staff, Denise (Parish Secretary) and Helen & Catherine (Sacristans) and a lot of volunteers who are dedicated to our Parish. Many of you work behind the scenes and you might feel your work sometimes goes unnoticed but each person in their own right plays their part and each does it so well. During Covid we have reduced services and committees. I wish to thank the Parish Finance Council who keeps an eye on the Parish Finances, the Parish Pastoral Council and the Safeguarding Children Committee for their support and guidance. Thanks to the Parish Liturgy Group who co-ordinate the various ministries and liturgies. The Eucharistic Ministers, our USHERS who have excelled themselves, day in day out, the lectors / readers, the collectors, the counters who count the offerings weekend after weekend, the Parish Choir, the Parish Folk Group, their members, directors and musicians. We are blessed to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament praying weekly in our Parish. Thank you all who make it possible. We have the Padre Pio Prayer Group who run their monthly meeting with Fr. Martin and the Legion of Mary- Unfortunately, we have not been able to avail of our Altar Servers, our Children’s Liturgy Group, Parish Baptism Team & First Friday Cuppa Ladies.  Thanks to those who clean the church - quietly all year around. Those who donate flowers and look after both inside and outside the church and Presbytery grounds throughout the year. So many visitors remark on how well each place looks. This is a tribute to you, so take a bow. To those of you who put up our Cribs and those who are available at a moment’s call to do the various maintenance jobs throughout the year.  We are dependent on each other for friendship, support and finance. Thank you for your generosity and kindness to your Parish and to me personally right throughout the year.  I pray that God will bless and reward you and your family with all his gifts this Christmas and throughout the new year of 2022.


God Bless                                                     Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P.






   S T. M A R Y’ S   C H U R C H   L I S T O W E L




Friday Christmas Eve


Philomena Donnelly, Roscommon, 1st Anniversary /


Maire Fealey, Courthouse Road /


Mai Stack, Feale Drive /


Christopher Smyth Listowel & Kent, Bir Rem /


 Michael McDonnell & Dec. Family London /


/ Patrick, Kathleen & Patsy stack, Teresa & Bill O Sullivan & Mary Gallagher, Gurtcreen /


Pat, Catherine, Dan & Suzanna Browne, Ballygologue & Church Street    4.00pm


                Margo Sharpe, England, 1st Anniversary /


Michael & Pauline Kennedy, Ballysimone /


Maurice, Mary & Sr. De Lourdes O Connell, Grogeen / Laurence, Ellen & Maurice Collins, Kilmorna, Michael, Mary, Michael Gerald & Eamon O Connor, Patrick St./


Thomas & Annie O Connor & Dec. Family Asdee /


 Michael & Kathleen Browne, Waterford & Jack & Kathy Quilter, Killflynn / Margaret Carmody, Knockroe Dr. /


Oliver O Neill, Tom & Jose Doyle, Bridie Hassett & Noreen Guiney            Vigil 6.00pm


                Fr. Kevin McNamara, Recently Deceased /


Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee & dec. mem of the O’Sullivan & Browne Families /


 Ned, Paddy & John Fealey, Ennismore, Joan Hannah & Dan Walsh, Craughatoosane, Eily Mae & Daniel Lyons, Ballygarrett / Bridie Sayers, Greenville /


Bridie Mulligan, Rita Purcell & Mrs. Scannell, Bridge Road / Dec. Mem. Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty Families     8.00pm.








                Jim & Anne O Sullivan, Charles Street /


Noel Woods, London, Birthday Rem. & Albert Byrne, Dublin           9.00am


                Tommy Kelly, Ballygologue Park /


Rich Kissane, Clountubird /


Charlie Chute, Greenville /


Deceased Members of the Kearney Family, Moyvane, Barrett Family Glin, Walsh Family Pollough, Hannah Mulvihill, Bedford, Sr. M. Clement, Castleisland &


Sr. Vincent, Dublin             11.30am










People of the Parish       9.00am.


                Jim Henigan, Dublin, Rec. Dec. /


Joe Carroll, St. Brendan’s Terrace /


Edal O Halloran, Church St. /


John O Mahony, Ballygrennan /


Michael McCarron, Cahirdown, Bir. Rem               11.30am.






‘Míle Buíochas’ Thank You – Happy New Year




As we bring 2021 to a close, once again, I feel very privileged and it is my honour to work with you as your Parish Priest here in Listowel. 2021 was a once again a surreal year with the Covid Pandemic continuing and even now there is no end in sight. However, we must keep going and make the best of what every day offers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you the Parishioners, the Priests of our Pastoral Area, Fr. Martin Hegarty and Fr. Sean O Sheehy for the support that you have given to the Parish and to me personally throughout the year. It takes a lot of people to make a Parish active and to keep it going in these difficult and challenging times. It could not happen only that we are blessed with good staff, Denise (Parish Secretary) and Helen & Catherine (Sacristans) and a lot of volunteers who are dedicated to our Parish. Many of you work behind the scenes and you might feel your work sometimes goes unnoticed but each person in their own right plays their part and each does it so well. During Covid we have reduced services and committees. I wish to thank the Parish Finance Council who keeps an eye on the Parish Finances, the Parish Pastoral Council and the Safeguarding Children Committee for their support and guidance. Thanks to the Parish Liturgy Group who co-ordinate the various ministries and liturgies. The Eucharistic Ministers, our USHERS who have excelled themselves, day in day out, the lectors / readers, the collectors, the counters who count the offerings weekend after weekend, the Parish Choir, the Parish Folk Group, their members, directors and musicians. We are blessed to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament praying weekly in our Parish. Thank you all who make it possible. We have the Padre Pio Prayer Group who run their monthly meeting with Fr. Martin and the Legion of Mary- Unfortunately, we have not been able to avail of our Altar Servers, our Children’s Liturgy Group, Parish Baptism Team & First Friday Cuppa Ladies.  Thanks to those who clean the church - quietly all year around. Those who donate flowers and look after both inside and outside the church and Presbytery grounds throughout the year. So many visitors remark on how well each place looks. This is a tribute to you, so take a bow. To those of you who put up our Cribs and those who are available at a moment’s call to do the various maintenance jobs throughout the year.  We are dependent on each other for friendship, support and finance. Thank you for your generosity and kindness to your Parish and to me personally right throughout the year.  I pray that God will bless and reward you and your family with all his gifts this Christmas and throughout the new year of 2022.


God Bless                                                     Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P.




CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Many thanks for your generous Christmas Offerings already received. Should you not have an envelope, there may be some at the back of the church or use any envelope. Thank you for your ongoing support.




May the peace of Christ be with you and may you enjoy


a very Happy & Holy Christmas


Nollaig Faoi Shéan is Faoi Mhaise Díbh go léir
































                        A PRAYER FOR FAMILIES AROUND


                                  THE CANDLE IN THE HOME




Jesus, Bless us this year.


Bless us with joy and with hope,


Forgiveness and love.


Bless us with the new life


of Your cross and resurrection.


May we join with you in spreading


the peace and love of the


Kingdom of God.






PARISH OFFICE CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS: and will reopen on Wednesday morning 5th Jan. 2022. Feel free to contact Fr. Declan at our daily masses throughout the Christmas period and is available for all emergencies on the Parish Mobile: 087-0908949.

























Fr Kevin McNamara, Rest in Peace December 2021


DEATH on Tuesday 21st December 2021, of Fr. Kevin Mc Namara of Killarney, Kerry / Cooraclare, Clare.  Son of the late Mary and Tom and survived by his sister Geraldine Condren,  his brother-in-law Dave, niece Niamh, nephew Caimin, his extended family, neighbours, the Bishop and Priests of the Diocese of Kerry, Conferees in the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, his parishioners in Glenflesk and a wide circle of friends. Fr Kevin reposing in St. Agatha's Church, Glenflesk on Sunday 26th December 2021 from 10.00am to 12 noon and in the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane on Sunday evening from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Requiem Mass on Monday, 27th December in St. Senan's Church, Cooraclare at 2.00 pm, burial afterwards in Dromelihy Cemetery




Bishop Ray Browne expressed the shock and sadness on the death of Fr Kevin:




There is widespread shock and sadness at the sudden death of Fr. Kevin McNamara, parish priest of Glenflesk. Currently he was parish priest of Glenflesk, having served previously in Kenmare, Killarney , Rathmore and Moyvane. Fr. Kevin was in hospital for a number of days, when Tuesday morning he suddenly took ill and died.  Fr Kevin was a man of huge energy and colour. We all regret his passing.  Rest in peace, Fr. Kevin.




Fr Kevin was born in 1955 in Cooraclare Village in Co. Clare. He was ordained as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart in 1981. He joined the diocese of Kerry in 2004 and spent a short while in Kenmare. Killarney was his next parish in July of that year. Rathmore followed in 2012 till 2015 when he moved to Moyvane. His current parish was Glenflesk. Fr. Kevin was a gifted writer and communicator. He put great work into his parish newsletters. These can be read here.




CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS from Fr. Kevin taken from this week’s newsletter :




In all this long run up to Christmas (which started back in November) in the media, I have not once


heard the word ‘Jesus’ or ‘Faith’ or ‘Birth’ or ‘Mary’ or ‘Joseph’. No mention at all of God-made-Man.


No reason given for the presents we are to buy and give, no reason for Christmas greetings and best


wishes (The Media say Happy Holidays – rather than Happy Christmas). It is truly amazing and equally


awful. Just as we, centuries ago, took over a pagan festival of winter-time and turned it into the


Christian Christ’s Mass to celebrate His birth, so now the secular commercial industry has taken it over,


lock, stock and barrel.




So might I suggest that you, dear reader, be sure to put Christ back into


Christmas by underlying His presence in your home and in your life at this marvellous time. Whether you


are single or married, separated or divorced, whether you have a family or not, whether you are well or


not, needing to be looked after – you can be sure to have Christ with you. One way of ensuring that


Christ is in Christmas is by the use of Blessings. The word ‘Blessing’ has two distinct but related


meanings. It refers to our praise of God and to our request for His loving care for us. Some people


mistakenly think that only a Priest can give a blessing. Some blessings are reserved to Priests in special


circumstances, but all of us can praise God and ask His blessings:




So as we journey to the 25th how about blessing your home praying:


“Let us pray to God for His Blessing, Father in heaven, look upon this family in Your


love and give us the blessings of Your joy and peace. Let Your Spirit of joy fill our


hearts, so that we may be holy and happy. May our concern for others reflect your


love and bring us happiness at this time and throughout the coming year. Amen”.




Many homes have a little Crib. Why not bless it:


“Father almighty bless this Crib that we have prepared, and let it be a reminder to


us of our Lord Jesus, your Son and Son of Mary. Father we praise You through the


Babe of Bethlehem. Amen”.




Bless your Christmas Tree – all the family stand around the tree:


“All glory and praise to you heavenly Father: We thank you for sending your Son Jesus


to be our Brother. Bless us as we gather here, and bless our Christmas tree. Let its


lights remind us of Jesus who came to be the light of the world and to save us from sin.


May we give presents rejoicing in the present You gave us – Jesus Your loving Son.


Father, we love You and we praise You through Christ our Lord. Amen”


May the Christ who came for us to be made holy give you and yours a Happy Christmas.








Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Parish Office Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm,


Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Newsletter: 18th Dec.’21 – 26th Dec.’21




Sat.18th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Padraig & Jackie McMahon


Lisaniskea (Birthday Remembrance)       7.30pm


Sun.19th Dec.’21


Knockanure        John & Peggy McElligott,


Lisaniskea and daughter Betty Newmann, USA  9.30am


Moyvane             Paudie O’Connor (Anniv.)


Upper Direen also Baby Max and deceased of O’Connor Family 11.00am


Mon.20th Dec.’21            NO MASS in Church       


Tues.21st Dec.’21


Moyvane             Pat Moloney (Anniv.) brother Michael, sister Johanna, and niece Caroline            10.00am


Weds.22nd Dec.21


 Knockanure       Timothy Keane, Funeral


London 12.00 Midday


Thurs.23rd Dec.’21


Moyvane             Michael Fitzmaurice, Month’s Mind


Lower Aughrim 10.00am


Fri. 24th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Christmas Eve    6.00pm


Knockanure        Private Intention              8.00pm


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00pm


Masses next weekend:


Sat. 25th Dec.’21


Knockanure        Christmas Day   9.30am


Moyvane             Private Intention              11.00am


Sun. 26th Dec.’21


Knockanure        People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Ned and Maureen Sheehy (Anniv.)


Leitrim Middle   11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Sean Hanafin 087-8341083


Offertory €965


Thank you.  




In case of an Emergency, Weekday Evening Rota starts at 5pm on the day to 9am the next day For Listowel/Moyvane/Lixnaw/Duagh


Monday and Wednesday, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749


Tuesday and Saturday, Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Thursday and Friday, Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549




Confessions Monday 20th Dec.’21 in St. Mary’s Church Listowel at 8pm, for the region.  There will be several priests available for Confessions.




Radio Transmission as you may know was damaged in the storm.  The engineer has promised to fix it but for various reasons, it is unlikely to be in working order for some time.  Apologies for the inconvenience.




Knockanure/Moyvane Christmas cards are available in the Parish Office, €2 for 7 cards, Great Value.


Please note the Parish Office will be closed from Thursday 23rd Dec. and will reopen Tuesday 4th Jan.’22. 


Other Notices:


Samaritan’s Annual Collection will be taking place at Masses in Moyvane and Knockanure on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Your support would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your generosity in the past.  Samaritans can be contacted 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. 


Free Call 116123.




ALONE manage a COVID-19 Support Line for Older People, a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). If you or someone you know needs support this Christmas, please call our National Support and Referral Line on 0818 222 024 from 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. ALONE operates 365 days a year so we will be there to take your call when you need us most




Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in Carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in Carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729. Our website is www.alhomecare.ie








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News.






MASSES THIS WEEK   19th – 26th December 2021    




18th       Seán O Neill, Bunagara, Months Mind /


Breda Walsh, Finuge / Deceased members of the Bartishell Family, Convent Street /


Patrick Joseph Mulligan, Dublin / Nora Crane nee Fitzmaurice, & Dec. Family, England & Ennismore          6.15pm






19th                       Mary Keane, Lenamore 9.00am


                Mary Enright nee O Shea, Chingford Essex late of Cahersiveen, Recently Deceased Teresa Fox nee Molyneaux, Co. Leitrim late of Meen, Listowel, Months mind /


Edmond Murphy, Behins /


Jimmy, Simon & Kate Doherty & Jim, John, Nora & Kathleen O Brien, Listowel     11.30am


Mon 20th 


                Denis Kelly, Nell & Jack O’Connell & Tade Foley, Gurtcreen / Scoil Réalta na Maidine        10.30am


Tues 21st                             Sr. Bassil McAuliffe, Church St. /


Jack & Mamie O Connor & Angela Caslin /


Dec. Mem. Sweeney Family, Convent St.              10.30am


Wed 22nd                                                                          First Friday Parishioners & Housebound                10.30am


Thurs 23rd                                                           Kitty Galvin, Months Mind & Bill Galvin, Greenville /  Deceased Members of the Stack & Buckley Families, Gurtcreen & Greenville     10.30am






 Fri.  24th




























   Fri.  24th


                Philomena Donnelly, Roscommon, 1st Ann.


 / Maire Fealey, Courthouse Road /


Mai Stack, Feale Drive /


Christopher Smyth Listowel & Kent, Bir Rem / Michael McDonnell & Dec. Family London                  4pm.






                Margo Sharpe, England, 1st Anniversary /


Michael & Pauline Kennedy, Ballysimone /


Maurice, Mary & Sr. De Lourdes O Connell, Grogeen / Laurence, Ellen & Maurice Collins, Kilmorna, Michael, Mary, Michael Gerald & Eamon O Connor, Patrick St./


Thomas & Annie O Connor & Dec. Family Asdee / Michael & Kathleen Browne, Waterford & Jack & Kathy Quilter, Killflynn / Margaret Carmody, Knockroe Dr. /


Oliver O Neill, Tom & Jose Doyle, Bridie Hassett & Noreen Guiney              6pm






















                Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee & dec. mem of the O’Sullivan & Browne Families / Ned, Paddy & John Fealey, Ennismore, Joan Hannah & Dan Walsh, Craughatoosane, Eily Mae & Daniel Lyons, Ballygarrett /


Bridie Sayers, Greenville /


Bridie Mulligan, Rita Purcell & Mrs. Scannell, Bridge Road / Dec. Mem. Corridan, Fitzgerald & Moriarty Families      8pm




















25th       Jim & Anne O Sullivan, Charles Street /


Noel Woods, London, Birthday Rem. & Albert Byrne, Dublin        9am.


                Tommy Kelly, Ballygologue Park /


Rich Kissane, Clountubird /


Charlie Chute, Greenville /


Deceased Members of the Kearney Family, Moyvane, Barrett Family Glin, Walsh Family Pollough, Hannah Mulvihill, Bedford, Sr. M. Clement, Castleisland &


Sr. Vincent, Dublin          














                People of the Parish       9.00am


                Jim Henigan, Dublin, Rec. Dec. /


Joe Carroll, St. Brendan’s Terrace /


Edal O Halloran, Church St. /


John O Mahony, Ballygrennan /


Michael McCarron, Cahirdown, Bir. Rem.              11.30am










RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS Kay McGrath, Coolaclarig.


Patrick (PJ) Mahoney, Convent View.


Christopher Nolan, London & Ballahadighue. 


Mary Enright nee O Shea, Chingford Essex late of Cahersiveen.


Michael Stack, Syracuse New York late of Dromerin.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE William Gorman, Knockane /


Mary Hanlon Senior, O’Connell’s Ave.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Sean Hanafin, 087-8341083 for emergencies only


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS FOR LISTOWEL PASTORAL AREA with a number of priests’ present will take place on this Monday, Dec. 20th at 8.00 p.m. Also - There will also be Confessions available immediately after the 10.30 a.m. mass on Tuesday, Dec. 21st, Wednesday, Dec. 22nd & on Thursday 23rd.


LISTOWEL HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 2022: We wish to confirm that flights have been confirmed – Departing from Dublin via Istanbul to Tel Aviv on 29th October 2022 and returning on the afternoon of Saturday, 5th November 2022. Turkish Airlines are holding the flights until 5th January at which point we have to pay a deposit.  Total price €1,550.00 which includes bus to and from Listowel to Dublin. There are just a few places left. More details from Premier Travel: 021-4277700


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.


PARISH OFFICE WILL CLOSE FOR CHRISTMAS  5pm. Thursday 23rd Dec. and will open 10am. Wednesday 5th January 2022. Feel free to contact Fr. Declan at our daily masses throughout the Christmas period and is available for all emergencies on the Parish Mobile: 087-0908949.


MÍLE BUÍOCHAS for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering / donations/ Christmas Offerings - by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office or on-line by standing order. The Christmas Offerings support your priests in the Parish & Diocese. Further details are available on the Parish website, or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Office Hours) May God bless and protect us all at this time.  Fr. Declan




COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to the increase in the numbers of people becoming infected with Covid-19, please continue to follow good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, observe the rules of social distancing and wear a face covering/mask when attending our church. With regard to the Distribution of Holy Communion: please use the One-Way System already in operation with 3 distribution points. Follow ushers’ directions coming up the middle aisle from the back and returning down the side aisles. The public health advice is to get vaccinated as vaccination offers the best protection for you, your family and for others against severe disease. People should not attend religious services if you have symptoms of Covid-19, even if you have been fully vaccinated and you should not return to church until you have been advised it is safe to do so. Thanks.











Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Parish Office Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm,


Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Newsletter: 11th Dec.’21 – 19th Dec.’21




Sat. 11th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Sean & John O’Connor (Anniv.)


Inchamore          7.30pm


Sun. 12th Dec.’21


Knockanure        Sheila Nash (Anniv.) Gortdromagouna


Deceased members of Nash Family         9.30am


Moyvane             John “Jack” Stackpoole formerly of Aughrim and Lower Athea    11.00am


Mon. 13th Dec.’21           NO MASS           


Tues. 14th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Oliver McGrath 10.00am


Weds. 15th Dec.’21


Knockanure        Kathleen Buckley (Anniv.)            10.00am


Thurs. 16th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Private Intention              10.00am


Fri. 17th Dec.’21


Knockanure        Private Intention              10.00am


Masses next weekend:


Sat. 18th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Padraig & Jackie McMahon, Lissanaskea (Birthday Remembrance)           7.30pm


Sun. 19th Dec.’21


Knockanure        John & Peggy McElligott, Lissanaskea and daughter Betty Neumann, U.S.A.         9.30am


Moyvane             Paudie O’Connor (Anniv.)


Upper Direen, also baby Max and deceased of O’Connor Family                11.00am




Priest on duty: Fr. P. Crean-Lynch 087-6709491




Offertory €925 Thanking you.  






In case of an Emergency, Weekday Evening Rota starts at 5pm on the day to 9am the next day For Listowel/Moyvane/Lixnaw/Duagh


Monday and Wednesday, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749


Tuesday and Saturday, Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Thursday and Friday, Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549




Synodal Pathway - Our time to reflect, discuss and listen, as part of our Diocese's participation in the 2023 Synod of Bishops, we will be offering opportunities for discussion and listening in the Spring.


Before that happens, you are invited to visit www.dioceseofkerry.ie/SynodQ/ to learn more about the questions that Pope Francis is asking us to reflect on. 




Please note the Parish Office will be closed from Thursday 23rd Dec. and reopening Tuesday 4th Jan.’22. 




Other Notices:




Moyvane LGFA Calendars are now on sale at Noel Stack’s Butcher’s, Holly’s Gala Moyvane, Kennelly’s Homevalue Hardware, Village Grill, Brosnan’s Daybreak Tarbert.  Calendars cost €5.  All proceeds go directly to the Club and are greatly appreciated.




Trocaire acknowledged receipt of the donation of €1,543 and would like to thank the parish of Moyvane for their generosity. 








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News






MASSES THIS WEEK   12th – 19th December 2021    




11th       Maura Lynch, Dirha Cottages, Months Mind / Noreen Buckley, Bridge Rd., Months Mind / Tom Brosnan, Watford & late of Coolagown 1st Ann., & Margaret Brosnan / Mary Daly, Bridge Rd. / Margaret Moloney, Derry /


Caroline Enright, Feale Drive / Helen & John McConnell nee Rowan, O’Connell’s Ave       6.15pm






12th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Margaret O Connor nee Brandon, Aughrim, Moyvane, Months Mind /


Elaine, Dermot & Kenneth Foran, Ballygrennan / Kevin Casey, Woodford /


William Doyle, Fourhane /Nora Walsh Greenville Rd. / Danny B Joy, Gortnaminch / Mick Carr, Moyvane                  11.30am


Mon 13th 


                St. Michael’s College Christmas Mass /


Captain Jann Guence, Brittany, France /


John L Sullivan, London & Ennismore /


Mass of thanksgiving      10.30am


Tues 14th                            Kerry Parents & Friends, Listowel             10.30am


Wed 15th                                                                            Cyril O Gorman, Clieveragh /


Mass of thanksgiving      10.30am


Thurs 16th                                                           Special Intention              10.30am


 Fri.  17th              Gerard O Sullivan, Ballylongford & Limerick          10.30am




18th       Eithne Doyle Church St. Months Mind & Joan Walsh, The Square / Fr. Brendan Dalton, Bridge Rd / Betty O Sullivan, Church St / Gerard O Sullivan Ballylongford & Limerick  10.30am


                Seán O Neill, Bunagara, Months Mind /


Breda Walsh, Finuge / Deceased members of the Bartishell Family, Convent Street /


Patrick Joseph Mulligan, Dublin / Nora Crane nee Fitzmaurice, & Dec. Family, England & Ennismore         


Vigil  6.15pm


  Sunday- 19th  


Mary Keane, Lenamore 9.00am


                Teresa Fox nee Molyneaux, Co. Leitrim late of Meen, Listowel, Months mind /


Edmond Murphy, Behins              11.30am










RECENT DEATH: Noreen Foley, Cahirdown.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Michael Kennelly, Market St. / Kathleen & Timothy, Griffin, Coolagown. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Sean Hanafin, 087-8341083 for emergencies only.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We welcome our First Holy Communion children and their parents joining us at our Vigil Mass on this Saturday night Mass at 6.15 p.m.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS FOR LISTOWEL PASTORAL AREA with a number of priests’ present will take place on Monday, December 20th at 8.00 p.m. There will also be Confessions available immediately after the 10.30 a.m. mass on Tuesday, Dec. 21st, Wednesday, Dec. 22nd & on Thursday 23rd.




COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to the increase in the numbers of people becoming infected with Covid-19, please continue to follow good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, observe the rules of social distancing and wear a face covering/mask when attending our church. With regard to the Distribution of Holy Communion: please use the One-Way System already in operation with 3 distribution points. Follow ushers’ directions coming up the middle aisle from the back and returning down the side aisles. The public health advice is to get vaccinated as vaccination offers the best protection for you, your family and for others against severe disease. People should not attend religious services if you have symptoms of Covid-19, even if you have been fully vaccinated and you should not return to church until you have been advised it is safe to do so. Thanks.






SYNODAL PATHWAY - OUR TIME TO REFLECT, DISCUSS AND LISTEN: As part of our Diocese's participation in the 2023 Synod of Bishops, we will be offering opportunities for discussion and listening in the Spring. Before that happens, you are invited to visit www.dioceseofkerry.ie/SynodQ/ to learn more about the questions that Pope Francis is asking us to reflect on.


LISTOWEL CHRISTMAS CARDS & CHRISTMAS MASS BOUQUET: available in the Parish Office.  Christmas Cards 6 per pack €5. & Mass Bouquet €11.


PARISH OFFICE will be closed from Christmas Eve, Friday 24th Dec. and will open Monday 3rd January 2022. Feel free to contact Fr. Declan at our daily masses throughout the Christmas period and is available for all emergencies on the Parish Mobile: 087-0908949.


CHRISTMAS OFFERING 2020 Thank you for the Christmas Offerings. These offerings support your priests in our own Parish and within our Diocese. This is the white envelope in your Box and there are loose ones at back of church or Parish Office. Please drop your offering into the designated box at the back of the church. Your support and generosity are much appreciated.


MÍLE BUÍOCHAS for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering / donations - by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office or on-line by standing order. Further details are available on the Parish website, or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Office Hours) May God bless and protect us all at this time.  Fr. Declan






Friday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)


Mass of the Nativity 4.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. & 8.00 p.m. 


Saturday, December 25th (Christmas Day)


9.00 a.m. & 11.30am


Sunday, December 26th (Feast of the Holy Family)


9.00 a.m. & 11.30am       



















Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Parish Office Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm, 


Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Newsletter: 4th Dec.’21 – 12th Dec.’21




Sat. 4th Dec.’21


Moyvane             Maurice and Joe O’Connell,


Dooncaha, Deceased Members


O’Connell Family              7.30pm


Sun. 5th Dec.’21 Knockanure      Mary Brosnan    9.30am


Moyvane             Paddy Mulvihill & Mary (nee Walsh) The Village                 11.00am


Mon. 6th Dec.’21             NO MASS             


Tues. 7th Dec.’21             John Quinn RIP, Leitrim Middle Private Intention, Vigil Mass        10.00am




Weds. 8th Dec.’21  Knockanure                 Immaculate Conception, Holy Day Private Intention        9.30am


Moyvane             People of the Parish




Thurs. 9th Dec.’21  Moyvane      Private Intention              10.00am


Fri. 10th Dec.’21  Knockanure     Private Intention              10.00am


Masses next weekend:


Sat. 11th Dec.’21 Moyvane          Sean & John O’Connor (Anniv.) Inchamore          7.30pm


Sun. 12th Dec.’21 Knockanure    Sheila Nash (Anniv.) Gortdromagouna, Deceased Members of Nash Family                 9.30am


Moyvane             John “Jack” Stackpoole, Remembrance, Aughrim and Lower Athea,         11.00am


Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271


Offertory €1,275.00, Shrines – Moyvane €172.20, Knockanure €92.00  Thank you.   








In case of an Emergency, Weekday Evening Rota starts at 5pm on the day to 9am the next day For Listowel/Moyvane/Lixnaw/Duagh Monday and Wednesday, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749 


Tuesday and Saturday, Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Thursday and Friday, Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549


Synodal Pathway - Our time to reflect, discuss and listen, as part of our Diocese's participation in the 2023 Synod of Bishops, we will be offering opportunities for discussion and listening in the Spring. Before that happens, you are invited to visit www.dioceseofkerry.ie/SynodQ/ to learn more about the questions that Pope Francis is asking us to reflect on.  


Other Notices:


The AGM of Knockanure Development will now take place in the Centre at 8pm on Friday 10th December 2021. Everybody welcome. Covid19 guidelines will be adhered to.


Moyvane LGFA Calendars are now on sale at Noel Stack’s Butcher’s,


Holly’s Gala Moyvane, Kennelly’s Homevalue Hardware, Village Grill, Brosnan’s Daybreak Tarbert.  Calendars cost €5.  All proceeds go directly to the Club and are greatly appreciated.


St. Vincent De Paul collection will take place at Masses on 11th & 12th




Siamsa Tíre will have a beautiful string quartet appearing on Fri 10th Dec. at 8pm. This is a performance by 4 marvellous musicians in the safe environment of the theatre for people of all ages. A fabulous treat in the lead up to Christmas, why not join us for the Ficino Ensemble at Siamsa Tíre by booking at www.siamsatire.com or call 066-7123055. To avail of a 15% discount on adult price tickets quote - FicinoQ21 when booking.


Moyvane ICA Christmas Draw took place at the Marian Hall on Tues. 30th Nov. with the assistance of Mike Corridan and Noel Stack, longstanding sponsors of our annual draw. The Hamper won by Anna Fogarty, Curl Up n' Dye and sponsored by North Cork Creameries. The Turkey won by Micheal Fogarty, Church Rd. and sponsored by Mike & Helen Corridan, Corridan's Garage.  The Ham won by Denny Meehan, Woodgrove and sponsored by Noel Stack, Stacks Butchers. The Christmas cake won by Anna Marie Flaherty, Moyvane Village Pre-School. Thanks to North Cork Creameries who sponsor the Hamper each year. Finally, a big thank you to all who have supported the ICA over many years.'








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News






MASSES THIS WEEK   5th – 12th December 2021    




4th         Eric Browne, Months Mind /


Timmy Kennelly, Bedford / Andy Sayers, Cahirdown / Margaret Lynch, Glin /


Noreen Hickey, Ballygologue Park            6.15pm






5th                         People of the Parish       9.00am


                David O Brien, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna /


John O Halloran, The Meadows /


Tom Keane, Derry / Bridget Twomey, Dirha Cottages / Mai Munroe, The Neale, Co Mayo & New York / Patrick & Nora Carmody, Skehenerin / Thomas & Joan Keating & Deceased Family members, Dirha Cottages / Margaret Nolan, O’Connell’s Ave. / Willie Keane & Chris & Michael Dillon Ballygrennan     11.30am


Mon 6th 


                Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown, Birthday Rem.              10.30am


Tues 7th                               Claudia Costello nee Shine, Coolaclarig & Ballygologue Park          10.30am


                Patsy Lyons, Clieveragh Park /


Noel Keane & Dec. Family, Dromerin /


Dan & Joan Hayes, Bridge Road Vigil




Feast day


Immaculate Conception


Wed 8th                                                                               Mildred & Gordan Ray, Canada /


Kitty Healy nee Collins & deceased Family members, Convent St. /


Mary Walsh, Dirha East / Denis (Denny) Griffin, Raheen Gardens, Limerick & O’Connell’s Ave & Peggy Stack nee Griffin, London & O’Connell’s Ave.          10.30am


Thurs 9th                                                             Margaret (Peg) Hayes, Bedford, 1st Ann. /


Michael Meehan, Lartigue Village             10.30am


 Fri.  10th              Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig  10.30am




11th                       10.30am


                Maura Lynch, Dirha Cottages, Months Mind / Noreen Buckley, Bridge Rd., Months Mind / Tom Brosnan, Watford & late of Coolagown 1st Ann., & Margaret Brosnan / Mary Daly, Bridge Rd. / Margaret Moloney, Derry /


Caroline Enright, Feale Drive /


Helen & John McConnell nee Rowan, O’Connell’s Ave   




















                People of the Parish       9.00am


                Elaine, Dermot & Kenneth Foran, Ballygrennan / Kevin Casey, Woodford /


William Doyle, Fourhane /Nora Walsh Greenville Rd. / Danny B Joy, Gortnaminch             11.30am








RECENT DEATH: Helena McElligott, Asdee & Bridge Road.


Kathleen White nee O’Sullivan, Corrib Drive Limerick late of Coilbee, Listowel. 


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Thomas & Joan Keating & deceased family members, Dirha Cottages / David Bunyan Junior, Listowel & Killimer / Patrick O Connor, O’Connell’s Ave.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-6709491 for emergencies only.


KERRY DIOCESAN COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICES Please put your offering into envelope and drop into the offering box at the back of the Church.


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet this Monday 6th Dec. at 7pm. in the Church. All members are asked to attend


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.


FEAST DAY OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION on Wednesday. next (8th Dec.) Vigil mass Tuesday 7.00 p.m. and Wednesday morning at 10.30am. It is a Holy Day of obligation.


DECEMBER PREPARATION FOR HOLY COMMUNION will take place on Saturday, night next (Dec. 11th) at the Vigil Mass. Parents and children are invited to attend but will not be directly involved this month due to Covid restrictions and safety of all.


COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to the increase in the numbers of people becoming infected with Covid-19, please continue to follow good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, observe the rules of social distancing and wear a face covering/mask when attending both of our churches. With regard to the Distribution of Holy Communion: please use the One-Way System already in operation with 3 distribution points. Follow ushers’ directions coming up the middle aisle from the back and returning down the side aisles. The public health advice is to get vaccinated as vaccination offers the best protection for you, your family and for others against severe disease. People should not attend religious services if you have symptoms of Covid-19, even if you have been fully vaccinated and you should not return to church until you have been advised it is safe to do so. Thanks. Fr. Declan




LISTOWEL ST VINCENT DE PAUL WILL BE HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL COLLECTION at all masses on Sat. next 11th December and Sunday 12th December. Blue envelopes will be delivered to every household. Due to unprecedented demand we are appealing to you to be as generous as possible so that we can meet all of our requests. Your support to us is invaluable and we thank you sincerely. We are also looking for extra volunteers to deliver our meals on wheels, commitment is just once a week for an hour. If interested please ring 0877817542. If you need assistance, please ring above number. Also, just to bring to your attention we have a donation box in St. Mary’s Church, at the wheelchair door of the Church next to the holy water font, in the wall of the Church.


LISTOWEL PARISH CHRISTMAS CARDS are available at the Parish office. A pack of 6 for €5.00. Also, Christmas Mass Bouquet cards


SYNODAL PATHWAY - OUR TIME TO REFLECT, DISCUSS AND LISTEN: As part of our Diocese's participation in the 2023 Synod of Bishops, we will be offering opportunities for discussion and listening in the Spring. Before that happens, you are invited to visit www.dioceseofkerry.ie/SynodQ/ to learn more about the questions that Pope Francis is asking us to reflect on.


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS NIGHT FOR LISTOWEL PASTORAL AREA with a number of priests’ present will take place on Monday, December 20th at 8.00 p.m. (More details later)


MÍLE BUÍOCHAS for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering / donations - by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office or on-line by standing order. Further details are available on the Parish website, or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Office Hours) May God bless and protect us all at this time.  Fr. Declan






Friday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)


Mass of the Nativity 4.00 p.m. (Children’s Mass), 6.00 p.m. & 8.00 p.m. 


Saturday, December 25th (Christmas Day)


9.00 a.m. & 11.30am


Sunday, December 26th (Feast of the Holy Family)


9.00 a.m. & 11.30am       



















Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Parish Office Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm, 


Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm


Newsletter: Nov. 27th – Dec. 5th ‘21




Sat.27th Nov.’21 Moyvane          Margaret and John Meade (Aniv.) Aughrim         7.30pm


Sun.28th Nov.’21 Knockanure    People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             Peggy & Mick Sheahan (Aniv.) Leitrim Middle     11.00am


Mon.29th Nov.’21           NO MASS             


Tues.30th Nov.’21 Moyvane       Marie Walsh (Aniv.) Barragougeen          10.00am


Weds.1st Dec.’21   Knockanure Bridie, Paddy & Kate O’Connor 10.00am


Thurs.2nd Dec.’21 Moyvane       Edward and Kit Fitzmaurice Leitrim Middle           10.00am


Fri.3rd Dec.’21


Knockanure        Private Intention


Catherine Mankin & Path Walsh nee


Horgan, Late of Trien & London                 10.00am




Masses next weekend:


Sat.4th Dec.’21 Moyvane             Maurice & Joe O’Connell, Dooncaha Deceased Members O’Connell Family                 7.30pm


Sun.5th Dec.’21 Knockanure       Mary Brosnan    9.30am


Moyvane             Paddy Mulvihill & Mary (nee Walsh) The Village                 11.00am




Priest on duty: Fr. D. O’Mahoney 087-6807197










In case of an Emergency, Weekday Evening Rota starts at 5pm on the day to 9am the next day


For Listowel/Moyvane/Lixnaw/Duagh


Monday and Wednesday, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan 087-2461749 


Tuesday and Saturday, Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949


Thursday and Friday, Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-9601549




General Maintenance Supervisor needed.  A Person who keeps the Parish and Presbytery in good order, through identifying areas needing attention and facilitating their resolution.  Contract Fr. Brendan 068-49308.




Stewards needed for weekend.  Can you assist?




Knockanure/Moyvane Church Christmas Cards, 7 cards for €2, very limited stocks available in the Parish Office.




Other Notices:


A 9 Day Rosary Novena beginning Tuesday 30th November and ending on Wednesday 8th December. People all over Ireland will pray the Rosary together each evening at 9pm. On the final evening at 9pm on Radio Maria the Primate of All Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin will lead the final Rosary live.  If you are gathering to pray in groups, we encourage you to gather safely adhering to local Covid 19 regulations. 




Moyvane ICA regretfully announce that Santa and Mrs. Claus are unable to visit the Moyvane Family Fun Day which has been cancelled again this year due to the ongoing pandemic. However, they assure us that Santa will be in Moyvane on Christmas Eve with lots of presents for all the boys and girls. He and Mrs. Claus are looking forward to being back again in the Marian Hall, Moyvane, for the Family Fun Day in 2022.


The Annual Christmas draw will go ahead. It will take place on November 30th. Cards are available from ICA members and in the local shops.'




Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party will take place on Sunday 5th Dec. at


1.00pm in the Listowel Arms Hotel.  Cost €20 per person.  Please book with Noreen 068-49238 or Eileen 087-9313912 before 28th Nov.’21.












                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News








MASSES THIS WEEK   28th – 5th December 2021    






Padraig Scanlon, Ballygrennan, Months Mind /


Teresa O Connor, Market St. Months Mind


/ Tom Stack, Upper William St. Months Mind / Michael & Maura McElligott, Asdee /


Joan Hayes, Bridge Rd., 1st Anniversary /


Mary & Phil Healy, Greenville /


Kevin, Robert, Sonja & Oliver Broderick &


Kay & Don O Leary, William St. /


Mike & Willie Doyle, Inch / Philomena Walsh, Feale Drive & Teresa Dennehy, O’Connell’s Ave. / Jimmy Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee, Birthday Rem. /  Bir. Rem Margo Hinchey, Ballygologue Rd. / Evelyn Scannell, Dromin                 6.15pm






28th                       Michael Enright, Ennismore & Charles St. 1st Anniversary              9.00am


                Anne Tobin, Leap Skibbereen Months Mind / Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane /


Fr. Bryan Dalton, Bridge Road /


Michael, Kathleen May, Sean, Noreen, Rosanne, Mariana, Tommy, Kitty & Anne Behan, St. Brendan’s Tce. /


Michael G. Barrett, Golf View, Bir. Rem./


John McCarthy, Feale Drive /


Paddy Dillon, Gortacrissane         11.30am


Mon 29th 


                Peggy, Finton, & Phil McGrath, William St. / Joan Healy nee Reidy & dec. Mem. of the Reidy Family, Ballygologue Pk. / Tom, Sean & Sr. Elizabeth Anne Sheehy, Asdee            10.30am


Tues 30th                            Patrick O Regan, Ballyheigue       10.30am


Wed 1st                                                                                               10.30am


Thurs 2nd                                                                            10.30am


 Fri.  3rd




                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday Evening Mass    6.45pm










4th         Martin Scanlon, Coolaclarig, Months Mind /


Brendan Quinlan, Coolnaleen, Months Mind / James Mulligan, Dublin /


John Landers, Cahirdown             10.30am


                Eric Browne, Months Mind /


Timmy Kennelly, Bedford /


Andy Sayers, Cahirdown /


Noreen Hickey, Ballygologue Park /


Margaret Lynch, Glin      Vigil




















                People of the Parish       9.00am


                David O Brien, Kilmena, Kilmorna /


John O Halloran, The Meadows /


Tom Keane, Derry / Bridget Twomey, Dirha Cottages / Mai Munroe, Kildotia, The Neale, Co Mayo & New York                 11.30am










RECENT DEATHS: Kitty Galvin, Greenville.  


Ciss Hickey nee O’Regan, Chicago late of Church Street.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Kit Rowe nee Moriarty, Chicago / Tommy Dowd, O’Dowd’s road.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Denis O Mahony, 087-6807197  for emergencies only.


COMMUNION CALLS TO THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND: FR. Declan will be doing his usual calls to the Sick & Housebound for the month of December / Christmas on Tuesday afternoon next (30th Nov.). If anybody who is at home and wishes a visit simply contact the Parish Office and he will be delighted to visit you. 


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.


NOTICE COVID-19 Due to the increase in the numbers of people becoming infected with Covid-19, please follow the public health advice and reduce your social contacts.  The public health advice is to get vaccinated as vaccination offers the best protection for you, your family and for others against severe disease.   Vaccination will reduce the number of people requiring hospitalisation and will free up ICU beds for use in our hospitals.  Please continue to follow good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, observe the rules of social distancing and wear a face covering/mask when attending any of our churches. People should not attend religious services if they have symptoms of Covid-19, even if they have been fully vaccinated.  This applies to everyone. They should not return to church until they have received advice that it is safe to do so. Diocesan Covid Support Team, November 25th, 2021




LISTOWEL PARISH CHRISTMAS CARDS are available at the Parish office. A pack of 6 for €5.00. Also, Christmas Mass Bouquet cards.




MÍLE BUÍOCHAS for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering / donations - by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office.  The weekly offering or donation can also be made online or by standing order and further details are available on the Parish website, or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Office Hours)  May God bless and protect us all at this time.  Fr. Declan


MESSENGER OF THE SACRED HEART BOOKLET new subscribers welcome, contact Margaret 087-2672054.


9 DAY ROSARY NOVENA FOR IRELAND We are inviting you to join in a 9 Day Rosary Novena beginning Tuesday 30th Nov. and ending on Wednesday 8th December. People all over Ireland will pray the Rosary together each evening at 9pm. On the final evening at 9pm on Radio Maria the Primate of All Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin will lead the final Rosary live.


If you are gathering to pray in groups we encourage you to gather safely adhering to local Covid 19 regulations.


ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A VOLUNTEER DRIVER? Do you have 2 hours to spare to support older people in your community to access day care services? Do you have a full clean driving license and access to a car? Ard Chúram Day Care Centre, North Kerry in conjunction with Local Links Kerry are seeking volunteer Drivers for their volunteer Social Car Scheme.  For further information could you please contact Molly at Ard Chúram Day Care Centre on 068 22986.


IRISH SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SURVEY The National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) and Healing Untold Grief Groups (HUGG) have launched the first national study of adults bereaved or affected by suicide in Ireland. You can find out more and access the survey by visiting www.hugg.ie/suicide-bereavement-survey. You will also find a link to the survey on the diocesan website.




MOLL a comedy by John B. Keane, presented by St. John’s Theatre, Thur. 25th to Mon. 29th Nov. @ 8pm. 





19 Nov 2021





Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: dioceseofkerry.ie

Parish Office: Tues. 10am-1pm, Thurs. 10am-12pm, Fri. 10am-1pm.

Newsletter: 20th-28th Nov.’21


Sat. 20th Nov.’21 Moyvane         Sr. Margarite Windle RIP               7.30pm

Sun. 21st Nov.’21 Knockanure    Paddy, Bridie, and Jack Flavin (Anniv). Kilmorna                 9.30am

Moyvane             Patrick Scanlon (Anniv.) Moher 11.00am

Mon. 22nd Nov. ‘21        NO MASS             

Tues. 23rd Nov.’21 Moyvane      Julia, Paddy, Billy Hanrahan and deceased members of the Hanrahan Family, Aughrim               10.00am

Weds. 24th Nov.’21   Knockanure             Eileen Boiley      10.00am

Thurs. 25th Nov. ‘21   Moyvane Michael Dore (Anniv.)    10.00am

Fri. 26th Nov.’21  Knockanure     Private Intention              10.00am

Masses next weekend:

Sat. 27th Nov. ‘21 Moyvane        Margaret and John Meade (Anniv.) Aughrim      7.30pm

Sun. 28th Nov.’21 Knockanure   People of the Parish       9.30am

Moyvane             Peggy & Mick Sheahan (Anniv.) Leitrim Middle 11.00am

Priest on duty: Fr. B. Carmody 068-49308/087-960 1549


If people want Communion at the Door of Hope/Car Park please make yourself known and make your way to the door entrance if possible.

Christmas Confessions: are taking place at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel on Monday 20th Dec. at 8.00pm.


Kneelers can be used again, and I invite you to kneel at the main part of the Mass as before and stand for Our Father and Gospel.


Thanks for your contribution to Missio of €430 for Missions in Africa.


Help Please: Could somebody let Fr. Brendan know who damaged a pier of the parking lot, now one month ago. 


Other Notices: 

Bon Secours Hospital Annual November Mass will be celebrated in St. John’s Church, Castle St., Tralee on Tuesday, 23rd November at 7.00pm in remembrance of our Patients, Staff and Relatives of Staff who have died during the past twelve months.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite family members and friends attend this special Mass, in memory of their dear Loved Ones. The Mass will be live-streamed for those unable to attend in person

at www.churchservices.tv/tralee


Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer Driver? Do you have 2 hours to spare to support older people in your community to access day care services? Do you have a full clean driving license and access to a car? Ard Chúram Day Care Centre, North Kerry in conjunction with Local Links

Kerry are seeking volunteer Drivers for their volunteer Social Car Scheme.  For further information please contact Molly at Ard Chúram Day Care Centre on 068 22986.


Moyvane ICA regretfully announce that Santa and Mrs. Claus are unable to visit the Moyvane Family Fun Day which has been cancelled again this year due to the ongoing pandemic. However, they assure us that Santa will be in Moyvane on Christmas Eve with lots of presents for all the boys and girls. He and Mrs. Claus are looking forward to being back again in the Marian Hall, Moyvane, for the Family Fun Day in 2022.

The Annual Christmas draw will go ahead. It will take place on November 30th. Cards are available from ICA members and in the local shops.'


Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party will take place on Sunday 5th Dec. at 1.00pm in the Listowel Arms Hotel.  Cost €20 per person.  Please book with Noreen 068-49238 or Eileen 087-9313912 before 28th Nov.’21.



Listowel Parish News



Parish Priest: Declan Canon O Connor VF. Parish Office (Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm) 068-21188. After hours emergency no. 0870908949.Email: listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays.  Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and no funeral on Sundays.   Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office.  Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass.  Check out our Parish Web Page at www.listowelparish.com for live streaming and all Diocesan news on: www.dioceseofkerry.ie 



21st November 2021

Christ King of the Universe   






MASSES THIS WEEK   21st  - 28th November 2021    




Denis (Dodo) Riordan, Dromerin, Months Mind / Patrick & Mary Murphy, Bedford / Tim & Mary Horan, Ennismore /

Eva Murphy, Church St. & Noreen Broderick, Bunagara /

Tommy Sheahan, The Square /

Pat O Connor, Craughatoosane /

Michael & Teresa Bambury, William & Ellen McMahon, Gurtaglana &

 John Gerard McMahon Carrueragh /

Mary Kiernan, Hawthorn Drive





World day of remembrance for road traffic victims/ Padraig Tydings, Urlee, Lisselton


Toddy Buckley, Bridge Rd, Ann. & Bir. Rem / Dan Hannon, Ballygologue Pk /

Helen Enright, Billerough /

Margaret Stack, Charles St. & Bridie Hannon, Gortcreen / Pa Ahern, Ballygrennan / Presentation Day Mass /

Jane Healy, Walton Cross, London


Mon 22nd

Jule Scanlon, Bridge Road & Tommy Mahony, England / Special Intention /

Elizabeth Barry, Clounphrus, Moyvane


Tues 23rd                        

Sol & Jane Frost, Co. Clare /

Jimmy Doherty, London Rec. Dec.


Wed 24th                                                                      

Joan, Dan & Noreen Goggin, Macroom


Thurs 25th                                               

Brendan Casey, Woodford & The Meadows, 1st Anniversary /

Bill Gleeson, Bunagara /

Special Intention / Jimmy Harris, Listowel


 Fri.  26th


John O Driscoll, West Cork, Months Mind


Mass for the Deceased

(Funerals Nov. 1st 2020 to Oct. 2021)









Holy Souls


Padraig Scanlon, Ballygrennan, Months Mind /

Teresa O Connor, Market St. Months Mind

/ Mary & Phil Healy, Greenville /

Kevin, Robert, Sonja & Oliver Broderick &

Kay & Don O Leary, William St. /

Mike & Willie Doyle, Inch /

Philomena Walsh, Feale Drive & Teresa

Dennehy, O’Connell’s Ave. /

Jimmy Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. /

Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee, Birthday Rem. /

Margo Hinchey, Ballygologue Rd. Bir. Rem.
















Michael Enright, Ennismore & Charles St. 1st Anniversary


Anne Tobin, Leap Skibbereen Months Mind / Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane /

Fr. Bryan Dalton, Bridge Road /

Michael, Kathleen May, Sean, Noreen, Rosanne, Mariana, Tommy, Kitty & Anne Behan, St. Brendan’s Tce. /

Michael G. Barrett, Golf View, Bir. Rem.







RECENT DEATHS: Sean O Neill, Bunagarha / Eithne Doyle, Church Street. / Teresa Fox nee Molyneaux, Drumshanbo              Leitrim late of Meen, Listowel. / Veronica (Vera) O’Connor nee Shine, Killarney late of Colbert St. Listowel. 




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Eddie Flaherty, Charles St. / Margaret Duggan, Dirha East / Tom Thomas O Sullivan, Finuge /James O Sullivan, Bedford.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Brendan Carmody, 0879601549  for emergencies only.


FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION: This Sunday (Nov. 21st ) we celebrate Presentation Day. To mark the event -  Listowel Presentation Secondary School is hosting our 11.30 a.m. mass this Sunday. We wish everybody every blessing.


ANNUAL NOVEMBER MASS FOR LISTOWEL ACTIVE RETIRED: takes place on Tuesday next (Nov. 23rd ) at 2.30 p.m.




Will take place at St. Mary’s Church, on Tuesday 23rd November at 7.00 p.m. Each candidate and their parents / guardians are asked to attend.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m.  Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.




NOVEMBER MASSES FOR OUR DEAD: We invite you to join us. Come and view the Poster with the names of our loved ones whose funeral mass took place here at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel. From Nov. 1st 2020 to Oct. 31st 2021. Our special Annual Mass for them takes place on Friday next 26th November at 7pm. and also will be  streamed online at  www.listowelparish.com  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.  Amen.


LISTOWEL PARISH CHRISTMAS CARDS are available at the Parish office. A pack of 6 for €5.00. Also Christmas Mass Bouquet cards.


BON SECOURS HOSPITAL ANNUAL NOVEMBER MASS will be celebrated in St. John’s Church, Castle St., Tralee on Tuesday, 23rd November at 7.00pm in remembrance of  Patients, Staff and Relatives of Staff who have died during the past twelve months.  View online at: www.churchservices.tv/tralee


COVID 19 UPDATE: Now that religious services are proceeding without capacity limits but with all protective measures remaining in place. People attending St. Mary’s Church must wear face masks, sanitise their hands-on entry and exit from the church, and maintain adequate social distancing whenever appropriate.  While we would encourage people to attend Mass on Sunday’s or on the Saturday night Vigil Mass a person can attend Mass on any day during the week. For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online from at www.listowelparish.com


MÍLE BUÍOCHAS for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering / donations - by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office.  The weekly offering or donation can also be made online or by standing order and further details are available on the Parish website, or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Office Hours)  May God bless and protect us all at this time.  Fr. Declan


IRISH SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SURVEY The National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) and Healing Untold Grief Groups (HUGG) have launched the first national study of adults bereaved or affected by suicide in Ireland. You can find out more and access the survey by visiting www.hugg.ie/suicide-bereavement-survey. You will also find a link to the survey on the diocesan website.


MOLL a comedy by John B. Keane, presented by St. John’s Theatre, Thur. 25th to Mon. 29th Nov. @ 8pm. 











Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Website: diocesofkerry.ie


Parish Office Opening Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm, Fri 10.00am-1.00pm.    Newsletter: 6th – 12th Nov.’21




Saturday 6th Nov.’21 


Moyvane             Private Intention




Sunday 7th Nov.’21  Knockanure              Morgan Flaherty              9.30am


Moyvane 7th Nov.’21    People of the Parish       11.00am


Monday 8th Nov.’21       NO MASS             


Tuesday 9th Nov.’21


Moyvane             NO MASS             


Wednesday 10th Nov.’21  Knockanure   NO MASS




Thursday 11th Nov.’21 


Moyvane             Deceased members of the ICA 10.00am


Friday 12th Nov.’21  Knockanure               Private Intention


John Joe Barry RIP 


(1st Anniversary)             10.00am








Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor 087-0908949




Absence: There will be NO Mass on Tues. Nov. 8th and Weds Nov. 9th as Fr. Brendan will be away.  In an emergency, please contact 068-21188/087-0908949. 




Church Council: meets Nov. 23rd @ 8.00pm.  If you have any items you need to be included, contact 1 of the following: Michelle Mulvihill/Liz Brosnan/Mary Fitzgerald/Margaret Horgan/P.J. Mulvihill/Joanne O’Connor/Mary Flaherty/Kay O’Hanlon/Eamon Whyte/Fr. Brendan.




Listowel Family Resource Centre: is offering a course in Acrylic Art/painting for beginners starting 8th Nov. 10.30am to 12.30pm for 6 weeks.  Contact Bridie 086-8556431.




Knockanure Development Association (knockanure Community Centre) AGM will take place on Friday 12th Nov. ’21 @7.30pm in Knockanure Community Centre.  All members are invited to attend.




St. Vincent De Paul collection: will take place at Masses on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th Nov.’21.




Liturgy Meeting: will be held on Thursday Nov. 11th.  We encourage more Parishioners to attend this meeting as “Your” input is vital in the running of our parish   Meeting will be held in The Church @7pm.


Trocaire Appeal for the East Africa Hunger Crisis, (In Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan) A collection is taking place in all parishes throughout Ireland this weekend Sunday Nov. 7th. The need is clearly urgent and great. Trocaire need our support to purchase essential food supplies. People can also put a donation in an envelope marked ‘Trocaire Hunger Appeal’ and drop it in to the parish office or bring it along the following Sunday.


Siamsa Tire: are offering Adult Singing Workshops with the Irish National Opera on Thurs.18th Nov. from 7pm-9pm.  No singing experience needed. Contact www.siamsatire.com or call 066-7123055. Cost €15.








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News.






MASSES THIS WEEK   7th  - 14th November 2021    




6th         Margaret (Peggy) Lyons, Ballygologue Pk., Month’s Mind / Barry Curtin, St. Brendan’s Tce. 1st Ann. /


Mary Daly, Bridge Rd. Bir. Rem. /


Tony & Stephen Whelan, Finuge /


Thomas & Annie O Connor & Family, Asdee / John Paul, Eugene & Eileen McCarthy, Bunagara / Paddy Horgan, Charles St. / Joe Heffernan, Clieveragh


Noreen Lyons, Cahirdown /


Kathleen McCarthy, Tanavalla /


Thomas & Bridie O Sullivan, Church St./


James Courtney, St. Joseph’s Tce., Caherciveen, Birthday Remembrance              6.15pm






7th                         People of the Parish       9.00am


                Eileen Greaney, Ballygologue Pk. 1st Ann.


Thomas, Andy, Nora & John Hayes, O’Connell’s Ave / Mary & John Joe Harnett, & Dec. Family, Clieveragh /


Danny & Nora O’Donoghue, Bedford/


John & Jim O Brien, Kate Doherty nee O Brien & Simon, Tralee & Listowel /


Nora O Brien, Danny Hassley & Kathleen Doherty, Tralee /


Collette O Halloran nee Doyle, Ennismore & Tralee /


Richard (Dick) Dillon, Ennismore /


Tom, Bridget, Willie & Sean Thornton, Gortnaminch & James, Kathleen & William Scragg, Lixnaw & England                 11.30am


Mon 8th




Tues 9th                                               10.30am


Wed 10th                                                                            Michael Fitzmaurice, Moyvane Rec. Dec. / Irene McElligott, Craughatoosane               10.30am


Thurs 11th                                                          


Mary Anne Keane, Julia Stack & Dec. Mem. of the Keane Family, William St. & Jack & Mary Guiney, & Dec. Fam. Moyvane South                10.30am


 Fri.  12th              Bridie Carmody Killcara, Duagh    10.30am






Holy Souls           10.30am


                Mossie Molyneaux, Woodford /


John Sayers, Greenville /


Julia (Patsy) Cronin, Bridge Rd. / 


Tom & John Daly, Bridge Rd. /


Norma Ryan, Skehenerin / Peggy & Jim Barrett & Mary O Gorman nee Barrett, Feint / Martin Mulvihill, Asdee & dec. Family / Phillis Keane, Ballygrennan /


Dr.’s Robert & John Corridan, The Square / Prionnsias Kelly Derry & Teelin, Donegal         Vigil








14th  Jack, Mary & Edward Carmody, Knockanure             9.00am


                Tim O Sullivan, Bedford, Months Mind / 


Sean Boland, Market St. /


 Gerald & Bridie Molyneaux, Clounmacon / Elizabeth O Connor, Insih, Greenville                                               11.30am




RECENT DEATHS: Brendan Quinlan, Coolnaleen / Tom Stack, Upper William Street / Anne Tobin, Cork.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Teresa Sullivan (nee Lucy), Cardiff & Charles St. & Mary Lucy, Charles St. / Josie Harnett, Charles St. / Richard (Dick) Dillon, Ennismore


TROCÁIRE EMERGENCY APPEAL THIS WEEKEND: As you have heard on radio / TV adverts - over 30 million people across East Africa are struggling to survive a devasting hunger crises at the moment. The Irish Bishops Conference have asked that each Parish in Ireland would organise a once off Church Collection to take place this weekend of 6th & 7th November 2021. There will be a special box at the back of our church. Please donate what you can to help the people of Somalia, South Sudan, Ethiopia and the State of South Kordofan in Sudan. Míle Buíochas




St. Michael’s Cemetery, Listowel @ 2.00 p.m. 


St. John’s Paul’s Cemetery, Listowel @2.30 p.m.


Finuge Cemetery, Listowel @3.00 p.m.


Springmount Cemetery, Duagh – @ 3.45 p.m.


(Lasting just 10 minutes long irrespective of weather conditions – so come prepared) All are welcome!




OUR PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: will take place next year 2022 from Saturday October. 29th to Saturday November 5th A short Meeting for those who have booked and those wishing to join will take place here in our church, on this Monday 8th November at 7pm. All interested are welcome!


NOVEMBER MASSES FOR OUR DEAD: commemorating our loved ones during the Month of November each Saturday morning during the month of November at the 10.30 a.m. Mass. Our sincere thanks to you all who have dropped in your November Offerings & Dead List as we pray for the repose of their souls. These Lists will be placed on the Altar at each of our November Masses, along with each Saturday morning. Come and view the Poster in front of Our Lady’s Altar of those whose funeral masses took place here from Nov. 1st 2020 to Oct. 31st 


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. (lunch time) Should a funeral takes place on the day it will be cancelled.




Fr Nicholas Flynn will reflect on the gift of the Eucharist in an online webinar on Thursday Nov 11th 8.00pm – 8.30pm. This evening offers all of us a chance to renew our appreciation for the Eucharist. It will be especially relevant to those who are Eucharistic Ministers in our parishes. For more information and to register, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie 


COVID 19 UPDATE: As and from Friday, October 22nd, 2021 religious services have been proceeding without capacity limits but with all protective measures remaining in place. People attending St. Mary’s Church must wear face masks, sanitise their hands-on entry and exit from the church, and maintain adequate social distancing whenever appropriate.  While we would encourage people to attend Mass on Sunday’s or on the Saturday night Vigil Mass a person can attend Mass on any day during the week. For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online from at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish radio link. 


PARISH YOUTH GROUP -Are now back!  Full of activities for all 11 + years old! would you like to join or find out more call Brian on 0874545409.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, November 6th Fr. Michael Hussey, 0872386084 for emergencies only.




IRISH SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SURVEY The National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) and Healing Untold Grief Groups (HUGG) have launched the first national study of adults bereaved or affected by suicide in Ireland. You can find out more and access the survey by visiting www.hugg.ie/suicide-bereavement-survey. You will also find a link to the survey on the diocesan website.






Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.   


Newsletter: October 30th – Nov.5th ‘21






Saturday 30th Oct’21 


Moyvane             Denis McEvoy RIP




Sunday 31st Oct.’21  Knockanure              People of the Parish       9.30am


Moyvane             “Thank You” from the Noonan family for your support   11.00am


Monday 1st Nov.’21 Knockanure




Moyvane             All Saints Day     9.30am






Tuesday 2nd Nov.’21 


Moyvane             All Souls Day       10.00am




Wednesday 3rd Nov.’21  Knockanure     Michael Culhane (Anniversary)




Thursday 4th Nov.’21 


Moyvane             Tim O’Connor RIP            10.00am


Friday 5th Nov.’21  Knockanure                 Mary Callan        10.00am




Priest on duty: Fr. Michael Hussey 087-2386084




Update from the Diocese on Covid: Religious services and weddings can proceed without capacity limits as existing measures remain (social distance/no physical handshakes/no full choir/no holy water in fonts/one way entry and exit/to Communion/Communion in hand only etc.)  All advised to be responsible as the incidence rate in Kerry is very high.  Dispensation from Sunday Mass and Holy Days obligation remains while Mass during the week is encouraged in lieu of it.




Mass for recently Deceased:


Nov. 16th @ 7.30pm Moyvane


Nov. 19th @ 7.30pm Knockanure




Mass Arrangement: Regular morning mass @ 10.00am does not exclude Mass at other times of the day for special occasions (on request).




Knockanure Community Centre Meals on Wheels service. Meals €6 each/€40 per week (7 dinners), contact Nora 087-7476717 or Mary 087-6328104.




Moyvane/Knockanure Christmas Cards: available in The Parish Office, Packet of 7 cards for €2.




Anam Cara Kerry is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 9th November at 7:20pm in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee Co. Kerry. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents. For more information see anamcara.ie or call the information line on 01 4045378.




AGM of Knockanure Valley Txt Alert: Representatives of Muintir Na Tire Diarmuid Cronin and the local Gardai Sgt Mannix and Jim Foley will be in attendance, 1st Nov.’21 at 8pm Knockanure Community Centre. All welcome. 







Web: dioceseofkerry.ie, Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.   


Newsletter: 24th October ‘21




Saturday 23rd Oct.’21


Nora O’Donoghue RIP

(nee Leahy) and Baby Leah RIP



Sunday 24th Oct.’21 Knockanure

Sean McMahon RIP



Moyvane 24th Oct.’21

People of the Parish



Monday 25th Oct.’21 



Tuesday 26th Oct.’21


Private Intention


Wednesday 27th Oct.’21  Knockanure

Private Intention



Thursday 28th Oct.’21


Breda Dore, 1st Anniversary


Friday 29th Oct.’21 Knockanure

Private Intention






Priest on duty: Sean Hanafin, Ballybunion 087-8341083  Offertory €1,130, Thank you.




Pray for the Dead, November: Envelopes for List of the Dead are available in the Church.  Those listed will be Remembered at ALL Masses during November, so return before November 1st, if possible.   




World Mission Sunday, October 24th:  


Envelopes available, assistance for poorer Churches throughout the World.




When requested, Mass Intentions are announced.  Otherwise, the Intention is Private.




Appeal for new Readers, if interested, please contact the Parish Office.




Change of Mass Times:


For a variety of reasons, from November 1st onwards:


Tuesday & Thursday Mass in Moyvane will be at 10.00am.


Wednesday & Friday Mass in Knockanure will be at 10.00am.




During Covid, the side door has been used for funerals, as soon as is feasible, the Main Entrance will be used.




There are a limited number of places available on the Bus to Killarney for the Sandy Kelly concert in The Gleneagle Ballroom on Mon. Oct.25th.  Contact Jill McCarthy 087-9512387 or Eileen Roche 087-6679943.




28th Moyvane Village Festival this October Bank Holiday weekend.  Events Sunday 24th Vintage Tractor Run, Dog Show and Kiddies Tractor Run. Bank Holiday Monday 25th 6k Run/3K Walk and North Kerry Harriers 1st Hunt of the Season.




Seats still available for the Senior Citizens Outing on Oct. 29th, contact Elaine 068-49692/087-3315935.




Knockanure Comm. Centre Meals on Wheels service. Meals €6 each/€40 per week (7 dinners), contact Nora 087-7476717 or Mary 087-6328104.




Please communicate any notices for the Newsletters to the Parish Office by the Tuesday.












                                St. Mary’s Church LISTOWEL




MASSES THIS WEEK  24th – 31st  October 2021






23rd      Frank King, Dromin Green & Ashbourne Meath, Months Mind /  Eddie Anthony Walsh, Asdee / Eileen & John O Connell, Woodford / Dermot Buckley, Bridge Rd. /


Denis Kennelly Colbert St. /Adian Murphy


/ Chrissie & Cyril O Gorman, Clieveragh Rd


/ Pat, Tim & Patrick Lane, Coolnaleen      6.15pm






24th                       Margaret Peggy Enright, The Square & Cahirdown




                Denis Collins, Collins Bar, William St. Listowel & Wells St. Ballylongford & Pearl View, New York. (Recently Deceased).


Jeremiah O Driscoll, Hermitage Farm, Listowel, 1st Anniversary /


John, Delia, Johnny & Teddy Keane, Slievecahill / Mary Sheehy, Gortacrissane /


Pat, Mary & Jerry Kiernan, Hawthorn Dr. & John Downey, Brosna




Mon 25th                            Tim & Michael O Sullivan, Finuge /


Robert & Nora O Shea, Charles St.            10.30am


                Funeral – Jerry Ryan, Courthouse Lawn 11.30am


Tues 26th                            Joh Finnegan, Killocrim, 1st Anniversary /


Noreen Lehane, Tanavalla, 1st Anniversary / Bridie Mulligan, Bridge Rd., Birthday Rem. / Hannah & Ned O Neill, Bridge Rd., Ella & Tommy Brandon, Luchara Rd. & Jerry & Jimmy O Neill, England               10.30am


Wed 27th                                                                                            10.30am


Thurs 28th                                                           Anne & William Hannan, Ballygologue Rd              10.30am


 Fri.  29th              Special Intention              10.30am




30th                       Marie Moloney, Gurtinard House Rec. Dec., Jimmy & Anne Moloney, Cherrytree Dr        10.30am


                Eamon O Connor, Gurtinard /


Eileen Hannon, The Square /


Nellie & Jackie O Flaherty, Greenville








31st                        Willie Keane, Lenamore                9.00am


                Assumpta Mahony, Coolaclarig, Bir. Rem. / Martin Scanlon, Ballygologue Pk. /  Mary Dowling, Derry /  Margaret (Peggie) O’Connor nee Enright, Bridge Road & New York / Mary Brennan, Gortacrissane           11.30am




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hanafin, 087-8341083.




RECENT DEATHS Tim O Sullivan, Bedford.


Patricia O Flaherty, Church Street. 


Jerry Ryan, Courthouse Lawn & Arus Mhuire Nursing Home.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Jack & Sheila Buckley, Patrick’s Street / Thomas Hanlon, O’Connell’s Ave. / Nora O Donoghue, Moyvane, Perth & Listowel / Maurice Collins Kilmorna / Finbarr Carrig, Tarbert / Bebe & Joe Fitzsimons nee Flaherty, Margaret O Carroll nee murphy, William O Carroll, & Dec. Members of the Flaherty, O’Carroll Families, O’Connell’s Ave.








PARISH YOUTH GROUP -Are now back!  Full of activities for all 11 + years old! would you like to join or find out more call Brian on 0874545409.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.3am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. (lunch time) Should a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


MISSION SUNDAY 24TH OCTOBER 2021 This Sunday is Mission Sunday. The body that coordinates this day has a new name ‘Missio Ireland’, to harmonise with the name in other countries worldwide. Ponder, pray about and share, our faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The annual Mission collection is held worldwide to support the work of missionaries in poor and remote communities; for example, helping build vital infrastructure, churches, formation centres for religious and clergy, medical clinics and schools. The needs of overseas dioceses vary greatly.  Or more urgently, vaccinations and medicines to protect the vulnerable. Missions Sunday  envelopes are in your Parish Box and some loose ones are at the back of the church.   We thank you sincerely for your generosity to this cause. The theme this year is “We cannot remain silent – We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20)”. Let us honour and remind the people of all the dedicated missionaries, past and present, from our own diocese. 








As and from Friday last, October 22nd, 2021 religious services and weddings can proceed without capacity limits but with all protective measures remaining in place. People attending St. Mary’s Church must wear face masks, sanitise their hands on entry and exit from the church, and maintain adequate social distancing whenever appropriate.




The dispensation from attending Mass on Sunday’s and Holy days of obligation remains in place until further notice.  While we would encourage people to attend Mass on Sunday’s or on the Saturday night Vigil Mass a person can attend Mass on any day during the week.


For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish radio link.  You can also visit St. Mary’s church at any time for private prayer.




A sincere thanks for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners can continue to make their weekly offering or donation by using the designated boxes in the church or through the Parish Office.  The weekly offering or donation can also be made online or by standing order and further details are available on the Parish website, www.listowelparish.com or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188.




Please continue to look out for one another and remember to follow the public health guidance in relation to Covid-19 so as to reduce the spread of the virus.  May God bless and protect us all at this time.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council


October 23rd, 2021










MOYVANE AND KNOCKANURE PARISH. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie Presbytery/Office: 068 49308. Newsletter: 17th October 2021


MASS INTENTIONS: Saturday 16th October ‘21 Moyvane Sean Broderick RIP (Coilagurteen) 7.30pm Sunday 17th October ‘21 Knockanure People of the Parish 9.30am Moyvane 17th October’21 Mary Moloney (nee Foley) RIP 11.00am Monday 18th October’21 NO MASS Tuesday 19th October’21 Moyvane Mrs. Galvin (Wellbeing) 7.30pm Wednesday 20th October’21 Knockanure Liam Sexton 7.30pm Thursday 21 st October ‘21 Moyvane Private Intention 7.30pm Friday 22nd October’21 Knockanure Paddy& Maureen Fitzmaurice RIP (Gortamosilhy) 7.30pm


 Opening Hours of Parish Office Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00pm; Thursday 10.00am - 12.00 midday and Friday 10.00am - 1.00 pm


Pray for the Dead, November: Envelopes for List of the Dead are available in the Church. The note says “Amount Enclosed”, there is NO obligation to place money in the envelope. Those listed will be Remembered at ALL Masses during November, so return them as soon as possible before November 1st . They will be placed on the Altar.


World Mission Sunday, October 24th: Envelopes available, assistance for poorer Churches throughout the World.


Change of Mass Times: For a variety of reasons, from November 1st onwards: Tuesday & Thursday Mass in Moyvane will be at 10.00am. Wednesday & Friday Mass in Knockanure will be at 10.00am. AGM of Knockanure Valley Text Alert: Representatives of Muintir Na Tire and the local Gardai will be in attendance, 1st Nov. ’21 at 8pm in Knockanure Community Centre. Tarbert Bridewell Active Retirement: Seeking new members, contact 087-3848680. Moyvane/Knockanure Christmas Cards: available in The Parish Office, Pkt 7 cards for €2.






                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News




MASSES THIS WEEK  10th – 17th October 2021      




16th      Patrick & Mary Hickey, Banemore /


Ned O Connell, Grogeen /


Austin Stack, Feale Drive /


Patsy Nolan, Ballygrennan & Pat Nolan Kilmorna /


Ann McGuinness, Lauragh, Kenmare      6.15pm






17th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Michael & Bridie Flavin & Deceased Families Members, Knockane / John Neville, Woodford /Kevin McElligott, Chicago / Joan Hilliard, Cahirdown /


Betty Kennelly, Ashfield, Greenville /


James Enright, & Dec. Mem. of the Roche & Enright families Drumurrin


Paddy & Bob McElligott, Duagh Village   11.30am


Mon 18th                            Special Intention              10.30am


                Funeral – Tim O Sullivan, Bedford             11.30am


Tues 19th                            Jack Dore, Kilmorna /


Eugene O Connell, Bridge Rd & Rathfarnham, Dublin, 1st Anniversary     10.30am


Wed 20th                                                                                            10.30am


Thurs 21st                                                           Margaret Snow, St. Brendan’s Tce. /


Special Intention              10.30am


 Fri.  22nd             People of the Parish       10.30am




23rd                       Buddy Scanlon, Ballygrennan      10.30am


                Frank King, Dromin Green & Ashbourne Meath, Months Mind /


Eddie Anthony Walsh, Asdee /


Eileen & John O Connell, Woodford /


Dermot Buckley, Bridge Rd. /


Denis Kennelly Colbert St.            Vigil






24th                       Margaret Peggy Enright, The Square & Cahirdown            9.00am


                Jeremiah O Driscoll, Hermitage Farm, Listowel, 1st Anniversary /


John, Delia, Johnny & Teddy Keane, Slievecahill / Mary Sheehy, Gortacrissane   11.30am






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Crean-Lynch 087-6709491.




RECENT DEATHS Tim O Sullivan, Bedford.


Tom Corridan, London late of Knockmeal, Duagh.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Johnny & Nora Carmody, Meen / Ellen Buckley, Behins.




WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate you.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. (lunch time) Should a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


LISTOWEL PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Will meet on this Monday 18th October at 7pm. in the Church. All members are asked to attend.


LISTOWEL LITURGY GROUP Will meet on Tuesday 19th October at 7pm. in the Church. All members are asked to attend.


PREPARING FOR THE SYNODAL JOURNEY On this Sunday (October 17th)  all the dioceses in Ireland begin the Synodal Pathway -which Pope Francis has asked for worldwide.  Pope Francis speaks of ‘Synod’ as ‘journeying together’, truly ‘listening to each other’ and ‘together identifying the path along which Christ is leading us’. Bishop Ray invites you to join him for a liturgy of prayer in St Mary’s Cathedral, this Sunday at 3.00 p.m.  to commence our journey.  Come to the Cathedral or join by streaming via the cathedral website. Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Communion, Participation and Mission”.


AN INVITATION:  LECTIO DIVINA:  An introduction to the reading, reflection and prayer of the Gospels for anyone who seeks a way towards hope, wisdom and faith in day to day life. Presented by Fr Seamus O’Connell on Learning to pray the scriptures from your life. 3 Sessions: Mondays 18 Oct & 1st Nov 7.30pm – 9pm (zoom) and Saturday 13 Nov. Tralee and Zoom REGISTER: email office@stjohns.ie Please put ‘ Lectio Divina’ in Subject line.  Phone 087 6873208. A joint initiative of the Centre for Ministry and Mission (Maynooth), St Brendan's Lectio Divina Group and Tralee APC.








As and from September 6th, 2021 all religious ceremonies, including, WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS etc. can proceed with 50% of the church capacity, regardless of the immunity status of attendees, subject to appropriate protective measures such as, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitisation etc. Due to the current incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese, the Diocesan Office has recommended the following in relation to Baptisms.


BAPTISMS – Let’s continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents).


The Government hope to be in a position to announce  lifting further restrictions on Friday next, October 22nd, subject to the prevailing health advice. Full reopening is now in doubt because of a surge in numbers this week.  It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that St. Mary’s Church, Listowel remains a safe place for people to visit and attend.


The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Denise in the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Many thanks for your continued support and generosity.  Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council








MOYVANE AND KNOCKANURE PARISH. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie Presbytery/Office: 068 49308. Newsletter: Sunday 10th October ‘21


 MASS INTENTIONS: Saturday 9 th October’21 Moyvane Timothy Noonan RIP (Birthday Mass) 7.30pm Sunday 10th October ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 9.30am Moyvane 10th October ‘21 Private Intention 11.00am Monday 11th October ‘21 NO MASS Tuesday 12th October ‘21 Moyvane Joe O’Connor RIP (Kilbaha) 7.30pm Wednesday 13th October ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 7.30pm Thursday 14 th October ‘21 Moyvane Private Intention 7.30pm Friday 15th October ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 7.30pm NOTE: When there are no evening masses in Moyvane, church closes at 6.00pm. Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Walsh (087) 7913271


Opening Hours of Parish Office Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00pm Thursday 10.00am - 12.00 midday Friday 10.00am - 1.00 pm


Baptisms: to be held Saturday afternoons only.


Coastal Rosary: 10th October @ 2.30pm, Ballybunion beach. Sign up on www.coastalrosaryireland.ie or text (087) 278 6552




Moyvane/Knockanure Senior Citizen’s Trip to Tralee (subsidized by Eirgrid). Bus leaving Moyvane Church car park Friday October 29th at 12pm. Lunch at the Meadowlands followed by visit to County Museum and Ballyseedy Garden Centre. Tea and Refreshments on return to Moyvane at Speedy’s Nolan’s Bar. Cost €20 to be paid when booking with Elaine O’Flaherty, no later than Friday October 15 th . Contact (068) 49692 or (087) 3315935.


Dancing Classes at Knockanure Community Centre on October 13th at 8.15pm. Contact Norella (087) 6809249








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News;








MASSES THIS WEEK  10th – 17th October 2021      




9th         Patrick (Patsy) Browne, Ballygologue


 1st Anniversary /


Donie & Eva Finucane, Cahirdown /


Jim Scanlon, Dirha /


Gerard Griffin, Charles St.            6.15pm






10th                       Rose Morgan, Oakpark, Tralee   9.00am


                Betty Kennelly, Greenville           11.30am


Mon 11th                            Mass of thanksgiving      10.30am


                Funeral - Peggy Lyons, Ballygologue Pk 11.30am


Tues 12th                            Chloe McCool, Feale Drive, Months Mind             10.30am


                Funeral – Patrick Gunn, Feale Drive         11.30am


Wed 13th                                                                            Mass of thanksgiving on behalf of Listowel Race Company                10.30am


Thurs 14th                                                           Michael O Connor, Patrick St. &


Chris O Sullivan, Derry & America              10.30am


 Fri.  15th              Rose & Con Lynch, Moyvane /


Madeline Moloney Reidy, Charles St.     10.30am




16th                       Betty McGrath Moriarty, Moyessa, Months Mind             10.30am


                Denis Kennelly, Colbert St. /


Patrick & Mary Hickey, Banemore /


Ned O Connell, Grogeen /


Austin Stack, Feale Drive /


Patsy Nolan, Ballygrennan & Pat Nolan Kilmorna               Vigil






17th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Michael & Bridie Flavin & Deceased Families Members, Knockane /


John Neville, Woodford                11.30am






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271




RECENT DEATHS Peggy Lyons, Ballygologue Pk.


Patrick Gunn, Feale Drive


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bob Bunyan, Coolkeragh / Michel & Bridie Barry & Dec. Family, Tanavalla /






WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate you.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. (lunch time) Should a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


LISTOWEL PARISH COUNCIL Will meet on Monday 18th October at 8pm. in the Church. All members are asked to attend.


PREPARING FOR THE SYNODAL JOURNEY On Sunday next (October 17th )  all the dioceses in Ireland begin the Synodal Pathway -which Pope Francis has asked for worldwide.  Pope Francis speaks of ‘Synod’ as ‘journeying together’, truly ‘listening to each other’ and ‘together identifying the path along which Christ is leading us’. Bishop Ray invites you to join him for a liturgy of prayer in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 3pm on Sunday 17th October to commence our journey.  Come to the Cathedral or join by streaming via the cathedral website. Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Communion, Participation and Mission”.


ROSARY ON THE COAST 2021 Ballybunion Ladies Beach at


2.30pm. this Sunday 10th October. All welcome.


AN INVITATION:  LECTIO DIVINA: Drink from your own well (St Bernard of Clairvaux) An introduction to the reading, reflection and prayer of the Gospels for anyone who seeks a way towards hope, wisdom and faith in day to day life. Presented by Fr Seamus O’Connell  on Learning to pray the scriptures from your life. 3 Sessions: Mondays 18 Oct  &  1st Nov 7.30pm – 9pm (zoom) and Saturday 13 Nov. Tralee and Zoom REGISTER: email office@stjohns.ie Please put ‘ Lectio Divina’ in Subject line.  Phone 087 6873208. A joint initiative of the Centre for Ministry and Mission (Maynooth), St Brendan's Lectio Divina Group and Tralee APC.


Just a Thought


Life is not a race, but a journey


to be savoured each step of the way






ST. MARY’S CHURCH, LISTOWEL – COVID-19 UPDATE ON RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES As and from September 6th, 2021 all religious ceremonies, including, WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS etc. can proceed with 50% of the church capacity, regardless of the immunity status of attendees, subject to appropriate protective measures such as, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitisation etc. Due to the current incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese, the Diocesan Office has recommended the following in relation to Baptisms. BAPTISMS – Continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents). The Government hope to be in a position to announce the lifting of the majority of the public health restrictions on October 22nd, 2021, subject to the prevailing health advice.  It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that St. Mary’s Church, Listowel remains a safe place for people to visit and attend. The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Denise in the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Many thanks for your continued support and generosity.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council September 2021








MOYVANE AND KNOCKANURE PARISH. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie Presbytery/Office: 068 49308. Newsletter: Sunday 3rd October ‘21 MASS INTENTIONS: Saturday 2 nd October ‘21 Moyvane Mary Ellen O’Flaherty RIP (Keylod) 7.30pm Sunday 3 rd October ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 9.30am Moyvane Private Intention 11.00am Monday 4 th October ‘21 NO MASS Tuesday 5 th October ‘21 Moyvane Private Intention Please Note change in Mass Time 6.30pm Wednesday 6 th October ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 7.30pm Thursday 7 th October ‘21 Moyvane Private Intention 7.30pm Friday 8 th October ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 7.30pm NOTE: When there are no evening masses in Moyvane, church closes at 6.00pm.


Opening Hours of Parish Office Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00pm Thursday 10.00am - 12.00 midday Friday 10.00am - 1.00 pm


LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE are offering a range of courses: “Parents Plus for Teenagers” starts on Thursday 7th October at 10.30am for 7 weeks. Also “Incredible Years” for parents of children 2 – 12 years is scheduled to start on 11th October at 10.00am. For further details on both courses contact Bridie Mulvihill on 086-8556431 or Toni Clare on 087-7523705. Alternatively contact the Centre on (068) 23584. MOYVANE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION have 2 Upcoming Community Employment Vacancies in Moyvane, immediate start: General Operative and Groundskeeper. For more details: info@listowelareace.ie or contact: Aine Elbell & Noelle O’Connell, 087-9346242/087-4160456 YOUR VOICE IS WELCOME: I welcome your suggestions about how the parish may be better served, i.e., committees, procedures, etc. Send personally or anonymously (note in box at house) or email (Carmody.brendan4@gmail.com), whichever suits.








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News






MASSES THIS WEEK 3rd – 10th October 2021      




2nd        Joe O Carroll, Brendan, Mary, Jeremiah & Nora, Tullamore, Listowel /


Tom McCarthy, Coolnaleen         6.15pm






3rd                         Fr. Haulie Ashe, Church St. & Gurtinard / Peter Anthony Dowling & Christopher Smyth, 9.00am


                Daniel O Flaherty, 1st Anniversary /


Peter Kelly, Tralee /


Joseph Stack, Ballinruddery /


Paddy O Sullivan Meen /


Martin McGrath, Cahirdown /


Tom Corridan (Sick)         11.30am


Mon 4th                               Noel Stack, Charles St. /


Mary O Sullivan, Ennismore /


Kay Harnett, Church St. Birthday Rem.   10.30am


Tues 5th                               Una & Eamon Mulvihill, Athea, Limerick / Living Mass Card Intentions /


Mass of thanksgiving      10.30am


Wed 6th                                                                               Liz Enright, Ballymcelligott /


Tommy Mahony, England            10.30am


Thurs 7th                                                             Tim Shine, Knocknagoshal            10.30am


 Fri.  8th                Jamie O Carroll, Cardaniel              10.30am




9th                         Patsy & Peg Moloney, Ballylongford, both 1st Anniversaries /


Tim & Moira Griffin, Coolagown 10.30am


                Patrick (Patsy) Browne, Ballygologue


 1st Anniversary /


Donie & Eva Finucane, Cahirdown /


Jim Scanlon, Dirha            Vigil






10th                       Rose Morgan, Oakpark, Tralee   9.00am


                Betty Kennelly, Greenville           11.30am






RECENT DEATHS: Denis Collins, New York late of Wells Street, Ballylongford and of Collins Bar William St. Listowel. Funeral arrangements to follow later. 




Patrick Mahoney, Sheffield England late of Ennismore.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Mahony 087-6807197.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bunny & Eddie Reidy, O’Connell’s Ave. / Padneen Moran, Caherciveen / Christy Keogh, Ballybunion Rd. / Billy Joe Walsh, Skehenerin / Monsignor Michael Leahy formally P.P. of Listowel. 






WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate you.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


PREPARING FOR THE SYNODAL JOURNEY On Sunday 17th October all the dioceses in Ireland begin the Synodal Pathway -which Pope Francis has asked for worldwide.  Pope Francis speaks of ‘Synod’ as ‘journeying together’, truly ‘listening to each other’ and ‘together identifying the path along which Christ is leading us’. Bishop Ray invites you to join him for a liturgy of prayer in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney at 3pm on Sunday 17th October to commence our journey.  Come to the Cathedral or join by streaming via the cathedral website. Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Communion, Participation and Mission”.


LISTOWEL AREA PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: representing the parishes of Listowel, Duagh, Moyvane & Lixnaw will take place in St. Patrick’s Hall on Tuesday night next (October 5th) at 7.30 p.m. Elected members of each parish are asked to attend.








As and from September 6th, 2021 all religious ceremonies, including, WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, BAPTISMS, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CEREMONIES can proceed with 50% of the church capacity, regardless of the immunity status of attendees, subject to appropriate protective measures such as, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitisation etc. Due to the current incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese, the Diocesan Office has recommended the following in relation to Baptisms.


BAPTISMS – Continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents).


The Government hope to be in a position to announce the lifting of the majority of the public health restrictions on October 22nd, 2021, subject to the prevailing health advice.  It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that St. Mary’s Church, Listowel remains a safe place for people to visit and attend.


The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Denise in the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Many thanks for your continued support and generosity.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council September 2021












Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.   


Newsletter: Sunday 26th September ‘21








Saturday 25th September ‘21 Moyvane                  


Gerard and Joan McEnery RIP


Tubbertoureen (Anniversary)     7.30pm


Sunday 26th September ‘21 Knockanure               Private Intention  9.30am


Moyvane             Anne Nolan RIP Carraweragh     11.00am


Monday 27th September ‘21      NO MASS             


Tuesday 28th September’21 Moyvane   Kathleen and Willie Stack RIP (1st and 21st Anniversary) 7.30pm


Wednesday 29th September ‘21 Knockanure     Private Intentions            7.30pm


Thursday 30th September ‘21 Moyvane                Private Intention              7.30pm


Friday 1st October ‘21 Knockanure           Private Intention              7.30pm






When there are no evening masses in Moyvane, church closes at 6.00pm.




Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Carmody 087-960 1549/068-49308 Offertory €1,275.00, Dues €390.00 Shrines – Moyvane €217 Thank you very much.




Opening Hours of Parish Office


Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00pm


Thursday 10.00am - 12.00 midday


Friday      10.00am - 1.00 pm




Listowel Family Resource Centre are offering a range of courses: “Parents Plus for


Teenagers” starts on Thursday 7th October at 10.30am for 7 weeks.  Also “Incredible


Years” for parents of children 2 – 12 years is scheduled to start on 11th October at


10.00am.  For further details on both courses contact Bridie Mulvihill on 0868556431 or Toni Clare on 087-7523705. Alternatively contact the Centre on (068) 23584.












                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News






MASSES THIS WEEK 25th Sept – 3rd October 2021      




25th      John & Margaret McCarthy, Gortcreen / Tim & Babe O Sullivan, St. Brendan’s Tce.            6.15pm






26th                       Birthday Intention           9.00am


                Anne Wixted, Ballinruddery 1st Ann. /


Peggy O Connor, Market St. & Clieveragh Pk. /


Elizabeth Barrett, Golf View /


Michael McCarron, Gurtinard /


Benny Landy, Clieveragh Park    11.30am


Mon 27th                            Thomas Brosnan, Coolagown, Bir. Rem. 10.30am


Tues 28th                            People of the Parish       10.30am


Wed 29th                                                                            John Enright & Dec. family, Drumurrin    10.30am


Thurs 30th                                                           Deemie & Margaret Buckley, Clounmacon           10.30am


 Fri. 1st                  Angela Caslin & Jack & Mamie O Connor                10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass   6.45pm




2nd                        First Holy Communion   10.30am


                Joe O Carroll, Brendan, Mary, Jeremiah & Nora, Tullamore, Listowel /


Tom McCarthy, Coolnaleen         Vigil






3rd                         Fr. Haulie Ashe, Church St. & Gurtinard  9.00am


                Daniel O Flaherty, 1st Anniversary /


Peter Kelly, Tralee / Joseph Stack, Ballinruddery / Paddy O Sullivan Meen             11.30am






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Carmody, 087-9601549.




RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS: Frank King, Dromin Green.


Donie Sheahan, Killarney & Listowel.






AUTUMN STATION OFFERINGS / DUES: Many thanks to you all who have already dropped in your Autumn Dues / Station Offerings which are due usually in September or anytime during Autumn. This is the yellow envelope in your box which supports your own priests and the priests of the Diocese. There are also some loose yellow envelopes at the back of the church and they


can be dropped into the Box at the back or the church or into the Parish Office at any time. You may also pay the online stating that they are the Autumn Offerings. Much appreciate your support and generosity.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate you.


COMMUNION CALLS TO THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND: FR. Declan will be doing his usual calls to the Sick & Housebound for the month of September on Tuesday afternoon next (Sept. 28th). If anybody who is at home and wishes a visit simply contact the Parish Office and he will be delighted to visit you. 


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


ST. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE FIRST YEAR MASS: The Annual Welcome to College Mass for the First Year students of St. Michael’s College will be incorporated into our 10.30 a.m. Mass on Thursday morning next (Sept.. 30th). All are welcome.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CEREMONIES: The remaining children for First Holy Communion 2021 will take place during the coming week.


Friday next (Sept. 1st ) Nano Nagle School at 1.30 p.m.


Scoil Realta na Maidne, An Gael Scoil & Killocrim Schools will take place on:


Saturday morning next October 2nd at 10.30 a.m.


Please note that this mass is confined to the children, their parents, teachers, siblings and grandparents.  Wishing everyone involved every blessing.




Just a Thought


Forgive the Past – Let it go –


Live the Present – The power of now –


Create the future – Thoughts become things.








As and from September 6th, 2021 all religious ceremonies, including, WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, BAPTISMS, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CEREMONIES can proceed with 50% of the church capacity, regardless of the immunity status of attendees, subject to appropriate protective measures such as, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitisation etc. Due to the current incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese, the Diocesan Office has recommended the following in relation to Baptisms.


BAPTISMS – Continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents).


The Government hope to be in a position to announce the lifting of the majority of the public health restrictions on October 22nd, 2021, subject to the prevailing health advice.  It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that St. Mary’s Church, Listowel remains a safe place for people to visit and attend.


The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Denise in the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Many thanks for your continued support and generosity.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council September 2021













Web: dioceseofkerry.ie


Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.   


Newsletter: Sunday 19th September ‘21






 Saturday 18th September ‘21 Moyvane Tadhg Carr RIP (Month’s Mind) 7.30pm


Sunday 19th September ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention  9.30am




Moyvane 19 September- Brigid, Pat and Dick Stack RIP Drummuhur (Anniversary) 11.00am


Monday 20th September ‘21 NO MASS 


Tuesday 21st September’21 Moyvane Eileen Cronin RIP (Month’s Mind) 7.30pm


Wednesday 22nd September ‘21 Knockanure -Timmy Junior Horgan RIP 7.30pm


Thursday 23rd September ‘21 Moyvane Private Intention 7.30pm


Friday 24th September ‘21 Knockanure Private Intention 7.30pm




When there are no evening masses in Moyvane, church closes at 6.00pm.




Opening Hours of Parish Office


Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00


Thursday 10.00am - 12.00 midday


Friday      10.00am - 1.00 pm




Parish Secretary


A warm welcome to Maria Ruddle, who has taken the role of Parish Secretary.


I’m from Glin and I look forward to meeting everyone in time.


 Sacristan still required in Moyvane.


 Please email Moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie with any notices for the weekly newsletter.








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel 






MASSES THIS WEEK 19th – 26th September      




18th      Geraldine Daly, Castleinch /


Bernie O Connell, Cahirdown /


Margaret Barry, Ballygologue Pk./


Mary Roche, Bedford     6.15pm






19th                                       9.00am


                People of the Parish       11.30am


Mon 20th                            Special Intention              10.30am


                Funeral Mass – Frank King           11.30am


Tues 21st                             John Corkery, Lixnaw / Ellen Joy, O’Connell’s Ave. / Special Intention      10.30am


Wed 22nd                                                                           Deceased Members of the Listowel Races supporters Club                 10.30am


Thurs 23rd                                                                           10.30am


 Fri. 24th                                10.30am




25th                       Noreen Lynch, Luchara Rd, 1st Ann. /


Kathleen Walsh, William St., 1st Ann. /


Denis Dalton, Bridge Rd. /


James O Sullivan, Newcastle west & Charles St. / Dick & Sheila Stokes, Cahirdown & December Family    10.30am


                John & Margaret McCarthy, Gortcreen  Vigil






26th                       Birthday Intention           9.00am


                Anne Wixted, 1st Ann. /


Peggy O Connor, Market St. & Clieveragh Pk. / Elizabeth Barrett, Golf View /  Michael McCarron, Gurtinard                 11.30am






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Sullivan, 087-2461749.






Margaret (Peggie) Gannon, 18 College lawn.


Jackie McGillicuddy, William St. & Cahirdown.


Chloe McCool, Feale Drive.


Betty Moriarty nee McGrath, Moyessa.


Frank King, Dromin Green late of Ashbourne, Co. Meath.


Rose Browne nee Flaherty, Cornwall, England late of Charles St.






ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Thomas Fitzmaurice, Knockane / Peggy Bunyan, Convent Cross.








Please note that we will be opened the usual Parish Office hours on Monday & Tuesday. It will close at lunch time on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 1.00 p.m. We wish to extend a ‘céad mile fáilte’ to all visiting our Town during the Races and wishing God’s Blessing on everyone that all will be safe and as usual we pray that we will be blessed with fine and appropriate weather. Best of luck and enjoy!


AUTUMN STATION OFFERINGS / DUES: usually take place during the month of September. This is the yellow envelope in your box which supports your own priests and the priests of the Diocese. There are also some loose yellow envelopes at the back of the church and they can be dropped into the Box at the back or the church or into the Parish Office at any time. You may also pay the online stating that they are the Autumn Offerings. Much appreciate your support and generosity.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate you.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


KERRY REMEMBERS those who have died during Covid Times, at 9am Sunday morning the 26th Sept, in Our Lady and St Brendan’s Church Tralee. You can Attend (church can fit 500), Listen on Radio Kerry, or Watch the stream.  Visit the church to submit your loved one’s name and date of death for the physical Memory Tree or email details to: horizons@radiokerry.ie




ARD CHRÚAM & NEW ALZHEIMER’S FUCHSIA CENTRE wishes to thank everyone who donated and helped out on their recent Flag Day. Amount raised was €4,755.00. Many thanks








As and from September 6th, 2021 all religious ceremonies, including, WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, BAPTISMS, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CEREMONIES can proceed with 50% of the church capacity, regardless of the immunity status of attendees, subject to appropriate protective measures such as, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitisation etc. Due to the current incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese, the Diocesan Office has recommended the following in relation to Baptisms.


BAPTISMS – Continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents).


FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS – Limit the numbers attending to immediate family only, namely, parents and siblings of the child and in the case of Confirmations, the sponsor of the child. The Government hope to be in a position to announce the lifting of the majority of the public health restrictions on October 22nd, 2021, subject to the prevailing health advice.  It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that St. Mary’s Church, Listowel remains a safe place for people to visit and attend.


The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Denise in the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Many thanks for your continued support and generosity.


Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council September 2021








Moyvane and Knockanure Parish. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie August 21,2021 Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.    NEWS LETTER:   SUNDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER, 21




Saturday 11th September, Private Intention 7.30pm


Sunday 12th September, 21        Private Intention              11.00am


Monday, 13th September, 21     NO MASS           


Tuesday, 14th September, 2021(Moyvane)         Private Intention              7.30pm


Wednesday, 15th September, 2021(Knockanure)             Private Intention              7.30pm


Thursday, 16th September, 2021(Moyvane)        Private Intention              7.30pm


Friday, 17th September, 2021     Private Intention (Knockanure) 7.30pm






Sunday, 12th September, 2021  Kitty and Jackie Murphy, R.I.P(Kilmeaney) at 9.30am.    




Where there are no evening masses in Moyvane, church closes at 6.30pm.


Priest on duty: Fr. Declan O’Connor, 087 - 0908949




Tuesday 10 – 12.00


Thursday 10-12.00


Friday      10-2.00








Please pray in concord with it this week especially for a better understanding of the Eucharist and for overcoming Covid.






We are currently looking for a Sacristan.   Somebody who would oversee and take care of the basic requirements of the Church and prepare for Liturgies and Sacraments.   Approximately ten hours per week with a highly flexible arrangement.   If interested, please let Father Brendan know by note in box, email or personal visit.








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News 




MASSES THIS WEEK 12th – 19th September      




11th      Anne Rahilly, Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /


 Barty O Driscoll, Tanavalla /


Daniel Wash, Brandon /


Nora Browne, Coolagown /


Dan Broderick, Bunagara /


John Ryan, Skehenerin /


Tony O Callaghan, Cahirdown     6.15pm






12th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Catherine (Kitty) Salmon, Cherrytree Drive, Months Mind /


 Padraig Kelly, Bridge Road /


Brendan Harnett, Killocrim /


Margaret Daly of Knockane         11.30am


Mon 13th                            Patsy Stack, Gortcreen /


Ned McGrath, Woodford             10.30am


Tues 14th                            Birthday Intention           10.30am


Wed 15th                                                                            Kathleen O Donnell nee Griffin, Ennismore, Months Mind /  Hannah, Pat & Vera Buckley, Gortnaminch             10.30am


Thurs 16th                                                           Mass for fine weather for race week, requested by Listowel Race Company                 10.30am


 Fri. 17th               John Joe & Peg Conway & dec. Family Ballygologue Rd.  10.30am




18th                       Margaret Heigan, The Square /


Patsy Stack, Gortcreen /


Dan Joy, Killocrim & Pat & Margaret O Sullivan, Finuge    10.30am


                Geraldine Daly, Castleinch /


Bernie O Connell, Cahirdown /


Margaret Barry, Ballygologue Pk./


Mary Roche, Bedford     Vigil






19th                                       9.00am


                People of the Parish       11.30am






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Connor, 087-0908949.












PRESENTATION PRIMARY FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Will take place next Saturday 18th at 2pm. Numbers are limited to attending to the immediate family only, namely, parents and siblings of the child.




AUTUMN STATION OFFERINGS / DUES: usually take place during the month of September. This is the yellow envelope in your box which supports your own priests and the priests of the Diocese. There are also some loose yellow envelopes at the back of the church and they can be dropped into the Box at the back or the church or into the Parish Office at any time. You may also pay the online stating that they are the Autumn Offerings. Much appreciate your support and generosity.




WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate you.




SEASON OF CREATION 2021: We bring to your attention the Season of Creation 2021 Brochure – copies at the back of the church. Cultivating Hope – ‘Caring for God’s Creatures’ – Restoring our Common. Peace and Integrity of creation Committee invite you on Thursday 16th of Sept, the Diocese of Kerry Justice, ‘Restoring Our Common Home… Webinar, Caring for God’s Creatures’ as part of Season of Creation.  To register for this free hour-long webinar please log on to www.dioceseofkerry.ie




ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 




EXTRA READERS: Our Liturgy Group are currently recruiting some new and extra readers to join us – a special welcome to some of our young people who will be on during November.












As and from September 6th, 2021 all religious ceremonies, including, WEEKDAY AND SUNDAY MASS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, BAPTISMS, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CEREMONIES can proceed with 50% of the church capacity, regardless of the immunity status of attendees, subject to appropriate protective measures such as, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitisation etc. Due to the current incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese, the Diocesan Office has recommended the following in relation to Baptisms.




BAPTISMS – Continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents).


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION – Limit the numbers attending to immediate family only, namely, parents and siblings of the child and in the case of Confirmations, the sponsor of the child.




The Government hope to be in a position to announce the lifting of the majority of the public health restrictions on October 22nd, 2021, subject to the prevailing health advice.  It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that St. Mary’s Church, Listowel remains a safe place for people to visit and attend.




The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Denise in the Parish Office on 068 21188 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Many thanks for your continued support and generosity. Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council September 2nd.








Moyvane and Knockanure Parish. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie September, 05th,2021 Presbytery/Office: 068 49308


DATE/DAY           MASS INTENTION            TIME


Saturday, 04th Sept, 2021             Mary Cronin, R.I.P           7.30p.m




Sunday, 05th Sept.2021 Private Intention              11.00am




Monday, 6th Sept.2021 Private Intention              No Mass.


Tuesday, 07th Sept.2021 (Moyvane)       Private Intention              7.30pm




Wednesday, 08th  September, (Knockanure)     Private Intention              7.30pm


Thursday, 09th September, 2021(Moyvane)        Deceased members of the Flavin and Mulvihill families(Aughrim)                7.30pm




Friday,10th  September, 2021(Knockanure)         Private Intention             7.30pm




KNOCKANURE CHURCH               


Sunday, 05th Sept, 2021(Knockanure)


                Peggy Horan(Leahy), R.I.P)          9.30am




Priest on duty:   Fr. Michael Hussey, 087 - 2386084










Those receiving First Holy Communion from Knockanure will be celebrating this in Moyvane Church on Saturday, 11th September, 2021, at 11.00am.










Would welcome comments on the possibility of changing masses, weekdays only, at Moyvane and Knockanure from 7.30pm to 9.30a.m.  Drop me a note or email me at Carmody.Brendan4@gmail.com) or call to Parish Office if you have any suggestions.






We need a Sacristan as we cannot expect Noreen and Shane to do this permanently.  Somebody who would oversee and take care the basic requirements of the Church and prepare Liturgies and Sacraments.   Approximately ten hours per week with a highly flexible arrangement.  If interested, please let Father Brendan know by note in box, email, phone or personal visit.








                                St. Mary’s Church Listowel news




MASSES THIS WEEK  5th – 12th September      




4th         James Lyons, Bedford /


Johnny Walsh, Listowel & Cork /


Mickie & Margaret Kennelly, Coolaclarig /


Michael Whelan, Market Street 6.15pm






5th                                         9.00am


                People of the Parish       11.30am


Mon 6th                               James Shine, London     10.30am


Tues 7th                               Our Lady’s Birthday         10.30am


Wed 8th                                                                               Jimmy Joy, Ballygologue Park /


Private Intention              10.30am


Thurs 9th                                                             Dec. Members of the Morris & O’Neill Family     10.30am


 Fri. 10th               Oliver O Neill, Cahirdown             10.30am




11th                       Michael & Mary Lynch, Liosarda & Lisselton         10.30am


                Anne Rahilly, Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /  Barty O Driscoll, Tanavalla /


Daniel Wash, Brandon /


Nora Browne, Coolagown /


Dan Broderick, Bunagara              Vigil






12th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Catherine (Kitty) Salmon, Cherrytree Drive, Months Mind / Padraig Kelly, Bridge Road / Brendan Harnett, Killocrim               11.30am






RECENT DEATHS Jack Brennan, late of Colbert St. 


Morgan O'Flaherty, Derry, Listowel & late of Coil, Listowel.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Mary O Keeffe, Moyessa / Eileen Bunyan, Convent Cross. / Mick Lynch, Liosarda / Nora & Martin (Sonny) Flaherty & Dec. Family, O’Connell’s Ave. ANNUAL KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE GOES VIRTUAL: As our Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes due to take place from September 2nd to 7th was cancelled for the second year running, due to the pandemic - the Diocese is providing a full programme of events each day from September 2nd to 7th. Check into the events happening – some from within the Diocese and also others directly from Lourdes by clicking on www.dioceseofkerry.ie




CONFIRMATION CEREMONIES: Congratulations to our 70 Confirmations Candidates who received their Confirmation within Covid restrictions of Thursday and Friday last. Well done to all involved!


AUTUMN STATION OFFERINGS / DUES: usually take place during the month of September. This is the yellow envelope in your box which supports your own priests and the priests of the Diocese. There are also some loose yellow envelopes at the back of the church and they can be dropped into the Box at the back or the church or into the Parish Office at any time. You may also pay the online stating that they are the Autumn Offerings. Much appreciate your support and generosity.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you and appreciate you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has credit card machine to facilitate yo.


SEASON OF CREATION 2021: We bring to your attention the Season of Creation 2021 Brochure – copies at the back of the church. Cultivating Hope – ‘Caring for God’s Creatures’ – Restoring our Common. Peace and Integrity of creation Committee invite you on Thursday 16th of Sept, the Diocese of Kerry Justice, ‘Restoring Our Common Home… Webinar, Caring for God’s Creatures’ as part of Season of Creation.  To register for this free hour-long webinar please log on to www.dioceseofkerry.ie


ANNUAL PATTERN DAY BALLYHEIGUE ON WEDNESDAY NEXT: This year Bishop Ray will celebrate Mass in our Lady’s Well on Wed. next (8th Sept.) at 12.00 noon Again it will be streamed live from www.dioceseofkerry.ie Facebook page. In the interest of safety and fairness there will be no congregation present on the day. The Well will remain closed for the duration of the Mass and reopen at 1.30 p.m. after which you are most welcome to come for private prayer.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 








MASS BOOKINGS The diary for 2022 will be open the first week in October 2021. To book any mass you should give at least a week’s notice from the date you are requesting.


PARISH OFFICE: Are delighted to announce that the Parish Office along with our selection of Mass cards, now have other religious items, such as Candles, Rosary beads etc.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL LISTOWEL wish to acknowledge your very generous donations to our recent collection, amount raised was €2404.02. Many thanks, much appreciated.


EXTRA READERS: Our Liturgy Group are currently recruiting some new and extra readers to join us – a special welcome to some of our young people who will be on during November.




Concerning Religious ceremonies within the document “Reframing the challenge continuing our recovery and reconnecting” which outlines the Government plan for the further easing of public health restrictions over the next few weeks. It is great news that we will be able to welcome more people to our churches. The hope is that on October 22nd, 2021 the majority of all public health restrictions will be lifted, but this will be subject to the prevailing public health advice. It is therefore important that all of the current protective measures continue to be observed so as to ensure that our churches remain safe places for people to visit and attend. The incidence rate of Covid-19 within the Diocese remains a cause for concern and for that reason we recommend the following in relation to Baptisms, First Holy Communions & Confirmations: -


             Baptisms – Continue to keep numbers attending Baptisms limited to immediate family members, (including Godparents and Grandparents).


             First Holy Communion & Confirmation – Limit the numbers attending to immediate family only, namely, parents and siblings of the child.


We will review the above recommendations on October 22nd, 2021 should there be a further easing of the public health restrictions. As always, further updates, advice, and information can be found on www.gov.ie or HSE.IE


                                                                 September 2nd 2021















Moyvane and Knockanure Parish. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie August 26th, 2021 Presbytery/Office: 068 49308


DATE/DAY           MASS INTENTION            TIME


Saturday, 28th August, 2021        Ann and Liam Lynch, R.I.P and deceased members of the Lynch and Byrne families                7.30p.m




Sunday, 29th August, 2021           Peggy and Mikey Joe Enright, Church Road,(Anniversary)             11.00am




Monday, 30th August, 2021         Private Intention              7.30pm


Tuesday, 31st August, 2021         Private Intention              7.30pm




Wednesday, 01st September, 2021         Nellie(Ellen) and Tom O’Connor, Glin Road,and Con O’Connor, Glin Road, and Birmingham.      7.30pm


Thursday, 02nd September, 2021             Private Intention              7.30pm




Friday, 03rd September, 2021     Stephen and Mary Roche, Bedford, (Anni)           7.30pm




KNOCKANURE CHURCH               


Sunday, 29th August, 2021


                Martin and Mary O’Mahoney, (R.I.P)(Ballydonoghue)    9.30am




Priest on duty:   Fr.Sean Hanafin, 087- 8341083.






From now, I will try to be at the office from:


Tuesday, 10.00 to 12.00.


Thursday, 10.00 to 12.00


Saturday, 10.00 to 12.00.




If you have any suggestions etc., feel free to drop them in my office.




CHANGE OF MASS ARRANGEMENTS:  From Sept,05th, 2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays, mass will continue at 7.30pm in Moyvane.  On Wednesdays and Fridays, Mass will be in Knockanure at 7.30pm.  Mondays:  There will be no public mass.  This change means that booked masses need to be rescheduled.






I am attaching hereto a schedule of the masses that have to be changed, please feel free to contact the office if these dates and times do not suit you.  This is to facilitate the new schedule to keep masses in Moyvane.








Friday, 10th September to Thursday, 09th, September, 2021 Deceased members of the Flavin and Mulvihill families,                 Aughrim, Moyvane.




From Wednesday, September, 29th,to Tuesday, 28th September, 2021 Kathleen Stack and Husband Willie.




Michael Lynch, R.I.P, From Friday, October, 01st to Tuesday, October, 05th 2021




Joe O’Connor, (Anniversary) Kilbaha, From Wednesday, October, 6th October, to Tuesday,12th October, 2021.




Paddy and Maureen Fitzmaurice, (Anni) From Friday, October 22nd to Thursday October 21st 2021.




Breda Dore, (Anniversary),From Friday, October, 29th to Thursday, October, 28th 2021.




Michael Dore,  From Monday, November 29th to Thursday,02nd December, 2021.
















                                St. Mary’s Church LISTOWEL




MASSES THIS WEEK   29th  - 5th September      




28th      Christy Angland, Knockane, Months Mind / Margaret Doyle, Dromin, 1st Ann. / Denis Stack, Clieveragh / David Trant Behins          6.15pm






29th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Sheila Laide, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Ann. /


Margaret Keane nee Quinlan, Coolnaleen / Joan McCarthy, Knockane /


Michael & Katie O Connor, Johnny Nolan, Mossie & Peggy Hickey & dec. family, Craughatoosane              11.30am


Mon 30th                            Voureen Henigan, Sandymount, Dublin late of Listowel, Recently Deceased /


Birthday Intention           10.30am


Tues 31st                             Staff & Residents of Arus Mhuire Nursing Home /Special Intention          10.30am


Wed 1st                                                                               Grace McMahon & Mary McMahon Kelly & Dec. Family, Cahirdown                10.30am


Thurs 2nd                                                            Mary Melvin, Ashfield & Ballygologue Rd              10.30am


 Fri. 3rd                                  10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass                  6.45pm




4th                         Dan Foley, Meen /


John O Keeffe, Greenville            10.30am


                James Lyons, Bedford /


Johnny Walsh, Listowel & Cork /


Mickie & Margaret Kennelly, Coolaclarig /


Michael Whelan, Market Street Vigil






5th                         9.00am


                People of the Parish       11.30am






RECENT DEATHS Sean (Jack) Brennan, Kilcara Nursing Home, late of Colbert St. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Mary O Keeffe, Moyessa / Eileen Bunyan, Convent Cross.                                                                                                                                                   










MASS BOOKINGS The diary for 2022 will be open the first week in October 2021. To book any mass you will need to give at least a week’s notice from the date you are requesting.


PARISH OFFICE: Are delighted to announce that the Parish Office along with our selection of Mass cards, now have other religious items, such as an assortment of Candles, Rosary beads etc.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 


CHURCH MAINTENANCE UPDATE: We have had to repair the CROSS in the roof on apex over the front door of the church. The base had weakened and was damaged over the years resulting in it falling back onto the roof.  We were fortunate that the lightening conductor which was attached at the back saved it from falling off and breaking. While we had the scaffolding up for a limited period Jan availed of the opportunity of cleaning Our Lady’s statue. Our thanks also to all involved – especially Tom O’Connell and his family members and Jan for the great job that they did.








The diocese has carried out a small survey of the returns for parish collections in the 6 months January to June 2021. In the first 6 months of this year, at all Masses it has been either a case of no congregations or congregations limited to small numbers. On average collections have reached 50% of what they were pre Covid-19. This is a good achievement. Some parishes are under greater financial pressure than others. Over the whole of 2021 I encourage everyone to seek to contribute the same amount as in a full year pre Covid.


A sincere thank you to every parish for the level of payments to the offertory collections during the pandemic. It is a great comfort to everyone that so many have been so loyal to parish collections.


Thank you to one and all for your contribution to the life of your parish over the past 18 months. May the pandemic have led to many of us appreciating our local parish community even more. Continue to look out for and support one another in the community and let us pray for one another. Our Lady health of the sick, pray for us.                                               


    + Ray Browne


10 August 2021




This year Bishop Ray Brown will celebrate Mass in Our Lady’s Well and Grotto, Ballyheigue on Pattern Day, 8th September at 12 noon. It will be streamed live on www. Dioceseofkerry.ie facebook page. In the interest of safety and fairness there will be no congregation present on the day. The Well and Grotto will remain closed for the duration of the Mass and will reopen at 1.30pm after which you are most welcome to come for private prayer .   












Moyvane Church News


Moyvane and Knockanure Parish. Web: dioceseofkerry.ie August 21,2021 Presbytery/Office: 068 49308




Memorial of the Apparition at Knock Shrine of Our Blessed Virgin Mary, 21st August, 1879:


Week Ending – Saturday - August 21, 2021 – Sunday, 28th August, 2021.


Mass intentions


Sat Aug 21:           7:30pm  Private intention


Sun Aug 22:         11am –  Jack Martin Mulvihill ( Glenalappa)  &                                                                                       son    Martin,(Nenagh), ( Anniversary).


Mon Aug 23rd :     7:30pm   Private Intention


Tues Aug 24th:       7.30pm   Private Intention.


Wed Aug 25th:       7.30pm.  Private Intention.


Thurs Aug 26th :    7:30 pm  Bridie Moore, Glenalappa.(Anniversary)


Fri Aug 27th:          7:30 pm. Private intention




            Sun 22nd  August.       9:30am   Private intention.




Priest on duty: Fr. Pat Crean Lynch, 087 - 6709491






As the former parish secretary, Jackie, has moved away, we have a vacuum.  This needs to be filled by somebody who can take care of the day to day running of the parish office (noting bookings for Mass, Baptisms, Marriages, other), recording of accounts of various types; dealing with bills and related issues; banking, registrations and some house-keeping—approximately 10 hours a week to be arranged. If interested, please send a note to me with some background on or before Sunday August 29th. For further details, please drop by or phone. Fr Brendan 068 49308 or email: Carmody.brendan4@gmail.com






Please note there are Mass Cards available at the Parish Office  (each card costs Euro 1.00).   




Pastoral Letter from Bishop Ray.




Bishop Ray sent a message which was distributed last weekend.   He wished to thank all for their contributions over the past eighteen months.   He regretted that many had been deprived of Mass and he hopes we will soon return to some form of normality.   He expressed desire that Confirmations and Communions can take place as soon as possible.






Listowel Church News




                                St. Mary’s Church is


                                   fitted with a loop


                                system. Please adjust


                                   your hearing aid. 




MASSES THIS WEEK  22nd – 29th  August      




21st        Betty Griffin Ballygologue Park /


Stephen Foran, Baile O Dubhda /


Paddy Stack, Woodford / Eileen Duffy /


Elizabeth Flaherty, Derry, Birthday Rem.               6.15pm






22nd                      Thomas Dowd, Castlemaine, Maura & Michael Cronin, Market St. & John Madden, Sligo                9.00am


                Pat Tim O Sullivan, Dromoughty, Kenmare 1st Anniversary & Tony McGuinness, Lauragh & Crossmolina /


Pat Halpin, Ballygologue Park /


Carmel Walsh, Clieveragh Park   11.30am


Mon 23rd                            Maggie & Peggy Walsh, Courthouse Rd. /


Chrissie O Gorman, Clieveragh Rd.           10.30am


                Funeral – Patrick Hickey, Scartleigh.         11.30am


Tues 24th                            Margaret (Peg) O Connor, Ballygologue Rd /


Special Intention              10.30am


Wed 25th                                                                            Michael & Mary O Keeffe, Moyessa /


Carmel Stokes, Billerough, Bir. Rem.        10.30am


Thurs 26th                                                           Margo Henchy, Ballygologue Rd. Months Mind  10.30am


 Fri. 27th               John & Margaret Guerin, Cahirdown       10.30am




28th                                       10.30am


                Christy Angland, Knockane, Months Mind / Margaret Doyle, Dromin, 1st Ann. / Denis Stack, Clieveragh / David Trant Behins          Vigil






29th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Sheila Laide, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Ann. /


Margaret Keane nee Quinlan, Coolnaleen / Joan McCarthy, Knockane /


Michael & Katie O Connor, Johnny Nolan, Mossie & Peggy Hickey & dec. family, Craughatoosane              11.30am




RECENT DEATHS Kathleen O’Donnell nee Griffin, Ennismore & late of Fourhane & London / Patrick Hickey, Scartleigh late of London.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Pat Crean Lynch 087 - 6709491








                           RECENT BAPTISMS


With great joy we welcome into our Christian community: 


Teagan Lyons, Lucas Kelliher,


Ava Adeoye, Nedine McCarthy, Rhian O’Flynn,


Steven McCarthy, Ethan Browne, Fiadh Napper, Lauren Long, Darragh O Flynn, Darragh Kiely, Thomas Moran, Lexi Horan, Emma Upton, Angel McElligott, Ellie Mulvihill, Ben McMeel, Paige O Flynn, Corey-Lee Stack – Livens, Indie Toomey, Ollie Breen, Isabelle Walsh, Preston O Brien, Lucy McCarty, Méabh McKenna, Kian Thornton, Aoibhí Lyons, Fíonn McDonnell, Emma Sheehan, Grace Coughlan Browne, Amy O Connor, Alexander O Connell, James O Connell, Freya Galvin &


Ciara Walsh.








MASS BOOKINGS The diary for 2022 will be open the first week in October 2021. To book any mass you will need to give at least a week’s notice from the date you are requesting.


PARISH OFFICE: Are delighted to announce that the Parish Office along with our selection of Mass cards, now have other religious items, such as an assortment of Candles, Rosary beads etc.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


PARISH YOUTH GROUP A big Thank You for supporting us in our recent fundraiser for all staff of University Hospital Kerry for their amazing work in the pandemic.  In Total you helped raise €3608.00!!  Thank You 😊


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place every Wednesday straight after 10.30am. Mass for an hour unless a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration. 






Covid-19: parish finances, Communions, Confirmations and Church congregations.


The diocese has carried out a small survey of the returns for parish collections in the 6 months January to June 2021. In the first 6 months of this year, at all Masses it has been either a case of no congregations or congregations limited to small numbers. On average collections have reached 50% of what they were pre Covid-19. This is a good achievement. Some parishes are under greater financial pressure than others. Over the whole of 2021 I encourage everyone to seek to contribute the same amount as in a full year pre Covid.


A sincere thank you to every parish for the level of payments to the offertory collections during the pandemic. It is a great comfort to everyone that so many have been so loyal to parish collections.


It is sad that so many people have been deprived of the opportunity to gather for weekend Mass over the past 18 months. Not everyone has found it a positive experience praying on their own and joining in Mass via the internet. Hopefully, it will not be long until the restrictions are lifted, and all are free to gather to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in thanksgiving. Together we will pray again the words, “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, through your goodness we have this bread to offer, it will become for us the Bread of Life.”


Hopefully before long it will be possible to safely celebrate First Communions and Confirmations. The postponement has been very frustrating. It is important that in the weeks ahead, the families and children involved are faithful to prayer in the home and regular participation in Mass in the parish, to be spiritually prepared for these sacraments.


Thank you to one and all for your contribution to the life of your parish over the past 18 months. May the pandemic have led to many of us appreciating our local parish community even more. Continue to look out for and support one another in the community and let us pray for one another. Our Lady health of the sick, pray for us.                                               


       + Ray Browne


10 August 2021






Moyvane Church News


Moyvane Church News


Moyvane and Knockanure Parishes  Presbytery/Office: 068 49308


Feast of the Assumption: August 15, 2021


Mass intentions


Sat Aug 14: Private intention


Sun Aug 15: Private intention


Mon Aug 16: Sr. Carmelita Murphy


Tues Aug 17: Mary Lynch


Wed Aug 18: Private int.


Thurs Aug 19: Private int.


Fri Aug 20: Private int.






Sun 15: Private int.




Priest on duty: Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271.




Knockanure Vintage Tractor Run


Sunday August 15th in aid of Kerry Hospice—Listowel Branch


Vintage tractors leave at 1 o’clock;


Childrens’ Tractor Run: Church Car Park at 3 p.m.








As the former parish secretary, Jackie, has moved away, we have a vacuum.  This needs to be filled by somebody who can take care of the day to day running of the parish office (noting bookings for Mass, Baptisms, Marriages, other), recording of accounts of various types; dealing with bills and related issues; banking, registrations and some house-keeping—approximately 10 hours a week to be arranged. If interested, please send a note to me with some background on or before Sunday August 29th. For further details, please drop by or phone. Fr Brendan 068 49308 or email: Carmody.brendan4@gmail.com




A Note:


As I am not able to work the office computer effectively; for any serious issues contact me by phone or my own email: Carmody.brendan4@gmail.com




Starting my second week in the parish, I am getting a little more familiar with the run of things but undoubtedly there are many gaps. A parishioner reminds me that Rome was not built in a day. That is encouraging, though I am building something far more precious than Rome!!






Listowel Parish News


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       St. Mary’s Church is






MASSES THIS WEEK  15th – 22nd  August      




14th       Josephine Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave. Months Mind / Ellen Collins, Kilmorna /


Rose Fitzmaurice, Charles St. /


Thomas O Connor, Asdee /


Thomas & Mary O Sullivan Charles St. /


Pat O Connor, Craughatoosane /


Joe & Margaret O Sullivan, Tanavalla       6.15pm






15th                       Peter Moloney, Dec. Family, Charles St.                9.00am


                Mary & John B. & Denis Keane, William St. / Michael Carmody, Ballyduig /


Michael Quille, Church St.   /


Kathleen Hannon, Cois Baile, Bir Rem.    11.30am


Mon 16th                            Jack, Bridie & Mary Greaney, Toournageeha       10.30am


Tues 17th                            Nancy & Jim O Connor, Shrone  10.30am


                Funeral – Catherine Salmon, Cherrytree Dr.        11.30am


Wed 18th                                                                            Eamon O Connor, Gurtinard, Bir. Rem. /


Martin O Sullivan, Clare & John Grinsell, Tipperary / John Kelly, Lyreacrompane 10.30am


Thurs 19th                                                           Jack Wight, Ballygrennan & Glasgow & Dec. Mem. Sheehan Family Ballygrennan      10.30am


 Fri.  20th              James Shine, London /


John Guiney Junior, Charles St.    0.30am




21st                        Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig /


Sean Thornton, Clieveragh          10.30am


                Betty Griffin Ballygologue Park /


Stephen Foran, Baile O Dubhda /


Paddy Stack, Woodford / Eileen Duffy    Vigil






22nd                      Thomas Dowd, Castlemaine, Maura & Michael Cronin, Market St. & John Madden, Sligo                9.00am


                Pat Halpin, Ballygologue Park /


Pat Tim O Sullivan, Dromoughty, Kenmare 1st Anniversary & Tony McGuinness, Lauragh & Crossmolina                 11.30am




RECENT DEATHS Margaret Rahilly, 28 Ballygologue Park.


Catherine Salmon, Cherrytree Drive.


Oliver Murphy, Tullamore, Co Offaly.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Denis O Mahony, 087-6807197.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Terry Buckley, Patrick St. / John & Hannah O Brien, Cahirdown / Pat O Leary, The Island / Patrick Buckley, Behins / Thomas Linnane, Gortacrissane / Pat Halpin, Ballygologue Park.  






MASS BOOKINGS The diary for 2022 will be open the first week in October 2021. To book any mass you will need to give at least a week’s notice from the date you are requesting.


PARISH OFFICE: Are delighted to announce that the Parish Office along with our selection of Mass cards, now have other religious items, such as an assortment of Candles, Rosary beads etc.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on this Sunday 15th August in honour of the Feast of the Assumption straight after 11.30 mass and ends at 1.00 p.m.






Covid-19: parish finances, Communions, Confirmations and Church congregations.


The diocese has carried out a small survey of the returns for parish collections in the 6 months January to June 2021. In the first 6 months of this year, at all Masses it has been either a case of no congregations or congregations limited to small numbers. On average collections have reached 50% of what they were pre Covid-19. This is a good achievement. Some parishes are under greater financial pressure than others. Over the whole of 2021 I encourage everyone to seek to contribute the same amount as in a full year pre Covid.


A sincere thank you to every parish for the level of payments to the offertory collections during the pandemic. It is a great comfort to everyone that so many have been so loyal to parish collections.


It is sad that so many people have been deprived of the opportunity to gather for weekend Mass over the past 18 months. Not everyone has found it a positive experience praying on their own and joining in Mass via the internet. Hopefully, it will not be long until the restrictions are lifted, and all are free to gather to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in thanksgiving. Together we will pray again the words, “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, through your goodness we have this bread to offer, it will become for us the Bread of Life.”


Hopefully before long it will be possible to safely celebrate First Communions and Confirmations. The postponement has been very frustrating. It is important that in the weeks ahead, the families and children involved are faithful to prayer in the home and regular participation in Mass in the parish, to be spiritually prepared for these sacraments.


Thank you to one and all for your contribution to the life of your parish over the past 18 months. May the pandemic have led to many of us appreciating our local parish community even more. Continue to look out for and support one another in the community and let us pray for one another. Our Lady health of the sick, pray for us.                                                                      + Ray Browne


10 August 2021











Listowel Church News


                St. Mary’s Church Listowel News




MASSES THIS WEEK  8th – 15th August      




7th         Catherine (Katsy) O’Shea, Ballygologue Pk. / Helen O Connell, Duagh, 1st Ann.  /


Margaret Kirby, Charles St.          6.15pm






8th                         People of the Parish       9.00am


                Dec. Mem.  of the Henigan Family /


Lily Hennessy, Killocrim 11.30am


Mon 9th                               Deceased Members of Listowel Bazaar Group    10.30am


Tues 10th                            Patrick (Paddy) Walsh, Illinois, America late of O’Connell’s Ave. Rec. Dec. /


Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee / Patrick Carmody, Meen / Special Intention          10.30am


Wed 11th                                                                            Michael & Margaret Quilter, Ballyduff / Sr. Angela Duffy, England, Rec. Dec. / Private Intention       10.30am


Thurs 12th                                                           Maire Hegarty, Scartlea 10.30am


 Fri.  13th              Michael, Mary & Lily Foley, Cahirdown / Dec. Mem. of the Deane Family                  10.30am




14th                       Linda Greaney, Woodford /


Bill & Liz Moran, Tullamore & Colbert St / Maurice O Connor Skehenerin & London /


Roger & Ellen Murphy, Inch & Madge Hanrahan, Inch     10.30am


                Josephine Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave. Months Mind /


Rose Fitzmaurice, Charles St. /


Thomas O Connor, Asdee /


Thomas & Mary O Sullivan Charles St.     Vigil






15th                       Peter Moloney, Dec. Family, Charles St.                9.00am


                Mary & John B. & Denis Keane, William St. / Michael Carmody, Ballyduig                11.30am






Ethne Fitzgerald nee Barry, London late of Tanavalla.


Gerald Keane, Colbert St. died in England


Patrick (Paddy) Walsh Illinois, America late of O’Connell’s Ave.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Denis O Mahony, 087-6807197.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Gerry Buckley, Patrick St. / John & Hannah O Brien, Cahirdown. 






PARISH OFFICE: Are delighted to announce that the Parish Office along with our selection of Mass cards, now have other religious items, such as an assortment of Candles, Rosary beads etc.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Sunday 15th Aug the Feast of the Assumption straight after 11.30 mass for one hour.






WEDDINGS: From Thursday August 5th, 2021 the maximum number of guests permitted to attend a wedding in St. Mary’s Church Listowel will increase from 50 people to 100 people (current protective measures apply).  There is no change to the social distancing guidelines, the -metre social distancing requirement must be observed.  


FUNERALS: The number of mourners permitted at funeral services is 50 people, regardless of size of the church.   Attendance at wakes in private homes and at funeral homes is for family only.  Related family gatherings should strictly adhere to prevailing public health advice on household mixing, including visitors to your home and indoor and outdoor dining.


BAPTISMS:  From Thursday August 5th, 2021 Baptism services may proceed and new bookings for Baptisms can be made through the Parish Office.  All protective measures must be followed, and social gatherings should be avoided.  The numbers attending Baptisms shall be limited to immediate family members.


FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION: It is hoped that First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies will proceed on the return of schools following the summer holidays.  The resumption of First Holy Communion & Confirmation ceremonies will be subject to the prevailing Government/Public Health advice.  This matter will continue to be kept under review.


OTHER RELIGIOUS SERVICES/PUBLIC WORSHIP:  In person religious services are permitted with protective measures with a maximum attendance of 50 people. Where the size of a church allows for a capacity of greater than 50 people this may be permitted subject to the existing guidelines details of which are published on the Diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie.  Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may attend a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  All weekday and Sunday Masses can be viewed online on www.listowelparish.com or can be listened to through the Parish radio link.


The weekly offering or donation can be made by using the designated boxes in the church or by using the online facility or by way of standing order.  Further details are available on the Parish website or by contacting the Parish Office on 068 21188.  Many thanks for your continued support and generosity.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council August 5th, 2021






Moyvane Church News 31 July 2021




Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308;  Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie  As from Wednesday 4th August Fr. Brendan Carmody S.J., P.P.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 31st July to Sunday 8st August


Sat 31st                                 7.30pm                Mary & Ned O’Flaherty, Tubbertoureen (Anni)


Sun 1st Aug        11.00am               Maurice Harnett, Leitrim West (Anni)


Mon 2nd                               7.30pm                John Moloney, Clarr (Months Mind)


Tues 3rd                                7.30pm                John P. Walsh (Anni) & loving wife Marie & Ellen & Patrick Walsh,


                                                                                                                & Deceased of the Walsh family, Barragougeen. Also Annie & Jeremiah Walsh


                                                                                                                Tullamore, Listowel & baby Robin. 


Wed 4th                                7.30pm                Lil Stack, Tarbert (Rec Dec)


Thurs 5th                              7.30pm                Kathleen Cunningham (Special Intention)


Fri 6th                   7.30pm                Siobhan Behan (Special Intention)


Sat 7th                                   7.30pm                Mossie & Dora Ahern, Kilbaha (Anni)


Sun 8th                                 11.00am               Thanksgiving for Palliative Care Unit, UHK, Tralee. 


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 1st August to Sunday 8st August 


Sun 1st                                  9.30am                The staff & residents of Aras Mhuire Nursing Home (living) and the deceased                                                                                                                  of the aforementioned requested by James Gould.  


Mon 2nd                               11.00am              Peggy Horan (nee Leahy), New Jersey (Rec Dec)


Sun 8th                                   9.30am               Parishioners


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Canon Declan O’Connor  087/0908949. Emergencies only.   


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To Eddie & Julia Stack & family on the death of his sister-in-law Lil Stack whose funeral was in Tarbert last Monday. May Lil rest in peace.




Have you ever noticed that after a dry spell someone is sure to say, “the gardens need rain!”  Then, after a spell of rain the same people will say, “oh, the gardens need sunshine”.  I was truly blessed to have Mike Buckley (Buck) as grounds man and all round ‘handy man’ in my time here in the Parish.  Brilliant and gifted in so many ways, he kept the grounds around my Moyvane home perfect and also those around the Church of the Assumption.  He also brought such fun and laughter to our Parish Office.  He was brilliant telling us the weather forecast, which he got right now and again!!  I asked Mike his philosophy about the rain and sunshine.  “Oh, Fr. Kevin”, he replied, “I leave it to the man above.  After all God made the flowers and the plants, so He must know what they want and I reckon He gives them just that”.  If only you and I could be as tolerant of the weather, no matter what it offers!  John Joe Barry did an excellent job in keeping the grounds in Knockanure.  Thank you John Joe.  After that Maurice Dowling and Tom Fitzgerald were quick to the fore in cutting the grass, but in particular tidying up the trees and putting in a lovely new fence hedge.  Very well done.   Recently, Timmy Larkin kept the grounds lovely.  I am grateful to all the aforementioned.  Mike Buck was my flag man, my emergency call out man – but above all a great friend and a beautiful Christian.  He is a great ambassador for the Parish and the Boro with all his delightful filming.  I will most definitely miss you Mike.  Keep filming, smiling and telling your funny stories.  I am overjoyed that you are involved in keeping the Community Centre and Marian Hall in excellent condition.  Long may that work continue.  Thanks for everything.  




Just one Ten Second Sermon, in the week that’s in it.  I take my leave of you on Wednesday for Glenflesk, Barraduff and Clonkeen.  The Sermon is as follows: “Think – Thank”.  If we stopped to think more, we would stop to thank more. When I reflect on my time in your Parish, I am full of thanks for so many things – your help, love, support, prayers, the ways we stayed and prayed together from the word go when C19 arrived.  But above all your hospitality, kindness and the many smiles we shared together.  In prayer let us continue to support each other. God Bless each and everyone of you. Love & prayers, Fr. Kevin.




                SLÁN LEAT....




Many mixed emotions throughout the parish of Moyvane/Knockanure since the news broke that our Fr Kevin is leaving. It has been difficult to digest but as you know all good journeys must come to an end. This one has been fantastic. Fr. Kevin has been a breath of fresh air since arriving here in July 2015. He has overcome and achieved many milestones in this short time. 


The work done in both Churches and Presbytery is evident as one drives by. Diligent weekly mass schedules and house calls were maintained. During COVID restrictions and the global pandemic Fr. Kevin adapted his routine to support those in most need. Daily mass was celebrated via the "Doorway of Hope" where all could attend and still feel safe.  I was talking to someone this week and they sighted that "he was in my kitchen everyday" via the radio link service. Remarking on Fr Kevin's philosophy "you grow where you are planted" the blossom of his seed is well and truly visible throughout Moyvane, Knockanure and beyond. Words cannot express the gratitude we have for all that you have done. An old Irish proverb comes to mind when I think of what he has created in our community “Ní neart go cur le chéile”, which loosely translated “There can be no strength without unity”.   We will be making a presentation to Fr Kevin on Sunday Aug 1st at the Doorway of Hope (weather permitting). His final Mass and presentation will be live streamed on YouTube. Please come and join us virtually or in person (with social distancing in mind) to bid farewell to Fr. Kevin. 


Jacqueline thank you for the continued service over the past number of years. Your professionalism and kindness have always been remarkable and we will be forever grateful for all that you have done.  


Mike Buckley the grounds speak for themselves. You have done a wonderful job. Thank you.


On behalf of the parish of Moyvane/ Knockanure we wish you well in your new journey. You will be forever in our thoughts and prayers. God bless.


We would also like to extend our welcome and blessings to Fr Brendan Carmody S.J., P.P. We look forward to starting this new chapter with you.                              Michelle Mulvihill.      AN INTRODUCTION BY YOUR NEW PARISH PRIEST – FR. BRENDAN


“I grew up in the Parish of Listowel and I have spent thirty years as a Jesuit Missionary in Zambia.  Much of this time I spent in classrooms of various levels as well as working in Parish Ministry.  After this, I worked in a London University as Chaplain and Administrator in the London Parishes of Dollis Hill, Whitton and Crayford.  In Ireland, I have served in St. Francis Xavier’s in Dublin as well as in Johnstown, Killiney.  A major concern for me is how people’s faith develops and changes as does their connection with the Church.  I am looking forward to being back in home territory and being helpful to the people perhaps whose ancestors nourished my childhood faith.  Among my interests are reading, writing, walking and swimming.  I hope Moyvane has a swimming pool or at least plans to build one!  Even without one, I am looking forward to happy days in Moyvane and Knockanure. I will be present at all Masses this weekend to concelebrate with Fr. Kevin.




Since the news of my new appointment as Parish Priest of Glenflesk, so many of you have taken the time to offer me thanks, best wishes and much encouragement for work and Ministry in my new Parish.  Very many thanks for your gifts and exceptional kind words.  In turn, in my last Newsletter with you, I wish to acknowledge all who enriched me in both Churches and helped so willingly in so many ways.  Those who were generous, helpful and most co-operative in Parish Committees and especially the Sacristans who were exceptional in having everything ready for all our celebrations.  To all of you who worked with me rather than against me, I will be eternally grateful – you will always be in my prayers.  A very special word of thanks to those who have been so generous with their time as Ministers of the Eucharist, Ministers of the Word, Music Ministry, Church Collectors, Counters and our Altar Servers and those who trained and journeyed with them.  A special thank you to our Church cleaners for always have both our Churches so refreshingly beautiful. I was extremely fortunate to have such wonderful local contractors who did excellent work on the refurbishment and both Churches.  Finally, to all who attended Assumption Church and Church of Corpus Christi over my six years with you for various celebrations, Church, car park, 99.9fm or You Tube, a very special “Thank you and God Bless”.  Your presence, faith and prayers have enriched me.  It’s been simply great!  Time flies, I was appointed your Parish Priest on 16th July, 2015.  My time here in that post was terminated on August 3rd 2021 to be appointed Parish Priest of Glenflesk, Barraduff and Clonkeen. 






Listowel Church News


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      St. Mary’s Church






MASSES THIS WEEK    1st – 8th August      




31st        Michael Galvin, Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /


Margaret (Peggy) Moloney, Woodford, Months Mind /


John Kirby, Cahirdown, Birthday Rem.  /


Paul Walsh, Greenville, Leah & Nora O Donoghue, Moyvane, Listowel & Australia / Tom & Theresa Flynn & Siss Sommers, England /


Teresa & Michael Bambury, Birthday Remembrance, Ellen & William McMahon, Gurtaclana, Kilmorna & John Gerard McMahon Carrueragh, Kilmorna & Margaret Lynch, Glin /


Brendan O Connor, Convent St.                6.15pm






1st                          Rev. Humphrey O Connor, Kells, Co Kerry, recently ordained in England                 9.00am


                Michael Scannell, Dromin, Months Mind               11.30am


Mon 2nd                              Paddy Rochford, Cahirdown       10.30am


Tues 3rd                               Eileen & Jeremiah Hannon, Bromaddra & Rathea / Susan Hennessy, London & Killocrim, Recently Deceased         10.30am


Wed 4th                                                                               Mary Thornton, Dromin, 1st Anniversary / Fr. O’Shea, Bridge Road                10.30am


Thurs 5th                                                             10.30am


 Fri.  6th                Johnny & Bridie O Riordan & Agnes O’Mahony, Gortacrissane       10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening mass     6.45pm




7th                         Ita & Willie Keane, Church St. /


Aeners Leary, Brosna & Bridget Guiney, Brosna & Rochchapel, 1st Anniversary   10.30am


                Catherine (Katsy) O’Shea, Ballygologue Pk           Vigil






8th         People of the Parish       9.00am


                Dec. Mem.  of the Henigan Family /


Lily Hennessy, Killocrim 11.30am




RECENT DEATHS. Margot Henchy, Ballygologue Road


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bridie Flaherty, Charles St / Ned, Nora & Pat O’Connor & Kathleen Brouder, Convent St. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan O Connor, 0870908949






PARISH OFFICE: will be closed on this Bank Holiday Monday and reopen again on Tuesday morning (August 3rd) at 10.00 a.m. We are delighted to announce that the Parish Office along with our selection of Mass cards, now have other religious items, such as an assortment of Candles, Rosary beads etc.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.




Bishop Ray has announced his appointments for Summer 2021 which take effect on Wednesday next (August 4th ). The appointments this summer reveal the reality of three more parishes to be served by the priests of the Pastoral Area, with one priest taking a leadership role as Moderator. We now have 12 such parishes and it was ten years ago, in July 2011, that we had the first, the parish of Allihies on the Beara peninsula. Here in Listowel Pastoral Area, Duagh / Lyre is without a resident priest since the death of the late Fr. Pat Moore (RIP) in 2017. Fr. Declan was appointed as Moderator then and has been working with the priests of Lixnaw and Moyvane as a team and being assisted by the local retired priests available. We are so fortunate to have our retired priests and appreciate all their support. In the current appointments, Fr. Kevin McNamara who has served as Parish Priest of Moyvane for the past six years has been appointed as Parish Priest of Glenflesk. He is being is being replaced by Fr. Brendan Carmody S.J., a Jesuit priest & native of our Parish and has served many years in Zambia, London & Dublin. We thank Fr. Kevin for his great work in our Pastoral Area over the past six years and we welcome Fr. Brendan for his generosity in joining us. Bishop Ray states: ‘Parish Priests are no longer full-time in their own parishes, they have a definite time commitment to the parish served by the priests of the Pastoral Area. Parish priests in the less populated parishes find themselves assisting in the town parish with its big population and many schools. It is particularly important that the parish with a Moderator continues to have the same sense of purpose, energy, and leadership as the other parishes in the PA. It is a great challenge to all in the Pastoral Area, clergy, and laity, to ensure that all parishes continue to thrive and develop’.  Fr. Declan


PARISH YOUTH GROUP WALK: Congratulations to the Parish Youth Group on their sponsored walk which took place on Friday last, July 30th raising over €3,300.00 for Front Line Workers of Kerry University Hospital. Well done to the young people, their leaders, their family members and all who generously  supported them.






There will be a further up-date during the coming week and we will issue the renewed guidelines next weekend.


FUNERALS: The numbers of mourners permitted at funerals continues to be limited to 50, regardless of size of venue. Attendance at wakes in private homes and at funeral homes is for family only.


BURIAL GROUND/GRAVEYARD MASSES Kerry County Council has issued clarification in relation to the holding of burial ground masses during the Summer of 2021. The clarification is as follows: - Kerry County Council believes that it would be unwise at this particular juncture to permit the holding of burial ground masses which would result in the creation of gatherings of people, in accordance with the current public health guidelines, but will reconsider this request when the Government next review the reopening of society and the economy later this Summer (subject to the public health situation at the time).  Diocesan Covid Support Team July 1st




Just a Thought


Forgive the past – Let it go & live the present










RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY will run a free Webinar for professionals supporting people dealing with cancer, on Friday July the 30th at 11am. This will be facilitated by Edel Lawlor.


Please contact reception on 0667192122 to book a place!


COMFORT FOR CHEMO, KERRY RE: 54321 – SPINATHON FUNDRAISER – LISTOWEL, 31st  July 2021. The 54321 Challenge, now in its 9th year, have graciously chosen Comfort for Chemo Kerry, as their nominated charity this year. They are seeking volunteers in North Kerry district to take part  on the day, by shaking a bucket, raising awareness, and hopefully having great fun into the bargain.. If you can help us in this fundraiser, please contact us at 086 364 8083 info@comfortforchemokerry.com or on Facebook







24 July 2021


+ Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 24th July to Sunday 1st August


Sat 24th                                 7.30pm                Peggy O’Brien, Co. Wicklow (Rec Dec) 


                                                                                                                (sister to Mary Quinn, Leitrim Middle)


Sun 25th                              11.00am               Rita Daly (née Finnucane), l/o South Africa & Moyvane (Anni)


Mon 26th                             7.30pm                Jackie Lyons, Derry, Listowel (Anni)


Tues 27th             7.30pm                Kate Flaherty, Woodgrove (Anni)


Wed 28th                             7.30pm                Denis Corridan, Murhur (Anni)


Thurs 29th            7.30pm                Jeremiah Mulvihill, Aughrim (Anni) & deceased of the Mulvihill & Connolly families


Fri 30th                                  7.30pm                Jerry Clancy, Knockanure (Anni)


Sat 31st                                 7.30pm                Mary & Ned O’Flaherty, Tubbertoureen (Anni)


Sun 1st Aug        11.00am               Maurice Harnett, Leitrim West (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 25th July to Sunday 1st August 


Sun 25th                               9.30am                Assumpta Mahony, Coolaclarig (Rec Dec)


Mon 26th                            11.00am               Funeral (Burial of Ashes) of Tommy Fitzmaurice, North Finchley, UK & 


                                                                                                                l/o Bunaghara.  Burial in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Listowel. 


Sun 1st                                  9.30am                The staff & residents of Aras Mhuire Nursing Home (living) and the deceased


                                                                                                                of the aforementioned requested by James Gould.  


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan  087/2461749. Emergencies only.   


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Pat Leahy & family, Clounbrane, to Maureen & Jim Connolly, Trien, Willie Joe & family, Trien, Teddy & family, Listowel & Jerry & family, Co. Clare & Mike & family, New York on the death of their sister Peggy Horan who died in New Jersey.  Our prayerful support to the Noonan family, Mum & Dad, Tricia & Con, brother James, sister Siobhán and loving partner on Nicola on the sudden death of Timmy.  




It is difficult and impossible to take it in that Timmy Noonan has left us all so quickly and suddenly.  Another hard and painful blow to our Parish.  Timmy best described as a character who left his imprint in so many hearts, not least of all when he worked in Holly’s.  So many have spoken lovingly on how cheerful and helpful he was in serving.  Also a larger than life character with the GAA Club.  Timmy left a big imprint on the Club and was always to the fore in selling the Club Lotto tickets.  We all ask ‘Why?’ – I find these words encouraging.  ‘My life is but the weaving between God and me.  I only choose the colours He weaveth steadily.  


Sometimes He weaveth sorrow and I feel a foolish pride.  I forget He sees the upper and the underside. 


We are always in the hands of God, and He is the only one that sees the full picture’  


Timmy and John McGrath were great pals.  Now together again.  Come on now lads, send us down a few smiles and blessing upon all of us in the Boro, from your presence with Jesus. 




SOUTHDOC LISTOWEL: Premises changed to the Primary Care Centre, Greenville phone 1850 33 59 99.


MASS CARDS AT HOLLYS: Mass cards signed by me will no longer be available in Holly’s from Sunday 31st July.  I would like to thank Terry and his excellent staff for allowing this service to be part of this excellent store.  On a personal note, Terry and all the staff have been excellent to me especially during C19.  The staff are always cheerful, courteous, and very helpful.  I will miss you Holly’s.  Many thanks for your help.  NEWSLETTER: Next week’s Newsletters will be at Holly’s and Noel’s from Thursday.  This will be my last Newsletter in the Parish.  Special thanks to Mike, Angela and Brenda who ensured that the housebound were kept in touch with events in the Parish.  


AHAVOHER CEMETERY: It is imperative that the gates are kept closed at all times.








                           THE FINAL WHISTLE…..NO EXTRA TIME


All of a sudden it’s time to say goodbye.  Have you noticed in life that it’s always like that?  There is all the time in the world – until there is no time!  “Tomorrow” has finally come!!  Was it yesterday or the day before, when I stood at the Altars in Moyvane and Knockanure and saw a field of strange faces – a blur of people all different?  This weekend I look from the Altars and I see Chris, Eileen, Paddy, Noreen.  No blur now, but every face a person, every person different, every person, thank God, a friend unique and loved by me.  A Priest’s life is just that – journey.  We are on the move always.  That doesn’t make it any easier when the time comes to say goodbye.  You have, each and every one of you, given me so much – your trust, your friendship, entry into your hearts and a place before your hearths.  I am immensely grateful.  I will never forget you, I beg you, never forget me in your prayers. You will always be in mine. We have each


given each other something precious -a memory.  For me at any rate this memory of good, caring, loving people both within the Parish and outside the Parish will never, never fade.  In all my future journeys wherever the good Lord sends me, you will be part of my story.  All in the Listowel Community Hospital, each and everyone of them, have been kind and very supportive to me in my ministry there. It’s hard to say goodbye to them too.  Many thanks to them for many things during my time there.  As for my First Friday calls, they were simply so, so special and all whom I visited always richly blessed me.


Finally, I struggle to find words, on your behalf and on my own behalf, to express huge thanks and gratitude to Jacqueline in the office.  She did everything to perfection, and I could not have managed without her.  This Newsletter was always done beautifully by her each and every week, even during first lockdown.  She was the voice of welcome on the phone and her work in all areas of parish administration was simply exceptional.  She was so helpful and supportive in so many ways – we all owe her a huge debt of gratitude for her fantastic work on the Offertory and Dues envelopes.  Her up to the minute work in recording your contributions in the Parish has resulted in quick and prompt CHY3 returns which have been an enormous benefit to the Parish.  ‘Her office has always been a beautiful place of welcome’.  She has been extremely generous to our Parish but especially to me with her time, advice, excellent work and her beautiful bond of confidentiality.  She is now moving to pastures new and I have accepted her resignation and wish her well in her new beginnings.


The Parish Office closes on Friday 30th July.  


A word of welcome and blessing to your new P.P. Fr. Brendan Carmody S.J. I wish him well and I know you will love and support him as you have done for me during the short six years with you.  The Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee will remain on to help Fr. Brendan get established in the Parish.   Among the items to be decided upon will be running of the Parish Office and also the formation of new committees. 


I               AM BLESSED


All negative thoughts I’ve decided must go, I’ll try to say ‘Yes’ when I want to say ‘No’.  I won’t say, ‘I can’t’ but ‘I can only try’.  And accept things that happen – not keep asking why.  I’ll make time for hobbies and brighten the day, and not let my problems affect what I say.  There are many folk homeless, sad, hungry, in pain.  I am blessed with so much I’ll not grumble again.  Today will be good for I’m filled now with hope with God’s love inside me, I know I can cope.  No moaning or groaning, no sighing, no dread.  My positive thoughts are all there instead. 


                                      SOME RECORD


Our concerts were great, and very enjoyable. Each different, with a lovely atmosphere in the beautiful venue of our Assumption Church.  No damage was ever done to the seat or the carpet tiles during these concerts.  Also, it was just great to be able to put up the ‘Thought provoking’ posters in many parts of both our Churches over the years.  I think it speaks volumes about our Churches and all who visit them that never once were any of the posters disfigured, taken or interfered with in any way.  Now isn’t that a wonderful record! The same can be said for our Cribs, Easter Gardens and our Shrines.  Again, many thanks for such respect and kindness. 


                                        SCORING IN THE GAME OF LIFE


For when the one Great Scorer comes 


To write against your name 


He marks – not that you won or lost –  But how you played the game.












Listowel Parish News 24 July 2021








MASSES THIS WEEK    25th – 1st August      




24th       Josie & Anthony Kennelly, Smerla Bridge / Joe Sommers, Billerough /


Donal & Mary Griffin, Siveen, Ballygologue Rd. / John Denihan, Tarbert & Listowel            6.15pm






25th                       Fr. Tim Gunn, Lisselton /


Bridie Dillon, Ennismore                9.00am


                Bryan O Connor, Sheffield, England & O’Connell’s Ave. 1st Anniversary /


Dan (Charlie) O Brien, Ballyheigue /


Patrick & Margaret Lyons, Irremore /


Edward Carmody, Knockaure & USA &


Jack & Mary Carmody /


John Lynch, Knockane   11.30am


Mon 26th                            People of the Parish       10.30am


Tues 27th                            Briede Murphy, Church St.          10.30am


Wed 28th                                                                                            10.30am


Thurs 29th                                                           Peggy O Connor, Finuge               10.30am


 Fri.  30th              Noreen Guiney, Clieveragh Park                  10.30am




31st                        Mona Dalton, Bridge Road /


Fr. Bill Buckley, Listowel /


Joe & Peggy Gleeson, Church St.              10.30am


                Michael Galvin, Ballygologue Park, Months Mind /


Margaret (Peggy) Moloney, Woodford, Months Mind /


John Kirby, Cahirdown /


Paul Walsh, Greenville, Leah & Nora O Donoghue, Moyvane, Listowel & Australia / Tom & Theresa Flynn & Siss Sommers, England          Vigil






1st          Rev. Humphrey O Connor, Ordination in Shrewsbury Cathedral 9.00am


                Michael Scannell, Dromin, Months Mind               11.30am




RECENT DEATHS. Josephine Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Larry Barry, Greenville / John Denihan, Tarbert & Listowel. 




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. O’Sullivan, 087-2461749.






WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


Last week to donate to ST. MARY'S CHURCH PARISH YOUTH GROUP LISTOWEL In light of Covid 19, we are raising funds for all the staff of University Hospital Kerry as a thank you for their selfless and heroic work during the pandemic. As a group, we are walking/cycling 25km from St. Mary's Church Listowel to University Hospital Kerry on Friday 30th July. Any and all donations are GREATLY APPRECIATED!!


 https://gofund.me/f28c229e  or can be dropped into the parish office to Denise. Thank you PYGL Committee.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.








Clarification has been issued from the Department of the Taoiseach in relation to Religious Services following on from the Government announcement made on Tuesday, June 29th , 2021 concerning Covid-19 restrictions. The clarification is as follows: - (Please note funeral arrangements remain unchanged but have been included below for clarity)


WEDDINGS: As an exception, weddings already planned will be permitted to proceed on the basis of the expected changes, with 50 guests permitted to attend wedding receptions with protective measures.


FUNERALS: The numbers of mourners permitted at funerals continues to be limited to 50, regardless of size of venue. Attendance at wakes in private homes and at funeral homes is for family only. Related family gatherings should strictly adhere to prevailing public health advice on household mixing, including visitors to your home and indoor and outdoor dining. 


OTHER RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES It is advised that religious ceremonies such as Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. Further advice will follow on resumption of these ceremonies when it is safe.


BURIAL GROUND /GRAVEYARD MASSES Kerry County Council has issued clarification in relation to the holding of burial ground masses during the Summer of 2021. The clarification is as follows: - Kerry County Council believes that it would be unwise at this particular juncture to permit the holding of burial ground masses which would result in the creation of gatherings of people, in accordance with the current public health guidelines, but will reconsider this request when the Government next review the reopening of society and the economy later this Summer (subject to the public health situation at the time).    


 Diocesan Covid Support Team July 1st, 2021






Reminder L.T.TS last chance to enter local competitions this year. Entries for Best Kept Estates, Roadside Gardens & Hanging Baskets / Window Boxes may be dropped into Broderick’s Pharmacy Monday 26th July.  Judging will take place during the  week. A huge ‘Thank You’ to our Sponsors & to Oonagh for facilitating with the entries.


RECOVERY HAVEN KERRY will run a free Webinar for professionals supporting people dealing with cancer, on Friday July the 30th at 11am. This will be facilitated by Edel Lawlor.


Please contact reception on 0667192122 to book a place!


COMFORT FOR CHEMO, KERRY RE: 54321 – SPINATHON FUNDRAISER – LISTOWEL, 31st  July 2021. The 54321 Challenge, now in its 9th year, have graciously chosen Comfort for Chemo Kerry, as their nominated charity this year. They are seeking volunteers in North Kerry district to take part  on the day, by shaking a bucket, raising awareness, and hopefully having great fun into the bargain.. If you can help us in this fundraiser, please contact us at 086 364 8083 info@comfortforchemokerry.com or on Facebook










Moyvane Church Newsletter


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 17th to Sunday 25th July


Sat 17th                                 7.30pm                Bridie Reilly (née Fitzmaurice), Leitrim Middle & Glasgow (Anni)


                                                                                                                & deceased members of the Fitzmaurice family.


Sun 18th                              11.00am               Anne Prendiville, Carrueragh (Birthday Remembrance)


Wed 21st                              7.30pm                Mass of thanksgiving – Special Intention


Thurs 22nd           7.30pm                Nora Moore, Kilmorna (Anni), her husband Jimmy & their son Willie


Sat 24th                                 7.30pm                Peggy O’Brien, Co. Wicklow (Rec Dec) 


                                                                                                                (sister to Mary Quinn, Leitrim Middle)


Sun 25th                              11.00am               Rita Daly (née Finnucane), l/o South Africa & Moyvane (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 18th July to Sunday 25th July 


Sun 18th                               9.30am                Jerry & Ellen Enright, Lisaniskea (Anni)


Sun 25th                               9.30am                Assumpta Mahony, Coolaclarig (Rec Dec)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Canon Declan O’Connor  087/0908949. Emergencies only.   


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  By a very strange coincidence our prayerful support this week goes to three Priest colleagues.  Our former P.P. Fr. Joe Nolan, Fr. Seán Sheehy, Meen and Fr. Pádraig Kennelly, former P.P. of Ballylongford/Asdee and currently P.P. of Firies.  Fr. Joe on the death of his sister Marianne Vye, California & l/o Lisselton.   Fr. Seán on the death of his sister Margaret Aherne whose funeral took place in Tralee last Monday.  Fr. Pádraig on the death of his mother Jennie whose funeral took place in Ballydonoghue on Tuesday. 


May Marianne, Margaret and Jennie rest in peace. 


THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH: Your gifts and good wishes continue to come to me for my 40th.  Very many thanks for your love, support, kindness and encouragement.  Please God we will have a time and a safe place to celebrate my Ruby (40th year of Priesthood).   Until then let’s encourage one another in prayer.  Again very, very many thanks for all messages gifts and kind words.




Judson Swihart once put it like this: “Some people are like medieval castles.  Their high walls keep them safe from being hurt.  They protect themselves emotionally by permitting no exchange of feeling with others.  No one can enter.  They are secure from attack.  However, inspection of the occupant finds him or her lonely rattling around the castle alone.  The castle dweller is a self-made prisoner.  He or she needs to feel loved by someone but the walls are so high that it is difficult to reach out or for anyone else to reach in.  Is our Parish a community of faith in which we can seek, find and rest in Jesus?  Are we including the values and kindness of Jesus into day-to-day Parish life?




           Two marks of a follower of Jesus – giving and forgiving.


           The trouble with people forgiving and forgetting is that they keep reminding us they’re doing it. 


           We are like beasts when we kill.  We are like men when we judge.  We are like Jesus when we love and forgive. 


           We have abundance of freedom in Ireland even the freedom to make fools of ourselves.   The best thing to do behind a person’s back is to pat it.


                                       LOOKING BACK


Often, we need to know exactly who it is we are meeting in the person of neighbour.  Way back in 1880, in Paris, a rather poorly dressed Priest showed up at a Presbytery looking for a night’s lodging.  He had come from Turin and was trying to raise funds to build a Church.  The visitors name was John Bosco.  The resident Priest put him in the attic.  Many years later when John Bosco was canonised, the Priest said: “Had I known who it was I would not have put him in the attic, I would have given him the best room in the house.”  


Often, we know even less of the true identity of those we meet each day who are in need of help and kindness.  Sadly, we often, like the Priest with John Bosco we make very quick decisions.  What really matters is that we see in each of them a wounded human being and that we do our best to bind up their wounds.  If we are really honest, we all have made mistakes quite similar to that poor Priest with John Bosco.  However, for the future, let’s hope each of us can see others in our Par ish and beyond as Jesus wishes us to see them.  








The Bishops in the United States have embarked upon a course which is gravely damaging to the Catholic Church right across the world, to the interests of all its members and to the common good.  By a majority of 165 to 55, they have set out to draw up a policy statement that is intended, despite any protestations to the contrary, to ban President Joe Biden from receiving Holy Communion.  They want President Biden, a very good practising Catholic, to commit to the repeal of federal laws that allows women access to legal abortion, which he has said he will not do, though he is personally opposed to abortion.  The pressure they hope to apply to him by denying his access to Holy Communion is a brazen infringement of the separation of Church and State, guaranteed by the USA constitution.  Under Canon Law, only the local Bishop can bar someone from Holy Communion.  Thankfully, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, the Archbishop of Washington, has made it very clear that President Biden will continue to be permitted to receive Holy Communion in the Archdiocese of residence.  That was so, so Christlike from Cardinal Wilton – very well done. 


Come with me to St. John’s Gospel and the story of the kind woman taken in adultery.  Under the law of Moses, this kind woman must be stoned to death.  No punishment or accountability for the man!  Jesus’ magic words – so loving, so understanding – “Let the one who is without sin throw the first stone”.  Those loving and powerful words saved her life.   Our early Church was never entirely comfortable with this passage partly because of a suspicion it favoured laxity.  Not until the Council of Trent in the 16th Century was it formally made part of Canon Law.  For some strange reason the Church has never been overjoyed by the compassion and tenderness of Jesus.  The have unfortunately erred on the side of law rather than love.  


On a personal basis what I have encountered from the Church when I have celebrated General Absolution has been awful.  At the age of 44 as a P.P. in Cork City I was told that I would be re-appointed for a second term as P.P. on the strict condition that I would never again give General Absolution!  Like the Scribes and Pharisees, we all are open to a charge of hypocrisy, especially yours truly.  The Bishops in the States and indeed all over the world are by no means without sin, and their handling of Clerical Child Abuse Scandals was shameful and so painful.  Yet if they had their way, Catholic Politicians everywhere would face an impossible choice:  either to support an absolute ban on abortion even if they knew the public would never vote for them because of it, or risk being barred from Holy Communion.  Thank God for Cardinal Wilton Gregory Archbishop of Washington, draw more to love rather than law.  Taking the words of Jesus to his life and heart “Let the one who is without sin throw the first stone.”  If the US Bishops persist with banning President Biden from Holy Communion, it will have a destructive and awful effect right across the World.  Please God they won’t push this to the limit.  




In the delightful book “Forever Young:  My friendship with John F. Kennedy Jnr.”  Billy Noonan recalls the life experiences he shared with the son of the late President John F. Kennedy, God rest him.   Back in 1980, as one of the stories goes, John Jnr and Billy were invited aboard the USS John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier.  On a guided tour of the ship, the two young men and their guide inadvertently entered a restricted area.  When an Officer stopped them, the guide panted to John and said, “This is your father’s ship.”  Snapping to attention the Officer saluted John.  He explained his understanding that when a UN Navy ship is named for someone it is considered that person’s ship.  Thus, as the son of the man for whom the ship was named, John Jnr had a unique privilege.  Can I remind you this illustrates a vital spiritual principle.  As adopted children in God’s family, we who have been saved possess the position of daughtership and sonship. St. Paul wrote that as believers we are ‘predestined…….for adoption to His children through Jesus’.  By virtue of this we all are brothers and sisters of Jesus, we have the unique privileges that belong to the children of the King of Kings.  In life’s challenging voyage, we can take courage that our ‘Abba, Father’, owns the ship and shares all with us.  Praise God we are brothers and sisters of Jesus.  Let us never forget that. 




Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well.


Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly.


                Take the power to control your own life, no one else can do it for you.






Listowel Church Newsletter


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    St. Mary’s Church




MASSES THIS WEEK    11th – 18th July     




17th       John McEnery, Cahirdown /


Anne Prenderville, Moyvane, Bir. Rem. / Michael (Mick) & Mona Ryan, Ballygologue Rd. / Eileen & John Paul McCarthy, Bunagara       6.15pm






18th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Eamon Tarrant, Church St. /


John Neville, Bedford, Birthday Rem.     11.30am


Mon 19th                            Michael & Katie O Connor, Johnny Nolan, Mossie & Peggy Hickey & Dec. Family members, Craughatoosane /


Special Intention              10.30am


Tues 20th                            Mickey Griffin & Deceased Family Members, Bromore, Ballybunion         10.30am


Wed 21st                                                                             Daniel & Catherine Flaherty, Red Cottages           10.30am


Thurs 22nd                                                          People of the Parish       10.30am


 Fri.  23rd              Mary Gallagher, Gurtcreen & Birmingham, Birthday Remembrance             10.30am




24th                       Elise Hope Leahy, Kenny Heights              10.30am


                Josie & Anthony Kennelly, Smerla Bridge / Joe Sommers, Billerough /


Donal & Mary Griffin, Siveen, Ballygologue Rd.   Vigil






25th       Fr. Tim Gunn, Lisselton  9.00am


                Bryan O Connor, Sheffield, England & O’Connell’s Ave. 1st Anniversary /


Dan (Charlie) O Brien, Ballyheigue /


Patrick & Margaret Lyons, Irremore /


Edward Carmody, Knockaure & USA &


Jack & Margaret Carmody            11.30am




RECENT DEATHS Eileen McMorrow nee Kelly, London late of 6 Crosses. Funeral to take place in England.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bridget (Bridie) Canty, O’Connell’s Ave. /






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.






WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.




ST. MARY'S CHURCH PARISH YOUTH GROUP LISTOWEL In light of Covid 19, we are raising funds for all the staff of University Hospital Kerry as a thank you for their selfless and heroic work during the pandemic. As a group, we are walking/cycling 25km from St. Mary's Church Listowel to University Hospital Kerry on Friday 30th July. Any and all donations are GREATLY APPRECIATED!!  https://gofund.me/f28c229e  or can be dropped into the parish office to Denise. Thank you PYGL Committee.




ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.




CAMPA MHUIRE:  Free online Catholic Faith Camp for Children aged 5-12.  The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th -30th, Tuesday to Friday, will include Music & Action Songs, Arts & Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, Games, Drama, Live streamed daily Mass and more! No need to register, check out www.holyfamilymission.ie/campa-mhuire-mhathair for more information, brought to you in association with Holy Family Mission and the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore.






Clarification has been issued from the Department of the Taoiseach in relation to Religious Services following on from the Government announcement made on Tuesday, June 29th , 2021 concerning Covid-19 restrictions. The clarification is as follows: - (Please note funeral arrangements remain unchanged but have been included below for clarity)




WEDDINGS: As an exception, weddings already planned will be permitted to proceed on the basis of the expected changes, with 50 guests permitted to attend wedding receptions with protective measures. 




FUNERALS: The numbers of mourners permitted at funerals continues to be limited to 50, regardless of size of venue. Attendance at wakes in private homes and at funeral homes is for family only. Related family gatherings should strictly adhere to prevailing public health advice on household mixing, including visitors to your home and indoor and outdoor dining. 




OTHER RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES It is advised that religious ceremonies such as Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. Further advice will follow on resumption of these ceremonies when it is safe to do so.




BURIAL GROUND /GRAVEYARD MASSES Kerry County Council has issued clarification in relation to the holding of burial ground masses during the Summer of 2021. The clarification is as follows: - Kerry County Council believes that it would be unwise at this particular juncture to permit the holding of burial ground masses which would result in the creation of gatherings of people, in accordance with the current public health guidelines, but will reconsider this request when the Government next review the reopening of society and the economy later this Summer (subject to the public health situation at the time).    


 Diocesan Covid Support Team July 1st, 2021




L.T.TS have taken the decision to reintroduce their very popular local competitions this year. Entries for Best Kept Estates, Roadside Gardens & Hanging Baskets / Window Boxes may be dropped into Broderick’s Pharmacy on or before Sat. July 24th  Judging will take place during the following week. A  huge ‘Thank You’ to our Sponsors & to Oonagh for facilitating with the entries.












Moyvane Church News ---------------------------------------


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th July


Sat 10th                                 7.30pm                Parishioners


Sun 11th                              11.00am               Patrick Shanahan, Kilbaha (Anni)


Wed 14th                             7.30pm                Ciss Dore, Woodgrove (Anni)


Thurs 15th            7.30pm                Billy McElligott, Coolaclarig, Listowel (Rec Dec) 


Sat 17th                                 7.30pm                Bridie Reilly (née Fitzmaurice), Leitrim Middle & Glasgow (Anni)


                                                                                                                & deceased members of the Fitzmaurice family.


Sun 18th                              11.00am               Anne Prendiville, Carrueragh (Birthday Remembrance)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 11th July to Sunday 18th July 


Sun 11th                               9.30am                Timothy & Mary Murphy, Lisaniskea (Anni)


Sun 18th                               9.30am                Jerry & Ellen Enright, Lisaniskea (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Michael Hussey  087/2386084. Emergencies only.   


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To Irene O’Connor & family, Six Crosses, Listowel on the death of her husband Mike whose funeral took place in Listowel last week.  Mike was originally from Keylod and we extend our sympathy to Mike’s brother Tom & family and his sister Mary.  To Mary Quinn & family, Leitrim Middle on the death of her sister Peggy O’Brien, Co. Wicklow whose funeral took place last week.  May Mike & Peggy rest in peace.  


Please keep all who mourn their loss in your prayers at this time. 


RADIO MARIA:  Radio Maria is an Irish Catholic Radio station that broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc daily.  Tune in via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go forward one channel from RTE1 you get RTE2, if you go back one from RTE1 you get Radio Maria). All details are on their website, www.radiomaria.ie.




The Church does not close only the building.  Because we are the Church the living body of Christ and we are everywhere. When we enter our Churches, which in Irish tradition are called ‘teach an phobail’ the place where the community gathers.  People have come


to Churches with burdens of heart that could find healing nowhere else in the world.  They have come for shelter when storms have unravelled every stitch of meaning from their lives.  They have come too to give thanks for blessings and gifts received.      


                                                                                                         ‘adopted from Fr. John O’Donoghue, RIP’


Wherever you are reading this Newsletter today either online or hardcopy be assured that in both our Churches we carry you in prayer.  May the warm embrace of Jesus bless and calm us at this anxious time. 


                    SMILE AT THE ONE YOU LOVE


Mother Teresa often gave people unexpected advice.  When a group of Americans, many in the teaching profession, visited her in Calcutta, they asked her for some advice to take home to their families.  


“Smile at your wives”, she told them. “Smile at your husbands”.  Thinking that perhaps her advice was simplistic coming from an unmarried person, one of them asked “Are your married?”.  “Yes”, she replied, to their surprise, “and I find it hard sometimes to smile at Jesus, He can be very demanding”.  I think we all need smiles now more than ever. 




In these very anxious and strange times, we can become like the dog in a large crate on the platform of a railway station.  He was the saddest dog he could imagine.  A lady enquired about him.  “You would be sad too”, she was told “if you were in his plight, he chewed the tag off his crate, and he doesn’t know where he is going”. 


Jesus has a mission and a blessing for each and everyone of us – are we carrying out His work? Or like the dog have we chewed the tag? 


We must be detached to give ourselves completely to Jesus. 










We are forever trying to make excuses for things we need not make excuses for and forever trying to excuse the inexcusable.  Neither is necessary or helpful.  We can learn a lesson from how Jesus dealt with those who betrayed Him.  A wonderful example is the Apostle Peter, specially chosen and named the very rock of the Apostolic Community.  Peter was an honest man with a childlike sincerity, a deep faith and he, more than most others, grasped the deeper meaning of who Jesus was and what His teaching meant.  Indeed, it was Peter who in response to Jesus’ question – “WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?” replied quickly:  YOU ARE THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD”.  




Yet minutes after that confession Jesus had to correct Peter’s false conception of what that meant and then rebuke him for trying to deflect Him from His very mission. More seriously it was Peter who within hours of an arrogant boast that though all other would betray Jesus, he alone would remain faithful.  Yet Peter betrayed Jesus three times and this in Jesus’ most needy hour.  Later we are privy to the conversation Jesus has with Peter regarding those betrayals.  What’s significant is that He doesn’t ask Peter to explain himself, He doesn’t excuse Peter and He doesn’t say things like: “You weren’t really yourself! I can understand how anyone might be very frightened in that situation!  I can empathise, I know what fear can do to you”.  None of these sentiments came from Jesus.  The excusable doesn’t need to be excused and the inexcusable cannot be excused.  In Peter’s betrayal as in our own betrayals, there’s invariably some of both, the excusable in the inexcusable.  So, what does Jesus do with Peter?  He doesn’t ask for an explanation, doesn’t ask for an apology.  He doesn’t tell Peter that it is OK, doesn’t offer excuses for Peter and doesn’t even tell Peter that He loves him.  Instead, He asks Peter: “DO YOU LOVE ME?”  Peter answers yes – and everything moves forward from there. 




Everything can move forward following a confession of love, not least an honest confession of love in the wake of a betrayal.  Apologies are necessary (because that’s taking ownership of the fault and the weakness so as to lift it completely off the soul of the one who was betrayed) but excuses are not helpful.  If the action was not a betrayal, no excuse is necessary:  if it was, no excuse absolves it.  An excuse or an attempt at one serves two purposes, neither of them good.  First, it serves to rationalise and justify, none of which is helpful to the betrayed or the betrayer.  Second, it weakens the apology and makes it less than clear and full, this not lifting the betrayal completely off the soul of the one who has been betrayed.  What love asks of you and me when we are weak is an honest, nonrationalized admission of our weakness along with a statement from the heart: “I love you!”  Things can move forward from there.  Like Peter when asked three times by Jesus: “DO YOU LOVE ME?” from our hearts we need to say: “YOU KNOW EVERYTHING YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU.”                    COVID 19 UPDATE FROM OUR DIOCESE


BAPTISMS: The advice from Government is that Baptisms should not take place. Our recommendation is that Baptisms which have already been booked may proceed but that no new bookings for Baptisms should be accepted pending further advice from the Government.  Numbers confined to a maximum of 10 people.  WEDDINGS: already planned will be permitted to proceed on the basis of the expected changes, with 50 guests permitted to attend wedding receptions with protective measures. 


FUNERALS: The numbers of mourners permitted at funerals continues to be limited to 50. Attendance at wakes in private homes and at funeral homes is for family only. Related family gatherings should strictly adhere to prevailing public health advice on household mixing, including visitors to your home and indoor and outdoor dining. BURIAL GROUND/GRAVEYARD MASSES Kerry County Council has issued clarification in relation to the holding of burial ground masses during the Summer of 2021. The clarification is as follows: - Kerry County Council believes that it would be unwise at this particular juncture to permit the holding of burial ground masses which would result in the creation of gatherings of people, in accordance with the current public health guidelines, but will reconsider this request when the Government next review the reopening of society and the economy later this Summer (subject to the public health situation at the time).




           None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. He/She who keeps their tongue, keeps their friends.


           A smile is happiness you will find right under your nose.







Moyvane and Listowel Church News. 3 July 2021


Moyvane Newsletter 1 July 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 3rd to Sunday 11th July


Sat 3rd                                   7.30pm                John Moloney, Clarr (Rec Dec) at the request of Mike & Deirdre Mulvihill, The Hill


Sun 4th                                 11.00am               John Carmody & deceased of the Carmody family, Ahalahana


Wed 7th                                7.30pm                Johnny Kissane, Tarbert (Anni) & his sons Michael & Joseph


Thurs 8th                              7.30pm                Elsie Murphy, Ballyphehane, Cork (Anni)


Fri 9th                    7.30pm                Mass for the sick


Sat 10th                                 7.30pm                Parishioners


Sun 11th                              11.00am               Patrick Shanahan, Kilbaha (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 4th July to Sunday 11th July 


Sun 4th                                  9.30am                Eileen Goulding, Knockanure Village (Anni) & Hughie (Rec Dec)


Sun 11th                               9.30am                Timothy & Mary Murphy, Lisaniskea (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Sean Hanafin  087/8341083. Emergencies only.  


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To Marian Quinn & family, Woodgrove on the death of her aunt Mary Martin, Glin whose funeral took place last Monday in Glin.  May Mary rest in peace.  




THE PARENTS COUNCIL MURHUR NS: would like to Congratulate our two recent winners of our Split the Bucket draw Michael O’Sullivan and Annamarie Kennelly! Thanks to both the winners and the wider community for supporting Murhur NS fundraising efforts. We appreciate it very much! Our next draw is due to be held on


Friday 27th August. Tickets can be purchased in Hollys Gala, Mike Kennelly’s Hardware, Noel Stacks Butchers, The Village Grill, Anna Enright’s Hairdressers and North Cork Creamery.  We would also like to congratulate Fr. Kevin on his 40th Jubilee as a Priest. Fr. Kevin is an asset to our community and we thank him for his continued support to the Parents Council of Murhur NS. We wish Fr. Kevin many more years of happiness.


LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE: would like to invite you to partake in our summer schedule of tea parties. The weekly series of summer parties will be held every Friday during July and August from July 2nd August 27th inclusive, from 12 noon-1pm weekly.  Contact Bridie on 086/8556431.  Also, a new and exciting group entitled 'Kickers and Dribblers' for parents and babies up to 18 months will commence shortly. The weekly group runs from Tuesday July 13th for four weeks, starting at 10am and lasting for approximately 1 hour each week.


Contact Toni Clarke on 068/23584 or 087/7523705.




In 1960 a religious persecution broke out in the territory of Sudan in Africa.  A Christian black student named Paride Taban fled the danger and went to Uganda.  While in Uganda, he studied for the Priesthood and was ordained.  When things settled down in Sudan, young Fr. Taban returned to his homeland.  He was assigned to a Parish in Palotaka but his African congregation found it hard to believe that he was really a Priest.  Fr. Taban says: “The people looked hard at me and asked, do you mean to say, black man, that you are a Priest?, we can’t believe it”.  These people had never had a black Priest before.  They had always had white Priests who gave them clothing and medicine.  Young Fr. Taban was from the Madi tribe and had nothing to give them.  He was poor like them.  To make matters worse, Fr Taban had to introduce them to the changes of the Second Vatican Council.   These changes bothered the people greatly.  They said to one another: “This young black man turns our Altar around and celebrates Mass in our own language.  He cannot be a real Priest!”.  Only after a great deal of difficulty did the people of Palotaka finally accept Fr. Taban.  If we try to live ‘in Jesus’ we will be rejected as He was.  Do we turn to Jesus when we encounter rejection?




When a little girl had finished her evening prayers, she remained at her bedside for some time.  Finally, her Mum told her to go to bed.  “I was just waiting”, the girl protested, “to see if God had anything to say to me”.




A small boy, determined to draw a picture of Jesus, at last gave up his effort.  “You haven’t drawn Jesus”, said his teacher.  “No”, said the small boy.  “I couldn’t make him beautiful enough”.  










We are richly blessed in our Parish to have such wonderful National Schools.  Both Murhur N.S. in Moyvane and Scoil Chorp Chríost in Knockanure continually give of their very best to ensure that all sixth-class students are very well prepared for Secondary School Education.  When passed through the prism of human experience the white light of the comprehensive statement ‘I live’ reveals a beautifully illuminating spectrum.  No one has really learned to live until he/she can convincingly say to themselves the eleven great verbs of life:   


I am, I think, I know, I feel, I wonder, I see, I believe, I can, I ought, I will, I serve.  


Education in both life and religion is but the process of learning through experience the meaning of these fundamental verbs of life and the acquiring of the personal power of each: I AM  - the power of self-knowledge.


I THINK – the power of investigate.


I KNOW - the power to master facts.


I FEEL – the power to appreciate, to value, to love.


I WONDER – the spirit of reverence, curiosity, worship.


I SEE – the power of insight, imagination, vision.


I BELIEVE – the power of adventurous faith.


I CAN – the power to act and the skill to accomplish.


I OUGHT – the power of conscience, the moral imperative.


I WILL – willpower, loyalty to duty.


I SERVE – the power to be useful, devotion to the cause. 


I invite our Graduates of 2021 to keep a copy of this Newsletter.  They have all been fantastic to all the new challenges which were hoisted on them suddenly because of C19.  They all responded brilliantly and gave great example to all the classes from Junior Infants to 5th Class.  Very well done.


Our prayerful blessing and good wishes to the following in Knockanure Chloe K, Chloe W, Hazel, Blathnaid, Grace and in Moyvane Katelyn, Abbie, Cian, Josh, David, Donnacha and Darragh.  


Wishing all our teachers and staff of both schools a very enjoyable and safe holiday. 




             Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.


             When your heart speaks take good notes.


             If only closed minds come with closed mouths.


             Adopt the pace of nature:  Her secret is patience.




You are all familiar with ‘Love is……’ cartoons or drawings.  We have many posters of nice ‘sugary’ definitions of love.  The great St. Augustine answered the question: “What does love look like?”  His answer is simple:  


“Love has hands to help others,


It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy,


It has eyes to see misery and want,


It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of others,


That’s what love looks like.”


The nearest we will ever come to seeing God in this life is when we come across people who really love one another.  Love is always creative, always building up, always confirming. May the love of Jesus touch and bless our lives today and always








Listowel Church News July 4th 2021




                                St. Mary’s Church is


                                   fitted with a loop


                                system. Please adjust


                                   your hearing aid. 




MASSES THIS WEEK     4th – 11th July     




3rd         Birdie O Farrell, Church St. Months Mind & John Paul, Sr. Pius, Cornelius & Elizabeth O Farrell /


John & Eileen O Connell, Woodford /


Vincent Frain, Rochdale, England              6.15pm






4th                         Annemarie O Sullivan, Lartigue Village & Charles Street 9.00am


                Jeremiah Dowling, Ballinruddery, Months Mind / Rich Kissane, Clountubrid /


Jim Scanlon, Dirha, Birthday Remembrance


/ Noreen McElligott, Lixnaw & Dublin /


Sean Wight, Ballygrennan & Melbourne /


Deceased Member of the Fitzgerald, Corridan & Moriarty Families /


Special Intention              11.30am


Mon 5th                               Liam Healy, Ballygologue Park /


Conor Doherty, Dirha West         10.30am


Tues 6th                               Special Intention              10.30am


Wed 7th                                                                               Dirmuid O Sullivan, Pat Holly & Dec. Mem. O’Sullivan Family, Ballylongford     10.30am


Thurs 8th                                             Special Intention              10.30am


 Fri.  9th                Jeremiah & Bridie O Driscoll, Dirha West                   10.30am




10th                       Ned & Annie Pellican &Mary Fennell, Dirha          10.30am


                Funeral Mass – Thomas Hayes, Glenheights Park, Ballyvolane, Co. Cork, late of O'Connell Avenue.                 11.30am


                Mena Fitzpatrick, Church St. /


William Heffernan & Deceased Family Members, Ballygologue Pk. /


Deceased Members of the Carmody & Sheehy Families & Lil, Sean & Margaret /


Eileen Day nee O Brien & Deceased Members of the O’Brien Family, Knockane  Vigil






11th       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Anthony Enright, Billerough        11.30am






RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS   Michael Galvin, Ballygologue Park. / Michael Scannell, Dromin. /Michael O Connor, Ballyduhig. / Margaret Moloney, Woodford.                     






PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hanafin, 0878341083.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


ST. MARY'S CHURCH PARISH YOUTH GROUP LISTOWEL In light of Covid 19, we are raising funds for all the staff of University Hospital Kerry as a thank you for their selfless and heroic work during the pandemic. As a group, we are walking/cycling 25km from St. Mary's Church Listowel to University Hospital Kerry on Friday 30th July. Any and all donations are GREATLY APPRECIATED!!  https://gofund.me/f28c229e   Thank you PYGL Committee.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.


COVID-19 UPDATE JULY 2021: Clarification has been issued from the Department of the Taoiseach in relation to Religious Services following on from the Government announcement made on Tuesday, June 29th , 2021 concerning Covid-19 restrictions. The clarification is as follows: - (Please note funeral arrangements remain unchanged but have been included below for clarity)


WEDDINGS: As an exception, weddings already planned will be permitted to proceed on the basis of the expected changes, with 50 guests permitted to attend wedding receptions with protective measures.


FUNERALS: The numbers of mourners permitted at funerals continues to be limited to 50, regardless of size of venue. Attendance at wakes in private homes and at funeral homes is for family only. Related family gatherings should strictly adhere to prevailing public health advice on household mixing, including visitors to your home and indoor and outdoor dining.


OTHER RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES It is advised that religious ceremonies such as Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. Further advice will follow on resumption of these ceremonies when it is safe to do so.


BURIAL GROUND/GRAVEYARD MASSES Kerry County Council has issued clarification in relation to the holding of burial ground masses during the Summer of 2021. The clarification is as follows: - Kerry County Council believes that it would be unwise at this particular juncture to permit the holding of burial ground masses which would result in the creation of gatherings of people, in accordance with the current public health guidelines, but will reconsider this request when the Government next review the reopening of society and the economy later this Summer (subject to the public health situation at the time). Diocesan Covid Support Team July 1st, 2021


ST. JOSEPH’S YOUNG PRIESTS SOCIETY: encourage us to pray for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. As you are well aware the need is great, so let’s answer God’s call and “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest”


RADIO MARIA is an Irish Catholic Radio station that has grown in strength and popularity in recent years. It broadcasts Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Hour etc daily. It has many interesting programs. Many people tune in to pray with them. The easiest way to tune in is via the television, Saorview channel 210, (if you go forward one channel from RTE1 you get RTE2, if you go back one from RTE1 you get Radio Maria). There is also a mobile App. All details are on their website, www.radiomaria.ie






THE WRITERS WEEK COMMITTEE recently produced a special online tour of the streets of Listowel. Included in the video is a feature on our Church building St. Marys. Kindly sponsored by Kerry Writers Museum the film is available free on Utube.


LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE A new and exciting group entitled 'Kickers and Dribblers' for parents and babies up to 18 months will commence at Listowel Family Resource Centre shortly. The weekly group runs from Tuesday July 13th for four weeks, commencing at 10am and lasting for approximately 1 hour each week. The group will offer participants a forum in which to share their stories with fellow parents on a weekly basis.


So, why not come for a cuppa and a chat, whilst sharing stories in the process. All places must be pre-booked. A contribution of 3,00 euro is required. All activities and supports are run in line with the current Covid-19 regulations. Further details are available from Toni Clarke on (068 23584/0877523705.








=====================================             .





Moyvane Church News


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie  Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 26th June to Sunday 4th July


Sat 26th                                 7.30pm                Jack Mulvihill, Woodgrove (Anni)


Sun 27th                              11.00am               Jim Groarke, The Village (Anni), baby Anthony 


                                                                                                                & deceased of the Groarke & McKenna families


                                                                                (Please note this Mass will go out live on YouTube at the request of Madge so as


                                                                                 to include and involve family members in Ireland and elsewhere who are unable


                                                                                 to attend due to C19 restrictions.   Search Church of the Assumption Moyvane       


                                  & click on the stained glass window).  


Mon 28th                             7.30pm                Imelda Sheehan, Kildare & Kilbaha (Months Mind)


Tues 29th             7.30pm                Nora Buckley, Bawnaraha & New York (Anni)


Wed 30th                             7.30pm                P.J. & Maureen O’Grady, Carrigkerry (Anni)


Thurs 1st July      7.30pm                Tess Mulvihill (Anni), her husband Denis, their son Ben and grandson Denis Jones


Fri 2nd                                   7.30pm                Fr. James Kissane & deceased of the Kissane family, Ahalahana.


Sat 3rd                                   7.30pm                John Moloney, Clarr (Rec Dec) at the request of Mike & Deirdre Mulvihill, The Hill


Sun 4th                                 11.00am               John Carmody & deceased of the Carmody family, Ahalahana


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 27th June to Sunday 4th July 


Sun 27th                               9.30am                Pat Lynch, Carrueragh (Anni) & deceased family members


Sun 4th July         9.30am                Eileen Goulding, Knockanure Village (Anni) & Hughie (Rec Dec)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch  087/6709491.  Emergencies only.   




Those of you in my age bracket will remember the advert on television for a beer that had the phrase ‘Sally O’Brien and the way she would look at you!’  Her look was never critical – it was kind and happy.  Believe me it makes a world of difference when people give you kindness and understanding rather than anger and criticism.  The late Pope Paul VI who died in 1978, God rest him, left behind many memories of his compassion and love.  Once after giving his blessing in St. Peter’s square, he was being carried in the Papal chair, he noticed a group of children with special needs.  He motioned that he wanted to go down to talk with them which he did.  Unhappily, one of the youngsters in a wheelchair wasn’t able to come nearer.  So this 81 year old man, badly crippled with arthritis got off his throne and knelt down beside the little boy in his wheelchair.  Compassion and love at its level best. 


For those of you who gave me gifts, good wishes, blessings and huge encouragement with your written word, I will acknowledge with a few lines and a delightful poem that local poet has penned in honour of my 40th.  Very many thanks Gabriel and indeed to those of you who brought compassion and love to the fore for my 40th.  


Míle Buíochas.  When the time is right we will please God celebrate with freedom and joy.


                                   DAD’S AND GRANDAD’S – GIFTS STILL AVAILABLE


If any Dad’s or Grandad’s missed out on the Father’s Day gift of the card holder wallet, we have some left in the office or from Fr. Kevin.  They are free and a nice keepsake.




At the time of going to print, I have just returned from Murhur N.S. Graduation celebration – fantastic.  On Friday I will be with 6th Class in Knockanure.  Next week we will honour these two very special classes who have successfully and delightfully completed their National School education and are now prepared for their next journey in Secondary School. Join us next week as we honour them, their teachers and their families. 




An atheist went into a classroom and wrote on the blackboard “God is no where”.  A little girl rose from her seat and said: “Oh, Sir, that’s wrong.  It should be “God is now here”. 


Wise little girl!  Thank God for the gift of faith. 


 TEN SECOND SERMON:  Get mad, then get over it!! 








                                   WHAT WILL MATTER


Whether you are ready or not, some day it will all come to an end.  There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.  All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten will pass to someone else.  Your wealth, fame and power will be irrelevant.  It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.  Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.  So too, your hopes, ambitions, plans and your to do lists will expire.  The wins and losses that mattered so much for you will fade away.  It won’t matter where you came from or what side of the tracks you lived on.  It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.  Even your gender or skin colour will be irrelevant.  So, what will matter?  How will the value of your days in this world be measured?  What will matter is not what you bought but what you built, not what you got but what you gave.  What will matter is not your success but your significance.  What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught.  What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.  What will matter is not your competence but your character.  What will matter is not how many people you knew but how many will feel a lasting loss when you’re gone.  What will matter not your memories but the memories that live in those who loved you.  What will matter is how long you will be remembered by whom and for what.  Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident.  It’s not a matter of circumstance but of CHOICE. Choose to live a life that matters.  It’s never too late to start. 




A rich man engaged an artist to execute a piece of sculpture for him.  Some weeks later, having been away on business, it seemed to him that the artist had made little progress.  “What have you been doing?” asked the employer angrily.  “Working on the figure”.  “But I see nothing done since my last visit”.  “Well”, replied the artist, “I have brought out this muscle, I have modified this part of the dress and I have slightly changed the expression of the lip” “But these are trifles!” said the man.  “True, Sir”, said the artist quietly.  “But perfection is made up of trifles”. 




Our age has some techniques for relaxation.  On a beautiful day recently in the wood walk a young Dad who was pushing his screaming child in his buggy.  As the father wheeled his infant son along the path, he kept murmuring, “Easy now, Brendan.  Just keep calm Brendan.  It’s all right, Brendan.  Just relax, Brendan.  It’s gonna be alright, Brendan”.  A woman passing by said to the young father.  “You certainly know how to talk to an upset child – quietly and gently”.  The woman then leaned over the buggy and cooed.  “What seems to be the trouble, Brendan?” The father said quickly, “oh no…… He’s Seán.  I’m Brendan!!”  In times of unrest or crisis, do we pray in faith?




At an Ordination to the Priesthood, family and friends look on as those of us coming forward for Ordination prostrate ourselves before the Bishop (see picture on the right)  This prostration is a gesture by which the Priest-to-be signifies his dying of self and to his own self interest and advantage.  He arises to the call of the Bishop and his rising symbolises that he is alive only to Jesus and His beautiful Gospel.  In fact, he is called “ALTER CHIRSTUS” – an other Christ.  The Bishop then asks “are you prepared to be a Priest to serve in God’s Church?”


The answer – “Yes with the help of God” His help has been fantastic. 




It’s amazing the stories that stay with you from youth.  I will remember in Cooraclare National School the story often told about the Ant and the Grasshopper.  Our teacher would explain that during the summertime the Grasshopper just played and played and never stored anything up for the wintertime.  The Ant on the other hand, worked, worked diligently day and night.  When the winter came, the Ant had enough to eat and he survived the winter whereas the Grasshopper died as soon as the winter came.  This was supposed to be a sufficient warning that we should work constantly and not take time to play.  But one of my great pals raised his had and said, “Sir, but isn’t it true that the Ant also died?  And he died without having lived at all!”  I have over the years often listened again to my great pal who raised his hand with such a super observation.  All work and no play not only makes Johnny a dull boy, but it is also an un-Christian attitude towards work. 






LISTOWEL Church NEWS 26 June 2021




MASSES THIS WEEK    27th – 4th July     




26th       Mike & Paddy O’Sullivan, Coilbee /


Michael (Nicholas) Lynch & Mary Augustine O’Connor, Clieveragh & New York / Kathy O Connell, Grogeen /


Anne McEneaney, Gortacrissane /


Maurice & Mary Stack, Woodbrook, Cahirdown 6.15pm






27th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                John Joe McElligott, Lartigue View           11.30am


Mon 28th                                            10.30am


Tues 29th                            Tracey Long, Guhard, Lisselton, Birthday Rem.   10.30am


Wed 30th                                                                            Special Intention              10.30am


Thurs 1st                                              Kevin & Eileen McCarthy, Coilbee /


Mary Barry, Tanavalla / Eileen Kennelly nee O’Connor, Dromin Lower, Canada & Chicago, 100th Birthday Remembrance 10.30am


 Fri.  2nd               Martin Lyons, Dromerin, Months Mind /


Jeremiah O Carroll & Deceased Family Members, Tullamore, Listowel        10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday Evening Mass                    6.45pm




3rd         Special Intention              10.30am


                Birdie O Farrell, Church St. Months Mind & John Paul, Sr. Pius, Cornelius & Elizabeth O Farrell /


John & Eileen O Connell, Woodford         Vigil






4th         Annemaire O Sullivan, Lartigue Village & Charles Street 9.00am


                Rich Kissane, Clountubrid /


Jim Scanlon, Dirha, Birthday Remembrance         11.30am






                           RECENT BAPTISMS


 With great joy we welcome: 


 Teagan Lyons, Lucas Kelliher,


Ava Adeoye & Nedine McCarthy


into our Christian community.






ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Margaret O Sullivan, Finuge.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch 087-6709491


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


ST. MARY'S CHURCH PARISH YOUTH GROUP LISTOWEL In light of Covid 19, we are raising funds for all the staff of University Hospital Kerry as a thank you for their selfless and heroic work during the pandemic. As a group, we are walking/cycling 25km from St. Mary's Church Listowel to University Hospital Kerry on Friday 30th July. Any and all donations are GREATLY APPRECIATED!!  https://gofund.me/f28c229e   Thank you PYGL Committee.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.




Due to the pandemic the First Holy Communion & Confirmation ceremonies have had to be postponed until after July 5th So the new dates are as follows:




Thursday, 2nd September


2.00 p.m. Nano Nagle School


4.00p.m. Scoil Realta na Maidne


Friday – September 3rd


2.00 p.m. – Presentation Primary


4.00 p.m. – An Gael Scoil






Thursday, July 15th 10.30am. Presentation Primary


Friday, 1st October at 1.30 p.m.


1.30 p.m. Nano Nagle School


Saturday – 2nd October 10.30 a.m.


Scoil Realta na Maidne, An Gael Scoil & Killocrim School








St. Mary’s Church, Listowel re-opened for public worship on Monday May 10th, 2021.  We are delighted to have you all back. For the safety of all who attending public worship, we ask you to note the following: - Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass.  The church is divided into pods or sections and no more than 50 people are permitted in each pod or section. Each pod or section will have its own communion station for the distribution of Holy Communion. Exit from the church at the end of Mass will be on a   staggered basis.  Please do not congregate on the church grounds after Mass. A team of ushers will be in place at each Mass to guide people to their seats, facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion and organizing the exit from the church at the end of Mass.  Please co-operate with the ushers. A face mask or covering must be worn when attending the church. Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church. There are collection boxes at the rear of the church for the collection of envelopes, offerings, and donations.  Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may come to a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish Radio link.  You can also visit our beautiful church at any time for private prayer.


Funerals & Weddings The maximum number that can attend funerals and weddings is 50 people, regardless of the size of the church.


Mass Schedule: Monday – Saturday 10.30 am


Saturday Vigil 6.15 pm. / Sunday 9.00 am & 11.30 am


First Friday of each month at 7.00 pm.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council.      May 6th, 2021.



Moyvane  and Listowel Church News


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 19th June to Sunday 27th June


Sat 19th                                 7.30pm                Parishioners


Sun 20th                              11.00am               Patrick McEnery (Anni) & Mai & Sonny Buckley, Listowel.


Tues 22nd            7.30pm                Mary Brosnan, Coilagurteen (Anni)


Wed 23rd                             7.30pm                Special Intention


Thurs 24th            7.30pm                Timothy & Julia O’Flaherty, Moher (Anni)


Fri 25th                                  7.30pm                Kathleen Gallagher, Askeaton (1st Anni)


Sat 26th                                 7.30pm                Jack Mulvihill, Woodgrove (Anni)


Sun 27th                              11.00am               Jim Groarke, The Village (Anni), baby Anthony 


                                                                                                                & deceased of the Groarke & McKenna families.


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 20th to Sunday 27th June 


Sun 20th                               9.30am                Rubi McMahon, Washington D.C. & Nancy, Jack, Josie & Pádraig McMahon,


                                                                                                                Lisaniskea (Anni) & Jackie McMahon, Lisaniskea (Rec Dec)


Sun 27th                               9.30am                Pat Lynch, Carrueragh (Anni) & deceased family members.


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Brendan Walsh  087/7913271.  Emergencies only.    OFFERTORY & DUES & SHRINES:  Offertory €1,380.58; Dues €1,570; Shrines Moyvane €202;  Your continual generous financial support is deeply appreciated.  Very many thanks. 




On behalf of the Parish of Moyvane/Knockanure we would like to congratulate Fr. Kevin on his 40 years in priesthood.  His decision to live a life of service to others is one that we are all so very grateful for.  


Thank you for sharing with us the graces that our Lord has so richly blessed you with.  We pray that this celebration is also a time of happy reflection; a time of satisfaction in the tremendous good you have accomplished, and a time warmed by the promise of the good you will accomplish in the years to come. 


Thank you and congratulations.                           Michelle Mulvihill, Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council.




John Killinger tells a moving story about a couple whose new born was mentally affected.  They were crushed of course.  Still, they loved him as they would any child of theirs. They built a bedroom with glass walls so that wherever they were in the house they would be able to keep an eye on him.  For seventeen years, the mother slept next to the boy with her hand next to his heart.  If he ever started having trouble breathing, she would be able to wake up and resuscitate him. For seventeen years, they lived this way.  One sad day however, a neighbour’s girl fell from a tree and hurt her arm.  The mother left her son to rush the girl to the hospital.  As she was standing in the emergency room of the hospital with the little girl her husband came in carrying the body of their son.  He had died while she was at the hospital.  His Dad had tired in vain to revive him.  As their son lay before them in them in peace, the parents cried.  But they gave thanks to God for the gift of their son.  “For” his Mum said, “he taught us how to love”. I can tell you from experience, learning to love is the greatest healing that faith can bring about.  Have you been healed in this way?  I most certainly have.


A WIDER VIEW OF THE SACRED HEART (continued from last week)


In last week’s Newsletter, we gave an account the speakers at the Novena up until Wednesday.  As promised here is an account of our final two speakers:  On Thursday, Brenda Fitzmaurice made us movingly aware of the promises made to St. Margaret Mary regarding all who have devotion to the Sacred Heart.  It was a beautiful call for all of us to remain close to the Sacred Heart.  Final night, Friday we were delighted to have Bishop Paul from Achonry.  The story he shared touch me deeply.  All too often we are quick to make judgements about those who can and who can’t receive Holy Communion.  I asked him to speak because he wrote me a personal handwritten letter after my appearance on the ‘Confessors’.  It’s a letter I will always cherish forever.  A huge thank you to all of our speakers over the nine days who made our Novena so special.   I will celebrate a Mass for their intentions in the coming weeks.  Details next week as to how to find the talks on social media. 


                                                              TEN SECOND SERMONS


           An old-timer is one who remembers when charity was a virtue and not an organization.


           Health is not valued till sickness comes.


           Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn’t cost anything.








First Holy Communion or Confirmation can create one of two problems.  They can hit the pocket or the conscience.  While the day costs too much money, I’m not as critical of that as I used to be.  The harder the times, the more we need the occasional blow out, the to-hell -with-poverty splash.  Families are under such pressure that First Holy Communion or Confirmation can be as good a safety valve as the next.  The conscience question is more difficult.  It is easily stated, not so easily solved.  It centres around those parents who are not practising their religion.  Some parents don’t bother much with Church because they think that the whole thing is nonsense. Others don’t bother because it is irrelevant to their way of life.  Either way, should they go along with all the preparations up to taking part in the Mass and going to Holy Communion?  Or is it the more honourable thing to refuse to let the child go through with an invitation into something that, later on, the parents won’t support the child in living out?  




Not easy…… It would be easy if the Sacraments were simply social occasions – a kind of Junior Debs Ball or an Irish language course in the Gaeltacht.  Events in a child’s life where a parent can fork out the cost without actually believing in the value of the event, happenings with a life of their own, irrespective of the values of the parents.  If the Sacraments were just that, then there would be no problems with First Holy Communion or Confirmation.  They would be just pleasant markers along the growing years of a child, souvenir days for the photo album.  The Sacraments are more than that.  They are a further invitation into a way of life, a deeper insertion into a community that is trying its best to follow the Christian life.  With each new Sacrament comes the promise that you will get the example and encouragement of the community in living that life.  The first community that you have the right to expect support from is your own family.  That’s the crux.  An increasing number of families either cannot or will not give that support.  That should create a problem for themselves, for the teachers and for the Priest at First Holy Communion time.  I deliberately said ‘should’ because in practise it is a problem that seldom gets faced up to honestly.  We hold First Holy Communion talks for parents and say nice things to them about their children and what the teachers are telling them in school.  All the time we know in our hearts and souls that the room is full of adult questions about faith, about Mass and about the place of Confession in their own lives.  We know that the parents also know that, but on all sides, there is a hesitancy to face facts and use the occasion for a bit of honest adult religious discussion.  




I have been involved in a fair number of talks to parents before First Holy Communion and now I have my doubts about their long-term value, especially in big towns.  In the rural Parish there is still a solid community set-up.  Couples live near parents and grannies have a big influence.  Children are swept along by a culture that hand on faith as naturally as it does the local accent.  The tide flows in the direction of practice.  The Parish agnostic stands out and any irreligious convictions that he has are liable to be put down to the fact that his family were always an odd crowd anyway.  Housing estates are a different kettle of fish.  You get the strong sense of an uprooted people when you face an audience of First Communion parents from these new urban areas – the other Ireland and the new Ireland.  Apart from the constant shock of how young these parents are, there is the fact that they are struggling with so many new experiences.  They are adrift, not just from traditional Church values but from the whole network of relationships in which they grew up in.  It is easy for these young parents to lose sight of the kind of Church that they grew up in and to drift into fulfilling their mother’s worst fears about not going to Mass.  It isn’t badness.  Just that the social tide sweeps their parish sisters and brothers away.  Then comes First Communion – confusion, perhaps guilt.  Then conscience may raise questions about hypocrisy.  Ignore these questions.  Take part in your child’s big day.  The Christian life isn’t like ice skating with its compulsory elements and its merciless scoreboard.  This is not the style of the Jesus who died on the Cross so that you and I might learn about God’s patience, love and forgiveness.   This year the First Holy Communion will be held in Knockanure on Sat 11th September and in Moyvane on Sat 18th September. 




Delighted to gift Dads this Sunday with a special gift at all Masses.  Have an enjoyable and grace filled day.  Dads you do a great job!  Blessings and you to you today and always.  Keep your cards close to your chest with the unique gift you receive!  Today is a very special day for me too, keep me in your prayers.  






Listowel Church News








MASSES THIS WEEK    20th – 27th June     




19th       Billy McElligott, Coolaclarig, Months Mind / Thomas Gavin, Glouria, Lisselton /


Moss & Mary Keane, Clieveragh /


Jimmy Browne, St. Brendan’s Tec. /


Kathleen Halpin, Greenville /


PJ Maher & Dec. Family, Church St.          6.15pm






20th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Eileen O Sullivan, Feale Drive & Woodford & Meen / Timothy Nolan, O’Connell’s Ave. / Jim Cogan, Cherrytree Drive /


Andy Molyneaux, Cahirdown /


Mary Philomena Griffin, Courthouse Rd. /


John & Ann Walsh, O’Connell’s Ave.       11.30am


Mon 21st                             Special Intention Operation        10.30am


Tues 22nd                                           10.30am


Wed 23rd                                                                            Private Intention              10.30am


Thurs 24th                                           Gerard O Connor, Springmount, Duagh,


1st Anniversary                 10.30am


 Fri.  25th                                 10.30am




26th                                       10.30am


                Mike & Paddy O’Sullivan, Coilbee /


Michael (Nicholas) Lynch & Mary Augustine O’Connor, Clieveragh & New York / Kathy O Connell, Grogeen /


Anne McEneaney, Gortacrissane /


Maurice & Mary Stack, Woodbrook, Cahirdown Vigil






27th       People of the Parish       9.00am


                John Joe McElligott, Lartigue View           11.30am






                           RECENT BAPTISMS


 With great joy we welcome: 


 Liam Carr, Odhrán McCarthy, Noah Donegan, Riley O Donnell, Darragh Cusack, Mia Loughnane, Cormac Quille,


Maisie McElligott, Jayden O Connell, Fiadh Napper,


  Millie Mai Delaney, Rosie Burke, Orin Lawrence &


  Ruth O Sullivan into our Christian community.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Teresa Sweeney & Deceased Family Members, O’Connell’s Ave. & Bibby Reidy & Deceased Family Members, O’Connell’s Ave. / James Duggan, Dirha East.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Brendan Walsh  087-7913271


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the  church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.  The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


Due to the pandemic the First Holy Communion & Confirmation ceremonies have had to be postponed until after July 5th So the new dates are as follows:




Thursday, 2nd September


2.00 p.m. Nano Nagle School


4.00p.m. Scoil Realta na Maidne


Friday – September 3rd


2.00 p.m. – Presentation Primary


4.00 p.m. – An Gael Scoil




Thursday, July 15th 10.30 a.m. Presentation Primary School


Friday, 1st October at 1.30 p.m.


1.30 p.m. Nano Nagle School


Saturday – 2nd October 10.30 a.m.


Scoil Realta na Maidne, An Gael Scoil & Killocrim School


MEETING OF LISTOWEL PARISH PPC will take place in the church on Tuesday night next, June 22nd at 7.00 p.m. All members are asked to attend for a short meeting.




The church seats are broken up into 6 sections for cleaning. The rota is in two groups with 6 people in each group. You can either do by yourself or with a friend or family member at a time that suits you. For more info. please contact Martha on 086-6025534.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.


TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS Sunday 27th June at 12.30pm at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee, V92 DX62, by Fr. Martin Hegarty CC.






St. Mary’s Church, Listowel re-opened for public worship on Monday May 10th, 2021.  We are delighted to have you all back. For the safety of all who attending public worship, we ask you to note the following: - Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass.  The church is divided into pods or sections and no more than 50 people are permitted in each pod or section. Each pod or section will have its own communion station for the distribution of Holy Communion. Exit from the church at the end of Mass will be on a   staggered basis.  Please do not congregate on the church grounds after Mass. A team of ushers will be in place at each Mass to guide people to their seats, facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion and organizing the exit from the church at the end of Mass.  Please co-operate with the ushers. A face mask or covering must be worn when attending the church. Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church. There are collection boxes at the rear of the church for the collection of envelopes, offerings, and donations.  Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may come to a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish Radio link.  You can also visit our beautiful church at any time for private prayer.


Funerals & Weddings The maximum number that can attend funerals and weddings is 50 people, regardless of the size of the church.


Mass Schedule: Monday – Saturday 10.30 am


Saturday Vigil 6.15 pm. / Sunday 9.00 am & 11.30 am


First Friday of each month at 7.00 pm.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council.      May 6th, 2021

















MOYVANE Newsletter


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 12th June to Sunday 20th June


Sat 12th                                 7.30pm                Willie Buckley, Church Road (1st Anni)


Sun 13th                              11.00am               Patrick Connolly, Glin (1st Anni)


Sat 19th                                 7.30pm                Parishioners


Sun 20th                              11.00am               Patrick McEnery (Anni) & Mai & Sonny Buckley, Listowel.


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 13th to Sunday 20th June 


Sun 13th                               9.30am                Denis & Anna Flaherty, Lisaniskea (Anni)


Sun 20th                               9.30am                Rubi McMahon, Washington D.C. & Nancy, Jack, Josie & Pádraig McMahon,


                                                                                                                Lisaniskea (Anni) & Jackie McMahon, Lisaniskea (Rec Dec)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Denis O’Mahony  087/6807197.  Emergencies only.   


OFFERTORY BOXES:  Those who are in the Offertory Box system will receive their new Offertory Box in the coming weeks.  Those who are attending Church can receive them from Shane.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shane for ensuring that all the boxes are distributed throughout the Parish.


LOUGH DERG 2021:  Lough Derg regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen Station Island for the Traditional Three Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats.


Lough Derg will again offer the opportunity to “Do Lough Derg from wherever you are” on 3rd – 5th July. 


The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will also be available as the summer goes on. 


Further information from Lough Derg office 0(0353) 71 9861518 or www.loughderg.org.


YOUNG ADULT WORKSHOP:  Reconnection, Minding Your Mind as we leave Lockdown, an online workshop for Young Adults aged 18 to 30 yrs. will be held on Thursday 10th June at 7.30pm via Zoom.  For young adults who wish to join the workshop you can register for the link for Reconnect www.dioceseofkerry.ie    and follow us on Instagram @YouthDoK for more information. 




There is a story about a young man who was asked by his people, who had never heard the Gospel to travel widely and observe keenly, how those who were followers of Jesus lived His teaching.  Anthony was a young man of deep integrity.  He went out of his way to meet as wide a cross-section of people as possible.  He didn’t jump to conclusions or rush to judgement.  When he felt he had seen enough, he headed home.  “Basically”, Anthony reported, “I found five kinds of Christians.  Firstly, I found some who are Christian in name only.  Even though baptised, they have no real commitment to Jesus.  Secondly, I found some who are Christian by habit only.  Even though they are committed to the out-ward observances their faith doesn’t affect the way they live. Thirdly, I found some who are clearly devoted to the Christian faith.  They are engaged in good works, yet seem to possess few, if any of the qualities which made their master so appealing.  Fourthly, I found what you might call practical Christians who have grasped the heart of what Jesus is about.  They are clearly concerned about other people and are not ashamed to be seen as Christians.  Lastly, I met some, not many, whom I would have no hesitation in calling the genuine article.  These are deeply spiritual people.  In meeting them I felt I was meeting Jesus, Himself.”  The task of bringing Jesus to today’s world depends on  of us.  It’s a delightful privilege, but a daunting task.  Like Jesus, we are given the help of the Holy Spirit.  The best way we can preach the Gospel is by living a truly Christian life.  Indeed, the only Gospel some people will ever read is the Gospel of my life.  Coming back to Anthony – which category of Christian are you in?




One of the strongest seeds in the world is the seed of Chinese bamboo tree.  It lies buried in the soil for five years before any seedling or sprouts appear above ground.  Think of it!  Five years!  All during these five years the seed must be cultivated that is, watered and fertilized regularly.  Now comes the big surprise.  When the bamboo seedling finally emerges from the ground, it grows to a height of nine feet in just six weeks.  Why does the seedling take so long to emerge?  Why does it grow so fast once it emerges?  Plant experts say that during its first five years in the soil the bamboo seed is busy building an elaborate root system that enables it to grow nine feet in just six weeks.  Can you reflect please……?  Does our faith have deep roots?  How can we know?  What is our root system that nourishes us spiritually every day?










I f there is one thing that I learned from the Novena is that the Sacred Heart is alive and well and still touching and enriching hearts.  I was blessed in numerous ways during our magic Novena days.   What a blessing, what a joy.  I got so, so much from it.  I certainly hope you did too.  Our speakers (all of them) were inspired and guided in a beautiful way by the Sacred Heart.  Ten speakers, all generous and so close to the Sacred Heart.  I am reminded of a little boy after hearing that God created the world in six days asked his teacher: “What business has God been in since?”  Well our Novena messengers told us so lovingly that the Sacred Heart has been an ever present blessing to all of us.  In sunshine and in clouds. Thady opened the Novena reminding us of the warm


humanity of the Sacred Heart.   Geraldine our first speaker reminded us in such a moving and generous way of the reality of Faith, Hope and Love……..and the greatest is Love.  Her husband John, 49, son Tomás, 14 and Amelia, 6 still motivate her daily to keep their love alive.  I cried and prayed for her – powerful start.  Then our very own Gabriel – honest, uplifting and from the heart – a light that darkness could not overpower.  When he said ‘he was snookered!’  No confession, no Communion, cut off from the Sacred Heart! – that was so sad and painful to hear.   Thank God for the Sacred Heart light, love and forgiveness which Gabriel never gave up on.  Next, John Quinn from the ‘Home of the Oyster’ – Clarinbridge.  The seven seanfhocails all directing us to the Heart of Jesus.  Gems of faith placed before us by an extraordinary wordsmith – still writing, still sharing, still inspiring.  His voice is magic. So sad to hear John tell us about poor Fr. Dineen S.J. late of Rathmore who paid an awful price for his dedication to the Irish language.  Fr. Seán put a lovely reflective presentation on the ‘new normal’ before us on Sunday.  So well-crafted and presented, we were all so proud that he is one of our own – the spontaneous round of applause showed that.  Mairead with the beautiful Sacred Heart statue which her late great mum received on her baptism day has been a treasured presence to this very day in her home and with her loving family.  It has inspired her in her generous work and presence with those who live alone and those heavy with loneliness.  She called on us to invest more in family life allowing the Sacred Heart to inspire us.   Next, Brenda invited us in a lovely way to move from head to heart.  That journey for her has been so, so special in beautiful Knockanure.  In a move to heart, especially the Sacred Heart, life can and will be so much more meaningful.  Next, we had Fr. Tom speaking to us on the occasion of his 37th Anniversary of his Ordination, the Feast of St. Columba.  Lovingly he traced the early days of his Priesthood which brought him to Derry in the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland.  The people helped him – they were people of faith, they were people of heart who trusted the Sacred Heart.  As this Newsletter goes to the housebound and the shops on Thursday, we will keep the identity of the final two speakers a secret and we will tell you about them in next weeks Newsletter. In each of the Novena days we carried all those doing the Leaving Cert in prayer.  We assure them and their families that we will continue to do so until the exams finish.  A special word of thanks to all those who worked in so many ways to make the Novena special.  I will celebrate a Mass for the intentions of all speakers who gave us a wider view of the Sacred Heart.  May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be forever loved.  Amen. 




Robert Stroud spent more than forty years in Alcatraz Prison, and probably saved his sanity by becoming an authority on birds.  He was known as ‘The Bird Man Of Alcatraz’.  A young woman aged 22 once wrote to him. 


She had lost a leg by amputation and had undergone several surgical operations and felt life wasn’t worth living.  When she read the story of Robert Stroud it gave her renewed hope.  In his reply to her, ‘The Bird Man’ wrote: “Neither of us can afford to know the meaning of the word ‘can’t’; I am sending you a Canary who will tell you that over and over.”  He did so and thanks to the bird’s cheerful encouragement the woman rapidly improved in both health and outlook in life.  We were fortunate and richly blessed to have nine days where the Heart of Jesus gave us new heart and encouragement in living life better. 




A priest was paying a few farewell calls before moving to a new Parish.  One elderly parishioner paid him the compliment that his successor would not be as good as he had been.  “Oh nonsense”, replied the Priest, flattered.  “Well”, said the old lady, shaking her head.  “I have lived here under five different Parish Priests and each new one has been worse than the last!”






Listowel Parish News 11 June 2021




                                St. Mary’s Church is


                                   fitted with a loop


                                system. Please adjust


                                   your hearing aid. 




MASSES THIS WEEK    13th – 20th June     




12th       Anita Browne, William St. 1st Anniversary


Hannah & Sam Tarrant, Craughatoosane


Eileen Hannon, The Square         6.15pm






13th                       Special Intention              9.00am


                Bobby McElligott, Duagh Village /


William & Margaret Guiney, Coolaclarig /


Mary & Jim McElligott, Woodford /


Sean & Eilis O Sullivan, William St. &


Hannie Barrett  11.30am


Mon 14th                            Esther McAuliffe, Church St.       10.30am


Tues 15th                            William (Billy) Galvin, Greenville                10.30am


Wed 16th                                                                            Con & Rose Lynch, Moyvane /


Kit McElligott, Ballylongford &


Kay Harnett, Church St. Listowel               10.30am


Thurs 17th                                                           10.30am


 Fri. 18th               Margaret Brosnan, Coolagown, Bir. Rem.                 10.30am




19th                       Fr. William Prenderville, Castleisland       10.30am


                Billy McElligott, Coolaclarig, Months Mind / Thomas Gavin, Glouria, Lisselton /


Moss & Mary Keane, Clieveragh /


Jimmy Browne, St. Brendan’s Tec.           Vigil






20th       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Eileen O Sullivan, Feale Drive & Woodford & Meen /


Timothy Nolan, O’Connell’s Ave. /


Jim Cogan, Cherrytree Drive /


Andy Molyneaux, Cahirdown     11.30am






ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Kathleen O Connor, O’Connell’s Ave. / Sean Browne, Ennismore /




The church seats are broken up into 6 sections for cleaning. The rota is in two groups with 6 people in each group. You can either do by your self or with a friend or family member at a time that suits you. For more information please contact Martha on 087-086-6025534.




THE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Denis O ’Mahony, 087-6807179(emergencies only).


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the  church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one. 


The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.




St. Mary’s Church, Listowel re-opened for public worship on Monday May 10th, 2021.  We are delighted to have you all back. For the safety of all who attending public worship, we ask you to note the following: -


Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass.  The church is divided into pods or sections and no more than 50 people are permitted in each pod or section. Each pod or section will have its own communion station for the distribution of Holy Communion. Exit from the church at the end of Mass will be on a   staggered basis.  Please do not congregate on the church grounds after Mass. A team of ushers will be in place at each Mass to guide people to their seats, facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion and organizing the exit from the church at the end of Mass.  Please co-operate with the ushers. A face mask or covering must be worn when attending the church. Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church. There are collection boxes at the rear of the church for the collection of envelopes, offerings, and donations.  Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may come to a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish Radio link.  You can also visit our beautiful church at any time for private prayer.


Funerals & Weddings The maximum number that can attend funerals and weddings is 50 people, regardless of the size of the church.


Mass Schedule: Monday – Saturday 10.30 am


Saturday Vigil  6.15 pm. / Sunday 9.00 am & 11.30 am


First Friday of each month at 7.00 pm.


Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council.      May 6th, 2021




ALONE is a national organisation that offer services that support older people to age safely and securely at home.


One of our services, among others, is a volunteer befriending service in which we organise a volunteer to call to the older person once a week for a cup of tea and a chat.


ALONE welcomes referrals for people aged 60 years and over who may benefit from using our service. Our National network of fully trained staff are ready to work with older people across the County: www.alone.ie  Marie Fitzgerald


Services Coordinator, Co. Kerry, Tel: 0818 222 024




Just a Thought


Don’t ever forget,


even for a day how special you are!






Moyvane Newsletter 5 June 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Office Closed on Mon 7th  moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 5th June to Sunday 13th June


Sat 5th                                   3.00pm                Peter McGrath, Ahalahana (Anni) & his son John (Months Mind) -note time.


                                                                 7.30pm                John Kearney, The Village (Anni) & his parents Dan & Bridie - Novena


Sun 6th                                 11.00am               James O’Brien, Glin (Anni) - Novena


Mon 7th                               11.00am               Hughie Fitzmaurice, Leitrim Middle (Anni) – note time.


                                                                 7.30pm                Special Intention for all Novena Participants - Novena


Tues 8th                                7.30pm                Nora & Jack Walsh, Leitrim East (Anni) & Michael Mulvihill - Novena


Wed 9th                                7.30pm                Pat O’Carroll, London & Gortdromagouna (Months Mind) - Novena




Thurs 10                7.30pm                Seán Begley, Killeedy (Anni) - Novena


Fri 11th                                  7.30pm                Feast of the Sacred Heart – Special Intention - Novena


                                                                 9.00pm                Nora Fitzgerald, Lenamore (Months Mind) – note time


Sat 12th                                 7.30pm                Willie Buckley, Church Road (1st Anni)


Sun 13th                              11.00am               Patrick Connolly, Glin (1st Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 6th to Sunday 13th June 


Sun 6th                                  9.30am                Michael Flaherty, Glenalappa (Anni)


Sun 13th                               9.30am                Denis & Anna Flaherty, Lisaniskea (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Yours truly  089/4044816. Emergencies only.   


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To the family and relatives of Imelda Sheehan, Ashgrove House, Kildare & l/o Kilbaha whose funeral took place last Saturday in Moyvane and burial afterwards in Ahavoher Cemetery.  To Marina


Scanlon, Listowel Road on the death of her brother Tom Nolan, Shanagolden whose funeral took place last Thursday.  To Cal & Catherine O’Flynn, Ahalahana on the sudden death of Cal’s brother John, Fethard, Co. Tipperary whose funeral took place last Saturday.  To Tom & Nora Hogan, Temple, Athea on the death of Nora’s brother Denis Mullane whose funeral took place in Scotland.  May Imelda, Tom, John and Denis rest in peace. 




NIARON LTD:  Works will continue at Joint Bay 19 approx 1km North of Moyvane Village and Joint Bay 15, 250m south of the Moyvane river, for the week commencing June 6th. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and continue to thank you for your patience.


COUPLE & RELATIONSHIPS COUNSELLING: IN-PERSON and ONLINE.  We work to resolve difficulties that arise in marriages and relationships. We work with couples and individuals.  Contact us at:  ACCORD Killarney. Tel: 0646633612 or email: accordkillarney@gmail.com


LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE SUMMER CAMP: A new and exciting summer childcare initiative which is aimed at children of primary school going age. The programme runs throughout July (Monday July 5th Thursday July 29th from 10.30am-1pm daily).  Costs €15 per day or €50 for four days.  Details 068/23584. 


                                                                                                                                LEAVING CERT STUDENTS


We wish to assure all Leaving Cert students that they will be remembered in the nine days of our Sacred Heart Novena.  Our prayer is that God’s Holy Spirit will bless, direct and keep them calm and safe as they begin their exams.  We are so proud of how they have handled their education challenge during lockdown.                                      A SIN IS A SIN!


The great Anthony Mastroem wrote the following provocative comment:


No one steals anymore…..they simply lift something. 


No one lies anymore…….they simply misrepresent the facts.


No one commits adultery…..they simply play or fool around.


No one kills an unborn baby…….they simply terminate a pregnancy.


All of this, says Mastroem, is simply a clever, if dishonest way of candy-coating the reality of sin.  If God wanted a permissive society, He would have given us TEN SUGGESTIONS, instead of TEN COMMANDMENTS.   During these Novena days I will be available in the Church of the Assumption daily 12noon to 1pm and from 3pm to 4pm for Confessions.  


SACRED HEART NOVENA:  continues each day, see Mass times above. Different speakers each evening. 


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved. Amen.  Available on Assumption Radio 99.9fm.                 






                          THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST


This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.  It is a unique opportunity for each of us to reflect on how we approach the Lord when we come to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.  And does it make a difference in our life that we receive Holy Communion on a regular basis?  The following is a wonderful example of one man who valued Holy Communion.  After many years of distinguished service to one of our great


Irish Hospitals a surgeon was retiring, and a special gathering was held to mark the event.  As part of the tribute to him a plaque was unveiled bearing in relief a replica of his hand.  Many speeches were made praising the surgeon’s skill, and then it came to his turn to say a few words.  He noted how many references had been made in the tributes to ‘the skill of the surgeon’s hand’, but he pointed out that the hand itself was controlled by the mind and then he added this: “But behind the dexterity of the hand and the alertness of the mind there has to be a gentle touch that comes from the heart, a real compassion for one’s patients.  Each and every day I felt my heart and life was touched and blessed by the beautiful gift of Holy Communion”.  


Hand, head and heart – and for each of us, as well as the surgeon’s, the greatest of these is heart.  And when the heart is moved and touched by Holy Communion we are living life as God intended.  




On the night before Jesus died, as He shared Himself under the form of bread and wine with His disciples, Jesus said to them “Do This In Memory Of Me”.  Everybody loves to be remembered.  To be forgotten is to be treated as if we never existed.  If we want to be remembered, we have a duty also to remember.  But there is an art in remembering.  Memory is a powerful thing.  Wrongly used, it can bring death rather than life.  The art of remembering consists in remembering what will help and forgetting what will hinder.  Past failures remembered will warn us against repeating them.  Past victories remembered will spur us onto even greater ones.  Memory keeps the past alive.  It is a form of immortality.  Those we remember never die.  They continue to walk and talk with us.  Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven. 


                                                                 WHO’S FAULT?


A man came to work each day with his lunch-box under his arm.  At lunch time daily, he went through the exact same ritual.  He opened the box, unwrapped the sandwiches, took out one sandwich, separated the slices of bread and exclaimed “Ah no! not cheese again!”  This went on everyday, until eventually his workmates could take no more.  One man turned to him and said, “Look, dummy, why don’t you ask your wife to put something else in the sandwiches?”  “What wife? I’m not married”, replied the man.  “Then who makes the sandwiches?”  he was asked.  “I do”, was the reply!  It is a principle in computer studies that the computer can only work with the information I feed into it.  Feed it junk, you’ll get back junk!  It’s the very same with our bodies.  It’s a sign of personal maturity to take responsibility for one’s life and for the way it is. 




The hospitality of God is at the heart of the Eucharist.  There is a place for each one of us at the Lord’s Table.  There are people who come to Mass who will only experience God’s hospitality if they experience ours.  People need to feel the welcome of those who are sitting beside them.  It is really wonderful to experience the hospitality of God.  It is to discover what God is like.  That we are wanted and welcome, helps us to discover what we ourselves are like.  Are we carriers of God’s hospitality?




There was once a famous British actress who was known as Mrs. Kendal.  She appears as a character in the striking movie, ‘The Elephant Man’, the story of a man who was, you might recall, grotesquely and horribly disfigured with the skin colour of an elephant.  There was a particular incident in the movie I recall very well.  The famous actress went to see the elephant man, as he was called, and she held out her hand to take his hand.  And he extended the less deformed of his two hands.  Mrs. Kendal stood there; this great actress stood there and looked him straight in the eye and she shook her head, indicating that was not sufficient.  The elephant man waited a long time.  Finally, out from under his coat he brought his more horribly deformed hand.  Mrs. Kendal took his hand in hers and she smiled.  The elephant man said that this was the first time in his life that a woman had held his hand.  This made me think – don’t we do this to Jesus?  We offer our more seemly self, but Jesus will have none of that.  Jesus wants our most hidden, undesirable selves.  These Novena days gives all of us an ideal opportunity to do just that.  






Listowel Parish News 5 June 2021




                                St. Mary’s Church is


                                   fitted with a loop


                                system. Please adjust


                                   your hearing aid. 




MASSES THIS WEEK    6th   13th June      




5th         Mass For Our Students Doing Leaving Cert


Mary Enright, Ballygologue Pk. Months Mind /


Elizabeth & Maurice O’Sullivan /


Michael Keane, Colbert St. /


Dick & Marie Kiely, Church St. /


Pat Hartnett, Coolagown /


John O Sullivan, Banamore /


Peter & Eileen McGrath, Convent St. /


Jack & Mary Jo Corridan, Ballinruddery   6.15pm






6th                         People of the Parish       9.00am


                Joe Flavin, Cork & Knockane, Months Mind / John Halpin, Shrone East /


Anne Dillon, Church Street /


Thomas & Eileen Healy, Clountubrid        11.30am


Mon 7th              John & Baby Jack Lynch, The Square        10.30am


Tues 8th              Mary Frances Browne & Lil Mai Sullivan,


Upper William St.             10.30am


Wed 9th                                                              Carmel Stokes, Billerough, 1st Anniversary           10.30am


Thurs 10th                                                           10.30am


 Fri. 11th               Tom, Nora Mary Bernadette & John Scannell & Michael & Patrick O Sullivan, Skehenerin & Coilbee                    10.30am




12th                       People of the Parish       10.30am


                Anita Browne, William St. 1st Anniversary


Hannah & Sam Tarrant, Craughatoosane               Vigil






13th       Special Intention              9.00am


                Bobby McElligott, Duagh Village /


William & Margaret Guiney, Coolaclarig /


Mary & Jim McElligott, Woodford             11.30am








             Martin Lyons, Dromerin, late of Lower Derry.


             Breda (Birdie) O’Farrell, 5 & 101 Church Street.


             Jeremiah Dowling, Woodford Lodge.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Denis (Sonny) Galvin, Clounmacon / John Halpin, Shrone East / Jane Bunyan, Coolkeragh. 




FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI as there will be no procession again this year for Corpus Christi. To mark the occasion the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed this Sunday 6th June straight after 11.30am. mass at the main altar for one hour. 


THE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. McNamara 0894044816.  (emergencies only).


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the  church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.


The Parish Office now has a credit card machine.


SACRED HEART NOVENA 2021 continues to Friday next 11th June (Feast of the Sacred Heart)


ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Wednesdays 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. Please do join us.  If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.


Reconnection, Minding your Mind as we Leave Lockdown


An online workshop for Young Adults aged 18 to 30 yrs. will be held on Thursday 10th June at 7.30pm via Zoom. This event will be hosted by the Diocese of Kerry “YouthDoK” Young Adult Group, you can register for the workshop at www.dioceseofkerry.ie and follow us on Instagram @youthdok The workshop will see clinical psychologist Dr Keith Gaynor join us to offer some insights and advice regarding how to best take care of ourselves as we emerge from the isolation of lockdown, and how to reconnect with society in a healthy and positive way. It will also offer an opportunity to gain some insights and advice, while connecting with other young people in the diocese.


COUPLE & RELATIONSHIPS COUNSELLING. IN-PERSON and ONLINE We work to resolve difficulties that arise in marriages and relationships. We work with couples and individuals. Contact us at:  ACCORD Killarney. Tel: 0646633612 or email: accordkillarney@gmail.com






St. Mary’s Church, Listowel re-opened for public worship on Monday May 10th, 2021.  We are delighted to have you all back. For the safety of all who attending public worship, we ask you to note the following: -


Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass.  The church is divided into pods or sections and no more than 50 people are permitted in each pod or section. Each pod or section will have its own communion station for the distribution of Holy Communion. Exit from the church at the end of Mass will be on a   staggered basis.  Please do not congregate on the church grounds after Mass. A team of ushers will be in place at each Mass to guide people to their seats, facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion and organizing the exit from the church at the end of Mass.  Please co-operate with the ushers. A face mask or covering must be worn when attending the church. Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church. There are collection boxes at the rear of the church for the collection of envelopes, offerings, and donations.  Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may come to a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish Radio link.  You can also visit our beautiful church at any time for private prayer.




Funerals & Weddings The maximum number that can attend funerals and weddings is 50 people, regardless of the size of the church.


Mass Schedule: Monday – Saturday 10.30 am


Saturday Vigil  6.15 pm. / Sunday 9.00 am & 11.30 am


First Friday of each month at 7.00 pm.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council.      May 6th, 2021








Moyvane Newsletter


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.   moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 29th May to Sunday 6th June


Sat 29th                       7.30pm          Mícheál Mulvihill, Gortdromosillihy (Anni)


Sun 30th              11.00am               James Duggan, Murhur (Anni)


Mon 31st              7.30pm                Con J. Mulvihill & his wife Catherine & their son Con (Anni), Glin Road


Tues 1st                                7.30pm                Kitty & Stephen Brassil, Aughrim (Anni) & Jimmy Mulvihill, Glenalappa 


Wed 2nd                               7.30pm                Nora Moloney, Drommurhur (Anni), her husband Denis & their son Michael


Thurs 3rd              7.30pm                START OF SACRED HEART NOVENA


                                                                                                                Bríd Brouder, Kilbaha (Anni) & Peg & Tom Brouder


Fri 4th                    7.30pm                Kathleen Dore, Woodgrove (Anni)


Sat 5th                                   3.00pm                Peter McGrath, Ahalahana (Anni) & his son John (Months Mind) -note time.


                                                                 7.30pm                John Kearney, The Village (Anni) & his parents Dan & Bridie


Sun 6th                                 11.00am               James O’Brien, Glin (Anni) 


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 30th to Sunday 6th June 


Sun 30th               9.30am                Willie Pearse, Woodgrove (1st Anni)


Sun 6th                                  9.30am                Michael Flaherty, Glenalappa (Anni)


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Sr. Columbanus and Sr. Attracta and the wider Presentation Sisters family on the death of Sr. Rupert (Corkery) whose funeral took place in Killarney last week.  The late Sr. Rupert was very prominent with the Cathedral Choir and for her music Ministry in St. Brigid’s School and in the Parish of Killarney. 


May she reap the rewards of her faithful service as a Presentation Sister.  May Sr. Rupert rest in peace. 




This weekend we celebrate the greatest mystery of our faith.  We would not know anything about it if God had not revealed it to us.  The mystery is this:  that God is Father, Son and Spirit.  It is not so much something to talk about (for words are totally inadequate), as something to celebrate pray and live.  Lord Jesus, You reveal to us the mystery of the Father and His great personal love for each of us.  You reveal to us the mystery of Your own Divine Sonship and You share your Divine inheritance with each and everyone of us.  You reveal to us the beautiful mystery of the Holy Spirit who binds us together as sisters and brothers.  Pray joyfully, Glory be to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. 




From the 3rd to 11th of June we will celebrate a Novena to the Sacred Heart.  Speakers from around the Country and from the Parish will be relayed on a big screen as they share with us each evening, images/ideas/challenges.  It promises to be different and enriching. 


Many years ago widow Murphy visited me on day three of the Sacred Heart Novena in the Western Road, Cork.  She told me she had two sons, one a gardener and the other a potter.  The gardener had asked her to pray for rain to water his plants while the potter had asked her to pray for sunshine to dry his pots.  “What should I do, Fr. Kevin?” she pleaded.  “You will do best to leave it in the hands of the Sacred Heart”, I replied.  


Our Novena will be great as we leave all things in the hands of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.   Please come and allow the touch of Jesus to bless, enrich and guide you to new beginnings.  


Novena leaflets with Novena prayer are available in both Churches today.  Daily at 7.30pm Monday to Saturday. 


On Sunday at 11am be surprised, be energised – Sacred Heart Novena, 2021, Moyvane.  All welcome.   Lots of surprises.  May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.  


                                             PRAYER BEFORE EXAMINATIONS


Loving God, help me during my examinations to remember the things which I have learned and studied.  


Help me to remember well and to think clearly.


Help me not to be so nervous or excited that I will do myself an injustice.  


Keep me calm and clear headed.  Help me to try my hardest and to do my best.  Blessing and warm good wishes on all doing Exams at this time.








When it comes to a Novena, we all have various requests and intentions that we bring.  Maybe the following reflection might just make us reflect a little more to be aware of what we ask for in prayer.  


                I asked Jesus to take away my pride and Jesus said no.


                He said it was not for Him to take away but for me to give up.


                I asked Jesus to make my handicapped child whole and He said no.


                He said her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary.


                I asked Jesus to grant me patience and Jesus said no.


                He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation.


                It isn’t granted – it is earned. 


                I asked Jesus to give me happiness and Jesus said no.


                He said He gives blessings - happiness is up to me.


                I asked Jesus to spare me pain, and Jesus said no.


                He said suffering draws you apart from worldly care and brings you closer to Him.            I asked Jesus to make my spirit grow and He said no.


                He said I must grow on my own, but I will be in Heaven someday because I believe.


                I asked Jesus to help me love others as much as He loves me. 


                Jesus smiled and said “Ah, at last you have finally got the idea”.


May our Sacred Heart Novena be a great blessing to our Parish and to all of us. 




I came across this blessing and would like to share it with you on this Trinity Sunday.  There are beautiful sentiments in it.  I hope you like it. I feel they are very appropriate to the times we are in. 


“Hold onto what is good, even if it is a handful of earth.  Hold onto what you believe in even if it is a tree that stands by itself.  Hold onto what you must do, even if it is a long way from here.  Hold onto life, even when it is easier letting go.  Hold onto my hand, even when I have gone away from you.  Please, please hold on in these very difficult times. Hold on – please”.  




As we continue to journey to new beginnings after the awful lockdown, it is so important to put the spotlight on the good and positive rather than just the negative.  With the arrival of our Sacred Heart Novena, we are given the opportunity to celebrate the great and good within.  If every experience of life touches us in some way, we need to appreciate that this can either uplift us or do the opposite.  There is a lovely saying -




We tend to forget that there is a lot of love being sown, nurtured and shared.  The effects are unique and make the difference.  Can you feel the difference as we move further out of lockdown?  




GIVE and TAKE shared a house together.  One day they set out on a long journey.  GIVE strolled along enjoying the walk, but TAKE was pushing a barrow full of so many of his possessions that he could not keep up.  His clothes too were weighted down by all the things in his pockets.  GIVE reached their destination, still as fresh as when they started.  TAKE was so busy going back to pick up items he had dropped that he never got there. 


They say he was struggling along still racked with worries and terrified of losing all his belongings.




“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty”. That’s what Mother Teresa said thirty years ago.  It’s still true today.  After fourteen months of lockdown, fear, sickness, death with no opportunity to grieve and in many cases real poverty; the fallout from this pandemic is just beginning.  Society, Government and Churches need to recognise that fact of life and be prepared to plan to help us through it.  Coping with life has to be treated in a holistic way.  We are more than mere bodies; we are a complex mix of physical, emotional and spiritual elements.  We need to be able to name the illness before we can accept there is help available to start us on the road to recovery. Sacred Heart be with us on our recovery journeys.  




           Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.


           Love so that the Priest at your funeral can tell the truth.


           The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.




Listowel Church Newsletter




                                St. Mary’s Church is


                                   fitted with a loop


                                system. Please adjust


                                   your hearing aid. 






MASSES THIS WEEK    30th   7th June     




29th       Michael O Hanlon, Ballybunion Rd. & Michael O Connor, Killarney /


Brian Cusack, Convent View /


Tim & Patrick Lane, Coolnaleen /


Robert Toomey, Ballyheigue /


Mary Gore, Charles St.  6.15pm






30th                       People of the Parish       9.00am


                Anna Grimes, Kenny Heights /


Teresa Stack, Ballinruddery /      11.30am


Mon 1st               Mamie & Jack O Connor & Angela Caslin /


Jerry Kiernan, Birthday Remembrance /


Mickey Enright, Ennismore, Listowel & England  10.30am


Tues 2nd                              10.30am


Wed 3rd                                                                               10.30am


Thurs 4th                                             Jack & Judy Larkin, Rathea & Dublin         10.30am


 Fri. 5th                 Mary Kenny Church Street             10.30am


                St. Padre Pio & 1st Friday evening Mass


 intentions ring Fr. Martin 087-2589682   6.45pm




6th         Jack & Mamie O’Connor & Angela Caslin /


Michael Canavan, O’Connell’s Ave.          10.30am


                Mary Enright, Ballygologue Pk. Months Mind /


Elizabeth & Maurice O’Sullivan /


Michael Keane, Colbert St. /


Dick & Maire Kiely, Church St. /


Pat Hartnett, Coolagown /


John O Sullivan, Banamore / Exam Mass                Vigil






7th         People of the Parish       9.00am


                Joe Flavin, Cork & Knockane, Months Mind         11.30am






THE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm. 


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. McNamara 0894044816.  (emergencies only).


ADORATION will take place on Wednesdays onwards 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration.


SACRED HEART NOVENA 2021 4th  to 11th June. Novena prayers will be at the back of the Church Wed. 3rd.


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the  church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.


The parish office now has a credit card machine.


O’CONNELLS GROTTO Rosary will take place this Sunday 30th May at 6pm. social distancing in place. A special thank you to all who help renovated the Grotto.


FINUGE GROTTO Rosary will be recited at Finuge Grotto every Tuesday evening 8pm during the month of May.


THE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS will be offered at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee on Sun. 30 May at 12.30pm. More info from LatinMassTralee@gmail.com




St. Mary’s Church, Listowel re-opened for public worship on Monday May 10th, 2021.  We are delighted to have you all back. For the safety of all who attending public worship, we ask you to note the following: -


Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass.  The church is divided into pods or sections and no more than 50 people are permitted in each pod or section.


             Each pod or section will have its own communion station for the distribution of Holy Communion.


             Exit from the church at the end of Mass will be on a   staggered basis.  Please do not congregate on the church grounds after Mass. A team of ushers will be in place at each Mass to guide people to their seats, facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion and organizing the exit from the church at the end of Mass.  Please co-operate with the ushers. A face mask or covering must be worn when attending the church. Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church.


             There are collection boxes at the rear of the church for the collection of envelopes, offerings, and donations.  Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated.


The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may come to a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish Radio link.  You can also visit our beautiful church at any time for private prayer.


Funerals & Weddings The maximum number that can attend funerals and weddings is 50 people, regardless of the size of the church.


Mass Schedule: Monday – Saturday 10.30 am


Saturday Vigil              6.15 pm  


Sunday                          9.00 am & 11.30 am


First Friday of each month there is an additional Mass at 7.00 pm.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council.      May 6th, 2021




GET A VACCINE, GIVE A VACCINE If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19 you can give a vaccine to someone in need by supporting UNICEF in the biggest vaccine procurement and distribution in history.   Find out more. Nobody is safe until everyone is safe and no child is safe until everyone they rely on is safe.   Visit www.unicef.ie or call (01) 878 3000










We wish Listowel Writers Week every blessing as it celebrates it 50th Festival beginning this week virtually: 2nd to 6th June. View their web site to view al events and download this year’s programme. Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday night next, 2nd June at 8.00 p.m. Best of luck.










Moyvane Newsletter


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards available in the Parish Office and Holly’s. 

Office: Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Fri 10am – 1pm. Wed Closed. moyvane@dioceseofkerry.ie 

Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 22nd to Sunday 30th May- Radio 

Sat 22nd                7.30pm                Angela Kearney, The Village (Months Mind)

Sun 23rd              11.00am               Bridie Cambell, Aughrim & UK (Anni)

Mon 24th             7.30pm                Tom Molyneaux, Meen, Listowel (Anni) & his parents Nora & Patrick

Tues 25th         7.30pm    Bibi Dillon, Barragougeen (1st Anni)

Wed 26th         7.30pm    Mike Joe Cronin, Mail Road Cross (1st Anni)

Thurs 27th            7.30pm                Michael Queally, Ballincollig (Anni)

Fri 28th                                  7.30pm                Pat Joe McEnery, Tubbertoureen (1st Anni)

Sat 29th                       7.30pm          Mícheál Mulvihill, Gortdromosillihy (Anni)

Sun 30th              11.00am               James Duggan, Murhur (Anni)

Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 23rd to Sunday 30th May – Tannoy

Sun 23rd    9.30am Mary O’Carroll, Knockanure at the request of Knockanure Community Centre

                                                                                                                & Tidy Towns.

Sun 30th               9.30am                Willie Pearse, Woodgrove (1st Anni)

PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Canon Declan O’Connor  087/0908949. Emergencies only.   

ROSARY:  I will pray the Rosary this Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm on the Radio 99.9fm.  The Church will be open if anyone would like to come and pray it with me.  

PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To the McElligott family, Coolaclarig, Listowel on the untimely death of their brother Billy.  Billy would have been known to many people throughout the parish with his personal delivery of fruit & vegetables.  We have great memories of Billy providing strawberries to us after our successful Michael English Concert.  Billy’s funeral took place last Tuesday in Listowel.  To Dermot Gallagher, Askeaton and the Hennessy family, Glencar on the death of his loving sister Ella Hennessy whose funeral took place during the week.  

May Billy and Ella rest in peace. 

OFFERTORY COLLECTION:  Now that both our Churches are open, just a gentle reminder that there is no offertory collection at Masses during the week.  The basket collection will take place at weekend Masses.  If you so wish you can drop your offertory envelopes into the post box at the Presbytery door.  Many thanks for your continual support. 

SACRED HEART NOVENA:  From the 3rd to 11thJune we will celebrate a very special Sacred Heart Novena.  Full details in next week’s Newsletter. 


NIARON LTD: Works at the joint bay south of Moyvane River will continue until May 21st. We Apologize for any inconvenience caused and continue to thank you for your patience.


In the fields patches of green are appearing, new patches on an old garment.

But, given time, Spring will weave a completely new garment.  

Yet Spring is only a facilitator.

It doesn’t make anything happen.

It merely creates the climate in which things can grow.

We too need to grow, to grow as human beings and children of God.

But growth is slow and painful.

We do not easily let go of the old garment,  woven out of old habits and attitudes. 

But we have been given a wonderful Facilitator, namely, the Holy Spirit. The Spirit awakens us to the mysterious power within us, bids us live and helps us grow. 

Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us.                 




                LAPSED CATHOLICS

Lapsed Catholics probably form the biggest religious group in very many parishes across Ireland.  That isn’t as silly and contradictory a statement as it might first appear.  Few lapsed Catholics become out-and-out atheists but some do. The ‘Catholic thing’ in them snaps and there is a hole where once there was faith.  Others join a cult that may or may not be hostile to the Catholic Church.  But the majority of lapsed Catholics maintain your classical love-hate relationship with the Church.  They may not go to Mass, but they’ll have Masses said for others.  They may be fiercely critical of Priests in general, but they’ll have their own private few Priests that they have met who are ‘sound men’.  The lapsed will profess that they couldn’t care less about the whole business.  Yet, they’ll talk more religion than the Pope!  If

I may make a wild generalisation, I’d say that most lapsed Catholics have left because at a crucial moment in their lives they felt that the Church didn’t care for them personally.  It might be a moment in confession years ago when they brought a sexual sin for absolution and the Priest ‘ate the face’ of them.  At least, that’s the way they remember it and ever since those few harsh words add up to a Church that doesn’t care.  A Priest is distant and uninvolved at the funeral of a parent and immediately allegiance to the Church slips a good number of notches.  I can still remember the shock and confusion in my young head when the Priest celebrating a funeral of someone I really loved, whispered to the Priest beside him: “What’s his name again?”.  I was shocked and saddened.  No harm was meant, I’m sure, but it felt like a slap of a wet rag across my face at the time.  I smelt professionalism and glimpsed a Church that didn’t care. 


Marriage must be the single biggest cause for people lapsing.  It is the time when people are most sensitive, most vulnerable to the kind or cold touch of the Church.  A messy marriage and the Priest who doesn’t want to get involved; the painful annulment over years and ending in bitterness; the irregular marriage that puts a couple in limbo and the Church in a no-win situation.  Add to that what looks like cold unsympathetic, celibate teaching on birth control, and you have a recipe for confusion, lukewarm practise and eventual lapsing.  It can so easily add up to a Church that doesn’t seem to care.  And yet one of the glories of the thing called faith is that it survives the most amazing battering.  I know that the books tell us that it is a gift that we can lose but, in my experience it is a rugged plant with deep roots.  It can be flourishing away under the most unlikely surface. 


The longer you live, the more you realise that faith is a complicated business.  You see that living the Christian life is a haphazard up-and-down journey.  The signposts get faded with the passage of years.  You reach a point where you are no longer impressed by those who practise and unimpressed by those who don’t.  For the simple reason that no one can ever know what is under the surface.   I really believe that our Church DOES care.  I believe that there is a genuine regret for the times when the individual Priest, Bishop or Church law has messed up a person and made them feel unloved by God.  We are a human Church with our share of warts, I agree, but we are also a Church where sorrow for wrong doing has always been a respected virtue. Meanwhile, the lapsed carry on an alternative Church.  They pray in their own way, visit the parents’ grave, prepare the children for First Holy Communion as best they can and hope that behind it all there is a loving God who understands.  By and large, they are not hostile, simply confused and more than a little hurt.  I’ve deliberately used the word ‘LAPSED’.  Others might be happier with ‘alienated’ or ‘inactive’.  I’m not, because these are imports that don’t carry the rich meaning that the word ‘LAPSED’ has in the Irish context.  Need I say that both Church life and the lapsed themselves are poorer in the present situation?  No family is happy when some of its children are out there somewhere in the night, refusing to come home.  Neither I suspect, are the children.

               A BRIGHT SPARK!

A teacher received an essay on Benjamin Franklin from an eight-year-old boy in her class and it went as follows: “Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, but he did not like it there!  He got on a boat and went to Philadelphia. He got off the boat.  He walked up the street and bought a loaf of bread. Then he met a lady and he discovered electricity”


           It is magnificent to grow old if one keeps young.

           What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.




Listowel Newsletter




23rd May 2021

Pentecost Sunday

Parish Priest: Declan Canon O Connor VF. Parish Office (Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm)  068-21188. After hours emergency no. 0870908949.Email: listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays.  Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and  no funeral on Sundays.   Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office.  Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass.  Check out our Parish Web Page at www.listowelparish.com and all Diocesan news on: www.dioceseofkerry.ie  and a live stream of all liturgies on  www.mcnmedia.tv







MASSES THIS WEEK    23rd  30th  May     




Dan Hayes & Dec. Family, Bridge Road /

Eileen, Eugene & John Paul McCarthy, Bunagara /

Kathleen, Eddie, Mossie & Mary Anne Hartnett, Gortnaminch /

John senior, Lil, John junior &

 Tom Carmody /

Jane & Paddy Barry, Dirha Cottages & Eileen Hallahan nee Barry, 1st Anniversary & Deceased Family Members /

Mary O Callaghan, Doneraile, Cork & Clieveragh Pk.





John McGrath, Coolaclarig


Alf Neville, Bedford /

 Nora Fitzmaurice, Knockane /

John M. O’Connor, Market St. & Clieveragh Pk.

 / Bridie O Riordan, Gortacrissane /

Betty Quille, Church St. /

John Moran, Billerough


Mon 24th          

Dan Browne, Church St.


Tues 25th           

Kathy & Bob Stack, Moyvane /

Maureen & Toddy O Sullivan


Wed 26th                                                          

Successful Operation


Thurs 27th                                    

Mary O Driscoll, Cork & Margaret Lynchehaun, Athlone 1st Ann.


 Fri. 28th





Sharon Greaney, Woodford


Michael O Hanlon, Ballybunion Rd. & Michael O Connor, Killarney /

Brian Cusack, Convent View /

Tim & Patrick Lane, Coolnaleen /

Robert Toomey, Ballyheigue /

Mary Gore, Charles St.





People of the Parish


Anna Grimes, Kenny Heights /

Teresa Stack, Ballinruddery /

Writers Week Mass





RECENT DEATHS Billy McElligott, Coolaclarig.






ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Bridie O Riordan, Gortacrissane / Bill Kearney, Clieveragh Park / Martin and Margaret Nash, Ballinruddery.


THE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm. 


WEEKLY CHURCH OFFERINGS: We thank you for dropping your Weekly offerings into the Box at the back of the  church.  We very much appreciate your offering. You may also pay by cheque payable to Listowel Church. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.


The parish office now has a credit card machine.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan 0870908949.  (emergencies only).


ADORATION will take place on Wednesdays onwards 11am to 1pm. in front of main altar. If a funeral takes place on a Wednesday there will be no Adoration. 


FINUGE GROTTO Rosary will be recited at Finuge Grotto every Tuesday evening 8pm during the month of May.




St. Mary’s Church, Listowel re-opened for public worship on Monday May 10th, 2021.  We are delighted to have you all back. For the safety of all who attending public worship, we ask you to note the following: -


·         Due to the size of our church, which allows for a capacity greater than 50 people, we can accommodate an increase in the numbers permitted to attend Mass.  The church is divided into pods or sections and no more than 50 people are permitted in each pod or section.


·         Each pod or section will have its own communion station for the distribution of Holy Communion.


·         Exit from the church at the end of Mass will be on a staggered basis.  Please do not congregate on the church grounds after Mass. A team of ushers will be in place at each Mass to guide people to their seats, facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion and organizing the exit from the church at the end of Mass.  Please co-operate with the ushers. A face mask or covering must be worn when attending the church. Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the church.


·         There are collection boxes at the rear of the church for the collection of envelopes, offerings, and donations.  Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated.


The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be suspended and a person may come to a weekday Mass instead of attending Mass on Sunday.  For people who may be nervous about returning to Mass or who may be unable to attend Mass for whatever reason, you can participate in the Mass online at www.listowelparish.com or through the Parish Radio link.  You can also visit our beautiful church at any time for private prayer.


Funerals & Weddings The maximum number that can attend funerals and weddings is 50 people, regardless of the size of the church.


Mass Schedule: Monday – Saturday 10.30 am


Saturday Vigil              6.15 pm  


Sunday                          9.00 am & 11.30 am


First Friday of each month there is an additional Mass at 7.00 pm.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council.      May 6th, 2021










CYCLE FOR ARD CHÚRAM; Don't forget to sign up for the Ring of Kerry Virtual Cycle this year details on www.ardcuram.com or www.ringofkerrycycle.ie and help to complete the Alzheimer's Day Care Centre.






Moyvane Knockanure Newsletter 16 May 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards available in the Parish Office and Holly’s.


Parish Office: Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Fri 10am – 1pm. Wed Closed.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd May- Radio 


Sat 15th                                 7.30pm                David Foley, Kilbaha (Anni) & deceased of the Foley & O’Connor families


Sun 16th                              11.00am               Anne Prendiville, Carrueragh (1st Anni) 


Mon 17th             7.30pm                Mike Dore, Woodgrove (Anni)


Tues 18th             7.30pm                Maura O’Connor, Aughrim (Anni) 


Wed 19th             7.30pm                Irene Dempsey, Dublin (1st Anni)


Thurs 20th            7.30pm                Paddy Moriarty, Ardfert (RIP)


Fri 21st                                   7.30pm                Sr. Bridget Windle, l/o Upper Aughrim (Rec Dec) 


Sat 22nd                7.30pm                Angela Kearney, The Village (Months Mind)


Sun 23rd              11.00am               Bridie Cambell, Aughrim & UK (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 16th to Sunday 23rd May – Tannoy


Sun 16th                               9.30am                Noreen & Pat Sweeney, Knockanure (Anni)


Sun 23rd               9.30am                Mary O’Carroll, Knockanure at the request of Knockanure Community Centre


                                                                                                                & Tidy Towns.


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Michael Hussey  087/2386084. Emergencies only.   


OFFERTORY, SHRINES & DUES:  Offertory €1,489.96; Shrines Moyvane €201.60;  Dues €170. Thank you. ROSARY:  I will pray the Rosary this Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm on the Radio 99.9fm.  The Church will be open if anyone would like to come and pray it with me. 


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Michael Mahony & family, Coolaclarig on the very untimely death of his loving wife


Assumpta whose funeral took place in Listowel last week.  This is a very difficult time for the all the family.   Her  daughter-in-law Deborah O’Flaherty teaches here in Murhur N.S.  Our prayerful support to all at this time.  To Lilly McMahon & family, Lisaniskea on the death of her loving husband Jackie.  Jackie was an older brother to Fr. Tom who celebrated his brother’s Mass in Knockanure last Monday.  Our prayerful support to the family at this time.   To the White family, Athea on the death of their loving mother Madge whose funeral took place in Athea on Monday. Madge was a great listener into 99.9fm with her family.  Our prayerful support to the White family at this time.  May Assumpta, Jackie and Madge rest in peace. 




NIARON LTD:  Work finished at the joint bay 1km North of Moyvane on Wednesday May 12th. Works at the joint bay south of Moyvane River will continue until May 21st. We Apologize for any inconvenience caused and continue to thank you for your patience and cooperation. 


MOYVANE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: Pick Up After Your Dog: Please ensure that you clean up after your dogs while out walking. KWD County Wide Clean Up: Clean-up is planned for May 22-30 & the event this year must be held in compliance with current government Public Health advice. Therefore no groups are allowed. Clean ups must be limited to family groups/pods only. As in previous years for clean ups we would encourage volunteers to target their own areas/roads over the coming months, not just the dates above.  Most important to note, hand washing and sanitizing should take place before and after clean ups & volunteers should use their own gloves and litter pickers. MDA has registered with KWD for additional litter pickers, bags etc. These items will be available from Ursula or any of the committee. 


                                                             THE ART OF LIFE


A young son and his mother gather at a rural Marian Grotto these May evenings.  They pray the Rosary aloud.  Both have been hit with sudden illness recently.  They find something extra special, just by praying the Rosary these May evenings  at their Holy Well (Grotto).  Their current experience made me think – The art of life.  Childhood must pass away and then youth, as surely as age approaches.  The true wisdom is to be always seasonable and to change with good grace in changing circumstances.  To love playthings well as a child, to lead an adventurous and honourable youth and to settle when the time arrives into a green and smiling age is to be a good artist in life and deserve well of yourself and your neighbour.  We all need to live in the now.   That’s the art of life. 








                COME BACK TO MASS……..AND MORE


The traditional obligation for Catholics to attend Mass every Sunday was lifted here in Ireland and virtually all over the world more than fourteen months ago.  So the familiar distinction between practising and non-practising Catholics was suspended.  Here in our part of God’s Kingdom, the Doorway of Hope and the Holy Hut in Knockanure kept the live line with Mass alive.  Now that we are back one week and please God we will remain back with a congregation for Masses, it is difficult to gauge as to how we will move forward as a ‘NEW’ Church from here on.  There are three groups of people that I must find new ways of reaching:  


             Those who have simply lost the habit of Sunday Mass.


             Those who are not sure they see the point of Mass or Church anymore.


             And those who have encountered funerals and You Tube Masses and Assumption Radio during the pandemic (The Covid Curious).


Starting with the above (last group first) so many from this group were in touch from around the country and beyond giving such encouraging and uplifting comments and suggestions.  They were attracted to what they had found.  Will that group still stay linked to Church? As for the other two groups I honestly feel the whole idea of bringing back Sunday obligation will not wash with them.  For most it would have the opposite effect.  Participation in Holy Eucharist is the font and summit of a Catholic’s spiritual and moral life and Mass attendance on Sundays and Holy Days is the mark of Catholics identity.  The beautiful gift of Holy Communion is the Bread of Life and such nourishing food for life’s journey. We need it now more than ever.  The principal events in the life of the universal Church during C19 have included Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti and his call for dialogue between faiths during his powerful visit to Iraq.  Across the water in England and Wales and Bishops under the banner of Caritas, collected and distributed huge sums of money for relief of hardship, especially for families and children in poverty and hunger providing breakfast and school meals for them. 


Here in Ireland our Bishops were slow off the mark, we were told the four Archbishops from the four provinces were meeting the Government on a regular basis. However, there was no feedback from these meetings to the rest of us and these meetings seemed to have petered out.  This resulted in every parish having to fend for themselves.  Apart from streamed Masses, there seemed to be little else forthcoming.  No effort was made to engage with college students or with the youth in general.  We didn’t receive any clear moral direction as how to go through the C19 crisis from a Church perspective.  The Government were calling all the shots. 


I am in awe of our young folk in how they have adapted to the new way of education.  I met a young parishioner during the week who told me in September (please God) she will be starting her second year in college and she has never met any students in her class and has never been inside the building.  I have forgotten and failed to help this age group.  Maybe our Church and myself need to do a lot more than simply inviting people of all ages back to Mass.  Pray that we can support encourage and guide each other back to Catholic basics.  But how?




NEVER say I love you if you don’t really care.


NEVER talk of feelings if they aren’t really there.


NEVER hold my hand if you mean to break my heart.


NEVER say forever if you ever plan to part.


NEVER look into my eyes if you are telling me a lie. 


NEVER say hello if you think you’ll say goodbye.


NEVER say that I’m the one if you dream of someone else.


NEVER say the words if they’re not true unto yourself.






The above is a new book published by Martin Moore, Tralee.  The Gortaglanna ambush sparked a wider response throughout all of Kerry in the months following, May 1921. This book records those events in great detail which will be of immense interest to the people of Moyvane and Knockanure and indeed throughout Kerry.  It is a very easy book to read and it is most informative. 


THANK YOU: A huge thank you to you all for our first week back into our Churches.  Your understanding and cooperation is deeply appreciated.  I am really grateful to all our stewards for volunteering to do this work and they are doing it excellently.  Míle Buíochas! May Jesus continue to bless and protect us in our new beginnings. 


News from Abbeyfeale Church



16 May 2021 o World Communications Day Go out to the whole world Today marks the 55th World Communications Day, and the theme for this year is 'Come and See: Communicating by encountering people where and as they are'. In his message to mark the occasion, Pope Francis emphasises the importance of meeting people where they are, just as Jesus did with those he encountered: 'We need to go and see them for ourselves, to spend time with people, to listen to their stories and to confront reality, which always in some way surprises us.' All communication, he says, should strive to be clear and honest, whether in the media, on the internet, in the Church's preaching, or in social interaction. He has a particular message for all who use social media: 'Thanks to the internet we have the opportunity to report what we see, what is taking place before our eyes, and to share it with others. At the same time, the risk of misinformation being spread on social media has become evident to every-one... All of us are responsible for the communications we make, for the information we share, for the control that we can exert over fake news by exposing it. All of us are to be witnesses of the truth: to go, to see and to share.' It is fitting that this day coincides with the Feast of the Ascension. Before he is taken into heaven, Jesus issues his final instruction: 'Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation.' Our challenge is to communicate by encountering people, where they are and as they are. ‘Teach us to go out and see,  teach us to listen,  not to entertain prejudices or draw hasty conclusions. 'Pope Francis' message for the 55th World Communications Day Government guidance on numbers attending Mass and other Church Services Arising from the  announcement by the Government  regarding the easing of restrictions on religious services from May 10th the following clarification was issued from the Office of An Taoiseach on a number of issues as follows: Pods of 50Where the size of the premises/Place of Worship allows for a capacity of greater than 50 this may be permitted only where: social distancing guidelines are adhered to. the premises can be subdivided into distinct sections (cordoned or marked appropriately) of not more than 50 persons in each section there is a minimum of 4 metres between sections each section having its own entrance/exit route there are separate arrangements for elements of the service involving close contact, for example the distribution of Holy Communion strictly no movement of people between sections before, during or after the service the premises is well-ventilated Following these guidelines we can accommodate 132 people within the church in Abbeyfeale for weekday and Sunday Masses. Funerals There is an increased risk of transmission of the virus where families and communities come together following the death of a loved one. Therefore numbers at funeral services (and Weddings) is capped at 50 regardless of size of premises. Notwithstanding the increase in numbers permitted, funerals are still considered private family events and arrangements should not be advertised in newspapers or on-line. Funeral services should continue to be live streamed to help reduce numbers attending.  Attendance at wakes in private homes and at Funeral Homes remains unchanged i.e. immediate family only and people should be discouraged from queuing to pay respects Singing                                                                                        As with previous reopening for religious service congregational singing and choir singing is not permitted. Solo singing with accompanist is permitted subject to compliance with detailed guidance contained in HSE Covid-19 Guidance for Religious Services. Outdoor Worship Outdoor Worship is not permitted in line with Government restrictions on organised outdoor gatherings. Drive-in Religious Services may take place outside places of worship (e.g. church carpark) where all attendees remain in their vehicles and no sharing of vehicle outside of family unit. Use of Religious  premises for any other purposes/parochial activities/community meetings etc is not permitted in line with Government restrictions on organised gatherings of people.   Fr Tony, Abbeyfeale.









Moyvane Church News


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards available in the Parish Office and Holly’s.


Parish Office: Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Fri 10am – 1pm. Wed Closed.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 8st to Sunday 16th May- Radio 


Sat 8th                                   7.30pm                Sinead Halkett, Listowel (Anni)


Sun 9th                                 11.00am               Siobhán Shanahan (née Brosnan), Adare & Ballybunion (Rec Dec)


Mon 10th             7.30pm                Deceased of the Doran family, Asdee


Tues 11th             7.30pm                Mary Barry, Tralee (Rec Dec)


Wed 12th             7.30pm                Michael Buckley, New York & l/o Banaraha (Months Mind)


Thurs 13th            7.30pm                 Michael O’Brien, Ardfert (RIP)


Fri 14th                                  7.30pm                 Peggy Williams, Ballydonoghue (1st Anni)


Sat 15th                                 7.30pm                 David Foley, Kilbaha (Anni) & deceased of the Foley & O’Connor families


Sun 16th                              11.00am               Anne Prendiville, Carrueragh (1st Anni)  


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 9nd to Sunday 16th May – Tannoy


Sun 9th                        9.30am          Mary Rose Kennelly & Norah Kelly (née Kennelly), Gortdromagouna (A)


Sun 16th                               9.30am                Noreen & Pat Sweeney, Knockanure (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Seán Hanafin  087/8341083. Emergencies only.  


ROSARY:  I will pray the Rosary this Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm on the Radio 99.9fm.  Next weekend I will let you know if a small congregation can attend in the coming weeks.  




A group of Pilgrims walked along together singing all carrying a burden of some sort, yet all were cheerfully thinking more of the purpose of their journey than of its hardships.  An Angel joined the group passing from one to another, threw into each of the burdens a couple of little seeds.  Soon the seeds began to sprout until they became a pair of wings which carried the Pilgrim, burden and all, along the dusty road.  Some hours later, a similar group was travelling the same road with downcast faces complaining of the heavy burdens they carried. The Angel passed again, but left them with no gift of wings.  “Why do you not give them wings?” he was asked.  “They look so downcast and gloomy, surely they need them more than the others?”  “I have only the seeds”, replied the Angel, “And they flourish only in cheerfulness and helpfulness, but will perish at once in that atmosphere of grumbling”.  Which pilgrim group are you in right now? – Cheerful or grumbling? 




Years ago when weddings with large numbers were celebrated, a young Bride to be walked into a fabric shop and asked the proprietor if she had any kind of noisy, rustling material in white.  The proprietor searched the inventory and finally found bolts of fabric that fitted the description.  As she was cutting the fabric to the customers specification, the proprietor’s curiosity got the best of her and she asked why the woman wanted such an unusual and noisy cloth.  The young woman replied, “you see, I’m making a wedding dress and my fiancé is blind.  When I walk down the aisle, I want him to know when I’ve arrived at the Altar, so he won’t be embarrassed”.  Love, which finds all kinds of ways to express itself, is willing to sacrifice.  What time limits do we place on our sacrifice for family members?  For friends? For parishioners? For strangers?




NIARON LTD:  ESB Jointing works continues in the same locations, Moyvane North (in front of Keane’s) and  just outside Moyvane village in the direction of Tarbert.  Niaron would like to thank parishioners for their patience during these works and apologise for any inconvenience caused.


SCOIL CHORP CHRÍOST KNOCKANURE:  have launched a major fundraiser. We need to extend our playground area; our outdoor space is limited.  The school field is often too wet to play on and we are hoping to upgrade to an Astroturf surface this summer.  We need to raise €15,000.  Due to covid, we cannot have any fundraising activities.  We have organised a GoFundMe page, accessible via the School Facebook page.  We also need the support of our community.  We need your support. Contributions can be made via the GoFundMe page or by cash or cheque.  You can contact the school on 068-49130 if you require further information. Thank you in advance.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Julienne Donegan, Principal. 








The months of April and May, 1921 saw a lot of bloodshed in the Parish of Moyvane-Knockanure.  This was, of course, during the Irish War of Independence.  On Thursday, April 7, Mick Galvin, an IRA volunteer, was killed by British forces during an ambush at Kilmorna in Knockanure.  On Thursday, April 14, 1921, Kilmorna House was raided by the local IRA.  Kilmorna house was burned and Sir Arthur Vicars was shot.  Then on May 12, Crown forces shot dead three unarmed members of the Flying Column, Paddy Dalton, Paddy Walsh and Jerry Lyons at Gortaglanna.  Their comrade and fellow member of the Column, Con Dee made a miraculous escape from the scene.  On Thursday May 26, Jack Sheehan was shot in Moinvionlach bog as he attempted to escape capture by the Crown forces.  To commemorate these events, the North Kerry Republican Soldiers Memorial Committee are asking that each household light a candle on Wednesday, May 12, the centenary of the Gortaglanna tragedy, at 9pm.  Fr. Kevin has very generously sponsored commemorative candles which can be collected by parishioners at all Masses this weekend.                                          Gabriel Fitzmaurice




With freedom now to gather, maintaining social distancing and wearing masks, Gabriel Fitzmaurice will launch his latest book – ‘Rhyming History:  The Irish War of Independence and the Ballads of Atrocity in the Valley of Knockanure’ in the Seanchaí, the Kerry Writer’s Museum on Saturday 15th May at 2pm.  Feel free to join this historic launch which commemorates the centenary of the very tragic and sad events in Knockanure which occurred one hundred years ago this month. 




It’s good to be back with a congregation at Masses from this Monday 10th.   I am weary with all the restrictions but I respect them.  I encourage all of you to do likewise.  Returning we will still have social distancing and will be guided by our volunteer stewards.  It’s important that you listen to them and be guided by them.  If that procedure upsets or annoys you then it would be advisable to wait a little longer when there will be further lifting of restrictions.  Despite the lethal danger of Covid-19 and its remarkable transmission capacities (just look at India these days),  it is extraordinary that some Christians have failed to convince our society that we take our social obligations seriously.  That we treasure the old and the vulnerable, that we believe that health is a holy thing, and that we know that death is sad and tragic.  Practically all of you have been great and so supportive of all that is demanded of us during this difficult time.  Let’s keep this big effort going as we reopen on Monday.  I ask you to keep the following in mind:  


                All Masses from 10th listed will have a congregation.


                For now weekday Masses are in Moyvane only.


                Weekend Masses - Vigil at 7.30pm Saturday (Moyvane) 


Sunday 9.30am (Knockanure) 11am (Moyvane)


                Stewards will guide you to your seat and will lead you out after Mass. 


                Masks will have to be worn and social distancing maintained.


                No gathering around Exits or Entrances.


                No congregating in the Car Parks after Mass.


                Any Mass you attend will fulfil your Sunday obligation.


                Baptisms can go ahead with just the immediate family – contact the Parish Office.


Thanking you in advance for your support and understanding.  May God continue to keep us all safe and well.




Mike Buckley is my weather advisor and directs me as to when we can put up flags and bunting, when we can cut the grass etc.  On Monday morning last his strong advice was to take down all flags in both Churches.  I agreed.  In packing the flags away he said “Now we’ll have to take down the Clare flag”.  I said “Mike we are not taking down the Clare flag”.  Mike protested and said “Fr. it won’t be able to withstand the wind that is given down for today and you can see already how the pole is bending with the wind”.  I said “Mike the Clare flag is not for moving, leave it there”.  It weathered the storm!  Is this a good sign for the Championship and


League??  Up the Banner!!







17 4 2021

Moyvane and Listowel Parish News.




Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards for all occasions available in the Parish Office and Holly’s. Parish Office:  Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Fri 10am – 1pm. Wed Closed. Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 17th to Sunday 25th April - Radio 


Sat 17th                                                  7.30pm               Mike Greaney, Bunaghara & Leitrim Middle (Anni)


Sun 18th                                               11.00am              John Shanahan, Kilbaha (Anni) & his loving dad Patrick 


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the Shanahan & Egan families 


Mon 19th                              7.30pm               Kitty O’Sullivan, Kinnard, Glin (Anni)


Tues 20th                              7.30pm               Special Intention – Sick


Wed 21st                               7.30pm               Tom McNamara, Cooraclare Village (Anni)


Thurs 22nd                            7.30pm               Robert Nolan, Carrueragh (Months Mind)


Fri 23rd                                                   7.30pm               Martin Mulvihill, Nenagh & l/o Glenalappa (Anni)


Sat 24th                                                  7.30pm               Con Carmody, The Village (1st Anni)


Sun 25th                               11.00am              Nell Flavin, Trien (Months Mind)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 18th to Sunday 25th April – Tannoy


Sun 18th                                               9.30am                Teresa Kennelly, Knockanure & Listowel (Anni) & Maureen Smith


Sun 25th                               9.30am                Helen & John Joe O’Sullivan, Ardagh & their daughter-in-law


                                                                                                                                Mary O’Sullivan, Athea (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Denis O’Mahony  087/6807197. Emergencies only.   


OFFERTORY, DUES & SHRINES:  Offertory €1,273.50; Dues €983.50; Shrines Moyvane €261; Mugs  50. (bringing the final tally to €12,150). Very many thanks.


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To the Fitzgerald family, Lenamore on the death of their mother Nora whose funeral took place in Moyvane on Friday 9th.  May Nora continue to enjoy the delights of God’s Kingdom.  She was a great devotee of Divine Mercy and it was fitting that she celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday in the loving presence of the Easter Jesus, Sr. Faustina and all who have pre-deceased her.  




It’s no longer in the news (spoken or written) the falling numbers to Priesthood and Religious Life and lack of vocations.  This calls for a new response from all of us.  We must never forget that God is always in charge of things and He always wishes to engage each and everyone of us in conversations with Him.  I know it’s a cold April day, but please allow me to go back to three very special vocations – those of the Three Wise Men whom we encounter each Christmas.  The three of them were different ages.  Capser was a very young man; Balthazar was middle aged and Melchior was an old man.  When they arrived at Bethlehem, the three of them took turns to enter the Crib individually.  First in was Melchior, the oldest and there was no one there but a very old man, his own age, with whom he was quickly at home.  They spoke together of MEMORY and GRATITUDE.  Middle aged Balthazar encountered a middle-aged teacher when he went in and they talked passionately of LEADERSHIP and RESPONSIBILITY.  When young Caspar entered, he met a young Prophet full of enthusiasm and they spoke words of REFORM and PROMISE.  When they had all gone outside after their individual visits the three of them took their gifts and went in together.  There was nobody there but the infant Jesus.  Their earlier visit gave them a strong reminder that God speaks to every stage of life.  He wishes to awaken in Priestly and Religious vocations the beautiful gifts of MEMORY, GRATITUDE, LEADERSHIP, REPSONSIBILITY, REFORM and PROMISE.  All vocations will be enhanced to be more Christ like if the above gifts are put into practise convincingly and enthusiastically.  When these gifts are celebrated in a loving a positive way we realise that we have a loving God in charge.  We pray that all of us can be faithful and joyful in doing His work.  If we do this, vocations will increase.  As Priests we need to reclaim these gifts and enjoy them.


Finally, I wish to express my warm thanks to each and everyone of you for your continual support and great encouragement.  You are always so helpful and that is a blessing I never take for granted.  Many thanks.




NIARON LTD: ESB jointing works will continue between Knockanure village and Moyvane graveyard this week. We would like to thank the local community for their patience during these works and apologise for any inconvenience caused. 








                HEALING PLACE


I think this is a lovely poem by C.M. Douglas.  We all need a healing place.   


“My heart was full of sorrow so I took it to the hill, And bathed it in the clear burn when all the air was still. I held it to the west wind and warmed it to the sun, In peaceful purple silence till the healing had begun”.


Easter is most definitely a time of healing.  We give thanks to God for the beautiful weather afforded us on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday which added such beauty and blessings to our Church celebrations.  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.




“What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?”


A familiar few lines from W.H. Davies, a Welshman born in 1871.  He emigrated to America aged 22 and lived partly as a tramp and partly as a casual workman until the loss of a leg while jumping a train caused him to return to England.  He then began to write poetry and books and his autobiography ‘Life of a Super Tramp’ published in 1908.  His collection of Poems (close on 600) were published three years after his death in 1943, God rest him.  I feel here is an Easter Story.  A man who struggled against all the odds to gain eventually the recognition he so richly deserved.  His observations throughout his life must have given him a deep understanding of human nature and love of the countryside, time to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings……something perhaps we might learn to do these beautiful days of Easter.  W.H. Davies changed for the better.  This is what Jesus invites all of us to do this Easter season.  Remember Easter is a season not just a day. It runs from Holy Saturday until Pentecost Sunday which is May 23rd this year.  Alleluia.




One of the titles of God is ‘Lover of Life’.  God is the lover of real life among us; yet we often make Him into a killjoy God.  Jesus brought the life of forgiveness to people crippled with guilt, peace to those driven by anxiety, hope to people darkened by despair, friendship to people isolated in loneliness.  Jesus’ gift of life is the gift of love.   His companionship offers peace, forgiveness, hope in all experience of daily living. “I have come that you may have life in abundance”.  Jesus lover of life make us truly grateful for the gifts of laughter and humour, of endurance and courage, of care and reconciliation and for all which makes us truly alive.  Your words are a blessing, I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance”.  




Mark Twain, the American writer, tells the story of his small daughter who had been breaking her heart over what had seemed to her young mind utter disasters – a cancelled picnic and a broken toy.  Several times her mother said to her “Susy, you mustn’t cry over little things”.  Susy thought about her mother’s words but they baffled her.  At last, she went to her mother for help.  “Mamma, what are ‘little things?’”, she asked.  How often we as adults think that a child is making a fuss about nothing.  We forget that what may appear trivial to us can be of great importance to a child.  But it isn’t true only of children, either, is it? All too often we think someone else is making a lot of fuss about nothing.  Well, it may appear to be nothing to us but to the other person involved it is everything at that moment.  You may have seen from local media this week, my sense of shock and disappointment at how Confession was portrayed on Fair City.  To some my observations may appear trivial but I do it because of the respect and love I have for the Sacrament of Confession.  I am getting tired of all the ways in which RTE keep knocking all that is sacred and beautiful in our Catholic faith.  




There is a story once told that one day Jesus came upon a shepherd that was over come with sorrow.  “Why are you so sad?”, asked Jesus?  “Because I have lost one of my sheep”, the shepherd replied.  “And though I have looked all over for him, I have not found him, it may be that a wolf has already devoured him”.  Then Jesus said, “Stay here, I will go and look for the sheep myself”.  With that Jesus disappeared into the hills.  An hour later, He returned with the sheep.  Putting it down at the shepherd’s feet He said, “From this day on, you must love this one more than the others in your flock, for he was lost and now he is found”.  


I invite you to avail of the Sacrament of Confession this Sunday afternoon, I will be in the car park in Moyvane Church from 2pm to 5pm.  As Jesus found that lost sheep and gave it new life, He can do the same for us.  New cream leaflets focusing us on Confession are available in both Churches for your reflection.   






Listowel Church News




Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


Click Here






For Listowel Parish


Click Here


Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


Parish Youth Group Listowel




Our Parish has a Listowel Parish Youth Group. COME AND JOIN US!!


Click Here


Masses online only behind closed doors  18th to 25th April


Sat. 17th




Tom Barry, Tanavalla, Months Mind / John Kennedy Tullahinell, Asdee, 1st Anniversary / Bridie Cagoe nee Buckley & Dec. Family, England & Finuge / Maureen O Connor, Church Street




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 18th




Edmond Hayes,  Gortacrossane,   Months Mind / Michael & Mollie Kissane, Clountubird / Patricia Griffin, Feale Drive / Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane / Cliff Gore, Charles St., Birthday Remembrance / Eileen Scanlon, Ballyconory, Lisselton / Mick & Kathleen O’Sullivan, Derryfarm, Derry, Listowel






Mon 19th




Bridie O Connor, Springmount, Duagh






   Tues 20th




Honora Browne, Charles St.






Wed 21st




Josephine Tarrant (nee Relihan), Church St. & Bedford / Laurence Collins, Kilmorna & Dec. Family






Thurs 22nd




Stephen Foran, Baile O Dubhda, Birthday Remembrance






Fri 23rd




Richard Carey, Ballygologue Road






Sat 24th




People of the Parish






Freddie Chute, Cherrytree Drive / Robert Purcell, Woodford




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 25th




Joe, Mary B., Marie Kennelly, Lacca, Lisselton / Maire Lowry, Belfast / Hannah Murphy, Behins








ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Breda Lynch, Killocrim / Maureen O Connor, Church St. / Mary O Connor nee Chute, O’Connell’s Ave. & Tom (Thomas) Keating, Dirha.




INTERESTED IN BECOMING A PRIEST: As next Sunday, April 25th is Vocations Sunday you midnight consider becoming a priest? Interested contact our Vocations Director – Fr. Joe Begley – Vocations Director glengarriff@dioceseofkerry.ie   Also check out our Vocations link in www.dioceseofkerry.ie




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Weekly offerings can be dropped into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church. The parish office now has a credit card machine for over the phone payments and contactless.




TRÓCAIRE: Many Thanks for your Trocaire Offering to date. We would ask you to hand in any outstanding offering that you may have during the coming week as we need to send onto the Diocesan Office immediately – Friday next 23rd April. Drop donation into offering box at the back of the church  – or into the Parish Office letter box.   You have 3 ways of donating to Trócaire 1. You are asked to change what is in your Trócaire Box into notes and put it in an envelope marked Trócaire which can be handed in by way of the parish office letter box. 2. Online at www.trocaire.org 3. By phone: 1850408408.




MILE BUIOCHAS FOR YOUR OFFERINGS:  – and for your continuing support and donations that helps the day to day running of Listowel Parish by parish envelopes, Cheques and setting up standing orders. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Denis O Mahony, 087-6807179  (emergencies only).



10 4 2021




Moyvane Parish News


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards for all occasions available in the Parish Office and Holly’s. Parish Office:  Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Fri 10am – 1pm. Wed Closed.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 10th April to Sunday 18th April - Radio 


Sat 10th                                                 7.30pm                Maureen & P.J. Moloney, U.K. (Anni)


Sun 11th                                              11.00am               John & Noreen Scanlon, Inchamore 


                                                                                                                                & deceased of Scanlon & Flavin families


Mon 12th                             7.30pm                Mai Quinn, Leitrim West (Anni)


Tues 13th                             7.30pm                Bridget O’Donoghue, Donoughmore, Cork (1st Anni)


                                                                                                                                (mother of Eileen Sheehan, The Village)


Wed 14th                              7.30pm               Chris Kane, Bronx, N.Y. & l/o Ballydonoghue  (Rec Dec)


Thurs 15th                             7.30pm               John Joe Mulvihill, Tara, Co. Meath & l/o Gurtdromosillihy (1st Anni)


Fri 16th                                                   7.30pm               Seán, Aggie, Nell & Anthony Aherne, Moher Cross (Anni)


Sat 17th                                                  7.30pm               Mike Greaney, Bunaghara & Leitrim Middle (Anni)


Sun 18th                                               11.00am              John Shanahan, Kilbaha (Anni) & his loving dad Patrick 


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the Shanahan & Egan families


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 11th to Sunday 18th April – Tanno


Sun 11th                                               9.30am                Jason Plested, UK (Anni) & his grandad Ollie Leahy 


Sun 18th                                               9.30am                Teresa Kennelly, Knockanure & Listowel (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & Maureen Smith


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Yours truly  089/4044816. Emergencies only.   


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Willie Stack & family, Carrueragh on the death of his brother-in-law Liam Dillon, Listowel.  To the Murphy family, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna on the death of their dad Mick affectionally known as the ‘Bard of Kilmorna’.  To the McCarthy family, Kilbaha on the death of their dad Tom McCarthy. To John Buckley & family, Banaraha, Kilmorna on the death of their dad Michael in New York.  Our prayerful support to the O’Connor family, Bunaghara as Michael was a brother to Maureen.  To Tony & Mairead Hanlon, Asdee on the untimely death of Mairead’s first cousin Siobhán Shanahan (née Brosnan), Adare & l/o Ballybunion.   To the Presentation Sisters of the death of Sr. Genevieve, Rathmore Convent and Sr. de Sales, Tralee Convent.  May Liam, Mick, Tom, Michael, Siobhán, Sr.  Genevieve & Sr. de Sales rest in peace.  Please keep the families of the aforementioned in your prayers this Divine Mercy Sunday.  We will have Masses for them at a later date.   EASTER HOLY WATER: There was an incredible uptake on Easter Holy Water.  Our 600 specially designed bottles were gone within days.  Those wishing to avail of Easter Holy Water can fill their own bottles at home and I will bless them at the weekend Masses.  Similarly, those attending Mass in the car parks can bring their bottles, leave them in the cars and I will bless them.  May our Easter Water continue to bless, protect and guide us all to new and happy beginnings.  


CONFESSIONS:  Pick up a green leaflet designed to focus our attention and reflection on the beautiful


Sacrament of Confession.  For the Sunday’s in April, I will be in Moyvane Church car park between 2pm and 5pm hearing Confessions.  I will make you most welcome but most importantly Jesus will bless you with Easter joy and forgiveness.  


THANK YOU:  A big thank you to all our volunteers who have been so helpful and generous with their time and support with all Church celebrations, especially with funerals.  I couldn’t manage without you.  Many thanks. 




Honestly, words fail me as how best to express my heartfelt thanks to you all for your continual generosity to the Parish, especially during this lockdown period.  Week in, week out whether it be the post box at my front door, the Parish Office or the weekend Masses, you have been so positive in keeping up to date with your contributions.   Thank you so very much.  For Holy Week and Easter Sunday your contributions were as follows: Offertory €2,228; Dues €3,655; Shrines Moyvane €305.15; Shines Knockanure €83.58.  


Trócaire €3,777 (which includes a very generous donation of €1,000 at the beginning of Lent).  Also gone to Trócaire is €550 the proceeds from Thady O’Connor’s CD’s (the song ‘We need God now more than ever’).  Please note the remaining CD’s can be got at Masses this weekend at the cost of €5.  Remaining contributions for Trócaire to be handed in this weekend please.                








In a former life I used to travel the length and breadth of Ireland and England giving Parish Missions.  I loved it, but the downside was returning after a few weeks away to a lot of mail.  One day, after been gone three weeks, I returned to ‘Woodview’ in Dublin (my home at the time) and found a really large amount of mail waiting for me.  I moaned and groaned thinking of all the time it would take for me to open, process and respond to what was there.   In the pile of correspondence was an envelope with a cassette tape in it.  There was no letter with it and I could see from the senders name and address on the back of the envelope, she was unknown to me.  I felt irritated and impatient.  I thought to myself, “Why did this person have to send a tape?  It takes less time to read a letter than to listen to a tape”.  I grouched and grumbled to myself for a day and then decided that I had better find out where the tape had come from and what was on it.  I discovered it had come from a blind woman and it contained one of the most beautiful letters I have ever received.   She had attended one of my Missions.  I was deeply humbled and very, very regretful of my initial response. Here was a gift being given to me that I was ready to reject because I didn’t want to take time to listen to it.  I was only willing to pour out a thimble-full of my time and attention for someone else while God was offering me a bushel-basket of golden insights and wonderful reflections.  What in God’s name was wrong with Thomas in this weekend’s Gospel.  After His Resurrection, Jesus made a most convincing appearance to His disciples.  Like me, with the tape he was not interested, nor indeed was he attentive to generously engaging with the present moment.  Jesus encouraged His disciples towards generous loving and assured them if they were generous in their giving that this same generosity would be the measure of gifts returned.  Their giving would be turned to gold.  Compassion is like that.  When we let compassion pour forth generously from us instead of holding back with meagre giving, it can be a powerful experience. 


Reflect today on your generosity and on God’s.  Have you had any life experience when you hesitated or resisted giving and later realized how much you had received in return?  Doubting Thomas took his eyes off the wonderful generosity of Jesus.  His focus was elsewhere.  It’s Divine Mercy Sunday when we focus on God’s warm forgiveness through the beautiful Sacrament of Confession.  I will be in the car park of the Church of Assumption this Sunday from 2pm.  I will be in my car, confessors can remain in their cars.


 “Doubt no longer, but believe”.  Jesus is always at hand to bless and guide us!  Don’t jump to the wrong conclusion – you are loved and forgiven by Jesus always.      


                               OUR LOVING FATHER


Some people think that if you have enough faith life will be plain sailing for you.  This of course is not so.  The fact you can swim doesn’t give you control over the sea.  It doesn’t prevent you from getting knocked about in the same way.  Faith doesn’t shield us from the hard knocks of life or death.  What then does faith do?  It enables us to live in a topsy-turvey world without getting lost or giving into despair.  It gives us bearings.   Just as swimmers trust that if they don’t panic and if they do a few simple things, then the power of the sea will uphold them; so believers entrust their lives to a power greater than themselves, a power greater than all of us.  This power is the care of Our Loving Heavenly Father, who brought His Son Jesus back from the dead. 


                                        MICK MURPHY ‘THE BARD OF KILMORNA’


The following verse composed by Mick was read at his funeral Mass:


“Delve not what you are not, Think not what you are, Live life fully, to what you think you are, 


And thank God each morning when you wake up, you know who you are’




Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted His only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; With you Christ became man. 


Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us  in the path of life.


Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen. 




KERRY MONEY ADVICE & BUDGETING SERVICE:  MABS run a Helpline (0761 07 2000, Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm) and also operates from over 60 locations nationwide. In Kerry, we can be contacted on mobile


087 4101355 or kerry@mabs.ie.






 Listowel Church News.




Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


Click Here






For Listowel Parish


Click Here


Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


Parish Youth Group Listowel




Our Parish has a Listowel Parish Youth Group. COME AND JOIN US!!


Click Here


Masses online only behind closed doors  11th to 18th April


Sat. 10th




Oliver Broderick, 1st Anniversary, Kevin, Robert & Sonja Broderick &  Kay & Don O’Leary, William St. & Greenville / Joan & Paude Guerin, Convent St. / Tim & Bridie O’Flaherty, Church St. / Jim, Sheila & Noel Furlong , Foildarrig , Duagh




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 11th




Jim, Anne, Nora & Voureen O Sullivan, Charles St. / Dan Browne, Church Street






Divine Mercy Sunday




3.00 pm


Mon 12th




Daniel O Connor, Ballygologue Road






   Tues 13th




Joe O Carroll, Tullamore, 1st Anniversary / Maurice Walsh






Wed 14th






Thurs 15th




Paddy O Connor, Dromin Lower, Waterford & England Recently Deceased / Breda O Connor nee Sugrue, O’Connell’s Ave.






Fri 16th










Sat 17th




People of the Parish






Tom Barry, Tanavalla, Months Mind / John Kennedy Tullahinell, Asdee, 1st Anniversary / Bridie Cagoe nee Buckley & Dec. Family, England & Finuge




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 18th




Michael & Mollie Kissane, Clountubird / Patricia Griffin, Feale Drive / Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane








Liam Dillon, Church Street.


Josephine Cronin nee Lyons, Irrabeg, Lixnaw late of Lower Derry.


Dan Lynch, Hollytree Drive late of Ballymakerra, Co. Cork.


Eileen (Eily) Lawlor nee Galvin, Bridge Road.


Dora Cleary nee McKenna, London, late of Ballyduig.


Caíth Moran, London, late of Caherciveen.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Timmy (Junie) Canty, O’Connell’s Ave.




DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Martin will lead Divine Mercy Devotions virtually this Sunday afternoon from St. Mary’s Church, Listowel as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at 3.00 p.m. Please join us as you avail of the grace of this day.




TRÓCAIRE TO BE RETURNED THIS WEEK You have 3 ways of donating to Trócaire 1. You are asked to change what is in your Trócaire Box into notes and put it in an envelope marked Trócaire which can be handed in by way of the parish office letter box. 2. Online at www.trocaire.org 3. By phone: 1850408408.




MILE BUIOCHAS FOR YOUR EASTER OFFERINGS:  – and for your continuing support and donations that helps the day to day running of St. Mary’s Church by parish envelopes, Cheques and setting up standing orders. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel. Please reference your full name and box number if you have one. We also appreciate your Easter Offerings that support your priests at this time of the year. That is the special envelope in your Box or there are some loose green envelopes at the back of the church.  Thanks again




OUR PARISH YOUTH GROUP LISTOWEL: We are delighted to announce that OUR PARISH YOUTH GROUP have launched a Web Link in our Parish Web site at www.listowelparish.com   and also their instagram page look us up and follow us @parishyouthgrouplistowel.  Congratulations to the newly elected committee Hannah (chairperson) John (secretary) Fiona (Treasurer) New members 12+ are very welcome anytime to contact us through webpage or instagram!!




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Kevin McNamara, 089-4044816 (emergencies only).






Pastoral Message for Holy Week and Easter 2021




If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, how much more should you wash each other’s feet?  Jn 13:14




What a year! Together all of us have lived through a year of the corona virus, each has experienced it in our own unique circumstances. The Winter months have been particularly difficult. The light and new green growth of Springtime has never been so welcome, and it has coincided with the season of Lent. Let us keep our spirits up and encourage one another in following public health guidance.




Thank God for the way so many people have been there for each other, thank God for the way front line workers have sacrificed themselves to provide essential services. We are full of gratitude; how important it is to live lives of generous service. Individually we are at our best when our communities are at their best.




With government guidance at level 5, and with a genuine concern that we could have another major wave of the virus ahead, it is understandable but sad that we have our Easter ceremonies without a congregation. It is a blessing that you can join in the ceremonies so easily from your home via modern technology. What we miss is the dual presence: the presence of the community gathered in church, and together receiving the Real Presence at the altar.




In some ways it seems like the past year has been one long Lent! If so, what word has God spoken to your heart through it? Here are three points to reflect on as we come to Easter 2021:




    Live every day putting your trust in God. In times of great difficulty, in times when life gets us down, we look to Jesus for peace. Jesus’ word to us always is, “Fear not, have peace in your heart, I am with you”. In time of difficulty, regarding health or death, employment or finances, loneliness or depression we sense in our hearts, ‘God is with me, God will see me through, – all will be well’. Have basic Christian hope in your heart, – trust in God in all things!


    This Holy Week and Easter, joining in Mass from home, seek nourishment at the table of God’s word. The introduction to the Roman Missal speaks of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass: “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in church, God himself speaks to his People, and Christ, present in his own word, proclaims the Gospel” (29). When you go forth from the Easter ceremonies carry words from the scriptures in your heart: the Last Supper, ‘you should  wash each other’s feet’; the commemoration of the Passion, ‘This is my body, given up for you’; Easter morning, ‘You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, He is risen …’.


    This year has reminded us that home is where we pray each day. Home is the place where we first received our faith and where we live it. In the home God is present with us. Prayer in the home is the time we spend turned towards God, – talking to him about our lives and asking his help; giving praise and thanks; asking forgiveness and renewing our trust. Has prayer in the home helped you and your family over the past year? It will be a great blessing if, when this virus is finally a memory, we have a new awareness of prayer in the home.




A word of thanks to our priests and deacons, and all who have contributed to the life of our parishes over the past year. A word of thanks to our schools for the great work they have done. A word of encouragement to all young people looking forward to First Confession, First Communion or Confirmation. We cannot make any plans until we know when we will have congregations in church. The situation is disappointing, but the ceremonies will be worth waiting for. Another group who have suffered are the Leaving Cert. students. May they trust that all will be well and, come the Autumn, they will be satisfied with the options that come their way.




Thank you to all who have continued to contribute to parish funds and the parish dues for our priests. Keep up the good work. Priests have been greatly encouraged by your faithfulness. Please remember other local charities and voluntary bodies over the Easter season, so much fundraising has not been possible. All need funds to pay for the basics like insurance, heating, and the overheads of an office. Please, let us not forget the Lenten campaign of Trocaire. If the corona virus has been hard on us, how much more difficult has it been for the communities Trocaire supports?




Finally, every time we pray over the Easter season let us all, people and priests, remember the deceased of the past year, and their grieving loved ones. Have a comforting word for the bereaved when you meet. In this world and in the next our hope is in Christ, “Christ is Risen, alleluia”. Be assured of my prayers.




Bishop Ray Browne Palm Sunday 2021





27 3 2021


Moyvane Parish News


                           THIS IS HOLY WEEK


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards for all occasions (including Easter) available in the Parish Office and Holly’s. Please note that the Parish Office will be CLOSED on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday.  Re-opening on Tuesday 6th April.    


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 27th March to Sunday 4th April - Radio 


Sat 27th                                                 7.30pm                Michael & Maureen O’Connor, Ballybunion (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & their son Kevin & their grandson Frank Wallace


Sun 28th                              11.00am               PALM SUNDAY - Nora & Danny Walsh, Moher (Anni)


Mon 29th                             7.30pm                Frank Dineen & deceased of the Dineen & Keane families, 


                                                                                                                                Ballintemple, Cork.


Tues 30th                             7.30pm                Chrism Mass – livestreamed from the Cathedral, Killarney.


Wed 31st                              7.30pm                Special Intention


                                                                                                            HOLY WEEK TRIDIUM (From the Doorway of Hope)


Thurs 1st                   7.30pm            HOLY THURSDAY


Fri 2nd                                                   3.00pm GOOD FRIDAY 


Sat 3rd                                                   8.30pm HOLY SATURDAY


                                                                    Nora & Bill Buckley, Church Road & deceased of the Buckley family


Sun 4th                                                 11.00am               EASTER SUNDAY - Jimmy Kirby, Glenalappa (1st Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 28st March to Sunday 4th April – Tannoy


Sun 28th                                 9.30am PALM SUNDAY - James & Mary Keane, Kilmorna (Anni)


Sun 4th       9.30am  EASTER SUNDAY  - Hugh Goulding, Knockanure Village (Months Mind)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Canon Declan O’Connor  087/0908949.  


TRÓCAIRE BOXES:  To be returned at Masses this weekend and Easter Sunday.  


STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  This coming week there will be Stations of the Cross Monday and Wednesday on 99.9fm.  This means we will have had 16 celebrations of the Stations during this Lent, each and every one of them were different.  On this Good Friday through television or other media outlets or by visiting Moyvane or Knockanure Church or staying in your cars and partaking in the outdoor Stations in Moyvane carpark, you are spoiled for choice and have a golden opportunity to celebrate your very own Stations. 


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To loving children Linda & Liam (Speedy) Nolan and the extended Nolan &


O’Flaherty families on the death of Robert whose funeral we celebrated on Monday 22nd in Moyvane Church.  To William and all in the Barry family, Tanavalla, Listowel on the death of his uncle Tom Barry whose funeral was on Monday 22nd in St. Mary’s, Listowel.  May Robert and Tom rest in peace. 




NIARON LTD:  ESB Jointing works will continue between Knockanure village and Moyvane graveyard. The works outside the Co-op in Moyvane will cease Wednesday evening. We would like to thank the local community for their patience during these works and apologize for any inconvenience.


COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME:  We gratefully acknowledge Kerry County Council’s grant towards Knockanure Church.  Deeply appreciated.  Many thanks. 




As you can see from the list of Masses above, the Chrism Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral this coming Tuesday at 7.30pm with no congregation.  Bishop Ray and the Priests who work in Killarney Parish will be present to represent all of us.  It is a day when we Priests are asked to renew our promises to be faithful in Priesthood and to serve God faithfully.  I ask all of you to pray for all of us as we continue to work in Vineyard of the Lord as His Priests.








                 FROM PRAISE TO DENIAL…..




For Palm Sunday to have its full impact we need to reflect on two Scripture quotes.  They are as follows:


             Hosanna!  Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord (Mark 11: 1-10)


             Pilate, wanting to release Jesus, addressed them again; but they kept shouting “Crucify, Crucify Him”.  A third time he said to them “Why, what evil has He done?”  (Luke 25: 1-49)


In the first account, the people shout out the praises of Jesus, in the second, the same people call for His death.  In a few short days, the people go from praise to denial.  It is a journey we have all made, from praise to denial and back to praise once again.  Palm Sunday offers the opportunity to learn from the very wise grandmother who took her young granddaughter to a Prayer Meeting.  As the celebration built to a crescendo all of those present were praying out loud and jumping up and down praising God.  The little granddaughter’s eyes opened wide in amazement.  Her grandmother leaned over and said to her.  “It doesn’t matter how high they jump.  It is what they do once they land that really matters”.  


Loving Jesus as we begin Holy Week help us.  It is very important that we give you praise but it is more important that we do not continue Your Crucifixion by our sins, stubbornness and selfishness. 




President Clinton tells of his first meeting with Nelson Mandela.  In conversation with this great leader of


South Africa, the President said, “When you were released from prison, Mr. Mandela, I woke my daughter at 3am in the morning.  I wanted her to see this historic event.  As you marched from your cell block across the yard to the gate of the prison, the camera focused on your face.  I have never seen such anger and even hatred in any man as was expressed on your face at that time.  That’s not the Nelson Mandela I know today.  What was that all about?”  Mandela answered “I’m surprised that you saw that and I regret that the cameras caught my anger.  As I walked across the courtyard that day I thought to myself:  


They’ve taken everything from you that matters.  Your cause is dead.  Your family is gone.  Your friends have been killed.  Now they’re releasing you, but there’s nothing left for you out there.  I hated them for what they had taken from me.  Then, I sensed an inner voice saying to me ‘Nelson!’, for 27 years you were their prisoner, but you were always a free man!  Don’t allow them to make you into a free man only to turn you into their prisoner!”  An unforgiving spirit creates bitterness in our souls and imprisons our spirits. A failure to forgive imprisons us.  From His Cross on Good Friday, Jesus prayed in tears, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing” Can we all try to imitate Jesus’s forgiving Spirit this Holy Week?


                                                      WE HAVE LOST RESPECT


Trying to live and cope with all that is involved in lockdown is very difficult for each and everyone of us.  However, for me the most difficult thing to cope with in recent months is that respect has vanished.  Respect for anthers point of view, whether or not you agree with it, is totally gone.  Respect is a precious blessing we need to hold onto.  It helps one to see the other point of view.  Recognize that if you had their history, their circumstances and the forces that weigh on them you would likely have their point of view.  Consider life a privilege – all of it, even the parts that are difficult or seem a waste of time.  Give up the attitude that reinforces mediocrity, the safe places where we gossip and complain to one another, where we are petty and so very unkind.  Take a chance.  Be willing to put your reputation on the line; have something at stake.  Work for satisfaction rather than for credit.  Keep your word.  There will be times when the circumstances of life will make you forget who you are and what you’re about.  This is when you need to be committed to keeping your word, making what you say count.  The Work of Jesus counted in the Holy Week story.  He trusts each of us in having respect for each other and in making our word count as His follower.  Please God respect will return in a Christian way to our society and all our lives, starting this Holy Week.  Blessings for a grace filled week. 




           God does not ask about our ability or our inability but our availability.


           Better be a radiator rather than an accumulator.


           If you can’t be thankful for what you receive be thankful for what you escape.






Listowel Parish News 26 March 2021




Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


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For Listowel Parish


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Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


 Masses online only behind closed doors  28th to 4th April


Sat. 27th              Hannah Mai Cahill, Ballybunion Rd, Months Mind / Cliff Gore, Charles St., Months Mind / Tom & Margaret Sheahan, Glin & Eileen Holly, Tarbert / Dan & Michael O Sullivan, Skehenerin / Pat & Bridie O Driscoll, Tanavalla & Ballygologue Park    Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 28th              Stephen T. Stack, Cahirdown & Dromin Lower, 1st Anniversary / Anne Wixted, Ballinruddery, Birthday Remembrance / Jim Quinlan, Aviation Drive, Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance / Thomas McElligott, Duagh & London / Paul Kirby, Charles St. / Tadgh & Betty Hickey, Ballingarry / James G., Joan & Peggy Dore, Charles St. / Michael & Mary Ellen Collins & Dec. Family, Ballylongford / Marie O Connor nee Farrell, The Well Rd. Ballylongford & London / Hannah Curtin nee Barry, St Brendan’s Tce. / Con & Mary Anne McCarthy, Lacca, Duagh                 11.30am


Mon 29th            Brendan Galvin, Duagh, 1st Anniversary                10.30am


   Tues 30th         Tracey Long, Guhard, Lisselton, Months Mind    10.30am


Wed 31st             Con Shine, Knocknagoshal / Nora Mary Stokes, Dirha      10.30am


Thurs 1st              HOLY THURSDAY – Morning Prayer          10.30am


Mass of the Lords Supper:  Place a jug, bowl and towel somewhere in your home. Place the palm from Palm Sunday beside it. During the Mass of the Last Supper, we remember Jesus Christ, the servant of all. We remember those who are serving their fellow humans in so many different ways during this time of pandemic.                    8pm


Fri 2nd GOOD FRIDAY – Morning Prayer – Place a cross near where you are praying. During the Good Friday ceremonies, you might like to hold the cross in your hands.         10.30am


Lords Passion     3pm


Stations of the Cross      8pm


Sat 3rd Holy SATURDAY – Morning Prayer            10.30am


Easter Vigil – Place a candle near you as you pray – light it when the priest lights the Easter candle in the church.




 Betty Gormley, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Nora Mary Stokes, Dirha


                Vigil 8pm


Sun 4th                  




EASTER SUNDAY – Nelius Galvin, Old Rd., Clieveragh / Tom & Jenny Carey, Main St. / Ann Dwyer Sheehan, Ballygrennan / Sheila Ryan, Skehenerin






RECENT DEATHS Tom Barry, Tanavalla.




THIS SUNDAY IS PALM SUNDAY We invite you to have some Palm at home and it will be blessed virtually at each of our weekend masses. There will be some blessed Palm left at the back of the Church for those who wish to pick it up. Please sanitise your hands before and after.




PLEASE NOTE: The Parish office is closed for Easter from Friday next 2nd April to Wednesday 7th April. Normal office hours resume behind closed doors Thursday 8th April. For emergencies ring Fr. Declan on 0870908949.




PADRE PIO EVENING MASS has been moved to Friday 9th April for the month of April only.




MILE BUIOCHAS:  – for your continuing support and donations that helps the day to day running of St. Mary’s Church by parish envelopes, Cheques and setting up standing orders. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel Co. Kerry please reference your full name and box no if you have one. Thanking you once again.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan, 087-0908949 (emergencies only).




Pastoral Message for Holy Week and Easter 2021




If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, how much more should you wash each other’s feet?  Jn 13:14




What a year! Together all of us have lived through a year of the corona virus, each has experienced it in our own unique circumstances. The Winter months have been particularly difficult. The light and new green growth of Springtime has never been so welcome, and it has coincided with the season of Lent. Let us keep our spirits up and encourage one another in following public health guidance.




Thank God for the way so many people have been there for each other, thank God for the way front line workers have sacrificed themselves to provide essential services. We are full of gratitude; how important it is to live lives of generous service. Individually we are at our best when our communities are at their best.




With government guidance at level 5, and with a genuine concern that we could have another major wave of the virus ahead, it is understandable but sad that we have our Easter ceremonies without a congregation. It is a blessing that you can join in the ceremonies so easily from your home via modern technology. What we miss is the dual presence: the presence of the community gathered in church, and together receiving the Real Presence at the altar.




In some ways it seems like the past year has been one long Lent! If so, what word has God spoken to your heart through it? Here are three points to reflect on as we come to Easter 2021:




    Live every day putting your trust in God. In times of great difficulty, in times when life gets us down, we look to Jesus for peace. Jesus’ word to us always is, “Fear not, have peace in your heart, I am with you”. In time of difficulty, regarding health or death, employment or finances, loneliness or depression we sense in our hearts, ‘God is with me, God will see me through, – all will be well’. Have basic Christian hope in your heart, – trust in God in all things!


    This Holy Week and Easter, joining in Mass from home, seek nourishment at the table of God’s word. The introduction to the Roman Missal speaks of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass: “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in church, God himself speaks to his People, and Christ, present in his own word, proclaims the Gospel” (29). When you go forth from the Easter ceremonies carry words from the scriptures in your heart: the Last Supper, ‘you should  wash each other’s feet’; the commemoration of the Passion, ‘This is my body, given up for you’; Easter morning, ‘You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, He is risen …’.


    This year has reminded us that home is where we pray each day. Home is the place where we first received our faith and where we live it. In the home God is present with us. Prayer in the home is the time we spend turned towards God, – talking to him about our lives and asking his help; giving praise and thanks; asking forgiveness and renewing our trust. Has prayer in the home helped you and your family over the past year? It will be a great blessing if, when this virus is finally a memory, we have a new awareness of prayer in the home.




A word of thanks to our priests and deacons, and all who have contributed to the life of our parishes over the past year. A word of thanks to our schools for the great work they have done. A word of encouragement to all young people looking forward to First Confession, First Communion or Confirmation. We cannot make any plans until we know when we will have congregations in church. The situation is disappointing, but the ceremonies will be worth waiting for. Another group who have suffered are the Leaving Cert. students. May they trust that all will be well and, come the Autumn, they will be satisfied with the options that come their way.




Thank you to all who have continued to contribute to parish funds and the parish dues for our priests. Keep up the good work. Priests have been greatly encouraged by your faithfulness. Please remember other local charities and voluntary bodies over the Easter season, so much fundraising has not been possible. All need funds to pay for the basics like insurance, heating, and the overheads of an office. Please, let us not forget the Lenten campaign of Trocaire. If the corona virus has been hard on us, how much more difficult has it been for the communities Trocaire supports?




Finally, every time we pray over the Easter season let us all, people and priests, remember the deceased of the past year, and their grieving loved ones. Have a comforting word for the bereaved when you meet. In this world and in the next our hope is in Christ, “Christ is Risen, alleluia”. Be assured of my prayers.




Bishop Ray Browne Palm Sunday 2021




20 March 2021==============================


Moyvane Parish 18 March 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards for all occasions available in Office/Holly’s. 


Parish Office Opening Times:  Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Thurs 10am – 1pm, Wed Closed.  


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 20th to Sunday 28st March - Radio 


Sat 20th                                                 7.30pm                Tim & Hannah Leahy, Trien (Anni)


Sun 21st                                               11.00am               Sr. Deborah O’Flaherty, Queensland, Australia & l/o Murhur (Rec Dec)


Mon 22nd                            7.30pm                Joe Moriarty, Kent (Rec Dec)


                                                                                                                                (brother to Mary Duggan, Murhur)


Tues 23rd                             7.30pm                Bridie McElligott (née Moore), Tournageehy


                                                                                                                                (Rec Dec)     (Aunt to Tom Moore, Glenalappa)


Wed 24th                             7.30pm                Ger & Siobhán Galvin (Special Intention)


Thurs 25th                            7.30pm                Jerry Cadogan, Drimoleague, Cork (Rec Dec)


                                                                                                                                (Father to Kate O’Connor, The Village)


Fri 26th                                                  7.30pm                Kathy Scollard, Dromcollogher (Rec Dec)


                                                                                                                                (Sister to Anna Mulvihill, Glenalappa & Nora Carr, Aughrim)


Sat 27th                                                 7.30pm                Michael & Maureen O’Connor, Ballybunion (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & their son Kevin & their grandson Frank Wallace


Sun 28th                                              11.00am               PALM SUNDAY (Beginning of Holy Week)


                                                                                                                                Nora & Danny Walsh, Moher (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 21st to Sunday 28st March – Tannoy


Sun 21st                                                  9.30am Jack & Betty Goulding, Keylod (Anni)


Sun 28th                                 9.30am PALM SUNDAY (Beginning of Holy Week)


                                                                                                                                James & Mary Keane, Kilmorna (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Michael Hussey  087/2386084.  


OFFERTORY, DUES, SHRINES & MUGS: Offertory €1,907.59; Dues €640; Shrines Moyvane €190; Mugs €200 (bringing total to date €11,910), 25 mugs left (last of the choc-ices!)  Very many thanks.


TRÓCAIRE BOXES:  To be returned at weekend Masses on Sunday 28th and on Easter Sunday 4th April.  


STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  On Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4pm on 99.9fm.


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Mary & Jimmy Duggan, Murhur on the death of Mary’s brother Joe Moriarty, who died recently in Kent, UK.  Mass for the happy repose of his soul is on Monday evening in the Church of the Assumption.  To the Goulding family, Knockanure Village on the death of their Dad Hugh whose funeral took place in Knockanure.  Months Mind for Huge will take place on Sunday 4th April in Corpus Christi Church.


May Joe and Hugh rest in peace.  


LOOKING TOWARDS EASTER:  On Thursday March 25th @ 8pm, Fr Donal O'Connor will explore "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." To register, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie 




NIARON LTD:  ESB Jointing works will continue outside the Co-op in Moyvane village. The works in


Knockanure at the turn for Church road will finish and move to a new location between Knockanure village and Moyvane graveyard. We would like to thank the local community for their patience during these works and apologize for any inconvenience.




There is a line in Leonard Cohen’s song, ‘Anthem’, which I find most cheerful especially when I haven’t done my very, very best.  ‘There is a crack in everything’ is how this seemingly hopeless line begins, however, it ends ‘…….that’s how the light gets in’.  It reminds us that it is only because of our shortcomings that the Light of Christ came into the world.  It is through our flaws that he enters our lives.  Then it is up to us to let Him shine out again in us.  Shortcomings can be a real blessing.  




It is easy to put your foot in it……(I ought to know!).  We all say at sometime, something we wish we hadn’t. 


That is why in recent times, I keep in the corner at the back of my mind this little gem….


‘Always choose tasteful words, you might have to eat them later!’










By now you all know my favourite parable from Scripture – the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32).  We all know the story.  A son leaves his father’s home to go off to a far country.  There he squanders his inheritance on bad living.  He hits bottom, realizes he was wrong and is sorry.  He returns to his father to seek forgiveness.  When his father sees him coming, he runs out to greet him with kisses and warm hugs.  He orders new clothes for his son and a huge celebration.  I love this story for its drama and emotion because it rings true.   I can identify with that prodigal son.  Sometimes I take God the Father’s gifts for granted.  Sometimes I try to run away from God or live as if He doesn’t exist.  This is the reality of sin.  And we are all sinners.  That’s what makes this parable so beautiful.  Our Lord is telling us that sin does not have to be the last word in our lives.  Jesus – by becoming like us in all things except sin, by dying for us while we were yet sinners – revealed the power of God’s beautiful love and mercy.  As people of faith we need to remind ourselves that God our loving Father comes to embrace His prodigal sons and daughters in the lovely Sacrament of Confession (Reconciliation) – no matter how big our sins are or how many times we have repeated them.  As often as we come to Confession with a contrite heart, we will always find God the Father ready to forgive us, arms open wide to welcome us home to the Church and Holy Communion.  This is what Lent is about – reconciliation with God and His Church, and a deeper conversion to Jesus and His Gospel.   These days of Lent are a great time for rooting out bad habits and making good resolutions.  I encourage you to make a good Confession before Easter, even if its been a long time since your last Confession.  Come home to our Father!  Be reconciled to God through the Ministry of His Church.  Don’t wait to change your life!  You can hope in our Father’s mercy.  You can trust in His pledge of grace to help you lead a better life.  In the early Church, they called Confession the ‘Second conversion in tears’.  St. Peter cried in sorrow after denying Jesus, and in His mercy, Jesus spoke to him the tender words of His pardon and peace.  In Confession we too can hear these words of compassion for our sins.  St. Ambrose, writing to his sister in the year 388AD, said that in the Church “there are water and tears: the water of Baptism and the tears of repentance”.  Our tears of repentance and all our efforts to deepen our closeness to Jesus leads us back to the waters of our Baptism.  In Lent, we are purifying ourselves so that we can live out the identity we were given in Baptism – no longer prodigals, but children of God. 


IT'S U……….IT’S U………….


I often spend a few minutes browsing through a dictionary.  It’s amazing what you notice.  Recently, for instance, it occurred to me that there’s a group of words that all have something in common.  They are words like UNASSUMING, UNBIASED, UNCONQUERABLE, UNDAUNTED, UNDERSTANDING, UNFLINCHING,


UNITED and UNTIRING.  What have they in common?  Well, they all start with ‘U’, don’t they?




             He who gossips with you will gossip of you.


             One of the greatest lessons of life is to learn not to do what one likes, but to like what one has to do.


             When we die, we lose time but gain Eternity.


             One minute of keeping your mouth shut is worth an hour of explanation!




I think the following four lines give us a clear and simple way as to how we should all build our lives:


BELIEF -                Is the start of foundations;            LOVE  -                Is the door we enter by; FAITH  -              Is the making of strong walls;        HOPE  -          Is the roof that covers all;




Back in the 1930’s a big manufacturing company in the United States sent a machine to Japan.  A month later the company received a cable: “MACHINE DOES NOT WORK, SEND MAN TO FIX’.  The Company sent someone to Japan.  Before he had the opportunity to examine the machine, the Company received a second cable: “MAN TOO YOUNG, SEND OLDER MAN’.  The Company’s reply was: “BETTER USE HIM, HE


INVENTED THE MACHINE”.  For this to work properly, one has to go to the right person.  The right person will do it right, regardless of age. 




If you wish to bring your own palm from home on Palm Sunday it will be blessed.  For those who don’t have palm we have palm crosses that you can take home.










Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


Click Here






For Listowel Parish


Click Here


Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


 Masses online only behind closed doors  21st to 28th March


Sat. 20th              Timmy Daly, Courthouse Lawn, Months Mind / Kitty McCarthy nee Sheehan, New York & Ballygrennan, 1st Anniversary /




Jeremiah (Derry) Lynch, O’Connell’s Ave. & Feale Drive / Paddy, Lil & Pat Horgan, Charles St. / Mary O Connor, Lisroe, Duagh


                Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 21st               Eileen Kennelly, Upper Church Street, Months Mind / Anthony Greaney, Ballygologue Park / Kitty & Danny Broderick, Gortcreen / Paddy, Eileen, Jack & Nora McElligott, Coolaclarig / Michael O Mahony & Deceased Family, Woodford            11.30am


Mon 22nd           Nora O Brien, Tralee, Months Mind /  Monica Corridan nee Chute            10.30am


   Tues 23rd         Joe Hannon, Charles St. / Fr. Teddy Molyneaux, Woodford & South Africa            10.30am


Wed 24th                            10.30am


Thurs 25th           Margaret Stack, Charles Street 10.30am


Fri 26th                 Dr. & Mrs. William Henigan, The Square / Paddy Lynch, Dirha Cottages   10.30am


Sat 27th                Jim Quinlan, Aviation Drive, Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance          10.30am


Hannah Mai Cahill, Ballybunion Rd, Months Mind / Cliff Gore, Charles St., Months Mind / Tom & Margaret Sheahan, Glin & Eileen Holly, Tarbert / Dan & Michael O Sullivan, Skehenerin          Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 28th              Stephen T. Stack, Cahirdown & Dromin Lower,  1st Anniversary / Anne Wixted, Ballinruddery, Birthday Remembrance /Jim Quinlan, Aviation Drive, Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance / Thomas McElligott, Duagh & London / Paul Kirby, Charles St. / Tadgh & Betty Hickey, Ballingarry / James G., Joan & Peggy Dore, Charles St. / Michael & Mary Ellen Collins & Dec. Family, Ballylongford / Marie O Connor nee Farrell, The Well Rd. Ballylongford & London                 11.30am




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE David Bunyan Senior & Maureen & Joseph Lambert / Patrick & Michael O Shaughnessy, William St.




STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Marking our season of Lent, a short Stations of the Cross-Prayer Service will take place each Friday morning after the Friday morning 10.30 a.m. mass.




FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT  – 21ST MARCH 2021 For all those being called to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life, that they may deepen their faith in Christ who calls them to glorify God in a profoundly personal way through their vocations, we  pray to the Lord. Speak to your local priest or Diocesan Vocations Director, or email the National Vocations Office: email:  info@vocations.ie




THE LEGION OF MARY WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL CONSECRATION TO OUR LADY on Sunday 28th March at 3.p.m. via the Killarney Cathedral Webcam. www.churchservices.tv/killarneycathedral Please join us in making this consecration to Our Lady.  This is the Centenary of the Legion of Mary 1921– 2021.  The Legion of Mary will celebrate 100 years in September 2021. It will be a time of joy, of celebration and of thanksgiving.




THANK YOU  – for your continuing support and donations that helps the day to day running of St. Mary’s Church by parish envelopes, Cheques, the parish website www.listowelparish.com (donation tab) and setting up standing orders. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel Co. Kerry please reference your full name and box no if you have one. Thanking you once again.




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be dropped into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Michael Hussey, 087-2386084  (emergencies only).




NEXT SUNDAY IS PALM SUNDAY 28th March the blessing of Palm will take place on Saturday 27th Vigil Mass and Sunday 28th 11.30am. Mass virtually. Palm Sunday – Cut a piece of palm for your own home or choose a piece of whatever evergreen tree is in your garden. At Palm Sunday Mass, Fr. Declan will pray a blessing on the piece of palm in every home. The original palm signalled the ordinary people honouring Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. Let your palm express your faith and hope in God amid the Covid-19 pandemic. There will be some blessed Palm at the back of the Church after Mass for anyone who doesn’t have any Palm.









Moyvane News 11 3 2021




Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Mass cards for all occasions available in Office/Holly’s. 


Parish Office Opening Times:  Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon, Tues & Thurs 10am – 1pm, Wed Closed.  


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 13th to Sunday 21st March - Radio 


Sat 13th                                                 7.30pm                Eileen O’Connor & Mary Keane, Clounbrane (Anni)


Sun 14th                                              11.00am               Patrick Hayes, Clounbrane (1st Anni)


Tues 16th                             7.30pm                VIGIL:  ST. PATRICK’S DAY


                                                                                                                                Fr. Joe Finan, Sligo & Dublin (Months Mind)


Wed 17th                            11.00am               ST. PATRICK’S DAY


                                                                                                                                Emmet Leahy, Carrueragh (Anni)


Thurs 18th                            7.30pm                Marie O’Callaghan, Glin Road (Anni) & dec of the O’Callaghan family


Fri 19th                                                  7.30pm                Special Intention – Bereavement 


Sat 20th                                                 7.30pm                Tim & Hannah Leahy, Trien (Anni)


Sun 21st                                               11.00am               Sr. Deborah O’Flaherty, Queensland, Australia (Rec Dec)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 14 to Sunday 21st March – Tannoy


Sun 14th                                                9.30am               Margaret & Michael Flynn, Knockanure (Anni) 


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the McMahon & Flynn families


Mon 15th                                              7.00pm Mary O’Carroll, Knockanure (Months Mind, in Church, no congregation)


Wed 17th                                               9.30am ST PATRICK’S DAY - Parishioners


Sun 21st                                                  9.30am Jack & Betty Goulding, Keylod (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Seán Hanafin  087/8341083.  


OFFERTORY, DUES, SHRINES & MUGS: Offertory €1,209; Dues €495; Shrines Moyvane €224.70; Shrines Knockanure €56.75; Mugs €880 (bringing total to date €11,710).  Very many thanks.


STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  On Monday & Friday at 4pm on 99.9fm. (note: no Stations on St. Patrick’s Day) PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To the Flavin family, Trien on the death of their aunt Nell Flavin whose funeral took place in Knockanure.  To the Kennedy, Long and Hanlon families on the death of Tracy Kennedy whose funeral took place in Ballybunion.  May Nell and Tracy rest in peace.  Our prayerful support to their loved ones. 


VOCATIONS: ‘Virtual Discernment Evening’ on Tuesday, 23rd March for those interested in the Diocesan


Priesthood.  Those interested must register by emailing info@vocations.ie  Fr. Joe Begley, Vocation Director.




Lockdown or no lockdown the Feast of St. Patrick is a special day for Irish people everywhere.  It revives their sense of identity and their connection with home; that small island on the edge of Europe where young Patrick met God in the hardship and loneliness of exile and slavery.  With celebrations curtailed enormously this year we must make and extra effort to focus on Patrick’s faith and unshakable trust in God.  This might seem a very inadequate message in these Covid days.  Yet, it may be the only solid ground that is left to us when everything else has turned to quicksand.  On Wednesday, may our prayer be the one that Patrick prayed often, “I leave myself in the hands of the almighty God who rules everywhere”.  Happy Feast Day.  As ever, we will have blessed Shamrock for Tuesday’s Vigil and Wednesdays Masses.  May his prayers be special to all of us and to all our emigrants.  Lá Fhéile Pádraig. 




NIARON LTD:  ESB Jointing works will continue at the same locations in Knockanure and outside the Co-op in Moyvane. Niaron Ltd are grateful for the great community support.


VILLAGE GRILL:  Will be closed this Monday evening 15th due to electrical maintenance work. Reopens on 16th.  DONATE A CALF FOR CANCER:  Just over a year ago John McGrath and Erin Stack were young and in love and looking forward to building a life together in their beloved North Kerry. Sadly, a tragedy that is all too familiar for far too many Kerry families intervened and John was diagnosed with terminal Oesophageal Cancer in January 2020. John battled his illness with a courage, compassion, and humour.   Both families have decided to celebrate John's life and help others by organising 'Donate A Calf For Cancer' in conjunction with The Listowel Mart. We are asking farmers to bring their calf or calves to the Listowel Mart on March 24th and donate the sales proceeds made to Palliative Care.  Please support this wonderful cause.  For more information, please get in touch by email at info@donateacalf.com or by phone at 087 1755324. 




                A MUM’S LIFE


Mums are special!  Enjoy the following short questions, observations and loving comments which we have all heard our Mums say.  So, Mums have a cuppa and smile with the following: One line at a time.


Take your plate into the kitchen, please.                                   Take it downstairs when you go.


Don’t leave it there, take it upstairs.                                         Is that yours?


Don’t hit your brother.                                                               I’m talking to you.


Just a minute please, can’t you see I’m talking!                          I said, don’t interrupt.


Did you brush your teeth?                                                         What are you doing out of bed?


Go back to bed now.                                                                                                                                                      You can’t watch TV in the afternoon.


What do you mean, there’s nothing to do?                                                                          Go outside.


Read a book.                                                                                                                                                                                      Turn it down.


Get off the phone.                                                                                                                                                          Tell your friend you’ll call her back.  Right now.


She’ll call you when she gets home.                                                                                                        Take a jacket. Take a sweater.


Take one anyway.                                                                                                                                                                           Get the toys out of the hall.


Someone left their shoes in front of the television.                                         Get the toys off the stairs now.


Do you realise that could kill someone?                                                                                                 Please hurry up. 


Hurry up.  Everyone’s waiting.                                                                                                                   Did you go to the toilet?


I’ll count to ten and then we’re going without you.                                          If you don’t go, you’re not going!


I mean it, why didn’t you go before you left?                                                      Can you hold it?


What’s going on back there?                                                                                                                      Stop it, I said, stop it.


I don’t want to hear about it.                                                                                                                      Stop it or I’m taking you home right now.


That’s it, we’re going home.                                                                                                                       Give me a kiss.


I need a hug.                                                                                                                                                                                      Make your bed.


Clean your room.                                                                                                                                                                             Set the table.


I need you to set the table.                                                                                                                         Don’t tell me it’s not your turn.


Please move your chair into the table.                                                                                  Sit up.


Just try a little.  You don’t have to eat the whole thing.                   Stop messing and eat.


Would you watch what you’re doing?                                                                                    More please.  That’s better.


Move your glass.  It’s too close to the edge.  Watch it.                    Just eat one bite of salad.


You don’t always get what you want.  That’s life.                                              Go to your room.


Don’t argue with me.  I’m not discussing this anymore.                                  No, ten minutes aren’t up


No, they are not up!                                                                                                                                                       One more minute.


How many times have I told you don’t do that.                                                                  Where did all the biscuits go?


Eat the old fruit before you eat the new fruit.                                                    I’m not giving you mushrooms see!


I’ve taken all the mushrooms out. OK!                                                                                  Is your homework done?


Stop shouting.  If you want to ask me something, come here.     I’ll think about it.


Not now.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ask your father.


We’ll see.                                                                                                                                                                                            Calm down.


Don’t sit so close to the television, it’s bad for your eyes.              Calm down and start again.


Is that the truth?                                                                                                                                                                              Fasten your seat belt.


Did everyone fasten their seat belts?                                                                                     I’m sorry, that’s the rule!


Did you say your prayers?                                                                                                                                            I’m proud of you!


So, Mums have a grace filled enjoyable Mother’s Day.  I hope you all enjoy your gifts from the Parish. 


May Jesus give all of you joy and peace this very special day.




A Priest taking his morning walk came across a stonebreaker.  After giving him a cheery “Good morning”, the Priest remarked that he had a deal of work to get through.  “Yes indeed”, replied the man, “them stones are like the TEN COMMANDMENTS”.  “Why so?” enquired the Priest.  “You can go on breaking ‘em”, came the reply.  “But you can never get rid of ‘em”.  The Ten Commandments are meant to help us rather than hinder us. 


Do you feel them as a blessing in your life?




 Don’t be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin. 








Listowel Parish News 12 3 2021




Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


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For Listowel Parish


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Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


Masses online only behind closed doors  14th to 21st March


Sat. 13th              Mary & Michael Halpin, Ballygologue Park & Ian McCarthy / Eileen Hannon, The Square / Peter & Annie Heaphy, O’Connell’s Ave.               Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 14th              Kathleen Hannan, Cois Baile, Months Mind / Shusannah Morris, Listowel & Australia, 1st Anniversary / John O Connor, Tralee & Chicago / Margaret McEnery, Tobartoreen, Moyvane               11.30am


Mon 15th            Pat & Kitt Dowling, Bridge Road / Hannah Patricia Kelly, Woodview / Patrick Stack & Teresa O Sullivan nee Stack Gortcreen, Birthday Remembrances 10.30am


   Tues 16th         Liam & Frances Wolf, Horseshoe Bar       10.30am


Mary Joe McElligott, Duagh Village & Chicago      6.15pm Vigil


Wed 17th                           




˜  ˜  St. Patricks Day ˜  ˜




Patrick (Paudeen) Moloney, Woodford, Birthday Remembrance




Thurs 18th           Mairead, Michael, William & Annie Lyons & Dec. Family, Derry    10.30am


Fri 19th                 People of the Parish       10.30am


Sat 20th                Christy Walsh, Dirha West / Paddy & Nora Sheehy, Bedford         10.30am


Timmy Daly, Courthouse Lawn, Months Mind / Kitty McCarthy nee Sheehan, New York & Ballygrennan, 1st Anniversary / Jeremiah (Derry) Lynch, O’Connell’s Ave. & Feale Drive     Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 21st               Eileen Kennelly, Upper Church Street, Months Mind / Anthony Greaney, Ballygologue Park / Kitty & Danny Broderick, Gortcreen / Paddy, Eileen, Jack & Nora McElligott, Coolaclarig / Michael O Mahony & Deceased Family, Woodford            11.30am




RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS Edmond Hayes, Gortacrossane. / Bridie Cagoe nee Buckley, England late of Finuge.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Martin & Dorothy Jordan, Kilkenny & Charles St. / Paddy Halpin, Greenville.




STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Marking our season of Lent, a short Stations of the Cross-Prayer Service will take place each Friday morning after the Friday morning 10.30 a.m. mass.




FORTH   SUNDAY OF LENT  – 14th MARCH 2021 Just a Jesus was the light that came into the world, we pray that we may have faithful priests. deacons and consecrated religious to guide. We pray that those who are being called by the Lord to serve as priests, deacons or consecrated religious will hear His call. Speak to your local priest or Diocesan Vocations Director, or email the National Vocations Office: email:  info@vocations.ie




THANK YOU  – for your continuing support and donations that helps the day to day running of St. Mary’s Church by parish envelopes, Cheques, the parish website www.listowelparish.com (donation tab) and setting up standing orders. For anyone interested in setting up a standing order our bank details are IBAN IE14 BOFI 9057 8228 9052 58, BIC BOFIIE2D, Account Name – Listowel Church Account. Bank address, Bank of Ireland, The Square, Listowel Co. Kerry please reference your full name and box no if you have one. Thanking you once again.




LECTIO DIVINA WITH FR SEAMUS O’CONNELL  “PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP!”   Luke 5:4 Reading more deeply….  Reflecting more deeply…..  Resting more deeply. “People who remain foreigners to the Word remain apathetic, silent, unresponsive to what they are hearing. They do not grow in communion and are incapable of expressing the faith in their lives.”   Cardinal Carlo M. Martini Three nights of Lectio Divina during Lent to deepen our reading and prayer with the gospels.   The sessions are for people of faith wishing to deepen their encounter with God’s Word. Online with Fr. Seamus O’Connell (St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth and Diocese of Kerry) Tuesday 16th, 23rd and 30th March @ 7.30 – 9.00 p.m. Suggested Donation:  €5 – €10 to cover all sessions To register and to receive the zoom link, please email: office@stjohns.ie Insert “Lectio Divina” in the subject line Organised by Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Parish Lectio Divina Group in conjunction with the Tralee Pastoral Area (St. John’s, Our Lady & St. Brendans, Spa).




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be dropped into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Sean Hanafin, 087-8341083  (emergencies only).


       ~ ~ ~ ~  Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers    ~ ~ ~ ~










Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Signed Sympathy Mass cards, Get well Mass cards and Blessed Candles available at Hollys.  Blessed candles also available in the Parish Office.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 6th to Sunday 14th March - Radio 


Sat 6th                                                   7.30pm                Peggy Wallace, Aughrim (Anni)


Sun 7th                                                 11.00am               Catherine O’Connor, Glin (Anni)                 


Mon 8th                                                7.30pm                Ann Flahavan, Moyvane North (Anni)


Tues 9th                                                7.30pm                Special Intention- Birthday Remembrance Jo Cleary (RIP)


Wed 10th                             6.00pm                Bill Walsh, Tarmons West (Anni)


                                                                                 7.30pm                Margaret Mulvihill, Gurtdromosillihy (Anni)


Thurs 11th                            7.30pm                Mary Quinn, Leitrim Middle, Birthday Celebration Mass


Fri 12th                                                  7.30pm                Tom & Mary McNamara & baby Gerard, Cooraclare Village (RIP)


                                                                                                                                Blessings on Fr. Kevin & his sister Geraldine


                                                                                                                                (Mass requested by Dan Joe Riordan, Moyvane North)


Sat 13th                                                 7.30pm                Eileen O’Connor & Mary Keane, Clounbrane (Anni)


Sun 14th                                              11.00am               Patrick Hayes, Clounbrane (1st Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 7th to Sunday 14th March – Tannoy


Sun 7th                                                   9.30am               Bridie Flavin, Trien (Anni)


Sun 14th                                                9.30am               Margaret & Michael Flynn, Knockanure (Anni) 


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the McMahon & Flynn families


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch  087/6709491.  


Sale of Mugs €680 (bringing total to date €10,830).  Very many thanks.


STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  On Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4pm on 99.9fm.                                            JESUS ANGRY !  ARE YOU SERIOUS?


The anger, which Jesus shows in His concern for the reverence due to the Temple of God, may be needed to do the work of God.  Currently we can have Funerals with ten or one or two extra in attendance, but for Holy Week we can’t have anyone present!  Make no mistake about it, that is causing a lot of anger to many of us. However, it is vital that our anger and total dissatisfaction with all Politicians who seem to be anti-Church does not translate into the disruptive actions as deployed by the group behind last weekend’s very violent antilockdown protest in Dublin.  Politicians, Church leaders and Community leaders need to give a clear, positive and honest message to all of us – “lets adhere to the HSE guidelines”.  Here is a true story with awful consequences when the wrong message is given.   Billy Martin tells a story about himself and Mickey Mantle in his autobiography, entitled ‘Number 1’.  Billy says he and Mickey were doing a little hunting down in Texas.  Mickey had a good friend who would let him hunt on his big ranch.  When they got there, Mickey told Billy to wait in the car while he went in and cleared things with his friend.  Permission was quickly granted for them to hunt but the owner asked Mickey to do him a big favour.  He had a very old pet donkey in the barn who was going blind and in poor health and he didn’t have the heart to put him out of his misery.  He asked Mickey to shoot the mule for him.  Mickey agreed.  On the way back to the car a plan formed in Mickey’s mind.  Reaching the car, he pretended to be angry.  He shouted and slammed the car door shut.  Billy wanted to know what was wrong.  Mickey replied that the owner wouldn’t let them hunt there after all.  “I’m so mad at that guy that I’m going out to that barn and I’ll shoot one of his donkeys”, Mickey said.  He drove like a madman to the barn.  Billy protested: “Take it easy Mickey! We can’t do that”.  But Mickey was adamant.  “Just watch me”, he shouted.  When they got to the barn, Mickey jumped out of the car with his rifle, ran to the barn, shot the donkey and killed it.  When he got back to the car, he saw that Billy had also taken his gun out and smoke was curling from its barrel too.  “What are you doing Billy?”, yelled Mickey.  Billy proudly answered, “We’ll show that son-of-a-gun.  I killed two of his cows”. 


Heading towards Holy Week are we ever concerned whether or not our anger is based on God’s will?  We still have the power and freedom to make Holy Week holy.  But if anger takes hold of us, we won’t make Holy Week holy.  Jesus did what He did in the Gospel today because He had the authority to do it, because God’s House had become a ‘marketplace’.  People had lost their focus of God and His Commandments.    








We’re a people losing heart.  There’s a loss of heart for almost everything:  for sticking to the rules and regulations around Covid, as more and more people feel they know best.  Religious fanatics trying to convince all of us that we can assemble without masks and that C19 is all a hoax.  What do they say to the following statistics one year on from C19:  2.4million deaths across 200 countries.  These people claim to know more than the medical people.  Losing heart too for fidelity in relationships as fewer and fewer people find within themselves the resilience needed to live out the tensions that long-term commitment inevitably brings.  Losing heart too with Church which appears to have taken to the hills since Covid 19 started as more and more people quietly or angrily leave the faith, rather than deal with their own and their Church’s humanity; and for politicians and effort needed to build good caring communities.  Less and less people find the time, energy and heart to work for others.  We’re losing ground everywhere.  There is a loss of heart for children, for simple freshness, for romance, for innocence, for proper aesthetics and even for manners.  


Thoreau once suggested that we live lives of “quiet desperation” that may have been true of his generation, but it’s less true today.  Our struggle is more with internal bleeding, though Thoreau is right about its quietness.  This haemorrhaging is mostly quiet and unrecognised.  We are living in changing times.  We have debunked most of our former heroes and heroines and are reeking havoc with most of our childhood faith and values.  An ever-increasing sensitivity has progressively polarised and politicised life around Marriage, Church, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Culture, Hierarchy and Values.  While much of this was needed and is in many instances a clear intellectual and moral progress, we’ve been slow to admit that we are losing heart.  This is also slowly tiring us, gradually wounding the heart and drawing away much of its strength and resilience.  The loss of our innocence has precisely left us wounded in the heart.  A wounded heart seeks to protect itself, to find respite from what wounded it in the first place.  Hence, I strongly feel, more and more, we have less heart to put up with the strains and tensions of Family, Church, Neighbourhood, Parish and Country.  Instead, we protect ourselves by surrounding ourselves with like-minded people, safe circles and we have too little heart for actually dealing with the tensions that arise from our differences.  We’re well-intentioned, but tired, too tired to be robust enough to deal with tensions that arise from our differences.  We have opted for silence and no-one wants to speak out or indeed speak up.  We’re not called to turn back the clocks to become arch-conservative.  We’re called instead, I believe, to uphold good moral values.  And it’s getting more difficult for everyone in modern day Ireland to proclaim with joy and enthusiasm that one is a person of faith, who is prepared to name things that are right and wrong.  We’re losing heart. 


But Jesus, His Gospel and Easter Blessings give all of us new heart.  Let’s hope we can accept them – then we will have new heart.  Jesus continue to bless our Lenten journey to Easter.




             The sweet mark of a Christian is not faith, or even love, but joy.


             A description of meanness, he wouldn’t give you a slide if he owned the Alps.


             Sour religion is the devil’s religion.




NIARON LTD:  ESB Jointing works will continue at the current locations in Knockanure at Gortagleanna this week, as well as outside the Co-op in Moyvane Village. We would like to thank the Local community for their patience during these works and apologize for any inconvenience.


JOHN BARRY:  This week John Barry, Knockanure brings to a close 30 years of dedicated service as groundsman in Knockanure Church.  John always did a great job not only in the Church grounds but around the Parish.  He reminded me that since he started all those years ago that twenty-eight parishioners, whom he used cut grass for have gone to their eternal reward.  Ever cheerful and ever helpful, we wish John blessings and good health for the future. 


SCHOOLS:   Our continual prayers and blessings to Scoil Chrop Chríost and Murhur N.S. as the schools reopen this week.  Well done to all. 


MOTHER’S DAY:  Next Sunday 14th is Mother’s Day.  Mums don’t miss next weekend’s Masses.  Choose the Vigil or one of the Sunday Masses.  You won’t be disappointed. 








Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


Click Here






For Listowel Parish


Click Here


Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


Masses online only behind closed doors  7th to 14th March


Sat. 6th                 Christopher Miles Porter, Fourhane & Timothy O Flaherty, Athea & Newcastle West / Tony & Anne Hartnett, Killocrim & Feale Drive / Bill Dennehy, O’Connell’s Ave. / Tom, Elizabeth, Sr. Pius & John Paul O Farrall, Church Street / Nora & Patrick Carmody, Skehenerin      Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 7th                 Thomas Scannell, England & Skehenerin, Months Mind /  Kathleen Kennedy, Asdee Village & Tracey Kennedy nee Long, Lyre, Banteer, Co. Cork late of Guhard, Lisselton Recently Deceased / Maeve Grogan, Charles Street & Deceased Family Members / Kathleen Whelan, Finuge                11.30am


Mon 8th              




Josie McGrath, Cappamore




   Tues 9th            Hanna & Tom Joy & Margaret O Shea Priscott     10.30am


Wed 10th            Josephine & James Allen, Killocrim / Dan Joe Leahy, Shrone / Mass of thanksgiving          10.30am


Thurs 11th           Laurence (Lawney) Shine, Colbert Street, Months Mind                10.30am


Fri 12th                 John (Jack) Flaherty, Cloumackan, 1st Anniversary           10.30am


Sat 13th                People of the Parish       10.30am


Mary & Michael Halpin, Ballygologue Park & Ian McCarthy / Eileen Hannon, The Square Vigil






Sun 14th              Kathleen Hannan, Cois Baile, Months Mind / Shusannah Morris, Listowel & Australia, 1st Anniversary / John O Connor, Tralee & Chicago           11.30am




RECENT DEATHS & FUNERALS   Hanna Mai Cahill, Ballybunion Rd.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Tony & Anne Hartnett, Killocrim & Feale Drive / Johanna Watkins, Cahirdown / Justin Stack, William Street / Josephine Henry, Upper William Street




STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Marking our season of Lent, a short Stations of the Cross-Prayer Service will take place each Friday morning after the Friday morning 10.30 a.m. mass.




THIRD  SUNDAY OF LENT  – 7th MARCH 2021 “We proclaim Christ crucified…the power and wisdom of God.” (1 Cor 1:22-25) Could Jesus be calling you to proclaim His life, death and resurrection, to bring faith, hope and meaning to life to others, as a priest or in the consecrated life? Speak to your local priest or Diocesan Vocations Director, or email the National Vocations Office: email:  info@vocations.ie




LECTIO DIVINA WITH FR SEAMUS O’CONNELL  “PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP!”   Luke 5:4 Reading more deeply….  Reflecting more deeply…..  Resting more deeply. “People who remain foreigners to the Word remain apathetic, silent, unresponsive to what they are hearing. They do not grow in communion and are incapable of expressing the faith in their lives.”   Cardinal Carlo M. Martini Three nights of Lectio Divina during Lent to deepen our reading and prayer with the gospels.   The sessions are for people of faith wishing to deepen their encounter with God’s Word. Online with Fr. Seamus O’Connell (St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth and Diocese of Kerry) Tuesday 16th, 23rd and 30th March @ 7.30 – 9.00 p.m. Suggested Donation:  €5 – €10 to cover all sessions To register and to receive the zoom link, please email: office@stjohns.ie Insert “Lectio Divina” in the subject line Organised by Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Parish Lectio Divina Group in conjunction with the Tralee Pastoral Area (St. John’s, Our Lady & St. Brendans, Spa).




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be dropped into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch, 087-6709491  (emergencies only).      









27 Feb 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Signed Sympathy Mass cards, Get well Mass cards and Blessed Candles available at Hollys.  Blessed candles also available in the Parish Office.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 27th Feb to Sunday 7th March - Radio 


Sat 27th                                                 7.30pm                Jerry Brosnan, Church Road, The Village (Anni)


Sun 28th                              11.00am               Mary Stack, Upper Aughrim (Months Mind)


Mon 1st                                                7.30pm                Nora & Joseph O’Connor, Ballybunion & their infants Sheila, Mary &        


                                                                                                                                Anne & their son-in-law Pascal O’Rourke (Anni)


Tues 2nd                                               7.30pm                Maura Barrett, Western Road, Cork (Rec Dec)


Wed 3rd                                                7.30pm                Eamon Sweeney, Woodgrove (Anni), his son Pat & Pat’s wife AnnaMai


Thurs 4th                              7.30pm                Mary Culhane, Leitrim Middle, Birthday Celebration Mass


Fri 5th                                    7.30pm                Siobhán Stack, Beenanasbig & Australia (Anni)


Sat 6th                                                   7.30pm                Peggy Wallace, Aughrim (Anni)


Sun 7th                                                 11.00am               Catherine O’Connor, Glin (Anni)                 


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 28th Feb to Sunday 7th March – Tannoy


Sun 28th                                9.30am               Hannah Keane, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna (1st Anni)


Sun 7th                                                   9.30am               Bridie Flavin, Trien (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Brendan Walsh  087/7913271.  


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To the McElligott family, Tournageehy, Listowel on the death of their mother Bridie.  Bridie was an aunt to Tom Moore, Glenalappa and his brother Pat in Nenagh.  Our prayerful support to all the family.  We will have Mass for Bridie at a later


date here in the Parish.  May Bridie rest in peace. 


STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  Will continue Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4pm on 99.9fm.




I hope these wise words can focus us on real values:


It is not what we eat, but what we digest, that makes us strong;


Not what we gain, but what we save, that makes us rich;


Not what we read, but what we remember, that makes us learned; And not what we profess, but what we practise, that gives us integrity.


                                                                         STOP IT!


Please God, this Holy Season of Lent is giving all of us time and patience to imitate Jesus more closely.  The words Jesus shared with us while on earth were always loving, positive and Christian.  There was a famous poster during the Second World War which said “CARELESS TALK COSTS LIVES”.  It was a warning that a piece of vital information might reach enemy ears.  There is still such a thing as careless talk but in a different context.  Rumours are repeated and can become ever more colourful and damaging.  Reputations are tarnished.  Events are described in such a way as to show someone in bad light.  There is only one way to treat such “careless talk” STOP IT!  Lenten days are an ideal time to tackle careless talk. 


                                            HUGE RESPONSE MÍLE BUÍOCHAS


“For all of us whether rich or poor, well or unwell, young or old, the spiritual life is like being cast into a rowing boat in heavy seas.  Fortunately, we have been given a priceless gift.  Two oars with which to steer a course; one is called work and the other is prayer”.   Words fail me as to how to express my heartfelt thanks to all who bought mugs and made very generous donations towards this fund to help in keeping both of our Churches so delightfully beautiful for all our celebrations.  This week we have banked €6,075 bringing the total to date €10,150.  Thanks to all who contributed and very many thanks for your most encouraging words.  The work of support and generosity is alive and well in the Parish, and thankfully prayer is helping us all.  Thank you so very much for your incredible and most generous support.  May the Lord continue to bless and keep all of us safe.  Let’s keep using our two oars wisely. 










If I had a Euro for every time I heard “Fr. hard and difficult days” since last March I would be a millionaire by now.  So this weekend I invite you to be a fly on the wall, when all we have to do is listen and observe.  If we enter into this invitation I’m sure it will help us most definitely during these “hard and difficult days”.  We’ll see what the Apostles saw hopefully.  At the end of it all with the help of God we’ll draw our own conclusions.  




Three people were invited on three separate occasions into three privileged situations.  They were handpicked each time.  The person who choose them was Jesus.  He chose Peter, James and John.  Even though you and I got no formal invitation, Jesus won’t mind us being there.  The first place we’re going to visit is the home of synagogue official called Jairus.  When Jairus first implored Jesus to cure his daughter he described her as “desperately sick”.  Before they got near the house, the word came through that she had died.  Loving Dad, Jairus’ heart was broken.  Jesus knew what He was going to do.  That’s why He chose Peter, James and John.  These three, Jairus and his loving wife and Jesus Himself would be the only people in the dead girl’s room.  It’s the casualness of the scene that makes it so momentous.  He took her by the hand, told her to get up, watched her walk around, told them to give her something to eat.  Life took over from death.  All present with Jesus were astonished beyond belief.  




The second venue is Gethsemane and Jesus takes the same three disciples with him Peter, James and John.   Unlike the above experience, this time Jesus did not know what to do.  He was in such a state of terror and distress at the prospect of Crucifixion that He was tempted as never before to give up on His vocation and get out from under the Cross.  “My soul is sorrowful to the point of death”, He told His disciples.  Crying He pleaded with His loving Father.  “Take this cup away from me”.  The acceptance of His Father’s will couldn’t have come as easily in practise as it comes in Mark’s prose.  “LET IT BE, AS YOU, NOT I, WOULD HAVE IT”.  Acceptance of the Father’s will, and the suffering it entailed, wouldn’t be easy for the disciples either.   They might have slept through His suffering; they wouldn’t be able to sleep through the stern warning He gave to Peter to “Stay awake and pray not to be put the test”.  




The third and last place we’re visiting is the Mount of Transfiguration.  This time it was the turn of the disciples to be frightened.  If Gethsemane was to be one of Christ’s darkest moments, the transfiguration was the brightest so far.  What frightened the disciples wasn’t the prospect of suffering it was the awesome encounter with the unfamiliar.  Here was ‘Jesus’ as they’d never seen Him before.  “Brilliantly white” in a way that couldn’t be earthy.  Adding to the unearthly and disconcerting nature of the experience was the presence of such illustrious figures as Moses and Elijah, who had been a long time dead!  Their presence must be, in some way, an exaltation of Jesus, and the exaltation that startled them completely was the voice came down from Heaven - “THIS IS MY SON, THE BELOVED, LISTEN TO HIM”.  


What conclusions can we draw?  The first is that since the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the Transfiguration came before Gethsemane and since Jesus invited Peter, James and John to all three, He must have meant the earlier events to carry them through the pain and sorrow of His Passion and Crucifixion.  When the darkness came on them they’d remember the light.  May we fulfil God’s will in our responsibilities in His commandments in our courage in the face of suffering (hard and difficult days).  Transfiguration is a slow process for all of us.  It only comes at a price!  A Priest friend of mine before going down for a big operation said to me after I anointed him:  “Kevin if God has plans for me, I wouldn’t want Him to change them”.  He didn’t come through the operation.  Echoes of Gethsemane.




NIARON LTD: will continue jointing works outside the Creamery in Moyvane village. Works at this location will continue for approximately 4 weeks. A traffic light traffic management system will be in place for the duration of the works. The works are deemed essential by ESB . All works will be carried out in accordance HSE COVID 19 Guidelines. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused.


A CELTIC LENTEN JOURNEY:  Liturgical musicians from Dublin parishes have put together a Lenten series from the Avila Carmelite Centre in Dublin.  It is a reflective way, combining Scripture and Music, to enter into the Lenten period. Available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu8GDvSUZ_Y&feature=youtu.be












21 Feb 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Signed Sympathy Mass cards, Get well Mass cards and Blessed Candles available at Hollys.  Blessed candles also available in the Parish Office.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 20th to Sunday 28th February - Radio 


Sat 20th                                                 7.30pm                Ellen & Tom Culhane, Marian Place, Glin (Anni)


                                                                                                                                (parents of Marian Quinn, Woodgrove)


Sun 21st                                               11.00am               Henry & Bridie Stackpoole, Aughrim (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the Stackpoole & Meade families


Mon 22nd                            7.30pm                Bernie Walsh, Moyvane North (Months Mind)


Tues 23rd                             7.30pm                Deceased members of the Gould family, Pilgrim Hill


                                                                                                                                especially John, Julia & Ellen


Wed 24th                             7.30pm                Richie Brosnan, Coilagurteen (Anni)


Thurs 25th                            7.30pm                Mass of thanksgiving for family, neighbours & wide circle of friends 


                                                                                                                                who supported Dermot Gallagher on the sudden death of his loving 


                                                                                                                                wife Kathleen, Askeaton. 


Fri 26th                                                  7.30pm                Bernadette O’Sullivan, Aughrim (Anni) her parents Paddy & Bridget,


                                                                                                                                her brother John Joe Hanrahan & James & Betty O’Sullivan


Sat 27th                                                 7.30pm                Jerry Brosnan, The Village (Anni)


Sun 28th                              11.00am               Mary Stack, Upper Aughrim (Months Mind)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 21st & Sunday 28th February – Tannoy


Sun 21st                                                 9.30am               Patrick & Mary Kennelly, Gortdromagouna (Anni)


Sun 28th                                9.30am               Hannah Keane, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna (1st Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Denis O’Mahony  087/6807197.  


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To the Stack Family, Upper Aughrim & to Fr. Jim Finan and the Finan family, Carrowcorragh, Lavagh, Co.Sligo on the death of Fr. Joe Finan (brother to the late Mary Stack).  Fr. Joe gave untiring and dedicated service in the Diocese of Leeds.  Our prayerful support to both families at this time.  May Fr. Joe rest in peace.




Have you ever experienced losing something you really valued.  You never notice its missing until the moment comes to use it, wear it, display it or pass it onto someone else.  Then comes the frustration of:  DID I PUT IT SOMEWHERE FOR SAFEKEEPING?  DID I LOAN IT TO SOMEONE?  DID I CARELESSLY DISGUARD IT? 




The Church is wise in offering us the Holy Season of Lent because it can be the very time we need to find what is missing in our lives.  Lent can be a searching out and a restoration time and the means for renewed direction and perspective.  I honestly think if we look closely into our hearts we will find that we have all lost something we value.  We have lost our patience or our integrity:  We have lost our tempers or our respect for self or others; we may have lost hope or our capacity to understand or respect; maybe we lost a friend or our desire to pray.  Sometimes we are not even sure what we have lost, but something tells us we need to look.  We sense something is not right.  Perhaps it is a loss of our sense of direction or feeling that we are not sure if we have strayed from the Gospel path of Jesus.  Lent is the season to ask:


           What do I cherish in my life?


           What is it that I hide from?


           What do I need to form my life more on the pattern of the death and resurrection of Jesus?


           Who is it that I seek?


           Who is it that I hide from?


           How can I recover what I hold dear?


As we walk through this Lent, which is totally different to what we have ever experienced, may we be the ones who hunt in great earnest for the treasure hidden in the fields of our hearts.  Let it be a time that we rediscover those spiritual values that are so essential in shaping one          ’s life on the example of Jesus. 








We all have to face temptations.  Lent provides us with a great opportunity to intensify our efforts to overcome them.  It’s true to say that Lent may not be taken as seriously as it once was.  Even so, it still has a great pulling power for all those who are serious about living a spiritual life.  It provides a great opportunity and a great grace.  Yet one gets the impression that it doesn’t achieve much.  Perhaps our problem is that we don’t really know how to use it.  We don’t know what to aim at.  Lent recalls the forty days Jesus spent in the desert.  He was about to embark on his real work in life – to bring GOOD NEWS to His sisters and brothers.  Jesus went into the desert to fast, pray and reflect.  Before setting out to help others He got Himself right first.  In the desert He was confronted by the same basic temptation which confronts us all.  Whether to serve the true self or the false self, whether to seek honour and glory for Himself or to seek honour and glory for God.  In the desert He not only encountered God, He also encountered His true self.  For Jesus the desert experience came at a crucial moment in His life and at a time of great awakening.  It would be impossible to exaggerate its importance for Him.  Later on, when people and events threatened to engulf Him, He would steal off to lonely places to recover Himself and rededicate Himself to His loving Father.  As followers of Jesus we must strive at all times to seek our true selves.  But often we live almost completely for the false self.  We live superficially and unspiritually driven on by a multitude of senseless, stupid desires and habits.  We are surrounded by noise and constant activity we have no priorities.  We lose ourselves.  We are unable or unwilling to be alone, to be silent, to be still.  And we wonder why we aren’t happy, why we didn’t find it easy to get on with others and why we can’t pray.  We cannot find ourselves in the crowd or in the hurly burly of everyday occupations.  We need to stand apart.  In solitude we come face to face with the basic option:  to live for the false self or to live for the true self.  In solitude we begin to stand on our own feet before God and the world and accept full responsibility for our own lives.  




The following is a delightful verse of Hope sent to us by a reader of the Newsletter……… Today, I dared to let myself dream,  That the world will one day open again.


That the locks will loosen, the walls will fall, The doors will fly open and reunite us all.


I dared to imagine the warmth of a cuddle, A group of my friends all locked in a huddle.


I felt all the heartbeats, drumming with mine, I heard all the laughter, I tasted the wine.


I thought of the feelings I’ve missed for long, The room full of music, united by song.


The freedom to roam, to plan and to meet, to hold someone’s hand, to meet, to greet.


Just for a moment I dared to dream of, The flights I would board to the places I love.


The moment those eyes would meet mine at the gate, The feeling of joy after so long a wait.




Today, I dared to let myself dream, That the life we once had would happen again.


That we’d no longer fear the danger of air, That our lives would not depend on such care.


They say that we mustn’t wish time away, But it’s hard, my friend, when faced with a day, So long in blank hours and so wiped of laughter, It’s tempting to drift away to thereafter.


So yes, I dared to dream just a while, Of life coming back, it brought me a smile.


One day I know, this will be in the past, And hugs will be free again, at last.




SATIONS OF THE CROSS: will be aired on the Radio 99.9fm every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4pm. 


The Stations are on the Radio only, so you can listen from your own homes.  


NIARON LTD:  will commence jointing works outside the Creamery in Moyvane village on Monday the 22nd of February. Works at this location will continue for approximately 4 weeks. A traffic light traffic management system will be in place for the duration of the works. The works are deemed essential by ESB. All works will be carried out in accordance HSE COVID 19 Guidelines. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused. TRÓCAIRE BOXES:  for those who wish to take them are available in the Churches.  If you wish to contribute directly to Trócaire, you can do so on www.trócaire.org 


ONCE OFF MUGS:  Through the sale and donations received from this fundraiser for both Churches in the Parish over the past week we have banked €2,175 bringing the total to date €4,075.  Mugs are still available from Holly’s, the Parish Office and after weekend Masses.  Very many thanks for your great generosity. 








LISTOWEL Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church




Masses online only behind closed doors  21st to 28th February


Sat. 20th              Sarah Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Mossie Walsh, The Square       Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 21st               Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig, Months Mind / Joseph Wolfe, Dublin late of Bridge Rd.  Months Mind / Tom Hannon, Willowbrook & Phillis Kayne, England / Patrick (Paudeen) Moloney, Woodford / Hannah & Joseph Walsh, Church Street    11.30am


Mon 22nd           Jack & Mary Flavin, Church Street             10.30am


   Tues 23rd         Kevin Lucy, Knockroe Drive & Charles Street       10.30am


Wed 24th            Theresa O Sullivan, Gortcreen & England, 1st Anniversary             10.30am


Thurs 25th           Annie O Connor, Clounamon, Ballylongford         10.30am


Fri 26th                 John Behan, Bunagara   10.30am


Sat 27th                Joan Hayes, Bridge Road, Birthday Remembrance            10.30am


Michael & Mary O Connor, Patrick Street / Patrick & Ellen Lyons, Clieveragh / Kathleen Heffernan, Clieveragh / Wulf Sobieralski, Ballygologue Park & Germany            Vigil  6.15pm


Sun 28th              Maureen Lyons, Mountcoal Cross, Months Mind / Patrick O Sullivan, Derry, 1st Ann. / Timmy Walsh, Dirha East, 1st Ann.  & Joanne Walsh, Ashgrove, 1st Ann. / Maud Carmody, Meen            11.30am








 Lawney Shine, Colbert Street. / Timmy Daly, Courthouse Lawn. / Kathleen Hannon, Cois Baile. / Thomas Scannell, England late of Skehenerin. / Maire Fearon nee McCarthy, Melbourne late of Church Street.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Mary Wixted Murroe Listowel and deceased members of the Leonard family Murroe / Basil Brennan, Colbert Street / Peggy Hartnett, Ennismore.




STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Marking our season of Lent, a short Stations of the Cross-Prayer Service will take place each Friday morning after the Friday morning 10.30 a.m. mass.




FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT  – 21ST FEB 2021 “Jesus went into Galilee.  There he proclaimed the Good News from God” (Mk 1: 12)  Is He asking you to follow Him by proclaiming the Good News to the people in your Diocese as a priest, a deacon or in the consecrated life?  Speak to your local priest or Diocesan Vocations Director, or email the National Vocations Office: email:  info@vocations.ie




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be dropped into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Denis O Mahony, 087-6807197.  (emergencies only).













13 Feb 2021


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Signed Sympathy Mass cards, Get well Mass cards and Blessed Candles available at Hollys.  Blessed candles also available in the Parish Office.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 13th to Sunday 21st February - Radio 


Sat 13th                                                 7.30pm                Denis Murphy, Ballyphehane, Cork (Anni)


Sun 14th                                              11.00am               Dick Cunningham, Kilbaha (Months Mind)


                                                                                                                                Donal Cunningham, Kilbaha (Anni), his sister Breda & Andy Thomas 


Mon 15th                             7.30pm                Fr. Michael Hanrahan, Kilbaha (Anni)


Tues 16th                             7.30pm                Sr. Gregory Hennessy, Bon Secours Convent, Cork (Rec Dec)


Wed 17th                             7.30pm                ASH WEDNESDAY:  A day of Fast & Abstinence (start of Lent)


                                                                                                                                Blessed Ashes will be available in both Churches to take home. 


                                                                                                                                Jim Normoyle, Kanturk & l/o Glin (Rec Dec)


                                                                                                                                (brother of Bridget Kiely, Moyvane North)


Thurs 18th                            7.30pm                Brenda Dineen, Lenamore, Ballylongford (Rec Dec)


                                                                                                                                (niece of Noreen Roche, Ahalahana)


Fri 19th                                                  7.30pm                Dick Stack, Moyvane South (Anni)


Sat 20th                                                 7.30pm                Ellen & Tom Culhane, Marian Place, Glin (Anni)


                                                                                                                                (parents of Marian Quinn, Woodgrove)


Sun 21st                                               11.00am               Henry & Bridie Stackpoole, Aughrim (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the Stackpoole & Meade families


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 14th to Sunday 21st February – Tannoy


Sun 14th                                                9.30am               Nora Gould, Pilgrim Hill (Rec Dec)


Sun 21st                                                 9.30am               Patrick & Mary Kennelly, Gortdromagouna (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Yours truly  089/4044816.  




 PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To the family and friends of Mary O’Carroll whose funeral took place in Corpus Christi Church, Knockanure on Monday.  To Kate & Brian O’Connor, The Village on the death of Kate’s dad Jerry Cadogan, Drimoleague, Cork whose funeral took place on Tuesday.  To the Bon Secours Sisters, Cork City on the death of Sr. Gregory Hennessy, formally of Barefield, Co Clare.  Sr. Gregory was a terrific inspiration to me when I was P.P. in the Western Road in the mid-nineties.  She has left a beautiful legacy to her


religious community and to her family.  She touched and enriched many hearts.   Our prayerful support to all of the above.  Masses will be celebrated here in the Parish at a later date.  May Mary, Jerry and Sr. Gregory rest in peace.  


MOYVANE/KNOCKANURE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL COMMITTEE: would like to thank everybody who contributed to their recent collection.  They would like to especially thank the local businesses who held buckets in respect of Moyvane/Knockanure St. Vincent de Paul.  They appreciate all that everyone did to help make this successful. Sincere thank you to each and everyone of you who donated to this worthy cause.  If you find that you may need assistance from St. Vincent de Paul please drop a sealed envelope with your name and address into the post box at the Presbytery door (marked SVP) and Fr. Kevin will pass it on.   


TRÓCAIRE:   Please note that for this Lent, there will be no distribution of Trócaire Boxes in the Parish. 


Those of you who wish to contribute directly to Trócaire can do so by logging onto www.trócaire.org  We encourage Parishioners to collect for the St. Vincent de Paul Society within the Parish as this years Lenten alms giving.  Very many thanks. 


                                                  ONCE OFF MUGS


The mugs arrived unexpectedly after going to print with last weeks Newsletter.  I decided to let them go on sale straight away.  There has been a big uptake on them since last Wednesday 3rd.  The remaining ones can be got in Hollys, Parish Office or after Masses this weekend (provided we still have some of them).  When they are gone that’s the end of them.   This is a fund raiser for both Churches.  Very many thanks to those who have made donations to off set the expense of getting them printed.  One mug €10, three €25 and six for €50.  Your support is deeply appreciated.        








Chad Varah was an Anglican Priest.  Way back in 1953 he had a funeral service for a beautiful 18 year old girl who died by suicide.  The Coroner at her inquest suggested that she might not have done this desperate act if someone had been around who would have listened to her troubles. Chad Varah decided to use his London Church and a telephone to listen to people who were in despair and full of anxiety.  He put a small advertisement in the local paper and during the first week he had 27 calls.  Soon he was listening and advising people 12 hours each day.  There were so many people waiting in his outer office to see him that he asked some of his congregation to come and provide cups of tea for them.  Then he found that often people who had come into the


outer office in great distress had become different people by the time they reached him and some did not even wait to see him because one of the helpers had befriended them.  So he decided to train a group of his congregation so that they could be more helpful in the way they befriended the clients.  That is how the Samaritans were formed.  This very essential service for the times we are in are contactable on 116 123. Please remember you and I can heal as Jesus did simply by our loving care for others.  Are we sensitive enough these Covid days to the suffering of others?




The blank board at the ‘Gateway of Inspiration’ at the old Church gate next to my home is filling up.  “When nothing is sure, anything is possible”.  The well-known writer Margaret Drabble made this comment in connection with writing fiction.  It certainly describes the blank page or computer screen confronting a writer who may stare at it in uncertainty for hours but finally creates a whole world out of the multitude of possibilities it offers.  The blank board at the ‘Gateway of Inspiration’ offers many possibilities and thankfully none suggested by me.  Individually we all carry our own personal gifts to the blank pages etc.   When the future looks unclear and we can’t see what lies ahead, it is easy to be discouraged.  If there are too many complicated decisions to be make it is tempting to do nothing.  But if we think for a moment we can see that uncertainties, in fact, present us with a wealth of possibilities.  We can then, like an author, begin to aim for a word/drawing/story with an inspiring touch.  Items for the board to be left into Jacqueline in the Office so they can be laminated to protect them from the weather.  Looking forward to getting your masterpieces.




There is a great battle that rages inside every person including yours truly.  One side is the soaring eagle.  Everything the eagle stands for is good, true and beautiful.  The eagle soars high above the clouds.  Even though it dips down into the valleys, the eagle builds its nest on the mountaintops.  The other side is the slithering serpent, the rattlesnake that shows aspects of a person – the darker side - the gossip side.  The snake feeds upon ones downfalls and setbacks and justifies itself by its presence in the slithering mass.  Who wins this great battle in your life?  None other than the one you feed the most – the eagle or the rattlesnake.  




The story is told of a famous preacher of the Jesuits, whose sermons converted people by scores - that is was revealed to him that not one of his conversions was owing to his talents or eloquence, but all to the prayers of an illiterate lay brother who sat on the steps of the pulpit praying all the time for the success of the sermon. In these days of lockdown and so many difficulties, I ask for your prayers please, that we all will continue to remain safe and well.   It is so important that we continue to pray for each other. 




NIARON LTD:  will commence jointing works at a location 1km south of Knockanure Village on Monday the 15th of February. Works at this location will continue for approximately 4 weeks. A traffic light traffic management system will be in place for the duration of the works. The works are deemed essential by ESB . All works will be carried out in accordance HSE COVID 19 Guidelines. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused.


ALL ARE WISHED A HAPPY VALENTINES DAY: St. Augustine once said “One loving heart sets another on fire”.  This Sunday we have a great opportunity to be kind and loving to each other.  Lets hope we make this Valentine’s Day special.  Love is in the air!!






Masses online only behind closed doors  14th to 21st February


Sat. 13th              Claire O Donnell, Charles St. & Tom O Donnell, Ennismore, Birthday Rem. / Ned & Sonny Sheehy, Coolagown / Paddy & Mike Roche, O’Connell’s Ave. / Nellie & John Moloney, Charles St. & Baby Sarah Jane Moloney Hamilton, John B Keane Road / Bryan, Kitty & Garry McMahon, Ash Street           Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 14th              Patsy O Sullivan, Cahirdown, Months Mind / Teddy Dore, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Anniversary / Martin Whelan, Finuge / William Harnett, Church St. / Jerry Nolan, O’Connell’s Ave. / Michael Lawlee, Ballygologue Park / Michael (Fonty) Stack, Ballyline, Ballylongford / Jack & Mary Guiney & Dec. Family, Clarr, Moyvane & Deceased Members of the Enright Family Ballyhahill, Glin / Noreen McGrath, Cahirdown / Jerry Sheehan, Ballygrennan / Carmel Mulligan, Dublin, Birthday Remembrance / Michael Downing, White Church, Cork / Phyllis Withem (nee McElligott), Duagh Village & Eastbourne, England              11.30am


Mon 15th            Frances Mulvihill, Clountubird, Joan O Connor, Caherciveen & Deceased Members of the Mulvihill Family, Derry / Sinead Collins nee Curtin, Feale Drive & Hannah Curtin nee Barry               10.30am


   Tues 16th         Ian McCarthy,    10.30am


Wed 17th            Maura & Michael Chapman, Greenville / Cecilia Rowan, Recently Deceased         10.30am


Thurs 18th           Elizabeth Barrett, Golf View, Birthday Remembrance      10.30am


Fri 19th                 People of the Parish – Stations of the Cross         10.30am


Sat 20th                Eoin Kenny, Ballinruddery            10.30am


Sarah Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tce. / Mossie Walsh, The Square       Vigil






Sun 21st               Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig, Months Mind / Joseph Wolfe, Dublin late of Bridge Rd.  Months Mind / Tom Hannon, Willowbrook & Phillis Kayne, England / Patrick (Paudeen) Moloney, Woodford                11.30am




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Timmy Canty O Connells Avenue / Peg Keane, Bridge Rd.




ASH WEDNESDAY: is Wednesday next, February 17th It is a day of fast and abstinence and the beginning of LENT. To celebrate Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lenten season, the people of the diocese are invited to participate in Masses online. Mass here in Listowel will be at 10.30 a.m. and it will be recorded so you can visit it anytime later in the day from our Web page at www.listowelparish.com. There will no distribution of ashes at Masses. Lent calls us to ‘come back to God with all our heart’ and the practices of prayer, fasting and giving to charity are a way of making real our return to God. Ashes marking our foreheads remind us of our human frailty and our dependence on God. This year, in the absence of blessed ashes, people are invited to trace the sign of the cross on themselves or on each others  foreheads at home. Marking Ash Wednesday at Home is a prayer resource available on the diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie




STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Marking our season of Lent, a short Stations of the Cross-Prayer Service will take place each Friday morning after the Friday morning 10.30 a.m. mass.




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be drop into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.
















Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Signed Sympathy Mass cards, Get well Mass cards and Blessed Candles available at Hollys.  Blessed candles also available in the Parish Office.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 6th to Sunday 14th February - Radio 


Sat 6th                                                   7.30pm                Sheila O’Carroll, Deer Lodge, Killarney & l/o Moyvane (Months Mind)


Sun 7th                                                 11.00am               Jack Shine, Glin Road (1st Anni)


Mon 8th                                                7.30pm                Tom O’Connor, Bishopstown & l/o Knockanure (Rec Dec)


Tues 9th                                                7.30pm                Kathleen O’Brien, Church Road (Months Mind)


Wed 10th                   7.30pm          Pat Foran, Bedford (Anni)


Thurs 11th                            7.30pm                Catherine Culhane, Ballyguitenane, Glin (Anni) & deceased of the


                                                                                                                                Sheahan & Culhane families


Fri 12th                                                  7.30pm                Denis O’Flaherty, Tubbertoureen (Months Mind)


Sat 13th                                                 7.30pm                Denis Murphy, Ballyphehane, Cork (Anni)


Sun 14th                                              11.00am               Donal Cunningham, Kilbaha (Anni), his sister Breda & Andy Thomas 


                                                                                                                                Dick Cunningham, Kilbaha (Months Mind)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 7th to Sunday 14th February – Tannoy


Sun 7th                                                   9.30am               Mary Savage, Charleville (1st Anni)


                                                                                                                                (mother of Brenda Clancy, Lisaniskea)


Sun 14th                                                9.30am               Nora Gould, Pilgrim Hill (Rec Dec)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan  087/2461749.  


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To the family of Kathy Scollard, Dromcollogher, whose funeral took place recently.  Kathy was older sister to Nora Carr, Aughrim and to Anna Mulvihill, Glenalappa.  Our prayerful support to all.


To Mary Collins & family, formally of Moyvane Post Office on the death of her brother Pat Guiney, Coolaclarig.  To Tom O’Flaherty, Murhur and to the O’Flaherty & Hanlon families on the death of Tom’s sister Sr. Deborah, who died in Queensland, Australia.  To Marian


Moloney & family, Clarr on the death of her loving husband John whose funeral took place on Wednesday in Church of the Assumption, Moyvane.  After a very short illness, there is a great level of shock in the community at John’s untimely death.  Our prayerful support to his loving family, his many friends and especially those in the GAA community of Moyvane, Clounmacon and the North Kerry Board.  May Kathy, Pat,


Sr. Deborah and John enjoy new life, free from suffering, in the presence of Jesus.  May they rest in peace.  




There is a famous story about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth.  From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree and does not rest until it has found one.  Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine.  And, dying, rises above its own agony to out sing the lark and the nightingale.  One superlative song beautifully heard by the whole world and God in Heaven smiles.  For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain…..Or so says this famous story.  Our Parish in recent months but especially in January has experienced awful suffering, sickness and death.  Yet I have been humbled and richly blessed at the tender blessings and graces I have received from the courage shown and powerfully shared.  Funerals with all the limited restrictions, loved ones have been incredibly strong and generous.  All turning to God rather than away from Him.  The power and presence of God is capable of finding hope where hope no longer exists and a way where the way is impossible.  May Jesus who conquered death continue to walk with us all, Jesus dry the tears from all who weep.




Take a reflective moment considering the following:  To handle yourself, use your head, to handle others, use your heart.  Anger is only one letter short of danger.  Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.








Etta Hillesum (left) only lived to the age of 29 before perishing like many other Dutch Jews, in Auschwitz during the cruel second world war.  In her short life, Etta showed both wisdom and courage to inspire us all. The diaries she kept during the last two years of her life reveal neither despair nor anger, but a kind of acceptance, a loving desire to understand suffering and an abiding faith in the ultimate goodness of humanity.  Even in the death camp she was able to write these words: “Sometimes when I stand in some corner of the Camp,


my feet planted on earth, my eyes raised in prayer towards Heaven, tears run down my face.  They were tears of deep emotion and gratitude” I think these words live on to witness the fact that the human spirit can never be held captive to evil.  What Etta had to ask herself daily in the camp in Auschwitz was “What is love asking of me right now?”  


We live in a time of bitter division.  From here in Ireland as to how to handle the C19 crisis to the polarization around the US elections.  The storming of the Capital Buildings by a riotous mob, the bitter ethical and religious debates about abortion, the loss of a common notion of truth, which as resulted in a widespread lack of common courtesy, disrespect, demonization and hatred for each other.  We now have two sides – division.  There are sincere people on both sides, but sincerity can also be very misguided.  Lies and injustice need to be named.  Finally, Anne Lanott wrote many years ago:  “You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do”  These are words worth contemplating on all sides of political and religious divides today.  We live in a time of bitter division, not only in the US but nearer your home and mine!  But like Etta Hillesum asked herself in that awful Auschwitz Camp – “What is love asking of me right now?”  


We too need to ask the very same question.  Influenced and inspired by Jesus and His loving guiding presence, we most certainly will make the right decisions.  Our dominant one going through life as His followers must be one of love, not anger.  Holding onto love especially in difficult awkward times, makes us His disciples.  If however, we choose anger we are no longer His disciples.  Jesus loves us and those who hate us are just as precious and important in His eyes as we are.  Accepting this we can speak for truth and justice.  As I said, human spirit can never be held captive to evil.  Thank God for that!




                Always investigate before you speculate.


                A Christian is one who makes it easier for others to believe in God.


                Too many people confuse free speech with loose talk.


                Few have all they need, none all they want.




There has been unanimous feeling among all Parishioners that the past year has been a difficult and traumatic time for all in the Parish with so many funerals.  Thank God all the celebrations for those who have died went off with great dignity and respect.  I think it is regrettable that the Government have put such a low limit of ten to attend funerals and I would really ask that they would review that number especially where Churches have the capacity to safely take 20 to 25 (maintaining all the guidelines).  I wish to thank all families for their cooperation and equally our undertakers Dano & Leo who have been most helpful to all the families concerned, to our Church stewards and to myself.   Very many thanks.




There is a growing frustration in the air, in our Parish and indeed all over the Nation, these February days as there appears to be no end to the lockdown.  Spring may have arrived but the lockdown with all its rules and regulations seems to be getting more burdensome.  Many are losing focus to continue to adhere to HSE


Guidelines.  Everyone seems to be looking to everyone else to make sure the guidelines are kept.  This weekend I ask you to look personally at your own contribution at keeping the guidelines.  I strongly suggest that it is time for everyone of us to put integrity into practice.  Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching, the opposite is hypocrisy, pretending to be somebody you are not.  Integrity means being a person with only one face (not two faced), a person who is the same on the inside as the outside.   Integrity is a combination of honesty, high morals, uprightness, single mindedness and always treating others with respect. 


People will doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do.  It means practicing what you preach. 








Listowel Church News


Masses online only behind closed doors  7th to 14th February


Sat. 6th                 Margo Sharp, Newcastle, England, Months Mind / Peter Hussey, Knockroe Drive / John Keane, Ballygrennan / Michael & Baby Helen Daly & Dec. Family, Knockane / PJ Browne, Listowel & Dublin          Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 7th                 Stevie McNamara, Kilarda, Lisselton, Months Mind / William Hannan, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Anniversary / Niall Kelly, Mounthawk, Tralee, 1st Anniversary / Marinna & Michael Lynch, O’Connell’s Ave. / Bridie Flavin, Knockane / Bridget Walsh, Greenville & Convent St.          11.30am


Mon 8th               John & Lena Moloney, Kilarda & William Moloney, Charles St.     10.30am


   Tues 9th            Bridie, Mickey & Paudie Griffin, Bromore, Ballybunion / Bridget (Bridie) Kelliher of O’Connell’s Avenue / Elise O Sullivan, Charles Street               10.30am


Wed 10th            Kathleen & Patsy Stack Birthday Remembrance, Gortcreen         10.30am


Thurs 11th           Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day   ˜˜ World Day Prayer For The Sick ™™




Una & Eamonn Mulvihill, Athea




Fri 12th                 Teresa & Eamon Wolfe & Joe Wolfe Recently Deceased & Deceased Family Members, Bridge Road                 10.30am


Sat 13th                Jennifer Canty, New York, Killocrim & Lixnaw, 1st Anniversary    10.30am


Claire O Donnell, Charles St. & Tom O Donnell, Ennismore, Birthday Rem. / Ned & Sonny Sheehy, Coolagown / Paddy & Mike Roche, O’Connell’s Ave.                Vigil






Sun 14th              Patsy O Sullivan, Cahirdown, Months Mind / Teddy Dore, Ballygologue Pk., 1st Anniversary / Jerry Nolan, O’Connell’s Ave. / Michael Lawlee, Ballygologue park / Michael (Fonty) Stack, Ballyline, Ballylongford / Jack & Mary Guiney & Dec. Family, Clarr, Moyvane & Deceased Members of the Enright Family Ballyhahill, Glin                 11.30am




RECENT DEATHS Theresa Barry nee O’Sullivan, Thurles Co Tipperary late of Convent Cross. / Dr. John Corridan, Cork late of Main Street, Listowel.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Mary Molyneaux nee Griffin, Dromcollogher, Limerick & Coolagown, 1st Anniversary / Bridget (Bridie) Kelliher of O’Connell’s Avenue / John Carrig, Tarbert.




Please note the parish office will be closed Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th February.




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be drop into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Anthony O Sullivan, 087-2461749.  (emergencies only).




Statement on Funerals from the Bishops of the Cashel Province




We express our closeness in prayer and support for those with the Covid-19 virus and those impacted in any way by it in what are very difficult circumstances. We are mindful especially of those seriously ill in hospital, those who have died, and family and loved ones.




We wish to express our thanks to priests and sacristans as well as the many volunteers in our churches who ensure that all the requirements around the sanitising of our churches are observed. We also acknowledge with gratitude the care and help of undertakers in implementing the restrictions.




We want to highlight some points that we consider important in relation to the implementation of public health guidelines in the context of bereavements and funerals. We do so for the benefit of all concerned – mourners, undertakers, neighbours and friends as well as priests and public authorities –, that we might have a common understanding of good practice around funerals aimed at keeping people safe from the virus. It is vital we take all precautions to prevent the further spread of Covid-19. In offering this guidance we recognise and appreciate that the vast majority of Catholics carefully observe the public health guidelines.




    Public health guidelines are clear: attendance at funerals is to be restricted to 10. We appreciate there are some who believe that for the sake of accommodating the immediate family it would be better to allow a number higher than 10 for the funeral liturgy in a church. We too look forward to when that number can be increased. However, it is important that undertakers and priests clarify with bereaved families as early as possible regarding the limit of 10 people in the church.




    As recommended in our statement last March, there should be no removal to the church the evening before.


    People not attending the funeral liturgy should avoid congregating immediately outside the church building or around the hearse. For the sake of the great majority trying to keep to the public health guidelines, we ask people, difficult as it is, not to approach the bereaved in the church grounds or cemetery to sympathize.


    As per the public health guidelines regarding social and family gatherings, there should be no wakes or large gatherings for prayers in the house of the deceased nor gatherings in cemeteries.


    Support for the bereaved can be expressed through social media as an alternative to attending the funeral. Often it is possible to link to a local church for a funeral ceremony via a webcam/Facebook Live. We invite people to pray for the deceased and family of the deceased in their own homes at the time of the funeral Mass.




May our deceased loved ones rest in peace and may the bereaved be comforted.




Trust in Christ’s love and care and his victory over death for us all.




Our Lady health of the sick, pray for us.










Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. Signed Sympathy Mass cards, Get well Mass cards and Blessed Candles available at Hollys.  Blessed candles also available in the Parish Office.


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 30th Jan to Sunday 7th Feb - Radio 


Sat 30th                                                 7.30pm                Gerald O’Shea, Muckross, Killarney (Rec Dec)


Sun 31st                                               11.00am               Eily Mai O’Flaherty, The Village (Anni)


Mon 1st                                                 7.30pm               FEAST OF ST. BRIGID – Special Intention (surgery)


Tues 2nd                                                7.30pm               Denis Mulvihill (Anni), his loving wife Tess, their son Ben and their


                                                                                                                                grandson Denis Jones


Wed 3rd                                                7.30pm                Tom & Nellie (Ellen) O’Connor, Glin Road (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & Con O’Connor, Glin Road & Birmingham 


Fri 5th                                    7.30pm                Margaret Sweeney, New Houses, 90th Birthday Blessings


Sat 6th                                                   7.30pm                Sheila O’Carroll, Deer Lodge, Killarney & l/o Moyvane (Months Mind)


Sun 7th                                                 11.00am               Jack Shine, Glin Road (1st Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 31st Jan to Sunday 7th Feb– Tannoy


Sun 31st                                                 9.30am               Irene O’Keeffe, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna (Anni)


Sun 7th                                                   9.30am               Mary Savage, Charleville (1st Anni)


                                                                                                                                (mother of Brenda Clancy, Lisaniskea)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Canon Declan O’Connor  087/0908949.  


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To the Stack family, Upper Aughrim on the death of their loving mother Mary whose funeral was during the week.  Sympathy also to Fr’s. Joe & Jim Finan, Lavagh, Co. Sligo as Mary was their sister.   We also had the funeral of Bernie Walsh, Moyvane North, wife of the late Jackie Walsh. Our prayerful support to Florrie Mullin (sister-in-law) and family, the Cody family, Dublin and also her sister Eileen Curran, Dublin.  To her nephews, nieces, kind neighbours, home helps and all who helped Bernie and Jack over the years.  To Carmel McGrath & loving family, Ahalahana & to Erin Stack, Bruach Na Gaile and the Stack family, Carrueragh on the death of John whose funeral took place on Thursday.  John was inspirational to one and all as to how he lived and coped with his illness.  Not only did he give us all courage and blessings through it but he collected a phenomenal sum through his fundraising for the Palliative Care Unit in UHK.  He will never be forgotten.  Our prayerful support and sympathy also to Pat Flavin (originally from Trien) and his wife Anna Marie on the death of Anna Marie’s mother Philomena Walsh, Mallow whose funeral took place mid January in Mallow.  May Mary, Bernie, John and Philomena rest in peace.




There is a new biography of Pope Benedict XVI by Peter Seewald. I like it and indeed it gave me a different and rather pleasant image of a Pope, who up until now, I had question marks over. In 1944, aged 17, Joseph Ratzinger was drafted into a labour unit in his native Germany. In the middle of the night they were lined up still half asleep by an SS Officer who made each of them step forward before the whole troop to get them to ‘volunteer’ for the Nazi Army.  Ratzinger like a few others, said he intended to be a Catholic Priest. He was dismissed with abuse, but swallowed it happily because he was


delivered from the ‘voluntary service’ and its consequence. A few months later, shortly before the war ended, he decided to walk out of the barracks and make his way home. This was desertion and could have meant death.  When as Pope, he came to Birmingham to beatify John Henry Newman, it was a lovely experience for Benedict. The power of Newman’s understanding of conscience as the voice of God, guided and helped his fellow anti-Nazis during the war. Without a doubt Newman’s teaching filled Benedict with integrity to make brave decisions at the right time. While he had no protection against the SS or of being shot, he was close to God. Joseph Ratzinger was bad at physical games and never obviously robust. Abdicating might have been the best thing he did, but it was undoubtedly brave. It might have seemed like giving up. His conscience shaped and guided him. When one is in tune and honest with one’s conscience God can do great things. May the Lord continue to bless Benedict in the evening time of his life.








                             THE SEARCH FOR GOD


“A KIND OF PRAYER” is a delightful poem by Cyril Egan on the search for God. It is about a man who is forever looking for something. One day someone asks him what he is looking for. “I’m looking for God” he replies, adding quickly:           Don’t tell me I’ll find him in my heart,


(Though in a sense that’s true)


And don’t tell me I’ll find him in my fellow man, (Though in a sense that’s true too) What I’m looking for is a God.


Making a five-sense breakthrough to humanity, He is looking for God whom he can touch and see and feel, in other words an experience of God. How seldom, if ever, do we hear a sermon on the problem of unbelief, and yet people are constantly coming to Priests (including myself) with serious doubts about the existence of God! I strongly feel, as Priests, we must surely have some message for them. I know of one instance where a woman troubled with problems of faith came to a Priest and asked him desperately if there was anything she could do. His reply surprised her. “Yes, there is”, he said. “How about trying to love your neighbour a little bit better, in deeds rather than words? Put your heart into it. This tremendous advice ties in with what St. John wrote “Whoever loves……knows God” (John 4:7)  Challenging, painful and difficult times, may all of us continue to be patient, kind and loving in our individual search for God:


                                                                                                                      CAN’T HAVE GOD ON OUR OWN TERMS


“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see,


I sought my God, but my God eluded me,


I sought my neighbour and I found all three”


That little anonymous verse is very important and a vivid reminder to all of us that we can’t have God on our own terms. How we respect and treat each other is central to our closeness to God. In one of his lovely plays Padraig Pearse, God rest him, tells the story of Mac Dara, the singer who returns home and tells his old schoolteacher about his loss of faith. “Once, as I knelt by the class of Kilgobbin, it became clearer to me that there was no God. Why pray after that?”  I burst into a fit of laughter at the folly of men in thinking that there is a God. I felt inclined to run through the Villages and cry aloud, “People, it is all a mistake, there is no God…..” Then I said to myself, “Why take away their illusion?” If they find out that there is no God their hearts will be as lonely as mine. So I walked the roads with my secret in silence. To which the schoolteacher replied, “Mac Dara, I am sorry for this. You must pray, you must pray. You will find God again. He has only hidden his face from you”. “No”, said Mac Dara, “He has lovingly revealed His face to me……..the people, the silent suffering people……. In them I saw or seemed to see again the face of God”


In the people and his concern that his unbelief might disturb their lovely simple faith Mac Dara rediscovered the beautiful face of God. Where is your search for God, these Covid days taking you? Are you hurting people or helping them?




Abraham Lincoln, the great American President, was a strong believer in prayer. One day a friend asked him how he could afford to spend so much time doing this. Lincoln replied, “I would be the greatest fool on earth if I thought that I could sustain the demands of this high office without the help of a strength which is far greater than my own” Prayer helps all of us. This week please keep in your prayers all with sickness at this time.




As we enter into the month of February, three very special Feast Days will have a very low key atmosphere this year.  Monday 1st St. Brigid, secondary patron Saint of Ireland, Tuesday 2nd is the Presentation of the Lord, this Feast is a remembrance of the Lord and Mary the Mother of the Lord.  With candles in their hands people go out to acclaim Him, like Simeon who recognized Jesus as a light to reveal God to all Nations.  This also marks World Day for Consecrated Life (all those in Religious Orders).  Wednesday 3rd is the Feast of St. Blaise, which is normally the blessing of throats which will not take place this year. Please make the aforementioned celebrations in your own unique way.




A DELAY IN GETTING THE UNIQUE PARISH MUGS:  There is a delay in getting the unique parish mugs due to a big back log in deliveries but the minute we have them we will let you know.              










Masses online only behind closed doors 31st January to 7th February


Sat. 30th              Denis, Agnes & Mike Kelly, Charles St.    Vigil  6.15pm


Sun 31st               Tom O Connor, Shrone / Noreen Hilliard, Billerough / Robert, Ned, Sean & Kathleen Walsh, Derk, Duagh   11.30am


Mon 1st               Brid Costello, Ballybunion Rd. / Patsy & Chriss Walsh, Market St.                10.30am


   Tues 2nd           Michael, Mary & Lily Foley, Cahirdown / Special Intention / Martin O Quigley, Church St.                 10.30am


Wed 3rd               Eddie, Kathleen, Mossie & Mary Anne Harnett, Gortnaminch     10.30am


Thurs 4th             Tony Wilkinson, Donegal / Patrick Shine, Dublin                 10.30am


Fri 5th   ~ First Friday Call’s & Nursing Home Intentions ~               10.30am


St. Padre Pio Evening Mass,  Rosary – 6:45pm / Mass & Benediction 7pm. Phone your petitions to 0872589682 to Fr. Hegarty                6.45pm


Sat 6th Annemarie O Sullivan, Ballinruddery, 1st Anniversary      10.30am


Margo Sharp, Newcastle, England, Months Mind / John Keane, Ballygrennan / Michael & Baby Helen Daly & Dec. Family, Knockane             Vigil  6.15pm


Sun 7th                 Stevie McNamara, Kilarda, Lisselton, Months Mind / Marinna & Michael Lynch, O’Connell’s Ave.                 11.30am




RECENT DEATHS:  Patrick Guiney, Coolaclarig. / Margaret Skeffington nee Mahoney, U.K. & Listowel. / Maureen Lyons nee Browne, Mountcoal Cross.




ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Edward Brennan, Colbert St. & Switzerland / Patricia Carney, Clieveragh Pk. / Sheila Painter nee Keating, England & Dirha Cottages / Martin O’Quigley, Church St.




THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be drop into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.




PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Declan 087-0908949.  (emergencies only).




CANDLEMAS DAY  Feb. 2nd the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Candles for use during the coming year will be blessed. When lockdown is lifted can be got in the parish office €1 each or €5 for 6. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE & BLESSING OF THROATS   Wednesday 3rd February.  Blessing of the Throats will take place after Mass virtually online only on Tuesday 2nd Feb after the blessing of the Candles.


Statement on Funerals from the Bishops of the Cashel Province


We express our closeness in prayer and support for those with the Covid-19 virus and those impacted in any way by it in what are very difficult circumstances. We are mindful especially of those seriously ill in hospital, those who have died, and family and loved ones.


We wish to express our thanks to priests and sacristans as well as the many volunteers in our churches who ensure that all the requirements around the sanitising of our churches are observed. We also acknowledge with gratitude the care and help of undertakers in implementing the restrictions.


We want to highlight some points that we consider important in relation to the implementation of public health guidelines in the context of bereavements and funerals. We do so for the benefit of all concerned – mourners, undertakers, neighbours and friends as well as priests and public authorities –, that we might have a common understanding of good practice around funerals aimed at keeping people safe from the virus. It is vital we take all precautions to prevent the further spread of Covid-19. In offering this guidance we recognise and appreciate that the vast majority of Catholics carefully observe the public health guidelines.




    Public health guidelines are clear: attendance at funerals is to be restricted to 10. We appreciate there are some who believe that for the sake of accommodating the immediate family it would be better to allow a number higher than 10 for the funeral liturgy in a church. We too look forward to when that number can be increased. However, it is important that undertakers and priests clarify with bereaved families as early as possible regarding the limit of 10 people in the church.


    As recommended in our statement last March, there should be no removal to the church the evening before. People not attending the funeral liturgy should avoid congregating immediately outside the church building or around the hearse. For the sake of the great majority trying to keep to the public health guidelines, we ask people, difficult as it is, not to approach the bereaved in the church grounds or cemetery to sympathize.


    As per the public health guidelines regarding social and family gatherings, there should be no wakes or large gatherings for prayers in the house of the deceased nor gatherings in cemeteries.


    Support for the bereaved can be expressed through social media as an alternative to attending the funeral. Often it is possible to link to a local church for a funeral ceremony via a webcam/Facebook Live. We invite people to pray for the deceased and family of the deceased in their own homes at the time of the funeral Mass.




May our deceased loved ones rest in peace and may the bereaved be comforted.


Trust in Christ’s love and care and his victory over death for us all.


Our Lady health of the sick, pray for us.


The bishops of the seven dioceses of the Cashel Province.     Bishop Ray Browne, Diocese of Kerry, 26th Jan. 2021






The current Covid-19 regulations, which remain in place until January 31st, 2021, have the following implications for religious services, funerals and weddings.




    Public worship is not permitted and all masses shall take place online. Mass will be at the usual times.


    Mary’s Church is open for private worship each day from 9.30 am to 7.00pm, being closed only when Mass is celebrated.


    Funerals are restricted to no more than 10 people.


    Guards of Honour should not form or congregate on church grounds.


    Weddings are restricted to no more than 6 people.


    Save for cases of emergency, baptisms should be postponed until further notice.


    First Friday or home visits are not permitted save in cases of emergency or where it is necessary to minister to the sick or dying.


    The Parish Office is not open to the public until further notice. The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10.00am to 1.00 pm and from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.


    Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail. Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office.


    The newsletter is available online every week at, www.listowelparish.com.




We thank you most sincerely for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners who wish to make their weekly offering or donation can continue to do so by dropping their offering or donation into the designated boxes in the church.  The weekly offering or donation can also be made online or by standing order and further details are available on the Parish website, www.listowelparish.com or by contacting the Parish Office.




Please continue to look out for one another and may God bless and protect us all at this difficult time.




Remember that in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 we must reduce our social contacts and follow the advice issued by the Government and the HSE.




Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council                                              January 12th, 2021




Recovery Haven Cancer Support House operates through Level 5  As we enter another extended period of lockdown and restrictions, people are understandably incredibly anxious, worried and finding it more difficult to cope. This is particularly true for the more vulnerable in society – among them, cancer patients, their families and carers. At Recovery Haven Kerry, we want to reassure you that we are still here for you. While taking every precaution advised, we are here to offer emotional support and practical help to those affected by cancer, their families or carers. While much of our group and therapy work is currently on hold due to Covid 19, we are still offering phone support, counselling and a range of online classes (Stretch and balance, yoga, pilates, stress management, mindfulness, look good feel better programme, men’s support group and Cancer Thrive and Survive 6 -week self-management programme) throughout Level 5.  So, if you or someone you know is in need of support contact us now on 0667192122, email: reception@recoveryhavenkerry.com




COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.









22 Jan 2021






Moyvane Church


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church. We wish to thank you for maintaining the regulations in the Parish Office. Please note:  Sympathy Mass cards and Get well Mass cards available at Hollys. 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 23rd to Sunday 31st January - Radio 


Sat 23rd                                 7.30pm                Bill Horan, Aughrim (Anni) & dec of the Horan family


Sun 24th                              11.00am               Jerry Fitzmaurice, Lower Aughrim (Months Mind)


                                                                                                                                & his parents Kit & Edward 


Mon 25th                             7.30pm                Eileen Collins, Glin Road (Anni)


Tues 26th                             7.30pm                Michael Moloney, Leitrim Middle (Anni), 


                                                                                                                                Eileen McNamara & Mary & Peggy Moriarty


Wed 27th                             7.30pm                Florrie Smyth, Terenure, Dublin (Rec Dec)


Thurs 28th                            7.30pm                Agustin Salguero Garcia, Seville, Spain (Rec Dec)


Fri 29th                                                  7.30pm                For the sick in the Parish


Sat 30th                                                 7.30pm                Gerald O’Shea, Muckross, Killarney (Rec Dec)


Sun 31st                                               11.00am               Eily Mai O’Flaherty, The Village (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 24th to Sunday 31st January – Tannoy


Sun 24th                                9.30am  Noreen Hanley (née Barry), Knockanure & UK (Rec Dec)


Sun 31st                                                 9.30am               Irene O’Keeffe, Kilmeaney, Kilmorna (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Michael Hussey  087/2386084.  


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Mary O’Flaherty & family, Tubbertoureen on the death of her loving husband Denis whose funeral we celebrated last Friday.  To the Cunningham family, Kilbaha on the death of their brother Dick whose funeral we celebrated on Saturday.  To Mary Fitzmaurice & family, Bunagara on the death of her loving son Tommy who died in England during the past week.  To Bridget Kiely, Moyvane North on the death of her loving brother Jim Normoyle, Kanturk & l/o Glin whose funeral was last week.  To the family of Florrie Smyth, Terenure especially loving daughter-in-law Teresa & special grandchildren Martina, Geraldine & Seán.  Our prayerful support to the aforementioned. May Denis, Dick, Tommy, Jim & Florrie Rest In Peace. 


  DIOCESAN MISSION – Sunday 24th to Friday 30th January


Each day, you are invited to join in 


             Morning Reflection – online


             Daily Prayer – Mission booklet can be picked from both Churches & Hollys


             10.30 a.m Mass – live-streamed from different parts of the diocese


             Children’s Pray and Play – online


             Evening Reflection – online


Let’s talk about faith – Mission talk each evening @8.00 p.m.


             Sunday’s speaker – John Connell, author, journalist, farmer.


             Monday’s speaker – Martina Lehane Sheehan, spiritual guide, psychotherapist, author.


             Tuesday’s speaker – Fr Peter McVerry, social activist, advocate for the homeless.


             Wednesday’s speaker – Jane Mellett, environmental activist, Laudato Si officer with Trócaire


             Thursday’s speaker – Br Richard Hendricks, spiritual teacher.


             Friday’s speaker – Olive Foley, widow of Axel Foley and ambassador for Children’s Bereavement Services, Limerick.


For all details, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie.  Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook.                                  GENTLENESS


The wind and the sun had an argument one day to see which one of them was the strongest.  To settle the argument, they decide to test their respective strengths against a man who was wearing an overcoat.  It was agreed that which ever of them compelled the man to take off his overcoat, that one was the stronger.  The wind began the test, it blew and blew even to gale-force, but the only reaction from the man was to wrap the coat tighter around him.  The sun then took over, it didn’t actually do anything it just shone in the sky and let the heat reach the man.  Within minutes, the man removed his coat.  In Mark’s Gospel, we read “blessed are the meek for they should possess the earth            ”.  Be gentle in these troubled days. 






                                      THE DISCIPLES FINISHED THE WORK


Composer Giacomo Puccini wrote a number of famous Operas back in 1922.  He was suddenly stricken by cancer while working on his Opera, TURANDOT which many now consider his best.  Puccini said to his students,  “If I don’t finish TURANDOT, I want you to finish it for me”.  Shortly afterward he died.  Puccini’s students studied the Opera carefully and soon completed it.  In 1926 the world premier of TURANDOT was performed in Milan with Puccini’s favourite student Arturo Toscanini, directing.  Everything went beautifully until the Opera reached the point where Puccini had been forced to put down his pen.  Tears ran down Toscanini’s face.  He stopped the music, put down his baton, turned to the audience and cried. “Thus far the Master wrote, but he died”.  A vast silence filled the Opera House.  The Toscanini picked up the baton again, smiled through his tears and exclaimed, “But the disciples finished his work”.  When TURANDOT ended, the audience broke into thunderous applause.  No one at the premier ever forgot that moment.  Our Gospel this weekend sees Jesus inviting those in Galilee, His friends -fishermen, to follow Him.  Like Puccini, Jesus continues to invite all of us to joyfully continue to work and the mission He started all those year ago when He entered our world in human form.  The disciples of Puccini were really loyal to him and showed that loyalty in a beautiful way by finishing the Opera – TURANDOT.  Are you and I as loyal to Jesus?




God be with the day when one could call in for a cuppa and a chat.  Please God those days will return again and when they do, have that cuppa in our uniquely designed Parish mug, a once off production – limited to 500.  But back to the good old fashioned cup of tea!  When tea first reached Braemar, a shopkeeper invited customers to come and taste it.  They crowded into his premises where he stood behind the counter arrayed with cups and saucers.  He boiled a big kettle, poured the water over the tea leaves and then after a decent interval, raised the result above his head.  “Ladies and gentlemen”, he announced, “Teapot!”.  It was one of the shortest speeches ever heard.  If only all speeches were as brief and to the point!  Our 500 mugs have a message written on them as to how we come through C19 in 2020.  They most certainly are collectors items for future generations.  And when the 500 are gone – they are definitely gone.   This is a fund raiser for both Churches and your generous support would be deeply appreciated.  Individual mug €10, 3 for €25, 6 for €50.  They are available from the Parish Office and from Holly’s.  These mugs will be a good reminder how as a Parish our






Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St. Joseph.  “Let us entrust our cares, fears and anguish to the Holy Family of Nazareth, in particular to St. Joseph, the devoted spouse and father.  The dedication began on December 8th 2020 and will conclude on 8th December 2021. 


Here is a prayer to St. Joseph.  Let us pray the prayer (to the left) often this year and may St. Joseph help us to learn from the example of his Holy life that all of us must do the ordinary things of life in an extraordinary way.  




             What you are is God’s gift to you, what you    become is your gift to God.


             If you love life, life will love you back.  


             Instead of counting your days, make your days count. 


             You can’t turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again. 


             For every minute a person is angry, they lose  sixty seconds of happiness. 












For Listowel Parish




Masses online only behind closed doors  24th to 31st January


Sat 23rd




Joe & Philly Shanahan, Dromin / Sheila Loughnane, 6 Crosses / Thomas & Eileen Kelly, Ballygologue Pk. & Duagh / Jerry Hurley, Bedford








Sun 24th




Ellen Loughnane, St. Brendan’s Tce. 1st Anniversary / Fiona O Connor, The Square / Patricia Dillon, Ballygologue Pk. / Kay Harnett, Church St.






Mon 25th




Paddy Fitzmaurice, Bunagara & Thomas Fitzmaurice, Recently Deceased






Funeral  – Patrick Guiney, Coolaclarig






   Tue 26th




Pearl Hennigan Venn McGuiness, Monkstown, Dublin, late of the Square /


– Kerry Diocesan Mission Mass –






Wed 27th




Tony & Timothy Buckley, Gortnaminch






Thurs 28th




Deceased Members of McDaid & McCarron Families & Special Intention






Fri 29th




Dr. Noreen Ni Scanlan & Staff of the Bon Secours, Tralee






Sat 30th




William & Bridie Doyle, Knockane






Denis, Agnes & Mike Kelly, Charles St.




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 31st




Tom O Connor, Shrone / Robert, Ned, Sean & Kathleen Walsh, Derk, Duagh






RECENT DEATHS:  Maurice Dowling, Woodford / Patrick Guiney, Coolaclarig / Jerry Kiernan, Dublin & Ballygologue Road.


THE PARISH OFFICE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.  Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail.  Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office. Weekly offerings can be drop into the Church in the offering boxes at the back of the Church.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Hussey, 087-2386084.  (emergencies only).


DIOCESE OF KERRY DIOCESAN MISSION SUNDAY, 24TH – FRIDAY 29TH, JANUARY 2021, CHURCHES STREAMING MASSES Sunday, January 24th – St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney, Presider: Bishop Ray Browne. Monday, January 25th – Uinseann Naofa, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Presider: An tAthair Eoghan Ó Cadhla. Tuesday, January 26th – St. Mary’s Church, Listowel Presider: Fr. Declan O’ Connor. Wednesday, January 27th – St. Joseph’s Church, Rathmore. Presider: Fr. Pat O’ Donnell Thursday, January 28th – Church of the Sacred Heart, Castletownbere, Presider: Fr. Noel Spring & Friday, January 29th – St. John’s Church, Tralee, Presider: Fr. Vitalis Barasa


FIRST EVER DIOCESAN MISSION, BEGINNING ON this SUNDAY JAN 24TH to  FRIDAY JAN 29TH Step 1 – Register online at www.dioceseofkerry.ie and you will receive our daily email with all you need to follow the Mission    Step 2     Join us for Mission 2021 – an opportunity for us to gather in reflection and in prayer, online and in our homes. Mission talk each evening @ 8.00 p.m. Sunday’s speaker – John Connell, author, journalist, farmer. Monday’s speaker – Martina Lehane Sheehan, spiritual guide, psychotherapist, author. Tuesday’s speaker – Fr Peter McVerry, social activist, advocate for the homeless, Jesuit priest. Wednesday’s speaker – Jane Mellett, activist, environmentalist and  Laudato Si Trócaire worker. Thursday’s speaker – Br Richard Hendricks, spiritual teacher, poet and blogger, Franciscan brother. Friday’s speaker – Olive Foley, widow of Axel Foley and ambassador for Children’s Bereavement Services, Limerick. Each day, you are invited to join in Morning Reflection – online Daily Prayer – Mission booklet can be picked up in your local parish or downloaded from the website Daily Mass @ 10. 30 a.m.   – Send in your petitions online to have them included in the Mission Mass Children’s Pray and Play – online Evening Reflection – online You can also tune into Mission 2021 on Horizons and Just a Thought with Radio Kerry, also on Facebook and Instagram.  For further information, go to www.dioceseofkerry.ie




The current Covid-19 regulations, which remain in place until January 31st, 2021, have the following implications for religious services, funerals and weddings.




    Public worship is not permitted and all masses shall take place online. Mass will be at the usual times.


    Mary’s Church is open for private worship each day from 9.30 am to 7.00pm, being closed only when Mass is celebrated.


    Funerals are restricted to no more than 10 people.


    Guards of Honour should not form or congregate on church grounds.


    Weddings are restricted to no more than 6 people.


    Save for cases of emergency, baptisms should be postponed until further notice.


    First Friday or home visits are not permitted save in cases of emergency or where it is necessary to minister to the sick or dying.


    The Parish Office is not open to the public until further notice. The Parish Office will operate a service, behind closed doors, each day from 10.00am to 1.00 pm and from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.  The Parish Office can be contacted only by telephone at 068 21188 or by e-mail at listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie.


    Mass cards may be ordered by telephone call to the Parish Office or by e-mail. Any mass cards ordered will be sent out in the post.  Mass cards may not be collected from the Parish Office.


    The newsletter is available online every week at, www.listowelparish.com.




We thank you most sincerely for your generosity and continued support of your Parish and clergy.  Parishioners who wish to make their weekly offering or donation can continue to do so by dropping their offering or donation into the designated boxes in the church.  The weekly offering or donation can also be made online or by standing order and further details are available on the Parish website, www.listowelparish.com or by contacting the Parish Office.


Please continue to look out for one another and may God bless and protect us all at this difficult time.


Remember that in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 we must reduce our social contacts and follow the advice issued by the Government and the HSE.


Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council                                              January 12th, 2021





Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church only. In light of the news last Monday of the huge increase in C19 cases and the fact that at the Doorway of Hope, many had travelled outside their 5km limit, the Doorway of Hope will cease for the time being.  However, all Masses listed for Moyvane will be celebrated from the Church and can be heard on Assumption Radio 99.9fm.  Knockanure Masses continue as usual.  We wish to thank you for maintaining the regulations in the Parish Office. 


Please note:  Sympathy Mass cards and Get well Mass cards available at Hollys. 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 16th to Sunday 24th January - Radio 


Sat 16th                                                 7.30pm                Jack Walsh, Moyvane North (1st Anni)


Sun 17th                                              11.00am               John & Catherine Scanlon, Leitrim West & loving son Tom


Mon 18th                             7.30pm                Josie Phelan, USA (Anni)


Tues 19th                             7.30pm                Special Intention (family)


Wed 20th                             7.30pm                Maurice & Mary Harnett (Anni) & loving son James


Thurs 21st                            7.30pm                Mary Riordan (née Flaherty), London & Athea (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the Flaherty family


Fri 22nd                                                 7.30pm                Mary Nolan, Glenalappa (Anni) & dec of the Nolan & Galvin families


Sat 23rd                                                 7.30pm                Bill Horan, Aughrim (Anni) & dec of the Horan family


Sun 24th                                              11.00am               Jerry Fitzmaurice, Lower Aughrim (Months Mind)


                                                                                                                                & his parents Kit & Edward 


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 17th to Sunday 24th January – Tannoy


Sun 17th                                                9.30am               Michelle Foley, Kilmorna (Anni) & loving grandad Michael Keane


Sun 24th                                9.30am  Noreen Hanley, Knockanure & UK (Rec Dec)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Seán Hanafin, P.P.Ballybunion  087/8341083. 


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Brenda & Seamus Clancy, Knockanure on the death of Brenda’s uncle Larry Cussen, Patrickswell whose funeral was in Patrickswell last Friday.  To the Gould family inside and outside the parish on the death of their mother Nora and to the McCarthy family, Kilbaha as Nora was their aunt.  To Marie O’Carroll, Aras Mhuire on the death of her daughter Sheila and to Sheila’s relatives in the O’Carroll and Broderick families and to her good friends in Deer Lodge, Killarney.  Sheila, God rest her began her life and schooling in the Glin Road here in Moyvane and was deeply appreciated by the community.  She later moved to Ballylongford and Killarney.  May smiling Sheila now enjoy the delights and wonderment of God’s Kingdom and enjoy new beginnings in His presence.  To the family of Thomas J. O’Connor of O’Connor’s Pharmacy, Douglas and l/o Bishopstown who died last week and who was a native of Knockanure.  Our prayerful support to his family in Bishopstown and in Knockanure.  May Larry, Nora, Sheila and Thomas rest in peace.  


PLEASE BE ALERT:  It is with sadness that we learned this week, that in a twinkling of an eye, a car that was left unlocked at Ahavoher Cemetery had a hand bag stolen from the passengers seat, containing a sum of money, personal items and bank cards.  No matter how long your are visiting any of our Cemeteries please lock your car and keep personal items out of sight.  


KNOCKANURE DINNERS:  With the latest lockdown causing further restricted movement,  I would like to remind you that the Knockanure dinners are in full swing.  Very many thanks to all in maintaining such a valuable service to our parish at this time. The service is flexible and caters for individual needs.  Contact Nora on 068/49799 for further details.  




There were once four people – EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and NOBODY. There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was asked to do it. EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but in the end NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got very angry over this because it was really EVERYBODY’S job. NOBODY realised that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when actually NOBODY had asked ANYBODY. USELESS FOUR! – say no more. Question? Am I playing my part these Covid 19 days? Am I leaving it to the Government and others?








                                                        DIFFICULT TIMES BUT…….


I really hope and pray that this present bad time, Covid 19, will teach us something and make us stronger. The good people gone before us sealed with the beautiful sign of faith, lived with a sense that life and health were fragile, not to be taken for granted. These days, more than ever we all need to remind ourselves that we aren’t exempt from the threat of sickness, debilitation and death. In short, all that our contemporary world can offer us in terms of technology, medicine, nutrition and insurance of every kind, doesn’t exempt us from fragility and vulnerability. Covid 19 has shown us how vulnerable we all are. Our very modern world of today, for all the good things it gives us, has lulled us asleep in terms of our fragility, vulnerability and mortality. Covid 19 is a wake-up call, not just to the fact that we’re really vulnerable but especially to the fact that we may not take for granted the precious gifts of health, family, work, community, parish celebrations, travel, recreation, freedom to gather and (yes) even going to Mass. I invite you to take a few moments to pray the following prayer by Sr. Joyce Rupp. I think its tailor made for these difficult days.


‘Consoling God,


Be a source of serenity for me when struggles and difficulties threaten to overwhelm me. God of Hope,


Assure me of your unconditional love when I doubt myself or question the worth of my life. Truth-bringing God,


Encourage me to embrace you during those times when I get lost in lies of weakness. Compassionate God,


Hold me to your heart when I feel helpless in the face of the world’s pain. Light-filled God,


Keep me ever close to you during those moments when bleakness surrounds my life. Comforting God,


Shelter me under your wings when I am engulfed in sadness and overcome with distress. God of Peace,


You are the centre of my life, a strong refuge of peace in the whirlwind of my pain. I look to you for strength and a constant assurance of peace.




Anyone who knows me reasonably well, will know I love rhyming. The other day in the Presbytery with no radio or TV to distract me, I had time for the following rhyme: No grumbling, no sulking, no feuding, no fighting, But looking and looking for things to delight in!  Not hating the state of the world every minute, But seeking and finding the beauty that’s in it.


No worrying and letting your troubles confound you,


But laughing and liking the great people around you,


So don’t be down and blue, rather think of Him who cares for you.


Be true to Jesus – and you know who? Yes be true to you.


                                  TWELVE MONTHS


Mike Buckley, our excellent caretaker in Moyvane Church, Presbytery & Church grounds asked me to pass on the sad news about the thief who stole a calendar……he got twelve months!! Smile please. Mike is a real gem in our parish helping us so many times to smile.




To make your days a little more cheerful, can I recommend the following daily Survival Kit –  TOOTHPICK – to remind you to pick out the best qualities in others.


RUBBER BAND – to remind you to be flexible.


PEN – to remind you to list your blessings each and every day.


A TUBE OF GLUE – to remind you to stick with it, you can accomplish the task.


TEA BAG – to remind you to relax daily.


BANDAGE & PLASTERS – to remind you to heal hurt and mend wounds.


Finally a LITTLE CROSS in your pocket, to remind you that you are loved by Jesus every second of every day.  With this daily kit your days will be better.       






Listowel Church News




Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


Click Here






For Listowel Parish


Click Here


Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


Masses online only behind closed doors 17th  to 24th January


Sat. 16th




Eileen Gibb nee Mangan, England late of Bedford, Recently Dec. / Eddie Brown, Coolagown / Pauline Carey, Cluain Doire / Mary Ahern & Dan & Teresa Downey, O’Connell’s Ave. / Nellie, Tommy & Jack Evans & Paudy Garvey, Lispole / Elizabeth Browne, St. Brendan’s Tce.








Sun 17th




Sr. M. Oliver, Enniskillen / Eileen O Connor, Clieveragh / Tom & Margaret Walsh, Derk, Duagh / Christopher Hennessy, Bedford / Phil & Paddy McElligott, Bridge St., Ballylongford / District Inspector Tobias O Sullivan & wife Mary, Church St. 100th Ann.






Mon 18th




Special Intention






   Tues 19th




Patricia Walsh O Reilly, Canada late of The Square






Wed 20th








Thurs 21st




Jeremiah, Julia & James Duggan, Clounmacon & Moyvane, Mrs Snow & Frances Mulvihill






Fri 22nd




Special Intention






Sat 23rd




People of the Parish






Joe & Philly Shanahan, Dromin /  Sheila Loughnane, 6 Crosses / Thomas & Eileen Kelly, Ballygologue Pk. & Duagh




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 24th




Ellen Loughnane, St. Brendan’s Tce. 1st Anniversary / Fiona O Connor, The Square / Patricia Dillon, Ballygologue Pk.






 ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You Sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen


RECENT DEATHS:  Patsy O Sullivan, Cahirdown. Nellie Buckley, Trieneragh, Duagh.


Daniel (Danny) O’Carroll, Crohane, Fossa, Killarney late of Kilmorna, Listowel and Leeds, England.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE  Phil & Paddy McElligott, Bridge St., Ballylongford / Jeremiah Kelliher, Greenville, Birthday Remembrance / Eileen & John Griffin, Bridge Road & Deceased Family.


















8 Hopeful Signs for the Pro-Life Movement in 2021


1. The March for Life marches on!


The 48th-annual March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C., this Jan. 29.


2. Historic number of pro-life women enter the U.S. House of Representatives.


3. 2021 is the Year of St. Joseph, patron of fathers and families.


4. The Supreme Court is poised to protect life.


5. The pregnancy-care movement stands strong.


6. Pro-life is still a winning strategy at the state level.


7. There is increasing abortion-pill reversal awareness.


8. A new appreciation for the sanctity of life occurred during the COVID pandemic.


The more-than-300,000 deaths in the United States alone from COVID-19 is a sober reminder of our mortality and the preciousness of human life.













Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline.


Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church only. Masses will be celebrated from the Doorway of Hope in Moyvane and the Shelter in Knockanure. With regards to the Office, please knock at the door. 


Please note:  Sympathy Mass cards and Get well Mass cards available at Hollys. 


Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 9th to Sunday 17th January - Radio 


Sat 9th                                                   7.30pm                Maureen Foley, Gortdromosillihy (Anni)


Sun 10th                                              11.00am               Ned & Bridie Moore, Glenalappa (Anni)


Mon 11th                                             7.30pm                Johnny Gregg, Aughrim (Anni) & dec of the Gregg & Hanrahan families


Tues 12th                             7.30pm                Martin & Mary Mulvihill, Leitrim East (Anni)


Wed 13th                             7.30pm                Mary O’Sullivan, Kilbaha (Anni) & dec of O’Sullivan family


Fri 15th                                                  7.30pm                Joan Mulvihill, Moher (Anni)


Sat 16th                                                 7.30pm                Jack Walsh, Moyvane North (1st Anni)


Sun 17th                                              11.00am               John & Catherine Scanlon, Leitrim West & loving son Tom


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th January – Tannoy


Sun 10th                                                9.30am               Larry McCaffrey, Fermanagh & Knockanure (Anni)


Sun 17th                                                9.30am               Michelle Foley, Kilmorna (Anni) & loving grandad Michael Keane


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch, P.P.Ardfert  087/6709491.  OFFERTORY &


PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To the Barry family, Knockanure on the death of Noreen Hanley (née Barry),


Knockanure & UK who died recently.  Mass for Noreen will be celebrated in Knockanure (Shelter) on Sunday


24th January at 9.30am.  To Jimmy & Eileen Jones & family, Aughrim on the death of Jimmy’s brother-in-law


Gerald O’Shea, Muckross whose funeral took place during the week.  To the family of John Walshe, Bruach Na Gaille & Ballybunion on his very untimely death in a road accident in the Village on Wednesday morning. Our prayerful support to his family here in the Parish and outside the Parish.   To the Dineen family, Lenamore, Ballylongford on the death of their loving daughter Brenda who is a niece of Noreen Roche, Ahalahana.  Please keep the Dineen and the Roche families in your prayers.  At a later date we will have Masses here in the Parish for Gerald, John and Brenda.   May Noreen, Gerald, John & Brenda rest in peace.   




In spite of C19 and the lockdowns our Parish in the last year had the following celebrations –  We welcomed seventeen children into our Christian family through Baptism.


           On February 29th we had twenty-nine children confirmed by Bishop Ray. The afternoon in question had the four seasons weatherwise. Sunshine, high winds, hailstone and rain. It was a grace filled day.


           April 10th – Good Friday a world exclusive for our Parish.  Drive through stations of the Cross in the car park.  Families stayed in their cars and drove from station to station – to pray and reflect.


           First Holy Communions were not celebrated in the customary month of May but in August and September.  At the end of August eleven from Murhur N.S.  and in September fourteen from Scoil Chorp Chríost.  Very well done to their teachers and families.


           We had one Marriage, Dan & Marie. Small numbers but what a beautiful celebration.


           We handed back twenty-one Parishioners and we had three very special Angels returned to God’s Kingdom.  May they enjoy Heaven.  Our prayerful support to their loved ones. 


           Churches closed on 14th March, up until 9th April, I celebrated 24 Masses alone.  YouTube Masses began on 29th March until June 28th a total of 19 celebrations including Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday which included celebrations in Knockanure Church. 


           From April 6th to July 4th Masses celebrated at the Doorway of Hope, each evening Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm and Sunday’s at 11am, a total of 90 Masses.  


           On 5th July, Churches re-opened and Masses resumed with congregations until St. Stephen’s Day. Now back to celebrating Masses at the ‘Doorway of Hope’ in Moyvane and from the Shelter in Knockanure. Very many thanks to all who have helped with these celebrations during the past year.  We thank God that He has brought us safe, thus far, and in this new lockdown may our faith be our inspiration and consolation.   






            “NOW I’LL CALL ON FR. KEVIN”


I must confess I am totally out of practice as to how to celebrate weddings. In


2020, I celebrated only one. I was delighted that on Saturday January 2nd 2021,


I celebrated the wedding of Jennifer Keane, daughter of Olive and Teddy,


Ashgrove. Small numbers, but I thought it was a lovely celebration. Denis Nash of Tralee Road, Killarney Parish, is Jennifer’s husband. Our prayerful blessings and good wishes for a long and happy life together. They were super to deal with in these difficult times.  Masks, small numbers, social distancing etc., hard and very difficult.  Limited celebrations and of course the Priest does not go to the reception. In all Parishes that I have served in, in this Diocese, I always made it a point to be present at the reception. I always managed to find somebody who


wanted a blessing, a chat or a bit of banter about Everton or Clare Hurling. I miss so very much the call from the Best Man, “Now I’ll call on Fr. Kevin to say a few words!” Few words indeed! I felt this was a great opportunity to let the people see the Church as a friend, rather than a very strict master. A Church of love, rather than a Church of law. And of course the Priest has to have a story to tell. There’s a plethora of wedding stories, most of them as predictable and as vulgar as the telegrams that in times past had to be endured at the reception. The poor Priest is expected to interlace his few words with stories and he invariably extols the virtues of his side of the partnership. You know what I mean……… “We are sorry to be losing Bridget…… She comes from a fine decent upstanding family……I’ve known Bill & Eileen Ford for a very long time, wonderful parents…... and so on and so forth! In my Parish of birth, many, many years ago, the Parish Priest went overboard in his praise of the Ryan’s. He traced their lineage back to the flood and like the unicorn, Noah took two of the Ryan’s into the Ark which accounts for the proliferation of Ryan’s today. The Priest with the other


family not to be outdone claimed that their pedigree went back just as far only, unlike the Ryan’s, the McNamara’s didn’t have to go into the Ark – they had their own boat.


Please God 2021, will see the return of happy, mask free weddings. My thoughts and prayers are with all who had to cancel their weddings in the past year. Be assured the good days will return for lovely celebrations in making your marriage commitment a Sacrament.  Very soon – please God.  Be patient – and all Churches are there to help, accommodate and encourage you. But I really think the days of calling Fr. to say a few words at the reception are gone. I for one will miss them!




Said the Robin to the Sparrow, “I would really like to know why those anxious human beings rush about and worry so?  The sparrow in reply said, “Friend, I think it sure must be that they have no Father in Heaven such as cares for you and me”.  May our eyes and thoughts be as much on our Father in Heaven as that of the wise Robin and Sparrow.  


                                    BAPTISED – GIFTED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT


For many, many years now I have longed and prayed for a simple structure to be put in place whereby the laity could have a voice in Church affairs.  In recent years we continually hear from Cardinals, Archbishops and


Bishops how they have listened to survivors and that is only right and proper.  But it begs me ask the question


– ‘Does one have to be abused before being listened to?’  Is it not sufficient that we are ALL baptised Christians are gifted with the Holy Spirit?  As Pope Francis pointed out:  “All the Faithful, considered as a whole are infallible in matters of belief”.  For 2021, I hope that our Church will listen to the laity.  That we will realise that the faithful are not merely passive recipients of what the hierarchy teaches, but are living and acting subjects within the Church.  May God’s delightful Holy Spirit continue to guide, bless and encourage all of us to listen better and to act better in building His Kingdom. 




Some people are extremely vocal in their opposition to face coverings.  They say wearing these masks is a restriction on their freedom and liberty.  American philosopher, Kwame Anthony Appiah, wrote the following recently; “There is precious little freedom in the sick ward and less still in the graveyard.  Ask somebody on a ventilator how free she is.  Perpetuating the pandemic limits the scope of everybody’s individual autonomy.  That’s why in many places today, the true face of freedom wears a mask”.  I strongly feel to wear a face mask in this time of pandemic is not an infringement on our liberty but an exercise on freedom and a small sacrifice to make to overcome this C19.         Please let us continue to care for each other. 








Live Web Cam




Watch live streams of Masses in St Marys Church


Click Here






For Listowel Parish


Click Here


Mass Cards & Intentions




For mass cards and mass bookings


Click Here


Masses online only behind closed doors 10th  to 17th January 2021


Sat. 9th




Rita Davenport, Recently Dec.  & Baby Mark Grace, Kenny Heights / Mary Purcell, Woodford / Ed  Harnett, Hawthorn Drive / John & Michael Murphy, Church St. / Dora & Larry Buckley, Tanavalla & Joe Carr, Ballbriggan / Kathleen Hartnett, Clieveragh / John Maher, Drombeg








Sun 10th




Christy Sommers & Dec. Family, Billerough / Nora Keane Moriarty, Lurchra Road / John & Sheila Broderick, Coolnaleen / Stuart Stack & Damian & Justin, William St. / Peter Murphy, Ennismore / Peter Doyle Tanavalla






Mon 11th




Geraldine Daly, Stokers Lawn, 1st Anniversary






   Tues 12th




Special Intention






Wed 13th




Michael Henigan, The Square






Thurs 14th




James Shine, London, Birthday Remembrance






Fri 15th




Maura Snow nee Ahern, Upper William St.






Sat 16th




People of the Parish






Eddie Brown, Coolagown / Pauline Carey, Cluain Doire




Vigil 6.15pm


Sun 17th




Sr. M. Oliver, Enniskillen / Eileen O Connor, Clieveragh / Tom & Margaret Walsh, Derk, Duagh






ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You Sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen


RECENT DEATHS:  Thomas Kelly Snr., Ballygologue Park / Siobhan Tobin, Main St., Abbeyfeale, Limerick.


ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE  Deila Barry nee Bunyan, Greenville / Nora Shaughnessy, William St. & Teddy Shaughnessy, Kilmore West, Dublin


PARISH OFFICE will be working behind closed doors. Monday to Friday, 10am. to 1pm. & 2pm. to 5pm. each day. Please ring 068-21188 or email listowel@dioceseofkerry.ie to book a mass or mass card.


PRIEST ON DUTY this Sunday, Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch, 087-6709491.  (emergencies only).


COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm by calling 0818 222 024, and will remain open over the Christmas period.


FRANCISCAN FRIARY: The Friary Office will be operating on Monday to Saturday from 9.30am – 4.00pm daily services can be accessed by phone, 064 6631066 email killarney@franciscans.ie or post. No direct physical access permitted to the friary office. A card collection box will be available outside the office door. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament daily from 7.30am – 7.00pm.


Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Project  ‘’ Instagram Youth Project” Let Us Dream, The Path to a Better Future. Pope Francis invites us to dream of the future and to see, to choose and to act to create a better future for all.  What kind of future do you hope for and how will it be achieved? Share your ideas through one the following categories: Art, Photography, Poetry or Video (up to 1min) All entries can be submitted directly to Instagram @youthDoK or by  email to desbailey@dioceseofkerry.ie up to 24th January 2021.  Participants must be between 16 and 30 years old.  The entries will be posted on the diocesan Instagram page and on www.dioceseofkerry.ie during  the week of the diocesan mission. Prizes for best entry in each category. Please contact Des Bailey Ph. 086 736 4605 for more details.




The announcement made by the Government in relation to Covid-19 has the following implications for the holding of religious services here in St. Mary’s Church, Listowel.




    Public worship will not be permitted and all Masses will return online. Mass will be at the usual times.


    Mary’s Church will be opened for private worship from 9.30am to 7.00pm daily, being closed only when Mass is celebrated.


    Only 10 people may attend a funeral service from December 26th, 2020.


    Up to and including January 2nd, 2021, 25 people may attend a wedding service. From January 3rd, 2021 only 6 people may attend a wedding service.


    Save for cases of emergency, Baptisms are now postponed until further notice.


    When visiting the Church we would ask people to wear a face mask, use the sanitisers provided, observe social distancing, follow the signs and not to enter any of the areas where access has been restricted.




We thank you for your continued support and generosity, especially in these difficult times.  For people who would like to make a donation or weekly offering / Christmas offering there are two collection boxes at the church entrance for your offerings, donations, and support of clergy or you can drop into parish office letter box.  Donations can also be made online and further details can be found on the parish website, www.listowelparish.com.


Please God, we will see a return to normality soon and the roll out of the vaccine will be a success. Until then please follow the advice and guidelines issued by the Government and the HSE.  Please continue to look out for one another.


Fr. Declan & the Parish Pastoral Council, January 2021.







We cannot see the stars in the bright light of day,


but only in the darkness of night.


The Magi saw the star only because


they were not afraid to travel in the dark.


In a sense, all of us are night-time travellers.


However, we need no longer fear the darkness,


because with the coming of Christ


a light has come into the world,


a light that shines in the dark,


a light that no darkness can overpower.


Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P.  089/4044816. Presbytery & Office  068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline. Assumption Radio 99.9fm from Moyvane Church.  


Masses with NO CONGREGATION in the Church.  However, Masses will be celebrated from the Doorway of Hope in Moyvane and the Shelter in Knockanure. Please note that in Moyvane Masses can be heard from your cars on Assumption Radio on 99.9fm, the tannoy system only in Knockanure car park.




Church of the Assumption Moyvane – Saturday 2nd to Sunday 10th January - Radio 


Sat 2nd                                      7.30pm            Marie Walsh, Barragougeen (Months Mind) & Ellen Walsh (Anni)


Sun 3rd                                     11.00am           Dan O’Callaghan, Aughrim, Johnny & Margaret Diggins, Murhur,


                                                                                                                                Patrick & Hannah Enright, Glin (Anniversaries)


Mon 4th                                               7.30pm                 Mick Carr, Ahalahana (Anni)




                                  FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY – (HOLY DAY)


This Feast Day is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God,


Saviour of the World.  It celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the Wise Men,  The Maji.  We too get opportunity to adore Jesus on this Feast and acknowledge  Him as our Saviour – our forever Friend.  


Tues 5th                    7.30pm            VIGIL:  Denis McEnery, Tubbertoureen (Anni) & his loving wife       


                                                                                                                                 Kitty (Months Mind)


Wed 6th  


                                11.00am               Collette English, Kildare (mother of Michael English, singer)


Thurs 7th                              7.30pm                Bridget & John Holly and Emma & Jack O’Brien, The Village (Anni)


Fri 8th                                    7.30pm                Julia, Paddy & Billy Hanrahan, Aughrim (Anni)


                                                                                                                                & deceased of the Hanrahan Family


Sat 9th                                                   7.30pm                Maureen Foley, Gortdromosillihy (Anni)


Sun 10th                                              11.00am               Ned & Bridie Moore, Glenalappa (Anni)


Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure – Sunday 3rd to Sunday 10th January – Tannoy


Sun 3rd                                         9.30am    Teresa & Michael Bambury, Gortagleanna (Anni)


Wed 6th                                       9.30am FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY - Parishioners


Sun 10th                                                9.30am               Larry McCaffrey, Fermanagh & Knockanure (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Brendan Walsh, P.P. Causeway  087/7913271.


Emergencies only.


 PRAYERS & SYMPATHY:  To Anne, Una & Kevin Fitzmaurice, Lr. Aughrim & all the Fitzmaurice family on the death of Jerry who died peacefully on Christmas Day in the Palliative Care Unit in University Hospital Kerry and whose funeral we celebrated on Monday 28th in Moyvane Church.  To Joan Moloney & family, The Village, The Ryan family, London and the Feury family, Glin on the death of her eldest sister Mary Ryan, London who died on December 23rd and whose funeral will take place later in London.  To Tina Leahy & family, Beenanaspig and the Enright family, Rathkeale on the death of her mother Breda, whose funeral took place in Rathkeale on Wednesday 30th Dec.  May Jerry, Mary and Breda enjoy the delights of God’s Kingdom.  Please keep their families in your prayers.  




Into the first few days of 2021, maybe the fewest words have the greatest impact, take encouragement from the following: Tell me – I forget, Show me – I remember, Involve me – I understand.


Now, wouldn’t that be a wonderful New Year’s resolution.  Go on try it!




My prayerful good wishes and blessings to you all for a safe, happy and prosperous New Year.  May the Lord bless our health and keep all of us in His tender care.                                  






                             WISDOM OF GROWING OLD…….


I asked a good friend of mine who has crossed 70 and is heading towards 80 what sort of changes he is feeling in himself.  He sent me the following, which are well worthy of reflection. 


1.            After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children and my friends, I have now started loving myself.  


2.            I have realized that I am not ‘Atlas’ the world does not rest on my shoulders.


3.            I have stopped bargaining with vegetable and fruit vendors.  A few cents more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.  


4.            I leave my waitress a big tip.  The extra money might bring a smile to her face.  She is toiling much harder for a living than I am. 


5.            I stopped telling the elderly that they’ve already narrated that story many times.  The story makes them walk down memory lane and relive their past.


6.            I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong.  The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me.  Peace is more precious than perfection.


7.            I give compliments freely and generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me.  And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, never turn it down, just say ‘thank you’.


8.            I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt.  Personality speaks louder than appearances.


9.            I walk away from people who don’t value me, they might not know my worth, but I do.


10.          I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race.  I am not a rat and neither am I in any race.


11.          I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions.  It’s my emotions that make me human.


12.          I have learned that it’s better to drop the ego than to break a relationship.  My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships, I will never be alone.


13.          I have learned to live each day as if it’s the last.  After all, it might be the last.  


14.          I am doing what makes me happy, I am responsible for my happiness and I owe it to myself.  Happiness is a choice.  You can be happy at any time, just choose to be.


Jesus, as this year draws to an end, we thank You for so much for all the good and happy times.  Each smile and loving words of encouragement.  We thank You too, for other times when things went sadly wrong.  For being there to understand, You helped us to be strong.  Now, that 2020 has ended, we ask You Jesus to continue to be near us and to be our guide and guardian throughout 2021.   A happy and safe New Year to you all.  You are in my Masses and prayers. 




I heard of a friend who came home from work just before Christmas, exhausted and not in the best of tempers.  His wife didn’t quite know what to say to him.  Working under pressure, he had somehow accidently broken the computer, which would not be repaired for some time.  He suffered all day from muttered complaints about his carelessness.  He is a very quiet and calm person, always ready to help others, so afterwards feeling very ashamed, his colleagues all sincerely apologised to him.  I told him, “Surely, you’ve learned by now that mistakes always attract more attention than virtues”.  I think we should, whatever the circumstances, always look for the virtues in others – not their mistakes.




Our prayerful blessings and good wishes to all women on this very special Feast Day – Nollaig na MBan.  We thank them for the many extra blessings they have shared with us especially in the past year, through the many difficulties we have encountered through the C19.  May all women be blessed and protected today and the year ahead.   




Blessings to Bishop Dermot Farrell who is the new Archbishop of Dublin.